
viet by user108720

1.3 Yêu cầu kỹ thuật/ Technical requirements
1.3.1. Construction method/ Biện pháp thi công
- Đối với biện pháp thi công của Hạng mục Công trình, yêu cầu Nhà thầu Nội thất phải đệ trình trước các biện pháp thi công chi tiết cho mỗi Hạng mục Công trình cho Chủ đầu tư để phê duyệt 07 ngày trước khi thực hiện thi công từng Hạng mục Công trình. Hồ sơ biện pháp thi công được trình bởi nhà thầu sẽ được kiểm tra và phê duyệt/phản hồi bởi Chủ đầu tư trong vòng 07 ngày kể từ ngày đệ trình./ For the construction method statements of the Work Items, the Interior Contractor is required to submit the detailed construction method statements for each Work Items to the Employer for approval 07 days in advance before execution of each Work Item. Construction method statement submitted by the Interior Contractor would be checked and approved/ responsed by the Employer within 07 days from submission date.
- Biện pháp thi công của Nhà thầu Nội thất phải đảm bảo các yêu cầu về tiến độ, chất lượng và an toàn./ The construction method statement of the Interior Contractor must ensure requirements of schedule, quality, and safety.
1.3.2. Bản vẽ triển khai thi công/ Shop drawings
- Nhà thầu Nội thất sẽ cung cấp bản vẽ triển khai thi công cho Dự án./ The Interior Contractor shall provide shop drawings for this Project.
- Đối với một số Hạng mục Công trình đòi hỏi phải làm bản vẽ triển khai thi công, Nhà thầu Nội thất phải nộp trước bản vẽ triển khai thi công cho Chủ đầu tư duyệt ít nhất 07 ngày trước khi tiến hành thi công xây dựng từng Hạng mục Công trình. Bản vẽ triển khai thi công được trình bởi Nhà thầu Nội thất sẽ được kiểm tra và phê duyệt/phản hồi bởi Chủ đầu tư trong vòng 07 ngày kể từ ngày đệ trình./ For some Work Items that are required to make shop drawings, the Interior Contractor must submit the shop drawings to the Employer for approval at least 07 days in advance before execution for each Work Item. Shop drawings submitted by the Interior Contractor would be checked and approved/ responsed by the Employer within 07 days from submission date.

j speed by phantomguapera

Just as Jack jumped joyfully over the jagged rocks, he joined Jill in a jubilant journey. They juggled juicy jams and jars of jellybeans, jostling each other with jokes. The jovial duo journeyed through jungles and jaded jungles, meeting jovial jesters and jubilant jaguars.

viet by user108720

1.2 Chất lượng vật liệu và Hạng mục Công trình/ Quality of materials and Work Items
- Nhà thầu Nội thất phải thi công, tổ chức kiểm tra vật liệu và Công trình theo đúng Hồ sơ Mời thầu Nội thất, các bản vẽ, chỉ dẫn kỹ thuật, và Biểu dự toán Hợp đồng quy định trong Hợp đồng Nội thất này./ The Interior Contractor shall construct, organize the inspection of materials and the Works in accordance with Interior Tender Documents, drawings, technical specifications, and Contract BOQ specified in this Interior Contract.
- Nhà thầu Nội thất phải nộp quy trình kiểm soát chất lượng công trình cho Chủ đầu tư 07 ngày trước khi thực hiện thi công từng Hạng mục Công trình./ The Interior Contractor shall submit the procedure of quality control to the Employer 07 days in advance before execution for each Work Item.
- Nhà thầu Nội thất phải chịu trách nhiệm đảm bảo rằng tất cả các vật liệu, hoàn thiện, đồ đạc và các hạng mục được sử dụng trong Dự án này phải tuân thủ các chỉ dẫn kỹ thuật đã được quy định trong Hồ sơ Mời thầu Nội thất, Biểu dự toán Hợp đồng, và các tiêu chuẩn áp dụng theo yêu cầu của Pháp luật./ The Interior Contractor shall be responsible to ensure that all materials, finishes, fixtures, and items to be used in this Project shall be complied with the technical specifications specified in the Interior Tender Documents, the Contract BOQ, and applicable standards as required by Law.
- Trường hợp có vật liệu hay hạng mục công trình nào không đạt quy cách hay tiêu chuẩn, không được bảo quản đúng quy cách, Nhà thầu Nội thất phải có trách nhiệm thay thế vật liệu/hạng mục công trình đó bằng vật liệu/hạng mục công trình đủ tiêu chuẩn. Nhà thầu Nội thất phải di chuyển ngay các vật liệu/hạng mục xây dựng không đủ tiêu chuẩn ra khỏi Công trường ngay lập tức. Nếu không thực hiện, Chủ đầu tư có quyền từ chối việc kiểm tra và nghiệm thu đối với các vật liệu/hạng mục công trình đó và các công việc tiếp theo.
In case that any materials or any construction items do not meet specifications or standards, or are not preserved properly, the Interior Contractor shall be responsible to replace those materials/construction items with new qualified ones. The Interior Contractor is required to move out the unqualified materials/construction items out of the Work Site immediately. Otherwise, the Employer reserves the right to refuse the inspection and acceptance for those materials/construction items and further works.
- Tất cả các vật liệu phải được Chủ đầu tư chấp thuận trước khi sử dụng. Các vật liệu do Nhà thầu Nội thất đệ trình sẽ được Chủ đầu tư kiểm tra và phê duyệt/phản hồi trong vòng 07 ngày kể từ ngày đệ trình./ All materials must be accepted by the Employer before use. Materials submitted by the Interior Contractor would be checked and approved/ responsed by the Employer within 07 days from submission date.
- Nhà thầu Nội thất cam kết cung cấp vật liệu và thiết bị có nhãn hiệu rõ ràng và nguyên bản như quy định trong Biểu dự toán Hợp đồng. Tất cả vật liệu dùng cho Dự án này phải mới 100%./ The Interior Contractor commits to supply materials and equipment with clear brands and original as specified in Contract BOQ. All materials used for this Project must be brand new 100%.
- Đối với một số thiết bị thi công phải được kiểm định bởi cơ quan có thẩm quyền, Nhà thầu Nội thất phải cung cấp các chứng chỉ kiểm định cho các thiết bị thi công trước khi vào công trình cho Chủ đầu tư. / For some working equipment that are required to be inspected by competent authoriries, the Interior Contractor must provide the inspection certificates for those equipment to the Employer before entering to the site.
- Trong trường hợp có vài Hạng mục Công trình không đáp ứng chất lượng, quy cách, yêu cầu, hoặc tiêu chuẩn, Nhà thầu Nội thất phải chịu trách nhiệm làm lại hoặc sửa chữa các Hạng mục Công trình đó bằng chi phí của mình và thời gian làm lại hay sửa chữa không quá thời gian của Tiến độ thi công tổng quát đã quy định tại Điều 2, Phần 1 của Hợp đồng Nội thất này./ In case that some Work Items do not meet quality, specifications, requirements, or standards, the Interior Contractor is responsible for re-making or repairing the Work Items with their own expenses and the period of re-making or repairing shall not exceed the Master schedule specified in Article 2, Section 1 of this Interior Contract.

চ জ by 667110

চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ চ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ জ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ চজ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ জচ চ জ চ জ চ জ চ জ জ চ জ চ জ

De-reg 1 by jgrabowska

Good morning everyone. I just wanted to inform/remind you all of the correct procedure to follow when you need to clear charges off the register at Companies House. Please take two minutes to read this email and save it for future reference. The Law: Clearing the Companies House charges register has nothing to do with actually effecting the release of security - that is done via the Deed of Release and anything else required to ‘unwind’ perfection steps originally taken in connection with the security. Filing the relevant form constitutes a declaration to Companies House, which should be made by a director of the charging company, that the secured debt has been repaid and/or the relevant charge has been released and can therefore be removed from the company’s charging register. On a refinancing, where the secured debt has been repaid in full and all of the security is being released - use Form MR04. Where the secured debt remains in place but some assets are being released from the security - use Form MR05.

y u by 667110

y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu y u y u y u y u y u y u u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu y u y u y u y u y u y u u y u y u y u y u y u

y u by 667110

y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u
u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y
u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u
y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu
uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy
yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu

Untitled by 667110

y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u
u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y
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yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu yu
uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy
yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu

Untitled by 667110

y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u y u
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uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy uy
yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu yy uu

sold out by beleben

I ain't like no one you met before
I'm running for the front
When they're all running for the door
And I won't sit down won't back out
You can't ever shut me up
'Cause I'm on a mission
And I won't quit now
In a world full of followers
I'll be a leader
In a world full of doubters
I'll be a believer
I'm stepping out without a hesitation
Because the battle's already been won
I'm sold out
I'm no longer living
Just for myself
Running after Jesus
With my whole heart
And now I'm ready to shout
I am sold out
I'm sold out
With every single
Step that I take now
With every drop of blood
Left in my veins
I'm gonna be making it count
I am sold out
This ain't just some temporary phase
You can't face this kind of grace
And leave the way you came
This is permanent with intent
And there won't be no stopping it now
I'm on a mission and it's heaven sent
In a world full of followers
I'll be a leader
In a world full of doubters
I'll be a believer
I'm stepping out without a hesitation
'Cause my soul is like a stadium
And I'm sold out
I'm no longer living
Just for myself
Running after Jesus
With my whole heart
And now I'm ready to shout
I am sold out
I'm sold out
With every single
Step that I take now
With every drop of blood
Left in my veins
I'm gonna be making it count
I am sold out
No trials coming against me
Could put a dent in my passion
They're just an opportunity
To put my faith into action
In a world full of followers
I'll be a leader
In a world full of doubters
I'll be a believer
I'm stepping out without a hesitation
I ain't got nothing left to be afraid of
I'm sold out
I'm no longer living
Just for myself
Running after Jesus
With my whole heart
And now I'm ready to shout
I am sold out
I'm sold out
With every single
Step that I take now
With every drop of blood
Left in my veins
I'm gonna be making it count
I am sold out

sale2 by beleben

The majority of our customers, who are young adults aged 18-30, exhibit loyal and price-conscious behavior, frequently visiting the store twice a week, often during evening hours, with a strong preference for trendy and affordable items; they value convenience, expect quick service, and are particularly drawn to well-placed promotional displays and sales events.

acknowledge by beleben

I confirm that I have received and understood the details provided.
Thank you for the information; I acknowledge receipt and will proceed accordingly.
I have reviewed your instructions and understand the requirements.
Your message has been received and the details are clear to me.
I appreciate the clarification, and I acknowledge that I fully understand the task.
The document has been received and I am aligned with the outlined steps.
I acknowledge your email and confirm that I understand the next steps.
I’ve gone through the information and acknowledge its receipt and accuracy.
Your guidance is clear, and I acknowledge that I am ready to proceed.
I confirm that I have understood the instructions and will act accordingly.

tour organizer by chh

Car pick up 40
van pick up 45
car small tour 50
van small tour 60
car kbs and bts 87
van kbs and bts 125
car klm and bts 103
van klm and bts 120
car to kk bm and rlg 152
van to kk bm and rlg 165
car to preah vihea 169
van to preah vihea 185
car to poi pet 80
van to poi pet 105
car to btb 85
van to btb110
car to pp 120
van to pp 195
tour guide
japanese 55
thai 50
chinese 60
french 60
spanish 60
german 60
russian 70
korean 70
italian 70
english 40

Custom Email by ravis8ttec

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in. We are delighted to tell you that have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn't be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service

custom practice by aksnair

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in. We are delighted to tell you that have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn't be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service

Daily Typing Task by jugal.patel09

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in. We are delighted to tell you that have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn't be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service

palabras dificiles by mati99

Psicología inconstitucional transubstanciación extraterrestre hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia electroencefalograma otorrinolaringología criptografía hipoglucemia esternocleidomastoideo anticonstitucionalmente paralelepípedo anquilosante quimioautotrófico desoxirribonucleico

art 14 by evelyn23

En materia jurisdiccional, la Corte forma quórum con la presencia de cuatro integrantes. Para la emisión de pronunciamiento válido, se requiere la mayoría absoluta del Cuerpo y de sus votos totalmente concordantes. En caso de empate, el voto del presidente de la Corte es decisivo. Si su voto no es dirimente, la Corte se integra con el número de reemplazantes que sea necesario para lograr mayoría absolutamente concordante en la votación. En todos los casos, la opinión de la mayoría puede ser llevada por uno de los integrantes y la de la minoría, del mismo modo. En materia de Gobierno, la Corte forma quórum con la presencia de cuatro de sus integrantes y las resoluciones se toman por simple mayoría. En caso de empate, el voto del presidente es decisivo. Competencia territorial: Ejerce su competencia funcional, material y personal en todo el territorio de la Provincia.

art 29 by evelyn23

Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el artículo anterior, las cámaras con idéntica competencia material con asiento en las cinco circunscripciones judiciales a pedido de la simple mayoría del total de sus jueces, pueden reunirse en tribunal plenario a fin de unificar jurisprudencia o de evitar fallos contradictorios. En este último supuesto, pueden actuar en defecto de caso concreto para fijar la interpretación que se dará en lo sucesivo a una cuestión de derecho. Las decisiones se adoptan por mayoría absoluta de votos totalmente concordantes. De no lograrse ella, se procede a nueva votación entre las dos interpretaciones que más sufragios obtuvieron. En caso de empate, se dispone la integración del Tribunal con el número de jueces de otras cámaras con idéntica
sede a la del tribunal plenario, que sea suficiente para obtener tal mayoría. La interpretación que se establezca mayoritariamente obliga a todos los jueces de todas las cámaras, aunque no hayan participado en la votación respectiva y a los jueces inferiores con idéntica competencia material. Tal interpretación sólo puede ser sometida a revisión a pedido de la simple mayoría de todos los jueces que la componen, después de cinco años de dictado el respectivo acuerdo. El apartamiento de la tesis mayoritaria causa la nulidad del respectivo pronunciamiento.

art 29 by evelyn23

Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el artículo anterior, las cámaras con idéntica competencia material con asiento en las cinco circunscripciones judiciales a pedido de la simple mayoría del total de sus jueces, pueden reunirse en tribunal plenario a fin de unificar jurisprudencia o de evitar fallos contradictorios. En este último supuesto, pueden actuar en defecto de caso concreto para fijar la interpretación que se dará en lo sucesivo a una cuestión de derecho.Las decisiones se adoptan por mayoría absoluta de votos totalmente concordantes. De no lograrse ella, se procede a nueva votación entre las dos interpretaciones que más sufragios obtuvieron. En caso de empate, se dispone la integración del Tribunal con el número de jueces de otras cámaras con idéntica
sede a la del tribunal plenario, que sea suficiente para obtener tal mayoría. La interpretación que se establezca mayoritariamente obliga a todos los jueces de todas las cámaras, aunque no hayan participado en la votación respectiva y a los jueces inferiores con idéntica competencia material. Tal interpretación sólo puede ser sometida a revisión a pedido de la simple mayoría de todos los jueces que la componen, después de cinco años de dictado el respectivo acuerdo. El apartamiento de la tesis mayoritaria causa la nulidad del respectivo pronunciamiento.