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Test #1 by marshmire

Well this seems to be a waste of my time. That is nine hundred nicker in any shop you're lucky enough to find one in, and you're complaining about two hundred? What school of finance did you study? It's a deal, it's a steal, it's the sale of the beeping century! In fact, beep it Nick, I think I'll keep it!

Typing Test #3 by marshmire

Archaeopteryx lived in the Late Jurassic around 150 million years ago, in what is now southern Germany, during a time when Europe was an archipelago of islands in a shallow warm tropical sea, much closer to the equator than it is now. Similar in size to a Eurasian magpie, with the largest individuals possibly attaining the size of a raven, the largest species of Archaeopteryx could grow to about 0.5 m in length.

Python MyPy Binder by strosekd

class Frame:
"""A Frame represents a specific point in the execution of a program.
It carries information about the current types of expressions at
that point, arising either from assignments to those expressions
or the result of isinstance checks. It also records whether it is
possible to reach that point at all.

This information is not copied into a new Frame when it is pushed
onto the stack, so a given Frame only has information about types
that were assigned in that frame.

def __init__(self, id: int, conditional_frame: bool = False) -> None: = id
self.types: dict[Key, Type] = {}
self.unreachable = False
self.conditional_frame = conditional_frame
self.suppress_unreachable_warnings = False

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Frame({}, {self.types}, {self.unreachable}, {self.conditional_frame})"

Assigns = DefaultDict[Expression, List[Tuple[Type, Optional[Type]]]]

class ConditionalTypeBinder:
"""Keep track of conditional types of variables.

NB: Variables are tracked by literal expression, so it is possible
to confuse the binder; for example,

class A:
a: Union[int, str] = None
x = A()
lst = [x]
reveal_type(x.a) # Union[int, str]
x.a = 1
reveal_type(x.a) # int
reveal_type(lst[0].a) # Union[int, str]
lst[0].a = 'a'
reveal_type(x.a) # int
reveal_type(lst[0].a) # str

# Stored assignments for situations with tuple/list lvalue and rvalue of union type.
# This maps an expression to a list of bound types for every item in the union type.
type_assignments: Assigns | None = None

def __init__(self) -> None:
self.next_id = 1

# The stack of frames currently used. These map
# literal_hash(expr) -- literals like '' --
# to types. The last element of this list is the
# top-most, current frame. Each earlier element
# records the state as of when that frame was last
# on top of the stack.
self.frames = [Frame(self._get_id())]

# For frames higher in the stack, we record the set of
# Frames that can escape there, either by falling off
# the end of the frame or by a loop control construct
# or raised exception. The last element of self.frames
# has no corresponding element in this list.
self.options_on_return: list[list[Frame]] = []

# Maps literal_hash(expr) to get_declaration(expr)
# for every expr stored in the binder
self.declarations: dict[Key, Type | None] = {}
# Set of other keys to invalidate if a key is changed, e.g. x -> {x.a, x[0]}
# Whenever a new key (e.g. x.a.b) is added, we update this
self.dependencies: dict[Key, set[Key]] = {}

# Whether the last pop changed the newly top frame on exit
self.last_pop_changed = False

self.try_frames: set[int] = set()
self.break_frames: list[int] = []
self.continue_frames: list[int] = []

def _get_id(self) -> int:
self.next_id += 1
return self.next_id

def _add_dependencies(self, key: Key, value: Key | None = None) -> None:
if value is None:
value = key
self.dependencies.setdefault(key, set()).add(value)
for elt in subkeys(key):
self._add_dependencies(elt, value)

def push_frame(self, conditional_frame: bool = False) -> Frame:
"""Push a new frame into the binder."""
f = Frame(self._get_id(), conditional_frame)
return f

def _put(self, key: Key, type: Type, index: int = -1) -> None:
self.frames[index].types[key] = type

def _get(self, key: Key, index: int = -1) -> Type | None:
if index < 0:
index += len(self.frames)
for i in range(index, -1, -1):
if key in self.frames[i].types:
return self.frames[i].types[key]
return None

def put(self, expr: Expression, typ: Type) -> None:
if not isinstance(expr, (IndexExpr, MemberExpr, NameExpr)):
if not literal(expr):
key = literal_hash(expr)
assert key is not None, "Internal error: binder tried to put non-literal"
if key not in self.declarations:
self.declarations[key] = get_declaration(expr)
self._put(key, typ)

def unreachable(self) -> None:
self.frames[-1].unreachable = True

def suppress_unreachable_warnings(self) -> None:
self.frames[-1].suppress_unreachable_warnings = True

def get(self, expr: Expression) -> Type | None:
key = literal_hash(expr)
assert key is not None, "Internal error: binder tried to get non-literal"
return self._get(key)

def is_unreachable(self) -> bool:
# TODO: Copy the value of unreachable into new frames to avoid
# this traversal on every statement?
return any(f.unreachable for f in self.frames)

def is_unreachable_warning_suppressed(self) -> bool:
return any(f.suppress_unreachable_warnings for f in self.frames)

def cleanse(self, expr: Expression) -> None:
"""Remove all references to a Node from the binder."""
key = literal_hash(expr)
assert key is not None, "Internal error: binder tried cleanse non-literal"

def _cleanse_key(self, key: Key) -> None:
"""Remove all references to a key from the binder."""
for frame in self.frames:
if key in frame.types:
del frame.types[key]

def update_from_options(self, frames: list[Frame]) -> bool:
"""Update the frame to reflect that each key will be updated
as in one of the frames. Return whether any item changes.

If a key is declared as AnyType, only update it if all the
options are the same.

frames = [f for f in frames if not f.unreachable]
changed = False
keys = {key for f in frames for key in f.types}

for key in keys:
current_value = self._get(key)
resulting_values = [f.types.get(key, current_value) for f in frames]
if any(x is None for x in resulting_values):
# We didn't know anything about key before
# (current_value must be None), and we still don't
# know anything about key in at least one possible frame.

type = resulting_values[0]
assert type is not None
declaration_type = get_proper_type(self.declarations.get(key))
if isinstance(declaration_type, AnyType):
# At this point resulting values can't contain None, see continue above
if not all(is_same_type(type, cast(Type, t)) for t in resulting_values[1:]):
type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_another_any, source_any=declaration_type)
for other in resulting_values[1:]:
assert other is not None
type = join_simple(self.declarations[key], type, other)
# Try simplifying resulting type for unions involving variadic tuples.
# Technically, everything is still valid without this step, but if we do
# not do this, this may create long unions after exiting an if check like:
# x: tuple[int, ...]
# if len(x) < 10:
# ...
# We want the type of x to be tuple[int, ...] after this block (if it is
# still equivalent to such type).
if isinstance(type, UnionType):
type = collapse_variadic_union(type)
if isinstance(type, ProperType) and isinstance(type, UnionType):
# Simplify away any extra Any's that were added to the declared
# type when popping a frame.
simplified = UnionType.make_union(
[t for t in type.items if not isinstance(get_proper_type(t), AnyType)]
if simplified == self.declarations[key]:
type = simplified
if current_value is None or not is_same_type(type, current_value):
self._put(key, type)
changed = True

self.frames[-1].unreachable = not frames

return changed

Various 024 by mnd.senan

Your consistency is your greatest asset. Showing up and putting in the work day after day is what leads to lasting results. Remember, even on tough days, every bit of effort counts. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. The results will follow. Your journey is impressive, and you're making tremendous progress. Keep believing in yourself, stay disciplined, and enjoy the process. You're building not only a fitter body but also a resilient mindset. Keep up the great work, and remember, every step you take is a step toward becoming the best version of yourself. You've got this!
Let's refine the approach to optimize fat loss while maintaining muscle mass, consider the following adjustments.. Det er halvannen måned til 12. august. Deretter så får vi ta opp tråden igjen på prosjektet. Neida, jeg tar det selv derfra, ja. Ha det! Hei, hei! Her er jeg. Lykke til med det! Vi snakkes! Dette har jeg i stor grad lært og utviklet på egen hånd, noe jeg er stolt av. jeg ber om en økning på rundt 15%, som reflekterer den verdi jeg tilfører selskapet.
Inntil nylig hadde vi et oppslag mot Telefonkatalogen 1880. Håper dette blir starten på et gjensidig, godt samarbeid! Vision Speed Limits now leverages/benefits your car's cameras to detect speed limit signs. Vi skal nå vitalisere/aktivere løsningen. In this context, sticking with pId is a reasonable balance between brevity and clarity. Fikk feil tilsendt, så selger alt samlet.
Overhead: if the number of distinct values is very small, the overhead of maintaining mappings may outweigh the benefits. Dette ser jo helt knall ut! Men vi tenker oss en liten prisjustering på PRO. Så det er fint om endres. They need to be done in conjunction with other training methods and periodized correctly in order to reach the most benefits. Go ahead and get that in your head, start practicing 'em in a conversation, so that you just have 'em completely internal-wise.
Disse variantene kan gi deg større variasjon i språket og tilpasse tonen til forskjellige situasjoner: Særdeles godt utført. Særdeles vitkig. Ytterst presist. Betydelig forbedring og innsats. Overmåte interessant. Dette er i aller høyeste grad imponerende! Disse uttrykkene er vanlige i dagligtalen, og du vil ofte høre dem i uformelle setninger: Sinnssykt bra jobb! Det var sinnssykt gøy! Vanvittig bra resultat! Det var vanvittig kaldt i dag. Heftig vær ute nå. Det var en heftig diskusjon! En rått konsert! Rått gjort! Drøyt bra! (esktremt) Drøyt mye folk på festivalen. Sykt bra film! Sykt mye å gjøre på jobb. Grådig fint vær i dag! Det var grådig morsomt! Ellevilt show i går (utenom det vanlige) Det var ellevilt gøy.
Som JW nevnte i den felles e-posten blir dette nå en nysatsing som, såvidt jeg forstår, kommer til å basere seg på en modell som har noe overlapp med Cloud Master AS (fortsatt IT-utvikling/konsulent-støtte til Purehelp, Jobbsys, Inanko osv), men som også skiller seg ut på viktige måter.
Blant annet er det (igjen, såvidt jeg forstår) tiltenkt at dette nye selskapet skal utvikle og eie sin helt egen produktportefølje, drevet av de siste "cutting-edge" gjennombruddene i AI/maskinlæring. AI/maskinlæring er en kake som kommer til å vokse enormt i årene som kommer, så dette føler jeg er en utrolig spennende retning å være med på. Taket er da skyhøyt for hva vi kan oppnå her, både for det nye selskapet og på individuell basis.
Si gjerne ifra om mandag passer for dere. Hvis ikke finner vi en annen dag hvor vi overlapper på kontoret. Har ingen anelse hvorfor den hang seg opp. Data-en i søkemotoren er noen dager gammel. 430 byttes ut med 470. Teknisk gjennomgang (review). Faktum er at jeg er oppnevnt av Oslo tingrett som bostyrer i disse konkursboene, noe som også burde reflekteres på deres hjemmeside. I motsetning til A, brukes B for å ...
Jeg kom tilfeldigvis innom mitt eget navn i deres register. Den feilaktige opplistingen har et betydelig skadepotensiale for min virksomhet. En stor del av min praksis omfatter rådgivning til bedrifter i økonomiske vanskeligheter. Er sjansene store for at de heller velger en annen. Oversikten burde for øvrig oppdateres da det er mange av boene som for lengst er avsluttet. Jeg imøteser en bekreftelse (forventer) på at nettsiden deres blir korrigert.
De er i ferd med å sette opp selskap i Norge nå. Ønsker å avslutte ovennevnte avtale. Se nedenstående. Oppfatter dette som meget useriøst (takes this as very frivolous) Driver og gjør importen nå.. så det vil være noen som fungerer og noen som ikke fungerer. Mesteparten bør være på plass iløpet av dagen og resten imorgen.
hvis du ser på mail-tråden under her så ser du hva vi er ute etter av tekniske SEO-kvaliteter fremover... spesielt samendringer er en av de som har litt rariteter. Takk for informasjon! Vi er på saken. Videre utover er det nok Muhannad som kommer til å håndtere denne typen saker, så dersom dere har en oversikt over kontaktpersoner for, så kan dere legge inn hans epost.
Tenker du kommer til å plukke opp Elixir kjapt, er bare en håndfull mønstre man må mestre for å løse 90% av oppgaver. Restart måtte til. Gleder meg til å bli kjent med dere. Benytter samtidig anledningen til å ønske dere en god påske, nyt sola og senk skuldrene. This discrepancy could be due to a few reasons. It was removed in favour of... Ser ut som usammenhengende.
Fått lagt ut noen flere søkefelt på stage? Vi hiver oss rundt og lager en bedre løsning. Er det dette som gjorde antall indekserte sider kollapset fra 1m i april og ned til dagens nivå? Jeg tipper at det blir et par saker som går over sommer. Vi får avslutte steg-1 prosjektet etter sommer nå. Foreløpig ser det jo ikke veldig positivt ut. Denne saken har nok ført til nedgang i indekserte sider. Det er forsåvidt ikke et mål å ha for mange indekserte sider (i tilfelle).
Om dere også kan bytte ut logoen med den nye som står vedlagt, så hadde det vært topp. Running for 5km is no small feat! it's a testament to your dedication adnd growing fitness level. Keep pushing forward, and youæll continue to see great improvements! This demonstrates you endurance is building steadily, and with continued effort, youæll be breaking your personal bests in no time. Visualization can be a powerful tool to keep you motivated and driven.

LAW_10__8 by user654824

Lola began to lose her sense of proportion. One day when she was out riding, an elderly man rode ahead of her, a bit too slowly for her liking. Unable to pass him, she took her dog, unleashed, out for a stroll. The dog attacked a passerby, but instead of helping the man get the dog away, she whipped him with the leash. Incidents like this infuriated the stolid citizens of Bavaria, but Ludwig stood by Lola and even had her naturalized as a Bavarian citizen. The king's entourage tried to wake him to the dangers of the affair, but those who criticized Lola were summarily fired.

LAW_10__7 by user654824

Ludwig was, in his own words, "bewitched" by Lola. He started to appear in public with her on his arm, and then he bought and furnished an apartment for her on one of Munich's most fashionable boulevards. Although he had been known as a miser, and was not given to flights of fancy, he started to shower Lola with gifts and to write poetry for her. Now his favored mistress, she catapulted to fame and fortune overnight.

LAW_10__6 by user654824

Rechberg arranged an audience with the king for Lola, but when she arrived in the anteroom, she could hear the king saying he was too busy to meet a favor-seeking stranger. Lola pushed aside the sentries and entered his room anyway. In the process, the front of her dress somehow got torn (perhaps by her, perhaps by one of the sentries), and to the astonishment of all, most especially the king, her bare breasts were brazenly exposed. Lola was granted her audience with Ludwig. Fifty-five hours later she made her debut on the Bavarian stage; the reviews were terrible, but that did not stop Ludwig from arranging more performances.

LAW_10__5 by user654824

In 1846 Lola Montez found herself in Munich, where she decided to woo and conquer King Ludwig of Bavaria. The best way to Ludwig, she discovered, was through his aide-de-camp, Count Otto von Rechberg, a man with a fondness for pretty girls. One day when the count was breakfasting at an outdoor cafe, Lola rode by on her horse, was "accidentally" thrown from the saddle, and landed at Rechberg's feet. The count rushed to help her and was enchanted. He promised to introduce her to Ludwig.

LAW_10__4 by user654824

His fortunes in business changed and influential friends began to avoid him. One night Dujarier was invited to a party, attended by some of the wealthiest young men in Paris. Lola wanted to go too but he would not allow it. They had their first quarrel, and Dujarier attended the party by himself. There, hopelessly drunk, he insulted an influential drama critic, Jean-Baptiste Rosemond de Beauvallon, perhaps because of something the critic had said about Lola. The following morning Beauvallon challenged him to a duel. Beauvallon was one of the best pistol shots in France. Dujarier tried to apologize, but the duel took place, and he was shot and killed. Thus ended the life of one of the most promising young men of Paris society. Devastated, Lola left Paris.

LAW_10__3 by user654824

For a while the two were happy together. With Dujarier's help, Lola began to revive her dancing career. Despite the risk to his social standing, Dujarier told friends he would marry her in the spring. (Lola had never told him that she had eloped at age nineteen with an Englishman, and was still legally married.) Although Dujarier was deeply in love, his life started to slide downhill.

Misspelt B by user109537


LAW_10__2 by user654824

Only one man could salvage Lola's dancing career: Alexandre Dujarier, owner of the newspaper with the largest circulation in France, and also the newspaper's drama critic. She decided to woo and conquer him. Investigating his habits, she discovered that he went riding every morning. An excellent horsewoman herself, she rode out one morning and "accidentally" ran into him. Soon they were riding together every day. A few weeks later Lola moved into his apartment.

LAW_10__1 by user654824

Infection: Avoid The Unhappy And Unlucky
Transgression Of The Law
Born in Limerick, Ireland, in 1818, Marie Gilbert came to Paris in the 1840s to make her fortune as a dancer and performer. Taking the name Lola Montez (her mother was of distant Spanish descent), she claimed to be a flamenco dancer from Spain. By 1845 her career was languishing, and to survive she became a courtesan quickly one of the more successful in Paris.

ASOS - Arya 4 by poschti

The outlaws first visit Lord Lymond Lychester and then the Lady of the Leaves in search of word on Lord Beric Dondarrion's whereabouts. But none have seen him, only hearing rumors that he was dead—hanged once, killed by Vargo Hoat, Amory Lorch, and twice by Gregor Clegane. Arya heard similar rumors at Harrenhal, but Lem and Tom know that Beric is still alive.

The outlaws plan to ransom Arya at Riverrun after they meet up with Beric and Thoros of Myr. They arrive at High Heart, an ancient hill sacred to the children of the forest. Thirty-one mighty weirwoods had stood at the top of the hill, but only their stumps remained from after the Andals chopped them down. Arya can still feel the power of the place. An old dwarf woman speaks in private to Lem, Tom, and Greenbeard, but Arya overhears the conversation. The woman has dreams while sleeping among the weirwood stumps, and tells them she had dreamed of "a shadow with a burning heart killing a golden stag";[1] of "a man without a face, waiting on a swaying bridge, on his shoulder perched a drowned crow with seaweed hanging from its wings";[2] and of "a raging river and a woman that was a fish…dead with red tears on her cheeks, but when her eyes did open, I woke from terror."[3]

At Acorn Hall, Lady Smallwood informs them that Thoros had been through recently, and that Karstark men were searching for the Kingslayer. Arya and Gendry go off to the smithy, and the former apprentice explains that Thoros was a charlatan, using regular swords with wildfire to make his flaming sword. After getting in a playful fight with Gendry, Arya tears a dress given to her by Lady Smallwood. As the Brotherhood is getting ready to leave, Lady Smallwood gives Arya clothes that had belonged to her now deceased son. Embarrassed by her actions, Arya apologizes to Lady Smallwood before leaving.

LAW_9__28 by user654824

Lustig next went to phase two in the argument tactic: He poured out a whole bunch of technical gobbledygook about the box's operation, completely beguiling the sheriff, who now appeared less sure of himself and argued less forcefully. "Look," said Lustig, "I'll give you your money back right now. I'll also give you written instructions on how to work the machine and I'll come out to Oklahoma to make sure it's working properly. There's no way you can lose on that." The sheriff reluctantly agreed. To satisfy him totally, Lustig took out a hundred one-hundred-dollar bills and gave them to him, telling him to relax and have a fun weekend in Chicago. Calmer and a little confused, the sheriff finally left. Over the next few days Lustig checked the paper every morning. He finally found what he was looking for: A short article reporting Sheriff Richard's arrest, trial, and conviction for passing counterfeit notes. Lustig had won the argument; the sheriff never bothered him again.

ASOS - Jaime 3 by poschti

Brienne, Cleos, and Jaime are still travelling to King's Landing. They visit Maidenpool, but finding the town deserted, continue on toward Duskendale. Jaime has no success in provoking Brienne into a fight. He misses his twin and thinks back about their childhood. Even as children they were close and they slept together. Once their mother caught them. She was shocked and moved Jaime's bedchamber far away from Cersei's. Jaime muses that he should marry his sister as the Targaryens did.

Suddenly they are attacked by archers. Jaime and Brienne charge at them and the archers run away in the forest. They go back to find that ser Cleos is dead. His horse threw him off but as his feet was stuck in the stirrups he was dragged with his head bouncing against the ground. Jaime takes Cleos's sword and attacks Brienne. Although he is still chained he is confident that he can beat her. They fight for a long time. Jaime is amazed at her skill with the sword and realizes that she is stronger than him. Finally Brienne beats him.

Zollo cuts off Jaime's sword hand, by Joao Bosco © Fantasy Flight Games
When they look up a number of men surround them. Jaime recognizes them as the Brave Companions. They quickly inform him that they have gone over to the Starks. Jaime and Brienne are severely beaten and taken prisoner. Jaime warns Brienne that she will be raped and advises her not to resist, as this will make it worse. He tries to save her by telling the Brave Companions that Tarth is called the Sapphire Isle and that Brienne will be worth a high ransom. He tries to persuade the leader of the Brave Companions, Vargo Hoat in releasing them for a high ransom. Vargo Hoat replies that he will give Jaime's father a message. His men grab Jaime and hold him down. Zollo raises his sword and brings it down as Jaime screams.

LAW_9__28 by user654824

Lustig next went to phase two in the argument tactic: He poured out a whole bunch of technical gobbledygook about the box's operation, completely beguiling the sheriff, who now appeared less sure of himself and argued less forcefully. "Look," said Lustig, "I'll give you your money back right now. I'll also give you written instructions on how to work the machine and I'll come out to Oklahoma to make sure it's working properly. There's no way you can lose on that." The sheriff reluctantly agreed. To satisfy him totally, Lustig took out a hundred one-hundred-dollar bills and gave them to him, telling him to relax and have a fun weekend in Chicago. Calmer and a little confused, the sheriff finally left. Over the next few days Lustig checked the paper every morning. He finally found what he was looking for: A short article reporting Sheriff Richard's arrest, trial, and conviction for passing counterfeit notes. Lustig had won the argument; the sheriff never bothered him again.

LAW_9__27 by user654824

Lustig heard a knock on the door. When he opened it he was looking down the barrel of a gun. "What seems to be the problem?" he calmly asked. "You son of a bitch," yelled the sheriff, "I'm going to kill you. You conned me with that damn box of yours!" Lustig feigned confusion. "You mean it's not working?" he asked. "You know it's not working," replied the sheriff. "But that's impossible," said Lustig. "There's no way it couldn't be working. Did you operate it properly?" "I did exactly what you told me to do," said the sheriff. "No, you must have done something wrong," said Lustig. The argument went in circles. The barrel of the gun was gently lowered.

LAW_9__26 by user654824

This technique has saved the hide of many a con artist. Once Count Victor Lustig, swindler par excellence, had sold dozens of suckers around the country a phony box with which he claimed to be able to copy money. Discovering their mistake, the suckers generally chose not to go the police, rather than risk the embarrassment of publicity. But one Sheriff Richards, of Remsen County, Oklahoma, was not the kind of man to accept being conned out of $10,000, and one morning he tracked Lustig down to a hotel in Chicago.

LAW_9__25 by user654824

Verbal argument has one vital use in the realm of power: To distract and cover your tracks when you are practicing deception or are caught in a lie. In such cases it is to your advantage to argue with all the conviction you can muster. Draw the other person into an argument to distract them from your deceptive move. When caught in a lie, the more emotional and certain you appear, the less like it seems that you are lying.