setting clear goals helps you understand what you want to achieve.
goals can be short term, medium term, or long term.
writing your goals down helps you stay focused.
organizing your goals from most to least important is key.
short term goals can be completed within a week or less.
medium term goals take a few months to two years to finish.
long term goals can take more than five years to accomplish.
smaller steps make big goals easier to reach.
it’s important to rank your goals to focus on what matters most.
smaller tasks help you build towards bigger achievements.
some tasks are assigned to you by others, but still need attention.
even small tasks can support your bigger goals.
helping others achieve their goals can benefit you too.
a to-do list helps keep track of your tasks.
updating your to-do list regularly keeps you organized.
breaking large goals into smaller pieces makes them less overwhelming.
setting deadlines for tasks helps you stay on track.
not all tasks are equally important, so focus on the most important ones.
planning ahead saves time and reduces stress.
learning to say no to less important tasks is helpful.
adjusting your goals as things change is okay.
reviewing your progress every week keeps you on track.
working on your high priority goals daily moves you forward.
balancing your time between different tasks is important.
sometimes we waste time on tasks that don’t really matter.
reflecting on how you use your time can reveal if you're focused on the right things.
finding ways to work more efficiently helps you achieve more.
goals should align with what you’re good at and enjoy doing.
you also need to consider what others expect from you when setting goals.
creating a clear plan for your goals increases your chances of success.
minor adjustments to your goals can improve your focus.
some goals need to be dropped if they are no longer useful.
the order of your goals may change as priorities shift.
organizing your goals into a single list gives you a clearer view of your plans.
goals should be specific and measurable.
goals with deadlines are more likely to be achieved.
your top goals should be given the most attention in your schedule.
spending too much time on low-priority tasks can hold you back.
sometimes you need to focus on what’s really important to you.
learning to work efficiently frees up time for your top priorities.
goals that don’t match your strengths may need to be adjusted.
your goals should reflect both your personal desires and outside demands.
your daily activities should support your long term goals.
avoiding distractions is important for achieving your goals.
you can improve your time management by practicing and adjusting your habits.
setting clear priorities helps you stay productive.
it's important to check whether your current actions align with your top goals.
goals should be challenging but realistic.
good habits help you stay focused on achieving your goals.
reviewing and revising your goals helps you adapt.
Solo ella, una bella mujer, solo con ella conocí lo que es el amor, lo que es luchar, lo que es estar abajo, en lo más oscuro, conocí lo que es tomar la luz para salir de la desesperación y la agonía. Con ella conocí lo que es el amor y lo que es verdaderamente estar en las buenas y en las malas; solo ella lo es todo.
are: Earth, Mars, mnemonic device: Served.
are: Earth, Mars, menmonic device: Served.
Modern literature seems to reflect on Writing in...the writer is perhaps conscious In the extract, the writer presents However,
In the extract, the author presents defining certain characters in the extract The author contrasts this shows the two main characters in the extract Alternatively Later on in the extract The author pairs this description with At the end of the extract The author creates an image The author is far more blunt with the description
The author's purposeful representation The final description perhaps suggests that The author, quite harshly, undercuts this This harsh comment from the author This is possibly more of a explicit critique
wishes to reflect somberly
Das Berufungsgericht hat - gestützt auf § 138 I BGB - zutreffend Ansprüche des Klägers gegen die Beklagte auf Schadensersatz wegen der Veräußerung des Kraftfahrzeugs sowie auf Rückzahlung der geleisteten Miete und Bearbeitungsgebühr, jeweils nebst Zinsen, bejaht.
Das Berufungsgericht hat zutreffend einen Anspruch des Klägers gegen die Beklagte auf Zahlung von Schadensersatz in Höhe des Wiederbeschaffungswerts des Fahrzeugs aus § 990 I, §§ 989, 249 I, § 251 I BGB bejaht.
Diese tatsächliche Vermutung beruht auf dem Erfahrungssatz, dass in der Regel außergewöhnliche Leistungen nicht ohne Not oder nicht ohne einen anderen den Benachteiligten hemmenden Umstand zugestanden werden und der Begünstigte diese Erfahrung teilt, § 138 I BGB.
a) Der Kläger war bis zu dem - insoweit maßgebenden - Zeitpunkt der Veräußerung seines Kraftfahrzeugs durch die Beklagte an die Eigentümer desselben.
aa) Er hat sein Eigentum nicht durch Veräußerung an die Beklagte verloren, § 903 BGB.
Ein Rechtsgeschäft ist nach § 138 I BGB nichtig, wenn es nach seinem aus der Zusammenfassung von Inhalt, Beweggrund und Zweck zu entnehmenden Gesamtcharakter mit den guten Sitten nicht zu vereinbaren ist.
Hierbei ist weder das Bewusstsein der Sittenwidrigkeit noch eine Schädigungsabsicht erforderlich; es genügt vielmehr, wenn der Handelnde die Tatsachen kennt, aus denen die Sittenwidrigkeit folgt. Dem steht es gleich, wenn sich jemand bewusst oder grob fahrlässig der Kenntnis erheblicher Tatsachen verschließt.
Zudem haben die Parteien das Verpflichtungs- und das Verfügungsgeschäft ausweislich des im Kauf- und im Mietvertrag zum Ausdruck gebrachten Willens zu einer Einheit zusammengefasst, § 139 BGB.
Tamil Nadu-Bharatnatyam-Ini,La
Kerela-Mohiniattam-Mohini Bharti Kal Sant Gadi Chalai
Kerela-Kathakali-mukund Anand Krishnan Ballatol
Andhra Pradesh-Kuchipudi-Reddy Satya Khan
Oddisa-Oddisi-Mohapatra Charan Behera
Uttar Pradesh-Kathak-Birju Maharaj Sarkar Gopi Vahu
Manipur-Manipuri-Jhaveri Singh Satya Khan
Assam-Satriya-Goswami Barbayan
Mallika Sarabhai-Bharatnatyam and Kuchipudi
Swapna Sundari-Bharatnatyam and Kuchipudi
Sonal Mansingh-Bharatnatyam and Odissi
1. Initiate at least 10 new student members
2. Year-end chapter size of at least 20 members
3. Conduct at least six professional events
4. Each chapter member must attend at least two professional events
5. Attend at least one fraternity-sponsored event
6. Attend regional officer training
7. Have a current balance on December 31
8. Have a current balance on June 30
9. Follow the minimum Pledge Education Program (PEP) standards
Se contacta al estudiante para brindarle información sobre el programa Ean contigo y como acceder para ampliar la información, se le pregunta como se ha sentido en el inicio a clases, si se ha adaptado bien a la universidad o si presenta algún inconveniente con algunas de las plataformas. El estudiante indica que por el momento no presenta ningún inconveniente para poder acceder a sus plataformas ni de adaptación estudiantil. mas sin embargo hace la aclaración que no ha podido ingresar a clase de manera regular por un tema familiar que se le presento fuera del país
Internal Energy (U)
Internal energy is the total energy contained within a system. It is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of its particles. Importantly, we cannot measure the absolute value of internal energy; only changes in internal energy can be measured.
State Function:
A state function depends only on the current state of the system, not the path taken to reach that state. Internal energy is a state function because its value at a particular state is independent of its history.
Work (W) and Heat (Q)
Work and heat are the two primary means by which energy is transferred between a system and its surroundings. Work is energy transferred when a force is applied over a distance. Heat is energy transferred due to a temperature difference between a system and its surroundings.
First Law of Thermodynamics:
The first law, also known as the law of energy conservation, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. In terms of internal energy, heat, and work, it’s expressed as:
delta U = q – w
Where: ΔU is the change in internal energy.
q is the heat added to the system.
w is the work done by the system on its surroundings.
Isothermal Reversible Process
An isothermal process occurs at a constant temperature. When it’s reversible, the system remains in equilibrium with its surroundings throughout the process.
For an ideal gas undergoing an isothermal reversible expansion or compression:
W reversible = -nRT ln (vf/vi)
Isothermal Reversible
Where: n is the number of moles of gas.
R is the universal gas constant.
T is the constant temperature.
V f and V i are the final and initial volumes, respectively.
Download PDF Thermodynamics Formula
Isothermal Irreversible Process
In an isothermal irreversible process, the system doesn’t necessarily remain in equilibrium with its surroundings. For an ideal gas undergoing an isothermal irreversible expansion against a constant external pressure
Isothermal Irreversible
Free Expansion
Free expansion refers to the expansion of a gas into a vacuum, meaning there’s no external pressure opposing the expansion. As a result, no work is done by or on the gas.
W = 0
Also Check – Charle’s Law Formula
Adiabatic Process
An adiabatic process occurs without the transfer of heat. For an ideal gas undergoing an adiabatic expansion or compression, the work is described by:
W adiabiatic = nR(Tf-Ti)/1-γ
Where: γ is the heat capacity ratio (Cp/Cv).
T f and T i are the final and initial temperatures, respectively.
Enthalpy (H)
Enthalpy is a thermodynamic quantity defined as:
H = U + PV
Where: U is the internal energy of the system.
P is the pressure of the system.
V is the volume of the system.
For a process at constant pressure, the change in enthalpy (ΔH) is related to the heat (Q) transferred as:
Where Q P is the heat transferred at constant pressure.
Also Check – Surface Chemistry Formula
Heat Capacity (C)
Heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat (Q) required to raise its temperature by one degree Celsius (or Kelvin).
C = Q/∆T
Where ΔT is the change in temperature.
Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure (CP) and at Constant Volume (CV): C P is the heat capacity measured at constant pressure. C V is the heat capacity measured at constant volume.
Relation with Ideal Gas Constant:
For an ideal gas, the molar heat capacities at constant pressure (C P ) and constant volume (C V ) are related to the ideal gas constant
CP – CV = R
Furthermore, the heat capacity ratio γ (often used in adiabatic processes for ideal gases) is defined as:
heat capacity ratio γ
Also Check – Elevation of Boiling Point Formula
Entropy (S)
Entropy (S) is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. It provides insight into the energy of a system that is not available to do work. The concept of entropy is deeply rooted in the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Change in Entropy (ΔS) for Heat Transfer: For a reversible process in which heat is transferred:
delta =q rev /T
Where: q rev is the heat transferred during the reversible process. T is the absolute temperature at which the process occurs.
Entropy and Phase Changes: For a phase transition (e.g., melting or vaporization) at constant temperature:
delta = delta H transition / T transition
Entropy and Phase Changes
Where: ΔHtransition is the enthalpy change of the phase transition. Phase transition is the temperature at which the phase transition occurs.
Spontaneity: The spontaneity of a process is determined by the Gibbs free energy
Where: ΔG is the change in Gibbs free energy.
ΔH is the change in enthalpy.
ΔS is the change in entropy.
T is the absolute temperature.
The sign of ΔG dictates spontaneity: If ΔG<0, the process is spontaneous. If ΔG>0, the process is non-spontaneous. If ΔG=0, the system is in equilibrium.
Gibbs Free Energy (G)
Gibbs free energy is a thermodynamic potential that measures the maximum reversible work that can be performed by a system at constant temperature and pressure. It provides a criterion for the spontaneity of a process when both temperature and pressure are held constant. Formula for
Temperature Dependence: The sign of ΔH and ΔS can give insights into the temperature dependence of spontaneity:
If ΔH<0 (exothermic) and ΔS>0 (entropy increases), the process is spontaneous at all temperatures. If ΔH>0 (endothermic) and ΔS<0 (entropy decreases), the process is non-spontaneous at all temperatures. If ΔH<0 and ΔS<0, the process is spontaneous at low temperatures. If ΔH>0 and ΔS>0, the process is spontaneous at high temperatures. The exact temperature at which the spontaneity changes can be found using the equation ΔG=0, which gives
List Your Tasks.
Write down everything you’re doing or plan to do to reach your work goals.
Group by Time
Sort your tasks by big picture long term career, yearly goals, and weekly goals.
Rank Your Yearly Goals
Put your yearly goals in order of importance, thinking about what the world needs and what you want.
Rank Your Weekly Goals
Do the same with weekly goals, making sure they help you reach the bigger ones or were given to you for a reason.
Check Your Time
Compare how you spend your time now with what’s really important to you.
Fix the Gaps
If your time and goals don’t match, figure out why and make adjustments
The key message is to stop, think about what you’re doing, and make sure it lines up with your main goals.
Think about what you want to achieve.
Put tasks and your personal goals on the same list.
Don’t worry about organizing them yet.
You’ll divide your tasks and goals into three time frames
Long-term goals
These are your long-term dreams or ambitions, like becoming a CEO or running your own business.
These are medium term goals that may take a few months to a couple of years to complete.
These are short term actions you need to do now things you can complete in a day or week.
What You Want to Do
Your personal desires matter. If you’re passionate about something then it should rank higher.
What You’re Good At
Focus on what you excel at
rank your objectives from 1 to 10 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.
Revisit and update your rankings every year or whenever something big changes in your career.
This way, you can ensure that you’re focusing on the most important goals!
Targets are the tasks you can act on in the short term, and they generally fall into two types:
Enabling Targets
These are tasks that help you accomplish your bigger objectives.
Assigned Targets
These are tasks given to you by others, which may or may not relate to your main goals.
By organizing and ranking both your enabling and assigned Targets you can stay focused on what matters most and minimize distractions.
Am I spending enough time on my high ranking goals?
Where am I losing time to less important tasks?
How can I adjust my schedule to focus more on what really matters?
Make sure your daily and weekly tasks are closely aligned with your bigger objectives, allowing you to stay proactive rather than being consumed by urgent but less important issues.
Create a tiered to do List
Top Half: Write down your highest-priority Objectives and Targets.
Each item should have a specific deadline for completion.
Bottom Half
List your lower-priority tasks and estimate when you'd like to finish each one.
Daily Adjustments
Make minor tweaks each day as new tasks arise or priorities change.
Weekly Reviews
Spend some time each weekend to do a detailed review, reassessing your list and your priorities.
Update Regularly:
Add new projects or tasks as they come up, and remove items that have become less important or are being handled by others.
Reflect on how you can make similar adjustments in your routine.
By crafting a focused, tiered to-do list and actively managing your time, you can make significant progress toward your professional goals without getting lost in the daily grind.
By following these steps, you can establish a clearer path to productivity and satisfaction in your professional life.
Regularly revisit and adjust your goals and priorities to ensure they continue to align with your evolving aspirations and organizational needs.
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What do you put on a sign? You know, that flimsy piece of cardboard people hold in their hands as they stand on corners, begging. I always used to look away when Mom and I drove by. I thought that if I met their eyes, I’d get their hopes up, like I was going to give them something. I never did. Now, I wish I had.
I’m not sure what I’ll write on my sign. How to condense my life into a few words, make people want to give a stranger their hard-earned cash. Most of what I think of is too long, too personal.
“Got fed up with drunk stepdad hitting Mom. Promised if he hit me, I’d be gone. He did. I’m here.”
I’ve started thinking about my sign since my money’s almost gone. Back when life was normal, I’d spend my allowance on things like magazines or junk food from the market where my friends and I hung out after school. Maybe I’d buy one of those short skirts Dad would never get for me. Nothing too bad, but you know how dads are. We used to fight about things like that – clothes and curfew and boys. He always said I was too stubborn, and Mom would laugh and say I was just like him. Dad would shake his head, but I think he was kind of proud of that. Now he’s gone, and I’m counting pennies for food. If I had known what little time we’d have together, I wouldn’t have wasted so much of it arguing.
I’ve seen other people’s signs. Some are funny in a sad way: “Why lie? Need beer.” But I’m not funny, never really have been. It got hard to laugh after Dad died, and I think I stopped altogether the day Beth left. I never thought she’d really do it. She used to hug me in those days after the funeral, when everyone else had gone home and we couldn’t get Mom out of bed. There were no relatives to call, no one left but Uncle Frank, and he didn’t count. I’ve never met him, but I figured anyone who couldn’t be bothered to come bury his own brother wouldn’t help anyway. Beth was all I had. She’d hold me tight and promise things would be okay, that we’d get through it together. I believed her. What else could I do? It hurt so much, and I was just looking for someone to hang onto when my world was falling apart. Mom couldn’t help. She was barely holding on herself. Beth was my anchor.
I’m not mad at her for leaving. To be honest, I’m amazed she stayed as long as she did. I think it was the day we came home and found Mom nursing a bloody nose that finally did it. I remember how the bedroom was dark, the curtains pulled over the window as if shutting out the light would keep the memories away. My mother was hunched up on a corner of the bed, rocking herself back and forth. Beth flipped on the light, and I almost screamed – Mom’s face was a mess of purple bruises, blood still seeping through the white Kleenex she pressed to her nose and lips. Apparently, dear Stepfather Alan had stumbled in late that morning, and Mom had mustered the nerve to ask where he’d been. He hadn’t taken it well.
Beth begged her to leave him. “Let’s go,” she pleaded. “The three of us. Right now.” I begged too. But Mom would only cry and shake her head. I don’t think she had the strength left to see any future but the one right in front of her. The one with Alan. He was actually an okay guy until he lost his job. Then he started drinking again.
A lot changed after that.
I thought about telling friends. Maybe a teacher. But I didn’t know what to say. Even if I did tell someone, what would they do? Take me and Beth away, split us up, put us in a home somewhere? I couldn’t take that chance. So I blocked it out, pretended things weren’t really that bad. I kept pretending, right up to the day Beth left. And then it was too late.
She left me a note, Beth did. I found it on my pillow when I came home from school, a small square of white that destroyed what little remained of my world. For the longest time, I just stared at it, like if I didn’t touch it, it wasn’t real. I knew what it would say. Finally, I opened it, hoping so desperately that it would tell me where she had gone, where to meet her so we could leave together. It didn’t, of course. Just that she loved me and was sorry but had to go, or she’d end up like Mom. She promised to write, but she never did. I guess she got busy, maybe found a job and is just too tired at the end of each day. I’m sure there’s a good reason. The thought of me holding a sign would make her sick. If she knew where I was, I bet she’d come get me. Well, she would’ve at one point. I suppose things change. Who knows? Maybe she’s got a sign of her own. I hope not.
Some people’s signs tell of their families, or their past, or both: “Homeless vet. Kids to feed.” But I don’t want to share my past, not with strangers. They judge. I can see it in their eyes, those that aren’t too scared to look away. Some give looks of pity. “Oh, you poor dear. How on earth did you wind up here?” But I know they don’t care that much. The light will change and they’ll drive off, and I’ll be forgotten before the next block. Others stare, and I can feel the accusations, thoughts of drugs, alcohol, even prostitution flitting through their heads. I’m not explaining how none of it was my fault, how there was no other way out. That day, when I stepped in front of Mom and Alan struck me instead, I knew. And in that moment of frozen silence before Alan stormed out, Mom knew too.
“I’m sorry,” she pleaded, her hand shaking as she pressed a piece of ice against my swollen lip. “I’m so sorry. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have asked him about the interview. He’s under a lot of pressure, he didn’t mean it…” The words tumbled out, trembling, empty.
“Did he mean it when he hit you yesterday?” I pushed her hand away. “What about last week? He doesn’t get to hit us! If Dad was here—”
I stopped myself, since if Dad was here, there would be no Alan. Mom didn’t speak, but I saw something in her change. I had said the unspoken, reminded her of Dad, of how our lives used to be. How they were supposed to be.
“Please.” I caught her hand, forcing her to look at me. “Mom, please.” It wasn’t a request. It was an ultimatum, and we both knew it.
For a moment, something flickered in her eyes, and I thought, “Yes. Yes!” Then whatever dim spark she had left fizzled out, and she looked away. When she finally spoke, I already knew what the answer would be.
“I can’t.”
We sat there for a long time, her dabbing at my lip, our tears mixing with the melted ice running down my chin. Finally, she went to make dinner. I went to pack.
The hardest part will be filling the boredom in my head as I stand on my corner hour after hour. I have to keep my mind busy, keep it focused on something. The drivers, the streetlights, the road – something. I can’t let my mind wander. It creeps off to places I’d rather not go.
It happens each night as I’m falling asleep, when I’m too tired to hold them back any longer, and the thoughts that have been lurking in the darkness break free. I’ve tried to fight them. I always lose.
The dream starts out warm and friendly, all of us sitting in front of the TV that night. Then Dad jumps up to grab his keys, and it turns into a nightmare.
“I forgot!” he says. “We’re out of milk. How am I going to make pancakes tomorrow without milk?”
Beth and I laugh, telling him to forget it – we’re not kids anymore, we don’t need pancakes with Saturday morning cartoons. We don’t even watch cartoons. But Dad insists.
“Be right back!” he calls, throwing Mom a kiss, running out the door.
For a moment, my dream freezes – the three of us sitting there, staring at the door as it closes behind him. Then something clicks, and everything speeds up.
I’m flying, hovering over the stop sign just a few blocks away. I see our old brown station wagon pull up, stop, and begin to move. I’m screaming at my dad. Stop! Stop! He doesn’t hear me. The yellow car careens toward him, one headlight broken, its driver drunk out of his mind. It’s all in the accident report. I know.
I never see the crash. I’m back home in a heartbeat, just in time to hear the knock on the door. Mom opens it. I see the policeman’s mouth moving, but I can’t hear what he’s saying. It doesn’t matter. Mom sinks to her knees, mouth wide open in a silent scream, and I wake up, shaking, dripping with sweat, not knowing where I am.
I won’t think about that each day when I’m standing on my corner, don’t want to flinch every time a yellow car drives by. I don’t know what I’ll think about yet, but it won’t be that. It won’t be.
I’m starting to stink. I thought I was doing okay until I saw a woman wrinkle her nose when she walked by me yesterday. I hadn’t even noticed. It stung at first, the realization that I smell of the streets, that I’m truly becoming one of them. Then I realized that I was doing what I hoped others wouldn’t: I was making people into objects, putting them beneath me without even caring how they wound up with their signs. I thought about that for awhile, and I stopped feeling so bad about how I smelled.
I think I’ll keep moving, holding my sign when I need the money, but always going somewhere new. There’s got to be something better around the corner, right? Maybe I’ll even find Beth. It’s easy to move, since all I’ve got to carry is the stuff I could fit in my backpack: my money, some clothes, a picture of the four of us – me, Beth, Mom, and Dad. It’s from my last birthday we were all together. We’re wearing these goofy hats, and everyone’s smiling. I like that picture, but it hurts to look at it. Sometimes, I don’t want to remember.
In the end, I just write, “Hungry. Please help.” I figure it’s the truth, not all of it, but probably as much as people want to know. If you see it, and you’ve got some change or even a dollar, maybe you can help me out. If not, that’s fine too. I’ll be okay.
You know those long texts that are like medieval or something and they're like really long and you Can see them in this list of paragraphs you're reading now? Yeah I'ma do a parody of that because I Žajda Šira am sigma.
King Ašken I said to his brother I am already bored of typing this and then he exploded into 2,332 pieces. King Ašken II, the brother of King Ašken I, wondered why his brother exploded. And then, he exploded. It turned out there were grenades in there hats. What an unfortunate end to an idiotic story. Glory to Arstotzka!
Prince Doran has been at the Water Gardens for nearly two years now, watching the children play in the pools while trying to deal with his gout. Captain Areo Hotah hears the approach of Obara Sand, eldest of the Red Viper's bastard daughters, and bars her from disturbing Prince Doran's rest. Deadly as she may be, she is no match for the Captain, but the Prince calls her into his presence before they come to blows. Obara demands justice for her father, imploring Prince Doran to marshal the Dornish army and give half to her so she might march on Oldtown and burn it to the ground, and the other half to her half-sister Lady Nym to march up the Kingsroad. Doran tells her that his brother was not murdered, but died in single combat, and that Lord Tywin has promised them Ser Gregor's head. Unappeased, Obara mocks her uncle for his meekness and stalks off after he tells her to await his word in Sunspear. Fearing an uprising in Sunspear incited by the Sand Snakes, Prince Doran tells Hotah that he must return to his seat at the Palace of the Sun. The Captain reminds him that Princess Myrcella is there, and that Ser Arys Oakheart sends letters to Queen Cersei. Hotah thinks that he and the Kingsguard will eventually cross swords, and when that occurs the Captain will kill him.
The next morning, the prince and his retinue begin the journey back to Sunspear, but along the way they come upon another of the Sand Snakes. The beautiful Lady Nym is far more tactful than her older half-sister, but no less resolved to seek vengeance for her father. Scoffing at Obara's demand to go to war, Lady Nym tells her uncle that she needs only her sister Tyene, and the two will assassinate Cersei, Jaime, Lord Tywin and King Tommen. Stating that his brother was only to take the measure of Joffrey's court and not seek revenge for Elia despite the seventeen years that have passed, Nymeria responds in parting, "My sisters and I shall not wait ten-and-seven years for our vengeance."
Arriving in Sunspear, the prince's retinue is accosted by townspeople calling for vengeance for the Red Viper. In the Old Palace, Princess Arianne greets her father and tells him that Tyene Sand awaits him in the throne room. The third of the Sand Snakes is embroidering when the captain encounters her while bearing Prince Doran to his high seat. Tyene offers her uncle the cloth she is knitting, which shows her father mounted on a sand steed, so that he will not forget the Red Viper. Prince Doran responds, "I am not like to forget your father." Tyene counsels her uncle to wed his son Trystane to Myrcella now, and then crown the princess as is the Dornish way. This would incite the Queen Regent and Highgarden to march on Dorne, where the prince's armies could bleed them in the high passes and treacherous deserts. When she calls her uncle fearful, Doran advises her, "There is a difference between fear and caution." Tyene raises her hand to touch her uncle, but Hotah brings the butt of his longaxe down on the marble floor, and cautions her, "My lady, you presume. Step from the dais, if it please you." The Sand Snake replies that she meant no harm and loves her uncle, he loved his brother. After she takes her leave, Maester Caleotte rushes to the Prince's side to make sure he was not pricked by one of Tyene's needles.
Shortly after, Prince Doran commands the captain to round up and confine all the Sand Snakes, including Ellaria's young daughters. Obara, Nymeria and Tyene are locked up in cells at the top of the Spear Tower, but with no blood spilled, the younger Sand Snakes are restricted together with their mother to the Water Gardens. When Hotah tells him that the common folk will howl when they find out, the Prince of Dorne replies, "All Dorne will howl. I only pray Lord Tywin hears he might know what a loyal friend he has in Sunspear."
Integrity is the fundamental premise for military service in a free society. Without integrity, the moral pillars of our military strength, public trust, and self-respect are lost.
The discipline which makes the soldiers of a free country reliable in battle is not to be gained by harsh or tyrannical treatment. On the contrary, such treatment is far more likely to destroy than to make an army. It is possible to impart instruction and give commands in such a manner and such a tone of voice as to inspire in the soldier no feeling but an intense desire to obey, while the opposite manner and tone of voice cannot fail to excite strong resentment and a desire to disobey. The one mode or other of dealing with subordinates springs from a corresponding spirit in the breast of the commander.
If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and to aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.
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Aeron Greyjoy, who in the chapter is referred to as "the prophet", is drowning men at a beach on Great Wyk. This a practice in which a worshiper of the Drowned God is held below the water until he drowns. The priest then resuscitates him. Through this initiation the person is stronger: “What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."
Gormond Goodbrother appears to bring Aeron to Lord Gorold Goodbrother. Aeron initially declines but relents when the messenger tells him the king, Aeron's brother, is dead. During the journey Aeron remembers his brothers. His father married three times. The sons of his first wife died young. The eldest son from his second marriage was the strongest and fiercest of the remaining. Aeron admired Balon although they were not close in their youth.
When they arrive at Lord Goodbrother's hall at Hammerhorn, Aeron demands that everyone in the hall be sent away so that he and Gorold Goodbrother can speak privately. Lord Goodbrother insists that his maester will stay as well. Aeron disagrees and prepares to leave, but the maester stops him by informing him that Euron Greyjoy has occupied the Seastone Chair. Aeron is shocked. He remembers his brother but with little love. Goodbrother wants advice on whom to support, but Aeron wants to pray first and leaves for Pebbleton.
Again Aeron thinks back to his youth. He was not a very religious man but rather a drunken sod. This changed when he fell overboard in a sea battle during Balon's Rebellion. He almost drowned and became a devoted follower of the Drowned God. Aeron has discussed the succession with Balon. Though Balon wanted his daughter, Asha, to succeed him, Aeron did not agree with having a woman rule the Iron Islands. Theon is a weakling and probably dead. Balon's eldest brother, Euron, is ungodly and Aeron hates him. Thus Aeron makes up his mind; it must be Victarion.
A few days later, Aeron has arrived at Pebbleton and starts to preach. Asha has also claimed the throne. Now Aeron's followers and a number of lords look to him for advice on whom to support. During his preaching, he finds his inspiration: the Ironmen should elect the king in a Kingsmoot as they did in the old days. Every captain is to go to Nagga's Hill on Old Wyk, the ancient place where the old kings were chosen. Aeron hears his followers take up his call and knows he has done the right thing.
d) Weiter müsste ein Minderungsrecht vorliegen, § 441 I BGB. Das ist der Fall, wenn ein Rücktrittsrecht besteht. Hierfür kommt § 326 V BGB in Betracht.
Der (objektive erhöhte) Kaufpreis von 30.000€ beruht indes allein auf dem Verhalten von M selbst.
ee) Daher besteht ein Anspruch nur in Höhe von 30.000€, §§ 437, 311a, 281 I BGB
Nach dem Trennungsprinzip erfolgt jedoch der Eigentumsübergang erst mit Auflassung und Eintragung der M, die eben noch nicht erfolgt ist.
Das Grundbuch ist daher nicht unrichtig, sondern richtig, § 894 BGB.
a) Der Antrag ist gem. §§ 935, 936, 920 ZPO iVm. 885 I 1 BGB statthaft.
Der Antragsgegner wird vorläufig im Wege der einstweiligen Verfügung verpflichtet, die Eintragung einer Vormerkung, welche auf die Eintragung der Antragsteller als Eigentümer des im Grundbuch von Kuppenheim, Blatt 7345, Bestandsverzeichnis Nr. 1 eingetragenen Grundstücks Flurstück Nr. 967 gerichtet ist, zu bewilligen.
Dies könnte aufgrund § 275 I BGB der Fall sein. Indes ist es ohne weiteres Möglich, ersatz für die gestohlenen Teile zu beschaffen. Auch wenn dies mit Kosten verbunden ist, dürfte die Grenze des § 275 II BGB noch bei weitem nicht erreicht sein
Der Mandantschaft könnte ein Minderungsrecht gem. §§ 437, 326 V, 323 I, 441 I BGB zustehen mit der Rechtsfolge, dass der Kaufpreis gemindert wird, § 441 III BGB.
Aus anwaltlicher Vorsicht ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Abgrenzung zwischen §§ 434, 435 BGB zwar sehr umstritten und schwierig ist, für die Erfolgschancen der M indes nur von untergeordneter Bedeutung.
cc) Auf die Erheblichkeit des Mangels kommt es iRd. Minderung nicht an, §§ 441 I 2 BGB, 323 V 2 BGB.
Jedoch müssten die Parteien vereinbart haben, dass das Zimmer im Keller als Kinderzimmer bzw. Wohnraum genutzt werden kann, § 434 II 1 Nr. 1 BGB. Dies setzt eine Vertragliche Vereinbarung voraus, §§ 133, 157 BGB.
Indes ist der Widerspruch stets auf einen Grundbuchberichtigungsanspruch gerichtet, §§ 894, 899 I BGB. Ist das Grundbuch demgegenüber richtig und der Eingetragene Eigentümer, so hilft der Widerspruch nicht weiter.
(1) Eine Täuschung liegt dadurch vor, dass G jedenfalls objektiv gegenüber M1 und M2 geäußert hat, das Zimmer sei als Wohnraum nutzbar, obwohl dies rechtlich überhaupt nicht der Fall ist, s. § 65 LBO.