All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.
We have left God’s paths to follow our own.
Yet the LORD laid on him the sins of us all.
Isaiah 53:6
Dipper, he's the mystery solver
Ghosts fear him, dudes wanna be him
Girls are warming up to him generally
Ahem, work on that
Well, if no one's around, I might listen to the classics
Ladies and gentlemen, number one supergroup all time, BABBA
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Saturday night is a night alright
Time to groove till the morning light
Your bell-bottoms on, your hair unfurls
You are the disco girl
Everyone gasps when you hit the scene (Who's she?)
People say you're a funky queen (It's me)
Spinning around like a disco ball
Who's thе honey who's got it all?
Disco girl, coming through
That girl is you
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
It's the year 1972 and that girl is you
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
You can sing, you can shimmеr
Love's on the menu and disco's for dinner
Disco girl, coming through
That girl is you
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
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[Interlude: Dipper & Grunkle Stan]
Don't come in, don't come in
I wasn't interrupting anything, was I?
No, no, no, I-I-I just, I had a thing that I-I heard
Sounded like the entire 70s was happening in here
It was a ghost, you heard a ghost
I heard a ghost singing top 40 hits
Yeah, yeah, it must be a ghost from that, uh, era
'Cause who else would sing a song from then?
Welp, you're a child wearing a towel, so I'll leave
Hoo, okay, that was close
Where was I?
She's got sass for miles and miles
Disco will outlast all musical styles
Disco girl, so wild and true
That girl is you
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Strutting down the avenue
That girl is you
Ooh-ooh, it's you-ooh
Our Eurovision application is under review
That girl is you (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
I better, better hide this tape
Mabel can never know
Een Linux-server is een krachtige en flexibele oplossing voor het beheren van verschillende soorten serverservices, van webservers tot database-servers. Linux biedt een robuust en veilig platform voor het uitvoeren van server-applicaties, waarbij de mogelijkheid om het systeem volledig aan te passen een van de grootste voordelen is. Er zijn verschillende distributies van Linux die geschikt zijn voor servers, zoals Ubuntu Server, CentOS, Debian, en Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Deze besturingssystemen bieden alle tools en configuratieopties die nodig zijn voor serverbeheer.
Een van de eerste stappen bij het werken met een Linux-server is het inloggen op de server. Dit kan zowel lokaal als via een netwerkverbinding zoals SSH (Secure Shell). SSH is een van de veiligste methoden om op afstand verbinding te maken met een Linux-server. Als je toegang hebt tot een server, kun je verbinding maken door een terminal of een SSH-client te gebruiken, zoals PuTTY (voor Windows-gebruikers). De basisopdracht voor het inloggen is als volgt: ssh gebruikersnaam@server_ip_adres. Eenmaal ingelogd, krijg je toegang tot de Linux-terminal, waar je allerlei opdrachten kunt uitvoeren.
Om effectief met een Linux-server te werken, is het belangrijk om vertrouwd te raken met de basishandelingen die je kunt uitvoeren via de opdrachtregel. Het besturingssysteem is voornamelijk gebaseerd op tekstcommando’s, wat betekent dat je commando’s moet invoeren om taken uit te voeren. Een paar van de meest gebruikte opdrachten zijn:
ls: Dit toont de inhoud van de huidige directory.
cd: Hiermee kun je van directory veranderen.
mkdir: Hiermee maak je een nieuwe directory aan.
rm: Verwijdert bestanden of directories.
cp: Kopieert bestanden of directories.
mv: Verplaatst of hernoemt bestanden of directories.
nano of vim: Hiermee kun je tekstbestanden bewerken.
Het beheren van gebruikers is ook een belangrijk aspect van serverbeheer. Linux biedt een aantal tools voor het toevoegen, verwijderen en beheren van gebruikers. De commando’s adduser en deluser zijn de meest basale methoden voor het toevoegen of verwijderen van gebruikers. Elke gebruiker heeft specifieke rechten en machtigingen die bepalen wat ze wel en niet mogen doen op de server. Het is belangrijk om de best practices te volgen bij het beheren van gebruikersrechten, bijvoorbeeld door gebruik te maken van sudo voor taken die root-rechten vereisen, in plaats van altijd als root in te loggen.
Een ander belangrijk onderdeel van Linux-serverbeheer is het beheren van softwarepakketten. De meeste Linux-distributies gebruiken een pakketbeheerder om software te installeren, bij te werken en te verwijderen. Populaire pakketbeheerders zijn apt voor Ubuntu/Debian-gebaseerde systemen, en yum of dnf voor CentOS/RHEL-gebaseerde systemen. Om bijvoorbeeld een pakket te installeren, zou je het commando sudo apt install pakketnaam gebruiken op een Ubuntu-server.
Daarnaast is netwerken een cruciaal onderdeel van werken met een Linux-server. Voor netwerkbeheer kun je de ip en ifconfig commando’s gebruiken om netwerkinterfaces te configureren. Het beheren van firewallregels is ook een belangrijke taak. In Linux wordt dit vaak gedaan met behulp van ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall) of iptables. Met deze tools kun je toegang tot de server regelen op basis van IP-adres, poort en protocol.
Het monitoren van de server is een andere belangrijke taak bij het beheren van een Linux-server. Er zijn verschillende tools en commando’s waarmee je het systeem kunt monitoren, zoals top, htop, en dmesg voor het bekijken van systeemlogboeken. Deze tools geven je inzicht in de prestaties van je server, zoals het gebruik van CPU, geheugen, en schijfruimte. Daarnaast zijn er geavanceerdere monitoringtools zoals Nagios en Zabbix die je kunt gebruiken om uitgebreide meldingen en waarschuwingen te ontvangen over de status van je server.
Het beheren van back-ups en herstel is een andere belangrijke taak voor een Linux-serverbeheerder. Er zijn veel verschillende manieren om een back-up te maken van je server, van eenvoudige tools zoals rsync tot meer complexe back-upsoftware. Het is belangrijk om regelmatig back-ups te maken van je gegevens om verlies van belangrijke informatie te voorkomen. Daarnaast moet je in staat zijn om snel een herstelplan uit te voeren in geval van een systeemcrash of gegevensverlies.
Ten slotte is veiligheid een van de belangrijkste aspecten van het werken met een Linux-server. Je server moet goed worden beschermd tegen aanvallen en misbruik. Dit kan onder andere worden bereikt door het regelmatig updaten van de software, het inschakelen van firewallbeveiliging, het beperken van toegang via SSH door bijvoorbeeld alleen bepaalde IP-adressen toegang te geven, en door gebruik te maken van versleuteling voor gevoelige gegevens. Ook het instellen van monitoringtools om verdachte activiteiten te detecteren kan je server veiliger maken.
Kortom, werken met een Linux-server vereist kennis van de basiscommando’s en tools, evenals het vermogen om de server te configureren, te onderhouden en te beveiligen. Het biedt enorme flexibiliteit en controle over de serveromgeving, maar vereist ook zorgvuldigheid en planning, vooral als het gaat om het beheren van veiligheid en back-ups.
Mi nombre es Alicia Aronsson, tengo 18 años y soy de Suecia. Estoy muy interesada en el puesto de bartender en el su bar, ya que me encanta trabajar en un ambiente dinámico y social.
Aunque no tengo mucha experiencia como bartender, he trabajado en servicio al cliente, lo que me ha permitido desarrollar habilidades como la comunicación, la resolución de problemas y el trabajo en equipo.
Además, soy una persona organizada, responsable y con muchas ganas de aprender. Hablo sueco, inglés y español, lo que me permite comunicarme fácilmente con personas de diferentes países.
Estoy especialmente interesada en trabajar en su bar porque valoro mucho la importancia de crear una buena experiencia para los clientes.
Estoy disponible para trabajar por las tardes, noches y fines de semana, y puedo adaptarme a diferentes horarios según las necesidades del equipo.
Agradezco mucho su tiempo y espero tener la oportunidad de conversar más sobre cómo puedo contribuir al éxito de su bar.
Die meisten schreiben die Entwicklung der Blockchain-Technologie Satoshi Nakamoto zu, der die Idee 2008 in einem Whitepaper beschrieb.* Eigentlich müssten wir aber Scott Stornetta und Stuart Haber danken. Sie lernten sich bei Bell Labs kennen. Scott hat einen Doktortitel in theoretischer Physik von der Stanford University; Stuart hat einen Doktortitel in Computerwissenschaften von der Columbia. Sie waren Mitverfasser eines bahnbrechenden Papers, in dem ihr Konzept 1991 beschrieben wurde (und das 1992 mit dem Discover Award für Computersoftware ausgezeichnet wurde). Von den acht Zitaten in Satoshis Whitepaper von 2008 beziehen sich drei auf die Arbeit von Scott und Stu.** Warum ist Satoshi dann so viel berühmter? Nun ja, Satoshi löste das Problem, welches das Funktionieren der Blockchain-Technologie verhindert hatte.
La empresa de reparto Glovo ha anunciado que deja atrás su modelo de falsos autónomos, por el que acumula millones de euros en sanciones de Inspección y cotizaciones impagadas y por el que su consejero delegado, Oscar Pierre, está siendo investigado en un proceso penal, acusado de un delito contra los derechos de los trabajadores. La empresa de origen catalán hace este anuncio solo un día antes de la cita de Pierre ante el juez. A partir de ahora, explica la compañía, pasan a un modelo 100% laboral, en el que sus repartidores serán trabajadores con contratos al uso, sin autónomos de por medio. El Ministerio de Trabajo estima que este anuncio de Glovo significará la regularización de 60.000 personas que han repartido para Glovo desde 2021, “el movimiento afiliativo más importante de las historia de España”, ha dicho la vicepresidenta segunda y responsable de Trabajo, Yolanda Díaz. La empresa asegura que opera con unos 15.000 riders en España
“La tecnológica española Glovo ha decidido impulsar un nuevo modelo en España que permitirá la operativa con repartidores laborales. Esta decisión y apuesta se produce como parte de su firme compromiso con España y con el impulso de la economía digital en el país”, dice Glovo en un comunicado enviado a los medios este lunes. “El cambio de modelo”, prosigue la compañía, “incluirá la totalidad de ciudades en las que Glovo está disponible, que actualmente superan las 900, y se aplicará a todas las verticales de la aplicación. El nuevo modelo mantendrá en todo momento la experiencia de usuario y de los restaurantes y establecimientos que colaboran con la aplicación en todo el país”.
A nation’s primary responsibility is to ensure the well-being of its citizens, prioritizing their basic needs such as food, shelter, and employment. When significant numbers of people are hungry or unemployed, the idea of allocating government resources to the arts may seem like a misplaced priority. While I agree that during times of acute crises, such as widespread hunger or unemployment, governments should prioritize essential needs, I mostly disagree with the notion of entirely suspending funding for the arts. This is because the arts play a vital role in a nation's cultural identity, mental well-being, and long-term economic recovery. Below, I will explain why balanced funding, rather than suspension, is a more pragmatic approach.
Obviously, it's no mean feat to create a modern Christmas classic. Such artists as Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and The Killers (to name a few) have tried, but all their original songs have failed to stick. For Nate Sloan, musicologist and co-host of the podcast Switched On Pop, what makes successful Christmas songs hard to write is that "it's the only time there's an exception to the rule that pop artists should innovate and create new sounds". Sloan points out that even when such contemporary artists as Dua Lipa or Bruno Mars reference old sounds like disco or new jack swing in their music, it "has to sound new and fresh… [whereas] when December rolls around there's this completely contrary impulse [from audiences], which is to go back in time to the 1940s and '50s with Bing Crosby and Brenda Lee." Mariah loves Christmas, and it just so happens that something she absolutely loves is also able to generate her continued goodwill, streams of income and resources.
(somewhat) said slurping slurping also slurping
When it was first released in 1994, it made a mere ripple – but 30 years on, it is a track that reigns supreme over the holiday season. What is the secret of its success? There are now three things that are certain in life: taxes, death and that every December Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is You will be inescapable. Whether you're in a shopping mall or at an office party, whether you're listening to the radio or a holiday streaming playlist, you know the festive season has begun when you hear the first notes of Carey's classic song. Released 30 years ago, All I Want for Christmas is You has jingled its way into the pantheon of yuletide standards alongside Blue Christmas, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree, and It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. The track was a relatively modest hit when it first came out in 1994, hitting number 12 on Billboard's all-genre Radio Songs tally in the United States and number two in the United Kingdom (blocked by East 17's Stay Another Day) and Japan. That should have been the end of the story. But All I Want for Christmas is You kept coming back stronger and more popular each holiday season. The song has now topped the charts in over 25 countries including the US and the UK, and was officially crowned the greatest holiday song of all time based on commercial performance by Billboard in 2023. The success and cultural staying power of All I Want for Christmas is You is staggering. Which raises the question: Why (and how) did Carey's beloved song become as synonymous with Christmas as Santa Claus himself?
Bob Bryar, former drummer for American rock band My Chemical Romance (MCR), has died aged 44 at his Tennessee home, according to US media. He was the longest-serving drummer for the group, playing with the band from 2004 to 2010. A spokesperson for the band told US outlets that the "band asks for your patience and understanding as they process the news of Bob’s passing". Bryar joined MCR after the release of their second album and helped write songs for the acclaimed record The Black Parade, deemed a "defining album" by NPR Music.
Biden may be criticised as well – for breaking his promise and for using his presidential power to protect his son. With his political career drawing to a close, however, there is likely to be little price the outgoing president will pay for his actions. The national attention will quickly shift back to the incoming Trump presidency. The rules governing presidential pardoning – or at the very least the processes and established guardrails that had guided its use – appear to have been fundamentally and permanently altered. And at this point there may be scarce grounds for anyone to complain, no matter on which side of the political aisle they stand.
Joe Biden’s explanation for pardoning his son is that Hunter Biden has been unfairly targeted by the president’s own political enemies in an attempt to politically damage him. That might sound familiar to anyone who has listened to Donald Trump rail against America’s system of justice in recent years. Trump, as he exited the White House in 2021, issued a series of pardons for his close associates and allies who had been swept up in the multiple criminal investigations that encircled him throughout his presidential term. Although he was criticised for his actions at the time, there were little if any political consequences.
Joe Biden’s explanation for pardoning his son is that Hunter Biden has been unfairly targeted by the president’s own political enemies in an attempt to politically damage him. That might sound familiar to anyone who has listened to Donald Trump rail against America’s system of justice in recent years. Trump, as he exited the White House in 2021, issued a series of pardons for his close associates and allies who had been swept up in the multiple criminal investigations that encircled him throughout his presidential term. Although he was criticised for his actions at the time, there were little if any political consequences.
Wendy wore her favorite yellow raincoat as she splashed through the puddles after a heavy downpour. A wobbly umbrella in her hand kept most of the rain away, but her boots were covered in muddy water. She laughed as the wind swirled around her, making the umbrella spin like a whirly top!
1234 West Main Street
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402
4 December 2024
Mr. Client
7707 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37919
Confidential Attorney/Client Communication
Re: liability for X
Dear Mr. Client:
My deepest condolences on X. I know this is a difficult time, and I appreciate your trust in allowing us to assist you. You recently asked HILS LLC to review your X, which is now disputed by Y.
Although the weight of the law is technically in your favor, there is a possibility that a decision would go against you, especially given the emotional value of the facts of the case. There was a case where a court ruled against X in somewhat similar circumstances.
Therefore, I would like you to read this letter carefully to understand the legal issues. I will first set out the facts as I understand them. Then, I will analyze the pertinent state law and lastly conclude by suggesting possible options I would like you to consider.
The facts described below are based on our interview with you as well as the complaint. You may not agree with some of the facts in the complaint. Yet our analysis has to consider the worst-case scenario as to what Plaintiff may argue in court.
However, if you see any facts that you think are wrong; please let me know. Cases are won and lost based on the facts.
시간, last month, 누가, a minor and an adult, purchased alcohol, 어디서, at your store and consumed it on premises in the store cafe. At first, ~; After paying, ~; Then ~. victim is now suing the A.
As a technical matter, the law says that X are never liable. (General) But the state legislature made two very narrow exceptions: if ~; (Specific, exception)
A B usually means C. However, there is a case where ~, yet ~ (facts). The court held that it did not matter that ~C. (Holding)
The court did not want the B to escape liability for C to A. The court said it would be absurd to ~ (court reasoning) - Negative cases
However, in every other case, where ~ those A were found not liable because ~C. There are examples where (facts). Those A are not liable because they did not C. - Positive cases
Unfortunately, yours are a hard case without a clear outcome. Technically, ~ does not seem liable because ~ .
But (Facts). These facts look bad especially considering how sympathetic the plaintiff looks. A court may not care that you are technically right. At least one court has stretched the law to include a similar scenario.
Hence, here are some options to consider.
First, we could try to get the case;
Please note that you have 30 days to respond to the complaint or risk the default judgment entered against you. I would be happy to discuss this matter with you further. Please feel free to call me at 123-456-7890, if you have any questions.
Very truly yours,
- You asked me to research whether X is liable for Y (detailed facts);
- Specifically, whether main issue;
- Technically, we should win. But the facts look bad and case precedent shows judges sometimes find a way to hold against defendants like us. A jury would be even less sympathetic.
In this case, fact;
As this case hinges on whether “word” definition, this memo will focus on that element.
X may be liable for X because (1) the public policy and legislative intent allow a court to reach this out come; (2) the case law allows a court to reach this outcome; and (3) a court may want to reach this outcome based on the equity of the facts, which weight against our client.
In general, X (code). (101번 내용)
However, Y creates an exception (102번 내용)
The Y was enacted to protect Y like 이름 from liability. (Case name). Moreover, Plaintiff’s burden of proof is very high: beyond a reasonable doubt. Yet, an exception was created to protect A.
Under a plain reading of the word “B,” it seems like Y. However, the term “B” is not defined. Rather, “all relevant circumstances will be considered in determining whether there was a ‘B.’” (Case name)
Our Supreme Court has held that when X, the B has not been liable for C. (Case name) Even the judge in case name, in a later case, when a A, held such facts did not equal a B to that A. Case name. Moreover, as the X abrogated the old common law rule, it is irrelevant whether the A could B. There is no liability unless C.
In contrast, in case name, a judge held A even if B. There, (1); (2); (3). The judge said A is merely one factor to consider and is not dispositive in finding whether there was a A. To hold otherwise would defeat the purpose of the A law if, for example, B.
Here, 팩트 하나씩 찬찬히 쪼개기; Considering there “circumstances,” to effectuate legislative intent to punish “bad actors” and protect A, a court might find that there was B even though C.
Technically, according to our Supreme Court in case name, there has to be A. Legally, it absolutely does not matter whether B. But in the case name, fact — a point the Appellate Court noted in reaching its opposite conclusion in case name.
Moreover, we can argue that from an economic and public policy perspective, a ruling against our client would be harmful to the X the act was mean to protect. It could lead to unforeseen outcomes such as A.
We should also argue that the C li not liable under A law. If a X, like, cannot be liable,why should the C be liable? If the A rather than B, the A would not be liable! Also, we can note that A did the right thing by B and that we have no duty to C.
In conclusion, while, technically, our client should prevail, a court might be tempted to issue an unpublished, non-precedent case as in the case name. If this case goes to a jury, we are even more likely to lose.
Finally, A may wish to coordinate a defense with the B whose members will be affected by a negative decision.
Thank you for the opportunity to research this issue. I wish I had a better answer for our client. Let me know if you’d like any follow up including reaching out to the A.
(somewhat) said that cool down serves before enjoying