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Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series

Tay chee siong
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Marlon Williams - Dark Child
My little blond-haired blue-eyed boy, one day you'll grow up and be distressed. One day you'll grow up and reject everything I've set out for you. My only dear long wasteful son, one day you'll wonder what you've become. One day all this could be yours if you only had the will to outlive your mother and I.

I love quotes that are interactive with the typists. When an author interacts with me, it feels more personal. Some of the quotes offer advice. Some quotes make general life comments. There are way too many types to list. I also love quotes that don't have complex words or loads of punctuation. It feels satisfying to type these. And I can achieve high speeds. Have a good day.

L0CC0 - Cybersecurity Incidents
The majority of cybersecurity incidents are caused by insider attacks 1. Therefore, weak security implementation and a lack of monitoring of the local network will drive more significant attacks. The architecture of the local network connection standard is via two types of connection modules. In most cases, a network administrator does not concentrate on data link layer (layer 2 of OSI) security devices because it is complicated for external hackers to connect to an organization's LAN.

Richard Stallman - Divided and Helpless
Proprietary software keeps the users divided and helpless: divided, because they're forbidden to share it, and helpless, because they don't have the source code so they can't change it. They can't even study it to verify what it's really doing to them, and many proprietary programs have malicious features which spy on the user, restrict the user, even back doors to attack the user.

Ayad Ayad - Everyone has story
Everyone has a story, Everyone has been through something that changed them, So never judge a person by the chapter you walked in on, Everyone has a story, Everyone has been through something that changed them, So never judge a person by the chapter you walked in on,.

Zedvancement - Longest death message
GoodTimeWithScar went off with a bang due to a firework fired from a rocketbow Zed made for the longest death message by a poor piglin who was just going about their normal day.

ItsIrisChill - Clean - Taylor Swift
Rain came pouring down. When I was drowning, that's when I can finally breathe. And by morning, gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean.

Taylor Swift - The Other Side Of The Door - Taylor Swift
I said, "Leave," but baby, all I want is you. To stand outside my window, throwin' pebbles, screamin' "I'm in love with you!" Wait there in the pourin' rain, comin' back for more and don't you leave, 'cause I know all I need is on the other side of the door!

Taylor Swift - The other side of the door - Taylor Swift
With your face and the beautiful eyes and the conversation with the little white lies and the faded picture of a beautiful night, you carried me from your car up the stairs. And I broke down crying, "was she worth this mess?" after everything and that little black dress after everything I must confess, I need you.

Carlitos - Just a first quote
I found this website after being introduced to it by my computer science teacher. But here's the thing, we were required to do type in it every morning. So, as I am sitting in the class during the morning, I am writing this quote with plans to make a few quotes. This is the first of a few quotes I will write so, hello world.

Carlitos - Just a first quote
The reason I found this website was my computer science teacher requiring us to do it in the morning before class starts. I since have made an account and am planning on making a few quotes. This quote is the first of a few quotes I will be making on this website. So, hello world.

Carlitos - I hate the FSA
To you guys, it may be called something else. But in my school, the final tests are called the FSA, or EOC. FSA stands for Florida Statewide Assessments and EOC stands for End of Course exam. And like any other finals, they suck. They aren't as bad when you start, but they make the testing environment feel so secret, strict, and tense. But who in the right mind thinks that we are going to remember EVERYTHING that we learned this year?

Mary Balogh - Dash it all (Someone to Honor)
She had never encountered masculinity before. Men, yes. Handsome men, yes. Attractive men, yes. Masculinity, no. Not raw masculinity, anyway. Not naked chests and ... Oh dash it all, she really was a prude.

Mary Balogh - You precious idiot (Someone to Trust)
He took his place beside her and gathered her into his arms before saying a word to her. He pulled loose the ribbons of her bonnet and tossed the garment onto the opposite seat. He held her head against his shoulder and rested his cheek on top of it. He had no idea if she needed to be gathered in or not. But he needed to gather. "Idiot," he said. "You precious idiot, Elizabeth." "Thank you," she said.

Amanda Milo - Princess (from Contaminated)
Come on, princess, we're doing this. We don't have any other options." With painful dignity, I mutter, "If my translation device is right, and referring to me as princess means you think I'm a self-important, temperamental person with superior tastes and a peculiar difficulty to be pleased; then you're correct, and I take no offense.

Pablo Neruda - Love Sonnet XI
I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair. Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets. Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps. I hunger for your sleek laugh, your hands the color of a savage harvest, hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails, I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

forcedparalysis - You Will Mess Up This Quote
This is a simple quote, with simple words. I am trying to keep the words easy to type, so as not to cause errors with the words themselves. However, me simply talking about errors is what is going to mess you up. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you haven't messed up already, you will do so now.

Vsauce - Why ask questions we can't answer?
For thousands of years, Neanderthals barely went anywhere. Humans, however, did things that made no sense, crossing terrain, and water, without knowing what lay ahead. And why do you do that? Is it for glory? For curiosity? It's ridiculous. Foolish, maybe. But it was the Neanderthals who went extinct, not the Humans. Maybe it's only a fool that would perilously journey out to what might not be there. But if you want to solve problems, you don't just solve the ones that are there, you find more.

Jean-Paul Sartre - nausea
Friday: Three o'clock. Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do. An odd moment in the afternoon. Today it is intolerable.

David Mitchell - Utopia Avenue - Memory Made Public
Art is memory made public. Time wins in the long run. Books turn to dust, negatives decay, records get worn out, civilizations burn. But as long as the art endures, a song or a view or a thought or a feeling someone once thought worth keeping is saved and stays shareable.