Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Dalas by user479311

Para todas las ovejitas
Pronto, os voy a desquilar

Dalas eres un psicópata
Manipulando eres inteligente
Eres un maldito sociópata
Y digo ni sufres ni sientes

Dalas va a acabar en la cárcel
Eso decíamos todas
Ahora que gana los juicios
¡La justicia no funciona!

No he visto ni un vídeo tuyo
Pero vengo a tu canal hateando
Me creo las mentiras de ti
¡Porque las dijo un tipo llorando!

Beee, dice el rebaño
Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado
Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten
¿O no lo habías notado?

Beee, dice el rebaño
Valiente si toca hacer daño
Son pura basura que solo murmura
Na' más que usan engaños

No sé qué es un psicópata
Pero te lo llamo igual
Porque todo el mundo lo dice
Seguro que eres de manual

Acosaste a tus exnovias
Da igual que ellas empezaran
Y aunque te deseen la muerte
Mereciste que te maltrataran

Maltratabas a tu perro
Me lo dijeron y nunca te vi
Así que la boca no cierro
Aunque yo nunca estuve ahí

Dalas es un enfermo
Al que critica lo hace pedazos
No como yo que defiendo
¡A uno que pega botellazos!

Beee, dice el rebaño
Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado
Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten
¿O no lo habías notado?

Beee, dice el rebaño
Valiente si toca hacer daño
Son pura basura que solo murmura
Na' más que usan engaños

Beee, dice el rebaño
Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado
Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten
¿O no lo habías notado?

Beee, dice el rebaño
Valiente si toca hacer daño
Son pura basura que solo murmura
Na' más que usan engaños

Eres un maníaco celoso
Y digo que eres un pedófilo
Me lo dijo una de 18
Que en su insta enseñaba el chocho

Y esto te lo digo sin acritud
Ojalá que te mueras tú y tus animales
Soy parte de esta juventud
¡Muy valiente en redes sociales!

Beee, dice el rebaño
Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado
Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten
¿O no lo habías notado?

Beee, dice el rebaño
Valiente si toca hacer daño
Son pura basura que solo murmura
Na' más que usan engaños

Beee, dice el rebaño
Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado
Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten
¿O no lo habías notado?

Beee, dice el rebaño
Valiente si toca hacer daño
Son pura basura que solo murmura
Na' más que usan engaños

Ahora que estás esquilado
Mejor no pases frío
Cuando quieras verme
Y te dejo calentito

Dalas by user479311

Para todas las ovejitas Pronto, os voy a desquilar Dalas eres un psicópata Manipulando eres inteligente Eres un maldito sociópata Y digo ni sufres ni sientes (¡Cállate!)
Dalas va a acabar en la cárcel Eso decíamos todas Ahora que gana los juicios ¡La justicia no funciona! (¡Ríndete!) No he visto ni un vídeo tuyo Pero vengo a tu canal hateando Me creo las mentiras de ti ¡Porque las dijo un tipo llorando! Beee, dice el rebaño Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten ¿O no lo habías notado? Beee, dice el rebaño Valiente si toca hacer daño Son pura basura que solo murmura Na' más que usan engaños No sé qué es un psicópata Pero te lo llamo igual Porque todo el mundo lo dice Seguro que eres de manual Acosaste a tus exnovias Da igual que ellas empezaran Y aunque te deseen la muerte Mereciste que te maltrataran Maltratabas a tu perro Me lo dijeron y nunca te vi Así que la boca no cierro Aunque yo nunca estuve ahí Dalas es un enfermo Al que critica lo hace pedazos No como yo que defiendo ¡A uno que pega botellazos! Beee, dice el rebaño Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten ¿O no lo habías notado? Beee, dice el rebaño Valiente si toca hacer daño Son pura basura que solo murmura Na' más que usan engaños Beee, dice el rebaño Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten ¿O no lo habías notado? Beee, dice el rebaño Valiente si toca hacer daño Son pura basura que solo murmura Na' más que usan engaños Eres un maníaco celoso Y digo que eres un pedófilo Me lo dijo una de 18 Que en su insta enseñaba el chocho Y esto te lo digo sin acritud Ojalá que te mueras tú y tus animales Soy parte de esta juventud ¡Muy valiente en redes sociales! Beee, dice el rebaño Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado
Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten ¿O no lo habías notado? Beee, dice el rebaño Valiente si toca hacer daño Son pura basura que solo murmura Na' más que usan engaños Beee, dice el rebaño Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten ¿O no lo habías notado? Beee, dice el rebaño Valiente si toca hacer daño Son pura basura que solo murmura Na' más que usan engaños Ahora que estás esquilado Mejor no pases frío Cuando quieras verme Y te dejo calentito

Dalas by user479311

Para todas las ovejitas
Pronto, os voy a desquilar
Dalas eres un psicópata
Manipulando eres inteligente
Eres un maldito sociópata
Y digo ni sufres ni sientes
Dalas va a acabar en la cárcel
Eso decíamos todas
Ahora que gana los juicios
¡La justicia no funciona!
No he visto ni un vídeo tuyo
Pero vengo a tu canal hateando
Me creo las mentiras de ti
¡Porque las dijo un tipo llorando!
Beee, dice el rebaño
Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado
Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten
¿O no lo habías notado?
Beee, dice el rebaño
Valiente si toca hacer daño
Son pura basura que solo murmura
Na' más que usan engaños
No sé qué es un psicópata
Pero te lo llamo igual
Porque todo el mundo lo dice
Seguro que eres de manual
Acosaste a tus exnovias
Da igual que ellas empezaran
Y aunque te deseen la muerte
Mereciste que te maltrataran
Maltratabas a tu perro
Me lo dijeron y nunca te vi
Así que la boca no cierro
Aunque yo nunca estuve ahí
Dalas es un enfermo
Al que critica lo hace pedazos
No como yo que defiendo
¡A uno que pega botellazos!
Beee, dice el rebaño
Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado
Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten
¿O no lo habías notado?
Beee, dice el rebaño
Valiente si toca hacer daño
Son pura basura que solo murmura
Na' más que usan engaños
Beee, dice el rebaño
Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado
Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten
¿O no lo habías notado?
Beee, dice el rebaño
Valiente si toca hacer daño
Son pura basura que solo murmura
Na' más que usan engaños
Eres un maníaco celoso
Y digo que eres un pedófilo
Me lo dijo una de 18
Que en su insta enseñaba el chocho
Y esto te lo digo sin acritud
Ojalá que te mueras tú y tus animales
Soy parte de esta juventud
¡Muy valiente en redes sociales!
Beee, dice el rebaño
Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado
Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten
¿O no lo habías notado?
Beee, dice el rebaño
Valiente si toca hacer daño
Son pura basura que solo murmura
Na' más que usan engaños
Beee, dice el rebaño
Siguiendo a un pastor retrasado
Son gente demente, sin mente, no sienten
¿O no lo habías notado?
Beee, dice el rebaño
Valiente si toca hacer daño
Son pura basura que solo murmura
Na' más que usan engaños
Ahora que estás esquilado
Mejor no pases frío
Cuando quieras verme
Y te dejo calentito

passage by duarterosa33

Skiing and snowboarding are affordable winter recreational activities that millions of people across the globe participate in every year. Local radio stations will occasionally take advantage of the high volume of skiers and snowboarders by holding events, offering discounted lift tickets, and providing other perks to
help make the activity a bit more affordable for families. Once there, most ski resorts offer a variety of courses which range from beginner levels to more skilled/expert levels. Many resorts also offer terrain parks for any patron who wishes to try his or her luck on an array of obstacles and jumps with varying levels of difficulty. For individuals who are just beginning to learn, many ski areas give you the option of taking a short instructional class which teaches safety and riding techniques. Even if a customer lacks his or her equipment, resorts offer a full line of rental equipment, including skis, snowboards, poles, boots (both ski and snowboard specific), as well as helmets, googles, and other
safety gear. Many resorts also feature a "bunny hill" slope, a great

Mk08 by user838759

During those days another large crowd gathered Since they had nothing to eat Jesus called his disciples to him and said
I have compassion for these people they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat If I send them home hungry they will collapse on the way because some of them have come a long distance
His disciples answered But where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them?
How many loaves do you have? Jesus asked Seven they replied
He told the crowd to sit down on the ground When he had taken the seven loaves and given thanks he broke them and gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people and they did so
They had a few small fish as well he gave thanks for them also and told the disciples to distribute them The people ate and were satisfied Afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over
About four thousand were present After he had sent them away he got into the boat with his disciples and went to the region of Dalmanutha

The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus To test him they asked him for a sign from heaven He sighed deeply and said Why does this generation ask for a sign? Truly I tell you no sign will be given to it Then he left them got back into the boat and crossed to the other side

The disciples had forgotten to bring bread except for one loaf they had with them in the boat Be careful Jesus warned them Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod
They discussed this with one another and said It is because we have no bread
Aware of their discussion Jesus asked them Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see and ears but fail to hear? And dont you remember? When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?
Twelve they replied And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?
They answered Seven He said to them Do you still not understand?

They came to Bethsaida and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village When he had spit on the mans eyes and put his hands on him Jesus asked Do you see anything?
He looked up and said I see people they look like trees walking around
Once more Jesus put his hands on the mans eyes Then his eyes were opened his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly Jesus sent him home saying Dont even go into the village

Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi On the way he asked them Who do people say I am?
They replied Some say John the Baptist others say Elijah and still others one of the prophets
But what about you? he asked Who do you say I am?
Peter answered You are the Messiah
Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about him

He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders the chief priests and the teachers of the law and that he must be killed and after three days rise again He spoke plainly about this and Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him
But when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples he rebuked Peter Get behind me Satan he said You do not have in mind the concerns of God but merely human concerns

Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me For whoever wants to save their life will lose it but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it What good is it for someone to gain the whole world yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Fathers glory with the holy angels
And he said to them Truly I tell you some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power

closed book revision by user435566

dendrites are short branching processes of the cell body

neurons may have many dendrites receivers, dendrites transmit impulses toward the cell body

the cell body is the centre of a cell, it has a nucleus and a cytoplasm

the cell body fills the grey matter of the nervous system, transmits and processes information, contains organelles and allows metabolic actions

the axon is a long, single nerve fibre attached to the cell body

the axon transmits impulses away from the cell body

axon terminals are an extension of the axon that become tiny fibres with an enlarged end

axon terminals allow transmission of nerve impulses to the dendrites of the next neuron through the production and release of neurotransmitters

impulse conduction: nerve impulses only travel in one direction, nerve impulses travel electrically through across the neurons and chemically across the synapse, when impulses reach the axon terminals, synaptic vesicles release chemicals known as neurotransmitters, the neuron from which the impulse is travelling is called the presynaptic neuron and the receiving end is called the postsynaptic neuron, neurotransmitters diffuse across the synapse and stimulate the next neuron, neurotransmitters are acetylcholine and noradrenaline, and others like dopamine and serotonin

the cervical plexus contains the first four cervical nerves and supplies the muscles of the neck, shoulder, and skin and the phrenic nerve which sends nerve impulses to the diaphragm telling it to contract

the brachial plexus contains the last four cervical and first thoracic nerve, supplies the muscles from the base of the neck to the fingertips and skin

the thoracic plexus supplies the chest muscles and the main part of the abdominal wall

the lumbar plexus contains the first four lumbar nerves and part of the fifth, supplies the skin and muscles of the thighs, lower abdomen and groin

the sacral plexus contains the fifth lumbar nerve and the first three sacral nerves, supplies the muscles and skin of the hamstrings and pelvic area, contains the sciatic nerve which is the largest nerve in the body

the coccygeal plexus forms a second small plexus on the back of the pelvic cavity, supplies the muscles and skin of the pelvic area

Mixed Symbols by user759111

$ * ( & % # ( $ ! ( & $ ) * ) * ) @ * ) ( ! % @ ! ) * # ( & & * % ) ( & @ * ( ) ! ^ ! ) ( * # $ * & ) ( & % ^ ( % @ $ # @ * ^ # % ) ! * ( * $ ! @ # * $ & ) ^ $ @ # * ( ^ @ * & ) @ ^

Law Chapter 12 by lulublue

Chapter 12: Tort Law

What is negligence?
Someone who commits a careless act that creates harm to another person is negligent.
Over the past several years, negligence has become the most common area of tort law.

Negligence has 3 key characteristics:
The action is not intentional.
The action is also not planned.
Some type of injury is created.

Elements of Negligence
Negligence is proven by using a series of criteria:

1. Duty of Care
In a negligence lawsuit, the plaintiff must demonstrate the defendant owed him or her a duty of care—a specific legal obligation to not harm others or their property.
Duty of care can be highly specific or apply more generally to the public.
If the court decides the defendant did not meet his or her duty of care, the defendant can be found in “breach of duty of care.”
EXAMPLE: each motorist owes everyone a duty of care while driving.

2. The Reasonable Person
When determining if a defendant is in breach of duty of care, the court uses the “reasonable person test” to determine the level or standard of care that should be expected.
A reasonable person is defined as an “ordinary adult” without any disabilities.
Although this person does not actually exist, the reasonable person is thought to be careful and considerate.
The definition of a reasonable person may also depend on location. For
EXAMPLE: what is considered reasonable in a rural area may not be so in an urban area and vice versa.

Similar to the Youth Criminal Justice Act, a young person is not judged in the same manner as an adult for negligence.
There is no legislation regarding youth and torts in Canada. Courts deal with torts that involve youth on a case by case basis.
EXAMPLE: Children who are 6 or 7 years old are not held liable for any negligent actions. However, if youth participate in an adult activity, such as hunting, they are generally held to an adult’s standard of care.

3. Foreseeability & Causation
Part of the reasonable person test involves foreseeability—a person’s ability to anticipate the specific result of an action.
If a court decides that a reasonable person should have been able to predict, or foresee, the injury created, the defendant can be found liable, or in breach of his or her duty of care.
Causation occurs when the defendant was in breach and the defendant’s actions directly led to the plaintiff’s injuries or loss.

4. Burden of Proof: Proving Harm or Loss
In a civil trial, the plaintiff is responsible for proving that negligence occurred.
Similar to a criminal trial and any other civil trial, defendants do not have to actually prove anything, though many decide to present evidence on their behalf regardless.
Proof is determined using the balance of probabilities.
If a plaintiff successfully meets the burden of proof for negligence, it means the court believes the plaintiff’s version over the defendant’s.

Proving Harm or Loss
For a negligence suit to be successful, plaintiffs must prove they suffered real injury or economic loss.
The following questions are asked to prove negligence and harm:
Does the defendant owe the plaintiff a duty of care?
Did the defendant breach the standard of care?
Did the defendant’s actions cause the plaintiff’s injury or loss?
Was there a direct connection between the defendant’s actions and the plaintiff’s injury or loss (causation)?
Furthermore, was it foreseeable?
Did the plaintiff actually suffer harm or loss?

Defences to Negligence
There are three common defences to negligence:

1. Contributory negligence
If both the plaintiff and defendant are found to be negligent, any damages or blame will be divided between them.
Contributory negligence occurs when the alleged victim created at least part of the harm that he or she ended up suffering.
This defence is often used in lawsuits involving motor vehicle accidents.
Courts use actual percentages to determine responsibility in contributory negligence cases.
EXAMPLE: if one driver was speeding and another ran a stop sign, both drivers are negligent.

2.Voluntary assumption of risk
Knowingly accepting factors that may cause harm or injury leads to this defence.
In certain situations and activities, people are aware of the risks involved.
For many high-risk activities, a waiver is required to minimize potential lawsuits.
A waiver is a document that releases or excuses a party from liability if an accident or injury occurs (e.g. a hockey league makes players sign a waiver).
EXAMPLE: include contact sports, extreme sports, and stunts.

3. Inevitable accident (Act of God)
Also referred to as “act of God,” this defence is used to argue that although an accident occurred, it was not anyone’s fault.
Inevitable accident means that the harm could not have been reasonably prevented.
EXAMPLE: If an accident occurs after a vehicle or plane is struck by lightning, it is difficult to assign blame or argue that the resulting harm was foreseeable.

***The best possible defence to negligence is to argue that no negligent action occurred at all.

Types of Liability
Vicarious Liability
This type of liability occurs when a person is held responsible for another person’s actions.
Parents are commonly found to be vicariously liable for their children’s torts.
Vicarious liability is very common in the workplace as employers are usually held responsible for their employees’ actions.
EXAMPLE: If a father allows his son to drive the family car and the son causes an accident, the father may also be held partially responsible because he owns the car.

Occupiers’ Liability
An occupier is a person who controls and supervises an establishment or property.
A duty of care is owed by an occupier to any guests who may enter or visit the property.
Most provinces have Occupiers’ Liability Acts.
EXAMPLE: Woman Burned by McDonald's Hot Coffee, Then the News Media
Someone who visits a property for more formal reasons (e.g. work, school, to shop).
A licensee is someone who visits a property for social reasons (e.g. dinner, a party).

Licensees and invitees have permission to enter a property and as a result are owed a duty of care by the occupier.

Host Liability
In tort law, there are two types of hosts: commercial and social.

Commercial Hosts
A commercial host usually operates a hospitality business, such as a bar or restaurant.
Commercial hosts have a specific duty of care to monitor intoxicated customers.
If a customer appears to be drunk, the host becomes responsible for protecting that customer’s safety (e.g. not letting him or her drive, cutting him or her off from further liquor service).

Reducing Liability
There are several measures commercial hosts can take to try and reduce their liability:
ensure that all servers are properly trained (e.g. SmartServe certified)
monitor patrons’ consumption of alcohol
cut people off from liquor service if they are drunk
arrange transportation home for a patron
take away a patron’s car keys
alert the police
contact the patron’s family members or friends

Social Hosts
A social host has many of the same liabilities as a commercial host, but does not receive any financial benefit.
Similar precautions must be taken regarding the guests’ safety.
EXAMPLE: If a couple throws a party at their house, they are social hosts who are responsible for their guests in the same way that commercial hosts are responsible for their paying customers.

Trespassing children have special rights because of their age.
A special duty is forced on occupiers when property includes play equipment, such as a swimming pool or a playground. While alluring to children, such equipment may also pose dangers.
What is considered an allurement varies from case to case. However, an occupier must be able to show that all reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent any accident that could reasonably have been foreseen as arising from a possible allurement.
Taking reasonable precautions may help to reduce, but not eliminate, liability.
EXAMPLE: Individuals and organizations must build fences of minimum heights around swimming pools and construction sites. Dangerous premises must be marked and blocked.

Intentional Torts
The main intentional torts are:
Trespass to another person (assault and battery; false imprisonment)
Trespass to land

Being present or interfering with another’s property without that person’s consent or legal right.

Common defences to trespassing include
The defendant establishes the plaintiff’s consent to touch them or enter onto their land (similar to voluntary assumption of risk)
The defendant can prove that their use of force was reasonable.
Defendants may also defend their property or come to the defence of others (though they can’t harm trespassers on purpose)
Legal Authority and Necessity:
Law enforcement may use this defence during lawsuits for assault and battery or false imprisonment, when it comes to arrests and search warrants.
Other defendants may be able to use this defence in certain emergency situations (going for help, reclaiming their belongings)

stop for now :P

Injuring a person’s character or reputation is known as defamation.
There are two basic types of defamation in civil law: slander and libel.
There are also several basic defences used in defamation cases: truth, absolute and qualified privilege, and fair comment.
In a defamation case, a plaintiff must prove:
The words used by the defendant were false.
The words used referred specifically to the plaintiff.
The words were read or heard by a third party.
The words caused harm and/or economic loss.

Slander and Libel
Slander occurs when a person’s character has been defamed verbally.
This includes spoken words, gestures, sounds, and even facial expressions.
Slander is often difficult to prove as the action is not recorded in any way.

Libel occurs when a person’s character has been defamed in written form.
This includes permanent visual and audio recordings, publications, and memos.
Over the past several years, there has been a significant increase in libel cases as a result of the Internet.

Truth and Fair Comment
If a defendant can prove that the comment he or she made or wrote about the plaintiff was in fact true, the defendant may be found not liable in a defamation case, even if the plaintiff’s reputation was damaged.

Many media critics may also use the defence of fair comment, which allows them to criticize the work of artists for the general public (e.g. movie or food critics).
Critics are supposed to focus on the work and avoid personal attacks on the artist.
Absolute privilege is a defence against defamation that is used by people in public roles, such as politicians and judges.
Example: Politicians cannot be sued for comments they make inside the House of Commons, even if they accuse other politicians of lying.

Qualified privilege is a defence against defamation that is used by people who express an honest opinion as part of their job.
Example: A teacher writes a negative comment about a student’s progress on the student’s report card.
Liability Insurance
Injury costs associated with motor vehicle accidents are usually very high.
As a result, it is the law in Canada that all motorists must purchase liability insurance to cover potential liabilities that they may not be able to personally afford.
Many businesses and doctors also purchase their own versions of liability insurance to protect themselves against personal bankruptcy if they are sued by clients, employees, or patients.

Untitled by user553439

Spread love everywhere you go.

Downtown B & T by aleal1596


tigers by wishpath

6 (1.8 meters) (body length) weigh 500 (230 kg) weight 700 (318 kg),

Untitled by aliawesomeop

Ali is the king
he will help you
now lets obey him

Untitled by aliawesomeop

Ali is the king
he will help you
now lets obey him

Untitled by aliawesomeop

Ali is the king
he will help you

Untitled by aliawesomeop

Ali is the king of all

Mk07 by user838759

The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus and saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were defiled that is unwashed
(The Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they give their hands a ceremonial washing holding to the tradition of the elders When they come from the marketplace they do not eat unless they wash And they observe many other traditions such as the washing of cups pitchers and kettles)
So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus Why dont your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with defiled hands?
He replied Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites as it is written
These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me They worship me in vain their teachings are merely human rules
You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions
And he continued You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions
For Moses said Honor your father and mother and Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is Corban (that is devoted to God)— then you no longer let them do anything for their father or mother
Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down And you do many things like that

Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said Listen to me everyone and understand this Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them Rather it is what comes out of a person that defiles them
After he had left the crowd and entered the house his disciples asked him about this parable Are you so dull? he asked Dont you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them?
For it doesnt go into their heart but into their stomach and then out of the body (In saying this Jesus declared all foods clean) He went on What comes out of a person is what defiles them
For it is from within out of a persons heart that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality theft murder adultery greed malice deceit lewdness envy slander arrogance and folly All these evils come from inside and defile a person

Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it yet he could not keep his presence secret
In fact as soon as she heard about him a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an impure spirit came and fell at his feet The woman was a Greek born in Syrian Phoenicia
She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter First let the children eat all they want he told her for it is not right to take the childrens bread and toss it to the dogs
Lord she replied even the dogs under the table eat the childrens crumbs Then he told her For such a reply you may go the demon has left your daughter
She went home and found her child lying on the bed and the demon gone

Then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon down to the Sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk and they begged Jesus to place his hand on him
After he took him aside away from the crowd Jesus put his fingers into the mans ears Then he spit and touched the mans tongue He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him Ephphatha (which means Be opened)
At this the mans ears were opened his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone
But the more he did so the more they kept talking about it People were overwhelmed with amazement He has done everything well they said He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak

IRP essay by user107083

A lo largo de 'La casa de Bernarda Alba', Lorca demuestra muchos tipos diferentes de la represión y sus consecuencias graves, todos que reflejan los apuros experimentaban diariamente por la gente espanola debido a la sociedad despreciativa de los anos treinta.
Bernarda reprime los deseos del amor, de la libertad y de la autenticidad emocional de su familia en todos momentos de la obra, abusando de su autoridad sin considerar los resultados negativos.
Por ejemplo, cuando Bernarda impone un luto de ocho anos, nadie puede entrar ni salir de los 'muros gruesos' de la casa, y Bernarda dice "haceros cuenta hemos tapiado con ladrillos puertas y ventanas."
La represión física de las hijas refleja la represión de la sexualidad y la autonomía personal que sufren las mujeres, que provoca resentimiento y desesperación interiorizados que se agudizan por la atmósfera tensa y claustrofóbica, a lo que solo Adela se opone cuando dice "Mi cuerpo será de quien yo quiera!"
Esta represión resulta en muchas peleas, arrebatos emocionales y la muerte de Adela, ya que la expresión emocional está estrictamente prohibido por Bernarda, con ella a menudo ordenaba a las mujeres encerradas que dejaran de llorar.
El empeno tiránico de Bernarda en controlar la libertad del hogar ahoga la individualidad de las mujeres y limita sus posibilidades de éxito en la persecución de sus deseos, sacrificando su felicidad y juventud, con Adela diciendo "este luto me ha cogida en la peor época de mi vida para pasarlo."
Lorca utilizó su última obra para advertir a las masas de las consecuencias severas de una represión demasiado extrema, para resaltar la importancia del equilibrio entre permitir, expresar y reprimir la sexualidad, y para mostrar la desigualdad que las mujeres enfrentaban a diario.

Anónimo by aarii9

Cuando entré en la habitación donde chillaba el violín, llamé al patrón. Solo obtuve ruido por respuesta. En la oscuridad, sentí frío. Encendí la luz, y encontré de frente al anciano, que yacía sentado en un sillón, perdida la mirada

Las dos torres - J. by aarii9

Cayó la noche y se hizo el silencio, no se oía otra cosa que un débil temblor de tierra bajo los pies y un roce, la sombra de un susurro, como de muchas hojas llevadas por el viento.

FREUD'S THEORY by user522192

Psychoanalytic theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, is a framework for understanding human behavior and personality. It posits that much of human behavior is driven by unconscious motivations and desires, often stemming from early childhood experiences. Freud proposed that the mind is divided into three parts: the conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious.