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Stock by azulaaa

Stock flower (Matthiola incana), also known as gillyflower or hoary stock, is a hardy plant which brings splashes of colour and a sweet and spicy fragrance to a garden. With clusters of blooms forming a frilly spire of petals and narrow green-grey leaves, it also makes a long-lasting cut flower. The species plant is native to southern Europe and has purple flowers, but many single- and double-flowered cultivars have been developed in a range of colours, from white and yellow through every shade of pink, to red and purple. Stocks attract pollinating insects to the garden. Stock flower is usually a biennial, meaning it has a two-year life cycle. In the first year, the summer-sown plant develops roots, stems and leaves, and survives through winter. In the second year, it flowers and sets seed before dying.

Stocks are fairly hardy, but may suffer in very hard frosts. Article continues below advert How to grow stock flowers Grow stock flower from seed and plant in full sun in an informal flower border. For a bushier plant with more flower spikes, pinch out the growing tip in spring. Deadhead throughout summer and, when the flower display is over, dig up the plant and add it to your compost heap. Where to grow stock flowers Grow stocks in full sun, but if your garden tends to get very hot in summer it may be better to plant them in partial shade to avoid the more intense midday sun. The plant does well in a sheltered spot in moist, free-draining soil and is suitable for a container or a flower border. Plant taller cultivars (up to 60cm) in the middle of a border, and shorter ones towards the front. Grow them close to seating areas so that you can appreciate their sweet, clove-like scent. Stock flower, like the rest of the cabbage family, does not thrive in acid soil. More like this How to plant stock flowers Stock flower seedling.

Getty Images Stock flower seedling. Getty Images Stocks are easy to grow from seed. In early summer, sow seeds in a tray, scattering them thinly on the surface of a sowing compost and covering with a light sprinkling of sieved compost or preferably vermiculite, which will let a little more light through, leading to better germination with these particular seeds. Cover with a transparent tray cover or lid and place them somewhere with some sunlight at a temperature of 18-20ºC, until germination about 10 days later. When the seedlings have two true leaves, prick them out into pots and grow them on. In early autumn, plant them where you want them to flower the next year. Alternatively, sow seed directly into the flower bed in early summer, lightly rake over them and water very lightly using a watering can with a fine rose attachment. When the seedlings have several leaves, thin them to 25cm apart.

They will overwinter in the garden and flower the following summer. Another way of sowing seed direct is to create shallow drills in the soil roughly 25cm apart, watering this, and then thinly sowing the seed into the drill and finishing by drawing a light covering of soil back over the seeds. The advantage of this method is that it makes it much easier to distinguish the seedlings from weed seeds, and the straight lines of seedlings are much easier to hoe around. Plant out your seed-grown stock flowers (or plug plants from a nursery) in September, when the soil is still warm. They will continue to grow roots and leaves until the first frosts, and will then flower the following spring and into summer. In areas that get really harsh winters, protect the plants in a well-ventilated cold frame, glasshouse or unheated conservatory, and plant them out in spring, once the risk of very heavy frosts has passed in your area. Use a trowel to dig a hole a little larger than the rootball, set the plant in gently and back-fill the hole with soil, firming it down with your fingers so that the lowest leaves are level with the soil surface. Space your plants at least 25cm apart. Water in gently. How to care for stock flowers Matthiola incana flowers Matthiola incana flowers In the second year, in spring, pinch out the growing tip of the plants to encourage branching, which results in denser foliage and more flower spikes. Water regularly in dry conditions, especially at the seedling stage, taking care to water the soil, not the leaves of the plants. Cut back after flowering, and at the end of the season pull or dig up the plants and add them to your compost heap. How to propagate stock flowers Instead of cutting back all the spent flower spikes, leave one or two to produce seed.

They will form long, narrow seed capsules along the stem. When they are ripe (they will turn from green to brown), pick the capsules and lay them out to dry somewhere warm indoors. When they split, collect the seed and store it in a labelled envelope. A word of warning: they may not produce flowers of the same colour or form as the parent plant, due to cross pollination. Pests and diseases The soft, velvety leaves of stock flowers are susceptible to mildew, so make sure the seedlings are well-spaced and well-ventilated. Make sure you give each plant enough space in the border and avoid getting the leaves wet when watering. Advice on buying stock flowers Also known as Brompton stock, the scientific name for stock flower is Matthiola incana. It is sometimes confused with night-scented stock, Matthiola longipetala, a close relative Buy plug plants in early autumn for immediate planting in their flowering position or potting on to overwinter

Stock Information by azulaaa

Stock flower (Matthiola incana), also known as gillyflower or hoary stock, is a hardy plant which brings splashes of colour and a sweet and spicy fragrance to a garden. With clusters of blooms forming a frilly spire of petals and narrow green-grey leaves, it also makes a long-lasting cut flower. The species plant is native to southern Europe and has purple flowers, but many single- and double-flowered cultivars have been developed in a range of colours, from white and yellow through every shade of pink, to red and purple. Stocks attract pollinating insects to the garden. Stock flower is usually a biennial, meaning it has a two-year life cycle. In the first year, the summer-sown plant develops roots, stems and leaves, and survives through winter. In the second year, it flowers and sets seed before dying. Stocks are fairly hardy, but may suffer in very hard frosts. Article continues below advert How to grow stock flowers Grow stock flower from seed and plant in full sun in an informal flower border. For a bushier plant with more flower spikes, pinch out the growing tip in spring. Deadhead throughout summer and, when the flower display is over, dig up the plant and add it to your compost heap. Where to grow stock flowers Grow stocks in full sun, but if your garden tends to get very hot in summer it may be better to plant them in partial shade to avoid the more intense midday sun. The plant does well in a sheltered spot in moist, free-draining soil and is suitable for a container or a flower border. Plant taller cultivars (up to 60cm) in the middle of a border, and shorter ones towards the front. Grow them close to seating areas so that you can appreciate their sweet, clove-like scent. Stock flower, like the rest of the cabbage family, does not thrive in acid soil. More like this How to plant stock flowers Stock flower seedling. Getty Images Stock flower seedling. Getty Images Stocks are easy to grow from seed. In early summer, sow seeds in a tray, scattering them thinly on the surface of a sowing compost and covering with a light sprinkling of sieved compost or preferably vermiculite, which will let a little more light through, leading to better germination with these particular seeds. Cover with a transparent tray cover or lid and place them somewhere with some sunlight at a temperature of 18-20ºC, until germination about 10 days later. When the seedlings have two true leaves, prick them out into pots and grow them on. In early autumn, plant them where you want them to flower the next year. Alternatively, sow seed directly into the flower bed in early summer, lightly rake over them and water very lightly using a watering can with a fine rose attachment. When the seedlings have several leaves, thin them to 25cm apart. They will overwinter in the garden and flower the following summer. Another way of sowing seed direct is to create shallow drills in the soil roughly 25cm apart, watering this, and then thinly sowing the seed into the drill and finishing by drawing a light covering of soil back over the seeds. The advantage of this method is that it makes it much easier to distinguish the seedlings from weed seeds, and the straight lines of seedlings are much easier to hoe around. Plant out your seed-grown stock flowers (or plug plants from a nursery) in September, when the soil is still warm. They will continue to grow roots and leaves until the first frosts, and will then flower the following spring and into summer. In areas that get really harsh winters, protect the plants in a well-ventilated cold frame, glasshouse or unheated conservatory, and plant them out in spring, once the risk of very heavy frosts has passed in your area. Use a trowel to dig a hole a little larger than the rootball, set the plant in gently and back-fill the hole with soil, firming it down with your fingers so that the lowest leaves are level with the soil surface. Space your plants at least 25cm apart. Water in gently. How to care for stock flowers Matthiola incana flowers Matthiola incana flowers In the second year, in spring, pinch out the growing tip of the plants to encourage branching, which results in denser foliage and more flower spikes. Water regularly in dry conditions, especially at the seedling stage, taking care to water the soil, not the leaves of the plants. Cut back after flowering, and at the end of the season pull or dig up the plants and add them to your compost heap. How to propagate stock flowers Instead of cutting back all the spent flower spikes, leave one or two to produce seed. They will form long, narrow seed capsules along the stem. When they are ripe (they will turn from green to brown), pick the capsules and lay them out to dry somewhere warm indoors. When they split, collect the seed and store it in a labelled envelope. A word of warning: they may not produce flowers of the same colour or form as the parent plant, due to cross pollination. Pests and diseases The soft, velvety leaves of stock flowers are susceptible to mildew, so make sure the seedlings are well-spaced and well-ventilated. Make sure you give each plant enough space in the border and avoid getting the leaves wet when watering. Advice on buying stock flowers Also known as Brompton stock, the scientific name for stock flower is Matthiola incana. It is sometimes confused with night-scented stock, Matthiola longipetala, a close relative Buy plug plants in early autumn for immediate planting in their flowering position or potting on to overwinter

Achievements by xyne75

They are having fun when they achieve something that’s supposed to be great. They celebrate it together with everyone, with their lovers, with their family. They go to a fancy restaurant, a playing court, a club, or stroll somewhere expensive, right after. I watch them devoid of loneliness and envy. I just ask myself: “Is it really that great of an achievement? Or are they just finding excuse to celebrate?” Everyone just wants to be happy. I know that. But if everyone’s supposed to be happy from that, then why am I not? I worked very hard on these things. I’m convinced that I worked harder than everyone else. But all my hard works only cursed myself and those that I care. I failed a lot and achieved a lot. I did better than everyone else, as always. They also think that. But what then? I don’t want a shallow praise on how high a score I got. I just want anyone, somebody to appreciate at least a bit of effort that I did. I think I would be happy if someone did.

Stock plant by azulaaa

Stock flowers, also known as stock, are pretty cottage garden plants that come in a range of colors and have a delicate fragrance that many associate with heirloom flowers. It has been said that Thomas Jefferson had them imported to plant at his gardens at Monticello in 1771, thereby introducing them to cultivation in the United States.

The original native species has been widely cultivated and hybridized, such that it now comes in a wide array of colors, from pleasing pastel pink and apricot to vibrant shades of crimson and purple. Some varieties grow up to 3 feet tall, though most are between 12 and 24 inches. The flowers may be tightly clustered or spaced somewhat loosely on the spiky stems, sometimes appearing as double blooms, and the leaves are narrow and oval. Stock flowers grow best in full sun to part shade, in rich, evenly-moist soil, but prefer cooler weather—blooming will pause once temperatures reach above 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Common Name Stock, gilly flower, hoary, ten-weeks
Botanical Name Matthiola incana
Family Brassicaceae
Plant Type Biennial, annual
Mature Size 1-3 ft. tall, 1-2 ft. wide
Sun Exposure Full, partial
Soil Type Well-drained
Soil pH Neutral
Bloom Time Spring, summer
Flower Color Pink, yellow, purple, blue, red, white
Hardiness Zones 7-10 (USDA)
Native Areas Europe, Mediterranean
Stock Flower Care
Here are the main care requirements for growing stock flowers:

Ensure stock flowers get 2-3 hours of sunlight a day, preferably indirect light and morning sun for the most blooms.
Plant in rich, well-drained, neutral soil.
Keep soil evenly moist—top with a layer of mulch to help retain water and keep roots cool.
Avoid extreme heat and humidity, stock flowers prefer cooler temperatures.
Stock flowers with white, yellow and purple petals
The Spruce / Jayme Burrows
Stock flowers wit purple, pink and yellow spikes near walkway
Stock flower seeds in hand
Stock flowers on small spikes surrounding water fountain
Stock flowers enjoy full sun but will bloom just fine in partial shade conditions, as long as they get at least 2-3 hours of sun per day; indirect sunlight will also keep them blooming. Too much hot bright sunlight will overwhelm them, so morning sun is better than afternoon sun.

These flowers like a rich, well-drained soil that has a pH close to neutral. If your soil tends to be acidic, you can add a bit of lime or wood ash to sweeten it, or use a commercial potting soil if growing in containers.

Water regularly in the heat of summer, but be careful not to overwater, as this can yellow the leaves.

Temperature and Humidity
Matthiola incana is somewhat sensitive to temperature, which is what makes it a "half-hardy annual" in some locations, meaning it will keep blooming through one or two frost events. It likes cool weather, but cold winters may prevent it from returning as a perennial. It doesn't like extreme humidity and so consistently moist, tropical conditions are not ideal.

Stock doesn't tend to need fertilizer, but it's somewhat particular about soil. A layer of natural mulch will help keep weed growth down and keep the soil evenly moist and cool for optimal growing conditions.
Types of Stock Flower
Stock's botanical name is Matthiola incana, and it is a member of the brassica family. The blue-green leaves do somewhat resemble tiny cabbage leaves, and when the flowers drop off the remaining foliage looks somewhat like brassicas gone to seed. There are at least fifty different Matthiola species; Matthiola bicornis, or evening scented stock, is a species with somewhat larger flowers. There are many different varieties of Matthiola incana available, owing to many years of hybridizing efforts to develop a wide range of colors. Examples of stock varieties include:

'Cinderella': a compact variety that grows no more than 12 in. tall, and has full double flowers in many beautiful pastel shades and some brights.
'Legacy': grows up to 2 ft. tall and bears large double flowers in a variety of bright vivid shades including crimson and purple.
'Starlight Scentsation': grows to 18 in. in height and bears dramatic clusters of single flowers in a range of colors.
'Iron': a series of large double-flowered stock on sturdy stems in a range of colors, and the variety used by many florists for arrangements.
'Antique Pink': features a two-tone pink flower that's usually double; the colorful petals surround pale green centers, a very romantic look.
Deadheading stock flowers after the petals wilt keeps the plants looking neat and may help generate new growth and possibly more blooms (this varies from one variety to another).

Growing Stock Flowers From Seed
Stock can be grown easily from seed, but should be sown early as it tends to wilt a bit in late summer heat. Here's how:

Sow seeds in rich neutral soil, barely covering with 1/8 of soil.
Maintain good moisture by spraying but don't oversaturate soil.
Seedlings should appear within 10-14 days.
Common Pests and Diseases
Stock may be bothered by aphids, flea beetles, and cabbage white caterpillars. If you see pests on the leaves, gently remove them and cut off any damaged plant parts. They may also be vulnerable to the following diseases: fusarium wilt, gray mold, leaf spot, root rot, and verticillium wilt. Avoiding overwatering will help prevent most of these.

How to Get Stock Flower to Bloom
Bloom Months
Stock flowers bloom in the spring and summer months of May through July. In cooler weather, they can also bloom in the fall.

What Do Stock Flowers Look and Smell Like?
Stock flowers can have either single or double blooms that grow in clusters on spiky stems. Stock has a subtle, clove-like scent and attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. Stock flowers' blooms come in a wide range of colors, including pink, apricot, yellow, purple, blue, red, and white.
How to Encourage More Blooms
Deadhead spent blooms to promote new growth and flowering. As a cool-weather annual, hot summer temperatures will stunt new flower growth.
Common Problems
Stock flowers are easy to grow in a home garden, but certain conditions—namely poor air circulation, overwatering, poor drainage, or wet, humid conditions—can trigger viral and fungal diseases. Keep an eye out for these issues.

Gray Mold
Gray mold can affect plants where there’s poor air circulation and humid, cool weather. Remove diseased plants, space out plantings, and water using drip irrigation.

Yellowing Leaves
Poor air circulation and wet conditions can cause leaves to turn yellow and grow fuzzy spores from downy mildew. Try drip irrigation and space out plantings. If leaves turn yellow and fall off, verticillium wilt may have spread through contaminated tools or soil. Remove diseased plants and rotate plantings.

Brown Spots
Hot, humid, and wet conditions can promote the growth of leaf spot. Space out plants, use drip irrigation, and remove diseased plants.

Wilting Plants
High humidity, poor air circulation, overwatering, or poorly drained soil can cause root rot. Remove affected plants, space out plantings, and improve soil drainage.

Untitled by user546887

Compression Stage during this stage of engine operation the piston rises and compresses the air mixture that's trapped in the combustion chamber
Power Stage during this stage of engine operation a carefully measured amount of fuel is sprayed into the air in the cylinder, which is hot enough to ignite the fuel
Exhaust Stage during this stage of engine operation the burned exhaust gases are released from the cylinder
Volume a fixed amount of air trapped in a sealed container
Pressure the measure of how hard contained air presses against the surface of the container in which it's held
Two-Stroke Engine in this engine the piston takes only two strokes to complete one full engine cycle of intake, compression, power, and exhaust
Four-Stroke Engine in this engine the piston takes four strokes to complete one full engine cycle of intake, compression, power, and exhaust
Intake Valve The valve that opens to allow air into the cylinder. When closed, prevents flow through the intake port
Exhaust Valve the valve that opens to allow the exhaust gases produced by the burning fuel to exit the cylinder, when closed prevents flow through the exhaust port
Injector Nozzle the engine part that introduces fuel into the combustion chamber
Injection Pump the engine part that delivers the correct amount of sufficiently pressurized fuel to the injector nozzle
Turbocharger an air pump that pressurizes air outside the cylinder
Starting Fluid an easier-to-ignite fluid used to begin the combustion process in a cold cylinder
Glow Plug a small electricity powered header installed in such a way that it heats the air in the combustion chamber prior to starting
Horsepower a measurement designed to express the amount of work an engine is capable of doing; one horsepower is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second
Dynamometer an instrument that's turned on by, and absorbs energy from, an operating engine; used to measure an engine's horsepower
Displacement the size of the space inside the engine where the fuel is burned
Engine Displacement the volume of space that the piston must travel from the very bottom of its path to the very top of its path; measured in cubic inches or liters
Compression Ratio the ratio of the largest cylinder volume to the smallest cylinder volume
Efficiency the relation between the amount of power that's actually produced by an engine and the power that engine could produce if it were a perfect engine with no power losses
Safety Checks a type of service check done to make sure a vehicle is roadworthy
Road or Emergency Service service that is required when a vehicle breaks down somewhere away from one of the fleet's shops
Warranty Work any job that is paid for by the vehicle's or engine's manufacturer
Swing shifts a shift where work time changes from one shift to another on a weekly, monthly, or other periodic basis
Hourly Pay compensation paid for the number of hours a technicians spend at work Flat-Rate Pay compensation that is equal to a technician's pay rate times the amount of time estimated to complete a job
Lease or rental fleet a company that owns many trucks which they rent or lease to freight-hauling companies
Automotive service excellence (ASE) the largest professional certification body in the United States for vehicle repair technicians

Untitled by user546887

Compression Stage during this stage of engine operation the piston rises and compresses the air mixture that's trapped in the combustion chamber
Power Stage during this stage of engine operation a carefully measured amount of fuel is sprayed into the air in the cylinder, which is hot enough to ignite the fuel
Exhaust Stage during this stage of engine operation the burned exhaust gases are released from the cylinder
Volume a fixed amount of air trapped in a sealed container
Pressure the measure of how hard contained air presses against the surface of the container in which it's held
Two-Stroke Engine in this engine the piston takes only two strokes to complete one full engine cycle of intake, compression, power, and exhaust
Four-Stroke Engine in this engine the piston takes four strokes to complete one full engine cycle of intake, compression, power, and exhaust
Intake Valve The valve that opens to allow air into the cylinder. When closed, prevents flow through the intake port
Exhaust Valve the valve that opens to allow the exhaust gases produced by the burning fuel to exit the cylinder, when closed prevents flow through the exhaust port
Injector Nozzle the engine part that introduces fuel into the combustion chamber
Injection Pump the engine part that delivers the correct amount of sufficiently pressurized fuel to the injector nozzle
Turbocharger an air pump that pressurizes air outside the cylinder
Starting Fluid an easier-to-ignite fluid used to begin the combustion process in a cold cylinder
Glow Plug a small electricity powered header installed in such a way that it heats the air in the combustion chamber prior to starting
Horsepower a measurement designed to express the amount of work an engine is capable of doing; one horsepower is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second
Dynamometer an instrument that's turned on by, and absorbs energy from, an operating engine; used to measure an engine's horsepower
Displacement the size of the space inside the engine where the fuel is burned
Engine Displacement the volume of space that the piston must travel from the very bottom of its path to the very top of its path; measured in cubic inches or liters
Compression Ratio the ratio of the largest cylinder volume to the smallest cylinder volume
Efficiency the relation between the amount of power that's actually produced by an engine and the power that engine could produce if it were a perfect engine with no power losses
Safety Checks a type of service check done to make sure a vehicle is roadworthy
Road or Emergency Service service that is required when a vehicle breaks down somewhere away from one of the fleet's shops
Warranty Work any job that is paid for by the vehicle's or engine's manufacturer
Swing shifts a shift where work time changes from one shift to another on a weekly, monthly, or other periodic basis
Hourly Pay compensation paid for the number of hours a technicians spend at work Flat-Rate Pay compensation that is equal to a technician's pay rate times the amount of time estimated to complete a job
Lease or rental fleet a company that owns many trucks which they rent or lease to freight-hauling companies
Automotive service excellence (ASE) the largest professional certification body in the United States for vehicle repair technicians

Untitled by user546887

Compression Stage during this stage of engine operation the piston rises and compresses the air mixture that's trapped in the combustion chamber
Power Stage during this stage of engine operation a carefully measured amount of fuel is sprayed into the air in the cylinder, which is hot enough to ignite the fuel
Exhaust Stage during this stage of engine operation the burned exhaust gases are released from the cylinder
Volume a fixed amount of air trapped in a sealed container
Pressure the measure of how hard contained air presses against the surface of the container in which it's held
Two-Stroke Engine in this engine the piston takes only two strokes to complete one full engine cycle of intake, compression, power, and exhaust
Four-Stroke Engine in this engine the piston takes four strokes to complete one full engine cycle of intake, compression, power, and exhaust
Intake Valve The valve that opens to allow air into the cylinder. When closed, prevents flow through the intake port
Exhaust Valve the valve that opens to allow the exhaust gases produced by the burning fuel to exit the cylinder, when closed prevents flow through the exhaust port
Injector Nozzle the engine part that introduces fuel into the combustion chamber
Injection Pump the engine part that delivers the correct amount of sufficiently pressurized fuel to the injector nozzle
Turbocharger an air pump that pressurizes air outside the cylinder
Starting Fluid an easier-to-ignite fluid used to begin the combustion process in a cold cylinder
Glow Plug a small electricity powered header installed in such a way that it heats the air in the combustion chamber prior to starting
Horsepower a measurement designed to express the amount of work an engine is capable of doing; one horsepower is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second
Dynamometer an instrument that's turned on by, and absorbs energy from, an operating engine; used to measure an engine's horsepower
Displacement the size of the space inside the engine where the fuel is burned
Engine Displacement the volume of space that the piston must travel from the very bottom of its path to the very top of its path; measured in cubic inches or liters
Compression Ratio the ratio of the largest cylinder volume to the smallest cylinder volume
Efficiency the relation between the amount of power that's actually produced by an engine and the power that engine could produce if it were a perfect engine with no power losses
Safety Checks a type of service check done to make sure a vehicle is roadworthy
Road or Emergency Service service that is required when a vehicle breaks down somewhere away from one of the fleet's shops
Warranty Work any job that is paid for by the vehicle's or engine's manufacturer
Swing shifts a shift where work time changes from one shift to another on a weekly, monthly, or other periodic basis
Hourly Pay compensation paid for the number of hours a technicians spend at work Flat-Rate Pay compensation that is equal to a technician's pay rate times the amount of time estimated to complete a job
Lease or rental fleet a company that owns many trucks which they rent or lease to freight-hauling companies
Automotive service excellence (ASE) the largest professional certification body in the United States for vehicle repair technicians

Untitled by user546887

Compression Stage during this stage of engine operation the piston rises and compresses the air mixture that's trapped in the combustion chamber
Power Stage during this stage of engine operation a carefully measured amount of fuel is sprayed into the air in the cylinder, which is hot enough to ignite the fuel
Exhaust Stage during this stage of engine operation the burned exhaust gases are released from the cylinder
Volume a fixed amount of air trapped in a sealed container
Pressure the measure of how hard contained air presses against the surface of the container in which it's held
Two-Stroke Engine in this engine the piston takes only two strokes to complete one full engine cycle of intake, compression, power, and exhaust
Four-Stroke Engine in this engine the piston takes four strokes to complete one full engine cycle of intake, compression, power, and exhaust
Intake Valve The valve that opens to allow air into the cylinder. When closed, prevents flow through the intake port
Exhaust Valve the valve that opens to allow the exhaust gases produced by the burning fuel to exit the cylinder, when closed prevents flow through the exhaust port
Injector Nozzle the engine part that introduces fuel into the combustion chamber
Injection Pump the engine part that delivers the correct amount of sufficiently pressurized fuel to the injector nozzle
Turbocharger an air pump that pressurizes air outside the cylinder
Starting Fluid an easier-to-ignite fluid used to begin the combustion process in a cold cylinder
Glow Plug a small electricity powered header installed in such a way that it heats the air in the combustion chamber prior to starting
Horsepower a measurement designed to express the amount of work an engine is capable of doing; one horsepower is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second
Dynamometer an instrument that's turned on by, and absorbs energy from, an operating engine; used to measure an engine's horsepower
Displacement the size of the space inside the engine where the fuel is burned
Engine Displacement the volume of space that the piston must travel from the very bottom of its path to the very top of its path; measured in cubic inches or liters
Compression Ratio the ratio of the largest cylinder volume to the smallest cylinder volume
Efficiency the relation between the amount of power that's actually produced by an engine and the power that engine could produce if it were a perfect engine with no power losses
Safety Checks a type of service check done to make sure a vehicle is roadworthy
Road or Emergency Service service that is required when a vehicle breaks down somewhere away from one of the fleet's shops
Warranty Work any job that is paid for by the vehicle's or engine's manufacturer
Swing shifts a shift where work time changes from one shift to another on a weekly, monthly, or other periodic basis
Hourly Pay compensation paid for the number of hours a technicians spend at work Flat-Rate Pay compensation that is equal to a technician's pay rate times the amount of time estimated to complete a job
Lease or rental fleet a company that owns many trucks which they rent or lease to freight-hauling companies
Automotive service excellence (ASE) the largest professional certification body in the United States for vehicle repair technicians

Untitled by rajprasad27

my name is raj

Young People Problem by thomaskeating98

Tuismitheoirí! Muinteoirí! Brú na scrúduithe! Rás na bpointí! An dífhostaíocht! Ganntanas airgid!
A leithéid de shaol agus a bhíonn ag an aos óg an lae inniu!
Bíonn déagóirí i gcónaí ag gearán, nach mbíonn?
Ní féidir iad a shásamh, an féidir?
Bhuel, is déagóir mise agus ba mhaith liom mo thuairimí faion scéal a nochtadh diut, a léitheoir.
Is dócha go bhfuil an ceart ag na daoine fásta.
Ní bhimíd riamh sásta leis an saol brea compordach atá againn.
Ach, dar liomsa, is measa na fadhbanna a bhíonn ag daoine óga anois ná riamh.
Is dóigh liom go mbaineann siad leis an mbrú ón gcóras oideachais, ó shaol na nuatheicneolaíochta agus ón gcorás maireachtála ina mhairimid.

Is léir domsa gurbh í an ghlúin seo an ghlúin is sláintiúla riamh dar leis na firicí, ach is í an ghlúin is mó atá i mbaol freisin ó thaobh na ndrugaí de.
Caithfear a rá gur galar uafásach sa tsochaí é galar na ndrugaí.
Sa lá atá inniu ann, feictear an mangaire drugaí i ngach áit- amuigh i lár na tuaithe, istigh i lár na cathrach, sna bailte móra, sna sráidbhailte agus mar sin de.
Is rud é atá ag dó na geirbe agamsa.
Ach an féidir é a athrú? Dá mbeadh plean fadtéarmach ag na húdaráis,
d'fhéadfaí an scéal a leigheas, b'fhéidir.
Feictear domsa, áfach, dá olcas fadhb na ndrugaí, go bhfuil fadhb an alcóil i bhfad níos measa.
Tá cultúr an óil frámaithe go domhain i meon na ndaoine in Éirinn.
An bhfuil plean fadtéarmach ag na húdaráis chun tabhairt faoin bhfadhb seo?
An bhfuil an fhadhb imithe ó smacht ar fad faoin am seo?
Cinnte, is próiseas casta atá ann.
Gach oíche, scaoileann na tithe tábhairne na mílte daoine óga amach ar na sráideanna go déanach i dteannta a chéile agus a bhformhór caoch ar meisce.
Is minic a ionsaíonn fír óga a chéile tar éis óiche ólacháin agus is minic freisin a tharlaíonn tubaiste uafásach.

a by alberteinstein


a by alberteinstein


a by alberteinstein


Aug by user612910

Acme Inc. today announced a third quarter operating profit of $45.0 million, as compared to a net operating loss of $9.5 million for the second quarter of this year. The company also reported record revenue of $247 million for the quarter. Eric Smith, CEO of Acme, explaine "We are pleased to report that our efforts to improve sales in our core business have been successful.

If you should live by gonzojazz

If you should live a hundred or even a thousand years, remember this; that man can part with no life, save with that little which he now lives: and that little is no different, than that which at every moment he parts with...what a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, how express and admirable in action, how like an angel in apprehension, how like a god...My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; look on my works, ye mighty, and despair...some men get the world - others get ex-hookers and a trip to arizona

Tolerance by gonzojazz

More often than not, the most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves in their tolerance and open-mindedness...the thing about youth is that it's the conjuncture of naivetity, stupidity and energy. If you had old age and wisdom combined with the energy of youth, it wouldn't be nearly as interesting...Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die...the object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane

The Round Earth by alberteinstein

It is a fact that the world is round. But when you walk or do anything to move, it feels like it's flat. You can also look from a satellite picture that the earth looks like a tiny ball when in space, but how is it that the earth feels so flat, and how was it first discovered that it's flat? To me these are very interesting questions.

An funny incident. by dedipyan

A funny incident happened today. I was walking by the road and I saw my friend riding a bike. I immediately raised my hand and waved with a smile on my face. But when he came near, I realized that he is not my friend! My smile disappeared instantly. Nonetheless, the one riding the bike smiled as if he was saying, "Hello to you too!".

An funny incident. by dedipyan

A funny incident happened today. I was walking by the road and I saw my friend riding a bike. I immediately raised my hand and waved with a smile on my face. But, when he came near I realized that he is not my friend but someone else! My smile disappeared instantly. Nonetheless, the one riding the back smiled as if he was saying, "Hello to you too!".

citations by feur

6, Valmont : Non, sans doute, elle n’a point, comme nos femmes coquettes, ce regard menteur qui séduit quelque fois et nous trompe toujours.

9, Volanges à Tourvel : Encore plus faux et dangereux qu’il n’est aimable et séduisant, jamais, depuis sa plus grande jeunesse, il n’a fait un pas ou dit une parole sans avoir un projet, et jamais il n’eut un projet qui ne fut malhonnête ou criminel.

10, Merteuil : Arrivée dans ce temple de l’amour, je choisis le déshabillé le plus galant. Celui-ci est délicieux ; il est de mon invention, il ne laisse rien voir, et pourtant fait tout deviner.

29, Cécile à Sophie : Mon Dieu, que je l’aime Mme de Merteuil ! Elle est bonne ! et c’est une femme bien respectable. Ainsi il n’y a rien à dire.

32, Volanges : Valmont, avec un beau nom, une grande fortune, beaucoup de qualités aimables, a reconnu de bonne heure que pour avoir de l’empire dans la société, il suffisait de manier, avec une égale adresse, la louange et le ridicule.

56, Tourvel à Valmont : Les choses qu’on vous demande de ne plus dire, vous les redites seulement d’une autre manière. Vous vous plaisez à m’embrasser par des raisonnements captieux : vous échappez au mieux. Je ne veux plus vous répondre, je ne vous répondrai plus.

81, Merteuil : Sûre de mes gestes, j’observais mes discours ; je réglais les uns et les autres, suivant les circonstances, ou même seulement suivant mes fantaisies : dès ce moment, ma façon de penser fut pour moi seule, et je ne montrais plus que celle qu’il m’était utile de laisser voir.

81, Merteuil : Vous m’avez vue, disposant des évènements et des opinions, faire de ces hommes si redoutables le jouet de mes caprices ou de mes fantaisies, ôtant aux uns la volonté, aux autres la puissance de me nuire.

81, Merteuil : Ecoutant peu à la véracité des discours qu’on s’empressait de me tenir, je recueillais avec soin ceux qu’on tentait de me cacher.

81, Merteuil : En vain, m’avait-on dit, et avais-je lu qu’on ne pouvait feindre ce sentiment ; je voyais pourtant que, pour y parvenir, il suffisait de joindre à l’esprit d’un auteur, le talent d’un comédien.

105, Merteuil : Vous voyez bien que, quand vous écrivez à quelqu’un, c’est pour lui et non pas pour vous ; vous devez donc moins chercher à lui dire ce que vous pensez, que ce qui lui plaît davantage.

141, Merteuil : Parlez-moi vrai ; vous faites-vous illusion à vous-même, ou cherchez-vous à me tromper ? La différence entre vos discours et vos actions ne me laisse de choix qu’entre ces deux sentiments : lequel est le véritable ?

145, Tourvel : Le voile est déchiré, Madame, sur lequel était peinte l’illusion de mon bonheur. La funeste vérité m’éclaire, et ne me laisse voir qu’une mort assurée et prochaine, dont la route m’est tracée entre la honte et le remords.

II-7 VP : Ce qui est en question ici, c’est cette réalité commune et effective elle-même, et véritablement il s’agit d’un problème politique de premier ordre.

II-7 VP : Ce qui semble encore plus troublant, c’est que dans la mesure où des vérités de faits mal venues sont tolérées dans les pays libres, elles sont souvent consciemment ou inconsciemment transformées en opinions.

II-9 VP : La liberté d’opinion est une farce si l’information sur les faits n’est pas garantie et si ce ne sont pas les faits eux-mêmes qui sont l’objet du débat.

IV-4 VP : Puisque le menteur est libre d’accommoder ses faits au bénéfice et au plaisir, ou même aux simples espérances de son public, il y a fort à parier qu’il sera plus convaincant que le diseur de vérité.

V-1 VP : La persuasion et la violence peuvent détruire la vérité, mais ils ne peuvent la remplacer.

V-7 VP : Conceptuellement, nous pouvons appeler la vérité ce que l’on ne peut changer ; métaphoriquement, elle est le sol sur lequel nous nous tenons et le ciel qui s’étend au-dessus de nous.

I MP : Poussé au-delà d’une certaine limite, le mensonge produit des effets contraires au but recherché ; cette limite est atteinte quand le public auquel le mensonge est destiné est contraint, afin de pouvoir survivre, d’ignorer la frontière qui sépare la vérité du mensonge.

I MP : La négation délibérée de la réalité – la capacité de mentir, et la possibilité de modifier les faits – celle d’agir, sont intimement liées, elles découlent de la même source : l’imagination.

I MP : La tromperie n’entre jamais en conflit avec la raison, car les choses auraient pu se passer effectivement de la façon dont le menteur le prétend.

III, MP : Faire de la présentation d’une certaine image la base de toute politique, chercher, non pas la conquête du monde, mais à l’emporter dans une bataille dont l’enjeu est « l’esprit des gens », voilà bien quelque chose de nouveau dans cet immense amas de folies humaines enregistré par l’histoire.

III MP : L’échec désastreux de la politique américaine d’intervention armée ne résulte pas en fait d’un enlisement (…) mais bien du refus délibéré et obstiné, depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans, de toutes les réalités, historiques, politiques et géographiques.

IV MP : On peut en conclure que plus un trompeur est convaincant et réussit à convaincre, plus il a de chances de croire lui-même à ses propres mensonges.

IV MP : Résoudre les problèmes dans l’abstrait était d’autant mieux indiqué et bienvenu que la politique et les buts poursuivis se situaient eux-mêmes en dehors des réalités.

I,4, le duc : C’est justement pour cela que j’y crois. Vous figurez-vous qu’un Médicis se déshonore publiquement par partie de plaisir ?
I,4, le duc : Mon ami, on t’excommunie en latin, et sire Maurice t’appelle un homme dangereux, le cardinal aussi ; quant au bon Valori, il est trop honnête homme pour prononcer ton nom.
II,2, Lorenzo : Sans doute, ce que vous dites là est parfaitement vrai et parfaitement faux, comme tout au monde.
II,3, le cardinal : Je voulais dire que le duc est puissant et qu’une rupture avec lui peut nuire aux plus riches familles ; mais qu’un secret d’importance entre des mains expérimentées peut devenir une source de biens abondante.
II,4, Lorenzo : Je suis un des vôtres mon oncle, ne voyez-vous pas à ma coiffure, que je suis républicain dans l’âme ? Regardez comme ma barbe est coupée. N’en doutez pas un seul instant, l’amour de la patrie respire dans mes vêtements les plus cachés.
II,4, Lorenzo : Si vous saviez comme cela est aisé de mentir impudemment aux yeux d’un butor !
III,3, Philippe : J’ai laissé l’ombre de ta mauvaise réputation passer sur mon honneur, et mes enfants ont douté de moi en trouvant sur ma main la trace hideuse du contact de la tienne.
III,3, Lorenzo : Le vice a été pour moi un vêtement, maintenant il est collé à ma peau.
III,3, Lorenzo : Tandis que vous admiriez la surface, j’ai vu les débris des naufrages, les ossements et les léviathans.
III,3, Lorenzo : Je suis devenu vicieux, lâche, un objet de honte et d’opprobre.
III,6, le duc : Des mots, des mots et rien de plus.