Benutzerdefinierte Tests

FREUD'S THEORY by user522192

Psychoanalytic theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, is a framework for understanding human behavior and personality. It posits that much of human behavior is driven by unconscious motivations and desires, often stemming from early childhood experiences. Freud proposed that the mind is divided into three parts: the conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious.

Speed Test 2 by michael..analyst

This is a test about speed and about how fast you cant type with as little amount of mistakes as possible. How fast can you type this without making any errors?

Speed Test 2 by michael..analyst

This is a test about speed and about how fast you cant type with as little amount of mistakes as possible. How fast can you type this without making any errors?

Symbols by user759111

! @ # % ^ & * ( ) $ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) $ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) $ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) $ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) $ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) $ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) $ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) $ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) $ ! @ # % ^ & * ( ) $

4.18 46-60 by user663894

Trees benefit the city by soaking up the rainwater that runs off the roads.
Rising sea temperatures are a sign of climate change.
The key witnesses to the event have conflicting recollections.
The momentum is defined as the combination of mass and velocity.
The study center in the library has all the latest technologies.
The rising temperature is changing the wildlife population.
The director of the gallery was grateful for the anonymous donation.
Studies showed there is a positive correlation between the two variables.
You should have awareness of how the business operates globally.
An architect is required to have problem-solving skills and an eye for design.
While some people regard it as reforming zeal, others regard it as recklessness.
Any gain on sales of property must be allocated promptly.
We encourage students to complete their applications before the deadline.
Lectures are the oldest and the most formal teaching method at university.
Before you choose your university courses, you should consider your future career.

origin to geometry by jonsedlak222

origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry origin to geometry

4.18 46-60 by user663894

Trees benefit the city by soaking up the rainwater that runs off the roads.
Rising sea temperatures are a sign of climate change.
The key witnesses to the event have conflicting recollections.
The momentum is defined as the combination of mass and velocity.
The study center in the library has all the latest technologies.
The rising temperature is changing the wildlife population.
The director of the gallery was grateful for the anonymous donation.
Studies showed there is a positive correlation between the two variables.
You should have awareness of how the business operates globally.
An architect is required to have problem-solving skills and an eye for design.
While some people regard it as reforming zeal, others regard it as recklessness.
Any gain on sales of property must be allocated promptly.
We encourage students to complete their applications before the deadline.
Lectures are the oldest and the most formal teaching method at university.
Before you choose your university courses, you should consider your future career.

%famous %famous %fam by moyotypes

%famous %famous %famous %famous %famous

%famous %famous %famous %famous %famous

%famous %famous %famous %famous %famous

%famous %famous %famous %famous %famous

%famous %famous %famous %famous %famous

^power ^power ^power by moyotypes

^power ^power ^power ^power ^power

^power ^power ^power ^power ^power

^power ^power ^power ^power ^power

^power ^power ^power ^power ^power

^power ^power ^power ^power ^power

Closed Book by user435566

Functions of The Nervous System:
Gathers information from inside and outside of the body from sensors.
Transmits information to the processing area of the spinal cord and brain.
Processes the information to determine the best response.
Sends information (instructions) to muscles, glands, organs (effectors) which carry out instructions.

Structure of The Nervous System:
Our nervous system is divided into two parts:
The Central Nervous System, which consists of:
Spinal Cord

The Peripheral Nervous System, which consists of:
31 pairs of spinal nerves
12 pairs of cranial nerves
Autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions)

Neurons have Two Main Characteristics:
Irritability: the ability to initiate nerve impulses in response to stimuli - a change in the environment (internal or external).
Conductivity: means the ability to transmit an electrical impulse - send messages.

The Structure and Functions of a Neuron/Nerve Cell:
Cell Body Structure: The centre of a neuron with a nucleus and cytoplasm.
Cell Body Functions: The cell body forms the grey matter of the nervous system. It processes and transmits information. It contains organelles and allows metabolic actions.
Dendrites Structure: Short, branching process of cell body.
Dendrites Functions: Neurons may have many dendrites receivers. It transmits impulses towards the cell body.
Axon Structure: A long single nerve fibre attached to the cell body.
Axon Functions: It transmits impulses away from the cell body.
Axon Terminals Structure: Extension of axons that become tiny fibres, with an enlarged end (like a bulb).
Axon Terminals Functions: Allow transmission of nerve impulse to the dendrites of the next neuron via the production and release of neurotransmitters.

Impulse Conduction:
Nerve impulses only travels in one direction
Impulses are transmitted electrically along a neuron and chemically across the synapse.
When impulses reach the end feet of the axon, synaptic vesicles release chemicals known as neurotransmitters.
The neuron from which the impulse is travelling, is called the presynaptic neuron. The receiving end is called the postsynaptic neuron.
The neurotransmitters diffuse across the synapse and stimulate the next neuron.
The neurotransmitters are acetylcholine and noradrenaline, and others like dopamine and serotonin.
Spinal Nerves & Nerve Plexuses:
The 31 paired nerves consist of:
8 Cervical
12 Thoracic
5 Lumbar
5 Sacral
1 Coccyx

Cervical Plexus:
Contains the first four cervical nerves and supplies the muscles of the neck, shoulder and skin and the phrenic nerve which sends nerve impulses to the diaphragm telling it to contract.

Brachial Plexus:
Includes the lower four cervical nerves and the first thoracic nerve. It supplies the muscles from the base of the neck to the fingertips and skin.

The Thoracic Plexus:
This supplies the chest muscles and the main part of the abdominal wall.

Lumbar Plexus:
Includes the first three lumbar nerves and part of the fourth. It supplies the skin and muscles of the lower abdomen, thighs, and groin.

Sacral Plexus:
This includes the fourth and fifth lumbar nerves and first three sacral nerves. It supplies the muscles and skin of the pelvic area and the hamstrings. It includes the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body.

Coccygeal Plexus:
It forms a second small plexus on the back of the pelvic cavity, supplying the muscles and skin of the pelvic area.

impossible by tal04

Methionylglutamin ylarginyltyrosylglu tamylserylleucylphenyl-
alanylalanylgluta minylleucyllysylgluta mylarginy llysyglutamyl-
gycylalanyl phenylalanylvalylp rolylphe nylalanylvaly lthreonyl-
leucylglycylaspa rtylprolylglyc yllisoleucylglu tamylglutaminyl -
serylleu cyllysylisoleu cylaspartylthr eonylleu cylisoleucyl-
glutamylalan ylglycylalany laspartylala nylleucylgluta mylleucyl-
glycylis oleucylprol ylphe nylalan ylseryla spartylp rolylle ucyl-
alanylaspart ylglycylprol ylthreonylisoleucylgluta minylasparagin yl-
alanylt hreonylleucylargin ylalanylphenylalany lalanylalanyl-
gl ycylvalylth reonylprolylal anylglutaminylc ysteinylpheny lalanyl-
glutamyl methionylleucylal anylleucylisoleucyl arginylgluta minyl-
lysylhist idylprolylthreonyli soleucylprolylisoleucyl glycylleucyl-
leucylmethiony ltyrosylalanylaspa raginylleucylvalylphe nylalanyl-
asparaginyll ysylglycylisoleucylasp artylglutamylphenylalanyl-
tyr osylalanylglutaminylcystei nylglutamyllysylvalylgly cylvalyl-
aspartylsrylva lylleucylvalylalanyla spartylvalylprolylval yl-
glutaminyl gluta mylserylalanylpr ol ylphenylalanyla rginylglu taminyl-
alanyl alanylleucylar ginylhistidylasparag inylvalylalanyl -
prolylisol eucylphenylal anylisoleucylcystei nylprolylprolylas partyl-
alanylas partylaspartylaspartyl leucylleucylargin ylglutaminyl-
i soleucyla lanylseryltyrosylgl ycylarginylglycyl tyrosylthreonyl-
tyrosylleuc ylleucylserylarginy lalanylglycylvalylth reonylglycyl-
alanylgl utamylasparag inylarginylalany lalanylleucyll eucyllysyl-
glu tamyltyrosyl asparaginylala nylalanylprolylpro lylleucylglutaminyl-
gly cylphenylalanylgly sylisoleucylserylal anylprolylaspa rtylglutaminyl -
valyllysyl alanylalanylisole ucylaspartylalanyl glycylalanylalan yl-
glycylalanyli soleucylserylglycyl serylalanylisoleuc ylvaly llysylisoleu cyl-
isoleuc ylglutamylgl utaminylhis tidylasparagin ylisoleucylglu tamyl-
proly lglutamyll ysylmethionylle ucylalanyl alanylleucylly sylvalylphenyl -
alanylval ylglutaminylproly lmethionyllysyl alanylalanylthreon ylarginy-

Alas de sangre by mcngfia_733_

Sorrengail aterriza sobre mi espalda e intenta hacerme una llave de
cabeza. Bien por ella. Es una elección sólida, pero ella no es lo
suficientemente fuerte físicamente como para cortarme el suministro de
aire. Ella está peleando como si fuera seis pulgadas más alta y tuviera otras
cuarenta libras más en lugar de apoyarse en sus puntos fuertes reales.
No me molesto con sus brazos. Girándome rápidamente, libero su
agarre y agarro la parte posterior de sus muslos con un solo movimiento,
lanzándonos en un giro que termina inmovilizándola de espaldas a la
colchoneta. Antes de que pueda tomar otro respiro, coloco mi antebrazo
contra la delicada línea de su garganta, pero no presiono.
Hay más de una docena de formas diferentes de acabar con ella en
esta posición y yo tengo toda la influencia. Pero aunque mis caderas anclan
las de ella a la colchoneta, tengo la mayor parte de mi peso apoyado en mi
brazo izquierdo para no aplastarla.
Ella está jodidamente atrapada, y el destello de miedo que
rápidamente es enmascarado por la furia en sus ojos me dice que ella
también lo sabe.
Maldita sea. No quiero aplastarla.
¿Qué carajo me está pasando?

credo de niceia by menesfuny

creio em um so deus pai todo-poderoso criador do ceu e da terra de todas as coisas visiveis e invisiveis
creio em um so senhor jesus cristo filho unigenito de deus nascido do pai antes de todos os seculos deus de deus luz da luz deus verdadeiro de deus verdadeiro gerado nao criado consubstancial ao pai
por ele todas as coisas foram feitas
e por nos homens e para nossa salvacao desceu dos ceus
e se encarnou pelo espirito santo no seio da virgem maria e se fez homem
tambem por nos foi crucificado sob poncio pilatos padeceu e foi sepultado
ressuscitou ao terceiro dia conforme as escrituras e subiu aos ceus onde esta sentado a direita do pai
e de novo ha de vir em sua gloria para julgar os vivos e os mortos e o seu reino nao tera fim
creio no espirito santo senhor que da a vida e procede do pai e do filho
e com o pai e o filho e adorado e glorificado ele que falou pelos profetas
creio na igreja una santa catolica e apostolica
professo um so batismo para remissao dos pecados
e espero a ressurreicao dos mortos e a vida do mundo que ha de vir

Keyboarding by nice1day

"Keyboarding proficiency is a fundamental skill in the modern workplace. Whether you're inputting data, composing reports, or engaging in online communication, the ability to type quickly and accurately is crucial. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills as part of the hiring process, seeking individuals who can meet the demands of their roles. By honing your keyboarding skills through practice and training, you can enhance your employability and succeed in today's competitive job market."
"Efficient keyboarding is essential for productivity in today's fast-paced business environment. Whether you're conducting research, managing documents, or communicating with colleagues, the ability to type quickly and accurately streamlines tasks and improves workflow. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their capacity to handle various responsibilities effectively. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your professional capabilities and advance your career."
"In today's technology-driven world, keyboarding proficiency is a valuable asset for individuals in all fields. Whether you're in finance, healthcare, education, or any other industry, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for efficiency and effectiveness. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills to ensure they can keep up with the demands of their roles. By mastering touch typing techniques and increasing your typing speed, you can enhance your productivity and excel in your chosen profession."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a critical skill for success in the modern workplace. Whether you're entering data, composing emails, or managing documents, the ability to type quickly and accurately is indispensable. Employers often use typing tests to evaluate candidates' proficiency, seeking individuals who can perform tasks efficiently and effectively. By honing your keyboarding skills through practice and training, you can improve your typing speed and accuracy, making yourself a valuable asset to any organization."
"Efficient keyboarding is essential for success in today's competitive job market. Whether you're applying for administrative positions, customer service roles, or creative positions, the ability to type quickly and accurately is a sought-after skill. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills to ensure they can meet the demands of their roles. By mastering touch typing techniques and increasing your typing speed, you can enhance your employability and stand out as a qualified candidate."
"In today's digital age, keyboarding proficiency is a prerequisite for success in the workplace. Whether you're composing emails, updating databases, or participating in online meetings, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often seek candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their capacity to handle various tasks efficiently. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your professional capabilities and advance your career."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a foundational skill in the modern workplace, enabling individuals to navigate digital environments with ease. Whether you're entering data, composing reports, or communicating with colleagues, the ability to type quickly and accurately is crucial for success. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills as part of the hiring process, seeking individuals who can perform tasks efficiently and effectively. By honing your keyboarding skills through practice and training, you can improve your employability and excel in your chosen field."
"Efficient keyboarding is a valuable skill that can enhance your productivity and effectiveness in the workplace. Whether you're entering data, composing emails, or managing documents, the ability to type quickly and accurately streamlines tasks and improves workflow. Employers often seek candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their capacity to handle various responsibilities efficiently. By mastering touch typing techniques and increasing your typing speed, you can make yourself a valuable asset to any organization."
"In today's fast-paced business environment, keyboarding proficiency is a fundamental skill for success. Whether you're conducting research, managing documents, or communicating with colleagues, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills to ensure they can perform tasks efficiently and effectively. By honing your keyboarding skills through practice and training, you can improve your typing speed and accuracy, making yourself a competitive candidate in the job market."
"Keyboarding proficiency is an essential skill for success in the digital age. Whether you're composing emails, updating spreadsheets, or creating presentations, the ability to type quickly and accurately is indispensable. Employers often seek candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their capacity to handle various tasks efficiently. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your professional capabilities and advance your career in today's competitive job market."
"Efficient keyboarding is essential for success in today's technology-driven workplace. Whether you're entering data, composing documents, or engaging in online communication, the ability to type quickly and accurately streamlines tasks and improves productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills to ensure they can meet the demands of their roles. By mastering touch typing techniques and increasing your typing speed, you can enhance your professional capabilities and excel in your chosen field."
"In today's digital world, keyboarding proficiency is a valuable skill that can enhance your productivity and effectiveness in the workplace. Whether you're composing emails, updating databases, or participating in online meetings, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for success. Employers often seek candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their capacity to handle various tasks efficiently. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can improve your employability and stand out as a qualified candidate."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a critical skill for success in today's fast-paced business environment. Whether you're entering data, composing emails, or managing documents, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills to ensure they can perform tasks efficiently and effectively. By mastering touch typing techniques and increasing your typing speed, you can enhance your professional capabilities and advance your career in today's competitive job market."
"Efficient keyboarding is a fundamental skill that can enhance your effectiveness in the workplace. Whether you're entering data, composing documents, or engaging in online communication, the ability to type quickly and accurately streamlines tasks and improves productivity. Employers often seek candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their capacity to handle various responsibilities efficiently. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can improve your typing speed and accuracy, making yourself a valuable asset to any organization."
"In today's digital age, keyboarding proficiency is a prerequisite for success in the workplace. Whether you're composing emails, updating spreadsheets, or participating in online meetings, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often seek candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their capacity to handle various tasks efficiently. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your professional capabilities and advance your career in today's competitive job market."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a valuable skill that can enhance your productivity and effectiveness in the workplace. Whether you're entering data, composing emails, or managing documents, the ability to type quickly and accurately streamlines tasks and improves workflow. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills to ensure they can meet the demands of their roles. By mastering touch typing techniques and increasing your typing speed, you can make yourself a competitive candidate in today's job market."
"Efficient keyboarding is essential for success in today's technology-driven workplace. Whether you're entering data, composing documents, or engaging in online communication, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often seek candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their capacity to handle various responsibilities efficiently. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your professional capabilities and advance your career in today's competitive job market."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a vital skill in today's workplace. Whether you're composing emails, entering data, or drafting reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills to ensure they can handle the demands of the job. By practicing touch typing and mastering keyboard shortcuts, you can enhance your efficiency and effectiveness in various tasks."
"Efficient keyboarding goes beyond just speed; it encompasses accuracy and technique. Whether you're navigating spreadsheets or typing up meeting minutes, precision is key to producing quality work. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their attention to detail and professionalism. By practicing regularly and maintaining proper posture, you can improve your typing accuracy and reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries."
"In today's digital age, keyboarding proficiency is a foundational skill for success in the workplace. From administrative tasks to creative projects, the ability to type quickly and accurately is indispensable. Employers often use typing tests to evaluate candidates' proficiency, seeking individuals who can efficiently handle various tasks. By mastering touch typing techniques and increasing your typing speed, you can position yourself as a valuable asset in any work environment."

"Keyboarding proficiency is a vital skill in today's job market. Whether you're updating financial reports, scheduling meetings, or drafting emails, the ability to type quickly and accurately is indispensable. Employers seek candidates who can demonstrate proficiency in keyboarding, as it directly impacts workplace efficiency. By mastering touch typing and familiarizing yourself with keyboard shortcuts, you can enhance your productivity and excel in your career. - Date: May 12, 2024"
"In the fast-paced world of finance, keyboarding skills are essential. From inputting sales figures to analyzing market trends, accuracy and speed are paramount. Employers often assess candidates' typing abilities to ensure they can keep up with the demands of the industry. By honing your keyboarding skills and staying updated on the latest financial software, you can position yourself for success in this competitive field. - Title: Financial Keyboarding Mastery"
"Efficient keyboarding is crucial for success in administrative roles. Whether you're managing schedules, processing invoices, or responding to inquiries, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate proficiency in keyboarding, as it streamlines administrative processes and enhances productivity. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can become an invaluable asset to any administrative team. - Numbers: 1,000 invoices per week"
"Keyboarding proficiency is a prerequisite for success in the legal profession. From drafting contracts to preparing court documents, accuracy is paramount. Employers often require candidates to type at least 60 words per minute with minimal errors. By practicing legal terminology and mastering citation formats, you can enhance your typing speed and accuracy, paving the way for a successful legal career. - Title: Legal Keyboarding Essentials"
"In the competitive world of data entry, keyboarding speed is key. Whether you're inputting customer information or updating inventory records, efficiency is paramount. Employers often conduct typing tests to assess candidates' speed and accuracy, with minimum requirements ranging from 8,000 to 10,000 keystrokes per hour. By practicing data entry exercises and mastering keyboard shortcuts, you can meet and exceed these standards, securing lucrative opportunities in data entry roles. - Date: June 5, 2024"
"As a medical transcriptionist, keyboarding accuracy is critical. From transcribing patient histories to documenting treatment plans, precision is paramount to ensure patient safety. Employers often require candidates to type at least 70 words per minute with exceptional accuracy. By familiarizing yourself with medical terminology and practicing transcription exercises, you can meet the demands of this specialized field and advance your career in healthcare. - Title: Medical Transcription Mastery"
"In the digital marketing industry, keyboarding proficiency is essential for success. Whether you're crafting social media posts, drafting email campaigns, or analyzing website metrics, speed and accuracy are crucial. Employers often seek candidates who can type at least 50 words per minute with minimal errors. By staying updated on industry trends and mastering digital marketing terminology, you can enhance your typing skills and stand out in this competitive field. - Numbers: 50 words per minute"
"Efficient keyboarding is a valuable skill for writers and editors. Whether you're drafting articles, proofreading manuscripts, or formatting documents, speed and accuracy are essential. Employers often require candidates to type at least 55 words per minute with a high level of accuracy. By honing your grammar and punctuation skills and practicing typing exercises, you can meet the demands of the writing and editing profession and excel in your career. - Title: Writing and Editing Keyboarding Proficiency"
"Keyboarding proficiency is crucial for customer service representatives. Whether you're responding to inquiries via email, updating customer accounts, or processing orders, efficiency is key to providing excellent service. Employers often require candidates to type at least 45 words per minute with minimal errors. By mastering customer service terminology and practicing typing exercises, you can enhance your typing speed and accuracy and deliver exceptional customer experiences. - Date: March 20, 2024"
"In the field of graphic design, keyboarding proficiency is essential for creating visual masterpieces. Whether you're inputting text into design layouts, communicating with clients via email, or updating project timelines, accuracy and speed are critical. Employers often seek candidates who can type at least 40 words per minute with minimal errors. By mastering design software shortcuts and practicing typing exercises, you can streamline your workflow and bring your creative visions to life. - Title: Graphic Design Keyboarding Essentials"
"In today's digital age, keyboarding skills are indispensable. Whether you're composing emails, writing reports, or coding software, mastering the keyboard is essential for efficiency and accuracy. Typing speed and accuracy are key metrics in assessing one's proficiency in keyboarding. Practice regularly to improve your typing skills and become more proficient in navigating the digital world."
"Keyboarding proficiency goes beyond just typing speed. It encompasses accuracy, ergonomics, and familiarity with keyboard shortcuts. Efficient keyboarding involves using all ten fingers, proper hand positioning, and minimizing errors. Developing muscle memory for common keystrokes and shortcuts can significantly enhance productivity. Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to keyboarding skills."
"As technology advances, the importance of keyboarding skills continues to grow. From entering data into spreadsheets to chatting with colleagues on messaging platforms, keyboard proficiency is a fundamental skill in today's workplace. Employers value employees who can type quickly and accurately, as it directly impacts productivity. Invest time in honing your keyboarding skills to stay competitive in the digital age."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a crucial skill in today's workplace. From administrative tasks to communication, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills to ensure they can keep up with the demands of the job. Practice and mastery of keyboarding techniques can greatly enhance one's employability in various industries."
"Efficient keyboarding involves more than just typing speed; it requires precision and attention to detail. Accuracy in typing ensures that documents and communications are error-free, preventing costly mistakes. Additionally, ergonomic practices, such as proper hand positioning and posture, are vital for minimizing strain and fatigue during extended typing sessions. Developing these skills not only boosts productivity but also promotes long-term health and well-being."
"In the digital age, keyboarding skills are no longer optional—they're a necessity. Whether you're drafting emails, entering data, or conducting research, the ability to type quickly and accurately directly impacts job performance. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate proficiency in keyboarding, as it reflects their ability to adapt to modern workplace technologies. Continuous practice and improvement in typing skills are essential for staying competitive in today's job market."
"Keyboarding proficiency is not just about hitting the keys—it's about mastering the tools that enable efficient communication and productivity. Familiarity with keyboard shortcuts and software functionalities can streamline tasks and save valuable time. Moreover, mastering touch typing, where you type without looking at the keyboard, enhances speed and accuracy. As technology continues to evolve, honing keyboarding skills remains a wise investment in one's career advancement."
"As businesses rely more on digital communication and data processing, the importance of keyboarding skills cannot be overstated. Whether you're entering customer information into a database or drafting a project proposal, the ability to type quickly and accurately is paramount. Employers often use typing tests to assess candidates' proficiency, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of a fast-paced work environment. Sharpening your keyboarding skills through practice and training can open doors to a wide range of job opportunities."
"In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is key to success. Keyboarding skills play a central role in facilitating communication, whether through emails, reports, or instant messages. Individuals who can type quickly and accurately have a competitive edge in the job market, as they can efficiently handle tasks that require extensive typing. Employers often prioritize candidates with strong keyboarding skills, recognizing the impact it can have on overall productivity and efficiency."
"The ability to type quickly and accurately is a valuable asset in virtually every industry. From administrative tasks to creative endeavors, proficient keyboarding skills are essential for effective communication and productivity. Employers often seek candidates who can demonstrate mastery of keyboarding techniques, as it reflects their ability to navigate modern workplace technologies. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, individuals can enhance their employability and excel in their careers."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a foundational skill in the digital age, empowering individuals to communicate and collaborate effectively. Whether you're drafting documents, inputting data, or participating in online discussions, the ability to type efficiently is essential. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, recognizing their contribution to workplace productivity. Continuous improvement in typing speed and accuracy can significantly enhance one's professional capabilities and career prospects."
"As technology continues to advance, keyboarding skills remain a critical component of workplace readiness. Whether you're navigating complex software interfaces or composing written communications, the ability to type quickly and accurately is indispensable. Employers often assess candidates' typing proficiency as part of the hiring process, seeking individuals who can effectively leverage digital tools. By honing your keyboarding skills through practice and training, you can position yourself for success in today's competitive job market."
"Keyboarding proficiency is more than just a basic skill—it's a cornerstone of productivity in the modern workplace. From data entry to document creation, the ability to type quickly and accurately enables individuals to complete tasks efficiently. Employers recognize the value of strong keyboarding skills and often prioritize candidates who can demonstrate proficiency. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, individuals can enhance their employability and contribute to the success of their organizations."
"Efficient keyboarding isn't just about speed; it's about precision and clarity. Whether you're drafting a memo or entering data into a spreadsheet, accuracy is paramount. Employers value candidates who can produce error-free work in a timely manner. Developing strong keyboarding skills requires practice and attention to detail. By mastering touch typing and learning keyboard shortcuts, you can become a more efficient and effective communicator."
"In today's digital landscape, the ability to type quickly and accurately is a fundamental skill. From composing emails to updating databases, keyboarding proficiency is essential for navigating the demands of modern work environments. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills to ensure they can keep up with the pace of business. By honing your keyboarding abilities through regular practice, you can enhance your employability and stand out in a competitive job market."
"Keyboarding skills are the backbone of efficient communication in the digital age. Whether you're inputting data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is invaluable. Employers seek candidates who can demonstrate proficiency in keyboarding, as it reflects their capacity to handle various tasks efficiently. By investing time and effort in improving your typing speed and accuracy, you can enhance your productivity and effectiveness in the workplace."
"As technology continues to advance, the importance of keyboarding skills remains undiminished. From administrative tasks to creative endeavors, proficient typing is essential for effective communication and productivity. Employers often use typing tests to assess candidates' abilities, looking for individuals who can navigate digital environments with ease. By honing your keyboarding skills through practice and training, you can position yourself for success in today's competitive job market."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a cornerstone of success in the digital age. Whether you're drafting documents or responding to emails, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, recognizing their impact on workplace efficiency. By practicing touch typing and familiarizing yourself with keyboard shortcuts, you can enhance your speed and accuracy, setting yourself apart in the job market."
"In an era defined by digital communication, keyboarding proficiency is non-negotiable. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often prioritize candidates with strong keyboarding skills, recognizing their contribution to workplace efficiency. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your employability and succeed in today's competitive job market."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a critical skill for success in the modern workplace. From composing emails to updating spreadsheets, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills during the hiring process, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of a fast-paced work environment. By honing your keyboarding abilities through practice and training, you can increase your value as an employee and achieve your career goals."
"Efficient keyboarding is more than just a technical skill—it's a strategic advantage. Whether you're drafting documents or participating in online discussions, the ability to type quickly and accurately gives you a competitive edge. Employers recognize the value of strong keyboarding skills and often prioritize candidates who can demonstrate proficiency. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your employability and excel in today's dynamic work environments."
"Keyboarding proficiency is an essential skill for success in the digital age. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is crucial for productivity. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, recognizing their contribution to workplace efficiency. By practicing touch typing and mastering keyboard shortcuts, you can enhance your speed and accuracy, positioning yourself for success in today's competitive job market."
"In today's technology-driven world, keyboarding proficiency is a prerequisite for success in many industries. Whether you're drafting documents or inputting data, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills during the hiring process, seeking individuals who can efficiently handle the demands of the job. By honing your keyboarding abilities through practice and training, you can increase your employability and advance your career."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a fundamental skill in the modern workplace, enabling efficient communication and task completion. From composing emails to updating databases, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their capacity to navigate digital environments with ease. By honing your typing speed and accuracy through regular practice, you can enhance your employability and succeed in today's competitive job market."
"In today's digital era, keyboarding proficiency is essential for success in virtually every industry. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is paramount. Employers often use typing tests to assess candidates' abilities, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of a fast-paced work environment. By investing time and effort in improving your keyboarding skills, you can enhance your productivity and effectiveness in the workplace."
"Efficient keyboarding is not just about typing speed—it's about accuracy and attention to detail. Whether you're drafting documents or responding to emails, precision is key to producing high-quality work. Employers value candidates who can deliver error-free results in a timely manner, as it reflects their professionalism and reliability. By honing your keyboarding skills through practice and training, you can increase your value as an employee and advance your career."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a foundational skill in the digital age, empowering individuals to communicate and collaborate effectively. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills during the hiring process, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of modern work environments. By honing your keyboarding abilities through practice and training, you can enhance your employability and achieve your career goals."
"As technology continues to evolve, keyboarding skills remain a critical component of workplace readiness. Whether you're composing emails or updating documents, the ability to type quickly and accurately is indispensable. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate proficiency in keyboarding, recognizing its importance for efficient communication and task completion. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your employability and succeed in today's competitive job market."
"Efficient keyboarding is the cornerstone of productivity in the digital age. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for effective communication. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills during the hiring process, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of modern work environments. By honing your keyboarding abilities through practice and training, you can increase your value as an employee and advance your career."
"In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is essential for success in the workplace. Keyboarding proficiency plays a central role in facilitating communication, whether through emails, reports, or presentations. Employers value candidates who can type quickly and accurately, as it reflects their ability to handle various tasks efficiently. By practicing touch typing and mastering keyboard shortcuts, you can enhance your speed and accuracy, setting yourself apart in the job market."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a foundational skill for success in the digital age. Whether you're entering data or composing documents, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often use typing tests to assess candidates' abilities, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of a fast-paced work environment. By honing your keyboarding skills through practice and training, you can enhance your employability and excel in today's competitive job market."
"Efficient keyboarding is a critical skill for success in the modern workplace. Whether you're composing emails or updating spreadsheets, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, recognizing their contribution to workplace efficiency. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your employability and succeed in today's dynamic work environments."
"In today's technology-driven world, keyboarding proficiency is a prerequisite for success in many industries. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills during the hiring process, seeking individuals who can efficiently handle the demands of the job. By honing your keyboarding abilities through practice and training, you can increase your employability and advance your career."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a fundamental skill in the modern workplace, enabling efficient communication and task completion. From composing emails to updating databases, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their capacity to navigate digital environments with ease. By honing your typing speed and accuracy through regular practice, you can enhance your employability and succeed in today's competitive job market."
"In today's digital era, keyboarding proficiency is essential for success in virtually every industry. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is paramount. Employers often use typing tests to assess candidates' abilities, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of a fast-paced work environment. By investing time and effort in improving your keyboarding skills, you can enhance your productivity and effectiveness in the workplace."
"Efficient keyboarding is not just about typing speed—it's about accuracy and attention to detail. Whether you're drafting documents or responding to emails, precision is key to producing high-quality work. Employers value candidates who can deliver error-free results in a timely manner, as it reflects their professionalism and reliability. By honing your keyboarding skills through practice and training, you can increase your value as an employee and advance your career."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a foundational skill in the digital age, empowering individuals to communicate and collaborate effectively. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills during the hiring process, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of modern work environments. By honing your keyboarding abilities through practice and training, you can enhance your employability and achieve your career goals."
"As technology continues to evolve, keyboarding skills remain a critical component of workplace readiness. Whether you're composing emails or updating documents, the ability to type quickly and accurately is indispensable. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate proficiency in keyboarding, recognizing its importance for efficient communication and task completion. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your employability and succeed in today's competitive job market."

"Efficient keyboarding is the cornerstone of productivity in the digital age. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for effective communication. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills during the hiring process, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of modern work environments. By honing your keyboarding abilities through practice and training, you can increase your value as an employee and advance your career."
"In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is essential for success in the workplace. Keyboarding proficiency plays a central role in facilitating communication, whether through emails, reports, or presentations. Employers value candidates who can type quickly and accurately, as it reflects their ability to handle various tasks efficiently. By practicing touch typing and mastering keyboard shortcuts, you can enhance your speed and accuracy, setting yourself apart in the job market."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a foundational skill for success in the digital age. Whether you're entering data or composing documents, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often use typing tests to assess candidates' abilities, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of a fast-paced work environment. By honing your keyboarding skills through practice and training, you can enhance your employability and excel in today's competitive job market."
"Efficient keyboarding is a critical skill for success in the modern workplace. Whether you're composing emails or updating spreadsheets, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, recognizing their contribution to workplace efficiency. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your employability and succeed in today's dynamic work environments."
"In today's technology-driven world, keyboarding proficiency is a prerequisite for success in many industries. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills during the hiring process, seeking individuals who can efficiently handle the demands of the job. By honing your keyboarding abilities through practice and training, you can increase your employability and advance your career."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a fundamental skill in the modern workplace, enabling efficient communication and task completion. From composing emails to updating databases, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate strong keyboarding skills, as it reflects their capacity to navigate digital environments with ease. By honing your typing speed and accuracy through regular practice, you can enhance your employability and succeed in today's competitive job market."
"In today's digital era, keyboarding proficiency is essential for success in virtually every industry. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is paramount. Employers often use typing tests to assess candidates' abilities, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of a fast-paced work environment. By investing time and effort in improving your keyboarding skills, you can enhance your productivity and effectiveness in the workplace."
"Efficient keyboarding is not just about typing speed—it's about accuracy and attention to detail. Whether you're drafting documents or responding to emails, precision is key to producing high-quality work. Employers value candidates who can deliver error-free results in a timely manner, as it reflects their professionalism and reliability. By honing your keyboarding skills through practice and training, you can increase your value as an employee and advance your career."
"Keyboarding proficiency is a foundational skill in the digital age, empowering individuals to communicate and collaborate effectively. Whether you're entering data or composing reports, the ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for productivity. Employers often assess candidates' typing skills during the hiring process, seeking individuals who can handle the demands of modern work environments. By honing your keyboarding abilities through practice and training, you can enhance your employability and achieve your career goals."
"As technology continues to evolve, keyboarding skills remain a critical component of workplace readiness. Whether you're composing emails or updating documents, the ability to type quickly and accurately is indispensable. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate proficiency in keyboarding, recognizing its importance for efficient communication and task completion. By investing in keyboarding training and practice, you can enhance your employability and succeed in today's competitive job market."

Doctor Remembered|AK by xyne75

I... awakened as a savior, but I am their destined destroyer. They, the destroyers, awaken me, the savior, as well... *(Choked up)*... Amiya... Kal'tsit... What should I do? Priestess... What should I do?

Theresa to Doctor|AK by xyne75

...those people underestimated your kindness, underestimated your desire for victory. They underestimated us, underestimated the resilience of Terra's origins. Doctor, let me call you that one last time... This is my small revenge against you. It's also my last gift to you... Memories never define you. Be your true self... and live again... on the Land's surface. Go explore this world, experience life's joys and sorrows, meet the diverse people of Terra. Perhaps... your journey will begin in hardship, always under the gloomy moonlight of this land, but you will always... see the sunrise. Then, I believe, you will find a new answer, your true answer. It will surely be... same as the whispers I once heard form Kal'tsit... It will bring tears to your eyes.

Art short by gonzojazz

Art is its own reward. What mere bodily indulgence is there that money could buy which can give that deep thrill of satisfaction which comes on the man who has conceived something new, something beautiful, and the daily delight he feels as he sees it grow under his hand, until it stands before him an amalgamated whole.

Dreamers short by gonzojazz

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream at night, in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was but vanity. But the dreamers of day are dangerous men, for they may act upon their dreams with open eyes to make them possible.

No Half Measures by rissa_rawt92

I used to be a beat cop a long time ago.
And I'd get called out on domestic disputes all the time, hundreds probably over the years.
But there was this one guy, this one piece of shit, that I will never forget. Gordy, he looked like Bo Svenson, you remember him? Walking Tall? You don't remember? Anyway, big boy. 270, 280. But his wife, whatever she was, his lady...was real small. Like a bird. Wrists like little branches. Anyway, my partner and I got called out there every weekend, and one of us would pull her aside and say "come on, tonight’s the night we press charges." And this wasn’t one of those deep-down he-loves-me set-ups — we get a lot of those — but not this. This girl was scared. She wasn’t going to cross him, no way, no how. Nothing we could do but pass her off to the EMT’s, put him in a car and drive him downtown, throw him in the drunk tank. He sleeps it off, next morning out he goes. Back home.

But one night, my partner’s out sick, and it’s just me. And the call comes in and it’s the usual crap. Broke her nose in the shower kind of thing. So I cuff him, put him in the car and away we go. Only that night, we’re driving into town, and this sideways asshole is in my back seat humming "Danny Boy." And it just rubbed me wrong. So instead of left, I go right, out into nowhere. And I kneel him down, and I put my revolver in his mouth, and I told him, "This is it. This is how it ends." And he’s crying, going to the bathroom all over himself, swearing to God he’s going to leave her alone. Screaming … as much as you can with a gun in your mouth. And I told him to be quiet. Cause I needed to think about what I was going to do here. And of course he got quiet. Goes still. And real quiet. Like a dog waiting for dinner scraps. And we just stood there for a while, me acting like I’m thinking things over, and Prince Charming kneeling in the dirt with shit in his pants. And after a few minutes I took the gun out of his mouth, and I say, "So help me if you touch her again I will such-and-such and such-and-such and blah blah blah blah blah".
Just trying to do the right thing. But two weeks later he killed her. Of course. Caved her head in with the base of a Waring blender. We got there, there was so much blood you could taste the metal. The moral of the story is: I chose a half measure, when I should have gone all the way. I’ll never make that mistake again.
No more half measures, Walter

Vendor by nice1day

Emily Johnson 456 Oak Avenue, Somewhereville, USA (555) 234-5678 15-Feb-85 987654321 Marketing $60,000 per year Gadget Y GY5678 50 $19.99 Jack Smith 789 Pine Street, Anycity, USA (555) 876-5432
Sarah Brown 789 Maple Lane, Anytown, USA (555) 345-6789 20-Mar-92 24681012 Customer Service $45,000 per year Widget Z WZ6789 75 $8.99 John Johnson 321 Birch Road, Anothercity, USA (555) 765-4321
Michael Davis 321 Cedar Drive, Somewhereville, USA (555) 456-7890 10-Apr-88 135792468 IT $70,000 per year Gizmo A GA2468 25 $29.99 Alice Johnson 987 Walnut Boulevard, Anycity, USA (555) 654-3210
David Wilson 987 Pine Street, Anycity, USA (555) 567-8901 5-May-95 369258147 Human Resources $55,000 per year Thingamajig B TB369 30 $14.99 Mary Smith 654 Chestnut Avenue, Anothercity, USA (555) 543-2109
Jennifer Martinez 654 Birch Road, Anothercity, USA (555) 678-9012 20-Jun-83 987654123 Research & Development $75,000 per year Whatchamacallit C WC987 20 $39.99 Mark Johnson 789 Walnut Boulevard, Anycity, USA (555) 432-1098
Amanda Thompson 789 Maple Avenue, Anytown, USA (555) 789-0123 15-Jul-80 654321987 Finance $65,000 per year Doodad D DD654 40 $24.99 Lisa Johnson 123 Cedar Drive, Somewhereville, USA (555) 321-0987
Kevin Garcia 123 Elm Street, Anycity, USA (555) 890-1234 30-Aug-87 963258741 Operations $60,000 per year Gizmo E GE963 15 $49.99 Karen Smith 456 Oak Avenue, Somewhereville, USA (555) 210-9876
Jessica Nguyen 456 Walnut Boulevard, Anycity, USA (555) 901-2345 25-Sep-89 753951852 Production $50,000 per year Widget F WF753 60 $12.99 Brian Johnson 789 Cedar Drive, Somewhereville, USA (555) 109-8765
Rachel Kim 789 Chestnut Avenue, Anothercity, USA (555) 678-9012 10-Jul-91 456123789 Sales $55,000 per year Thingamajig E TE123 35 $17.99 Tom Smith 456 Maple Lane, Anytown, USA (555) 789-0123
Daniel Thompson 654 Elm Street, Anycity, USA (555) 345-6789 5-Aug-93 789456123 Customer Service $45,000 per year Widget G WG789 45 $15.99 Emma Johnson 789 Cedar Drive, Somewhereville, USA (555) 234-5678
Lauren Lee 123 Walnut Boulevard, Anycity, USA (555) 456-7890 15-Sep-90 321654987 Marketing $60,000 per year Gizmo F GF321 20 $34.99 Alex Johnson 456 Oak Avenue, Somewhereville, USA (555) 678-9012
Christopher Brown 456 Pine Street, Anycity, USA (555) 567-8901 20-Oct-87 987654321 IT $70,000 per year Widget H WH987 55 $11.99 Olivia Johnson 789 Chestnut Avenue, Anothercity, USA (555) 890-1234
Ashley Nguyen 789 Oak Avenue, Somewhereville, USA (555) 678-9012 25-Nov-85 123456789 Research & Development $75,000 per year Gizmo G GG123 25 $44.99 Ethan Johnson 321 Elm Street, Anycity, USA (555) 901-2345
Andrew Kim 321 Cedar Drive, Somewhereville, USA (555) 789-0123 30-Dec-82 987123654 Finance $65,000 per year Widget I WI987 30 $19.99 Mia Johnson 654 Maple Lane, Anytown, USA (555) 345-6789
Megan Thompson 987 Elm Street, Anycity, USA (555) 901-2345 5-Jan-80 456789123 Operations $60,000 per year Gizmo H GH456 40 $39.99 Noah Johnson 987 Pine Street, Anycity, USA (555) 567-8901
Ryan Garcia 456 Maple Lane, Anytown, USA (555) 123-4567 10-Feb-98 123789456 Production $50,000 per year Widget J WJ123 50 $22.99 Sophia Johnson 123 Walnut Boulevard, Anycity, USA (555) 678-9012
Stephanie Martinez 789 Birch Road, Anothercity, USA (555) 234-5678 15-Mar-96 789123456 Sales $55,000 per year Gizmo I GI789 35 $49.99 Lucas Johnson 456 Pine Street, Anycity, USA (555) 901-2345
Justin Wilson 123 Chestnut Avenue, Anothercity, USA (555) 345-6789 20-Apr-94 456789123 Customer Service $45,000 per year Widget K WK456 60 $18.99 Isabella Johnson 789 Oak Avenue, Somewhereville, USA (555) 678-9012
Samantha Lee 456 Cedar Drive, Somewhereville, USA (555) 456-7890 25-May-92 987654321 Marketing $60,000 per year Gizmo J GJ987 20 $29.99 Benjamin Johnson 321 Cedar Drive, Somewhereville, USA (555) 789-0123
Lauren Nguyen 123 Maple Lane, Anytown, USA (555) 678-9012 5-Jul-88 456789123 Research & Development $75,000 per year Gizmo K GK456 25 $49.99 Christopher Johnson 789 Pine Street, Anycity, USA (555) 567-8901
Michael Kim 456 Oak Avenue, Somewhereville, USA (555) 789-0123 10-Aug-86 789123456 Finance $65,000 per year Widget M WM789 30 $19.99 Elizabeth Johnson 123 Chestnut Avenue, Anothercity, USA (555) 345-6789
Emily Rodriguez 789 Cedar Drive, Somewhereville, USA (555) 901-2345 15-Sep-84 123456789 Operations $60,000 per year Gizmo L GL123 40 $39.99 Matthew Johnson 456 Maple Lane, Anytown, USA (555) 123-4567
Daniel Lee 123 Elm Street, Anycity, USA (555) 234-5678 20-Oct-82 456789123 Production $50,000 per year Widget N WN456 50 $22.99 Sarah Johnson 789 Cedar Drive, Somewhereville, USA (555) 678-9012
Olivia Hernandez 456 Pine Street, Anycity, USA (555) 345-6789 25-Nov-80 789123456 Sales $55,000 per year Gizmo M GM789 35 $49.99 Jacob Johnson 123 Elm Street, Anycity, USA (555) 234-5678
Benjamin Kim 789 Walnut Boulevard, Anycity, USA (555) 456-7890 30-Dec-78 123456789 Customer Service $45,000 per year Widget O WO123 60 $18.99 Olivia Johnson 456 Pine Street, Anycity, USA (555) 345-6789
Mia Rodriguez 123 Cedar Drive, Somewhereville, USA (555) 567-8901 5-Jan-77 456789123 Marketing $60,000 per year Gizmo N GN456 20 $29.99 William Johnson 789 Oak Avenue, Somewhereville, USA (555) 456-7890
Alexander Lee 456 Elm Street, Anycity, USA (555) 678-9012 10-Feb-75 789123456 IT $70,000 per year Widget P WP789 55 $14.99 Sophia Johnson 123 Maple Lane, Anytown, USA (555) 567-8901
Grace Hernandez 789 Maple Lane, Anytown, USA (555) 901-2345 15-Mar-73 123456789 Research & Development $75,000 per year Gizmo O GO123 25 $49.99 Ethan Johnson 456 Oak Avenue, Somewhereville, USA (555) 678-9012
David Kim 123 Pine Street, Anycity, USA (555) 234-5678 20-Apr-71 456789123 Finance $65,000 per year Widget Q WQ456 30 $19.99 Mia Johnson 789 Chestnut Avenue, Anothercity, USA (555) 789-0123