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Eric Wang
Got a pb on this quote :3

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …



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Meguru Bachira - My Original Ego
Nah it's fine... Since it's because you weren't there, that I was able to learn how to fight by myself. The thing is, until now, I was afraid of playing soccer by myself. I guess I wanted you to come to save me. But, once I tried fighting on my own as I'd done as a kid, I realized... In this whole wide world, I'm the only one who can save me.

Yoichi Isagi - Blue Lock
Hey Reo, you shouldn't aim to be "the one that gets chosen" but "the one that chooses." What are you even playing soccer for...? Only people who will become the best strikers in the world... Can survive in "Blue Lock."

Jinpachi Ego - Mechanism of Luck
Isn't it a given? If you aren't prepared to take advantage of that coincidence, and only reach out for "luck" when it's staring you in the face it'll already be too late. Only those who foresee the possibility and prepare for it... Those who have trained in order to able to seize the opportunity whenever it presents itself... Those who have determined where that chance will fall and lie in wait... Only those with that keen sense of smell will be smiled upon but the goddess of "Luck."

Breezy12405 - Marriage
You can't just let me go on alone. Most people want to, but not me. I want someone to come with me on all of my adventures. So my question is, will you marry me?

John Green - Sunsets - The Anthropocene Reviewed
And so, I try to turn toward that scattered light, belly out, and I tell myself: This doesn't look like a picture. And it doesn't look like a god. It is a sunset and it is beautiful, and this whole thing you've been doing where nothing gets five stars because nothing is perfect? That's bullcrap. So much is perfect. Starting with this. I give sunsets five stars.

Richard Hammond - First Car
My first car was a 1976 Toyota Corolla Liftback in red, like the one in 'The Blues Brothers'. I painted a Union Jack on the roof. I was absolutely in love with it until I destroyed it, which broke my heart!

A Penguin - Random Word Practice
Primary temptation disco limited steward up unfortunate implicit prestige settlement wrist rescue cycle stop tape employ implication smell charity distinct default book charity inquiry relief suspicion official address modest charter discipline laundry Venus lease divorce concert shame.

Jeremy Clarkson - America
If you're thinking of coming to America, this is what it's like: you've got your Comfort Inn, you've got your Best Western, and you've got your Red Lobster where you eat. Everybody's very fat, everybody's very stupid and everybody's very rude - it's not a holiday programme, it's the truth.

James May - LEGO
Someone once told me that I was 12 inside. The only thing 12-year-olds crave is more Lego. Lego is fun; it's therapeutic. It's a beautiful sensation when you click the pieces together.

Jen Sincero
You can hear something over and over and over and still not really hear it. It doesn't click. You don't understand. Until you are ready to hear it. And then it is deafening.

Teenage Priest - Innocent
I wanna see the other side, forever's a lie. I couldn't tell you wrong from right. Won't you help me decide? I know you see another, but let me be the one to treat you good. I know I'm just a bother, but I don't think I knew you like I should. You make me feel so innocent, even if I wasn't right. You make me feel so innocent, being with you all the time.

An Impatient man - Typing and Patience
Making errors in typing can make you impatient and try to go faster, when in fact, you should do the opposite. Patience is key when trying to learn to type. Slowing down with each error made will help you with accuracy and speed. Nothing is slower than missing.

Maynard James Keenan - 10,000 days
We listen to the tales and romanticize, how we'd follow the path of the hero. Boast about the day when the rivers overrun, how we rise to the height of our halo. Listen to the tales as we all rationalize our way into the arms of the saviour. Feigning all the trials and the tribulations, none of us have actually been there, not like you.

unknown - the pacer test
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20-meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over.

Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park pg 256 Paper Back
Then he heard honking sound. It came from the herd of duckbilled hadrosaurs behind them. First one animal, then another and another, until the whole herd had taken up the honking cry. The duckbills were agitated, twisting and turning, hurrying out of the water, circling the young ones to protect them... They smell it, too, Grant thought.

A Certain Penguin - Eyes
My eyes can see many things, most of these things are the same as you see but there are some things that I can see, that my eyes focus on. It's hard when my eyes focus on it, they don't want to look away from it. I'm not sure why but they can't help it. I always have to force myself to look away from you because there's just something about you that always catches my eyes without fail.

LionHeart - Ridiculous laws
Laws were meant to be put in place as good things, but when people who are power-hunger get to much control, things can get quite ridiculous. For example, in Alabama its illegal to have an ice cream cone in your back pocket. In Georgia, it's against the law for chickens to cross the road and in North Carolina it's illegal to play Bingo for more than five hours. But most ridiculous of all is the mandate to wear a mask for a virous that has bean proven not to harm the healthy.

Secondhand Lions - The Speech
Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things that a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good. That honor, courage, and virtue mean everything. That power and money, money and power mean nothing. That good always triumphs over evil, and I want you to remember this, that love... true love never dies. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, you see. A man should believe in those things because those are the things worth believing in. Got that?

Elliot Alderson - Change the World
Every day, we change the world, but to change the world in a way that means anything, that takes more time than most people have. It never happens all at once. It's slow. It's methodical. It's exhausting. We don't all have the stomach for it.

~Unknown~ - Are you ready to die?
We are born and we live for such a short of amount of time, and then we must die. All of the previous generations did the same thing, and all the future generations will do the same thing. What is it worth? What happens next? Life is so empty and so vain. Surly there is something higher to live for - something after this fleeting life. No one is promised tomorrow and yet we all live as if it's granted us. Are you ready? Are you ready to die and meet your maker? If it were tomorrow or even today?