Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Untitled by faizullah

"In the year 1999, the @ symbol became widely used with the rise of email addresses and internet communication. Do you know what the # symbol is called? It's called the hashtag and is commonly used on social media platforms. The $ symbol is the sign for currency, while the % symbol represents percentages. Have you ever used the ^ symbol in math to indicate exponents? It's quite useful. Don't forget the & symbol, which is often used to represent the word 'and'.
The * symbol is used for multiplication, and the ( ) parentheses are used for grouping in mathematical equations. When it comes to keyboards, the _ underscore and + plus sign are commonly used. Curly braces { } and square brackets [ ] are used for defining data structures in programming. The : colon and ; semicolon are punctuation marks that help organize written text. Commas , and periods . are essential for proper grammar and sentence structure. Finally, the < less than and > greater than symbols are used for comparisons. Additionally, the backslash \ is used for file paths and escape sequences in programming. The forward slash / is used in URLs and file paths.
The tilde ~ symbol is often used to represent home directories or as a shortcut for approximation. The grave accent ` is used in programming for string interpolation and shell commands. Lastly, the pipe | symbol is used to redirect output or combine commands in a shell. Also, let's not forget significant numbers like birth dates, such as 09/23/1985, or memorable years like 2024. So, as you can see, the QWERTY keyboard is home to a diverse range of symbols, numbers, and letters!"

Untitled by faizullah

"In the year 1999, the @ symbol became widely used with the rise of email addresses and internet communication. Do you know what the # symbol is called? It's called the hashtag and is commonly used on social media platforms. The $ symbol is the sign for currency, while the % symbol represents percentages. Have you ever used the ^ symbol in math to indicate exponents? It's quite useful. Don't forget the & symbol, which is often used to represent the word 'and'. The * symbol is used for multiplication, and the ( ) parentheses are used for grouping in mathematical equations. When it comes to keyboards, the _ underscore and + plus sign are commonly used. Curly braces { } and square brackets [ ] are used for defining data structures in programming. The : colon and ; semicolon are punctuation marks that help organize written text. Commas , and periods . are essential for proper grammar and sentence structure. Finally, the < less than and > greater than symbols are used for comparisons. Additionally, the backslash \ is used for file paths and escape sequences in programming. The forward slash / is used in URLs and file paths. The tilde ~ symbol is often used to represent home directories or as a shortcut for approximation. The grave accent ` is used in programming for string interpolation and shell commands. Lastly, the pipe | symbol is used to redirect output or combine commands in a shell. Also, let's not forget significant numbers like birth dates, such as 09/23/1985, or memorable years like 2024. So, as you can see, the QWERTY keyboard is home to a diverse range of symbols, numbers, and letters!"

El tiempo by user107447

Hoy hace mucho frío. Es invierno y todas las calles están cubiertas de nieve. Dentro de poco vendrá la primavera y con ella el sol y el tiempo cálido. La semana pasada estuvo de lluvia y tormenta. Incluso un rayo cayó encima de la campana de la catedral, pero no ocurrió nada. Los truenos siempre me han dado miedo y mucho respeto. Pero tenemos suerte... pues la previsión del tiempo para mañana es muy buena. Dicen que hoy habrá heladas y por la tarde granizo, pero mañana el día será soleado. A ver si tengo suerte y veo algún arcoíris.

ציטוטים לא נגמרים by zagu1

מה שמלהיב אותי באמת זה ספר שכשאתה גומר לקרוא אותו, היית רוצה שהסופר שכתב אותו יהיה חבר טוב שלך, שאתה יכול לתת לו צלצול בכל פעם שמתחשק לך.
הם נסחפו למעלה, הסתחררו לאיטם סביב עצמם, כמו זרעי שקמה הנופלים בסתיו מעץ השקמה, רק בכיוון ההפוך.
הרופא שלי אומר שיש לי ליקוי תפקודי בבלוטת תחושת האחריות הציבורית וחסר מולד בסיבים מוסריים, וכי אני פטור לפיכך מהצלת יקומים.
מוסר ההשכל שאפשר להוציא מסיפור זה: אין להשליך את האות ק' לעבר ליגוסטרום, אבל למרבה הצער יש מקרים שבהם הדבר הוא בבחינת בלתי נמנע.
ההיסטוריה של כל ציביליזציה גלאקטית בעלת חשיבות מוכיחה, כי הן עוברות שלושה שלבים ברי הבחנה: השרדות, חקר ותחכום. הידועים גם כשלבי ה-'איך' ה-'למה' וה-'היכן'. את השלב הראשון, למשל מאפיינת השאלה 'איך נאכל?', את השלב השני השאלה 'למה אנחנו אוכלים?' ואת השלישי מאפיינת השאלה 'היכן נאכל צהריים?'
כל האומר: חייב אדם לזכור כל מה שקרא, משול למי שאמר: חייב אדם לשמר בגופו כל מה שאכל. הוא התפרנס בגופו מן המזונות ונתפרסם ברוחו מן הקריאה בספרים והיה בזכותם למה שהיה. ברם, כשם שהגוף מטמע בתוכו את שהוא מינו, כך משמר כל אדם את הקרוב לליבו, כלומר את הנאה למערכת-מחשבותיו או את היאה למטרותיו.
לאדם שלא קורא ספרים טובים אין שום יתרון על פני אדם שלא יודע לקרוא.
כשהנערה הזהובה יכולה להעלות דברי תפילה מעל שפתי החוטא, כשעץ השקד העקר יחזור ויפרח, ומערה פעוטה תשפוך את דמעותיה, רק אז ינוח הבית מרוגזו וזעפו, והשלום ישוב אל קאונטרוויל.
בקיץ אלה השעות שספרד כולה ישנה. החום נמשך עד לרדת הלילה, וכל הזמן הזה הוא צריך לשאת את המעיל. אבל כשחשב להתלונן על כובד משקלו, זכר שהמעיל הוא שהגן עליו מפני קור השחר.
אנשי כדור הארץ, שימו לב בבקשה. כאן פררסטטניק ווגון ילטץ מהמועצה הבין-גלאקטית לתכנון העל-חלל. תוכניות הפיתוח לאזורי הספר של הגלקסיה מצריכות סלילת דרך אקספרס על-חללית, שתעבור דרך מערכת הכוכב שלכם. למרבה הצער, הפלנטה שלכם היא אחת מאלה שנועדו להריסה. התהליך יארך מעט פחות משתי דקות, במושגים הארציים שלכם. תודה.
אם תאכל שלוש ארוחות ביום תהיה שמן. אם תקרא שלושה ספרים ביום תהיה חכם.
תרגום איננו תרגום, אלא אם כן יעניק לך את המוזיקה של השיר יחד עם המילים שלו.
ההומור הוא האיכות הספרותית הראשונה הנכחדת בתרגום.
כדרך שהאדם בוחר לו ידיד, כך על המתרגם לבחור לו מחבר שיהא טעמו של זה מתאים לטעמו שלו.
על המתרגם להיות כסופר המותרגם על ידו - אין זה עניינו להצטיין ממנו.
תרגום דומה לנשיקה מבעד לצעיף.
ספרים הם המלמדים אותנו לעדן את הנאותינו כשאנו צעירים, ולהיזכר בהם עם סיפוק כשאנו זקנים.
את שביל החלב אפשר לראות רחוק רחוק בשמיים. ברם כדי לראותו אנו זקוקים לבואו של החושך. דווקא בחושך אפשר לראות את שבאור אנו סומים אליו.
עט, דיו ונייר מפחידים אותי יותר מחרב ומאקדח.
אם מישהו אוהב פרח, שבכל מליוני הכוכבים יש רק אחד כמוהו, די לו להסתכל בכוכבים וכבר הוא מאושר. הפרח שלי נמצא שם באיזה מקום.
כמות הדמעות בעולם היא קבועה. בכל פעם שמישהו מפסיק, אי שם מישהו אחר מתחיל. אגב, זה נכון גם לגבי הצחוק. הבה לא נדבר סרה על הדור שלנו, אם כן - הוא לא עצוב יותר מקודמיו. אך גם אל לנו לדבר נשגבות עליו. הבה לא נדבר עליו כלל.
עורך עיתון הוא אדם שתפקידו להפריד בין הזבל לדברים החשובים, ולפרסם את הזבל.
רופאים קוברים את טעויותיהם, עורכי דין תולים אותן, ואילו עיתונאים מפרסמים אותן.
רק כתבים שמקור מחצבתם בנפש יוצרם ראויים לקריאה.
סופר צריך לכתוב כאילו הוא עומד למות עם סיום הספר.
המשימה שאני מנסה להשיג היא, באמצעות כח המילה הכתובה, לגרום לך לשמוע, לגרום לך להרגיש - ולפני הכל לגרום לך לראות. זה - ולא יותר, וזה הכל.
לא מצוייד בחינוך יסודי, לא מעוצב בהרגלי חשיבה ובאומנויות החיבור, החלטתי - לכתוב ספר.
לעולם לא אשתוקק לשוחח עם אדם שכתב יותר ממה שקרא.
מה שנכתב בלי מאמץ, נקרא בדרך-כלל בלי הנאה.
במכתביו של אדם חבוייה נשמתו המעורטלת.
קריאת כל הספרים הטובים היא אכן כמו שיחה עם האנשים האצילים ביותר, מהמאות החולפות, שכתבו אותם. ברם, זו שיחה מכוונת היטב, בה הם חושפים בפנינו רק את הטובים שבהרהוריהם.
הפיתוי ליצור תיאוריות ראשוניות על סמך מידע חלקי הוא קללת המקצוע שלנו.
אתה יודע שקראת ספר טוב כשאתה מעביר את הדף האחרון ומרגיש קצת כאילו איבדת חבר.
רק דור של קוראים יפתח דור של כותבים.
אנו קוראים כדי לדעת שאיננו לבד.
תמיד האמנתי שגן-עדן יהיה מן ספרייה.
הספרייה, אני מאמין, היא אחרון המוסדות הציבוריים שלנו בו ניתן לבקר ללא מכתב המלצה... כל שצריך הוא הרצון לקרוא.
כשאני משיג מעט כסף אני קונה ספרים; ואם נשאר קצת אני קונה אוכל ובגדים.
התועלת הגדולה ביותר בכל ספר היא שהוא מלהיב את הקורא לפעולה עצמית.
אם נפגוש אדם בעל תבונה נדירה, עלינו לשאול אותו אלו ספרים הוא קורא.
אני מחלק את כל הקוראים לשני סוגים: אלו הקוראים בשביל לזכור, ואלו הקוראים בשביל לשכוח.
אלו אינם ספרים, גושי נייר חסרי-חיים, אלא מוחות חיים על מדפים.
היה זה מזעזע ומאכזב לגלות שסיפורת היא תוצר כתיבתם של אנשים, שספרים אינם ניסים טבעיים הגדלים כעשבים.
הספרים שעוזרים לך הכי הרבה הם אלה שגורמים לך לחשוב הכי הרבה. הדרך הקשה ביותר ללמוד היא זו של קריאה קלה; אך ספר טוב שבא מחושב דגול הוא ספינה של מחשבה, טעונה עמוקות באמת וביופי.
ספרים הם הדבר הטוב ביותר, בשביל התועלת הנכונה; בשביל הרעה, הם הדבר הגרוע ביותר. מהי התועלת הנכונה? היכן הקצה בו כל האמצעים נועדו להשפיע? הספרים הם שם בשביל השראה בלבד. מוטב שלעולם לא אראה ספר, מאשר שאזרק כליל ממסלולי בעקבות משיכתו, ואהפוך לירח במקום למערכת.
ספרים אחדים משאירים אותנו חופשיים ואחדים הופכים אותנו לחופשיים.
הידיעה בלבד כי ספר טוב ממתין בסוף יום ארוך הופכת את היום לשמח.
ספרים לא נועדו לריהוט, אך אין דבר שמרהט בית בצורה כל כך יפה.
ספר שמונח חסר-שימוש על רף הוא תחמושת מבוזבזת. בדומה לממון, יש לשמור על הספרים במחזוריות מתמדת. השאל ולווה ככל הניתן - כסף וספרים! אך בעיקר ספרים, משום שספרים מייצגים אינסופיות יותר מאשר הכסף. ספר הוא לא רק חבר, הוא מייצר חברים עבורך. כשאתה שולט בספר במוח ובנפש, אתה משתבח. אך כשאתה מעביר אותו הלאה, אתה משתבח פי שלושה.
יש לי את כל הסימפטיה לאמריקני שהוחרד כל כך ממה שקרא אודות השפעות העישון, עד שהוא החליט לוותר על קריאה.
ישנם ספרים שנועדו לטעימה, אחרים לבליעה, ומעטים מאוד ללעיסה ולעיכול.
המתנה העצומה ביותר היא התשוקה לקריאה. היא זולה, היא מנחמת, היא מסיחה, היא מלהיבה... היא מעניקה לך את הבנת העולם וחוויה פורצת גבולות. היא הארה מוסרית.
דבר נפלא בספר, בניגוד למסך מחשב, הוא שאפשר לקחת אותו איתך למיטה.
קיימים שני מניעים לקריאת ספר: האחד, כדי להנות ממנו; האחר, כדי שתוכל להשוויץ בכך.
ספרים הם נשאי הציוויליזציה. בלעדיהם, ההיסטוריה שותקת, הספרות אילמת, המדע בעל-מום, התרבות והעיון בקיפאון.
הרגע חלף. היא ראתה אותו נעלם מהנקודה הזעירה שבה "כאשר" הופך ל-"עכשיו" ומתחילה להיסחף אחורה ל-"אז". זה אורך רק שנייה.
בדמיון האנושי, אירועים מייצרים אפקט של זמן. לכן מי שנסע רחוק וראה הרבה, נוטה לחשוב שהוא חי חיים ארוכים; והיסטוריה ששופעת באירועים חשובים מהר מאוד מאמצת חזות קדמונית.
האדם מבלה את חייו בתהיות על העבר, בקובלנות על ההווה ובחרדות מפני העתיד.
לא כל הימים שווים ולא כל השעות שוות. יש ימים ארוכים ויש קצרים, יש יום שנדמה לו לאדם כשנה, יש שנים שהן בעיניו כימים אחדים. יש רגע שנראה שהוא לא יסתיים לעולם ויש חיים החולפים כחלוף עין.
הזמן סובל ממחלת השיכחה וצועד רק קדימה. אפילו אם היה רוצה לא היה יודע לאן לחזור.
קרח בעובי מטר לא נוצר בין לילה.
בדיוק כשהתחלתי להתרגל לאתמול, הגיע היום.
לזכור את העבר, לחיות את ההווה, להאמין בעתיד.
אל לו לאדם להניח לשעון וללוח השנה לעוור את עיניו מלראות שכל רגע ורגע בחייו הוא נס ומסתורין.
הימים באים והולכים כמו דמויות דוממות ומצועפות ששלח מישהו רחוק וידידותי; אך הם אינם אומרים דבר, ואם אנו ממאנים להשתמש במתנות שהביאו עמם, הם לוקחים אותם בדממה כלעומת שבאו.
איננו יכולים לשרוף זמן מבלי לפצוע את הנצח.
הבה נאהב שעה חולפת, הבה נמהר, הבה נשמח; אין כל נמל לאדם, אין כל חוף לזמן; הוא חולף ואנו עוברים מן העולם.
אדם פשוט, בהיותך ילד שתי אבנים טובות ניתנו לך, זמן ועצה טובה; את האחת איבדת, ואת השנייה השלכת.
לבחור את הזמן הנכון - פירושו לחסוך בזמן.
הצער שיש לאנשים שעשו שימוש בזמן בצורה לא נאותה אינו מוביל אותם תמיד לעשות שימוש יעיל יותר בשארית זמנם.
הזמן כובש את הכל ועלינו לציית לו.
יש די והותר כאב מסביב, ואסור להוסיף כאב. כדאי, אם אפשר, לצמצם. לא לזרות עוד מלח על-גבי פצעים פתוחים.
כשמישהו בוכה, הדבר האציל לעשות, כמובן, הוא לנחם אותם. אך אם מישהו מנסה להסתיר את הדמעות שלו, יכול להיות שאצילי יותר להעמיד פנים שאינך רואה אותם.
לשלג הייתה השפעה קסומה ומרגיעה, שאיזנה את מצבי רוחי הנסערים בקלות. אבל הפעם רציתי לבכות. הגינה הקטנה שלי נרמסה למוות מתחת לערמות שלג לבנות שהתכערו ונמסו. גם ליבי כוסה אז בגוש עכור וקר.
מן הראוי שהמכאוב ימלא גאווה את לב האדם, כל מכאוב - תזכורת הוא לרום מעלתנו.

FIXER by fixer_fix

Dalam dunia yang semakin terhubung, internet menjadi salah satu kebutuhan pokok bagi banyak orang. Internet memungkinkan kita untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang di seluruh dunia, mencari informasi, dan berbelanja secara online. Selain itu, internet juga memberikan akses ke berbagai hiburan seperti film, musik, dan permainan. Namun, penggunaan internet juga harus bijaksana agar tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif.

Cushan-Rishathaim by dyran_johns

The Oppression by Cushan-Rishathaim

After the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they went through cycles of faithfulness to God followed by periods of sin and disobedience. Each time they turned away from God, they fell into the hands of their enemies until they repented and God raised up a judge to deliver them.

One such period of disobedience led to their subjugation by a powerful and enigmatic king named Cushan-Rishathaim. The Bible describes him as the king of Aram Naharaim, a region also known as Mesopotamia. His name, Cushan-Rishathaim, is often interpreted to mean "Cushan of Double Wickedness," indicating the severity of his tyranny.

For eight years, Cushan-Rishathaim oppressed the Israelites, exploiting them and ruling with a harsh hand. The people of Israel suffered greatly under his rule, and their cries for deliverance grew louder and more desperate.

Deliverance by Othniel

In response to their pleas, God raised up a deliverer from among them, Othniel, the son of Kenaz, who was the younger brother of Caleb. Othniel was filled with the Spirit of the Lord, giving him the strength and wisdom needed to confront the oppressor.

Othniel led the Israelites into battle against Cushan-Rishathaim. Empowered by God's guidance, Othniel and his forces defeated the Mesopotamian king, breaking the yoke of his oppression. With the enemy vanquished, peace returned to the land, and the Israelites enjoyed forty years of rest under Othniel's judgeship.

Through this story, the cycle of sin, oppression, repentance, and deliverance is highlighted, showing the importance of faithfulness to God and His willingness to rescue His people when they turn back to Him in repentance.

This brief account underscores the recurring theme in the Book of Judges: the consequences of turning away from God and the mercy and deliverance that come when His people repent. Cushan-Rishathaim, though a minor figure in the biblical narrative, represents the oppression that often follows disobedience, and Othniel represents the hope and deliverance that come from God's intervention.

Pelle seiklus by kadipadi

Ühel kenal päeval mängivad Pelle ja härra klimp aias poriga, kui märkavad, et naabrimees nokib urvakil peenra kallal, endal terve vaks taguotsapragu uhkelt eksponeeritud. Pellel tuleb väärt mõte, ta haarab ragulka ja sosistab: "Fred, tule siia!" Fred ärritub: "Mine persse, ei tule ma kuhugi! Ma tean küll, et tahad mind sinna hirmsasse kohta lennutada. Sina ja su labased naljad! Vahel mõtlen, et poleks pidanud supist välja ronima, vaid laskma sul end lihtsalt nahka panna." Sõnagi lausumata haarab Pelle klimbipoisi pihku ja sööb ära. Seda näeb naabrimees pealt ja hüüab: "Head isu, Pelle! Kuule, kas sa mulle vihmausse tahad appi kaevama tulla?" Olnud korjanud tubli karbitäie ilusaid vihmausse, paneb naabrimees ette, et tulgu Pelle temaga ka jõe äärde kala püüdma. "Noh, hea küll," kõlab poisi vastus. Nõnda nad siis lähevad, Karl Lainestu ja väike Pelle, jõe poole, lobisedes meeste asjadest. Jõe ääres uurib Karl, kas uus semu ta aju tahab näha. "Mis aju?! Tõmba normiks, kala tahan püüda!" Pettunult ajab Karl ussi konksu otsa ja viskab õnge vette.

Mk14 by user838759

Now the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread were only two days away and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were scheming to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him But not during the festival they said or the people may riot

While he was in Bethany reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume made of pure nard She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head
Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a years wages and the money given to the poor And they rebuked her harshly
Leave her alone said Jesus Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me The poor you will always have with you and you can help them any time you want But you will not always have me She did what she could She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial Truly I tell you wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world what she has done will also be told in memory of her

Then Judas Iscariot one of the Twelve went to the chief priests to betray Jesus to them They were delighted to hear this and promised to give him money So he watched for an opportunity to hand him over

On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb Jesus disciples asked him Where do you want us to go and make preparations for you to eat the Passover?
So he sent two of his disciples telling them Go into the city and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you Follow him Say to the owner of the house he enters The Teacher asks Where is my guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples? He will show you a large room upstairs furnished and ready Make preparations for us there
The disciples left went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them So they prepared the Passover
When evening came Jesus arrived with the Twelve While they were reclining at the table eating he said Truly I tell you one of you will betray me—one who is eating with me
They were saddened and one by one they said to him Surely you dont mean me?
It is one of the Twelve he replied one who dips bread into the bowl with me The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man It would be better for him if he had not been born
While they were eating Jesus took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to his disciples saying Take it this is my body
Then he took a cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and they all drank from it
This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many he said to them Truly I tell you I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God
When they had sung a hymn they went out to the Mount of Olives

You will all fall away Jesus told them for it is written
I will strike the shepherd
and the sheep will be scattered
But after I have risen I will go ahead of you into Galilee
Peter declared Even if all fall away I will not
Truly I tell you Jesus answered today—yes tonight—before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times
But Peter insisted emphatically Even if I have to die with you I will never disown you And all the others said the same
They went to a place called Gethsemane and Jesus said to his disciples Sit here while I pray He took Peter James and John along with him and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death he said to them Stay here and keep watch
Going a little farther he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him Abba Father he said everything is possible for you Take this cup from me Yet not what I will but what you will
Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping Simon he said to Peter are you asleep? Couldnt you keep watch for one hour? Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
Once more he went away and prayed the same thing When he came back he again found them sleeping because their eyes were heavy They did not know what to say to him
Returning the third time he said to them Are you still sleeping and resting? Enough The hour has come Look the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners Rise Let us go Here comes my betrayer

Just as he was speaking Judas one of the Twelve appeared With him was a crowd armed with swords and clubs sent from the chief priests the teachers of the law and the elders
Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them The one I kiss is the man arrest him and lead him away under guard Going at once to Jesus Judas said Rabbi and kissed him The men seized Jesus and arrested him Then one of those standing near drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest cutting off his ear
Am I leading a rebellion said Jesus that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me? Every day I was with you teaching in the temple courts and you did not arrest me But the Scriptures must be fulfilled Then everyone deserted him and fled
A young man wearing nothing but a linen garment was following Jesus When they seized him he fled naked leaving his garment behind

They took Jesus to the high priest and all the chief priests the elders and the teachers of the law came together Peter followed him at a distance right into the courtyard of the high priest There he sat with the guards and warmed himself at the fire The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death but they did not find any Many testified falsely against him but their statements did not agree
Then some stood up and gave this false testimony against him We heard him say I will destroy this temple made with human hands and in three days will build another not made with hands Yet even then their testimony did not agree
Then the high priest stood up before them and asked Jesus Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you? But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer
Again the high priest asked him Are you the Messiah the Son of the Blessed One?
I am said Jesus And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven The high priest tore his clothes Why do we need any more witnesses? he asked You have heard the blasphemy What do you think?
They all condemned him as worthy of death Then some began to spit at him they blindfolded him struck him with their fists and said Prophesy And the guards took him and beat him

While Peter was below in the courtyard one of the servant girls of the high priest came by When she saw Peter warming himself she looked closely at him
You also were with that Nazarene Jesus she said
But he denied it I dont know or understand what youre talking about he said and went out into the entryway
When the servant girl saw him there she said again to those standing around This fellow is one of them Again he denied it
After a little while those standing near said to Peter Surely you are one of them for you are a Galilean
He began to call down curses and he swore to them I dont know this man youre talking about
Immediately the rooster crowed the second time Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times And he broke down and wept

Mk14 by user838759

Now the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread were only two days away and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were scheming to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him But not during the festival they said or the people may riot

While he was in Bethany reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume made of pure nard She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head
Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a years wages and the money given to the poor And they rebuked her harshly
Leave her alone said Jesus Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me The poor you will always have with you and you can help them any time you want But you will not always have me She did what she could She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial Truly I tell you wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world what she has done will also be told in memory of her

Then Judas Iscariot one of the Twelve went to the chief priests to betray Jesus to them They were delighted to hear this and promised to give him money So he watched for an opportunity to hand him over

On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb Jesus disciples asked him Where do you want us to go and make preparations for you to eat the Passover?
So he sent two of his disciples telling them Go into the city and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you Follow him Say to the owner of the house he enters The Teacher asks Where is my guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples? He will show you a large room upstairs furnished and ready Make preparations for us there
The disciples left went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them So they prepared the Passover
When evening came Jesus arrived with the Twelve While they were reclining at the table eating he said Truly I tell you one of you will betray me—one who is eating with me
They were saddened and one by one they said to him Surely you dont mean me?
It is one of the Twelve he replied one who dips bread into the bowl with me The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man It would be better for him if he had not been born
While they were eating Jesus took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to his disciples saying Take it this is my body
Then he took a cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and they all drank from it
This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many he said to them Truly I tell you I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God
When they had sung a hymn they went out to the Mount of Olives

You will all fall away Jesus told them for it is written
I will strike the shepherd
and the sheep will be scattered
But after I have risen I will go ahead of you into Galilee
Peter declared Even if all fall away I will not
Truly I tell you Jesus answered today—yes tonight—before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times
But Peter insisted emphatically Even if I have to die with you I will never disown you And all the others said the same
They went to a place called Gethsemane and Jesus said to his disciples Sit here while I pray He took Peter James and John along with him and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death he said to them Stay here and keep watch
Going a little farther he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him Abba Father he said everything is possible for you Take this cup from me Yet not what I will but what you will
Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping Simon he said to Peter are you asleep? Couldnt you keep watch for one hour? Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
Once more he went away and prayed the same thing When he came back he again found them sleeping because their eyes were heavy They did not know what to say to him
Returning the third time he said to them Are you still sleeping and resting? Enough The hour has come Look the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners Rise Let us go Here comes my betrayer

Just as he was speaking Judas one of the Twelve appeared With him was a crowd armed with swords and clubs sent from the chief priests the teachers of the law and the elders
Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them The one I kiss is the man arrest him and lead him away under guard Going at once to Jesus Judas said Rabbi and kissed him The men seized Jesus and arrested him Then one of those standing near drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest cutting off his ear
Am I leading a rebellion said Jesus that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me? Every day I was with you teaching in the temple courts and you did not arrest me But the Scriptures must be fulfilled Then everyone deserted him and fled
A young man wearing nothing but a linen garment was following Jesus When they seized him he fled naked leaving his garment behind

They took Jesus to the high priest and all the chief priests the elders and the teachers of the law came together Peter followed him at a distance right into the courtyard of the high priest There he sat with the guards and warmed himself at the fire The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death but they did not find any Many testified falsely against him but their statements did not agree
Then some stood up and gave this false testimony against him We heard him say I will destroy this temple made with human hands and in three days will build another not made with hands Yet even then their testimony did not agree
Then the high priest stood up before them and asked Jesus Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you? But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer
Again the high priest asked him Are you the Messiah the Son of the Blessed One?
I am said Jesus And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven The high priest tore his clothes Why do we need any more witnesses? he asked You have heard the blasphemy What do you think?
They all condemned him as worthy of death Then some began to spit at him they blindfolded him struck him with their fists and said Prophesy And the guards took him and beat him

While Peter was below in the courtyard one of the servant girls of the high priest came by When she saw Peter warming himself she looked closely at him
You also were with that Nazarene Jesus she said
But he denied it I dont know or understand what youre talking about he said and went out into the entryway
When the servant girl saw him there she said again to those standing around This fellow is one of them Again he denied it
After a little while those standing near said to Peter Surely you are one of them for you are a Galilean
He began to call down curses and he swore to them I dont know this man youre talking about
Immediately the rooster crowed the second time Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times And he broke down and wept

Treaty Six by user422232

Treaty 6 is the sixth of the numbered treaties that were signed by the Canadian Crown and various First Nations between 1871 and 1877.
Treaty No. 6 was signed on August 23, 1876 at Fort Carlton in Saskatchewan.
The total area of the Treaty stretches from western Alberta, through Saskatchewan and into Manitoba and includes 50 First Nations.

Henceforth_for_mobil by user772803

Aa kimi wa mou inai kara Watashi wa hitori aruite iru Aa kusaru yori ii kara Iku ate mo naku aruite iru Aa kore kara wa sou da na Nani mo motomezu ni ikite iku Aa okane yori ii desho Kore de nani mo ushinawanai ne Aa! naku na sora, shinpai nai! Owari no nai yoru wa nai ne Aa yami wa tada junsuide Osorete shimau watashi ga yowai dake

Aa! natsu o ima mou ikkai Kimi ga inakute mo waratte mukaeru kara Dakara ima zettai ni kimi mo ayumi o tomenaide Aa! sore dake no shinzou ga Taemanaku aoku hikari o negau kara Shikatanaku mou ikkai Kawaranu kyou o yukun da yo Nando demo

Aa natsu kaze warui yume Mihateta kibou awai zanzou Aa kono mama ja tsurai ka na Tte kurikaeshite mo mata negau kara Yomikaeshite mo uso wa nai kara Fumidashitara furikaeranu you Nani mo nai kedo tabi wa junchou de "kimi wa sono yume o mou ikkai"
Nagai nagai yami o nukeru Nukeru Aa! natsu o ima mou ikkai Kimi ga inakute mo waratte mukaeru kara Dakara ima zettai ni kimi mo ayumi o tomenaide Aa! sore dake no shinzou ga Taemanaku aoku hikari o negau kara Akiramezu mou ikkai Kawaranu kyou o yukun da yo Nando mo Aa natsu o ima mou ikkai

Eowyn by vojta

A sword rang as it was drawn. 'Do what you will; but I will hinder it, if I may.' 'Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!' Then Merry heard of all sounds in that hour the strangest. It seemed that Dernhelm laughed... 'But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Eowyn I am, Eomund's daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you if you touch him.'

Short video week one by 18010059041

Il y a une possibilité réelle que la Russie gagne en Ukraine, et que l’Occident se décompose, et je pense que ça n'est qu'un scénario qui est évitable et qu’effectivement les démocraties peuvent l'éviter, il n’en reste pas moins que ce qui dans le livre est tout à fait juste, c'est-à-dire que l’ampleur de la crise, des démocraties est aujourd’hui sans précédent depuis les années 30 avec une double crise. Donc premièrement le fait d’avoir maintenant des modèles alternatifs. Effectivement le modèle autoritaire est un vrai modèle alternatif qui se pose face à la démocratie est adossé à ce qui est maintenant une quasi alliance militaire entre la Russie et la Chine. Il y a la contestation aussi par les régimes théocratiques, on a quand même deux maintenant Iran et Afghanistan, la contestation par le modèle religieux Djihadiste intérieur et extérieur, et puis il y a la crise d’intérieur.
Je pense que oui, il faut avoir des sanctions beaucoup plus équilibrées beaucoup plus réelles beaucoup plus rapides pour éviter que ces jeunes soient dans la toute puissance. Là on a un parcours de délinquance effroyable, parce que en fait c’est un jeune qui fait des vols à répétition, effraction, etc. qui manifestement progresse dans ce parcours de délinquance, sans être stoppé bien qu’il rencontre la justice à moulte reprises. La prison n'a pas ét't un école de crime dans le cas, non, parce que quand il est allé en prison, il était déjà un multi-réitérant depuis très longtemps, donc non, et puis alors ce que dit le rapport du Sénat qui est très intéressant c’est qu’aujourd’hui en prison et c’est ça qui inquiète on peut continuer le crime, on peut continuer à diriger un trafic de stupéfiants, on peut continuer à commanditer dit le rapport même des assassins, donc là ça pose une autre question qui est de la prison.

Même si c’est un enfant, même si c’est un nourrisson, il a le droit à sa vie privée, et on ne partage pas des contenus le concernant, sans lui lui demander, son avis donc évidemment quand il n’était pas en âge de le donner. On ne partage tout simplement pas. On garde ça sur des messages privés du groupe, petit groupe WhatsApp des choses comme ça mais pas ni Instagram, alors ce qu’il faut savoir c’est d’une part si c'est sur les réseaux sociaux, il faut avoir son profil en privé paramétré en privé privé jamais en public, parce que là c’est la porte ouverte à tout le monde pour accéder à ses contenus, et finalement comme si on laissait la porte ouverte de son appartement. C'est exactement ça. Et puis après quand on veut le faire sur des messagères dites cryptées telle que whatsapp, telegram ect. Encore une fois quand on partage un contenu, c'est-à-dire quand on envoie un contenu, on n’en est plus propriétaire, on n’en est plus maître et on ne sait pas comment il sera utilisé plus tard.
La régulation va être extrême compliquée, d'abord pour des raisons giopolitiques, si on interdisait les intelligences artificielles les plus sophistiquées pendant que la Chine les développe nous deviendrons une colonie chinoise et nos enfants auront cette fois-ci, le mandarin, comme première langue et français en option langua régionale, nous serions totalement vassaliser par une Chine qui elle n’aurait pas arrêté la guerre de l'intelligence artificielle. Tiktok c'est un autre subjet compliqué qu'il n'y paraît. Donc réguler va être difficile, moi je ne suis pas opposé du tout à la à la régulation, c’est mon atavisme anarchique qui me pousse à ne pas refuser la régulation, mais il faut une régulation intelligente, et on va avoir du mal à réguler alors que la techno bouge très vite
Il faut voir le réacteur de Flamanville un investissement pour nous remettre en capacité de construire des réacteurs. On a appris beaucoup sur ce chantier, on a développé des nouveaux procédés, des nouvelles manières de faire et maintenant l’enjeu pour nous c’est de commencer le renouvellement du parc nucléaire, petit à petit, et c’est ça l’enjeu du programme industriel de six EPR plus huit EPR à venir de 14 nouveaux réacteurs à construire.

"how" to' type "how" by moyotypes

"how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type
"how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type
"how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type
"how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type
"how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type

"how" to' type "how" by moyotypes

"how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type
"how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type
"how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type
"how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type
"how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type "how" to' type

[important] to \lear by moyotypes

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{it} is -equally+ {i by moyotypes

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Book on goals by user107410

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of my goal-setting system, we first need to talk about some foundational concepts. These concepts are probably intuitive to you.
But they’re also easy to overlook. And if you overlook them, you could very well sabotage your success. Below, we’ll cover five core tactics that align with how the brain works.
By using them, we’ll essentially “trick” our minds into helping us attain our goals. Each of these tactics is simple, but highly effective.
Assign A Reason Why For Each Goal He who has a strong enough why can bear almost any how.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche Having a reason gives us purpose. It clarifies why we want to accomplish something.
When we’re tempted to give up, it encourages us to press onward. For example, suppose your goal is to lose 25 pounds. Without a compelling reason, there’s little to spur you to exercise or eat healthily when you lack motivation.
But let’s say you want to lose 25 pounds in order to fit into a wedding dress on your wedding day. That’s a compelling reason that’ll help you to persevere. It’s important that your reason is specific.
For example, it’s not enough to say you’d like to lose 25 pounds to be healthier. That’s too vague. It’s much easier to stick to goals that are inspired by distinct reasons.
Your reasons don’t have to focus on positive outcomes. Negative outcomes can be just as effective. For example, you might want to quit smoking to avoid developing lung cancer.
You may want to save a certain sum of money to avoid bankruptcy in the event of a costly medical emergency. Assign a specific reason to each goal.
Leverage the potential for both positive outcomes and negative outcomes to stay focused and inspired. Write Down Your Goals Goals that are not written down are just wishes.” ~ Fitzhugh Dodson
I neglected to use this tactic for years. And it definitely hurt my success. Storing goals in my head allowed me to delude myself into thinking I was making forward progress on them.
But in fact, that assumption was a mirage. Worse, my brain was given the freedom to distort my goals according to how I was feeling in the moment. For example, my intent to save money was easily abandoned whenever I felt like spending money on a new gadget.
My intent to do 100 pushups a day was easily abandoned whenever I felt lazy. Writing down goals encourages us to take consistent action. It expresses our purpose and intention.
And importantly, it eliminates the latitude our brains would otherwise use to dissuade us from our desired outcomes whenever the going gets tough. Write down every goal you set for yourself.
Do it on paper or do it online. It’s your choice. Many goal-setting apps, such as Strides and HabitHub (both offer free versions), are terrific for this purpose. You can even use task management apps like Todoist and Trello.
Identify Limiting Beliefs Many people are passionate, but because of their limiting beliefs about who they are and what they can do, they never take actions that could make their dream a reality.” - Tony Robbins
Limiting beliefs represent how we perceive ourselves and our place in the world around us. They’re comprised of negative self-talk, excuses, rationalizations, fear, and justifications for past failures.
The outcomes we experience, both positive and negative, largely stem from these beliefs. For example, suppose you fear that everyone lies. Can you imagine how this limiting belief might prevent you from finding a loving life partner?
Or suppose you feel you’re not smart enough to get a promotion at your job. Can you see how this belief might hamper your ability to advance your career? Limiting beliefs act like toxins to goals.
They poison your mindset, making you less likely to succeed. So it’s crucial that you identify and overcome them prior to setting goals. The simplest way to do this is to ask yourself the following three questions…
What self-defeating assumptions have I made regarding my abilities? When do I typically experience fear, nervousness, agitation, or doubt? What self-critical narratives do I entertain as truth without evidence? Write down your answers.
Then, question the veracity of each one. Here are a few examples… Limiting belief: No one is interested in what I have to say. Question: Has anyone ever listened to you? If so, they were interested in what you had to say. Limiting belief: I can’t lose weight.
Question: Have you ever managed to lose weight in the past? If so, you can definitely do it again. Limiting belief: I can’t do it because I’m not tech savvy. Question: Can you learn a new skill? If so, the issue isn’t whether you can or can’t do it.
It’s whether you will or won’t do it. Your beliefs influence your mindset, which in turn influences your actions. Identify and overcome your limiting beliefs, and I guarantee you’ll see better results. Set A Deadline For Each Goal Deadlines aren't bad.
They help you organize your time. They help you set priorities. They make you get going when you might not feel like it.” - Harvey Mackay Deadlines make our goals feel more substantive. They also create a sense of urgency.
We’re more inclined to take action when deadlines loom in the distance. So, it pays to assign a deadline to every goal. Deadlines are sometimes baked into the goals themselves. For example, suppose you want to retire by the time you turn 60.
Or let’s say you aspire to lose 25 pounds by your wedding day. In both cases, the deadlines are already set. Other times, you’ll need to set them from scratch, if only to prevent a goal from remaining open-ended.
For example, suppose you’d like to visit the Bahamas. Rather than hoping to do so “someday,” commit to doing so by next summer. Put a deadline on it. You’ll be more inclined to make it happen.
Deadlines keep us accountable to ourselves. They keep us moving forward and give us the discipline to ignore lower-priority desires. They also allow us to set up milestones to ensure we stay on the right track. Create A Process
That Supports Each Goal What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” – Henry David Thoreau It’s not enough to focus on outcomes and deadlines. You must also focus on process.
Process is the path you travel toward your destination. For example, if your goal is to lose 25 pounds by your wedding day, your process will likely include your diet and exercise regimen.
Some experts advocate ignoring goals altogether, instead focusing solely on processes (or systems). In my opinion, it’s beneficial to focus on goals and processes. First, decide where you’d like to end up.
Then, once you’ve identified your destination, create habits that guarantee your success. For example, suppose you’d like to retire by 60.
After researching historical investment returns, inflation, assumed expenditures, and your life expectancy, you decide that you’ll need $1.5 million in savings to achieve this goal. We now have our destination.
Having identified this goal, we can now work backwards and formulate a process. Let’s suppose that based on your age, annual income, and current savings, you determine that you’ll need to save $2,500 a month to accumulate $1.5 million by age 60.
You now have a plan. The next step is to develop the savings habit. Again, I strongly encourage you to focus on both goals and processes. Focusing on one to the exclusion of the other risks failure. We’ll talk in greater detail later about how these two aspects work together.
The next section will give you a bird’s-eye view of what you’ll find in The P.R.I.M.E.R. Goal Setting Method. A BRIEF TOUR OF THE P.R.I.M.E.R. GOAL SETTING METHOD There’s a science to effective goal setting. There’s also an art to it.
This book will teach you both aspects, and do so in a way that allows you to start seeing results almost immediately. If you’ve glanced through the table of contents, you’ll have noticed that we have a lot of material to cover.
We’re going to go through it quickly. My goal is to take you through the material in just a couple of hours. In my opinion, there’s no better way to learn how to do something than to actually do it. So we’re going to spend minimal time on the science of goal setting.
Instead, we’ll focus on actionable steps you can take today. This book is organized into four parts. Following is what you’ll learn in each of them. Part I Tactical errors are the most common cause of failure when it comes to goal achievement.
The problem is, such errors are usually subtle and difficult to recognize. They can sabotage you without your realizing they’re doing so. Part I will spotlight the most pivotal mistakes people make when setting goals.
You’ll learn how to avoid them, and immediately improve your success rate in the process. Part II There are many goal-setting strategies in use today. Some are quite good while others introduce significant problems.
Part II will describe the 10 most popular strategies, highlighting their respective strengths and weaknesses. This is an important section because it clarifies and underscores the reasons my P.R.I.M.E.R. goal setting method is effective.
Part III Once you have a firm grasp on today’s most popular goal-setting systems, I’ll introduce you to my P.R.I.M.E.R. method. Part III will take you, step by step, through the entire process.
We’ll take a close look at why each step is critical to your success, and come up with an action plan you can put to immediate use. We’ll also talk about goals versus systems and the roles played by habits and triggers in goal achievement.
Part IV You’ll inevitably fail to achieve some of your goals. Don’t be concerned about this. It can happen for a number of reasons, and some may reveal that your time, attention, and focus would be better spent in pursuit of more rewarding ambitions.
Part IV will show you what to do in the event your goals remain unrealized. This is a vital part of the goal-achievement process. It provides valuable feedback on your efforts, and will influence your results whenever you set out to accomplish something down the road.
You now have a roadmap to everything we’ll cover in this book. Let’s get to work.

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