
i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series

Tay chee siong
Appears to be an advertisement

Douglas Adams
I presume this is from a US edition but do they really spell it as …




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zeppazariel - Crimson Rivers
Almost casually, James rolls his head to the side to look at him, a strain around his eyes. He doesn't turn away from the sunrise, doesn't do anything other than glance over at Regulus with a small smile. It's a sad one. His eyes flick down to the dagger in Regulus' hand, then right back up to hold his gaze. You're hesitating love, James says softly. Regulus releases a rattling breath. He hasn't even raised his dagger. He's trembling. His vision is blurring. This is it, isn't it? The real test.

Delta Sleep - "Lake Sprinkle Sprankle"
So, from this moment on, he started drifting, and dreamed of colours that he'd never seen before, and all the types of fruit he'd ever tasted. The air was warm; the sky was clear of water; beyond the lake were trees far as the eye could see. This was the place we used to swim together. Those things up on your chest look mighty comfy - I may just lay my head and wait for morning sunbeams. Morning - the wait is over, so in we go to find a home.

John French - The Passing of Angels (Sons of the Emperor: An Anthology)
I do not pause in thought or consideration. The condemned run from me, burning, blind as their eyes boil. I release them from life as I pass. I do not even feel the spear strikes. Gunfire rips from buildings to tater my wings. Blood marks my passing, scattering from the slaughter. I am not alive. I am not a creature that lives. I am just judgement. I am death. And for now I feel no sorrow.

kayleigh - What would it be like?
Do you ever wonder what your average speed and accuracy would be if this website didn't let you skip over quotes? Imagine having to go through every single quote. The long ones; short ones, too. Long words, and short words - you name it. Maybe try that: See what your average speed and accuracy would be if you didn't skip past the quotes you did not want to type.

John French - The Passing of Angels (Sons of the Emperor: An Anthology)
A serene face moulded in tarnished silver looked up at Alepheo with empty eyes. Tear drops marked its cheeks and a rayed halo ran across its crown. It was a death mask, made by a dying brother of the Legion in the last hours of his life and then cast in silver. They were worn only by those called to put aside their names and serve amongst the Legion's Destroyers. To hide one's face behind such a mask was to take on the burden of atrocity, a necessary evil in an age both of enlightenment and war.

John French - The Passing of Angels (Sons of the Emperor: An Anthology)
Red lights begin to pulse. Sirens blare. Doors along the flank of the craft slide open. Sound and air rush out into the brightening night. I can see the Storm Eagles, Lightning Crows and Thunderhawks following us down out of the dome of the sky, red streaks in deepening blue. Like drops of blood. Like tears. I step to the edge of the open assault ramp. The air pulls at me. I look down. The summit of the mountain city rises from dawn-stained cloud.

Sarah J Maas - A Court of Mist and Fury
His fingers tightened on mine, and I looked up. He was smiling at me. And looked so un-High-Lord-like with the glowing dust on the side of his face that I grinned back. I hadn't even realized what I'd done until his own smile faded, and his mouth parted slightly. "Smile again," He whispered. I hadn't smiled for him. Ever. Or laughed. Under the Mountain, I had never grinned, never chuckled. And afterward... For all he had done, I had never given him either.

justanothertyper - Function
I always wondered why it was so hard to open up to you. Was it because the person before you hurt me so badly that I cried every night? That I felt pain from just thinking of him? No, it's because I am afraid of permanently losing you. I can function with him, but I can't function without you.

justanothertyper - Searching
I have fallen for a lot of people, mostly minor crushes. The last person I fell hard for. I opened up my heart to them and gave them all of me. After they got what they wanted, they threw me aside without a second thought. Even so, here I am again, in bed with another that will soon do the same.

justanothertyper - Get It Off Your Chest
Everyone has something they need to say. Whether it's celebratory, sad, upsetting, and so on. Me, for example; I am afraid to love. I am afraid to open my heart up to someone and give them full access to it. It's scary, to put that much trust in a person. How do I pick up the pieces if they break it? What do you need to get off of your chest?

Linda S Suitor - Jenella's Mountain
Most times, real evil is hidden behind blankets of religion, tucked in with good deeds and Scriptures while the perpetrators lie sound asleep on pillows feathered with sin and insincerity.

NotaProf - College Education
I've been thinking over my college education recently. I was accepted into really prestigious universities, Yale, that sort of thing. But I ended up graduating from the small local college. I remember at the time being afraid, of feeling like I would be swallowed up by the prestige, and made into something else. I now think it was probably not a very smart thing to do, but it was very possibly wise. Take that how you will.

jedi mind tricks - I who have nothing
As I decay, demons pray above me like a vulture. Ability to endure contradiction is a high sign of culture. Verbal sculptures, self defacing. It is not God or lunacy that I am facing, but the erasing of the purity and passion of my words. The herds of cattle babble on with talk of the absurd, but I preferred to walk away from all the feuds. To find my life is more confusing than a rubik's cube, so I'm subdued in all my words of verbal prods. To live alone one must be an animal or a God.

Jon Kabat-Zinn - Falling Awake
To pause for a moment, you can see where this is going. Just as with the cultivation of mindfulness, where we can focus on one primary object of attention or expand the field to include a range of objects to attend to, so in the lovingkindness practice, we can linger for days, weeks, months, or years at differing levels of the practice, all of which are valid, and all of which, ultimately, include each other, because after all, it is your own heart which is softening and becoming more inclusive.

Ducky - Use this Site to Improve
I've seen many quotes on Key Hero about seeking out short quotes, avoiding the long ones. On the flip side, I've seen those saying that persevering through the long quotes is what will help you improve. I am here to tell you that they are right. While it's nice to catch a little break every now and then, challenging yourself is what will increase your accuracy and WPM. Ours is a digital age, and being able to type quickly and efficiently is a skill with ever-increasing importance and usefulness.

Assassination Classroom - Koro Sensei's Wisdom
Honestly, there isn't much meaning to the splendid names given to you by your parents. What does have meaning is what the person behind that name does during their actual lifetime.

Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu - Garmadon's Wisdom to Lloyd
We underestimate the importance of balance. When it's there, we're at peace. When something is off, everything falls. Ninjago is no different. It put too much faith in technology, allowing the Overlord to return, and because of your friends, now the world is without power. When one relies on something too much, we become weak, vulnerable, imbalanced.

Attack on Titan - Erwin's Final Discussion with Levi (English Dub) P2
I thought that death would've been easier. But then I - I think of the questions I needed answered. They're what I live for! And now those answers are no more than a coward's leap away. I'm so close. Can you see them too? Our comrades. They're all standing around us. They've been watching us all this time. They want to know what we did with the sacrifices that they made. What became of the hearts they gave. But that's probably just in my head, right? With no more import than a child's bad dream.

Attack on Titan - Erwin's Final Discussion with Levi (English Dub)
For this to work - to convince these youths to charge toward their deaths - it would take an expert con-man and a whole slew of blatant lies. If I don't lead the Vanguard myself... then none of them will have the courage. Which means I must be the first to charge. And the first to be slain, as well. So, I'll never learn the truth.

practice :0 - practice speech
The last thing I leave you with is this - there are many who live life thinking they do not have a purpose, so they distract themselves with money, work, or even pretending to be someone they are not. Just like Santa, Jesus is telling you today that you are special. He knows each and every one of you like the back of His hand! He has a great plan and a future for you, which makes life meaningful. There is no need to pretend to be someone you are not. There is no need to get caught up in things t.