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J.K. Rowling
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Dude as I was typing this quote I was changing my posture and carpal tunnel …

Made Up On The Spot
Riddled with errors.

Ricardo Aguilera

Serita McKenzie
it was good



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William Wordsworth - Lines Written in Early Spring
I heard a thousand blended notes, while in a grove I sate reclined. In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts bring sad thoughts to the mind. To her fair words did Nature link, the human soul that through me ran; and much it grieved my heart to think what man has made of man.

Wind is a more efficient power source than solar. Compared to solar panels, wind turbines release less CO2, consume less energy, and produce more energy overall. One wind turbine can generate the same amount of electricity per kWh as about 48,704 solar panels. However, they take up a lot of space, can hurt wildlife, and are restricted to rural regions. For denser regions, solar panels are more practical. Solar panels can be installed on the rooftops of buildings, schools, and businesses.

Billy Madison - Academic Decathelon
What you just said, was one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Some Kid - Respiration
Usually, I write about how I'm feeling in the world, but I've learned that the only reason to breathe is to rid of hydrogen in the body. To make energy, we produce hydrogen as a waste product, and to rid of the hydrogen from accumulating in the body, we bond oxygen to the hydrogen to turn it into water. We make our own water.

Sun-Mi Hwang - The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly
The weasel finally left. Sprout took another look at the babies trembling in cold and in hunger. She felt pity for a fellow mother. A mother who ran through the dark fields; a mother who had to return quickly to her still-blind babies, who couldn't survive if she wasn't as swift as the wind; a mother who was a bone-weary, one-eyed hunter.

Kyojuro Rengoku - Set your heart ablaze
So, hold your head high. If you are feeling disheartened, that you are somehow not enough. Set your heart ablaze. Dry your eyes and look ahead. You may feel like digging your heels in, but the flow of time waits for no one. It won't patiently stand by as you grieve. I believe in each and every one of you.

Brené Brown - Vulnerability
Vulnerability is terrifying and it's dangerous and scary, and the only guarantee I can give you is it's not as terrifying or as dangerous or scary as getting to the end of our lives and having to ask ourselves, "What if I would have shown up?"

Rebecca Solnit - A Field Guide to Getting Lost
For many years, I have been moved by the blue at the far edge of what can be seen, that color of horizons, of remote mountain ranges, of anything far away. The color of that distance is the color of an emotion, the color of solitude and of desire, the color of there seen from here, the color of where you are not. And the color of where you can never go. For the blue is not in the place those miles away at the horizon, but in the atmospheric distance between you and the mountains.

Stendhal - Fishnet Stockings
This, alas! Is the curse of over civilization! At age twenty, a young man's soul, given some degree of education, is a million miles from spontaneity, without which love is often the most boring of responsibilities.

Jane Austen - Mr. Darcy's Failings - Price and Prejudice
I have faults enough, but they are not, I hope, of understanding. My temper I dare not vouch for. It is, I believe, too little yielding- certainly too little for the convenience of the world. I cannot forget the follies and vices of other so soon as I ought, nor their offenses against myself. My feelings are not puffed about with every attempt to move them. My temper would perhaps be called resentful. My good opinion once lost, is lost forever.

Graham McNeill - The Ancient Awaits (Sons of the Emperor: An Anthology)
For every adept of the Corvidae knew that nothing ever really began. There could be no single moment from which this or any other event sprang; the threads could always be followed to some earlier moment and the actions that preceded them. To attempt to pin any event's origin to a single moment in time would drive a mind to insanity.

Some random - You can swear on typing hero
Oh fuck, you can swear on this website. This quote could make you shit your pants. If you are an asshole you might shit twice on this quote. My account might get banned by a ni-.

Some Girl - A way out of clothing waste
Fast fashion has created a massive waste problem. Not only is it fossil-fuel intensive to create, ship, and store these clothes, we also quickly toss them in the trash. Focus has shifted away from having a few good pieces to having something new to wear every single day. If I could change one thing about our culture, it would be for all of us to value having just a handful of really well-made pieces we wear over and over that define who we are.

De Es - The First Flight (Part 2)
I flew down the hallways, barely above the ground, navigating around corners, dodging lockers as I felt wind rush past my face. After this dream I had many more; flying through tree branches and avoiding power lines. Apparently this is a common flying dream people experience when they have a mixture of freedom and uncertainty in their life. That was my case at that time. No job, playing golf, loving life, but my future was a cloud of anxiety high above me. I eventually mastered flight.

Christopher Paolini - To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
Within the lonely ship, within the emerald cocoon and the swaddling flesh, there lay a woman. And though her eyes were closed and her skin was blue, and though her blood was ice and her heart was still - though all of that, a smile appeared upon her face. And so she sailed on, content to hold and wait and there to sleep, to sleep in a sea of stars.

Reigen Arataka - A Good Person
Listen. Just because you have psychic powers doesn't make you any less human. It's the same with people who are fast, people who are book smart, and people with strong body odor. Psychic powers are just another characteristic. You must embrace that as a part of yourself and continue to live positively. The truth behind one's charm is kindness. Become a good person. That is all.

Barbara Brown Taylor
To make bread or love, to dig in the earth, to feed an animal or cook for a stranger - these activities require no extensive commentary, no lucid theology. All they require is someone willing to bend, reach chop, stir. Most of these tasks are so full of pleasure that there is no need to complicate things by calling them holy. And yet these are the same activities that change lives, sometimes all at once and sometimes more slowly, the way dripping water changes stone.

Some Kid - Life's Story
Life is something that has existed for the past three to four billion years, and it has created some of the wildest creations. Life was simple at first, but it wanted change, so Life created humans. Humans, however, decided to kill all life.

sum rndom dude - wubba lubba dub dub
I'm trying my best to keep our relationship going, but sometimes it just gets difficult. I don't know how much longer I can keep this going, but I'm trying my best to keep it going. I badly want to make this relationship work for the last time. It's so exhausting to bottle up all the things I'm feeling about her actions. It's exhausting to disregard my own feeling to try and communicate with her. It's tiring to keep on reminding her to communicate with me every time there's a problem between us.

AnonFP - Grammar? I hardly know her! (I do know her, we are madly in love with each other)
Buffalo buffalo buffalo three kids in a trench coat buffalo buffalo buffalo? No! Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo. Buffalo me and buffalo buffalo buffalo you, we're tight like that.