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LAW_6__9 by user654824

He nevertheless planted articles in newspapers around the country claiming the capture of a mermaid in the Fiji Islands. He also sent the papers woodcut prints of paintings showing mermaids. By the time he showed the specimen in his museum, a national debate had been sparked over the existence of these mythical creatures. A few months before Barnum's campaign, no one had cared or even known about mermaids; now everyone was talking about them as if they were real. Crowds flocked in record numbers to see the Fiji Mermaid, and to hear debates on the subject.

LAW_6__8 by user654824

In 1842, Barnum purchased the carcass of what was purported to be a mermaid. This creature resembled a monkey with the body of a fish, but the head and body were perfectly joined it was truly a wonder. After some research Barnum discovered that the creature had been expertly put together in Japan, where the hoax had caused quite a stir.

LAW_6__7 by user654824

One of the first oddities Barnum toured around the country was Joice Heth, a woman he claimed was 161 years old, and whom he advertised as a slave who had once been George Washington's nurse. After several months the crowds began to dwindle, so Barnum sent an anonymous letter to the papers, claiming that Heth was a clever fraud. "Joice Heth," he wrote, "is not a human being but an automaton, made up of whalebone, india-rubber, and numberless springs." Those who had not bothered to see her before were immediately curious, and those who had already seen her paid to see her again, to find out whether the rumor that she was a robot was true.

Electoral by wishpath

The consists 538 majority 270 votes President. Your state's equals members Congressional House of Representatives plus your Senators. Gets.

dc by wishpath

Potomac 1847, Virginia's land. This County. 1847 side Potomac.

Professors Event by prpof

Ray marching is a class of rendering methods for 3D computer graphics where rays are traversed iteratively, effectively dividing each ray into smaller ray segments, sampling some function at each step. For example, in volume ray casting the function would access data points from a 3D scan. In Sphere tracing, the function estimates a distance to step next. Ray marching is also used in physics simulations as an alternative to ray tracing where analytic solutions of the trajectories of light or sound waves are solved. Ray marching for computer graphics often takes advantage of SDFs to determine a maximum safe step-size, while this is less common in physics simulations a similar adaptive step method can be achieved using adaptive Runge-Kutta methods.

হবোদগে্ by fatesh

তৃতীয় বছৰৰ ৰামধেনুত কবিতা প্ৰকাশ পোৱা কবিসকল আছিল যতীন্দ্ৰনাথ দুৱৰা, বিনন্দ চন্দ্ৰ বৰুৱা, অতুলচন্দ্ৰ হাজৰিকা, কমল গগৈ, প্ৰমোদ ভট্টাচাৰ্য, ঘনকান্ত চেতীয়া ফুকন, লক্ষহীৰা দাস, অৰুণকুমাৰ দাস, নৱকান্ত বৰুৱা, নিৰ্মলপ্ৰভা বৰদলৈ, লক্ষেশ্বৰ বৰুৱা। চতুৰ্থ বছৰত ৰামধেনুত মহিম বৰা, হেম বৰুৱা, ৰত্নকান্ত বৰকাকতী, পূৰ্ণচন্দ্ৰ মজুমদাৰ, এম. আটাউৰ ৰহমান, মৃদুল ফুকন, মেদিনী চৌধুৰী আদি কবিৰ কবিতা প্ৰকাশ হয়। বীৰেন্দ্ৰ কুমাৰ ভট্টাচাৰ্যই ৰামধেনুত নতুন কবি-সাহিত্যিক সৃষ্টিত গুৰুত্ব দিয়ে। হোমেন বৰগোহাঞি, তৰুণ ভৰালী, দিনেশ গোস্বামী, ইমৰান শ্বাহ, কুল গগৈ, মামণি ৰয়ছম গোস্বামী, হীৰেণ ভট্টাচাৰ্য আদি কবি ৰামধেনু যুগৰ সৃষ্টি

LAW_6__6 by user654824

Barnum would put a band of musicians on a balcony overlooking the street, beneath a huge banner proclaiming Free Music For The Millions. What generosity, New Yorkers thought, and they flocked to hear the free concerts. But Barnum took pains to hire the worst musicians he could find, and soon after the band struck up, people would hurry to buy tickets to the museum, where they would be out of earshot of the band's noise, and of the booming of the crowd.

LAW_6__5 by user654824

On the man's first walk through the streets, several hundred people watched his mysterious movements. By his fourth circuit, onlookers swarmed around him, debating what he was doing. Every time he entered the museum he was followed by people who bought tickets to keep watching him. Many of them were distracted by the museum's collections, and stayed inside. By the end of the first day, the brick man had drawn over a thousand people into the museum. A few days later the police ordered him to cease and desist from his walks the crowds were blocking traffic. The bricklaying stopped but thousands of New Yorkers had entered the museum, and many of those had become P. T. Barnum converts.

Untitled by user574418

Gender Inequality in India in 2024: A Comparison with Western Countries

Despite improvements in gender equality, India still faces significant challenges in terms of gender parity. The Global Gender Gap Report 2024 ranked India 129th out of 146 countries, reflecting slow progress in closing gender gaps, particularly in economic participation and political empowerment. This is a significant disparity when compared to Western countries, where many rank in the top 20 globally for gender equality. Countries like Iceland, Finland, Norway, and New Zealand consistently dominate the top ranks, with Iceland remaining the world’s most gender-equal society at 93.5% gender parity.

Key Indicators of Gender Inequality in India

Economic Participation and Opportunity:
India: Only 20.9% of Indian women are part of the formal labor force in 2024, one of the lowest globally. This is significantly lower than in Western countries, where female labor participation exceeds 50-60% in nations like the USA and Germany. India's wage gap also remains wide, with women earning 19% less than men for similar roles.
Western Countries: Countries like Germany and Sweden have higher labor force participation for women, along with better wage parity. For example, Sweden ranks high in economic participation, with policies promoting parental leave and equal pay.

Political Empowerment:
India: Women hold only 15% of parliamentary seats and 10% of ministerial roles in 2024. While there has been some progress with the election of women to local bodies (due to the Panchayati Raj system), India still ranks poorly in terms of political representation compared to Western nations.
Western Countries: In contrast, Norway and New Zealand lead globally with women holding nearly 50% of parliamentary seats. This stark difference shows how gender-balanced political participation contributes to overall societal gender equality.

Educational Attainment:
India: While there has been progress in education, with female literacy rising to 70.3%, disparities remain in rural areas and higher education. Educational attainment for women is improving but remains below the global average, especially in technical and professional fields.
Western Countries: Countries like Finland and Norway have achieved near 100% literacy rates for both men and women, with women increasingly enrolling in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.

Conclusion: A Long Way to Go

India has made significant strides in gender equality but still has a long way to go compared to Western countries.

Untitled by user574418

Gender Inequality in India in 2024: A Comparison with Western Countries

Despite improvements in gender equality, India still faces significant challenges in terms of gender parity. The Global Gender Gap Report 2024 ranked India 129th out of 146 countries, reflecting slow progress in closing gender gaps, particularly in economic participation and political empowerment. This is a significant disparity when compared to Western countries, where many rank in the top 20 globally for gender equality. Countries like Iceland, Finland, Norway, and New Zealand consistently dominate the top ranks, with Iceland remaining the world’s most gender-equal society at 93.5% gender parity.

Key Indicators of Gender Inequality in India

Economic Participation and Opportunity:
India: Only 20.9% of Indian women are part of the formal labor force in 2024, one of the lowest globally. This is significantly lower than in Western countries, where female labor participation exceeds 50-60% in nations like the USA and Germany. India's wage gap also remains wide, with women earning 19% less than men for similar roles.
Western Countries: Countries like Germany and Sweden have higher labor force participation for women, along with better wage parity. For example, Sweden ranks high in economic participation, with policies promoting parental leave and equal pay.

Political Empowerment:
India: Women hold only 15% of parliamentary seats and 10% of ministerial roles in 2024. While there has been some progress with the election of women to local bodies (due to the Panchayati Raj system), India still ranks poorly in terms of political representation compared to Western nations.
Western Countries: In contrast, Norway and New Zealand lead globally with women holding nearly 50% of parliamentary seats. This stark difference shows how gender-balanced political participation contributes to overall societal gender equality.

Educational Attainment:
India: While there has been progress in education, with female literacy rising to 70.3%, disparities remain in rural areas and higher education. Educational attainment for women is improving but remains below the global average, especially in technical and professional fields.
Western Countries: Countries like Finland and Norway have achieved near 100% literacy rates for both men and women, with women increasingly enrolling in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.

Conclusion: A Long Way to Go

India has made significant strides in gender equality but still has a long way to go compared to Western countries.

LAW_6__4 by user654824

Barnum's first big venture of his own was the American Museum a collection of curiosities, located in New York. One day a beggar approached Barnum in the street. Instead of giving him money, Barnum decided to employ him. Taking him back to the museum, he gave the man five bricks and told him to make a slow circuit of several blocks. At certain points he was to lay down a brick on the sidewalk, always keeping one brick in hand. On the return journey he was to replace each brick on the street with the one he held. Meanwhile he was to remain serious of countenance and to answer no questions. Once back at the museum, he was to enter, walk around inside, then leave through the back door and make the same bricklaying circuit again.

LAW_6__3 by user654824

Once there, old Turner confirmed that this was all a practical joke he himself had spread the rumor that Barnum was Avery. The crowd dispersed, but Barnum, who had nearly been killed, was not amused. He wanted to know what could have induced his boss to play such a trick. "My dear Mr. Barnum," Turner replied, "it was all for our good. Remember, all we need to ensure success is notoriety." And indeed everyone in town was talking about the joke, and the circus was packed that night and every night it stayed in Annapolis. Barnum had learned a lesson he would never forget.

LAW_6__2 by user654824

Observance Of The Law
P. T. Barnum, America's premier nineteenth-century showman, started his career as an assistant to the owner of a circus, Aaron Turner. In 1836 the circus stopped in Annapolis, Maryland, for a series of performances. On the morning of opening day, Barnum took a stroll through town, wearing a new black suit. People started to follow him. Someone in the gathering crowd shouted out that he was the Reverend Ephraim K. Avery, infamous as a man acquitted of the charge of murder but still believed guilty by most Americans. The angry mob tore off Barnum's suit and was ready to lynch him. After desperate appeals, Barnum finally convinced them to follow him to the circus, where he could verify his identity.

LAW_6__1 by user654824

Court Attention At All Cost
Part I: Surround Your Name With The Sensational And Scandalous
Draw attention to yourself by creating an unforgettable, even controversial image. Court scandal. Do anything to make yourself seem larger than life and shine more brightly than those around you. Make no distinction between kinds of attention notoriety of any sort will bring you power. Better to be slandered and attacked than ignored.

LAW_5__35 by user654824

There is no possible Reversal. Reputation is critical; there are no exceptions to this law. Perhaps, not caring what others think of you, you gain a reputation for insolence and arrogance, but that can be valuable image in itself Oscar Wilde used it to great advantage. Since we must live in society and must depend on the opinions of others, there is nothing to be gained by neglecting your reputation. By not caring how you are perceived, you let others decide this for you. Be the master of your fate, and also of your reputation.

LAW_5__34 by user654824

Authority: Therefore I should wish our courtier to bolster up his inherent worth with skill and cunning and ensure that whenever he has to go where he is a stranger, he is preceded by a good reputation.... For the fame which appears to rest on the opinions of many fosters a certain unshakable belief in a mans worth which is then easily strengthened in minds already thus disposed and prepared. (Baldassare Castiglione, 1478-1529)

LAW_5__33 by user654824

Image: A Mine Full of Diamonds and Rubies. You dug for it, you found it, and your wealth is now assured. Guard it with your life. Robbers and thieves will appear from all sides. Never take your wealth for granted, and constantly renew it time will diminish the jewels' luster, and bury them from sight.

LAW_5__32 by user654824

Although, in the long run, it is Edison's name that has survived, at the time his campaign damaged his own reputation more than Tesla's. He backed off. The lesson is simple never go too far in attacks like these, for that will draw more attention to your own vengefulness than to the person you are slandering. When your own reputation is solid, use subtler tactics, such as satire and ridicule, to weaken your opponent while making you out as a charming rogue. The mighty lion toys with the mouse that crosses his path any other reaction would mar his fearsome reputation.

LAW_5__31 by user654824

To this end he captured all kinds of household pets and electrocuted them to death with an AC current. When this wasn't enough, in 1890 he got New York State prison authorities to organize the world's first execution by electrocution, using an AC current. But Edison's electrocution experiments had all been with small creatures; the charge was too weak, and the man was only half killed. In perhaps the country's cruelest state-authorized execution, the procedure had to be repeated. It was an awful spectacle.