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Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series

Tay chee siong
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anonymous - From Jukebox Hero by Foreigner
Standing in the rain, with his head hung low. He couldn't get a ticket - it was a sold out show. Heard the roar of the crowd, he could picture the scene. Put his head to the wall and like a distant scream he heard one guitar. It just blew him away. He saw stars in his eyes and the very next day... he bought a beat up six-string.

nc123 - understanding
There is a movie called 'All the Brightest Places.' It says, if you cannot tell the truth about yourself, you cannot tell it about other people. It showed me that relationships are built upon honesty and understanding. If you have no relationships, start by being a friend to yourself, and it starts with telling the truth about yourself.

Jon R. - Habits - NAV
I think I'm an addict (I got problems). I got lots of habits (I'm tryna solve 'em). I think I'm an addict (I got problems). Try to talk me down and I won't have it, hey.

velvet_thunder - Secret for Happiness
What should be the goal of Life? How to be happy? Well the secret for happiness is to find something more important than you are, and dedicate your life to it.

Charles Tucker III - Captain's Chair - Star Trek Enterprise
I know you don't think this chair is important, but you're wrong. What's the most critical component on this ship? The main computer? The Warp Reactor? Huh? It's the crew. And the most important member of the crew is the captain. He makes life and death decisions every day, and the last thing he needs to be thinking in a critical situation is, "Gee, I wish this chair wasn't such a pain in the butt!"

I know - I know
It's quite odd that the closer you become with someone that you are in love with, the fades away. Your initial glance at that person causes you to fall into a deep state of obsessive love. When you finally start actually becoming friends with that person, the love and interest fade away. You would think it would grow stronger because you're becoming closer, but it is the polar opposite.

I know - The friend
It's funny how strong love can be at first glance but fade away as you become more close to that person. The love towards that someone causes you to obsess over them, you can't stop glancing over at them. Unfortunately, love fades away and something else grows. You'll look back later in life on how stupid you were that you let them slip away. The never-ending regret, I can't stop pondering on what life would be like if I didn't let them slip away.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf - From "God Among Us"
Before I reached my 12th birthday, our family had been forced twice to flee our home and start over amid the chaos, fear, and uncertainties caused by war and political division. It was an anxious time for me, but it must have been terrifying for my beloved parents.

Someone who loves you - Keep it up!
Love yourself! Don't let others bring you down. You're worth more than you can imagine and you should love yourself no matter what. Keep up the amazing typing, friend! I love you.

Soft Wind - Breathe
I wiggle my toes above the soft, cool dirt and gaze into the babbling river. I can hear my friends speaking loudly some distance away, audible over the rustling of the trees and the rush of the wind. I breathe deeply.

Johnny Cash - I Walk the Line
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine. I keep my eyes wide open all the time. I keep the ends out for the tie that binds. Because you're mine, I walk the line.

Prince - Diamonds and Pearls
This will be the day That you will hear me say That I will never run away I am here for you Love is meant for two Now tell me what u're gonna do If I gave you diamonds and pearls Would you be a happy boy or a girl If I could I would give you the world But all I can do is just offer you my love.

Louise Gluck - Sunrise
And if you missed a day, there was always the next; and if you missed a year, it didn't matter. The hills weren't going anywhere, the thyme and rosemary kept coming back, the sun kept rising, the bushes kept bearing fruit.

nc123 - Evolution
People think that evolution is controversial, where we're said to evolve from monkeys due to our genetical makeup. But in reality it's a fact that humans adapt and change according to their physical environment. So it would only be natural if humans hundred's of thousand's of years ago looked completely different. For me, scientists have to prove if we evolved intellectually. Sure, bodies and genetics can change over time, but what defines humanity is our brains, no?

PurpleDolphin895 - Existential Crisis
Do you ever have that moment where you stop and contemplate the universe? Do you ever have that moment where you realize that everything means nothing? Do you ever have the moment where you freak out because you are a speck on a rock floating in nothingness? Do you ever have that moment where you ponder how the world got to be the way that it is today?

Disney World
Hello everyone, and welcome aboard the Walt Disney World Transportation system. We're on our way to Disney's Coronado Springs Resort. For your safety and the safety of others, please remain seated while the motorcoach is in motion. If you're standing, we encourage you to use the handrails above or to the side and remain clear of the doors and stairwells. We also ask that you refrain from eating, drinking, or smoking while onboard the motorcoach. Now we invite you to relax and enjoy the ride.

Magic Kingdom - Tomorrowland
Welcome aboard the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover, your quiet and carefree highway in the sky. We invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy your grand circle tour of Tomorrowland. Along the way, you can preview many of the exciting places you'll want to be sure to enjoy today while visiting this land of tomorrow. The PeopleMover is the perfect vehicle for people-watching. So keep your eyes peeled; you never know who you might see!

Bao Trang N. (Credits to Sunstar T. for.... something) - Person
Person, people, someone, everyone, no one, nobody, somebody, everybody, I don't know what to say anymore. Anyways, credits to Sunstar for giving me inspiration. I don't know why I made this.

Anonymous - Enough for me
I'm not sure if you ever loved me, and even if you thought you did I never felt it. And I was so caught up in the idea that I could love enough for the both of us I ended up becoming someone I hate. I'm sorry, but not to you. I'm sorry to my younger self who I made jump through hoops to just keep you for one more day. I regret you, but I regret losing myself more.

no name - Facts
People nowadays, Scroll through TikTok less people do work or charge their Chromebook for school. I think people should behave more and have less digital devices than having more digital devices.