
Untitled by user110102


Margery Williams by rmsqbtpq

Generally, by the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But those things don't matter at all, because once you are real you can't be ugly, except to those who don't understand.

Margery Williams by rmsqbtpq

Generally, by the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But those things don't matter at all, because once you are real you can't be ugly, except to those who don't understand.

Nefertiti by wishpath

Pharaoh Akhenaten, tried Egypt. Smenkhare. Smenkhare queen wealthiest Egypt.

ESOP Olympics 2024 by epecora

October is known as ESOP month! ESOP stands for Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ESOP is a retirement plan that provides employees with ownership interest in the company through shares of stock. The purpose of an ESOP is to align the interests of employees with those of shareholders, motivating employees to contribute to the company’s success. Wiley|Wilson became 100% employee owned in 2004. An employee-owner must work 1,000 hours in a year to count towards years of service. Following your one-year Wiley|Wilson anniversary, you will enter into the ESOP Plan on January 1 / July 1. In just four years, 60% of your account will be vested. In just six years, you will be 100% vested. Employees in ESOP companies often earn higher wages and have greater retirement savings compared to those in non-ESOP companies! Every year Wiley|Wilson celebrates that it is an ESOP company through an event called Ownerfest! Below is a story about Emma and her experience at ESOP company.

Emma had always been passionate about sustainability and innovation. When she joined GreenTech Innovations, a company dedicated to developing eco-friendly technologies, she was thrilled to be part of a mission she believed in. What she didn’t expect was how much the company’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) would change her life.
From her first day, Emma noticed something unique about GreenTech. The atmosphere was collaborative, and everyone seemed genuinely invested in the company’s success. She soon learned that this was largely due to the ESOP. Every employee, including Emma, was a part-owner of the company.
As Emma settled into her role as a project manager, she found herself more motivated than ever. Knowing that her hard work directly contributed to the company’s growth—and her own financial future—gave her a sense of purpose and pride. She wasn’t just working for a paycheck; she was building something meaningful.
Over the years, Emma saw the company grow and thrive. GreenTech’s innovative products gained recognition, and their market share expanded. With each success, the value of the company’s stock increased, and so did Emma’s shares. She watched her retirement savings grow, feeling a sense of security and accomplishment.
But it wasn’t just about the money. The ESOP fostered a culture of transparency and teamwork. Employees were encouraged to share ideas and take initiative, knowing that their contributions mattered. Emma loved the quarterly meetings where the company’s financial health and future plans were discussed openly. It made her feel valued and included.
As Emma looked back on her journey with GreenTech Innovations, she realized how much the ESOP had shaped her career and life. It had given her financial stability, a sense of ownership, and the opportunity to make a real impact. She was proud to be part of a company that valued its employees as much as its mission.

NAVY Gen by tayloraiden

1 To take charge of this post and all government property in view.

2 To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.

3 To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

4 To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse or quarterdeck than my own.

5 To quit my post only when properly relieved.

6 To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the Commanding Officer, Command Duty Officer, Officer of the Deck, and Officers and Petty Officers of the Watch only.

7 To talk to no one except in the line of duty.

8 To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

9 To call the Officer of the Deck in any case not covered by instructions.

10 To salute all officers and colors and standards not cased.

11 To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.

Mon-texte-001 by joelleb

Pour compter, deux approches sont possibles : en partie simple (technique très ancienne) ou en partie double (technique plus « récente » - 1494 - et plus élaborée). Comptabilité en partie simple Premiers pas
Elle consiste à enregistrer chronologiquement les flux financiers. Elle est très utilisée par les ménages, pour la comptabilité et le contrôle des avoirs en banque.

Comment procède-t-on ?
Exemple : le 2/01/N, on ouvre un compte dans une banque et on y dépose 2.000 €. Puis on effectue les opérations suivantes au cours du mois :

4/01 : paiement du loyer 500 €
7/01 : alimentation 90 €
11/01 : essence 30 €
16/01 : retrait DAB 40 €
17/01 : prêt d'une somme d'argent à Tartampion 100 €
27/01. remboursement partiel de Tartampion 50 €

Pour comptabiliser ces entrées et sorties, deux possibilités :

a. Faire les comptes sur une seule colonne, où les entrées alternent avec les sorties.

2/01 : dépôt 2.000
4/01 : paiement loyer -500
7/01 : alimentation -90
11/01 : essence -30
16/01 : retrait DAB -40
17/01 : prêt Tartampion -100
27/01 : remboursement Tartampion +50

Solde du compte : 1.290

b. Faire les comptes sur deux colonnes en distinguant les entrées et les sorties.

2/01 : dépôt 2.000
4/01 : paiement loyer 500
7/01 : alimentation 90
11/01 : essence 30
16/01 : retrait DAB 40
17/01 : prêt Tartampion 100
27/01 : remboursement Tartampion 50

TOTAUX 2.050 760
AVOIR 1.290

Avec cette deuxième méthode, nous avons calculé le solde des entrées et des sorties, notion importante en comptabilité générale.

Les tâches ainsi effectuées, c'est-à-dire garder en mémoire, classifier et contrôler les informations, constituent les objectifs de tout système comptable. Cette comptabilité demeure néanmoins encore très simple.

En examinant ces opérations, on constate que l'une d'elle est particulière : elle n'est pas terminée à la date de clôture des comptes, le 27/01. Il s'agit du prêt à Tartampion, qui n'est remboursé que partiellement. On conserve donc une créance sur cette personne, ce qu'il importe de bien garder en mémoire. Pour cela, il serait utile de noter cette créance dans un compte séparé du compte général, à savoir un compte de tiers.

ASOS - Jaime 7 by poschti

At an unnamed inn on the road to King's Landing, Jaime hears that the king is dead, his firstborn son, but he is more concerned about Cersei. Jaime and Brienne have already learned of Robb Stark’s demise, and found out that Lord Clement Piper rode to King's Landing to bend the knee since his son Marq is held captive at the Twins. When they arrive at the Red Keep, Ser Loras confronts Brienne, accusing her of killing Renly. Jaime reminds the Knight of Flowers that he is his Lord Commander and orders him to sheathe his sword, but has Brienne arrested and taken to a tower cell.

Jaime finds Cersei in the castle sept, where Joffrey is lying in state, and shows her his stump. She asks him to kill Tyrion for murdering Joffrey. Despite Cersei's words that Tyrion threatened her when she held Alayaya prisoner, Jaime tells her he wishes to learn more about what happened. He has sex with her on the Mother's altar, and afterwards Cersei calls it folly, saying that they must be more careful with their father in the castle. He responds that they should stop hiding their love and wed, even if Tommen would lose the Iron Throne, he would still be heir to Casterly Rock, but she sends him away in anger.

Jaime then visits his father, and Lord Tywin is furious when he learns that Vargo Hoat maimed his son. The Hand of the King reveals that the Bloody Mummers were routed at Harrenhal, and that Gregor Clegane will kill Vargo soon but is using him for amusement in the meantime. Tywin then speaks of his plans to bribe the High Septon to release Jaime of his vows to the Kingsguard, find a new husband for Cersei, and perhaps marry Jaime to Margaery. Jaime vehemently refuses to hear of it, stating that he is a knight of the Kingsguard, and that is all he means to be. Lord Tywin turns from his son in disgust, saying, "You are not my son. You say you are Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Very well, ser. Go do your duty."

ASOS - Sansa 5 by poschti

Sansa has fled to the Godswood, and when she removes her hairnet, she notices that one of the black amethysts is missing. Dontos told her she must wear it for the wedding feast, but she now remembers that the amethysts are from Asshai, and that Dontos called the hairnet “magic”. Dontos then appears in the godswood, and Sansa accuses him of murdering the King by using one of the amethysts. Dontos denies it, telling her Tyrion has already been arrested for poisoning the King. She dresses under a heavy cloak, and Dontos leads her to a secret stairway down to the river. They are rowed out to a ship, and Sansa is shocked to find Littlefinger on board. When Dontos calls for his reward of ten thousand gold dragons, Littlefinger commands Lothor Brune to kill the drunk.

Littlefinger explains to her that the fool sold her for a promise of gold, and once he drank that up he would sell her whereabouts to the Queen for more gold. He reveals that it was he who wrote the note so long ago, asking her to go to the godswood. Littlefinger also planned for the dwarf jousters at the wedding, and Sansa asks him why he should wish Joffrey dead. Littlefinger responds, "I had no motive. Always keep your foes confused. Sometimes the best way to baffle them is to make moves that have no purpose…Remember that when you come to play the game of thrones." He claims he had her mother's maidenhood and tells her that she could have been his daughter, had he and Catelyn wed, and therefore he must look out for Sansa.

ASOS - Tyrion 8 by poschti

Tyrion puzzles out how his nephew must have found Littlefinger’s Valyrian dagger amongst Robert’s possessions, assuming that the king had probably forgotten he even owned it. Joffrey must then have paid some unsavory freerider to open Bran’s throat, though Tyrion still cannot figure out why, attributing it to Joffrey's innate cruelty for the moment.

Tyrion is slightly drunk while Joffrey and Margaery are wed in the Great Sept of Baelor, and continues to drink until night falls and it is time for the great wedding feast. As they enter the ballroom, Olenna, the Queen of Thorns, comes over to tell Sansa how beautiful she looks, and the old lady straightens out the hairnet that Dontos gave her.

Many at the wedding offer their condolences to Sansa on the loss of her mother and brother; watching his wife's courteous and friendly nature to the other guests, Tyrion muses she would have made Joffrey a great queen and wife if he'd had the sense to love her, something Tyrion believes his nephew incapable of.

During the feast, Joffrey calls for the royal jousters, and the party is entertained as two dwarfs battle each other. Joffrey then mocks his uncle, commanding Tyrion to fight the dwarfs as the king’s champion. Tyrion rebuffs him, but the King dumps a huge goblet of wine over Tyrion’s head. Joffrey commands Tyrion to serve him wine, and the hall erupts in laughter. Tyrion refills the goblet, and then the pigeon pie is brought out, and Joffrey calls for Ser Ilyn’s sword. Sansa is horrified to learn that the King’s Justice no longer holds her father’s greatsword, Ice.

Joffrey calls for more wine, Margaery at his side, and then begins to eat some of Tyrion’s pie. He commands Tyrion to serve him more wine, which Tyrion does. The King then begins to cough, unable to breathe as he claws at his throat. Lady Olenna and Margaery call out for help, but the Kingsguard are powerless to do anything.

As Grand Maester Pycelle calls for his potions, Tyrion dumps the rest of the wine out on the floor, and Joffrey, now turning black, seems to either reach for--or point at--his uncle. Sansa has slipped off during the confusion, but when Cersei finally lets go of her son’s lifeless body, she commands the Kingsguard to arrest Tyrion for murdering the King.

ASOS - Sansa 4 by poschti

Sansa has learned from Tyrion the fate of her brother and mother at the Red Wedding. She and her husband join many other guests at the Queen’s Ballroom to give Joffrey his wedding gifts. It is a new year, the 300th since Aegon's Conquest, and Joffrey’s wedding is that night. Tyrion presents his nephew with a copy of Grand Maester Kaeth’s Lives of Four Kings, one of only four copies in existence written by Kaeth himself. Kevan tells the King it is "A book every king should read." Joffrey is disappointed with the gift, and hacks the book in half with the Valyrian sword his grandfather had just given him. Joffrey remarks that he is no stranger to Valyrian steel, and also that Tyrion owes him another gift. Tyrion suggests a Valyrian dagger with a dragonbone hilt, which seems to unsettle Joffrey for a moment before he says it is a good idea but wants one with a gold hilt instead.

Later, back in their rooms, Sansa tells Tyrion that she would rather not know how Robb and her mother had perished, and Tyrion promises that he will say no more.

ASOS - Tyrion 7 by poschti

Tyrion is lying in bed beside his wife. Dreadful details of the Red Wedding have reached King's Landing, about how the Freys mutilated the corpses of Robb Stark and Catelyn Tully. Tyrion has tried to keep those stories from Sansa and wants to comfort her but he knows she will never take comfort from a Lannister. He leaves to visit Shae in the room where the dragon skulls are kept, but he remembers his recent conversation with Varys. The eunuch warned him that if confronted by the Queen, he would tell her the truth about Shae. Tyrion realizes that if he is to save Shae, he must either send her away or marry her off. After she pleases him, he decides that he will marry her to Ser Tallad, and Cersei will never think to find out who she is.

VGH 3 by user461720

Gegen die Richtigkeit der Feststellungen des Sachverständigen ergeben sich keine Bedenken. Es ist nicht erkennbar, dass das Gutachten von unzutreffenden Voraussetzungen ausgeht, grobe Mängel oder unlösbare Widersprüche aufweist oder dass Anlass zu Zweifeln an der Sachkunde, der angewandten Methodik oder der Unparteilichkeit des Gutachters bestehen

Die Erhebung einer Klage ohne bestimmten Klageantrag ist, da § 82 I 2 VwGO nur ein Soll-Erfordernis normiert, für die Zulässigkeit der Klage unschädlich. Es reicht aus, ist für die Zulässigkeit der Klage aber auch Voraussetzung, dass spätestens im Zeitpunkt der letzten mündlichen Verhandlung ein derartiger Antrag gestellt wird

Damit wird der Streitgegenstand festgelegt und der Rahmen der gerichtlichen Entscheidungsbefugnis abgesteckt sowie dem Beklagten eine präzise Verteidigung erlaubt. Schließlich soll aus einem dem Klageantrag stattgebenden Urteil eine Zwangsvollstreckung zu erwarten sein, die das Vollstreckungsverfahren nicht unter Fortsetzung des Streits mit Sachfragen überfrachtet.

Jedoch ist die Regelung des § 113 V 2 VwGO auf die allgemeine Leistungsklage analog anzuwenden. Ohne die Möglichkeit eines derartigen Bescheidungsurteils wäre der Rechtsschutz bei der allgemeinen Leistungsklage lückenhaft.

Wie bereits ausgeführt, ist das Gutachten in sich nachvollziehbar und widerspruchsfrei. Bedenken gegen die Sachkunde und Unparteilichkeit des Gutachters bestehen nicht, Fehler in der Methodik des Gutachters sind nicht erkennbar.

Der Zweck des § 113 Abs. V 2 VwGO, die Behörden auch bei fehlerhaftem Verwaltungshandeln im Ermessensbereich einer richterlichen, rechtskraftfähigen Weisung zu unterwerfen, trifft auch für diese Falle zur Geltung

Voraussetzung ist eine sachliche und dauerhafte Bindung zu einem Ort innerhalb des Einwirkungsbereichs im Sinne eines qualifizierten Betroffenseins, die sich deutlich abhebt von den Auswirkungen, die den Einzelnen als Teil der Allgemeinheit treffen können.

Dem Betreiber können nur Auswirkungen einer öffentlichen Einrichtung zugerechnet werden, die durch die eigentliche Funktion der Einrichtung bedingt sind. Allenfalls bei Hinzutreten besonderer Umstände muss sich der Betreiber Beeinträchtigungen, die durch eine bestimmungswidrige Nutzung hervorgerufen werden, zurechnen lassen.

Da die Beigeladene durch ihre Antragstellung ein eigenes Prozesskostenrisiko übernommen hat (§ 154 III VwGO), waren ihre außergerichtlichen Kosten aus Gründen der Billigkeit gemäß § 162 III VwGO ebenfalls dem Antragsteller aufzuerlegen.

Voraussetzung hierfür ist, dass sich gerade in dem jeweiligen Missbrauch eine mit der Einrichtung geschaffene besondere Gefahrenlage ausdrückt und der Missbrauch deshalb als Folge des Betriebs der Einrichtung anzusehen ist.

Diese Möglichkeit ist dann auszuschließen, wenn durch den angegriffenen Verwaltungsakt offensichtlich und nach keiner Betrachtungsweise subjektive Rechte des Klägers verletzt sein können

BVerwG 3 by user461720

Grundsätzliche Bedeutung iSv § 132 II Nr. 1 VwGO hat eine Rechtssache nur dann, wenn in dem angestrebten Revisionsverfahren die Klärung einer in ihrer Bedeutung über den der Beschwerde zugrundeliegenden Einzelfall hinausgehenden.

In der Rechtsprechung des BVerwG ist geklärt, dass eine Ermessensvorschrift nur dann Drittschutz entfalten kann, wenn die zuständige Behörde bei der Ausübung ihres Eingriffsermessens nicht nur das öffentliche Interesse und das Interesse des Adressaten ihres Bescheides, sondern auch die Interessen der jeweiligen Nachbarn des Adressaten zu beachten hat. Danach kommt es allein auf die Schutzrichtung der Norm und nicht auf die Intensität ihrer möglichen Verletzung an.

Der zulässige Antrag der Antragsgegnerin ist weitgehend begründet. Der Verwaltungsgerichtshof hat dem Normenkontrollantrag zu Unrecht vollumfänglich stattgegeben.

Die Ausübung der Steuergesetzgebungskompetenz zur Lenkung in einem anderweitig geregelten Sachbereich ist aber nur unter der Voraussetzung zulässig, dass dadurch die Rechtsordnung nicht widersprüchlich wird. Dies ist der Fall, wenn den Normadressaten gegenläufige Regelungen erreichen

Der kommunale Satzungsgeber darf durch eine Lenkungssteuer nicht in den Regelungsbereich des Bundesgesetzgebers einwirken, wenn dieser den steuerlich verfolgten Lenkungszweck ausgeschlossen oder gegenläufige Lenkungswirkungen oder Handlungsmittel vorgeschrieben hat

An der Ausübung ihrer Kompetenz wäre die Antragsgegnerin nur gehindert, wenn sie eine dem Bundesrecht widersprechende Regelung erlassen würde.

Aus bundesrechtlicher Sicht bestimmt sich die Teilbarkeit einer Satzung entsprechend § 139 BGB danach, ob die ohne den unwirksamen Teil bestehende Restregelung sinnvoll bleibt und ob mit Sicherheit anzunehmen ist, dass sie auch ohne den zur Unwirksamkeit führenden Teil erlassen worden wäre

im Interesse der Einheit oder der Fortbildung des Rechts revisionsgerichtlich klärungsbedürftigen und entscheidungserheblichen Rechtsfrage des revisiblen Rechts zu erwarten ist

Mr. by vzrlbioi

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Mr. by vzrlbioi

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Mr. by vzrlbioi

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Mr. by vzrlbioi
