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Lenang Manggala
sakit dher????

Eric Wang
Got a pb on this quote :3

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!



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Edward - It’s E- Meth Immortality.
The supernatural can all come up if we just go steady along with our imagination. Pushing it more through the ups and downs of our life makes a generous effect to stay up and the state you want to be in, feeling ok in all types of scenarios rather than an addiction.

Anonymous - Are We Neuralink’d?
I remember the women singing in between my REM and wakeful stages to one of my mornings. I think it was one of The Weekend's songs. I forgot which one it was, but the angel part is what gets me. I remember another time when a brother of mine sang another song I liked too. All the others came running in.

Typing Experiment - Long Simple 5
Like means mark loan slice enjoy study chase giant seep. A crease since down place leave than head tell by around last all part which she or I get call life. Split heel lazy solo damn voter twist proof self a peak horn sock fax fold still river need the snap clean an video mayor suite panel.

Typing Experiment - Long Simple 4
World change have while late part of number those as and house after stand new fact a thing same system keep change public if in new. Think upset court quit creed king cap word rice grass jelly a mist fade the agile mild pitch zone of offer rider major few core or deep load amber rub basis steep. Well ink new.

Typing Experiment - Long Simple 3
Most need lop over need turn a while want he little on many help way hand never word about follow. Turn egg burst low terms disco bat rank disk safe fairy dough peak gear rally. See tape sick flat bad youth slant nose drill and slide brush irony merit count to swim gate node a steak learn bind.

Sherlock Holmes
Taking your own life is an interesting expression, taking it from whom? Once it's over, it's not you who'll miss it. Your own death is something that happens to everybody else. Your life is not your own. Keep your hands off it.

The Biebs - Peaches
I got my peaches out in Georgia (oh, yeah, shit). I get my weed from California (that's that shit). I took my chick up to the North, yeah (badass bitch). I get my light right from the source, yeah (yeah, that's it).

Random_Person_on_the_Internet - Things
Them: Money doesn't bring happiness. Me: Pass the money over here. I like to be sad. It wouldn't let me type this quote because I had to add 150 characters to it and I hope that this is enough for them.

Being asked "Why are you Depressed? Life is so Beautiful." Is like saying "Why do you have Asthma? There is so much Air!" It wouldn't let me type this quote because I had to add 150 characters to it and I hope that this is enough for them.

Bo Burnham - Unpaid Intern
Who needs a coffee 'cause I'm doing a run? I'm writing down the orders now for everyone. The coffee is free, just like me! I'm an unpaid intern. Sorting papers, running around, sitting in the meeting while not making a sound. Barely people, somehow legal, unpaid interns. You work all day, go back to your dorm, and since you can't afford a mortgage you just torrent a porn, 'cause you're an intern! (Unpaid) wadadapwapwada.

Steve Maraboli
We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here now with the power to shape your day and your future.

Scott Wittbecker - XCOM; Live Capture Procedure.
"The autopsy I've just completed confirms the alien physiology is quite similar to our own. A highly concentrated electrical current delivered at close range should cause neural malfunc-" "CLOSE RANGE?!" Bradford interrupts the chief scientist. "And what happens if it doesn't work, doctor? Do you think this is worth the risk?"

dbf09 - Ovaviviparous
Some animals are ovoviviparous, which is where fertilized eggs remain in the mother's body until they hatch, but are not attached to the mother by a placenta.

Ariel - The emptiness of souls
Interacting with people will make you realize how empty everyone is. How shallow they breathe because the only thing they are breathing for is themselves. We are not living in a world where you can count on your friend because they will take your last dying breath to support themselves. The only person you have is yourself, which turns you into that shallow human, and then you are left with an empty dark soul. Just remember it's ok to give and to want to be a better person.

J.R.R. Tolkien - The Hobbit
"Dear me!" grumbled the hobbit. "More walking and more climbing without breakfast! I wonder how many breakfasts, and other meals, we have missed inside that nasty clockless, timeless hole?"

Unknown - Stress
I, as a human, am not perfect. I make mistakes and am left utterly confused a lot of the time. What I cannot understand, is why I do what I do. I have many, many responsibilities today. Too many to count. I am incredibly stressed about these responsibilities, and so here I sit. Instead of doing what needs to be done and getting it out of the way, I have been typing on this website for two hours straight, only causing more stress.

Ryan - Not too good today
Today is the worst day this week. I am doing my schoolwork online, and I understand none of it. I have two tests to study for and I cannot remember any of the material. All I want this weekend is a break, but I am being forced to go to a place I do not like and do work that I do not want to do. The only thing I want right now is to lay in my bed and have a nap. And also stop being on my period. It's been two weeks. I'm sick of it. Hopefully you will have a better weekend than me.

Typing Experiment - Long Simple 2
Feel number do last public life follow to this even both need day own to like right come place during real child line face as work. Lock slot acid cow march tick far marsh bear rage south us soft sip cycle bare. Liver clean train name wheel tape fence give.

Typing Experiment - Long Simple 1
While both new those there state will gram will stem should when out inter from tell here number we by how say give face system many. Seem help life think group both the just part play and then just for people may want than one do not say around begin both good. Heel woman swarm run do silk sting equal color loose.

Typing Experiment - Short Simple 6
Few numb no day in good those no right will round not show house by part not most be point clear dome a know slant troop knife rebel fly fare the room.