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Lenang Manggala
sakit dher????

Eric Wang
Got a pb on this quote :3

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!



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Typing Experiment - Short Simple 6
Few numb no day in good those no right will round not show house by part not most be point clear dome a know slant troop knife rebel fly fare the room.

J.R.R. Tolkien - The Hobbit
Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did. The tremendous things that happened afterward were as nothing compared to it. He fought the real battle in the tunnel alone, before he ever saw the vast danger that lay in wait.

J.R.R. Tolkien - The Hobbit
He was trembling with fear, but his little face was set and grim. Already he was a very different hobbit from the one that had run out without a pocket-handkerchief from Bag-End long ago. He had not had a pocket-handkerchief for ages. He loosened his dagger in its sheath, tightened his belt, and went on.

hrupptheg - Surprise!
Hey, you! Yeah, you typing this quote. You've got some dry lips, and I know it. Oh, don't try to lick them now. The cat's out of the bag, buddy. You've got some dry lips. Do better next time.

MuteMath - Marching To The End
Lights widen out, casting down shadows of doubt. God, give me time, cause I'm running low on these hours of mine. Change, it hurts for some. But I'm counting on what's yet to come.

Matt Haig - The Comfort Book
You have survived everything you have been through, and you will survive this too. Stay for the person you will become. You are more than a bad day, or week, or month, or year, or even a decade. You are a future of multifarious possibility. You are another self at a point in future time looking back in gratitude that this lost and former you held on. Stay.

Taylor Swift - Epiphany
Something med school did not cover. Someone's daughter, someone's mother. Holds your hand through plastic now. "Doc, I think she's crashing out." And some things you just can't speak about...

Jeffrey R. LaCount - My surf trunks
"And the heavens stretch from horizon to horizon. See as the past watches from far distant pinpoints. Gazing upon our microbial existences, smiling, crying, giggling. Inaudible actions at spooky distances, to mockingly paraphrase a man." Alexander DeNoundmann finishes a sour-cream and toast meal. "This grass feels like wet galaxies saturated by H2O. My surf trunks are becoming soaked.

Suzanne Weyn - Unlikely Tools - Mr. Magorium
Unlikely adventures require unlikely tools. Light bulbs die, my sweet. I will depart. All stories, even the ones we love, must eventually come to an end and when they do, it's only an opportunity for another story to begin.

belgian on a keyboard - Life is suffering but worthwhile
There is much to explore and finding your identity is a part of that. Life is an experience, be honest with yourself, pay attention in what things you are in evolving. Don't get caught up in how media is bringing up ideologies. Try to live with an appreciation how life is there to guide you. The idea of religious values is sincere to think about, since we all somewhat threw that in the bin since the bombings of the terrorists.

Simple English Wikipedia - Egg (food)
Most eggs that are eaten by humans, including bird eggs and turtle eggs, have a protective, oval eggshell, the albumen (egg white), the vitellus (egg yolk), and various thin membranes, that are layers like skin. Every part of the egg is edible, although the eggshell is usually thrown away. Eggs are a good source of protein, choline, and fat-soluble vitamins.

Unknown - Scam Likely
I wanted to give you one final courtesy call before your warranty expires and your coverage is voided. This would make you financially responsible for all service repair. Press one now if you wish to extend or reinstate your car's warranty. Once again, press one now or press two to be placed on the DNC.

Chong - Faster
I like this website and these tests. It has made me faster and more accurate. But does anyone else feel like they type faster when it's their own words rather than reading a quote off a screen? Give it a try.

Typing Experiment - Short Simple 5
Lazy bowel spell dairy camp cheap a path apple wear host bear ankle wagon toll scale half ring the bring taxi grass truth fee drop rage hobby law dump a beer angel.

Typing Experiment - Short Simple 4
Grand link fire wild dough see or dare waste the adult unit sheep smile a navy hero fax ear maid noble spot to sand damn swop path how the my zinc the.

Typing Experiment - Short Simple 3
Virus on greet aunt bin gate have slip hard witch a story stick attic pit warn tune pupil pen ranch on elite the good enemy dare to colon fence dough.

Me, myself and I. - Proving Non-existence
If I walked into a room with absolutely nothing and someone said to me there's actually a chair in it, do I still have to prove it's an empty room? Such is what theists demand of atheists when they ask for proof of the non-existence of the supernatural. It is not for the one saying, "there is nothing," to prove there is nothing. If there's nothing, there simply is nothing. There's nothing to prove. It is for the one saying, "there is something," to substantiate the validity of the claim.

It's funny how regular food is allowed to remain boring, but candy is hyped up with exciting colors, shapes and wrappers. One would think that children don't naturally want to eat sugar.

FightingtheRust - lighthouse~
I can't remember what we first sailed out here for. We spent the better part of our lives looking for dryland, safety, and highland alike. I would come back home, but home comes with me. Call it weather or call it whatever, now I just feel better at sea.

Diana Gabaldon
There were moments, of course. Those small in time, too soon gone, when everything seems to stand still, and existence is balanced on a perfect point, like the moment of change between the dark and the light, and when both and neither surround you.