(a) A lawyer shall hold property of clients or third persons that is in a lawyer's possession in connection with a representation separate from the lawyer's own property. Funds shall be kept in a separate account maintained in the state where the lawyer's office is situated, or elsewhere with the consent of the client or third person. Other property shall be identified as such and appropriately safeguarded. Complete records of such account funds and other property shall be kept by the lawyer and shall be preserved for a period of [five years] after termination of the representation.
(e) When in the course of representation a lawyer is in possession of property in which two or more persons (one of whom may be the lawyer) claim interests, the property shall be kept separate by the lawyer until the dispute is resolved. The lawyer shall promptly distribute all portions of the property as to which the interests are not in dispute.
Arian Jessa Mercado
Almost all medieval towns were protected by thick stone walls and required visitors to enter through gates. Inside, homes and businesses lined unpaved streets. Since few people could read, signs with colorful pictures hung over the doorways of shops and businesses. Open squares in front of public buildings, such as churches, served as gathering places. People in the town might shop at the local market place or watch religious plays.
Most streets were very narrow. The second stories of houses jutted out, blocking the sunlight from reaching the street. With few sources of indoor light, houses were often dark, too. Squares and streets were crowded with people, horses, and carts—as well as cats, dogs, geese, and chickens. There was no garbage collection, so residents threw their garbage into nearby canals and ditches or simply out the window. As you can imagine, most medieval towns were filled with unpleasant smells.
At its height, around 200 C.E., the Roman Empire spanned the whole of the Mediterranean world, from northern Africa to the Scottish border, from Spain to Syria. During this time, the Roman world was generally peaceful and prosperous. There was one official language and one code of law. Roman soldiers guarded the frontiers and kept order within the empire's boundaries. Proud Romans believed that the empire would last forever, an idea that would eventually be challenged.
But the empire did not last. By the year 500 C.E., the western half of this great empire had collapsed. For historians, the fall of Rome marks the end of the ancient world and the beginning of the Middle Ages.
As one historian wrote, "Rome perished, yet it lived on." The medieval world would pass on many aspects of Roman culture that still affect us today.
Muhammad, born around 570 C.E., founded and taught the faith called Islam, which became one of the major religions of the world. In the centuries after his death in 632 C.E., Islam spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula and beyond.
Muhammad's birthplace, Mecca (Makkah), was an ancient place of worship. According to tradition, many centuries before Muhammad was born, God tested the prophet Abraham's faith by ordering him to leave Hagar and their infant son Ishmael in a desolate valley. As Hagar desperately searched for water, a miracle occurred. A spring, which became known as Zamzam, bubbled up at her son's feet. According to Islamic beliefs, Abraham built a house of worship at the site, called the Ka'bah. Over time, people settled near it.
By the time of Muhammad's birth, this settlement, or Mecca, was a prosperous city at the crossroads of great trade routes. Many people came to worship at the Ka'bah. However, instead of honoring one God as Abraham had preached, the worshippers at the Ka'bah honored the many traditional gods whose shrines were there.
typically Earth's When When opening
You did this to me. You told Coach Sylvester about my summer surgery! You have a surgery when you get your appendix out. You got a [redacted] job. Yup, sure did. You can't hit me. Oh, sure I can, unless you got yourself knocked up again, [redacted]. Stop the violence. Hey, hey, hey! What is this? What happened to us being a family? Hey! Oh, please. She has a family. She's a mother. Walk away! And tighten up your pony before you get to class!
From closest are: Earth, Mars, Saturn, Neptune. mnemonic device: Very Served.
From closest are: Eatrth, Mars, Saturn, Neptune. mnemonic device: Very Served.
Cersei dreams that she rules from the Iron Throne and courtiers are paying her tribute. But the pleasant dream turns into a nightmare when Tyrion appears and ridicules her, making the great lords, proud ladies and young knights snigger at her as well. She notices she is naked and tries to cover up. Hasty moves make her wound herself on the spikes and blades of the Iron Throne and soon she is engulfed in a mortal combat with the throne that is trying to rip the flesh off her.
She is woken up by her frightened maid Senelle, accompanied by armed men who have arrived to deliver the news of Lord Tywin's murder. Cersei is still drowsy and believes this to be part of her nightmare. For a moment, she mistakes the Kingsguard knight who has been sent by the Lord Commander for Jaime himself and expects Tyrion to crawl from under her bed to laugh at her, although she knows that he is safely in his black cell and his execution will take place the same day. She drank too much wine last night, she thinks. She now recognizes Jocelyn Swyft, Ser Osmund Kettleblack and Ser Boros Blount and notices Lannister guards, while she is being handed lemon water to waken her up.
She wonders whether the news can be true, insisting that her father is surrounded by guards day and night. Ser Osmund tells her the guards were on their post, but a secret passage has been found behind a hearth in the Hand's Tower and Jaime has gone in to inspect it. Cersei is worried about Jaime's safety as well as of Tommen's, but she is told that guards supervised by Ser Loras Tyrell have been assigned to watch over the King. This stirs up her resentment against the Tyrells and she wonders whether the murder was their doing, yet does not dare to speak this aloud. She commands Ser Osmund to escort her to the Tower of the Hand and Ser Boros to make certain that Tyrion is still in his cell. She doesn't believe Tyrion would dare to raise a hand against their father, but needs to be certain.
Outside, the sun is beginning to rise while the stars can still be seen, making Cersei think that the great star of the west has fallen. Ser Osmund tells her that Lum, one of the guards, found the body in the privy. She already feels the hole left by Lord Tywin and decides to act swiftly as she suspects there will be attempts to push her aside, as always. She wonders whether Stannis Baratheon is behind the murder. She enters the tower, thinking that not crying makes her the only true son her father ever had. Climbing the many stairs to the Hand's chambers prompts her to think about tearing the tower down.
As she enters the hall, she finds the room full of guards and servants, whispering among themselves. Cersei resents their presence as well as the fact that she was not called first. She orders Ser Meryn Trant to show the people out and is informed that her father's body has been brought to his bed. When she enters the bedchamber, guards are present again as well as her distraught uncle Kevan, kneeling by the bed and trying to pray for his brother.
She notices how small the door to the secret passage behind the hearth is, making her think of Tyrion again, then settling for Stannis or the Tyrells as more likely suspects. She knows about the rumors of secret passages in the Red Keep and that Maegor the Cruel supposedly killed the builders of the castle to keep them secret. She thinks of other, yet undiscovered, secret passages to other bedchambers and has a vision of Tyrion using one to get to Tommen.
Cersei has a look at her father's half-naked body. While reflecting on how he looks much older and smaller than when he was alive, she already notices a smell emanating from the corpse. She is furious that the quarrel that killed Lord Tywin has been left in his stomach and orders it to be removed. Cersei wonders whether she should act desperate and claw her own face, as she heard Catelyn Stark did when her son Robb was killed before her eyes, and wonders how Lord Tywin once received news of his own father's death.
She commands that the bells must toll for her father just as they did for King Robert. She asks for Pycelle and wants him to prepare the body, but is told that the Grand Maester has already been there and left again. This angers her more because of Pycelle's uselessness in old age and she calls for Maesters Ballabar and Frenken instead. Cersei asks about Jaime and is again told he's down in the secret passage, inspecting the depth of a shaft found there. She is worried about his safety, thinking of his lost hand and how the murderer might await him in the dark.
Qyburn is shown in, offering his service as maester. He informs her that he treated Jaime's hand and she remembers that he came down from Harrenhal with her brother. She notices that he doesn't have a maester's chain, receiving the answer that it has been taken away by the Citadel while his knowledge is still there. She orders him to remove the quarrel and prepare her father's body for the silent sisters.
Qyburn asks her what he should do with the girl. Cersei has not noticed the second body in the bed before and takes a look at her naked body, observing the golden chain around her neck and that her face is as black as Joffrey's was when he died. She is furious and demands to know what the girl is doing there, receiving the unsatisfying answer that she has been found where she is and that she was Tyrion's whore.
She thinks that Lord Tywin never used whores and defensively tells a guard how he treated his own father's mistress after his death, parading her naked through the streets of Lannisport. Qyburn suggests that Lord Tywin might have been questioning the girl about her mistress Sansa Stark's disappearance. Cersei eagerly seizes on this notion but has a vision of Tyrion mocking it. She can't stand staying in the room with the girl any longer and goes back to the hall.
She finds Ser Osmund accompanied by his brothers Osney and Osfryd and orders them to make certain that nobody will ever hear about the dead girl in her father's bed. Her body is to be disposed of no matter how and everyone who talks about this matter will have their tongues torn out.
She watches as the Kettleblacks put the girl's body in a blanket, remembering that the girl's name was Shae and that she came to her the night before Tyrion's trial by combat, asking that promises made to her by Tyrion and, allegedly, Cersei be kept, including a manse in the city and a knight to marry. Cersei made it clear that she would get nothing until she told them the whereabouts of Sansa Stark, making her leave in tears. She orders the Kettleblacks to carry Shae's body out through the secret passage, but wants to have the chain around her neck delivered to herself.
As Ser Osfryd is about to step into the tunnel, Jaime emerges from it. She rushes towards him, asking whether he has found the killers, but is told that the shaft ends in a chamber where half a dozen tunnels meet, some of them closed with locked iron gates, and Jaime needs to find keys first. He suggests that the killers could still be hiding in the maze he just left.
Cersei again envisions Tyrion climbing through the walls like some monstrous rat, then reassures herself with the thought that he is in his cell. She says she wants the murderers to be found and that the whole tower will be demolished if need be. Jaime hugs her to console her and she has a rush of desire for him.
She whispers in his ear, asking him to take over as Hand of the King to complete their father's work. But he pushes her away, declines the offer, makes a joke about a Hand without a hand and says that she shouldn't ask him to rule.
Cersei feels the rejection like a slap, realizing that it has been noticed by everyone present and that the whole castle will know soon. She angrily says that she didn't ask him to rule, as she is going to do that herself as the Queen Regent until Tommen comes of age. Jaime replies that he doesn't know whom to feel worse for, Tommen or the Seven Kingdoms. She slaps him. They are both admonished by Ser Kevan to take their indecent behavior out of the room where their father's body lies. Jaime apologizes for his sister, pointing out that she is forgetting herself while grief-stricken.
This makes Cersei want to slap him again and regret her impulse to ask him. She wonders whether the position of Hand should be abolished altogether, remembering how Jon Arryn and Eddard Stark meddled in her affairs, the latter forcing her to get rid of King Robert before she could deal with his brothers, and how Tyrion sold Myrcella to Dorne, made Tommen a hostage and killed Joffrey.
Cersei settles on her uncle Kevan as the next Hand, as she considers him loyal and prudent while unambitious to challenge her as the real power behind the Iron Throne. She thinks that she needs men supporting her and that the current small council will not do, with Grand Maester Pycelle too old and Lord Mace Tyrell and his bannermen Lord Paxter Redwyne and Lord Mathis Rowan not to be trusted; she also can't rely on Jaime, who has lost his courage with his hand.
She again considers the possibility of the Tyrells being involved in the murder, as Lord Mace must have known he can never rule the Seven Kingdoms as long as Tywin Lannister is alive. However, she realizes she has to proceed carefully against the Tyrells, with the city full of their men and Loras Tyrell now knight of the Kingsguard. The thought of the engagement of Tommen and Margaery Tyrell still makes her furious and she questions Margaery's virginity. Cersei intends to use Varys to find out more on this front.
The thought of Varys makes Cersei aware that the eunuch isn't present, while he is usually around when something important happens in the Red Keep. The only explanation for his absence is that he was involved in the plot, preempting his own downfall as Lord Tywin never had any love for him. She thinks that Varys might have known about the secret passage and acted on behalf of Stannis. She orders Ser Meryn to find the Master of Whisperers and bring him to her.
Ser Boros returns red-faced and puffing, announcing that Tyrion is gone, his cell open, with no sign of him anywhere. Cersei is appalled, thinking her nightmares are coming true. She points out her orders to keep the Imp under guard day and night. Ser Boros says that a goaler called Rugen has gone missing while two others were found asleep. She orders for them to be killed.
Cersei's paranoia about Tyrion breaks out fully and reflects that he has already killed her mother, her father and her eldest son and will try to murder her too, remembering the prophecy she once received about her little brother killing her. She gets queasy and Ser Boros tries to sustain her, but she recoils from his touch, thinking that the knight of the Kingsguard might be one of Tyrion's creatures, too.
He offers her a cup of water, but all she wants is Tyrion's blood. She envisions Tyrion grinning at her, feeling his hands closing in around her neck the very moment she thought she was rid of him.
He achieved his ambition to become a press photographer.
The day-to-day administration of the company.
The university administration took their demands seriously.
The company went into administration.
The inhabitants of the island voted to remain under French administration.
The administration sought to provide public reassurance.
The early years of the Reagan Administration.
The US Food and Drug Administration.
The oral administration of the antibiotic.
The dampness began to affect my health.
He was visibly affected by the tragedy.
People who are affected by AIDS.
As usual I affected a supreme unconcern.
Аn Anglophile who had affected a British accent.
The train approached the main line.
The population will approach 12 million by the end of the decade.
All those changes shall serve to approach him the faster to the blest mansion.
The department had been approached about funding.
One must approach the matter with caution.
We need a whole new approach to the job.
The landowner made an approach to the developer.
Feminine resistance to his approaches.
The approach of winter.
The past is impossible to recall with any approach to accuracy.
The aircraft completed the approach and touched down.
The northern approaches to London.
This isn't the appropriate time or place.
The accused had appropriated the property.
There can be problems in appropriating funds for legal expenses.
Rural areas of Britain.
The dining area.
Areas of the body.
The area of a triangle.
The key areas of science.
The area steps.
Personal effectiveness in all aspects of life.
From every aspect theirs was a changing world.
The air of desertion lent the place a sinister aspect.
A greenhouse with a southern aspect.
The front aspect of the hotel was unremarkable.
The sun in Aries formed an adverse aspect with Uranus in Capricorn.
The semantics of tense and aspect.
The sun is superbly aspected by your ruler Mars on the 19th.
The work was completed with the assistance of carpenters.
Schemes offering financial assistance to employers.
The guide will be of assistance to development groups.
Topics which assume detailed knowledge of local events.
He assumed full responsibility for all organizational work.
The rebels assumed control of the capital.
Militant activity had assumed epidemic proportions.
Oliver assumed an expression of penitence.
He had absolute authority over his subordinates.
Military forces have the legal authority to arrest drug traffickers.
The money was spent without parliamentary authority.
Health authorities issued a worldwide alert.
He has the natural authority of one who is used to being obeyed.
He hit the ball with authority.
He was an authority on the stock market.
The court cited a series of authorities supporting their decision.
Refreshments will be available all afternoon.
The nurse is only available at certain times.
The larger the pool of available singles the greater your chance of finding someone special.
Enjoy the benefits of being a member.
Part-time jobs supplemented by means-tested benefits.
The social season was highlighted by debutante balls and charity benefits.
The areas would benefit from regeneration.
The bill will benefit Britain.
They lived together without benefit of clergy.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as to whether it was deliberate or not.
A venue run for the benefit of the community.
The various categories of research.
Montreal's Italian community.
A community of nuns.
Preparing prisoners for life back in the community.
Community health services.
The sense of community that organized religion can provide.
The law presupposes a community of interest between an employer and employees.
The community of goods.
Communities of insectivorous birds.
The policy led to widespread condemnation from the international community.
A complex network of water channels.
A complex personality.
In naming complex ions, the names of the ligands are cited first.
A complex of mountain roads.
A leisure complex.
There's no point having a complex about losing your hair.
Two guanine bases can attach themselves to the same platinum atom, forming a stable complex.
Cross-linked protein–DNA complexes.
The DNA was complexed with the nuclear extract.
We are given little information concerning matters of national security.
I find many of the comments very concerning.
The story concerns a friend of mine.
She was prying into that which did not concern her.
It is not necessary for us to concern ourselves with this point.
Those concerned in industry, academia, and government.
I was mainly concerned with making something that children could enjoy.
The roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in.
The conclusion of World War Two.
In the conclusion we highlight these and other important issues.
The conclusion of a free-trade accord.
Each research group came to a similar conclusion.
In conclusion, it is clear that the market is maturing.
They are imagining things, jumping to conclusions.
It has become clear following their decision to support this horrible agenda that the government dare not try conclusions with our neighbours up north.
They were arrested for disorderly conduct
The conduct of the elections
Travelling through the world under the conduct of chance
In the second trial he conducted his own defence
He conducted us through his personal gallery of the Civil War
Heat is conducted to the surface
The concert is to be conducted by Sir Simon Rattle
He conducted himself with the utmost propriety
Abrupt withdrawal of drug treatment can have serious consequences.
The past is of no consequence.
A woman of consequence.
He died in consequence of injuries sustained.
You acted on your own initiative, and you will bear the consequences.
He died in consequence of injuries sustained
The parents are being consistent and firm in their reactions.
He is their most consistent player this season.
A consistent explanation.
The injuries are consistent with falling from a great height.
A constitutional amendment.
A constitutional monarchy.
A constitutional weakness.
She went out for a constitutional.
Understanding what motivates consumers is more crucial than ever.
Scandinavians are the largest consumers of rye.
Consumers can't make their own food, so they have to consume other organisms for energy.
The proposals need to be considered in the context of new European directives.
Skilled readers use context to construct meaning from words as they are read.
The complex meaning of irony is only graspable in context.
The article portrayed her as domineering by dropping quotes from her out of context.
He created a thirty-acre lake.
This trend creates problems for the agriculture sector.
Callas created only one role, and that was Eurydice.
He was created a baronet.
Little kids create because they hate being ignored.
20th century popular culture.
Men of culture.
African-Caribbean culture.
The emerging drug culture.
The cells proliferate readily in culture.
The bacterium was isolated in two blood cultures.
This variety of lettuce is popular for its ease of culture.
Several investigators have attempted to culture biliary cells.
There is very little data available.
A dictionary definition of the verb.
The clarity and definition of pictures can be aided by using computer graphics.
A question of definition.
The clarity and definition of pictures can be aided by using computer graphics.
We've been pleased with the definition of this TV.
The assumption is that travel will, by definition, lead to creative insight.
The destructive power of weapons.
Destructive criticism.
The discovery of the body.
The drug is not a new discovery.
Economic history.
Many organizations must become larger if they are to remain economic.
Solar power may provide a more economic solution.
The death had all the elements of a great tabloid story.
It was the element of danger he loved in flying.
Legal training may include the elements of economics and political science.
The younger elements in the party are opposed to the move.
He was raised in Hawaii and the sea is his natural element.
There was no barrier against the elements.
He was always in his element when working around the house.
She was completely out of her element and knew practically nothing of the country or the language.
Survival in an often hostile environment.
A good learning environment.
A desktop development environment.
The impact of pesticides on the environment.
Spelling errors.
Goods dispatched to your branch in error.
The decisions of the appeal committee disclosed no error of law.
He quickly sees the error of his ways and turns into a figure of saintly humility.
The equation of science with objectivity.
Money also came into the equation.
The scheme was established in 1975.
The two countries established diplomatic relations in 1992.
The principle of the supremacy of national parliaments needs to be firmly established.
Establish the location with a wide shot.
The police established that the two passports were forgeries.
The right plan would be to establish dummy's diamonds.
The aim is to estimate the effects of macroeconomic policy on the economy.
At a rough estimate, staff are recycling a quarter of paper used.
Compare costs by getting estimates from at least two firms.
His high estimate of the poem.
The evaluation of each method.
The study finds little evidence of overt discrimination.
Without evidence, they can't bring a charge.
There was no obvious evidence of a break-in.
The quality of the bracelet, as evidenced by the workmanship, is exceptional.
The person concerned may refuse to give evidence.
His dramatic flair is still very much in evidence.
In exchange for not being prosecuted he agreed to turn Queen's evidence.
His skill was a factor in ensuring that so much was achieved.
The Rhesus factor.
An amount that exceeds it by a factor of 1000 or more.
Factor 30 sun cream.
His father was chief factor for the Hudson's Bay Company.
The house became home to the estate factor.
Last year researchers factored a number 155 digits long.
This situation occurs when code is factored to remove application- and domain-specific dependencies.
They collected rents while he factored these forfeited estates.
A well-appointed house with interesting decorative features.
A dark-haired man with strong, regular features
A special feature on children's reference books.
The hotel features a large lounge, a sauna, and a coin-operated solarium.
The film featured Glenn Miller and his Orchestra.
His later paintings feature prominently in the exhibition.
The final version of the report was presented.
The final cost will easily run into six figures.
The decision of the judging panel is final.
The World Cup finals.
She was doing her history finals.
The plane piloted by Richards was on finals.
An independent financial adviser.
He needs to pay serious attention to his financials, particularly cash flow.
At the end of the year fund managers sell their worst-performing stocks—and financials have fared badly this year.
This generation has made the environment a focus of attention.
Our focus on the customer's requirements
His face is rather out of focus.
Try to focus on a stationary object.
She focused her eyes on his face.
They were focusing a telescope on a star.
The study will focus on a number of areas in Wales.
An opportunity to focus research on the health needs of the population.
Bridges perform the function of providing access across water.
Building designs that prioritize style over function.
The function (bx + c).
The magnetic field has varied as a function of time.
The carboxyl group was replaced by functions that included tetrazolyl-, sulphonyl-, and phosphoryl-.
Class shame is a function of social power.
He was obliged to attend party functions.
Her liver is functioning normally.
The museum intends to function as an educational and study centre.
The downturn in the global economy.
Give students a global picture of what is involved in the task.
Global searches.
The judge ordered that the girl should not be identified.
A system that ensures that the pupil's real needs are identified.
She identifies as a feminist
He was equivocal about being identified too closely with the peace movement.
Because of my country accent, people identified me with a homely farmer's wife.
I liked Fromm and identified with him.
There was the sound of a third impact.
Our regional measures have had a significant impact on unemployment.
The shell impacted twenty yards away.
An asteroid impacted the earth some 60 million years ago.
The animals' feet do not impact and damage the soil as cows' hooves do.
High interest rates have impacted on retail spending.
He has a nice home and an adequate income.
He achieved his ambition to become a press photographer.
The day-to-day administration of the company.
The university administration took their demands seriously.
The company went into administration.
The inhabitants of the island voted to remain under French administration.
The administration sought to provide public reassurance.
The early years of the Reagan Administration.
The US Food and Drug Administration.
The oral administration of the antibiotic.
The dampness began to affect my health.
He was visibly affected by the tragedy.
People who are affected by AIDS.
As usual I affected a supreme unconcern.
Аn Anglophile who had affected a British accent.
The train approached the main line.
The population will approach 12 million by the end of the decade.
All those changes shall serve to approach him the faster to the blest mansion.
The department had been approached about funding.
One must approach the matter with caution.
We need a whole new approach to the job.
The landowner made an approach to the developer.
Feminine resistance to his approaches.
The approach of winter.
The past is impossible to recall with any approach to accuracy.
The aircraft completed the approach and touched down.
The northern approaches to London.
This isn't the appropriate time or place.
The accused had appropriated the property.
There can be problems in appropriating funds for legal expenses.
Rural areas of Britain.
The dining area.
Areas of the body.
The area of a triangle.
The key areas of science.
The area steps.
Personal effectiveness in all aspects of life.
From every aspect theirs was a changing world.
The air of desertion lent the place a sinister aspect.
A greenhouse with a southern aspect.
The front aspect of the hotel was unremarkable.
The sun in Aries formed an adverse aspect with Uranus in Capricorn.
The semantics of tense and aspect.
The sun is superbly aspected by your ruler Mars on the 19th.
The work was completed with the assistance of carpenters.
Schemes offering financial assistance to employers.
The guide will be of assistance to development groups.
Topics which assume detailed knowledge of local events.
He assumed full responsibility for all organizational work.
The rebels assumed control of the capital.
Militant activity had assumed epidemic proportions.
Oliver assumed an expression of penitence.
He had absolute authority over his subordinates.
Military forces have the legal authority to arrest drug traffickers.
The money was spent without parliamentary authority.
Health authorities issued a worldwide alert.
He has the natural authority of one who is used to being obeyed.
He hit the ball with authority.
He was an authority on the stock market.
The court cited a series of authorities supporting their decision.
Refreshments will be available all afternoon.
The nurse is only available at certain times.
The larger the pool of available singles the greater your chance of finding someone special.
Enjoy the benefits of being a member.
Part-time jobs supplemented by means-tested benefits.
The social season was highlighted by debutante balls and charity benefits.
The areas would benefit from regeneration.
The bill will benefit Britain.
They lived together without benefit of clergy.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as to whether it was deliberate or not.
A venue run for the benefit of the community.
The various categories of research.
Montreal's Italian community.
A community of nuns.
Preparing prisoners for life back in the community.
Community health services.
The sense of community that organized religion can provide.
The law presupposes a community of interest between an employer and employees.
The community of goods.
Communities of insectivorous birds.
The policy led to widespread condemnation from the international community.
A complex network of water channels.
A complex personality.
In naming complex ions, the names of the ligands are cited first.
A complex of mountain roads.
A leisure complex.
There's no point having a complex about losing your hair.
Two guanine bases can attach themselves to the same platinum atom, forming a stable complex.
Cross-linked protein–DNA complexes.
The DNA was complexed with the nuclear extract.
We are given little information concerning matters of national security.
I find many of the comments very concerning.
The story concerns a friend of mine.
She was prying into that which did not concern her.
It is not necessary for us to concern ourselves with this point.
Those concerned in industry, academia, and government.
I was mainly concerned with making something that children could enjoy.
The roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in.
The conclusion of World War Two.
In the conclusion we highlight these and other important issues.
The conclusion of a free-trade accord.
Each research group came to a similar conclusion.
In conclusion, it is clear that the market is maturing.
They are imagining things, jumping to conclusions.
It has become clear following their decision to support this horrible agenda that the government dare not try conclusions with our neighbours up north.
They were arrested for disorderly conduct
The conduct of the elections
Travelling through the world under the conduct of chance
In the second trial he conducted his own defence
He conducted us through his personal gallery of the Civil War
Heat is conducted to the surface
The concert is to be conducted by Sir Simon Rattle
He conducted himself with the utmost propriety
Abrupt withdrawal of drug treatment can have serious consequences.
The past is of no consequence.
A woman of consequence.
He died in consequence of injuries sustained.
You acted on your own initiative, and you will bear the consequences.
He died in consequence of injuries sustained
The parents are being consistent and firm in their reactions.
He is their most consistent player this season.
A consistent explanation.
The injuries are consistent with falling from a great height.
A constitutional amendment.
A constitutional monarchy.
A constitutional weakness.
She went out for a constitutional.
Understanding what motivates consumers is more crucial than ever.
Scandinavians are the largest consumers of rye.
Consumers can't make their own food, so they have to consume other organisms for energy.
The proposals need to be considered in the context of new European directives.
Skilled readers use context to construct meaning from words as they are read.
The complex meaning of irony is only graspable in context.
The article portrayed her as domineering by dropping quotes from her out of context.
He created a thirty-acre lake.
This trend creates problems for the agriculture sector.
Callas created only one role, and that was Eurydice.
He was created a baronet.
Little kids create because they hate being ignored.
20th century popular culture.
Men of culture.
African-Caribbean culture.
The emerging drug culture.
The cells proliferate readily in culture.
The bacterium was isolated in two blood cultures.
This variety of lettuce is popular for its ease of culture.
Several investigators have attempted to culture biliary cells.
There is very little data available.
A dictionary definition of the verb.
The clarity and definition of pictures can be aided by using computer graphics.
A question of definition.
The clarity and definition of pictures can be aided by using computer graphics.
We've been pleased with the definition of this TV.
The assumption is that travel will, by definition, lead to creative insight.
The destructive power of weapons.
Destructive criticism.
The discovery of the body.
The drug is not a new discovery.
Economic history.
Many organizations must become larger if they are to remain economic.
Solar power may provide a more economic solution.
The death had all the elements of a great tabloid story.
It was the element of danger he loved in flying.
Legal training may include the elements of economics and political science.
The younger elements in the party are opposed to the move.
He was raised in Hawaii and the sea is his natural element.
There was no barrier against the elements.
He was always in his element when working around the house.
She was completely out of her element and knew practically nothing of the country or the language.
Survival in an often hostile environment.
A good learning environment.
A desktop development environment.
The impact of pesticides on the environment.
Spelling errors.
Goods dispatched to your branch in error.
The decisions of the appeal committee disclosed no error of law.
He quickly sees the error of his ways and turns into a figure of saintly humility.
The equation of science with objectivity.
Money also came into the equation.
The scheme was established in 1975.
The two countries established diplomatic relations in 1992.
The principle of the supremacy of national parliaments needs to be firmly established.
Establish the location with a wide shot.
The police established that the two passports were forgeries.
The right plan would be to establish dummy's diamonds.
The aim is to estimate the effects of macroeconomic policy on the economy.
At a rough estimate, staff are recycling a quarter of paper used.
Compare costs by getting estimates from at least two firms.
His high estimate of the poem.
The evaluation of each method.
The study finds little evidence of overt discrimination.
Without evidence, they can't bring a charge.
There was no obvious evidence of a break-in.
The quality of the bracelet, as evidenced by the workmanship, is exceptional.
The person concerned may refuse to give evidence.
His dramatic flair is still very much in evidence.
In exchange for not being prosecuted he agreed to turn Queen's evidence.
His skill was a factor in ensuring that so much was achieved.
The Rhesus factor.
An amount that exceeds it by a factor of 1000 or more.
Factor 30 sun cream.
His father was chief factor for the Hudson's Bay Company.
The house became home to the estate factor.
Last year researchers factored a number 155 digits long.
This situation occurs when code is factored to remove application- and domain-specific dependencies.
They collected rents while he factored these forfeited estates.
A well-appointed house with interesting decorative features.
A dark-haired man with strong, regular features
A special feature on children's reference books.
The hotel features a large lounge, a sauna, and a coin-operated solarium.
The film featured Glenn Miller and his Orchestra.
His later paintings feature prominently in the exhibition.
The final version of the report was presented.
The final cost will easily run into six figures.
The decision of the judging panel is final.
The World Cup finals.
She was doing her history finals.
The plane piloted by Richards was on finals.
An independent financial adviser.
He needs to pay serious attention to his financials, particularly cash flow.
At the end of the year fund managers sell their worst-performing stocks—and financials have fared badly this year.
This generation has made the environment a focus of attention.
Our focus on the customer's requirements
His face is rather out of focus.
Try to focus on a stationary object.
She focused her eyes on his face.
They were focusing a telescope on a star.
The study will focus on a number of areas in Wales.
An opportunity to focus research on the health needs of the population.
Bridges perform the function of providing access across water.
Building designs that prioritize style over function.
The function (bx + c).
The magnetic field has varied as a function of time.
The carboxyl group was replaced by functions that included tetrazolyl-, sulphonyl-, and phosphoryl-.
Class shame is a function of social power.
He was obliged to attend party functions.
Her liver is functioning normally.
The museum intends to function as an educational and study centre.
The downturn in the global economy.
Give students a global picture of what is involved in the task.
Global searches.
The judge ordered that the girl should not be identified.
A system that ensures that the pupil's real needs are identified.
She identifies as a feminist
He was equivocal about being identified too closely with the peace movement.
Because of my country accent, people identified me with a homely farmer's wife.
I liked Fromm and identified with him.
There was the sound of a third impact.
Our regional measures have had a significant impact on unemployment.
The shell impacted twenty yards away.
An asteroid impacted the earth some 60 million years ago.
The animals' feet do not impact and damage the soil as cows' hooves do.
High interest rates have impacted on retail spending.
He has a nice home and an adequate income.
Dune, escrito por Frank Herbert, es una de las novelas de ciencia ficcion mas influyentes. La historia sigue a Paul Atreides, un joven heredero que junto a su familia se traslada al planeta desertico Arrakis, tambien conocido como Dune.
Este planeta es el unico lugar en el universo donde se encuentra la especia melange, una sustancia que otorga habilidades mentales y prolonga la vida, y que es esencial para los viajes espaciales.
La familia Atreides asume el control de Arrakis, enfrentandose a la familia Harkonnen, quienes controlaban el planeta previamente y desean recuperar el poder.
Cuando los Harkonnen traicionan a los Atreides, Paul y su madre Jessica escapan al desierto, donde se encuentran con los Fremen, una sociedad adaptada a la vida extrema del planeta y con profundas creencias espirituales.
A medida que Paul se adapta y gana el respeto de los Fremen, descubre que podria ser el Kwisatz Haderach, un ser con habilidades mentales profeticas que ha sido profetizado. Paul lidera una rebelion con los Fremen para liberar Arrakis de los Harkonnen y desafiar al emperador.
Dune aborda temas de ecologia, religion, politica y destino, mostrando como el poder y el medio ambiente pueden transformar a las personas y a las sociedades. Es el inicio de una saga que explora el viaje de Paul y el futuro de Arrakis y su gente.
A. Kristin Anderson
B. Jonathan Praegle
C. Amy Sheu
D. Crystal Johnson
E. Jingzhi Dai
F. Matthew Kelsey
G. Harrison Cytryn
H. Willie Reeves
I. Timothy Kuok
J. Anna Zhang
K. Morgan Liston
L. Giancarlo Ghinatti
M. Ethan Samuels
N. Grace Cleland
O. Jack Lothrop
P. Rohan Bansal
Q. Kevin Kim
R. Farhan Hossain
S. Katie Lee
T. Ishaan Parikh
U. Iris Wickham
V. Matthew Kim
W. Ethan Parker & Amy Yan
1. Distinguished Service Award
2. Outstanding Chapter Programming
3. Outstanding Chapter Leaders
4. Outstanding Volunteer Leaders
5. Chapter of the Year
6. First Place Regional Standing
7. Significant ACR Point Improvement
8. Membership Growth
9. Membership Strength
The reading and the lecture delve into the topic of who discovered the American continent, offering contrasting perspectives. The author puts forth the idea that the Vikings found America 500 years before Columbus. In contrast, the lecturer casts doubt on this statement and challenges each of the writer's points.
To begin with, the author asserts that there are sagas that tell the story of a fertile land called Vinland and sailors traveling to this place. The lecturer, however, presents a counterargument, asserting that this claim is fundamentally flawed. He explains that the place known as Vinland in the tales may not be Newfoundland, since there are other places west of Greenland that match that description.
Furthermore, the article posits that there is archaeological evidence of houses with similar structures to those used by the Norse in Canada, affirming that to be proof of previous Viking settlements. Nevertheless, the lecturer disputes this notion, emphasizing that there is no concrete proof that those were Norwegian colonies since just a few houses are not sufficient evidence of Viking habitation in North America. He further points out that Norwegian archaeologists may have been biased in their claims and that a feeling of patriotism could have influenced their research.
Lastly, the writer concludes by arguing that the runestones found in 1898 are vital proof of Viking living in America, as the runic alphabet was used in Scandinavia before adopting the Latin alphabet. The lecturer, once again, refutes this claim, declaring that a Swedish farmer may have carved the runes before they were found. This undermines the credibility of the final argument, leaving the author's stance significantly weakened.
setting clear goals helps you understand what you want to achieve.
goals can be short term, medium term, or long term.
writing your goals down helps you stay focused.
organizing your goals from most to least important is key.
short term goals can be completed within a week or less.
medium term goals take a few months to two years to finish.
long term goals can take more than five years to accomplish.
smaller steps make big goals easier to reach.
it’s important to rank your goals to focus on what matters most.
smaller tasks help you build towards bigger achievements.
some tasks are assigned to you by others, but still need attention.
even small tasks can support your bigger goals.
helping others achieve their goals can benefit you too.
a to-do list helps keep track of your tasks.
updating your to-do list regularly keeps you organized.
breaking large goals into smaller pieces makes them less overwhelming.
setting deadlines for tasks helps you stay on track.
not all tasks are equally important, so focus on the most important ones.
planning ahead saves time and reduces stress.
learning to say no to less important tasks is helpful.
adjusting your goals as things change is okay.
reviewing your progress every week keeps you on track.
working on your high priority goals daily moves you forward.
balancing your time between different tasks is important.
sometimes we waste time on tasks that don’t really matter.
reflecting on how you use your time can reveal if you're focused on the right things.
finding ways to work more efficiently helps you achieve more.
goals should align with what you’re good at and enjoy doing.
you also need to consider what others expect from you when setting goals.
creating a clear plan for your goals increases your chances of success.
minor adjustments to your goals can improve your focus.
some goals need to be dropped if they are no longer useful.
the order of your goals may change as priorities shift.
organizing your goals into a single list gives you a clearer view of your plans.
goals should be specific and measurable.
goals with deadlines are more likely to be achieved.
your top goals should be given the most attention in your schedule.
spending too much time on low-priority tasks can hold you back.
sometimes you need to focus on what’s really important to you.
learning to work efficiently frees up time for your top priorities.
goals that don’t match your strengths may need to be adjusted.
your goals should reflect both your personal desires and outside demands.
your daily activities should support your long term goals.
avoiding distractions is important for achieving your goals.
you can improve your time management by practicing and adjusting your habits.
setting clear priorities helps you stay productive.
it's important to check whether your current actions align with your top goals.
goals should be challenging but realistic.
good habits help you stay focused on achieving your goals.
reviewing and revising your goals helps you adapt.
Solo ella, una bella mujer, solo con ella conocí lo que es el amor, lo que es luchar, lo que es estar abajo, en lo más oscuro, conocí lo que es tomar la luz para salir de la desesperación y la agonía. Con ella conocí lo que es el amor y lo que es verdaderamente estar en las buenas y en las malas; solo ella lo es todo.