Prueba Personalizada

LAW_9__13 by user654824

Fortunately for posterity, Michelangelo found a way to keep the perfection of the statue intact while at the same time making Soderini believe he had improved it. Such is the double power of winning through actions rather than argument: No one is offended, and your point is proven.

LAW_9__12 by user654824

Michelangelo knew that by changing the shape of the nose he might ruin the entire sculpture. Yet Soderini was a patron who prided himself on his aesthetic judgment. To offend such a man by arguing would not only gain Michelangelo nothing, it would put future commissions in jeopardy. Michelangelo was too clever to argue. His solution was to change Soderini's perspective (literally bringing him closer to the nose) without making him realize that this was the cause of his misperception.

la montagne by user109521

Ils quittent un à un le pays pour s'en aller gagner leur vie. Loin de la terre où ils sont nés. Depuis longtemps ils en rêvaient de la ville et
de ses secrets, du formica et du ciné. Les vieux ça n'était pas original quand ils s'essuyaient machinal d'un revers de manche les lèvres. Mais ils savaient tous à propos. Tuer la caille ou le perdreau et manger la tomme de chèvre

la montagne by user109521

Ils quittent un à un le pays pour s'en aller gagner leur vie. Loin de la terre où ils sont nés. Depuis longtemps ils en rêvaient de la ville et
de ses secrets, du formica et du ciné. Les vieux ça n'était pas original quand ils s'essuyaient machinal d'un revers de manche les lèvres. Mais ils savaient tous à propos. Tuer la caille ou le perdreau et manger la tomme de chèvre

la montagne by user109521

Ils quittent un à un le pays
Pour s'en aller gagner leur vie
Loin de la terre où ils sont nés
Depuis longtemps ils en rêvaient
De la ville et de ses secrets
Du formica et du ciné
Les vieux ça n'était pas original
Quand ils s'essuyaient machinal
D'un revers de manche les lèvres
Mais ils savaient tous à propos
Tuer la caille ou le perdreau
Et manger la tomme de chèvre

JFK Begin Anew by swagstaff

So let us begin anew; remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.

Steve Jobs Fired by swagstaff

And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. And so at 30, I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

I Have a Dream by swagstaff

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

Values by

A List of Important Values with Explanations
* Acceptance: Embracing oneself and others without judgment is essential for fostering healthy relationships and personal growth.
* Exploration: A curious and open mind allows for personal development, learning, and discovery.
* Present: Living in the present moment helps reduce stress and anxiety, allowing for a more fulfilling life.
* Accomplishment: Achieving goals and overcoming challenges provides a sense of purpose and satisfaction.
* Expressive: Communicating thoughts and feelings openly and honestly promotes healthy relationships and self-understanding.
* Productivity: Being productive and efficient allows for more time to pursue personal and professional goals.
* Accountability: Taking responsibility for one's actions is essential for building trust and integrity.
* Fairness: Treating others with equality and respect is fundamental to building strong relationships and a just society.
* Professionalism: Maintaining a high standard of conduct and performance in one's work is crucial for success.
* Accuracy: Being precise and careful in one's work is essential for achieving quality results.

* Family: Strong family bonds provide support, love, and a sense of belonging.
* Prosperity: Having a comfortable and secure life allows for personal growth and happiness.
* Achievement: Achieving goals and overcoming challenges provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
* Famous: Being recognized and admired for one's achievements can provide a sense of pride and fulfillment.
* Purpose: Having a clear sense of purpose and direction in life can provide motivation and meaning.
* Adaptability: Being able to adjust to change and new situations is essential for success and personal growth.
* Fearless: Overcoming fear and taking risks can lead to personal growth and achievement.
* Quality: Striving for excellence in all aspects of life can lead to greater satisfaction and fulfillment.

* Alertness: Being aware and attentive to one's surroundings and the needs of others is important for building strong relationships and making good decisions.
* Feelings: Recognizing and expressing one's emotions is essential for emotional health and well-being.
* Realistic: Being grounded in reality and setting achievable goals is important for success and avoiding disappointment.
* Altruism: Helping others without expecting anything in return is a noble and fulfilling act.
* Ferocious: Having a strong and determined spirit can help one overcome challenges and achieve goals.
* Reason: Using logic and critical thinking to make informed decisions is essential for success.

* Ambition: Having a strong desire to succeed and achieve goals can be a powerful motivator.
* Fidelity: Being loyal and faithful to one's commitments and relationships is essential for building trust and respect.
* Recognition: Appreciating and acknowledging the achievements of others is important for building strong relationships and fostering a positive work environment.
* Amusement: Enjoying life and finding humor in everyday situations can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
* Focus: Being able to concentrate and stay on task is essential for achieving goals and success.
* Recreation: Engaging in activities that one enjoys can help reduce stress, improve mood, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

* Assertiveness: Expressing oneself confidently and respectfully is important for building strong relationships and achieving goals.
* Foresight: Planning ahead and considering future consequences can help one make informed decisions.
* Reflective: Taking time to think about one's thoughts, feelings, and actions can lead to personal growth and self-awareness.
* Attentive: Paying attention to others and their needs is essential for building strong relationships and fostering a positive work environment.
* Fortitude: Showing courage and perseverance in the face of adversity is essential for success.
* Respect: Treating others with dignity and consideration is fundamental to building strong relationships and a positive work environment.

* Awareness: Being conscious of one's thoughts, feelings, and actions is essential for personal growth and well-being.
* Freedom: Having the ability to make choices and pursue one's own goals is essential for personal fulfillment.
* Responsibility: Taking responsibility for one's actions is essential for building trust and integrity.
* Balance: Finding a healthy balance between work, play, and rest is essential for overall well-being.
* Friendship: Having strong and supportive friendships can provide a sense of belonging and happiness.
* Restraint: Being able to control one's impulses and desires is important for making good decisions and avoiding negative consequences.
* Beauty: Appreciating the beauty in the world can bring joy and fulfillment.
* Fun: Enjoying life and finding humor in everyday situations can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
* Results-oriented: Focusing on achieving goals and outcomes can be a powerful motivator.
* Boldness: Having the courage to take risks and pursue one's dreams is essential for success.

* Generosity: Giving freely of one's time, resources, and kindness is a noble and fulfilling act.
* Reverence: Having a deep respect and appreciation for things that are sacred or important is essential for a meaningful life.
* Bravery: Showing courage and fearlessness in the face of adversity is essential for success.
* Genius: Having exceptional intelligence and creativity can lead to great achievements.
* Rigor: Being disciplined and committed to one's goals is essential for success.
* Brilliance: Being exceptionally talented and intelligent can lead to great achievements.
* Giving: Sharing with others is a fundamental human value that can bring joy and fulfillment.
* Calm: Maintaining a sense of peace and tranquility can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
* Goodness: Being kind, compassionate, and helpful is essential for building strong relationships and a positive impact on the world.
* Candor: Being honest and direct in one's communication is important for building trust and respect.

* Grace: Showing kindness, compassion, and forgiveness is essential for building strong relationships and a positive attitude.
* Security: Feeling safe and protected can provide a sense of peace and well-being.
* Capable: Being able to accomplish tasks and overcome challenges is essential for success.
* Gratitude: Expressing appreciation for the good things in one's life can improve overall happiness and well-being.
* Self-reliance: Being independent and capable of taking care of oneself is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.
* Careful: Being attentive and thoughtful is important for making good decisions and avoiding mistakes.
* Greatness: Striving for excellence and achieving significant accomplishments can be a powerful motivator.
* Selfless: Putting the needs of others before one's own is a noble and fulfilling act.
* Certainty: Having confidence and belief in oneself is essential for success.
* Growth: Continuously learning and developing as a person is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.

* Sensitivity: Being aware and responsive to the needs and feelings of others is essential for building strong relationships.
* Challenge: Overcoming challenges and obstacles can lead to personal growth and development.
* Serenity: Finding peace and tranquility in one's life can improve overall well-being.
* Charity: Giving generously to others is a noble and fulfilling act.
* Hard work: Putting in effort and dedication is essential for achieving goals and success.
* Service: Helping others and making a positive contribution to the world is a fulfilling way to live.
* Cleanliness: Maintaining a clean and organized environment can contribute to a sense of peace and well-being.
* Harmony: Living in peace and agreement with others is essential for building strong relationships and a harmonious society.
* Sharing: Sharing experiences, ideas, and resources with others can foster a sense of community and belonging.
* Clear: Being clear and concise in one's communication is essential for effective communication and understanding.

* Clever: Being intelligent and resourceful can help one overcome challenges and achieve goals.
* Honesty: Being truthful and sincere in one's dealings with others is essential for building trust and respect.
* Silence: Sometimes, the best way to communicate is to listen and be present.
* Comfort: Feeling safe and secure can provide a sense of peace and well-being.
* Honor: Upholding one's commitments and values is essential for integrity and character.
* Simplicity: Living a simple and uncluttered life can reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
* Commitment: Being dedicated and determined to achieve one's goals is essential for success.
* Hope: Believing in a positive future can provide motivation and inspiration.
* Sincerity: Being genuine and authentic in one's interactions with others is essential for building trust and respect.
* Common sense: Using practical judgment and understanding to make decisions is essential for success.

* Humility: Being modest and humble can help one avoid arrogance and build strong relationships.
* Skill: Being proficient and competent in one's abilities is essential for success.
* Skillfulness: Having a high level of expertise and ability is essential for achieving excellence.
* Community: Being part of a supportive and caring community can provide a sense of belonging and happiness.
* Imagination: Being creative and imaginative can help one find new and innovative solutions to problems.
* Smart: Being intelligent and resourceful can help one overcome challenges and achieve goals.

LAW_9__11 by user654824

Weeks later, as Michelangelo was putting the final touches on the statue, Soderini entered the studio. Fancying himself a bit of a connoisseur, he studied the huge work, and told Michelangelo that while he thought it was magnificent, the nose, he judged, was too big. Michelangelo realized that Soderini was standing in a place right under the giant figure and did not have the proper perspective. Without a word, he gestured for Soderini to follow him up the scaffolding. Reaching the nose, he picked up his chisel, as well as a bit of marble dust that lay on the planks. With Soderini just a few feet below him on the scaffolding, Michelangelo started to tap lightly with the chisel, letting the bits of dust he had gathered in his hand to fall little by little. He actually did nothing to change the nose, but gave every appearance of working on it. After a few minutes of this charade he stood aside: "Look at it now." "I like it better," replied Soderini, "you've made it come alive."

LAW_9__10 by user654824

This was where things stood until some. Florentine friends of the great Michelangelo decided to write to the artist, then living in Rome. He alone, they said, could do something with the marble, which was still magnificent raw material. Michelangelo traveled to Florence, examined the stone, and came to the conclusion that he could in fact carve a fine figure from it, by adapting the pose to the way the rock had been mutilated. Soderini argued that this was a waste of time nobody could salvage such a disaster but he finally agreed to let the artist work on it. Michelangelo decided he would depict a young David, sling in hand.

LAW_9__9 by user654824

Observance Of The Law
In 1502, in Florence, Italy, an enormous block of marble stood in the works department of the church of Santa Maria del Fiore. It had once been a magnificent piece of raw stone, but an unskillful sculptor had mistakenly bored a hole through it where there should have been a figure's legs, generally mutilating it. Piero Soderini, Florence's mayor, had contemplated trying to save the block by commissioning Leonardo da Vinci to work on it, or some other master, but had given up, since everyone agreed that the stone had been ruined. So, despite the money that had been wasted on it, it gathered dust in the dark halls of the church.

LAW_9__8 by user654824

It is not simply a question of avoiding an argument with those who stand above you. We all believe we are masters in the realm of opinions and reasoning. You must be careful, then: Learn to demonstrate the correctness of your ideas indirectly.

LAW_9__7 by user654824

The military engineer was the quintessence of the Arguer, a type found everywhere among us. The Arguer does not understand that words are never neutral, and that by arguing with a superior he impugns the intelligence of one more powerful than he. He also has no awareness of the person he is dealing with. Since each man believes that he is right, and words will rarely convince him otherwise, the arguer's reasoning falls on deaf ears. When cornered, he only argues more, digging his own grave. Once he has made the other person feel insecure and inferior in his beliefs, the eloquence of Socrates could not save the situation.

LAW_9__6 by user654824

The engineer, whose name has not been recorded by history, had spent his life designing masts and pillars, and was respected as the finest engineer in a city that had excelled in the science. He knew that he was right. A smaller ram would allow more speed and carry more force. Larger is not necessarily better. Of course the consul would see his logic, and would eventually understand that science is neutral and reason superior. How could the consul possibly persist in his ignorance if the engineer showed him detailed diagrams and explained the theories behind his advice?

LAW_9__5 by user654824

Arriving a few days later, the engineer gladly explained to the consul, one more time, the reasons for the smaller mast. He went on and on, using the same arguments he had made with the soldiers. He said it was wise to listen to experts in these matters, and if the attack was only tried with the battering ram he had sent, the consul would not regret it. Mucianus let him finish, then had him stripped naked before the soldiers and flogged and scourged with rods until he died.

LAW_9__4 by user654824

When the smaller mast arrived, Mucianus asked his soldiers for an explanation. They described to him how the engineer had argued endlessly for the smaller mast, but had finally promised to send the larger one. Mucianus went into a rage. He could not concentrate on the siege, or consider the importance of breaching the walls before the town received reinforcements. All he could think about was the impudent engineer, whom he ordered to be brought to him immediately.

LAW_9__3 by user654824

After they left, though, the engineer thought about it some more. What was the point, he asked himself, in obeying an order that would lead to failure? And so he sent the smaller mast, confident that the consul would see how much more effective it was and reward him justly.

LAW_9__2 by user654824

The soldiers warned the engineer that their master was not a man to argue with, but he insisted that the smaller mast would be the only one that would work with a machine that he was constructing to go with it. He drew diagram after diagram, and went so far as to say that he was the expert and they had no clue what they were talking about. The soldiers knew their leader and at last convinced the engineer that it would be better to swallow his expertise and obey.

LAW_9__1 by user654824

Win Through Your Actions, Never Through Argument
Transgression Of The Law
In 131 B.C., the Roman consul Publius Crassus Dives Mucianus, laying siege to the Greek town of Pergamus, found himself in need of a battering ram to force through the town's walls. He had seen a couple of hefty ship's masts in a shipyard in Athens a few days before, and he ordered that the larger of these be sent to him immediately. The military engineer in Athens who received the order felt certain that the consul really wanted the smaller of the masts. He argued endlessly with the soldiers who delivered the request: The smaller mast, he told them, was much better suited to the task. And indeed it would be easier to transport.