
Formation of a Cop by liwendu121

Formation of a Corporation & Articles of Incorporation
A corporation’s existence begins on the date the Articles of Incorporation are filed with the Secretary of State, UNLESS a delayed effective date is specified. An earlier effective date CANNOT be specified because a corporation CANNOT exist until the Articles of Incorporation are properly filed.
The Articles of Incorporation MUST contain: (1) the corporate name; (2) the number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue; (3) the address of the corporation’s initial registered office and the name of its initial registered agent at that office; AND (4) the name and address of each incorporator.

ACOK - Jon 2 by poschti

The abandoned village of Whitetree is dominated by the largest tree Jon Snow has ever seen. The weirwood shades the entire village beneath its canopy, but the size does not disturb Jon as much as the face, whose jagged mouth is large enough to swallow a sheep and contains human bones. Lord Commander Mormont notes that the tree is old, and Jon adds that it is powerful as well.

Thoren Smallwood declares he now understands why the men feared the heart trees when they first came to Westeros and cut them down. Jon replies that his father claimed no man could tell a lie in front of a heart tree, and Mormont agrees his father said the same. Mormont asks Jon to retrieve the blackened skull from the ashes. When he reaches in, Jon finds another skull under it. As he examines the skull, Mormont wishes he had asked why the wildlings burn their dead when there were still a few around to ask. Jon remembers the wight he fought and is certain he knows the reason.

Musing on what they might learn if bones could talk, Mormont orders the houses searched. Jon is paired with Eddison Tollett, nicknamed Dolorous Edd. As they search, Dolorous Edd says the dead walking is bad enough, but now Mormont wants them talking, too. The grey-haired squire adds that the dead might lie, or be full of tedious complaints. Entering one of the houses, Jon notes the dirt floor and lack of furnishing and calls it is a dismal place to live. Dolorous Edd replies that he was born in such a house, but then fell on hard times.

They find nothing, as expected. Whitetree is the fourth village they have searched and each has been as empty. When Jon asks what he thinks happened here, Dolorous Edd responds he does not want to imagine. Reemerging, they find Chett using the hounds to search and cursing angrily. When Jon meets Chett's eyes, he can tell there is no love lost between them. Thoren Smallwood, dressed in the late Ser Jaremy Rykker's armor and cloak and looking more lordly than Mormont, declares there were wildlings here a year ago. Jarman Buckwell replies that much can change in a year. Ser Mallador Locke opines that fewer wildlings means fewer worries. Then Bedwyck, a five-foot ranger known as Giant, descends from the giant tree to report a lake to the north and low hill to the west. With three hours of daylight left, Mormont decides to head for the lake to make camp.

After writing a report to Maester Aemon, the Lord Commander sends Jon to find Samwell Tarly to send the message. Jarman Buckwell's scouts ride out first, followed by Thoren Smallwood's vanguard, Mormont's main force, the baggage train under Ser Mallador Locke, and finally the rear guard under Ser Ottyn Wythers; a total of 200 men and 300 horses. As he rides, Jon exercises his scarred fingers to keep his sword hand from growing stiff and clumsy. He is likely to need his sword hand beyond the Wall, especially now. The black brothers left Castle Black in good spirits, but the silence of the wood has unnerved them all. Not only have the wildlings disappeared, but the game as well. Even the veteran rangers agree the haunted forest has never seemed so haunted.

He finds Sam watering the horses who carry the raven cages. A few of the ravens' shrieks sound like words, and Jon asks if Sam is teaching them to speak. Sam explains three of them to say "snow." Jon comments that one bird croaking his name was enough. When Sam asks about Whitetree, Jon gives him Mormont's report. Sam dispatches a raven with the message, lamenting that he wishes it could carry him back as well. When Jon asks about him still being afraid, Sam admits he is not as frightened as he was. At first he could not sleep for fearing every noise was a wildling creeping up to kill him, but now he knows there are no wildlings around. Jon remarks to himself that two hundred brave men left the Wall and only Sam, the self-confessed coward, is growing less afraid.

Sam says he is sore from the rough living, but he is working on his maps. Jon jokingly threatens to volunteer Sam as an outrider, which Sam emphatically protests. Sam then admits he hoped they would stay in the village under a roof. Jon points out that their are not enough houses for everyone and rides off again.

Ghost, who has been hunting well away from the line of march, appears as Jon is swinging wide of the village to avoid the congested column. The white wolf has been having no more luck than the foragers. Jon remembers telling Dywen that their numbers were probably frightening away the game, but Dywen only agreed the game was being frightened by something.

When Jon rejoins Mormont, he mentions that Sam is teaching the ravens to talk. Mormont snorts that he will regret that, as they make a lot of noise but say nothing worth hearing. They ride in silence for a while before Jon comments on what his uncle Benjen would make of the empty villages. Mormont continues Jon's thought that Benjen would have pushed on to find out why, and perhaps someone or something did not want that known. Mormont declares that when Qhorin Halfhand joins them, they will be 300 men and not so easy for an enemy to deal with. He promises Jon that they will find them, but Jon wonders if they will be found instead.

dwarf dwarf by moyotypes

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Pluto Pluto by moyotypes

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Formation of a llc by liwendu121

Generally, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is formed when: (1) the Articles of Organization ( Certificate of Formation) is properly filed with the Secretary of State; AND (2) the company has at least one member.
Unless stated otherwise, the Operating Agreement governs: (1) the relations between the members and the LLC; (2) the rights and duties of managers; (3) the activities and affairs of the company; AND (4) any means and conditions for amending the Operating Agreement.

Untitled by liwendu121

A corporation’s existence begins on the date the Articles of Incorporation are filed with the Secretary of State, UNLESS a delayed effective date is specified. An earlier effective date CANNOT be specified because a corporation CANNOT exist until the Articles of Incorporation are properly filed.
The Articles of Incorporation MUST contain: (1) the corporate name; (2) the number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue; (3) the address of the corporation’s initial registered office and the name of its initial registered agent at that office; AND (4) the name and address of each incorporator.

Untitled by liwendu121

A corporation’s existence begins on the date the Articles of Incorporation are filed with the Secretary of State, UNLESS a delayed effective date is specified. An earlier effective date CANNOT be specified because a corporation CANNOT exist until the Articles of Incorporation are properly filed.
The Articles of Incorporation MUST contain: (1) the corporate name; (2) the number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue; (3) the address of the corporation’s initial registered office and the name of its initial registered agent at that office; AND (4) the name and address of each incorporator.

Dissolution & Windin by liwendu121

Winding Up & Termination of the Partnership
Upon dissolution, the partnership is NOT terminated, but continues until the winding up of partnership affairs is completed. Winding up is the process of settling partnership affairs after dissolution. The partnership is terminated when the winding up of its business is completed.
During the winding up process, partnership assets are converted to cash and then distributed in the following order: (1) outside creditors; (2) inside creditors – partners who made loans to the partnership; (3) partners’ capital contributions; and (4) profits to be distributed among the partners. Each category must be fully satisfied before moving to the next category. If partnership assets are insufficient to pay the liabilities of the partnership, the loss will be divided among the partners.

Duties Owed by Party by liwendu121

Fiduciary Duties Owed by Partners
Partners owe the fiduciary duty of care and duty of loyalty to the Partnership and to other partners.
Duty of Care: A partner is only in breach of the duty of care when he engages in: (a) grossly negligent or reckless conduct; (b) intentional misconduct; OR (c) a knowing violation of law.
Duty of Loyalty: A partner CANNOT: (a) engage in self- dealing, (b) usurp business opportunities, OR (c) compete against the partnership. Where a partner breaches the duty of loyalty, profits may be disgorged and any contracts may be revoked or rescinded.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9 by delphisdaughter

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give to you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door-frames of your houses and on your gates.

El hijo de hernández by yokilokion

Soy quien soy
No preciso identificación
Sé bien de dónde vengo y dónde voy
Porque soy lo que soy
Y no quien quieras vos
Usted me confunde y no sé qué pretende
Ya le expliqué, pero se ve que no entiende
Y esa equivocación es un error grande
Yo no soy el hijo de Hernández
Qué me importa que diga ese papel
No tengo nada que ver con él
Y no voy a mentir aunque me lo demanden
Yo no soy el hijo de Hernández

Rights of Partners A by liwendu121

A partner can only transfer: (1) his interest in the share of the profits and losses; AND (2) his right to receive distributions. All other incidents of partnership ownership (such as the right to access partnership property, the right to inspect books and records, and the right to participate in management of the partnership) belong to the partnership and CANNOT be transferred. The partnership does not need to give effect to an assignee’s rights until the partnership has proper notice of the transfer of ownership.
Unless a written partnership agreement states otherwise, ALL partners must consent for a transferee of a partnership interest to become a partner in the business. If the transferee becomes a partner, the assignee may be liable for partnership obligations arising after their admittance, depending on the type of partnership entity (i.e. general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership).

liabillity of llp by liwendu121

An obligation incurred by a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is solely the obligation of the LLP. Under RUPA, a partner in an LLP is NOT liable for partnership obligations.
However, certain exceptions to this rule exist. First, partners are ALWAYS liable for their own misconduct or when they sign a personal guarantee for the obligation. Second, even
if a partner is not personally liable for the debts of the partnership, he is at risk of losing any capital contribution she made to it. Third, obligations incurred before a partnership becomes an LLP are treated as obligations of the
prior partnership entity (i.e. general partnership or limited

Personal Liay OF GP by liwendu121

Personal Liability: General Partners are personally liable for ALL obligations of the partnership UNLESS otherwise agreed by the claimant or provided by law. General partners are jointly and severally liable for partnership obligations, which means that a claimant can collect the full amount of the debt from any one of the partners.
Incoming Partners: Incoming partners admitted into an existing partnership are NOT liable for obligations incurred prior to their admission, even if the incoming partner has notice of a claim. Even though that partner is not personally liable for the debts of the partnership, he is still at risk of losing any capital contributions he made to the partnership that are used to satisfy partnership obligations.
Outgoing Partners: An outgoing partner remains liable for debts of the partnership while he was still a partner UNLESS there has been novation, release, or payment.
Judgment Enforcement Against a Partner’s Personal Assets: Generally, a judgment creditor CANNOT levy execution of the judgment against a partner’s personal assets for a partnership debt UNLESS: (1) a judgment has been rendered against the partner; AND (2) the partnership assets have been exhausted or are insufficient.

Various 021 by mnd.senan

Usikker om det er mulig å gå spesielt mye lengre tilbake enn 2000 siden det er nok et helt annet format på den før dette. Grunnet datakilde problematikk så er det bare utvanning siden 2012 som er hensyntatt i analysen. La aldri batteriet bli helt utladet. Selv når du ikke kjører, lades batteriet ut svært sakte mens du gir strøm til bilens elektronikk.
Hadde det vært en praktisk løsning å ... ? Hent data hvis vi ikke har en rad, uavhengig om det er verdi i regKapital. Innlastningstiden betyr mye for brukerne her nå (ventetiden). OK fint. Bare send meg linken til endelig versjon når alt er klart. Om det er mulig å få dette i et historisk perspektiv hadde det også vært fint.
Alarm er avskrudd på stage. Så for å få rett undersøkelsesgrunnlag må du nok bruke live som utgangspunkt. Hvis du mistenker at det er noe galt med mailApi, så er det fint om du får undersøkt dette spesifikt. Det gjør du jo typisk ved å benytte mailapi til å sende en e-post til deg selv f.eks. Dersom det er problemer med mailapi kan vi se nærmere på saken.
Hei! Jeg er på tiden ikke på jobb. Men lenge siden jeg har fått en eneste en. Jeg får bestandig mye bound mails på ikke tilsted (I always get a lot of bound mails on non-delivery). Jeg ville forsøkt å finne ut av hva den 400-feilen er for noe, hva som trigger den under hvilken omstendighet dukker den opp etc. (circumstance)
Et greit utgangspunkt da er jo å finne ut hvor det står og se igjennom det som gjenstår av requestet. Dette er jo ting dere vet om kredittrating, men jeg nevner det allikevel for sikkerhets skyld. Denne switchen administrerer dere enkelt via brukeradmin på ønsket bruker. For ordens skyld endret jeg det.
OK, vi tuner inn de siste detaljene her sammen nå (we're fine-tuning the final details). Gunstig finans og forsikring på timen (gunstig=som passer) ok, får anta det går greit inntil videre. Fortsatt endel, men den er mer rolig i forhold til igår. Ha en fin dag. Takk det samme. Faktureres ved avtaleinngåelse. Avtalen gjelder for og faktureres til Kaeser AS.
Til uken vil si neste uke :) B-vitaminer er nødvendige for vedlikehold av normal hud og normalt hår, et normalt fungerende immunsystem, vedlikehold av normalt syn, normalt stoffskifte, normal dannelse av røde blodlegemer, reduksjon av tretthet og utmattelse. Hva veier tyngst?
Vi skal prøve å få til. Muhannad har sikkert oversikt på dette. Beklager kontra fra kona her, hun hadde bestilt allerede. Overtakelse kan finne sted. Her kunne vi selvfølgelig også vært strengere, men inntrykket fra dere virker ikke som at det er ønskelig å evt. gjøre det strengere ved å tilføre f.eks sms-verifisering av konto.
Det å ha en veldig enkel registreringsprosess er ikke forenlig med å ha en som er "umulig å lure", dessverre. Da bør dere internt finne ut av hva som er viktig for dere. Vi bidrar gjerne med å finne en løsning som er god, men dere må nesten gjøre prioriteringene :) Legger ved de som har vært med i den prosessen på kopi, det kan jo være de har noen innspill.
En skade forårsaket av dyr. Ingen egenandel utenom på telefoner. Før jeg drukner i koden. Hovedforetak og to underenheter (branches) Totalbeløpet bes innbetalt til nedenstående konto. Kundetilfredshet. Jeg gir lyd fra meg igjen om jeg hører noe, trenger ikke sette i gang med noe her da. Jobbe med velferdsteknologi i en helhetlig tjenestemodell.
Avslutningsseminaret vil trolig bli arrangert i Sandefjord våren 2024. En kveil med tau som er lagt igjen der oppe. Laget en ChatGPT konkurrent i ferien som er spisset inn mot programvare-utvikling. Gevinsten av å bygge inn de mest avanserte verktøyene (spesielt i salgsprosessen) tror jeg vil være stor.
Mulig det er snakket om, har du noe mer detaljer rundt hva som er problemet? For kredittformål kan DNB be om høyere egenkapital for å tilby finansiering. Vanvittig ! (crazy) og det er uansett egentlig du som skal gjøre det :) Ting som omhandler siste regnskap og diverse ting. Fjern regnskapet som spesifisert i org_regnskap. Sjekker litt de neste par dagene.

Virgo Ascendant by delphisdaughter

That second you took your first breath, all the planets were arranged in a unique configuration. The snapshot of the sky at your exact moment of birth is referred to as your “birth chart” (or “natal chart”) and is calculated based on your precise date, time, and location of arrival. Astrologers believe that birth charts can provide powerful insight into an individual’s personality, identity, and motivation, along with opportunities, timing, and even the recurring themes experienced throughout a lifetime.

The rising sign reveals your perception of reality. Although it is often erroneously referred to as the “mask you wear in public,” the rising sign is much more personal than your external, front-facing persona. Your rising sign represents the microcosm of your entire life experience, including the themes, cycles, and patterns that will show up in your life over and over again. It functions as the instruction manual for your reality, thus informing not just the way others see you but also the way you perceive others.

What’s more, your rising sign also establishes your “chart ruler.” Basically, the planet that calls the shots on your entire life. This planet is instrumental in shaping your lived experience, your long-term life trajectory, and how you relate to the world around you. Discovering your chart ruler is a powerful and eye-opening experience: It gives you powerful insight into the narrative that defines your reality. Likewise, understanding your ascendant is key to understanding your truth. It sets the tone of your life and illuminates your reality.

Virgo risings experience reality through systems, structure, and productivity. Virgo, an earth sign, is inspired by all that is practical, grounded, and rooted in reality. Their analytical nature drives them to seek efficiency in every aspect of life, from work to personal health, making them excellent at devising solutions to complex problems. Likewise, Virgo ascendants enjoy cultivating routines and habits that improve their day-to-day experiences. They find comfort and security in the predictable, which helps them manage their inherent desire for order and routine.

With Mercury - the planet of communication and expression - as the chart ruler for Virgo risings, this placement is always collecting, processing, and sharing information. Dialogue is very important for this placement, so Virgo risings deeply value relationships that enable easy and open conversation. They are often the ones others turn to for advice, Thanks to their practical and logical nature. Although Virgo ascendants are often prone to perfectionism, the best antidote to this criticality is developing strong compassion for self and others.

Untitled by userisraa123

Is there anything else I can assist you with?
I’m sorry to hear that! Let’s get this sorted.
Thank you for that detail.
You’re welcome! Let me know if you need any further assistance.
I can assist with that.
My pleasure! Have a great trip.
I’m sorry about that! Let’s see what happened.
Would that be helpful?
You’re welcome! Have a great day.
All set!
You’re welcome! Have a wonderful trip
Don’t worry, I can help with that.
You should receive it in just a few minutes.
You’re welcome! Have a great trip
My pleasure! Have a safe journey.
I’m sorry to hear about the delay.
You’re welcome! I hope your next journey is smoother.
We can take care of that for you.
I’m sorry for the inconvenience
My pleasure.
I understand how frustrating that can be.
You’re welcome. I’ll do my best to get this sorted for you.
I’m really sorry to hear that. Let me investigate the issue.
You’re welcome! I’m glad we could get that sorted.
I see how that could happen. Let’s get this sorted.
I’m glad we could resolve it quickly
Anytime! Have a great trip.
I’m sorry to hear about the delay
I’m really sorry about that. Let’s make sure this doesn’t happen again.
I sincerely apologize for this oversight.
I’m truly sorry for the inconvenience
I understand your concern.

Untitled by userisraa123

I’m almost done, but I’ll need about 5 minutes to complete this process. If you could stay with me a little longer, I’ll have everything ready for you shortly.

333 by userisraa123

Thank you for your patience. I just need a moment to look into this for you. Please hold on for about 2 minutes while I gather the necessary information.
I appreciate your understanding. This process might take around 5 minutes. Could you please stay with me while I complete it? I’ll update you as soon as I have the details.
I’m here to help! This will take just a few minutes, so if you could stay with me for about 2 minutes, I’ll make sure everything is sorted for you.

Untitled by userisraa123

I’m here to help! This will take just a few minutes, so if you could stay with me for about 2 minutes, I’ll make sure everything is sorted for you.