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Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …



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Terry Tempest Williams - When Women Were Birds
In the desert I often whisper. Junipers are excellent sounding boards. They have been shaped by wind. Rocks seem to care nothing about what I say, yet when I speak to them, they feel porous, capable of receiving my words and taking them in as part of their history of brokenness.

Prongs - the lady who works in the library
There's an old lady with gray hair and brown roots. She has a funny looking yard. There's no grass, instead only strange plants and flowers filling the area. She's collected colorful lawn decorations over the years; a plastic rainbow pinwheel that spins with the wind, an old faded pink flamingo with metal legs and claims of good luck, a string of colorful Christmas lights lining her porch year round. Things like that.

Kenzie - Alphabet Quote
A big crazy dog entered a fancy gym, he is just kicking Linda out. Many nosy old people quietly react suspiciously to Uno. The very wild, xanthous dog. Who you should lock in a zoo.

Megan - Thoughts about "leftovers"
I just typed a quote called "leftovers" talking about how there are so many quotes added to this site that some may never reach anyone else. But then that begs the question: Why do I seem to get so many repeat quotes? It's rather annoying, actually. Unless I rate it a five star, I don't really want to see it again, thanks.

Please Don't Laugh (PDL) - Nangong Jingnu from Clear and Muddy Loss of Love
I wanted to pull her out of there, to make her see me batter myself to death on her coffin, and then jump inside of it with the last of my strength, so that I can sleep with her here forever.

Terry Tempest Williams - When Women Were Birds
I fear silence because it leads me to myself, a self I may not wish to confront. It asks that I listen. And in listening, I am taken to an unknown place. Silence leaves me alone in a place of feeling. It is not necessarily a place of comfort.

Taylor Swift - When Emma Falls in Love
She's the kind of book that you can't put down - like if Cleopatra grew up in a small town. All the bad boys would be good boys if they only had a chance to love her. To tell you the truth, sometimes I wish I was her.

Lana del Rey - Freak
Baby if you wanna leave come to California, be a freak like me, too. Screw your anonymity, loving me is all you need to feel like I do. We could slow dance to rock music, kiss while we do it, talk till we both turn blue.

Going Bovine by Libba Bray - Hope
These are hard times. The world hurts. We live in fear and forget to walk with hope. But hope has not forgotten you. So ask it to dinner. It's probably hungry and would appreciate the invitation.

joe andrei - Love envalope
In the vast universe of emotions, our love is an envelope that holds the most precious contents. With every heartbeat, it swells with affection, each memory a letter inscribed with laughter, trust, and the beauty of togetherness.

Seneca - Stoicism - A quote from Seneca
Of all people, only those are at leisure who make time for philosophy, only they truly live. Not satisfied to merely keep good watch over their own days, they annex every age to their own. All the harvest of the past is added to their store.

Lego Monkie Kid - Shadow Play
The hero and the warrior were like the sun and the moon, their light a protective glow shining upon the world. Together there was nothing that could stop the two of them, either in the celestial realms or on earth. As time went on, the hero attained power beyond comprehension. As the hero's light grew, so too did his shadow. And so, the warrior was cast in that shadow. In the darkness, the warrior was forgotten by the hero.

Serita McKenzie - Lukewarm Regret
Numb for the foreseeable future. No fantasies left fulfillable. Daydreams and night terrors weave themselves in and out of reality. The fears that once lived dwelling deep in darkness have found the sunbathed surface. They're everywhere; melting on the sidewalks in the smothering heat. Draped over the backs of chairs. A longing for something unidentifiable compacted under layers of uncertainty and denial.

user written - New Beginnings
Winds swept across the barren plains; an earthy smell hit our nostrils. "Do you think we could revitalize this place?" asked the woman with red hair. The other woman, the older one, darted her eyes around the area, taking in the yellow grass that had been crunching under our feet, the twisted trees sparsely spaced out in the distance, and the rolling clouds ahead that promised a long overdue rain. I was pleased to hear her answer: "I think we will build here." I kept my composure despite my joy.

Terry Tempest Williams - When Women Were Birds
It is winter. Ravens are standing on a pile of bones-black typeface on white paper picking an idea clean. It's what I do each time I sit down to write. What else are we to do with our obsessions? Do they feed us? Or are we simply scavenging our memories for one gleaming image to tell the truth of what is hunting us?

Serita Mckenzie - Wax
Beneath me I feel anger lurking, this recognizable pang that sets fire to me, so I write a poem. My words ball up inside of me, a fist that is constantly opening and closing, and I'm concerned that if I release them with the intensity they strike me with, will the language burn the reader, too? I can't go on with these words and thoughts scorching my mind, a tiny tealight candle melting through the very thoughts that lit it. Other than the inferno, my mind is plain, infested with usual thoughts.

I think it's easy to think that we know a lot more than we know, to think that everything is accounted for and accountable, but in reality, we are all just a bunch of soft animals walking in and out of rooms.

Anonymous - I love unfinished endings
I love unfinished endings. When movies have a happy ending, then introduce a new problem or adventure right before the credits roll. It's the most realistic of endings, that there is no end. There's always something to come. Especially when there's no sequel; I love interpreting what will happen next.

Anonymous - Feeling Down
Sometimes that mood just hits, and it really hits. You know the feeling. The feeling of loneliness and sorrow. It's a subtle feeling like the weight of a blanket draped over you. Dragging you down ever so slightly, bringing up feelings of inadequacy or loneliness when you're alone. It's that feeling that you feel in the shower you think about what things you should do tomorrow, just to forget them as soon as you get out. It's a feeling I'm well familiar with. I know it oh so well, and so do you.

Terry Tempest Williams - When Women Were Birds
Conversation is the vehicle for change. We test our ideas. We hear our own voice in concert with another. And inside those pauses of listening, we approach new territories of thought. A good argument, call it a discussion, frees us... The women in my family didn't always agree, but it was in their company I felt inspired and safe.