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Aeron Greyjoy, who in the chapter is referred to as "the prophet", is drowning men at a beach on Great Wyk. This a practice in which a worshiper of the Drowned God is held below the water until he drowns. The priest then resuscitates him. Through this initiation the person is stronger: “What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."
Gormond Goodbrother appears to bring Aeron to Lord Gorold Goodbrother. Aeron initially declines but relents when the messenger tells him the king, Aeron's brother, is dead. During the journey Aeron remembers his brothers. His father married three times. The sons of his first wife died young. The eldest son from his second marriage was the strongest and fiercest of the remaining. Aeron admired Balon although they were not close in their youth.
When they arrive at Lord Goodbrother's hall at Hammerhorn, Aeron demands that everyone in the hall be sent away so that he and Gorold Goodbrother can speak privately. Lord Goodbrother insists that his maester will stay as well. Aeron disagrees and prepares to leave, but the maester stops him by informing him that Euron Greyjoy has occupied the Seastone Chair. Aeron is shocked. He remembers his brother but with little love. Goodbrother wants advice on whom to support, but Aeron wants to pray first and leaves for Pebbleton.
Again Aeron thinks back to his youth. He was not a very religious man but rather a drunken sod. This changed when he fell overboard in a sea battle during Balon's Rebellion. He almost drowned and became a devoted follower of the Drowned God. Aeron has discussed the succession with Balon. Though Balon wanted his daughter, Asha, to succeed him, Aeron did not agree with having a woman rule the Iron Islands. Theon is a weakling and probably dead. Balon's eldest brother, Euron, is ungodly and Aeron hates him. Thus Aeron makes up his mind; it must be Victarion.
A few days later, Aeron has arrived at Pebbleton and starts to preach. Asha has also claimed the throne. Now Aeron's followers and a number of lords look to him for advice on whom to support. During his preaching, he finds his inspiration: the Ironmen should elect the king in a Kingsmoot as they did in the old days. Every captain is to go to Nagga's Hill on Old Wyk, the ancient place where the old kings were chosen. Aeron hears his followers take up his call and knows he has done the right thing.
d) Weiter müsste ein Minderungsrecht vorliegen, § 441 I BGB. Das ist der Fall, wenn ein Rücktrittsrecht besteht. Hierfür kommt § 326 V BGB in Betracht.
Der (objektive erhöhte) Kaufpreis von 30.000€ beruht indes allein auf dem Verhalten von M selbst.
ee) Daher besteht ein Anspruch nur in Höhe von 30.000€, §§ 437, 311a, 281 I BGB
Nach dem Trennungsprinzip erfolgt jedoch der Eigentumsübergang erst mit Auflassung und Eintragung der M, die eben noch nicht erfolgt ist.
Das Grundbuch ist daher nicht unrichtig, sondern richtig, § 894 BGB.
a) Der Antrag ist gem. §§ 935, 936, 920 ZPO iVm. 885 I 1 BGB statthaft.
Der Antragsgegner wird vorläufig im Wege der einstweiligen Verfügung verpflichtet, die Eintragung einer Vormerkung, welche auf die Eintragung der Antragsteller als Eigentümer des im Grundbuch von Kuppenheim, Blatt 7345, Bestandsverzeichnis Nr. 1 eingetragenen Grundstücks Flurstück Nr. 967 gerichtet ist, zu bewilligen.
Dies könnte aufgrund § 275 I BGB der Fall sein. Indes ist es ohne weiteres Möglich, ersatz für die gestohlenen Teile zu beschaffen. Auch wenn dies mit Kosten verbunden ist, dürfte die Grenze des § 275 II BGB noch bei weitem nicht erreicht sein
Der Mandantschaft könnte ein Minderungsrecht gem. §§ 437, 326 V, 323 I, 441 I BGB zustehen mit der Rechtsfolge, dass der Kaufpreis gemindert wird, § 441 III BGB.
Aus anwaltlicher Vorsicht ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Abgrenzung zwischen §§ 434, 435 BGB zwar sehr umstritten und schwierig ist, für die Erfolgschancen der M indes nur von untergeordneter Bedeutung.
cc) Auf die Erheblichkeit des Mangels kommt es iRd. Minderung nicht an, §§ 441 I 2 BGB, 323 V 2 BGB.
Jedoch müssten die Parteien vereinbart haben, dass das Zimmer im Keller als Kinderzimmer bzw. Wohnraum genutzt werden kann, § 434 II 1 Nr. 1 BGB. Dies setzt eine Vertragliche Vereinbarung voraus, §§ 133, 157 BGB.
Indes ist der Widerspruch stets auf einen Grundbuchberichtigungsanspruch gerichtet, §§ 894, 899 I BGB. Ist das Grundbuch demgegenüber richtig und der Eingetragene Eigentümer, so hilft der Widerspruch nicht weiter.
(1) Eine Täuschung liegt dadurch vor, dass G jedenfalls objektiv gegenüber M1 und M2 geäußert hat, das Zimmer sei als Wohnraum nutzbar, obwohl dies rechtlich überhaupt nicht der Fall ist, s. § 65 LBO.
En el silencio de la madrugada, cuando el mundo aún duerme, las estrellas susurran secretos al viento. La luna, en lo alto, observa paciente, bañando de plata los tejados y los sueños. Cada latido es un eco de vida, cada suspiro una promesa de mañana. El tiempo fluye como un río tranquilo, arrastrando recuerdos, deseos y anhelos no confesados. Y en ese instante efímero, entre la noche y el amanecer, el alma se siente infinita, como si por un momento pudiera tocar la eternidad.
Pate sits with his fellow students, Mollander, Alleras, Armen, and Roone, at the Quill and Tankard in Oldtown. He yearns for Rosey, the pretty daughter of a serving maid, a fifteen-year-old girl whose maidenhead can only be had for a gold coin. The other students discuss dragons, and whether there are still any in existence. Pate is waiting for an alchemist who has promised to meet him there that evening. The Alchemist has offered to change iron into gold, requesting that Pate steal a particular iron item in exchange for some gold, and said he would be back in three days to make the exchange.
Mollander and Armen continue their argument about dragons. Mollander says that sailors' tales speak of dragons in far places, often accompanied by a young queen. Alleras keeps splitting thrown apples with his arrows. After the last, he brings up the Targaryens, telling the others that Viserys Targaryen's sister Daenerys is still alive. Mollander drunkenly toasts her, only to be shushed by Armen.
Lazy Leo appears then. Mollander bristles at his appearance, Armen asking more diplomatically whether Leo wasn't confined to the Citadel for three more days, but Leo shrugs this off with a quip on the meaninglessness of time. He asks them to buy him a drink, since he lost his money gambling and eating elsewhere. He offends them each in turn, then attempts to mollify them by confirming that Daenerys is alive and has hatched three dragons, as the tales come out of Qarth. Archmaester Marwyn even gives them credence, Leo says. Marwyn, called "The Mage", is widely considered unsound, partly because of his practice of speaking to smallfolk and other unwholesome people. After the others scoff, Leo adds that there is a dragonglass candle burning in Marwyn's chambers.
The group breaks up after that, most of the students returning to the Citadel. Pate remains with Leo, hoping that the alchemist will still come by. Leo needles Pate a few times about Rosey. Pate wishes he could kill Leo, but Leo is a Tyrell, with relatives in positions of power. He sees the sun rising, and realizes that the night is over and the alchemist has not come. He leaves, with a final warning to Leo to leave Rosey alone.
Pate wanders through Oldtown in the early morning. After nearly being run down by a cart, he sees the alchemist standing over him. He tells Pate that he did not want to intrude on him and his friends. He has asked Pate to steal something from Archmaester Walgrave's quarters. Pate opened the box under Walgrave's bed, and found an Archmaester's iron key which supposedly opened every lock in the Citadel; after wrestling with his conscience, he took it, as well as a sack of silver coins.
He asks the Alchemist for his gold dragon coin, and the alchemist bids him follow him someplace more private. They go through several winding streets and end up in an alley. The Alchemist gives Pate the coin, but the boy hesitates before offering up the key. He asks the Alchemist's intentions, which he will not say, and asks to see his face, which is nondescript. After giving the key to the Alchemist, he turns away, feeling light-headed, and collapses dead on the cobblestones a few moments later.
bb) Für den Antrag Nr. 3 folgt die Zuständigkeit aus §§ 23, 71 GVG, da der Streitwert 2,400€ beträgt. Anders als die Beklagte zu 1 meint, ändert ihre Widerklage daran nichts, § 506 ZPO
Die Zuständigkeit des Beklagten zu 2 folgt aus § 32 ZPO. Denn sowohl der Handlungs-, als auch der Erfolgsort der in Rede stehenden Schädigung aus § 823 I BGB waren in Tübingen. Der Umstand, dass der Beklagte zu 2 in Stuttgart wohnt, ändert daran nichts, § 35 ZPO.
2. Der Antrag Ziffer 3 ist hinreichend bestimmt, § 253 II Nr.2 ZPO. Insbesondere ist die betroffenene Fläche derart konkret bezeichnet, dass unmittelbar aus dem Tenor die Zwangsvollstreckung in den Beseitigungs-/Herausgabeanspruch erfolgen könnte.
c) Das Feststellungsinteresse der Klägerin folgt bereits aus dem Kostenrisiko gem. §§ 91 ff. ZPO, § 256 I ZPO.
Wer als Überbauender auf derart eindeutige Hinweise keine Nachforschungen anstellt, sondern einfach drauf los baut, stellt selbst einfachste Erwägungen nicht an. Die Beklagte hätte darauf schließen müssen, dass das Grundstück hinter den Grenzsteinen im Eigentum der Klägerin sein mussten.
4. Die subjektive Klagehäufung war gem. §§ 59, 260 ZPO zulässig, weil die Beklagten als Gesamtschuldner haften würden und daher in Rechtsgemeinschaft gem. § 59 Var. 1 ZPO stehen.
1. Der Klageantrag Nr. 1 ist nur in Bezug auf den Beklagten zu 2 begründet. Die Klägerin hat einen Anspruch auf Zahlung von 1600€ aus § 823 I BGB und einen Zinsanspruch aus §§ 291, 288 I BGB, welcher insbesondere noch nicht verjährt ist.
cc) Vor allem liegt aber die Kausalität vor, § 823 I BGB. Nach den gesetzlichen Beweisregeln oblag dem Beklagten die Beweislast dafür, dass seine Wunderkerze das Feuer nicht verursacht hatte, sondern die der Beklagten zu 1, § 830 I 2 BGB. Diesen Entlastungsbeweis hat der Beklagte zu 2 indes nicht erbracht.
(4) Als Rechtsfolge des § 830 I 2 BGB ist im Verhältnis zur Klägerin davon auszugehen, dass allein die Handlung des Beklagten zu 2 ursächlich war.
gg) Ferner ist auch noch keine Verjährung eingetreten, § 214 I BGB
(1) Nach der allgemeinen Regelverjährung gem. §§ 195, 199 I BGB begann diese (nach Kenntnis der Klägerin im Januar 2015) nämlich erst am 1.1.2015 zu laufen und würde erst am 13.12.2018 enden
(a) § 548 I BGB bezieht sich allein auf "Ersatzansprüche des Vermieters". Schadensersatzansprüche gegen Dritte haben mit der Stellung als Vermieter indes nichts zu tun.
Denn neue Verteidigungsmittel sind gem. § 296a ZPO nach Ende der mündlichen Verhandlung ausgeschlossen. Das Ende der Verhandlung hat insofern eine Zäsurwirkung, die nur unter strengen Voraussetzungen unterbunden werden kann, welche nicht vorliegen, s. §§ 139 V, 156, 283 ZPO.
Diese Zielsetzung würde faktisch aufgehoben, wenn die häufig neben §§ 280 I, 241 II BGB bestehenden deliktischen Ansprüche noch Jahre später eingeklagte werden könnten, § 195 BGB. Vielmehr muss sich § 548 I BGB auch auf diese Ansprüche erstrecken, um das Ziel des § 548 I BGB zu erreichen.
Denn zwar scheidet § 536a II Nr. 1 BGB mangels Verzugs der Klägerin von Anfang an aus. Jedoch ist § 536a II Nr. 2 BGB gegeben.
Aufgrund dieser Rückwirkung (nach Rechtshängigkeit) sind auch Rechtshängigkeitszinsen gem. §§ 291, 288 I BGB ausgeschlossen, § 389 BGB.
(1) Denn auf den Mietzins des § 535 II BGB findet § 548 I BGB keine Anwendung. Es handelt sich um keinen Anspruch wegen einer Veränderung oder Verschlechterung der Mietsache. Vielmehr findet allein die normale Verjährungsregel Anwendung, § 195 BGB.
Auch die Systematik spricht gegen die Anwendung, denn § 902 I BGB ist im Abschnitt 2 des 3. Buches und damit in einem völlig anderen Regelungsbereich als § 1004 BGB geregelt.
2. Jedoch gilt insofern gerade die Sondervorschrift der §§ 813 I 2 BGB, 214 II BGB.
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When writing an essay, choosing the right organizational structure is important; three common types are sequential, compare and contrast, and cause and effect. A sequential structure presents information in the order it happens, making it great for stories or how-to guides; this helps readers easily follow along. The compare and contrast structure looks at the similarities and differences between two or more subjects, which is useful for discussing different viewpoints; it helps highlight key points. Lastly, a cause and effect structure examines why something happens and what results from it, helping readers understand connections; this is effective for analyzing complex topics. These are just three out of many structures that can be used to write a strong essay. Each structure serves a different purpose and helps communicate your ideas clearly.
Many marine organisms rely on their ability to hear for their survival. Sound is a highly efficient means of communication underwater and is the primary way that many marine species gather and understand information about their environment. Many aquatic animals use sound to find prey locate mates and offspring avoid predators guide their navigation and locate habitat as well as to listen and communicate with each other. Oceans are full of sound. Waves, earthquakes and icebergs - all contribute to the underwater soundscape. But so do human activities and this can be a problem for marine life as it can seriously affect their physiology behaviour, reproduction and even survival. Being able to produce and detect sound in an environment where light penetrates only a few hundred metres is crucial for animals to communicate, feed, avoid predators and navigate vast underwater habitats. Large whales generate low frequency communication calls that can travel thousands of kilometres. While the snapping shrimp, native to the western Atlantic, can produce a loud snapping sound capable of stunning and killing its prey.
Energy equals mass multiplied by (*) the speed of light squared (^2). The multiplication sign is usually left out, giving e is equal to mc squared.
Energy eqyals mass multiplied by (*) the speed of light squared (^2). The multiplication sign is usually left out, giving e is equal to mc squared.
Helloooo! That was weird, I’m sorry, HI! My name is Angela Kennedy Lipski and I used to be half of the world's happiest couple. You know, Angel and Max! But recently, I’ve been engrossed in the lonely hearts section of timeout magazine. You see, I was married in a beige suit. And that wasn’t the only bad omen. But on November 5th, after years of marriage, Max came home from a “tax planning seminar in Orlando” and instead of unpacking he said, “Angela, I’m leaving you.” Angela? He never called me anything else but Angel. But he said that our marriage had been emotionally dead for years!... And then he was gone! Hah hah… Well after a lifetime of faithfulness and devotion, can you all imagine what I felt? Sheer joy!
What is your biggest fear? It was a simple question that I asked my grandmother a few years ago. I remember the very scene: The lady looked at me, smiled, then replied seriously with, “Dying single.” I followed up with another question, wondering why she didn’t just choose “spiders” or “being murdered.” But to her, dying at her age without a man that loved her was even worse than Young and The Restless ending. It is clear that there is a stigma behind finding love at an old age. According to, “about 40% of women beyond the age of 65 are unpartnered.” As life progresses, many people believe that finding love is impossible. But as John Haywood once said, “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.” Everyone is worthy of love, so whether you have twenty candles on your cake or seventy-two, life is precious, so enjoy it with all your heart. This is My Brilliant Divorce, by Geraldine Aron.
Two years on and I haven’t even signed the divorce papers! More wine? Yeahhh! On January 27th, it was my 38th birthday… Yes, 38th. And, um… I didn’t even get a card from my husband. The truth is, just between ourselves, I wrote dislike and awful lot of things about my husband. You know, the shape of his head, for example.. IRRITATINGLY ROUND I mean, I’d be walking behind him down the hall and I would just get this overwhelming urge to throw something at that globe-like head. So I decided to view his departure as a reprieve! But… You know, within 24 hours panic set in. It seemed that Max ROUND head was now with a 25 year old woman from Buenos Aires.
Recently I went out on a date with a man named Donald. He was a… Tiny little man. And he didn’t get any bigger…! And I remember I was sitting in this hotel bar and he climbed into the chair next to me like a frickin toddler, ya know, with legs that dangle. And- I’ll never forget what he said to me- He was all: “Ohh, Angela.. You know, I’ve never asked a woman her age, I just look at her neck. You know I've never been more than a year out with a woman's neck.” And I was so upset on the way home, I wish I had said something like, “Ohh! Is that a fact, short ass? Oh, and did you know that you can guess a man's age by counting the rings on his zip-i-dee-doo-da, hmm!? Why don’t we have yours at the table!”
Sorry. I really miss Max. I am a woman of 39… Ok fine, 44. Yes, 44! And… Whatever, I guess growing old with round head would have been difficult. You know, considering the comments he’s made about bodies past their prime. So I’m considering plastic surgery, you know, because I… I, uh… I heard they bought furniture. Max and the 25 year old, they had set up a house already. And hearing that I just wanted to scream like, “HI MAX! IT’S ME!! STILL YOUR WIFE- ARE YOU SURE YOU’RE DOING THE RIGHT THING BECAUSE YOU ARE MY HUSBAND AND I HAVE LOVED YOU MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE!” But instead… Instead, I just thought, goodbye. Goodbye you miserable excuse for a human being. Your unbearable morning breath, your ridiculously round head, and goodbye to your stick, insect woman! And the next day- the next day I got a call telling me that ROUND head, had… a heart attack.
I remember walking into the hospital that day and… He was laying all pale and scared on this stretcher with his hand held out to me… And I took it. “My Angel,” he said. “My God, we’ve been such fools.” He told me he’d been lying there thinking about how lucky it was I hadn’t found anyone else and, he told me he was excited for our second chance… And I know what you’re thinking. But this was our fresh start. And Max- uh- had gotten back into his stride, and we promised to never bring up the past and, I surely realized him being with other women- It was nothing more than an attempt to relive his years of happiness with me. And I was so… Relieved, because it was nobody's fault! You know, this would become a laugh about how we almost divorced each other by mistake! There’d be no need for bitterness.
So the next day, I went back to this hospital with this tub of EXCELLENT heart food and I walked right in to see my hus… band…25 year old woman… Kissing the heart monitors, on his… Near naked torso. Muttering terms of endearment in a foreign tongue. Heartache really does exist. At a certain age, you have to let go of certain dreams. Many women of MY age and much, much older just long for love and intimacy. Oh no, but we’re not supposed to. No, really, it seems like the cut off age is FORTY and then after that, society isn't even comfortable thinking about it, so I’m SCARED I’m never going to be loved again!... How on earth am I supposed to bear it?...
… You know, they say the first 50 years of a woman's life are usually the worst. But I know now that… I should have proposed, accepted, and married myself first. To cherish love and honor, until death do me part. Hello. My name is Angela Kennedi. I am… 51 years old. Supple as a willow. And I’m letting my gray hairs come through. Cheers.
If there's a prize for rotten judgement
I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that!
Who'd ya think you're kiddin'
He's the earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, we can see right through you
Girl, ya can't conceal it
We know how ya feel and
Who you're thinking of
No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no
You swoon, you sigh
Why deny it, uh-oh
It's too cliche
I won't say I'm in love
I thought my heart had learned its lesson
It feels so good when you start out
My head is screaming get a grip, girl
Unless you're dying to cry your heart out
You keep on denying
Who you are and how you're feeling
Baby, we're not buying
Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling
Face it like a grown-up
When ya gonna own up
That ya got, got, got it bad
No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no
Give up, give in
Check the grin you're in love
This scene won't play
I won't say I'm in love
You're doin' flips read our lips
You're in love
You're way off base
I won't say it
Get off my case
I won't say it
Girl, don't be proud
It's OK you're in love
Oh, at least out loud
I won't say I'm in love
Ah, such a beautiful day, uh
The sun's shining in a beautiful way, uh
Gonna take a shower, brush my teeth and
Life is ultimately meaningless
Uh, but I'll get out of the house
Get on the road, top down, hands out
Put on my favorite song and nod to the rhythm
The planet's being destroyed by your carbon emissions
But I, I, I'll head to class
Try my best on every test 'til I pass
And my grades are screaming in my face, ayy
98 percent of what you learn is a waste
I get to hang out with all my friends
My friends are the friendliest friends
Can't think of a better way to spend my time
Your brain is flawed and all your friends will die
Never mind, I'm alive in the greatest nation
So proud of, the exploitation of natives?
This graceful bird means freedom for all
Tell that to the slaves, and bald eagles aren't bald
I can live in the moment, milk every second
At any time you could get clinical depression
But I'll just be happy, no matter what's in store
It's quite genetic and we have no cure
Uh, at least
We are young
Not for long
Life is fun
It only goes downhill
We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it
Or you'll regret it
We are young
For now
Life is fun
For some people
We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it
Good luck
Woo, I got a brand new job today
Doin' stuff that'll help the economy
I'll save money and buy things at the store
Banks can crash and capitalism is flawed
And it's all because of my hard work
And the thousand advantages you lucked into at birth
I put a lotta effort in my resume
Good thing you don't have a black person's name
I'm proud to be a functioning member of society
Finally, I can be the citizen I dream to be
Part of the community, contribute with my tax
What could possibly stop me? The shrinking middle class
I've at least got a nice stable job
Until it's outsourced to China or replaced by a robot
Oh God, well then I could relax a bit
You'll be empty with nothing to distract from it
But man I'm a passionate graduate
I can be different and I have a career paths to pick from
I could be a rapper or an animator if I'm lucky
Neither of those will make you happy, trust me
I'm able to choose what I pursue
You're a slave to people born richer than you
Then screw it, I'll keep going in
Then I'll party on the weekend and sing
Thanks to autotune
We are young
Not for long
Life is fun
It only goes downhill
We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it
Or you'll regret it
We are young
We still die
Life is fun
Until you die
We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it
Because you'll die
Life is a wonder
You'll never know the answer
Nature is a miracle
Natural disasters
It's good to be alive
You could wake up with cancer
But I'm healthy
Healthy people still get cancer
I love this show
It's the last episode
The sun is shining
It's going to explode
Every species is beautiful and unique though
Children have malaria thanks to mosquitoes
I met a cute girl with a ponytail
Statistically, that relationship is going to fail
I have a wonderful family, it's like no other
You're not special and one day you'll bury your mother
(Jeez dude) no matter what happens I can find a home
We will all die alone
There's amazing potential in every human on Earth
There's no escaping the heat death of the universe
I don't have to live life based on negative parts
No matter how bad they are, they're just thoughts
Yeah, that's fair
Wait really?
Yeah, that seems reasonable
Wait, wait, wait, wait but you were just telling me
Whatever man, I dunno, live your life how you want
I'm not forcing you to do anything, I'm just saying
Well, in that case
We are young
Life is fun
We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it
We are young
Life is fun
We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it
Enjoy it while it lasts
Source: LyricFind
I'm at the supermarket
Gon' cop some rhubarb
I reach into my pocket
It's time to get charged
I pay in cash, and I know what happens next is strange
I flash a stunning smile and say
"You can keep the change"
Oh, what
Oh yeah, I'm a good person
You can have that money (it's yours)
And also coins are uncomfortable in my pockets, uh
Sitting by my computer
Mom comes inside the lair
"It's smelling like a sewer
You should go and get some air"
I'm gettin' up, and stretch, I'm filling up with pride
I open up the door and put a single foot outside
Oh, what
Oh yeah, I'm a good person
I leave my house (so healthy)
I'm gonna put my foot back inside of my house now, uh
My lifestyle's quite unhealthy
I snacked recording this
Got an expanding belly
Can't find a shirt that fits
Roll my chair to the kitchen, fill my snack bowl to the brim
Yeah, I know that might look bad, but then I sign up for a gym
Oh, what
Oh yeah, I'm a good person
I'm a gym member (gon' get ripped)
And I will go there sometime, I just haven't decided on a date yet, uh
I'm chilling out in class
My teacher's such a jerk
And suddenly he asks
"Where is your homework"
All my friends in panic, "no was that today??"
I slap mine on the desk and say "I'm gonna get an A plus"
Oh, what
Oh yeah, I'm a good person
I do my homework (model student)
Turns out I plagiarized and now I'm in detention, uh (sad, whiny uh)
My mom is back again
"Can you take out the trash?"
Her mind was blown right then
"I did it before you asked"
Oh, what
Oh yeah, I'm a good person
I do my chores (for mommy)
Couldn't find a trashcan so I dumped it in the ocean, uh
It's just a regular day
Or is it, grandma?
No, someone's changin' age and
it isn't grandpa
Other grandsons may just write on Facebook walls
But I am grandmas special boy, so I am gonna call
Oh, what
Oh yeah, I'm a good person
I remember birthdays (for example February 7th)
You better think of me when you're drafting up your will
I'm hanging out with Quinston
He is the coolest guy
Got 30k on Insta'
Always wears suit and tie
I tell him 'bout how good I am, but he says
"Bro, the people who are really good don't brag about it though"
what? You're saying bragging about the nice things you've done misses the whole point
Of doing nice things in the first place?
Oh, what
Oh yeah, I'm a good person
I don't brag ever (never did)
Now please excuse me while I go delete my Twitter, uh
I'm off to see my darling Jen
She's hanging around the slip again
With your blue eyes
Sparkling deep sea blue eyes
Giving the crew the old 'Aye oh '
She wants a lifeboat man
She heaved herself into the sea
Screaming 'Come on boys, come and rescue me'
With your blue eyes
Sparkling deep sea blue eyes
Giving the crew the old 'Aye oh '
She wants a lifeboat man
They launched the boat for save our Jen
It was full of handsome lifeboat men
With your blue eyes
Sparkling deep sea blue eyes
Giving the crew the old 'Aye oh '
She wants a lifeboat man
They pulled our Jen out from the wet
And they laid her right down on the deck
With your blue eyes
Sparkling deep sea blue eyes
Giving the crew the old 'Aye oh '
She wants a lifeboat man
Then the lifeboat sailed from North to South
And the crew all gave her mouth to mouth
With your blue eyes
Sparkling deep sea blue eyes
Giving the crew the old 'Aye oh '
She wants a lifeboat man
And they puffed and preened for to win her hand
But she went below with a midshipman
With your blue eyes
Sparkling deep sea blue eyes
Giving the crew the old 'Aye oh '
She wants a lifeboat man
She said 'My lad now you saved my life
You can take me home for to be your wife'
With your blue eyes
Sparkling deep sea blue eyes
Giving the crew the old 'Aye oh '
She wants a lifeboat man
Your skin is warm like an oven
Your kiss is sugary swееt
Your fingers feel like cotton
When you put your arms around me
I feel like I'm just missin' somethin' whenever you leave
We've got all the ingredients, except you loving me
And respectfully
I'm not a piece of cake for you to just discard
While you walk away with the frosting of my heart
So I'm takin' back what's mine
You'll miss the slice of heaven that I gave to you last night
You smell just like vanilla
You taste like buttercream
You're filling up my senses with empty calories
I feel like I'm just missin' somethin' whenever you leave
We've got all the ingredients, except you needing me
So respectfully
I'm not a piece of cake for you to just discard
While you walk away with the frosting of my heart
So I'm takin' back what's mine
You'll miss the slice of heaven that I gave to you last night
If I am just a piece of cake
I am just a piece of cake (cake)
Then you're just a piece of meat
You're just a piece of meat to me
If I am just a piece of cake
I am just a piece of cake
Then you're just a piece of meat
You're just a piece of meat to me
I'm not a piece of cake for you to just discard
While you walk away with the frosting of my heart
So I'm takin' back what's mine
You'll miss the slice of heaven that I gave to you last night
The slice of heaven that I gave
Th-th-the slice of heaven that I gave to you
Slice of heaven that I gave to you last night, i-i-ight