
Lenang Manggala
sakit dher????

Eric Wang
Got a pb on this quote :3

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it




คำคมล่าสุด - คำคมที่ดีที่สุด - คำคมที่แย่ที่สุด -

Sugaru Miaki - Three Days of Happiness
Fixing your mistakes doesn't mean success takes their place. All it'll give you is just a point to start at. That's something failures don't understand. I found it a little funny remembering how Miyagi said something very similar. They had only just arrived at the starting line.

Litkid - Loneliness
Have you ever felt that feeling? The feeling of when you get back home and close your door? The creeping, the frequent, the recurring feeling of emptiness and loneliness? Throughout your life the feeling will subside and you'll feel somewhat okay for a while. But out of nowhere the feeling will emerge again, just like it never left and give you a large welcoming hug.

Some Typist - Bad Typing
There is nothing more discouraging than seeing that average tick down after a particularly bad run. Typically that's my sign to stop procrastinating and to start my actual work, but I just always go back for another run. Here I go!

Anonymous - Life
You can't expect everything in your life to be perfect. Because life is meant to be imperfect and humans are imperfect. But there's a beauty in human life. Just take your situation as it is and do something about it, if you can; otherwise, ignore it. You can always choose to be happy. Writing something is really difficult.

Holly Black - The Cruel Prince
You remind me that I am a mere mortal and you are a prince of Faerie. Well, let me remind you that means you have much to lose and I have nothing. You may win in the end, you may ensorcell me and hurt me and humiliate me, but I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down. I promise you this - this is the least of what I can do.

Clay Shirkey - Cognitive Surplus - Creativity
The stupidest possible creative act is still a creative act. On the spectrum of creative work, the difference between the mediocre and the good is vast. Mediocrity is, however, still on the spectrum; you can move from mediocre to good in increments. The real gap is between doing nothing and doing something.

Kharl Deisseroth - Projections
I could do something - not much, but something. And that matters - realizing at a place and moment you have been called to be whatever it is that humanity can be for a person. That is not nothing.

Micheal 'Eyedea' Larsen - Dream - No Bird Sing ft. Eyedea
Eyes closed, slowly dissipate; Have a stare-down with the sun and hope that it could lift away. I can't say I never made a mistake, but people will be people and I can't hate you cause you changed. No matter how many times I rearrange the chairs in my apartment the walls still look the same. I don't know why I'm here but I'm glad I came, I feel lucky to know you by your first name. Let's dance in the grave of your pain, if I had another chance I'd do it all again the same way.

Invalids - "Idle Promise"
Once in a while, I find myself floating. If you just stay still, you won't notice the current pulling. Drift, an undulant form, further than seagulls will go. Left the phone beside the bed. I left the key on the desk. Whatever else I may have left, I can come and take the rest. Slow the current goes. Don't wait up til I get home. Tow and tethered flow. I'll be right outside the door. Don't forget your classes start. Don't forget to study hard. Hope you do your best, I do. Sorry I can't be there.

Twyla Tharp - The Creative Habit- Chapter 10 "Ruts and Grooves"
When you're in a rut, you have to question everything except your ability to get out of it. ... When optimism turns to pessimism during the creative process, you are in a serious, dangerous rut. So serious that it can become the mother rut - depression. Forget spinning your wheels; the wheels have come off the wagon. Some people work their way out of it. Some people take a rest. Some people need the help of a doctor. I don't have the cure for this one.

Twyla Tharp - The Creative Habit- Chapter 7 "Accidents will Happen"
A plan is like the scaffolding around a building. When you're putting up the exterior shell, the scaffolding is vital. But once the shell is in place and you start work on the interior, the scaffolding disappears. That's how I think of planning. It has to be sufficiently thoughtful and solid to get the work up and standing straight, but it cannot take over as you toil away on the interior guts of a piece. Transforming your ideas rarely goes according to plan.

F. C Yee - The Shadow of Kyoshi
Was I right?" she asked Rangi and any spirits listening nearby. The muscles in her chest were tired and aching from grief. "Was I right about anything at all? What will they say about me? Avatar Kyoshi, who killed her friend because she couldn't save him?" "I don't know" Rangi said. "I can't tell you anything about the future. Only that I'll be there with you.

Zahid - Atypical
Look, you got me a lollipop so I'm trying to be nice, but, dude, I can't believe you were dumb enough to entrust your hard-earned cabbage to a corrupt government-backed bank. FDIC? More like, FDI-see you later, money.

Sam Gardner - Atypical
Whoever said practice makes perfect was an idiot. Humans can't be perfect because we're not machines. The best thing you can say about practice is that it makes... better.

Anonymous - Hey Typer
One time, on a typing spree, I came across a quote from an unknown author. It was someone talking about how they use this website to sound busy while in their office. They were so empathetic to the other typers... as if they knew we were all here procrastinating on something. I think about that quote a lot, even though I don't remember it word for word. I hope that author is okay. Maybe this quote will reach them eventually.

Butterfly - Weeds
No one likes weeds. They are bothersome and some may even say they are ugly. But we have to remember that they help us, even if we do not like them. They provide us with one of our most essential resources: oxygen. And we have to remember that dandelions are weeds.

Butterfly - All they see is grey.
All they see is grey. For them, my heart breaks. They can't see the vibrance. They can't see the brightness. Their world is dull and grey. I hate to hear them say. That they might end their life one day. Because their world is dull and grey. I want to show them color. But often, they refuse. I want to show them color. Why don't they choose. If they removed the lens and tried. I am positive that they would find. They much prefer the color. The other world is duller.

Butterfly - I Need to Stop
Right now, my heart feels different. I need to stop. This crush has lasted so long, yet nothing has come from it but confusion and heartbreak. I need to stop. I tell myself that I should to stop thinking about him. I need to stop. I want so badly to distract myself. I need to stop. It is an idle burden. I need to stop. It feels like I am laying on a make-shift raft on an oddly still ocean when the sun is at its peak in the sky, beating down on me, and there is nowhere to go. I need to stop.

j esus - kkk
Black people they gonna steal your food you better hide your wallet cause they gonna take that too. Black people one big family with a big bucket of Kentucky fried chicken.

Someone - Intelligence
Does intelligence define worth of life? Is your life worth more than someone who has learning difficulties? Is it morally justified to harm or exploit the vulnerabilities of an individual simply because they are less intelligent? No, of course not. Intelligence does not predicate an individual's right not to suffer. So then I ask: why do people point to an animal's intelligence when trying to justify killing them, chopping them into pieces, and eating them?