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it was good

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thank you

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Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …



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unknown - Thoughts of a lost soul
She lived the poetry she cannot write, which I have lived most of my life following. Life hasn't always been comparable to the distraughtness of human destruction or the simplicity of one's life falling apart, as I used to write about. Living life now has been about enjoying the feeling of rain falling on my skin or experiencing love first thing in the morning instead of dread. The happiness, the joy-it's something I could never write.

Taj Amare Cole Jones - Dogs we love them
Dogs we all love them. Well, not all people love them. Some love cats more than dogs. But I like both, well not always. But we all have feelings for things. Sometimes I'm not too fond of dogs or cats. So, there you have it how I feel about cats and dogs. But how do you feel about them?

Epicity - I made sure this was easy
Haha! Take that website! I made it so that if this quote appears in this forsaken website, people would have a more easy time getting a good score. The amount of intelligence I have is so high, it's out of this world! TAKE THAT KEYHERO DOT COM! Now, I will go and celebrate my intelligence. Wait. I've gone too far! Now people won't have an easier time typing this out and this is all my fault due to my absolute ignorance for not stopping this, which for some reason is still going, till now! HA!

McFodi's high school econ teacher
The worst music to play in a store is jazz. You either love it or you hate it, and if you want as many customers as possible, you do not want to play music that they might hate. Not everyone likes hearing a chill beat then BELELELELELELELEL on a saxophone.

Often, father and daughter look down on mother (woman) together. They exchange meaningful glances when she misses a point. They agree that she is not as bright as they are, that she cannot reason as they do. However, this collusion does not save the daughter from the mother's fate.

Megan - I love this
I love this. I keep seeing people put in their own quotes, answering questions. Those are my favorite ones. So, what am I doing here? Well, I'm a stay-at-home mom, 33 years old. I was looking for typing jobs I could do from home to make some extra money. This site was linked in one of the top searches on Google. It's fun. Typing class was my favorite in middle school. I hope you are doing well, dear friend who is typing.

aronwheel - The 15% factor
People have to group to think, yet they stay stuck thinking in groups. Instead use the 15% factor. 15% of every group is problematic. This allows the mind to use its resources for other purposes. The number is essential.

Gary Wolfe - Crazy?
Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room... a rubber room... a rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room... a rubber room... a rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once.

Starman - Contre Qui Rose
Against whom, rose, have you assumed these thorns? Is it your too fragile joy that has forced you to now become this armed thing? And from whom does it protect you, this exaggerated defense? How many enemies have I lifted from you that did not fear it at all? On the contrary, from Summer to Autumn you wound the affection that is given you.

EPIC The Musical - My Goodbye
One day, you'll hear what I'm saying. One day, you might understand. One day, but not today, for after all you're just a man. This day, you sever your own head. This day, you cut the line. This day, you lost it all. Consider this as my goodbye.

aeridionis - in lieu of beaujolais
Our mess, which is my mess and yours, which is this thing we've made, together, which is you and me and the gossamer fine haze that lies roughly between the two.

Farquaad - Farquaad's Speech
That champion shall have the honor, no, no, the privilege to go forth and rescue the lovely Princess Fiona from the fiery keep of the dragon. If for any reason the winner is unsuccessful, the first runner-up will take his place and so on and so forth. Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make. Let the tournament begin!

International Playwright Richard Gremel - Annabel Lee Monologue Pt. 1
Mystery... In the end there was only mystery. We know that he boarded a ship bound for New York, but where he journeyed on that final fateful voyage, no one knows... the true destination, a mystery. That was Eddie. He lived a life of mystery. I think that's what drew me to him. The mystery... the imagination... You have to make your own truth he once told me. And he did.

Phil Jamesson - Mario, the Idea vs. Mario, the Man (Pt. 1)
Everyone knows Mario is cool as hell. But who knows what he's thinking? Who knows why he crushes turtles? And why do we think about him as fondly as we think of the mythical (nonexistent?) Dr Pepper? Perchance. I believe it was Kant who said "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." Mario exhibits experience by crushing turts all day, but he exhibits theory by stating "Lets-a go!" Keep it up, baby!

Richard Siken
Eventually something you love is going to be taken away. And then you will fall to the floor crying. And then, however much later, it is finally happening to you: you're falling to the floor thinking, "I am falling to the floor crying," but there's an element of the ridiculous to it - you knew it would happen and, even worse, while you're on the floor crying you look at the place where the wall meets the floor and you realize you didn't paint it very well.

a former typer - Quote " ' " aim
It's hard to imagine that whenever you type, you miss the quote key and make an error. Normally happens to me but for other people, they have this issue. It's best to just aim for the key like alot for in the next round of quotes, you may be able to withstand it. Remember! Practice is key!

Terry Tempest Williams - When Women Were Birds
On the edge of the continent, looking west, we came to an understanding of the peace and violence around us. Power is the sea's thundering voice, the curling and crashing of waves. Water is nothing if not ingemination, an encore to the tenacity of life. And life held in the sea is surface and depth, what we see and what we imagine. We cast a line, we throw out a net, what emerges is religion in the form of fish.

Oppenheimer (2023) - Albert Einstein quote
When they've punished you enough, they'll serve you salmon and potato salad, make speeches, give you a medal, and pat you on the back telling you all is forgiven. Just remember, it won't be for you... it would be for them.

McFodi - forgotten
In the grasps of college allure, Joe bid goodbye to his peers - those he once conversed with over bland lunches. Eager to maintain those cherished bonds, he stayed in touch with them; yet, their lack of reciprocation left him feeling a pang of loneliness. The echoes of unasked "how are you"s weighed heavily on his heart, yearning for the warmth of true connection. Had he become a moth-eaten corner in the tapestry of their friendship? Was he, perhaps for lack of a simpler term, forgotten?

Mark Twain - Mark Twain Says...
Never put off til tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well. The lack of money is the root of all evil. When in doubt, tell the truth. Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about. If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it. An intelligent person never shares three things with anyone: their innermost fears, past regrets, and ultimate excuse for showing up late.