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Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series

Tay chee siong
Appears to be an advertisement

Douglas Adams
I presume this is from a US edition but do they really spell it as …

Animals are not capable of anything systematic or mechanized, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't …

Stephanie Meyer
Use the ENG INTL keyboard if you encounter é



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Pata Customer Experience - CX Typing Test
Since 1985, Patagonia has pledged 1% of sales to the preservation and restoration of the natural environment. We've awarded over $140 million in cash and in-kind donations to domestic and international grassroots environmental groups making a difference in their local communities. In 2002, the founder of Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard, and Craig Mathews, owner of Blue Ribbon Flies, created a non-profit corporation to encourage other businesses to do the same.

Robert Charles Wilson - Spin (excerpt, p. 273)
I'd been staring down the barrel of this empty weekend. It was good to be busy, I reasoned, because when you were busy you were awash in the countless but comprehensible daily problems that crowd out pain and stifle remorse. That was healthy. That was a coping process. Or at least a delaying tactic. Useful but, alas, temporary. Because sooner or later the noise fades, the crowds disperse, and you go home to the burned-out lightbulb, the empty room, the unmade bed.

Samwel Nyanjah - The Creation of Love
That millions of years age, MOTHER NATURE created LOVE to enable poor beings survive by means of dependence... that its why the rich don't need much of it than the poor do; because money can greatly (though not fully) satisfy most of loves benefits. I am not sure of what I have written but what I want to emphasize is that though money is a tool, it is a necessary for one to become powerful.

Samwel Nyanjah - SCHOOL
To me, a school is a laboratory where everyone has to test the weapons they shall use in the world. And that all the consistent suffering in the world is as a result of poor or bad training in school. For amongst all weapons that have changed the societies and the world, the BOOK is the most adorable.

Joe Biden - CNN interview
You know, there's a uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing uh, that uh, you know, was totally different than a, than the, the, it's called, he called it the, you know, the World War II, he had the war - the War Production Board.

Joe Biden - Asian & Latino Coalition town hall 2019
We should challenge students in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you're poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.

Joe Biden - Use the forces
When we wrote the Constitution, the intention was to give the commander in chief the authority how to use the forces when you authorize him to be able to use the forces.

Anonymous - What is Comic Timing?
Comic timing emerges from a performer's joke delivery. The pacing of the delivery of a joke can have a strong impact on its comedic effect, even altering its meaning. Interacting with an audience to guide their laughter, then guides the comedic narrative.

Elliot D. Cohen - Elliot D. Cohen - What Would Aristotle do? Introduction [2/3]
These and many other problems of living often have a pileup effect until you feel overwhelmed, lost in a maze of confusion, not really sure which side is up and which is down. 'What Would Aristotle Do? Self-Control through the Power of Reason' cleanses these common confusions of life with an ancient antiseptic from the revered sage Aristotle, who stressed reason in everyday life as an antidote to unhappiness. By taking control of your life through the power of your own native reason.

Jodi Balfour
Sometimes it's that feeling of being utterly seen - a brief moment of 'I'm like that, too,' that lingers, fuels you. And sometimes it's more ambiguous than that, there's involuntary emotion, a quickening, a catching of the breath, a rising heat and aliveness that makes everything feel very pure for a while. Storytelling, in these instances, has total power over me. There's nothing else quite like it.

Sleeping At Last - 'Neptune' Chorus
I'm only honest when it rains. If I time it right and the thunder breaks when I open my mouth. I wanna tell you but I don't know how. I'm only honest when it rains. An open book with a torn-out page and my inks run out. I wanna love you but I don't know how.

Sleeping At Last - Neptune
Stitch by stitch I come apart. If brokenness is a form of art, I must be a poster child prodigy. Thread by thread I come apart. If brokenness is a work of art, surely this must be my masterpiece.

Kobe Bryant
I've shot too much from the time I was 8 years old. But 'too much' is a matter of perspective. Some people thought Mozart had too many notes in his compositions. Let me put it this way: I entertain people who say I shoot too much. I find it very interesting. Going back to Mozart, he responded to critics by saying there were neither too many notes nor too few. There were as many as necessary.

Captain Miller - Saving Private Ryan
Sometimes I wonder if I've changed so much my wife is even going to recognize me whenever it is I get back to her. And how I'll ever be able to tell her about days like today. Ryan. I don't know anything about Ryan. I don't care. The man means nothing to me, it's just a name. But if, you know, if going to Ramelle and finding him, so he can go home, if that earns me the right to get back to my wife well, then... Then that's my mission.

Kamala Harris - We will assist Jamaica
For Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way its impact has been the pandemic... we will assist Jamaica in recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential.

Joe Getty - Diversity is our greatest strength
"Diversity is our greatest strength" is incredibly dumb. Unity is our greatest strength; unity and respect for individual liberty. Those are our greatest strengths, and if we don't have those things, we are kinda screwed.

Unknown - One Fine Day in The Middle of The Night
Ladies and gentlemen, hoboes and tramps, Cross-eyed mosquitoes and bow-legged ants, I come before you to stand behind you, To tell you something I know nothing about. Next Thursday, which is Good Friday, There will be a Mother's Day meeting for fathers only; Admission is free, so pay at the door, Pull up a seat and sit on the floor. The topic to discuss ever befitted... A crime that has not been committed.

No one - Being good at something
I often see people give up on their hobbies too quickly because they think they're wasting their time, or not good enough, and that's horrible. Because you get to witness firsthand the death of something that could've been a big part of someone's life. For me, you just have to keep trying, if you really like something, then you have to keep trying. Because trying is the first step to being good at something.

MEEEE - Prdie
This is a month of pride. This is a month where you can be yourself with less fear than the month prior. That does not mean this month is without challenges. So, if you are lucky enough to be spending this month without fear, spread that fearlessness to someone who might need a bit more pride.

Hammond, Jurassic Park - Spared No Expense!
I own an island off the coast of Costa Rica. I've leased it from the government, and I've spent the last five years setting up a kind of biological preserve. Really spectacular, spared no expense! It'll make the one I've got down in Kenya look like a petting zoo. And there's no doubt our attractions will drive kids out of their minds.