Prueba Personalizada

Untitled by koesh


BlueTeamProc by nets1nsky

Een blue teamer maakt gebruik van verschillende systemen en tools die samenwerken om een netwerk te beschermen tegen cyberdreigingen. Hier is een overzicht van de systemen die vaak nodig zijn en hoe ze samenwerken in het proces:
1. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) en Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS):
Deze systemen detecteren verdachte activiteiten en kunnen actie ondernemen om aanvallen te blokkeren. Ze werken samen door waarschuwingen te genereren en verkeer te filteren voordat het schade kan aanrichten.
2. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM):
Dit systeem verzamelt, analyseert en correleert loggegevens uit verschillende bronnen. SIEM-tools zoals Splunk of QRadar helpen bij het ontdekken van patronen en bieden een centraal overzicht van de beveiliging.
3. Firewalls:
Firewalls filteren inkomend en uitgaand netwerkverkeer. Ze werken samen met IDS/IPS door verdachte verkeersstromen te blokkeren en regels te handhaven.
4. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR):
Deze tools bewaken eindpunten (zoals laptops en servers) op verdachte activiteiten en bieden mogelijkheden om bedreigingen op die apparaten te neutraliseren.
5. Vulnerability Management Tools:
Tools zoals Nessus of OpenVAS scannen systemen op kwetsbaarheden. Deze informatie wordt gebruikt om beveiligingsmaatregelen te versterken en risico’s te verkleinen.
6. Network Traffic Analysis (NTA):
Deze tools monitoren netwerkverkeer en detecteren afwijkingen die wijzen op bedreigingen zoals laterale beweging of gegevensdiefstal.
7. Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIP):
Deze platforms bieden actuele informatie over dreigingen. Ze verrijken SIEM-waarschuwingen en helpen bij het begrijpen van aanvallen.

Hoe werken deze samen?
• Gegevensverzameling: Alle systemen verzamelen gegevens en loggen activiteiten. SIEM verzamelt deze logs in een gecentraliseerd dashboard.
• Analyse: SIEM en IDS/IPS analyseren de gegevens om afwijkingen te detecteren.
• Incident Response: Als een bedreiging wordt gedetecteerd, werkt het blue team met EDR-tools en firewalls om de bedreiging te isoleren en te verwijderen.
• Preventie: Vulnerability management en threat intelligence worden gebruikt om zwakke punten te identificeren en toekomstige aanvallen te voorkomen.
• Continuïteit: Regelmatige updates en rapportages zorgen ervoor dat systemen blijven samenwerken en nieuwe bedreigingen effectief worden aangepakt.

Heb je nog specifieke systemen waar je meer over wilt weten? 😊

Test by user111103

Ab jo likhna hai likho yha koi problem nahi hoga aur han teri bandi ka nam tujhe nahi to mujhe pata hoga but uske sath shadi koi aur bhi karega ya nahi pta nahi so dekh

Prueba mecanografía by user111102

El comercio electrónico y su impacto en la economía global. El comercio electrónico, también conocido como e-commerce, ha transformado la manera en que compramos y vendemos productos en todo el mundo. Esta modalidad de comercio permite a los consumidores realizar transacciones de compra y venta a través de plataformas digitales, sin necesidad de desplazarse físicamente a una tienda. Gracias a internet, las empresas pueden alcanzar a un público global, lo que incrementa las oportunidades de venta.

Prueba escritura by user111102

El comercio electrónico y su impacto en la economía global

El comercio electrónico, también conocido como e-commerce, ha transformado la manera en que compramos y vendemos productos en todo el mundo. Esta modalidad de comercio permite a los consumidores realizar transacciones de compra y venta a través de plataformas digitales, sin necesidad de desplazarse físicamente a una tienda. Gracias a internet, las empresas pueden alcanzar a un público global, lo que incrementa las oportunidades de venta.

Prueba Shopee by user111102

Para la construcción de cualquier estructura,

Prueba Shopee by user111102

Para la construcción de cualquier estructura, es fundamental elegir el material adecuado. El material debe ser seleccionado de acuerdo con las medidas de seguridad y las especificaciones del proyecto. Cada material tiene propiedades únicas que deben ser evaluadas en función de las medidas que se requieren para la obra. Además, las medidas de los componentes del material deben ser precisas para asegurar una instalación correcta y segura. Es importante considerar que el material, según sus características, puede necesitar diferentes tipos de medidas, dependiendo del uso y la resistencia que se espere de él

XDR by nets1nsky

Tutorial: Wat is XDR en hoe werkt het?


Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is een geavanceerde cybersecurityoplossing die meerdere beveiligingsdomeinen combineert om een breed scala aan bedreigingen te detecteren, te onderzoeken en erop te reageren. In tegenstelling tot traditionele beveiligingsmaatregelen, die vaak silo’s van informatie en systemen gebruiken, integreert XDR gegevens van verschillende beveiligingsproducten om een uitgebreidere en effectievere verdediging te bieden tegen cyberdreigingen.

Wat is XDR?

XDR staat voor Extended Detection and Response. Het is een technologie die de kracht van meerdere beveiligingsoplossingen zoals antivirus, firewall, endpointdetectie en netwerkmonitoring samenbrengt in één gecoördineerd platform. XDR biedt een uitgebreide en holistische benadering van dreigingsdetectie en incidentrespons, waardoor bedrijven sneller kunnen reageren op en herstellen van cyberaanvallen.

In wezen verbindt XDR verschillende gegevensstromen (zoals netwerkverkeer, endpointgegevens en serverlogs) en biedt een centraal overzicht van alle beveiligingsincidenten. Dit maakt het makkelijker om dreigingen snel te identificeren en geautomatiseerde responsacties in te stellen.

De voordelen van XDR
1. Geïntegreerde beveiliging: XDR verbindt gegevens van verschillende beveiligingsoplossingen (zoals EDR, SIEM, firewall en netwerkmonitoring) en biedt een uniforme weergave van incidenten.
2. Verbeterde detectie: Door gegevens uit meerdere lagen van de infrastructuur te combineren, kan XDR zowel bekende als onbekende bedreigingen detecteren, inclusief geavanceerde persistent threats (APT’s).
3. Automatisering en efficiëntie: XDR maakt gebruik van automatisering voor snelle incidentrespons, wat betekent dat bedrijven sneller kunnen reageren op beveiligingsdreigingen zonder menselijke tussenkomst.
4. Betere incidentrespons: Het geautomatiseerde karakter van XDR stelt beveiligingsteams in staat om sneller en effectiever te reageren op bedreigingen, wat de impact van aanvallen vermindert.

Hoe werkt XDR?
1. Gegevensverzameling: XDR verzamelt gegevens van verschillende beveiligingsproducten die binnen een organisatie worden gebruikt. Dit kunnen endpointbeschermingssystemen, netwerkapparaten, firewalls, SIEM-tools en meer zijn.
2. Detectie van bedreigingen: Door gebruik te maken van machine learning en geavanceerde analysemethoden, kan XDR onbekende en geavanceerde dreigingen detecteren die mogelijk worden gemist door traditionele beveiligingstechnologieën.
3. Analyse en correlatie: XDR corrigeert en analyseert gedetecteerde bedreigingen door verbanden te leggen tussen verschillende gegevensbronnen. Dit zorgt voor een beter inzicht in de aard van de aanval en de gebruikte tactieken, technieken en procedures (TTP’s).
4. Incidentrespons: Zodra een dreiging is geïdentificeerd, kan XDR automatisch een reactie activeren, zoals het blokkeren van een kwaadaardig bestand, het isoleren van een geïnfecteerd endpoint of het informeren van het beveiligingsteam. Dit versnelt de reactie en vermindert de schade.
5. Feedback en verbetering: Door de geautomatiseerde reacties en de effectiviteit van de gedetecteerde dreigingen continu te monitoren, wordt XDR steeds efficiënter in het beschermen tegen toekomstige aanvallen.

XDR implementeren in uw organisatie

Het implementeren van XDR vereist zorgvuldig plannen en kiezen van de juiste XDR-oplossing voor uw bedrijf. Er zijn een aantal belangrijke stappen die u kunt volgen om XDR succesvol te implementeren:
1. Beoordeel uw huidige beveiligingsinfrastructuur: Kijk naar de beveiligingsproducten die u al hebt en bepaal welke het beste kunnen integreren met een XDR-oplossing.
2. Kies de juiste XDR-oplossing: Er zijn verschillende XDR-leveranciers, dus kies degene die het beste past bij de specifieke behoeften van uw organisatie. Zorg ervoor dat de oplossing compatibel is met uw bestaande tools en platformen.
3. Integreer en configureer: Integreer XDR met uw bestaande beveiligingsproducten en configureer het om gegevens uit alle bronnen te verzamelen.
4. Train uw team: Zorg ervoor dat uw beveiligingsteam goed op de hoogte is van hoe XDR werkt en hoe ze erop moeten reageren wanneer een dreiging wordt gedetecteerd.
5. Monitor en optimaliseer: Na de implementatie moet u de prestaties van XDR blijven volgen en bijsteken waar nodig om de effectiviteit te maximaliseren.


XDR biedt organisaties een krachtige manier om hun cyberbeveiliging te verbeteren door meerdere beveiligingslagen te integreren en geavanceerde dreigingen sneller te detecteren en erop te reageren. Door de adoptie van XDR kunnen bedrijven hun risico op datalekken en andere cyberincidenten verminderen, de respons op aanvallen versnellen en hun algehele beveiligingshouding verbeteren.

Met de toenemende complexiteit van cyberdreigingen, is XDR een waardevolle aanvulling op het beveiligingsarsenaal van elke organisatie die op zoek is naar robuustere bescherming tegen de hedendaagse dreigingen.

Untitled by nets1nsky

Geld verdienen in Nederland biedt veel mogelijkheden, afhankelijk van je vaardigheden, interesses en achtergrond. Nederland heeft een sterke economie en een diverse arbeidsmarkt, waardoor je in verschillende sectoren werk kunt vinden. Of je nu kiest voor een traditionele baan, een freelance carrière of een eigen onderneming wilt starten, er zijn tal van opties beschikbaar.

Veel mensen vinden werk via uitzendbureaus of online platforms zoals LinkedIn en Indeed. Uitzendwerk is een populaire manier om snel aan de slag te gaan, vooral in sectoren zoals horeca, logistiek en productie. Voor hogeropgeleiden zijn er mogelijkheden in IT, techniek, gezondheidszorg en onderwijs. Taalvaardigheid in Nederlands en Engels is vaak een belangrijk voordeel op de arbeidsmarkt.

Freelancen is ook een aantrekkelijke optie in Nederland. Met een KvK-registratie kun je als zzp’er aan de slag in sectoren zoals grafisch ontwerp, consultancy of digitale marketing. Dit geeft je de vrijheid om je eigen uren te bepalen en je klantenkring op te bouwen. De Belastingdienst biedt daarnaast bepaalde voordelen voor zelfstandigen, zoals de zelfstandigenaftrek, die het aantrekkelijker maakt om een eigen bedrijf te starten.

Voor wie liever een eigen onderneming wil beginnen, is Nederland een uitstekend land. Het ondernemersklimaat is gunstig, met een sterke infrastructuur en goede toegang tot financiële middelen. Veel ondernemers kiezen voor branches zoals e-commerce, tech-startups of duurzame producten. Het is wel belangrijk om je goed voor te bereiden en een gedegen businessplan te maken voordat je begint.

Daarnaast zijn er alternatieve manieren om geld te verdienen, zoals beleggen, het verhuren van een kamer via platforms als Airbnb of het starten van een online cursus. Deze methoden vereisen vaak een startkapitaal of specifieke kennis, maar kunnen op de lange termijn winstgevend zijn.

Nederlanders staan bekend om hun nuchtere houding tegenover geld en uitgaven. Sparen en verstandig omgaan met geld zijn belangrijke waarden. Als je eenmaal geld verdient, is het verstandig om je financiële situatie goed te beheren, bijvoorbeeld door een budget op te stellen en te sparen voor onverwachte kosten.

Met doorzettingsvermogen en een goed plan kun je in Nederland je financiële doelen bereiken, ongeacht het pad dat je kiest.

TE by pd21

ES TESTIMONIO ESPECIAL, de la escritura pública número CINCUENTA Y UNO, (51); Autorizada en la ciudad de Quetzaltenango del Departamento de Quetzaltenango, el día seis de septiembre del año dos mil veinticuatro, ante mis oficios notariales y que para remitir al ARCHIVO GENERAL DE PROTOCOLOS, extiendo, numero, sello y firmo en TRES hojas de papel bond, las primeras dos en papel fotocopia la primera impresa en ambos lados y la segunda impresa solo en su anverso de cuya autenticidad DOY FE, por haber sido tomadas y reveladas en mi presencia de su original que tengo a la vista y la presente unicamente impresa en su anverso; todas llevan adheridos los timbres de ley. En la ciudad de Quetzaltenango, el día diez de diciembre del año dos mil veinticuatro.

Alquinn Villarba Jr by makima1975

If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one. You get in life what you have the courage to ask for, life isn't about finding yourself. Life is inherently risky, in the end, it's not the years in your life that count.

Untitled by ulityana666_

I think I really miss my bed
Oh when, oh when will the nightmare end?
I had it good, I had it good
And yet I left and can't retrace my steps
My steps
You're gonna be eaten by a coyote
Run, little one, though the pack may follow
Two quite thin, their brother fatter
He can still win, just gotta be faster
Run for the yard, they've barred up the gutter
That was our route, better find another
Was that a rabbit? Really not like the one
I'vе seen on a cereal box
And the birds don't talk
Likе the ones on screen
Have they really domesticated me?
And the birds don't talk
Like the ones on screen
Have they really domesticated me?
Cotton tail, gonna end up in jail
Wrong place, wrong time
Bad tune but it rhymed
And lined up perfectly to blame
The one who is far too tame
And he say
"Out, let me in, let me in, let me out
Stop tellin' me all about your problems
I been to hell, still in, get me out
Whatever they are, I don't know how to solve 'em"
"Out, let me in, let me in, let me out
Stop tellin' me all about your problems
I been to hell, still in, get me out
Whatever they are, I don't know how to solve 'em"
Say, is that the kid from the milk carton?
Can I do anything when I'm also missing?
Something tells me kid
Never learned to swim
But can I do anything when I'm also drowning?
Think I forgot a couple things
My brain is still at home
Home's far away
I really thought that life was one big race
But now I know it's one big chase
You can still win, just gotta be faster
You can, you can, you can, you can win
You can still win, just gotta be faster
You can, you can, you can, you can win
You can still win, just gotta be faster
You can, you can, you can, you can win
You can still win, just gotta be faster
You can, you can, you can, you can win
You can still win, just gotta be faster
You can, you can, you can, you can win
You can still win, just gotta be
I think I really miss my bed
Oh when, oh when will the nightmare end?
I had it good, I had it good
And yet I left and can't retrace my steps
Think I forgot a couple things
My brain is still at home (Stop telling me all about your problems)
Home's far away
I really thought that life was one big race
But now I know it's one big chase (Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh)
You're gonna be eaten by a coyote
Run little one
Though the pack may follow
Two quite thin, their brother fatter
You can still win, just gotta be
You're gonna be eaten by a coyote
Run little one
Though the pack may follow
Two quite thin, their brother fatter
You can still win, just gotta be
You can still win, just gotta be
Oh, the air is thick
Kinda makes me sick
Can I give CPR when I'm suffocating?
And the birds don't sing
Like the ones on screen
Have they really domesticated me? (You can still win, just gotta be)
Have they really domesticated me? (You can still win, just gotta be)
Have they really domesticated me? (You can still win, just gotta be)
Have they really domesticated me? (Faster!)

If You're Happy by jennad1

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet

If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray)
If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray)
If you're happy and you know it
Then face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray)

Five Little Ducks by jennad1

One, Two, Three, Four, Five Little Ducks went swimming one day, over the hill and far away, sad Momma Duck went quack quack quack but only four little duckies came back.
One, Two, Three, Four little ducks went swimming one day, over the hill and far away, sad Momma Duck went quack quack quack but only three little duckies came back.
One, Two, Three little ducks went swimming one day, over the hill and far away, sad Momma Duck went quack quack quack but only two little duckies came back.
One, Two little ducks went swimming one day, over the hill and far away, sad Momma Duck went quack quack quack but only one little duckie came back.
One little duck went swimming one day, over the hill and far away, sad Momma duck went quack quack quack but no little duckies came back.
Sad Momma Duck went swimming one day, over the hills and far away, sad Momma Duck went quack quack quack and all five little duckies came back!

common sequences 2 by alexqwer

rpi poi io iu edam eruo pi epir eri pu riu emda erim eop rop eoru ei pm li emir eipr me pl eorp rmi erpo ir po ek pau mi eriu op rim ae oe per rp ki ri emr erp eo eura ip lp ke pom epok rpe pre el em ed ea up pri emil epr ui eiru il ekop ue le ep dp de im kp oi pd eu eru er earu re pio pir rep ap pr pua elmi erm epo rip rui pmo pa eur epro eopr rpo ik pe eir mp pk ie

The tomato plant by alema02

Several people agreed to help, they were happy to do the work, and they gathered around the plants every day the man was absent. They took care of the plants, ensuring that, once the man returned, he would be proud of them.
The tomatoes grew, and the flowers turned into fruits. The people were amazed and proud of what they had done together. Soon, big, and juicy tomatoes were ready to eat, and the community began exchanging recipes, from salads to sauces.
They would sit in the garden, laughing and talking about the best way to serve them.
As autumn came, the tomatoes ripened. There were too many for the small group to eat, so they decided to make sauce for the winter and share it with those in need.
The man only asked one thing in return: that they save a few seeds for the next spring, so he and his new friends could work more land and grow more tomatoes for the community.

The tomato plant by alema02

One day, a man wanted to give back to his community but only had a few dollars to spare.
"What can I do to make a change if I have nothing to give?" he wondered.
He thought for a long time, unsure whether he could make a difference. Then, suddenly, he had a great idea. He decided to buy tomato plant seeds and visit his local community center."Hello, I am here to help!" he said proudly, showing the seeds to the manager of the center.
"Do you have a piece of land that I could use?"
The manager showed him the back of the center, where some people were chatting.
"Can I plant these seeds in the ground?" the man asked.
The manager, intrigued by this stranger, agreed to let him plant the seeds. The people watched the man planting the seeds but did not help him; they simply talked among themselves.
Weeks passed, and the seeds began to sprout. One day, the man said to a few people:
"Can someone help me water the plants next week? I have to visit my doctor and won't be able to care for them."
Several people agreed to help, they were happy to do the work, and they gathered around the plants every day the man was absent. They took care of the plants, ensuring that, once the man returned, he would be proud of them.
The tomatoes grew, and the flowers turned into fruits. The people were amazed and proud of what they had done together. Soon, big, and juicy tomatoes were ready to eat, and the community began exchanging recipes, from salads to sauces.
They would sit in the garden, laughing and talking about the best way to serve them.
As autumn came, the tomatoes ripened. There were too many for the small group to eat, so they decided to make sauce for the winter and share it with those in need.
The man only asked one thing in return: that they save a few seeds for the next spring, so he and his new friends could work more land and grow more tomatoes for the community.

AFFC - Cersei 8 by poschti

Lord Aurane Waters has returned from Dragonstone with news that the fortress has fallen. This was good news indeed, considering that word from the Reach mentioned the ironmen raiding the Arbor and pushing towards Oldtown.

Aurane indicates that Ser Loras was grievously wounded during the assault and lay dying after having had boiling oil poured on him from the walls; he also holds Loras responsible for turning the battle into a massacre, as thousands of the Crown's soldiers died in the storming of Dragonstone's keep, many of them knights or lords.

Ecstatic, Cersei had to deliver the news personally to Margaery. The young queen is appalled by Cersei's description of the fate of her brother, and commands Cersei to get out of her quarters.

Back in her solar, four separate men bring word on a dwarf sighting, and a Tyroshi brings her a dwarf's head. However, none of them bear word related to Tyrion, and Cersei sends them away in frustation.

Later, in court, Cersei must deal with several unimportant pleas, and then Septon Raynard arrives. Furious that the High Septon himself did not come before her, she scoffs at his words that the Faith is trying to abolish the brothels in the city.Pycelle brings word that Lord Gyles may not live much longer, but Cersei demands that the Grand Maester do his utmost to keep the old man alive.

At dinner with her son, Tommen mentions that Margaery has been urging him to attend court, to which Cersei responds how much she'd like to see the young queen's tongue torn out. Tommen yells at his mother, and as a punishment for his outburst, she commands Ser Boros to oversee the lashing of the boy king’s whipping boy by Tommen himself, rather than by a knight.

During the night, Cersei dreams of her visit to the witch back when she was 10 years old. She vividly recalls Maggy the Frog's plea that they leave her, but Cersei and Melara will not back down. Maggy commands them to cut open their thumbs, and the old easterner tastes their blood.

She prophesized that Cersei would marry the king (not the Prince, as Cersei thought), but her husband would father 16 children and Cersei only three, and that she would reign as queen only "until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear... Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds.

And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you." Maggy also warns that Melara will die very soon, and true enough, she drowns in a well shortly after.

Waking from the nightmare, she sends for Pycelle to make her a potion that permits sleep without dreams. She asks him if seeing the future is possible, but the old maester evades answering by saying, "Should our morrows be foretold? And to that I should answer, 'No.' Some doors are best left closed."

Aggravated, she sends for Qyburn, first asking if Falyse was still capable of being used to root out Bronn. But the necromancer tells her it is too late for that. Then she inquires of him the same she had asked of Pycelle. We learn that Maggy was from the far east, and had married a wealthy merchant. Their son was "upjumped" to a petty lord by Cersei's grandfather.

Qyburn tells her that the name Maggy was probably a mispronunciation of "maegi", and that bloodmagic was very powerful. The de-chained maester suggests that she already knew how to forestall the prophecy. Seizing upon this suggestion, Cersei plans a fool-proof way to have Margaery killed.

Deciding that treason would work best, the next day she inquires of Ser Osmund if his brother Osney could defeat Ser Boros in single combat. He replies that it wouldn't even be a match, and wonders if Boros has committed treason. Cersei replies no, but thinks to herself: But Osney has.

SSC CGL top 1000 by devssccgl

Murmuring, Mutineers, Obeisance, Serendipity, Possesses, Accommodate, Embarrass, Maintenance, Millennium, Parallel, Questionnaire, Superintendent, Privilege, Mischievous, Benefited, Connoisseur, Discipline, Pronunciation, Strengthen, Surveillance, Vengeance, Requisite, Exaggerate, Handkerchief, Entrepreneur, Fascinate, Guarantee, Hypocrisy, Irresistible, Knowledgeable, Leisure, Liaison, Magnificent, Necessary, Occurrence, Perseverance, Resilience, Subtle, Tranquillity, Ubiquitous, Acknowledgment, Bureaucracy, Catastrophe, Consensus, Conspicuous, Controversy, Deduction, Deterrence.

Ecstasy, Efficiency, Egregious, Eligibility, Eminent, Emissary, Endurance, Envious, Ephemeral, Equanimity, Escalation, Evocative, Exorbitant, Extrovert, Felicity, Fluctuation, Foreseeable, Fragile, Frivolous, Futuristic, Gratitude, Gregarious, Harmonious, Hilarious, Homogeneous, Humorous, Ignorance, Illegible, Inevitable, Innovative, Inquisitive, Intellect, Intriguing, Jubilant, Legitimate, Luxurious, Melancholy, Monotonous, Nostalgic, Obligatory, Obsolete, Omnipotent, Opportunistic, Optimistic, Perennial, Pragmatic, Pretentious.

Prolific, Punctual, Quarantine, Recurrence, Refraction, Rejuvenate, Remembrance, Renaissance, Rendezvous, Repercussion, Requisite, Reverence, Sacrilegious, Sanctuary, Sardonic, Scholarly, Seismic, Sensuous, Serene, Simplistic, Solitude, Sophisticated, Speculative, Sporadic, Stipulate, Strategic, Submissive, Subsidize, Succinct, Superfluous, Surmount, Symmetry, Synchronize, Tactful, Tangible, Tautological, Tentative, Therapeutic, Tolerable, Transparent, Trivial, Unanimous, Uncertainty, Unfathomable, Unobtrusive, Unprecedented.

Unquestionable, Vacillation, Validity, Venerable, Viable, Vicissitude, Vindictive, Vulnerable, Zealous, Abhorrent, Abstinence, Accentuate, Accessibility, Acquiesce, Acrimonious, Adamant, Adherence, Adjournment, Admissible, Admonition, Affability, Aggrandizement, Alleviate, Allure, Altruistic, Ambivalence, Amplification, Ample, Anecdote, Animosity, Annexation, Anomaly, Antagonism, Anticipation, Antiquated, Apprehensive, Arbitrary, Arbitration, Ardently, Articulate, Aspiration, Assent, Assertion, Assimilation.

Assuage, Astute, Asylum, Atrocious, Attainment, Attentive, Audacity, Authenticity, Autonomy, Avarice, Aversion, Awe, Belligerent, Benevolence, Bestow, Bewildered, Blatant, Bombastic, Brevity, Camaraderie, Candor, Candid, Capricious, Censure, Chagrin, Charlatan, Chivalrous, Clandestine, Clemency, Coercion, Commemorate, Commendable, Commiserate, Compassionate, Compendium, Complacent, Compliment, Comprehensive, Compulsory, Conceit, Condescend.

Condolence, Confidant, Confiscation, Congenial, Consensus, Consecrate, Considerate, Consistency, Conspicuous, Construe, Contemplate, Contrite, Convalesce, Convergence, Convivial, Copious, Cordial, Cosmopolitan, Credible, Credulous, Cringe, Cryptic, Curative, Curtail, Cynicism, Debilitating, Decadence, Deceptive, Deference, Deficient, Deftly, Dejection, Deliberate, Delineate, Demarcation, Demoralize, Demure, Denounce, Depict, Depraved, Derogatory, Desolation.

Despondent, Destitute, Deterrent, Deviate, Dexterity, Dignified, Diligence, Discern, Discreet, Discretionary, Disheveled, Dismal, Dissent, Dissipate, Docile, Dogmatic, Dubious, Duplicity, Eccentric, Eclectic, Effervescent, Efficacy, Elaborate, Elated, Eloquent, Emancipation, Embellish, Embolden, Eminent, Empirical, Empower, Enamored, Enervate, Engross, Enhance, Enigmatic, Enlightened, Enthrall, Entranced, Enunciate, Ephemeral, Equanimity.

Equitable, Erroneous, Esoteric, Esteemed, Estrangement, Eulogize, Euphemism, Evade, Evanescent, Exacerbate, Exacting, Exasperate, Exemplary, Exonerate, Exorbitant, Exotic, Expedite, Explicit, Exploit, Exquisite, Extempore, Extenuate, Extol, Extravagant, Exuberant, Fabricate, Facetious, Fallacy, Fanciful, Farcical, Fastidious, Feasible, Feckless, Felicitous, Ferocity, Fervent, Fidelity, Figurative, Flamboyant, Flawless, Fleeting, Flourish, Fluctuate.

Fluctuating, Formidable, Forthcoming, Fortitude, Fractious, Fragility, Fraudulent, Frenetic, Frivolity, Futile, Gallant, Garrulous, Gaudy, Generosity, Genteel, Ghastly, Gluttony, Gregarious, Grotesque, Guileless, Gullible, Haphazard, Harmonize, Harrowing, Haughty, Havoc, Hazardous, Heinous, Heretical, Hesitant, Hierarchical, Hilarity, Hindrance, Histrionic, Hodgepodge, Homogeneous, Hopeless, Hospitable, Humility, Hypothetical, Iconoclast, Idiosyncrasy, Illiterate, Illogical, Immaculate.

Immaterial, Immeasurable, Immense, Immoral, Immovable, Impassive, Impeccable, Impending, Imperative, Imperceptible, Imperfect, Imperious, Impertinent, Implacable, Implausible, Implicit, Imposing, Impoverished, Impractical, Improbable, Impromptu, Improvise, Impulsive, Inaccessible, Inadvertent, Inanimate, Inarticulate, Inauspicious, Incendiary, Incentive, Incidental, Incisive, Inclusive, Incoherent, Incompetent, Inconceivable, Inconclusive, Incongruous, Inconspicuous, Incontrovertible, Incorrigible.

Incremental, Incriminate, Incumbent, Indefatigable, Indelible, Indeterminate, Indigenous, Indignant, Indispensable, Indistinct, Indomitable, Indulgent, Ineffable, Inefficient, Ineptitude, Inequitable, Inexorable, Inexplicable, Infallible, Infamous, Infinitesimal, Inflammatory, Influenza, Influx, Informal, Ingenious, Ingenuous, Ingrained, Ingratiate, Inhabitable, Inherent, Inhibited, Initial, Initiative, Innocuous, Innovative, Insatiable, Insightful, Insipid, Insolent, Instinctive, Insubordination.

Insurmountable, Integrity, Intelligible, Intercede, Interject, Interlocutor, Interminable, Intermittent, Intrepid, Intricacy, Introvert, Intrusive, Inundation, Invaluable, Invariable, Invective, Invigorating, Invincible, Involuntary, Invulnerable, Irrefutable, Irregular, Irrelevant, Irreparable, Irreproachable, Irresistibly, Irrevocable, Isolated, Itinerant, Jubilance, Judicious, Justifiable, Juvenile, Kaleidoscope, Keen, Kindhearted, Kinship, Laborious, Lackluster, Laudable, Lavish.

Lethargic, Levity, Livid, Longevity, Loquacious, Lucid, Lucrative, Ludicrous, Lugubrious, Luminous, Magnanimous, Malicious, Malignant, Malleable, Manifestation, Manifold, Marginalized, Martial, Marvelous, Masculine, Materialistic, Maverick, Melancholic, Melodious, Memorable, Menacing, Mercenary, Merciless, Methodical, Meticulous, Mirthful, Mitigate, Mobile, Modesty, Monarchy, Monolithic, Monumental, Moratorium, Morbid, Morose, Mortified, Multifarious.

Mundane, Munificent, Myriad, Narcissistic, Nascent, Nebulous, Negligible, Nemesis, Nefarious, Nonchalant, Nostalgia, Notorious, Nuance, Nullify, Obdurate, Obedience, Obfuscate, Objective, Obligatory, Obliterate, Obnoxious, Obsequious, Obstinate, Obtrusive, Obviate, Occasional, Officious, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Onslaught, Opalescent, Opaque, Opportunist, Oppression, Optimism, Opulent, Oratorical, Orthodox, Ostensible, Ostentatious, Overbearing, Overwhelm, Pacifist, Palatable, Palpable, Pandemonium.

Pantomime, Paradox, Paramount, Parochial, Parody, Parsimonious, Partisan, Patronize, Pecuniary, Pedantic, Penchant, Penitent, Pensive, Perceptive, Peremptory, Perennial, Perfidy, Perfunctory, Perilous, Peripheral, Perpetual, Perseverance, Persuasive, Pertinent, Perturb, Pessimistic, Phenomenal, Philanthropic, Picturesque, Piety, Pinnacle, Placid, Plausible, Plethora, Poignant, Polarize, Polished, Pompous, Populace, Portentous, Pragmatism, Precarious, Precedent, Precocious.

Preeminent, Premeditate, Preposterous, Presumptuous, Pretentious, Prevalent, Pristine, Probity, Prodigal, Prodigious, Profound, Profuse, Prolific, Prolong, Prominent, Propagate, Propensity, Prophetic, Prosaic, Protagonist, Prototype, Provocative, Prudent, Pugnacious, Punctilious, Purported, Pusillanimous, Quagmire, Quandary, Quarantine, Quarrelsome, Quell, Querulous, Quiescent, Quintessential, Quizzical, Radiance, Rancor, Rapport, Rapturous, Rashness, Ratification.

Ravenous, Realistic, Rebellious, Recalcitrant, Recapitulate, Receptive, Reconciliation, Rectify, Redundant, Refractory, Refugee, Regenerate, Regression, Rehabilitate, Reiterate, Rejuvenation, Relentless, Reliable, Relinquish, Reluctant, Remedy, Reminiscent, Remiss, Remonstrate, Renegade, Renounce, Reparation, Repercussion, Repertoire, Replicate, Replenish, Reprehensible, Repress, Reprimand, Reproach, Reprobate, Repugnant, Resilient, Resolute, Respite, Restitution, Resurgent.

Retaliate, Reticent, Retribution, Reverberate, Revered, Revitalize, Revulsion, Rhetorical, Righteous, Rigorous, Robust, Rudimentary, Rueful, Sagacious, Salient, Sanctimonious, Sanguine, Sapient, Sardonic, Satirical, Scathing, Scrupulous, Scurrilous, Sedentary, Segregate, Seismic, Sensational, Sensible, Sentimental, Serene, Shrewd, Simplicity, Skeptical, Solicitous, Soliloquy, Somber, Sophistry, Sovereignty, Spasmodic, Speculative, Spontaneous, Sporadic, Spurious.

Stagnant, Stalwart, Staunch, Steadfast, Stimulate, Stoic, Stratagem, Subdued, Sublime, Submissive, Subservient, Substantial, Subtle, Succinct, Suffice, Supercilious, Superficial, Superfluous, Supple, Suppress, Surmount, Surreptitious, Susceptible, Sustain, Taciturn, Tactful, Tenuous, Tepid, Terse, Thrifty, Timid, Tolerant, Torrential, Transcendent, Transient, Transparent, Treacherous, Tremendous, Trivial, Tumultuous, Turbulent, Ubiquitous, Ulterior, Unanimous, Unassailable, Unassuming.

Uncanny, Uncompromising, Unconscionable, Undaunted, Undermined, Unequivocal, Unfathomable, Unfeigned, Unflappable, Ungainly, Unimaginable, Unintelligible, Unobtrusive, Unprecedented, Unrelenting, Unscrupulous, Unwarranted, Unwavering, Urbanity, Usurp, Utilitarian, Vacant, Vague, Valorous, Venerate, Veracity, Verbose, Versatile, Vexatious, Vibrant, Vindicate, Virtuous, Visionary, Vivacious, Vociferous, Volatile, Voluminous, Voracious, Vulnerable, Wary, Whimsical, Widespread, Willful.

Wistful, Withering, Witty, Zeal, Zealous, Zenith, Abandonment, Aberration, Abhorrence, Abnegate, Abominable, Aboriginal, Abrasive, Abscond, Absolution, Abstain, Abstention, Abstruse, Accelerate, Accolade, Acquaintance, Acquisition, Acumen, Adamantly, Adeptness, Adherent, Adjudicate, Adorn, Adventurous, Affluent, Agility, Alacrity, Alienate, Alleviation, Alliteration, Ambidextrous, Ambiguity, Ambitious, Amiable, Amplify, Amusement, Ancillary, Ancestral, Anesthetic, Angelic.

common sequences 1d by alexqwer

poke mi rim ki mire po rum ee more or pep ku pike um rop uo poem pi rem oo rope ri ero mm ripe er ire oe peri re per mu pomp ir pie ke prep om pop ei prop oi pre ie prom im pro ip prim mo rom pr pier pe rip eu peer op rep iu perm io pip ue pore me pom ui mere ro poi up repo eo peo ur pour em ore ok ik pp pu mp mu ip up ur ok ik ke mr mm kr ko ki ku pm uk re um op oi pie rep ku pip pro ir ue rope ou ki pr om rum prep oo po mire perm poke pier rim ripe mp mi prim ur peer ie pop im ro pm ke pi poke uo rem uk eo rei pre po ir poi more per mo mr pe rom io mere mu re em prep ore ripe ero pu pr pier ie oi ku ui rom prim rim iro prop pp om mi um ro pro repo pp rip pok rem poke io rop pm pour ok ui repo mur mo um mr mere pie up pie ro eo ku