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Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series

Tay chee siong
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Citas recientes - Mejores citas - Peor citas - - Pothos Care
Water your pothos every one to two weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

Todd C. Miller
We trust you have received the usual lectures from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things: Respect the privacy of others. Think before you type. With great power comes great responsibility.

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Duck Guy's Song
When you meet a business man, you must shake him by the hand. When you meet a family man, you must shake him by the hand. When you meet the choo choo man, you must shake him by the hand. When you meet the friendly fellow, you must shake him by the hand. When you meet the plug-in man, you must shake him by the hand. I'm trying to sleep!

Adventure Time - The Lich
Fall. You are alone, child. There is only darkness for you, and only death for your people. These ancients are just the beginning. I will command a great and terrible army, and we will sail to a billion worlds. We will sail until every light has been extinguished. You are strong, child, but I am beyond strength. I am the end, and I have come for you, Finn.

Jeremiah S. - Unconditional acts of kindness
It is the choice to stay silent when yelling back would feel so much better. Taking the garbage out so your sibling can get extra sleep. Giving a tip when no one is looking. It is those things that you do for others without begging for recognition that are truly for others.

Johnny Duizend - Be Consistent
May we please, as authors and quote submitters, add paraphrases or quotes that have relevance or consistency with their subject? Most of the quotes I've seen submitted are fantastic; however, there's the occasional straggler of the group that wanders off into tangent after tangent, only to finally resolve their submission in a different subject. I appreciate the thoughts, free-thinkers, but at the least, please be consistent.

Karl Fink - Alternating Words
They may also make chaotic problems with the divisible mantle. They may also make chaotic problems with the divisible mantle. They may also make chaotic problems with the divisible mantle.

My head. - Scars
The cuts scab and close up too soon for my liking. They're itchy and get in my way frequently. I'm so tired. The quiet singing of a voice I don't recognize haunts me. If I attempted a shred harder, I could be calm and collected. Writing down what I think is honestly hard. Especially when I don't know what to do with my thoughts, they begin to pour out faster than I can type. I just need some rest. That's what they keep telling me. All I need is a good night's sleep. I hope I don't wake up.

My Mind. - Day one. This.
I wouldn't say I like my body since I despise myself. The scrapes and blemishes are what keep me rational. While this is my most unhappy low, they shout at me and say it's because I haven't been taking my prescription, but it's not that. I've never been fond of it here. I've always hated it here; I despise them. Maybe, you'd realize that I'm in too much distress daily. But you think I can't possibly be because I'm a child. But that's what I'll always be, nothing but a child.

Caleb - Beaten in lips
As if life isn't hard already, add it to the list of things to forget, with one chance to define ourselves, we're gonna keep on living, keep on living. This is for the kids with the beaten in lips (yeah) whose parents try to shut them up using their fists (yeah), keep living loud and proud, they never can hold you down.

Madonna - Vogue
Greta Garbo and Monroe, Dietrich and DiMaggio, Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean. On the cover of a magazine. Grace Kelly, Harlow, Jean, picture of a beauty queen. Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, dance on air. They had style, they had grace, Rita Hayworth gave good face. Lauren, Katherine, Lana too, Bette Davis, we love you. Ladies with an attitude, fellas that were in the mood. Don't just stand there, let's get to it. Strike a pose, there's nothing to it. Vogue.

Anonymous - My Geography Syllabus
In this course, you'll learn about these relations across the world. The course provides information about these connections, whether they're in the physical environment, cultural or economic sectors, or anywhere else. After all, that's the whole idea of the First Law of Geography: learning about these important connections - including their origins, their effects, and their long-term impacts.

Carlos Castaneda - Carlos Castaneda: Conquering The Four Enemies
The first enemy is Fear. If you run away from it, then accumulation of power stops. We defeat this enemy by not running away, taking one step at the time and next the other step to learn. After a long while, there comes a time when fear retreats, making us confident. Where you are now there is fear to do something in that exact direction you should go and little by little you will grow your personal power that makes you perform the ultimate action face the unknown...

2 Sentence Horror - Guess where?
When the kidnapper made me guess where he kept my daughter, I went for the basement and he said. "Correct!" allowing me to see her, but, when I found her severed head in there, I learned that every other choice would have been correct as well.

Niccolo Machiavelli
We must bear in mind, then, that there is nothing more difficult and dangerous, or more doubtful of success, than an attempt to introduce a new order of things in any state. For the innovator has for enemies all those who derived advantages from the old order of things, whilst those who expect to be benefited by the new institutions will be but lukewarm defenders.

A fellow bored man - Anon-Passion
You have something you like, right? Or is it something you started when you were younger and you've been rolling with it since then. If you have a ball rolling then keep it for as long as you want, but if you are too scared to try something that you like, then maybe that says something about how you feel about other people. Everyone is your friend right? How bad could it be if you sank hours into learning to draw from your 40 year old back-breaking dad that wants you to become a doctor?

A fellow bored man - Anon-Are you happy?
Can you genuinely say you're happy? It seems like an easy answer but you'd be surprised how many people can't say for certain. One day you're happy, another you're not. It makes sense that you aren't constantly happy. But what about in general? Are you enjoying yourself right now? Typing? I'd say that if you wake up happy then that is enough.

A fellow bored man - Anon- Bored is a Gift
If you are like me, in any way that I think you are, then you are doing this while having homework or something more important to do. I am here to remind you that to be bored is a gift and a luxury. In this entire world, millions of things to do. Hundreds of thousands of things to learn and be interested in, can you really tell me that you would rather be typing here? There is always something to do, so do it.

Tess Gunty - Excerpt from The Rabbit Hutch
He likes to visit Middle America, likes to investigate and report back to the coasts. Their churches and their supermarket smiles. Their canned corn, which travels thousands of miles before returning to the land that produced it. Their American flags in the yards, their minivans and Christian schools. The roads, the unwalkability, their hard and friendly R's. Sweet gas station clerks. The faith and anger and geometry. Moses only understands contemporary politics when he's in the Midwest.

Marissa Meyer - Renegades
There are many dangerous people in this world. But there are also many good people. Brave people. No matter how bad things get, we have to remember that. So long as there are heroes in this world, there's hope that tomorrow night might be better.