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Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series



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Aamit - Story of my life
I have always thought how it is like to actually find a life partner with whom you want to spend every minute of the day and without the person you don't feel good at all and constantly think about them. I used to joke around with my friends who had GF or BF back then but now that I am in love I totally understand the feeling they were going through. Love from Amit!

Leigh Bardugo - The Ninth House
Darlington was all about the pursuit of perfection, something spectacular. He didn't know how precious a normal life could be, how easy it was to drift away from average. You started sleeping until noon, skipped one class, one day of school, lost one job, then another, forget the way that normal people did things. You lost the language of ordinary life. And then, without meaning to, you crossed into a country from which you couldn't return.

Spider-Man 2 - There's a hero in all of us
I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride. Even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams. Spider-Man did that for Henry and he wonders where he's gone.

Attack On Titan - Ymir
It won't be long till I die. But I have no regrets. That's what I'd like to say, but there is one thing: it's that I wasn't able to marry you. Sincerely, Ymir.

Whatever my user name is - I've Got to Say it
I've got to say it; if you visit this website and start complaining about not liking the quotes that have been contributed, please go to a different site. We here at Keyhero appreciate the bright minds that contribute quotes, especially if they're original quotes. Go be boring elsewhere. That is all.

Hollow Knight; Team Cherry - Lore Tablet
Higher beings, these words are for you alone. Within our lands do not hide your true form. Let all bask in your majesty, for only this kingdom could produce ones such as you.

Jenira - Pride & Prejudice
I've never seen so many pretty girls in my life. You were dancing with the only handsome girl in the room. She is the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld. But her sister, Elizabeth, is very agreeable. Perfectly tolerable, I daresay, but not handsome enough to tempt me. You'd better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles. You are wasting your time with me.

Chase Maurice Weinberg - Chase's Quote
I really enjoy typing on keyboards, especially since you're probably typing on a keyboard right now as you read this. That is very nice of you to test out my quote, human. Assuming you're a human, I would like to inform you that the typing test will end in five, four, three, two, one, zero. Huh, it didn't end yet? Oh well, I guess it did end. Bye now!

Annoyed person - Jinx
Honestly I really don't like it when I see quotes people make here about how easy their quote is and how I should be able to type it quickly, as if I should be grateful for that. No, actually, your quote sucks. It jinxes my typing and ruins my word per minute average. I even made an account just to say this, that's how much I don't like those kinds of quotes.

Writing is very strange to me. The concept of writing shape on a surface and other people understanding it. Then write a whole set of other shapes and some people not being able to understand any of it is crazy. Writing is weird and I love it.

my brother - Senior quote idea
"I think maybe I was supposed to do something but I definitely didn't so that may be impacting me in the future." - My brother on the topic of schoolwork and life in general.

Dr.Ace - A new beginning
The year of 2021 brought me nothing but sadness. I had depression, my friends didn't feel like friends anymore, the person who I gave my all to didn't care about me. After all these realizations I broke apart, cried, screamed, stayed in bed all day. But then came these little realizations. This sobbing, this depression, it would've only push me down further into the darkness. Now, it's a new year. A new me. Working harder than ever. Bless me luck for I will not back down even when I'm asleep.

​​​​​​ - Guys
"Guys" is gender neutral as a term of address, but it is not neutral in other contexts. "Hey, guys!" can be said to women, but "I was talking to the guys" cannot be said about women.

My biggest fear isn't snakes or spiders or rats. It's not heights or drowning. It's not getting sick or depressed or dying. It's not even that you'll stop loving me. No, my biggest fear is that I'll stop loving you.

Penelope Scott - Warm Regards - Penelope Scott
It doesn't really matter, 'cause I don't want to go, to college or to heaven or anywhere alone. Nothing really matters from my point of view sitting here, and watching unfold with you.

Sleeping At Last - In The Embers
We live and we die, like fireworks. Our legacies hide in the embers. May our stories catch fire and burn bright enough to catch God's eye. We live and we die, like fireworks we pull apart the dark. Compete against the stars with all of our hearts. Until our temporary brilliance turns to ash. We pull apart the darkness while we can. May we live and die, valorous lives. May we write it all down in cursive light. So we pray we were made, in the image of a figure eight. May we live and die.

Anonymous - Power
Power is power, but what is power? Strength or a title? Being born strong doesn't make you strong, it's the dedication and work you put into making yourself strong that counts. Nobody cares about your Rolex.

- the guy! - thoughts8777 Part. 2
black roses. The black roses shrewd the line of hope life gave as a gift. The gift of hatred. The true hatred loves those that partake, only sun-kissed. read it off!

- the guy! - thoughts8777
The only real thoughts you can see are those that are obstructed, those that are conjured in your mind that can only be received from deep thinking. No one has ever seen a conjured thought: thoughts can be fabricated by the single lie... only life can poke holes in the pool. Pooling minds that surge the line. The line of hope that has been dashed in hatred. The hatred that killed the cat, and kissed the man. Courage is no coward, nor is caution. Life comes in pieces that are as valuable as...

Bob Marley Interview - Are you a rich man?
In an interview, with reference to his fame, Bob Marley was once asked: "Are you a rich man, do you have a lot of possessions?" He replied: "I don't have that kind of richness, my richness is life."