Prueba Personalizada

sb by saibhavana

Abraham Lincoln is one of the United States' best-known presidents. We know a great deal about him, both as a man and as a leader. He grew up in a log cabin. He was very honest. He was president during the Civil War, and he helped end slavery at that time. What's more interesting,

sb by saibhavana

Abraham Lincoln is one of the United States' best-known presidents. We know a great deal about him, both as a man and as a leader. He grew up in a log cabin. He was very honest. He was president during the Civil War, and he helped end slavery at that time. What's more interesting,

Dynamics by user111120

A force is a push or pull. It moves or tends to move, stops or tends to stop the motion of a body. Inertia of a body is its property due to which it resists any change in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line. Momentum of a body is the quantity of motion possessed by the body. The force that opposes the motion of a body is called friction. Newton's first law of motion states that a body continues its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line provided no net force acts on it. Newton's second law of motion states that when a net force acts on a body, it produces acceleration in the body in the direction of the net force. The magnitude of this acceleration is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. SI unit of force is newton. It is defined as the force which produces an acceleration of 1ms2 in a body of mass 1kg. Mass of a body is the quantity of matter possessed by it. It is a scalar quantity. SI unit of mass is kilogramme. Weight of a body is the force of gravity acting on it. It is a vector quantity. SI unit of weight is newton. Newton's third law of motion states that to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.
The acceleration and tension in a system of two bodies attached to the ends of a string that passes over a frictionless pulley such that both move vertically are given by: a=(m1-m2/m1+m2)*g ; T=(2m1.m2/m1+m2)*g
The acceleration and tension in a system of two bodies attached to the ends of a string that passes over a frictionless pulley such that one moves vertically and the other moves on a smooth horizontal surface are given by: a=(m1/m1+m2)g ; T=(m1.m2/m1+m2)g.
Law of conservation of momentum states that the momentum of an isolated system of two or more than two interacting bodies remains constant. A system is a group of interacting bodies within certain boundaries. An isolated system is a group of interacting bodies on which no external force is acting. Collisions: m1.u1+m2.u2 = m1.v1+m2.v2. A gun and a bullet: M V + m v = 0. Hence M V = -m v.
A force between the sliding objects which opposes the relative motion between them is called friction. Friction is equal to the applied force that tends to move a body at rest. It increases with the applied force. Friction can be increased to certain maximum value. It does not increase beyond this. The maximum value of frictions known as the force of limiting friction (Fs). It depends on the normal reaction (pressing force) between the two surfaces in contact. The ratio between the force of limiting friction Fs and the normal reaction R is constant. This constant is called the coefficient of friction.
Glass and Glass 0.9 Glass and Metal 0.5-0.7 Ice and Wood 0.05 Iron and Iron 1.0 Rubber and Concrete 0.6 Steel and Steel 0.8 Tyre and Road, dry 1 Tyre and Road, wet 0.2 Wood and Wood 0.25-0.6 Wood and Concrete 0.62
Rolling friction is the force of friction between a rolling body and a surface over which it rolls. Rolling friction is lesser than the sliding friction. Why? For example in a wheel, when the axle of a wheel is pushed, the force of friction between the wheel and the ground at the point of contact provides reaction force. The reaction force acts at the contact points of the wheel in a direction opposite to the applied force. The wheel rolls without rupturing the cold welds. That is why the rolling friction is extremely small than sliding friction.
Braking and Skidding: The wheels of a moving vehicle have two velocity components: 1. motion of wheels along the road, 2. rotation of wheels about their axis. To move a vehicle on the road as well as to stop a moving vehicle requires friction between its tyres and the road. For example, if the road is slippery or the tyres are worn out then the tyres instead of rolling, slip over the road. The vehicle will not move if the wheels start slipping at the same point on the slipper road. Thus for the wheels to roll, the force of friction (gripping force) between the tyres and the road must be enough that prevents them from slipping. Similarly, to stop a car quickly, a large force of friction between the tyres and the road is needed. But there is a limit to this force of friction that the tyres can provide. If the brakes are applied too strongly, the wheels of the car will lock up (stop turning) and the car will skid due to its large momentum. It will lose its directional control that may result in an accident. In order to reduce the chance of skidding, it is advisable not to apply brakes too hard that lock up their rolling motion especially at high speeds. Moreover, it is unsafe to drive a vehicle with worn out tyres.
The friction causes loss of energy in machine and much work has to be done in overcoming it. Moreover, friction leads to much wear and tear on the moving parts of the machine. The friction can be reduced by: Smoothing the sliding surfaces in contact, using lubricants between sliding surfaces, using ball bearings or roller bearings.
The motion of a body moving along a circular path is called circular motion. The force which keeps the body to move in a circular path is called the centripetal force and is given by Fc=m.v2/r (Fc=T)
According to Newton's third law of motion, there exists a reaction to the centripetal force. Centripetal reaction that pulls the string outward is sometimes called centrifungal force.
When a car takes a turn, centripetal force is needed to keep it in its curved track. The friction between the tyres and the road provides the necessary centripetal force. The car would skid if the force of friction between the tyres and the road is not sufficient enough particularly when the roads are wet. This problem is solved by banking of curved roads. Banking of a road means that the outer edge of a road is raised. Imagine a vehicle on a curved road. Banking causes a component of vehicle's weight to provide the necessary centripetal force while taking a turn. Thus banking of roads prevents skidding of vehicle and thus makes the driving safe.
The dryer of a washing machine is basket spinners. They have a perforated wall having large numbers of fine holes in the cylindrical rotor as shown in figure 3.30. The lid of the cylindrical container is closed after putting wet clothes in it. When it spins at high speed, the water from wet clothes is forced out through these holes due to lack of centripetal force.
Most modern plants use a separator to control the fat contents of various products. A separator is a high-speed spinner. It acts on the same principle of centrifuge machines. The bowl spins at very high speed causing the heavier contents of milk to move outward in the bowl pushing the lighter contents inward towards the spinning axis. Cream or butterfat is lighter than other components in milk. Therefore, skimmed milk, which is denser than cream is collected at the outer wall of the bowl. The lighter part (cream) is pushed towards the centre from where it is collected through a pipe.

Dynamics1 by user111120

A force is a push or pull. It moves or tends to move, stops or tends to stop the motion of a body.
Inertia of a body is its property due to which it resists any change in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line.
Momentum of a body is the quantity of motion possessed by the body.
The force that opposes the motion of a body is called friction.
Newton's first law of motion states that a body continues its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line provided no net force acts on it.
Newton's second law of motion states that when a net force acts on a body, it produces acceleration in the body in the direction of the net force. The magnitude of this acceleration is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.
SI unit of force is newton. It is defined as the force which produces an acceleration of 1ms2 in a body of mass 1kg.
Mass of a body is the quantity of matterpossessed by it. It is a scalar quantity. SI unit of mass is kilogramme.
Weight of a body is the force of gravity acting on it. It is a vector quantity. SI unit of weight is newton.
Newton's third law of motion states that to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.
The acceleration and tension in a system of two bodies attached to the ends of a string that passes over a frictionless pulley such that both move vertically are given by: a=(m1-m2/m1+m2)*g ; T=(2m1.m2/m1+m2)*g
The acceleration and tension in a system of two bodies attached to the ends of a string that passes over a frictionless pulley such that one moves vertically and the other moves on a smooth horizontal surface are given by: a=(m1/m1+m2)g ; T=(m1.m2/m1+m2)g.
Law of conservation of momentum states that the momentum of an isolated system of two or more than two interacting bodies remains constant. A system is a group of interacting bodies within certain boundaries. An isolated system is a group of interacting bodies on which no external force is acting. Collisions: m1.u1+m2.u2 = m1.v1+m2.v2. A gun and a bullet: M V + m v = 0. Hence M V = -m v.
A force between the sliding objects which opposes the relative motion between them is called friction. Friction is equal to the applied force that tends to move a body at rest. It increases with the applied force. Friction can be increased to certain maximum value. It does not increase beyond this. The maximum value of frictions known as the force of limiting friction (Fs). It depends on the normal reaction (pressing force) between the two surfaces in contact. The ratio between the force of limiting friction Fs and the normal reaction R is constant. This constant is called the coefficient of friction.
Glass and Glass 0.9
Glass and Metal 0.5-0.7
Ice and Wood 0.05
Iron and Iron 1.0
Rubber and Concrete 0.6
Steel and Steel 0.8
Tyre and Road, dry 1
Tyre and Road, wet 0.2
Wood and Wood 0.25-0.6
Wood and Concrete 0.62
Rolling friction is the force of friction between a rolling body and a surface over which it rolls. Rolling friction is lesser than the sliding friction. Why? For example in a wheel, when the axle of a wheel is pushed, the force of friction between the wheel and the ground at the point of contact provides reaction force. The reaction force acts at the contact points of the wheel in a direction opposite to the applied force. The wheel rolls without rupturing the cold welds. That is why the rolling friction is extremely small than sliding friction.
Braking and Skidding: The wheels of a moving vehicle have two velocity components: 1. motion of wheels along the road, 2. rotation of wheels about their axis. To move a vehicle on the road as well as to stop a moving vehicle requires friction between its tyres and the road. For example, if the road is slippery or the tyres are worn out then the tyres instead of rolling, slip over the road. The vehicle will not move if the wheels start slipping at the same point on the slipper road. Thus for the wheels to roll, the force of friction (gripping force) between the tyres and the road must be enough that prevents them from slipping. Similarly, to stop a car quickly, a large force of friction between the tyres and the road is needed. But there is a limit to this force of friction that the tyres can provide. If the brakes are applied too strongly, the wheels of the car will lock up (stop turning) and the car will skid due to its large momentum. It will lose its directional control that may result in an accident. In order to reduce the chance of skidding, it is advisable not to apply brakes too hard that lock up their rolling motion especially at high speeds. Moreover, it is unsafe to drive a vehicle with worn out tyres.
The friction causes loss of energy in machine and much work has to be done in overcoming it. Moreover, friction leads to much wear and tear on the moving parts of the machine. The friction can be reduced by: Smoothing the sliding surfaces in contact, using lubricants between sliding surfaces, using ball bearings or roller bearings.
The motion of a body moving along a circular path is called circular motion.
The force which keeps the body to move in a circular path is called the centripetal force and is given by Fc=m.v2/r (Fc=T)
According to Newton's third law of motion, there exists a reaction to the centripetal force. Centripetal reaction that pulls the string outward is sometimes called centrifungal force.
When a car takes a turn, centripetal force is needed to keep it in its curved track. The friction between the tyres and the road provides the necessary centripetal force. The car would skid if the force of friction between the tyres and the road is not sufficient enough particularly when the roads are wet. This problem is solved by banking of curved roads. Banking of a road means that the outer edge of a road is raised. Imagine a vehicle on a curved road . Banking causes a component of vehicle's weight to providethe necessary centripetal force while taking a turn. Thus banking of roads prevents skidding of vehicle and thus makes the driving safe.
The dryer of a washing machine is basket spinners. They have a perforated wall having large numbers of fine holes in the cylindrical rotor as shown in figure 3.30. The lid of the cylindrical container is closed after putting wet clothes in it. When it spins at high speed, the water from wet clothes is forced out through these holes due to lack of centripetal force.
Most modern plants use a separator to control the fat contents of various products. A separator is a high-speed spinner. It acts on the same principle of centrifuge machines. The bowl spins at very high speed causing the heavier contents of milk to move outward in the bowl pushing the lighter contents inward towards the spinning axis. Cream or butterfat is lighter than other components in milk. Therefore, skimmed milk, which is denser than cream is collected at the outer wall of the bowl. The lighter part (cream) is pushed towards the centre from where it is collected through a pipe.

Untitled by wishpath

people think important educators teach ways world passed

Untitled by wishpath

about knowledge. also means people learn about what learn. ways education, countries,

Untitled by wishpath

also people about what important passed

bhavana by saibhavana

Aesop was one of the great Greek writers. He is best known for his fables, stories that have a moral. They teach us something about how we should live our lives. Aesop wrote thousands of these stories. Here are a few.

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Once upon a time, a Wolf decided to disguise the way he looked. He thought it would help him get food more easily. He put on the skin of a sheep, then he went out with the flock into the pasture.

Even the shepherd was fooled by his clever

rus common 1 by alexqwer

се как те нал ка да пис раз от от ал ти сто те до оро нал нал мо что сто да ка го ост ен ен пол ов ли на не ост ла сто ен ка ос как се ов раз де ен пис се ка пр ан пр ла на оро не сто де нич от на ов раз ли как нич как мо ка ров те те во ал да ли от оро что да ов ст ли пис до нал ли от ени да ее ов ов ен да ст ен пис те ее от от се ре как их под до ее ре та ли ан оро пр го ре ав оро до ти нал ов ав пис ти сто ка те ан не ее да пис ее на как ее под ри во ов ри не ка тор до оро ен мо ост сто де ен до го сто де ов от нал так ли нал го нич ла оро пис ка пр ров ка не как не тор ри ос не не до пис по ка те пол тор по ка да при не от пис оро нал го се ка ст ый от да как ст ре нич до ен те нич ка при ее те ен ти как те нич ен ла ст нал по нич раз да как пол как ст от ти те что сто как го что по ов от ст ри оро ров нал что что до ост тор не что да оро не пол да ее се да те ли ла ав де что оро ос не ее пис тор ст ре ен ос по ре тор на те ов ре ре пис до про ост го ов пис ли под не до раз нал на ост пис при пр по от ка ост оро да пол ени ров под оро ан ли ло пис ва ли ка те нал мо ос да пис пол те по ен ан ров что те ла так как как те ст ов на ти как до де пис де ре пис се что те ее по да ов ла как тор се ти ан тор что до во ка от под ло от пис на ли ан ка от та по на ли ти де го по пр ка ав раз ли ла пис не до се ст на нич ли ов ов как се не да де ен да те да ри ов как под ли оро нал оро оро ст се ен те оро ка се нал ла те ан та не ли ос ав ре да де пис ло нал ли ов нал пол ост де де ла тор не раз ее до ст де пол пр тор ост во ан се да как не как ров ал не пол ен ост раз не нал от ее под тор раз от оро до ла до ав как ен про ан нал во пис на го раз ост на та про те ров ли ст ти ри под что при да при что ос раз раз ла ен не ан до пис пис пол сто ост нич да про про пис те нал да от де пис по да се по пр ов как де ре го не ра те де де ла ос ал во ре не что ос ос пр ан да го до что нал не от пис ти ан пис пис раз не де ла как ка ла не от ан пис пол пис от нич тор как ла не не сто ов оро раз что по ла пис го да как ла те раз их под ов де как на их ост оро как не раз ос мо нал оро ка что ан тор мо под от нал ов го нал ост ра тор го от от оро как не раз ти на ост ла ан ка те ка ени де ка ли ст что ла ва пис оро ре нич нал де про ан ен мо до нич ен да

bhavana by saibhavana

Abraham Lincoln is one of the United States' best-known presidents. We know a great deal about him, both as a man and as a leader. He grew up in a log cabin. He was very honest. He was president during the Civil War, and he helped end slavery at that time. What's more interesting,

Daily Practice by typing_123

The of to the the the the of of of of to to to to Toyed. Enjoy? Vouch Cowed! Rowed-Offer Other Leave & Fiery Tunic Weary Awoke "Same-Times" Would River/ Maker. Usual, One! Swain: Fever. Reign, Catch! 'Money-Soars' 91 Fresh Race 18 (Small) Style; "Teach" Below (Rusty) Power 281360574 State Novel? Stone!
The quick brown fox Jumps upon right over a lazy dog.
The quick brown fox Jumps upon right over a lazy dog.

TEST TYP-1CS-JAN25 by rizky

kakak ingin dengan Dokter umum atau Drg Sp. Ortho? Dokter Umum adalah Dokter umum yang sudah biasa menanggani Kawat Gigi kak, Sedangkan Dokter Spesialis ortho berfokus pada mendiagnosis, mencegah, dan merawat ketidakteraturan gigi dan wajah, terutama berfokus pada memperbaiki gigi dan rahang yang tidak sejajar. Kakak berkenan yang mana? Terkait hal ini konsultasi dengan Doker dulu biar di bantu cek kondisi gigi nya ya kak. Berlaku untuk Puri juga yang 4,4 jt ya kak. Tersedia di tanggal di tanggal 24 Desember jam 14:00 - 16:00 ya kak. berkenan Magi bantu jadwalkan untuk scaling nya kak? Apakah ada opsi lain kak? Berkenan ke Summarecon Bekasi kak? Apakah ada opsi lain kak? Tersedia di tanggal 26 Desember jam 09:00 kak atau tersedia juga di jam 11:00. Di tanggal 27 dan 28 juga tersedia pagi kak. kakak ingin di tanggal berapa? boleh isi data dirinya ya kak. iya di tanggal 23 Desember jam 17:00 ya kka. Beirkut promo dan cabang yang berlaku ya kak. Untuk Rontgen Panoramic belum tersedia di Muara Karang ya Kak. Untuk besok hanya tersedia di jam 17.00 Kak. Bisa dilakukan dengan tindakan veneer kak. kakak ingin datang kecabang mana? Untuk fasilitas rontgen tersedia di Cabang Satu Dental Kelapa Gading, Gading Serpong, Bogor Pajajaran, Bintaro, Green Lake City, Kemang, Summarecon Bekasi dan Surabaya Bukit Darmo ya Kak. Di tanggal 28 Desember jam 16:00 apakah kaak berkenan di BSD? gigi atas bawah tetapi sebatas garis senyum saja kak. tidak kak untuk cabang tersebut.

6 by coldwin

The speaker was discussing [topic]. Firstly, he mentioned [word]. He then talked about [word]. In addition, he discussed [word]. He described [word]. Finally, he suggested [word].

geospaciale by the_snapcat_

Géométrie dans l'espace - Définition

La géométrie dans l'espace consiste à étudier les objets définis dans la géométrie plane dans un espace à trois dimensions et à y ajouter des objets qui ne sont pas contenus dans des plans : surfaces (plans et surfaces courbes) et volumes fermés. Il s'agit donc de géométrie dans un espace à trois dimensions.

Géométrie euclidienne dans l'espace
On peut adopter, dans l'espace à trois dimensions, les même axiomes que la géométrie euclidienne.

Lorsque l'on étudie les objets de la géométrie plane, il suffit en général de se contenter de les imaginer dans un plan. Résoudre un problème revient ainsi à considérer différents plans, et à étudier les propriétés des objets contenus dans ces plans. La solution vient en général du fait qu'un objet appartient à plusieurs plans à la fois.

Les objets sont dits " coplanaires " s'ils appartiennent à un même plan. Notons que :

par deux droites sécantes, il passe un plan et un seul.
par deux droites parallèles non confondues, il passe un plan et un seul.
par trois points non alignés, il passe un plan et un seul.
par une droite et un point hors de cette droite, il passe un plan et un seul.
donc on peut définir un plan par trois points non alignés – ou – par deux droites sécantes – ou – par deux droites parallèles non confondues – ou – par une droite et un point hors de cette droite.

Exemple d'objets non plans
Surfaces courbes ouvertes :

paraboloïdes de révolution
hyperboloïdes de révolution
cônes de révolution
Volumes fermés :

cônes à base polygonale
volumes de révolution
cônes de révolution
Adaptation de notions de géométrie plane
Normale à une surface
Transformations :
Notions spécifiques
Angle solide
Solide géométrique
Voir aussi Géométrie analytique > Géométrie analytique dans l'espace.

Géométrie non-euclidienne dans l'espace
On peut appliquer les axiomes des géométries non-euclidiennes (géométrie hyperbolique et elliptique) dans l'espace.

Le résultat est assez déroutant pour le sens commun, mais a permis le développement de la théorie de la relativité générale, notamment en fournissant un modèle géométrique à la gravité. On ne parle plus de " droite ", mais de " géodésique " ; ainsi, la trajectoire d'un satellite dans l'espace est une géodésique, ce qui permet de prédire par exemple le phénomène d'avance du périhélie; de même, la trajectoire d'un rayon lumineux entre deux étoiles correspond à une géodésique de longueur nulle (ce qui ne signifie pas pour autant que les deux points de l'espace-temps soient confondus : rappelons que celui-ci constitue un espace non-euclidien).

En utilisant une géométrie dans l'espace euclidien et la théorie de la gravitation de Newton (force reliant les centres des astres), on obtiendrait une trajectoire elliptique sans avance du périhélie, contrairement à ce qui est constaté expérimentalement (abstraction faite de l'avance du périhélie due aux perturbations des autres planètes). On dit parfois, par boutade, que le modèle de gravitation de Newton n'est totalement valable que dans un seul cas : celui où aucun corps massif n'est là pour en perturber le modèle, ce qui a évidemment quelque chose de gênant.

Le géométricon, bande dessinée de la collection Les Aventures d'Anselme Lanturlu, Jean-Pierre Petit, site de Savoir sans Frontières.

education by wishpath

means people learn what teach knowledge world

Untitled by wishpath

Each assure citizens

Untitled by wishpath

Black Ural Ocean. Straits. Asia.

Untitled by koesh


Untitled by koesh


BlueTeamProc by nets1nsky

Een blue teamer maakt gebruik van verschillende systemen en tools die samenwerken om een netwerk te beschermen tegen cyberdreigingen. Hier is een overzicht van de systemen die vaak nodig zijn en hoe ze samenwerken in het proces:
1. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) en Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS):
Deze systemen detecteren verdachte activiteiten en kunnen actie ondernemen om aanvallen te blokkeren. Ze werken samen door waarschuwingen te genereren en verkeer te filteren voordat het schade kan aanrichten.
2. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM):
Dit systeem verzamelt, analyseert en correleert loggegevens uit verschillende bronnen. SIEM-tools zoals Splunk of QRadar helpen bij het ontdekken van patronen en bieden een centraal overzicht van de beveiliging.
3. Firewalls:
Firewalls filteren inkomend en uitgaand netwerkverkeer. Ze werken samen met IDS/IPS door verdachte verkeersstromen te blokkeren en regels te handhaven.
4. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR):
Deze tools bewaken eindpunten (zoals laptops en servers) op verdachte activiteiten en bieden mogelijkheden om bedreigingen op die apparaten te neutraliseren.
5. Vulnerability Management Tools:
Tools zoals Nessus of OpenVAS scannen systemen op kwetsbaarheden. Deze informatie wordt gebruikt om beveiligingsmaatregelen te versterken en risico’s te verkleinen.
6. Network Traffic Analysis (NTA):
Deze tools monitoren netwerkverkeer en detecteren afwijkingen die wijzen op bedreigingen zoals laterale beweging of gegevensdiefstal.
7. Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIP):
Deze platforms bieden actuele informatie over dreigingen. Ze verrijken SIEM-waarschuwingen en helpen bij het begrijpen van aanvallen.

Hoe werken deze samen?
• Gegevensverzameling: Alle systemen verzamelen gegevens en loggen activiteiten. SIEM verzamelt deze logs in een gecentraliseerd dashboard.
• Analyse: SIEM en IDS/IPS analyseren de gegevens om afwijkingen te detecteren.
• Incident Response: Als een bedreiging wordt gedetecteerd, werkt het blue team met EDR-tools en firewalls om de bedreiging te isoleren en te verwijderen.
• Preventie: Vulnerability management en threat intelligence worden gebruikt om zwakke punten te identificeren en toekomstige aanvallen te voorkomen.
• Continuïteit: Regelmatige updates en rapportages zorgen ervoor dat systemen blijven samenwerken en nieuwe bedreigingen effectief worden aangepakt.

Heb je nog specifieke systemen waar je meer over wilt weten? 😊