Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Dis-batching Test by crocs.9700

Adams Street 53012
Alder Street 53012
Alpine Drive 53012
Alyce Street 53012
Andover Drive 53012
Andover Road 53012
Ann Marie Drive 53012
Appletree Lane 53012
Aqua View Court 53012
Aqua View Road 53012
Arbor Drive 53012
Aspen Court 53012
Aspen Street 53012
Avalon Lane 53012
Balfour Street 53012
Beech Street 53012
Beechwood Drive 53012
Behrens Drive 53012
Belmont Drive 53012
Berkshire Avenue 53012
Birch Street 53012
Bittersweet Lane 53012
Blacksmith Road 53012
Blue Bird Circle 53012
Bobolink Drive 53012
Brandt Drive 53012
Brenton Lane 53012
Briarwood Drive 53012
Bridge Commons Court 53012
Bridge Road 53012
Bristol Lane 53012
Brookdale Drive 53012
Buchanan Court 53012
Buchanan Street 53012
Buckingham Court 53012
Burr Lane 53012
Bywater Lane 53012
Cambridge Avenue 53012
Cambridge Court 53012
Cardinal Avenue 53012
Cardinal Drive 53012
Carmine Court 53012
Carriage Trce 53012
Castle Court 53012
Cedar Court 53012
Cedar Creek Road 53012
Cedar Pointe Avenue 53012
Cedar Pointe Court 53012
Cedar Reserve Circle 53012
Cedar Ridge Drive 53012
Cedar Valley Drive 53012
Center Road 53012
Center Street 53012
Chatham Street 53012
Chestnut Street 53012
Church Road 53012
Churchill Street 53012
Cider Mill Court 53012
Cleveland Court 53012
Cleveland Street 53012
Clover Lane 53012
Cobblestone Court 53012
Cobblestone Drive 53012
Columbia Court 53012
Columbia Road 53012
Commerce Court 53012
Concord Street 53012
Coral Lane 53012
Cottonwood Court 53012
Country Aire Drive 53012
Country Aire Road 53012
County Highway C 53012
County Highway I 53012
County Highway M 53012
County Highway Nn 53012
County Highway T 53012
County Highway Y 53012
Coventry Court 53012
Coventry Street 53012
Covered Bridge Road 53012
Covington Square 53012
Covington Square E 53012
Cranes Xing 53012
Creek Ridge Court 53012
Creekview Court 53012
Crescent Drive 53012
Cresthill Court 53012
Crestview Drive 53012
Cullen Lane 53012
Davis Road 53012
Dawnview Lane 53012
Dayton Street 53012
Derby Lane 53012
Devonshire Drive 53012
Doerr Way 53012
Dorchester Drive 53012
Douglas Lane 53012
Douglas Road 53012
Dove Court 53012
Dove Drive 53012
Drury Lane 53012
Edge O Woods Drive 53012
Edgewater Drive 53012
el Camino Drive 53012
Elm Drive 53012
Elm Road 53012
Elm Street 53012
Emerald Court 53012
Essex Court 53012
Essex Drive 53012
Eton Court 53012
Evergreen Boulevard 53012
Evergreen Court 53012
Evergreen Ct N 53012
Fair Street 53012
Fairdale Drive 53012
Fairfield Avenue 53012
Fairfield Street 53012
Fairhaven Court 53012
Fairhaven Drive 53012
Fairview Court 53012
Fawn Lane 53012
Fieldcrest Street 53012
Fielding Road 53012
Fiesta Court 53012
Fillmore Avenue 53012
Fillmore Circle 53012
Flagstone Drive 53012
Fox Hollow Lane 53012
Fox Pointe Avenue 53012
Foxcroft Drive 53012

Dis-batching Test by crocs.9700

Adams Street 53012
Alder Street 53012
Alpine Drive 53012
Alyce Street 53012
Andover Drive 53012
Andover Road 53012
Ann Marie Drive 53012
Appletree Lane 53012
Aqua View Court 53012
Aqua View Road 53012
Arbor Drive 53012
Aspen Court 53012
Aspen Street 53012
Avalon Lane 53012
Balfour Street 53012
Beech Street 53012
Beechwood Drive 53012
Behrens Drive 53012
Belmont Drive 53012
Berkshire Avenue 53012
Birch Street 53012
Bittersweet Lane 53012
Blacksmith Road 53012
Blue Bird Circle 53012
Bobolink Drive 53012
Brandt Drive 53012
Brenton Lane 53012
Briarwood Drive 53012
Bridge Commons Court 53012
Bridge Road 53012
Bristol Lane 53012
Brookdale Drive 53012
Buchanan Court 53012
Buchanan Street 53012
Buckingham Court 53012
Burr Lane 53012
Bywater Lane 53012
Cambridge Avenue 53012
Cambridge Court 53012
Cardinal Avenue 53012
Cardinal Drive 53012
Carmine Court 53012
Carriage Trce 53012
Castle Court 53012
Cedar Court 53012
Cedar Creek Road 53012
Cedar Pointe Avenue 53012
Cedar Pointe Court 53012
Cedar Reserve Circle 53012
Cedar Ridge Drive 53012
Cedar Valley Drive 53012
Center Road 53012
Center Street 53012
Chatham Street 53012
Chestnut Street 53012
Church Road 53012
Churchill Street 53012
Cider Mill Court 53012
Cleveland Court 53012
Cleveland Street 53012
Clover Lane 53012
Cobblestone Court 53012
Cobblestone Drive 53012
Columbia Court 53012
Columbia Road 53012
Commerce Court 53012
Concord Street 53012
Coral Lane 53012
Cottonwood Court 53012
Country Aire Drive 53012
Country Aire Road 53012
County Highway C 53012
County Highway I 53012
County Highway M 53012
County Highway Nn 53012
County Highway T 53012
County Highway Y 53012
Coventry Court 53012
Coventry Street 53012
Covered Bridge Road 53012
Covington Square 53012
Covington Square E 53012
Cranes Xing 53012
Creek Ridge Court 53012
Creekview Court 53012
Crescent Drive 53012
Cresthill Court 53012
Crestview Drive 53012
Cullen Lane 53012
Davis Road 53012
Dawnview Lane 53012
Dayton Street 53012
Derby Lane 53012
Devonshire Drive 53012
Doerr Way 53012
Dorchester Drive 53012
Douglas Lane 53012
Douglas Road 53012
Dove Court 53012
Dove Drive 53012
Drury Lane 53012
Edge O Woods Drive 53012
Edgewater Drive 53012
el Camino Drive 53012
Elm Drive 53012
Elm Road 53012
Elm Street 53012
Emerald Court 53012
Essex Court 53012
Essex Drive 53012
Eton Court 53012
Evergreen Boulevard 53012
Evergreen Court 53012
Evergreen Ct N 53012
Fair Street 53012
Fairdale Drive 53012
Fairfield Avenue 53012
Fairfield Street 53012
Fairhaven Court 53012
Fairhaven Drive 53012
Fairview Court 53012
Fawn Lane 53012
Fieldcrest Street 53012
Fielding Road 53012
Fiesta Court 53012
Fillmore Avenue 53012
Fillmore Circle 53012
Flagstone Drive 53012
Fox Hollow Lane 53012
Fox Pointe Avenue 53012
Foxcroft Drive 53012

مجلس الوزراء by user212805

راس صاحب السمو الملكي الامير محمد بن سلمان بن عبدالعزيز ال سعود
ولي العهد رئيس مجلس الوزراء حفظه الله الجلسة التي عقدها مجلس الوزراء
امس في جدة وفي بداية الجلسة توجه صاحب السمو الملكي ولي العهد

رئيس مجلس الوزراء بالحمد والثناء للمولى عز وجل على توفيقه لهذه البلاد
باستقبال ملايين المعتمرين خلال الايام الماضية من شهر رمضان المبارك
وتمكينهم من اداء نسكهم وعباداتهم بكل يسر وطمانينة بفضل منه سبحانه

ثم بتوجيهات خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز ال سعود

حفظه الله وتضافر جهود اجهزة الدولة في خدمة ضيوف الرحمن باعلى

مستويات العناية والجودة ثم اطلع سموه مجلس الوزراء على فحوى الرسالة
التي تلقاها حفظه الله من دولة رئيس وزراء جمهورية اثيوبية الفيدرالية
الديمقراطية وتتصل بالعلاقات الثنائية وسبل دعمها وتعزيزها في شتى
الميادين واوضح معالي وزير الاعلام الاستاذ سلمان بن يوسف الدوسري في
بيانه لوكالة الانباء السعودية عقب الجلسة ان مجلس الوزراء تناول اثر ذلك
مجالات تعزيز التعاون والتنسيق بين المملكة ومختلف دول العالم في اطار
المنظمات الاقليمية والدولية بما يسهم في دفع العمل الجماعي نحو افاق
تحقيق الاستقرار والازدهار وتدعم اهداف التنمية المستدامة وبارك المجلس
في هذا السياق اطلاق رؤية مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية للامن
الاقليمي التي تهدف الى الحفاظ على استقرار المنطقة وازدهار دولها وشعوبها
وتعزيز الامن والسلم الدولييين وعد مجلس الوزراء اختيار المملكة لترؤس الدورة
التاسعة والستين للجنة وضع المراة في منظمة الامم المتحدة خلال عام الفين
وخمسة وعشرين ميلادي تاكيدا على اهتمامها بالتعاون الدولي في كل ما من
شانه تعزيز حقوق المراة وتمكينها وتماشيا مع الانجازات النوعية التي حققتها
في هذا المجال واستعرض المجلس في الشان المحلي مضامين الاجتماع
السنوي الحادي والثلاثين لاصحاب السمو امراء المناطق مؤكدا حرص الدولة
على تعزيز مسيرة التنمية الشاملة في ارجاء المملكة كافة بما في ذلك
الاستمرار في تطوير الخدمات المقدمة للمواطنين والمقيمين والارتقاء بجودة
حياتهم وبين معاليه ان مجلس الوزراء نوه بالجهود التي تبذلها الدولة لتوفير
المزيد من فرص العمل والتدريب والتاهيل لشباب وفتيات الوطن وما نتج عنها
من انخفاض معدل البطالة بين السعوديين الى ادنى مستوى تاريخي له ليبلغ
سبعة بالمئة في الربع من العام الماضي

مجلس الوزراء by user212805

راس صاحب السمو الملكي الامير محمد بن سلمان بن عبدالعزيز ال سعود ولي العهد رئيس مجلس الوزراء حفظه الله الجلسة التي عقدها مجلس الوزراء امس في جدة وفي بداية الجلسة توجه صاحب السمو الملكي ولي العهد رئيس مجلس الوزراء بالحمد والثناء للمولى عز وجل على توفيقه لهذه البلاد باستقبال ملايين المعتمرين خلال الايام الماضية من شهر رمضان المبارك وتمكينهم من اداء نسكهم وعباداتهم بكل يسر وطمانينة بفضل منه سبحانه ثم بتوجيهات خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز ال سعود حفظه الله وتضافر جهود اجهزة الدولة في خدمة ضيوف الرحمن باعلى مستويات العناية والجودة ثم اطلع سموه مجلس الوزراء على فحوى الرسالة التي تلقاها حفظه الله من دولة رئيس وزراء جمهورية اثيوبية الفيدرالية الديمقراطية وتتصل بالعلاقات الثنائية وسبل دعمها وتعزيزها في شتى الميادين واوضح معالي وزير الاعلام الاستاذ سلمان بن يوسف الدوسري في بيانه لوكالة الانباء السعودية عقب الجلسة ان مجلس الوزراء تناول اثر ذلك مجالات تعزيز التعاون والتنسيق بين المملكة ومختلف دول العالم في اطار المنظمات الاقليمية والدولية بما يسهم في دفع العمل الجماعي نحو افاق تحقيق الاستقرار والازدهار وتدعم اهداف التنمية المستدامة وبارك المجلس في هذا السياق اطلاق رؤية مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية للامن الاقليمي التي تهدف الى الحفاظ على استقرار المنطقة وازدهار دولها وشعوبها وتعزيز الامن والسلم الدولييين وعد مجلس الوزراء اختيار المملكة لترؤس الدورة التاسعة والستين للجنة وضع المراة في منظمة الامم المتحدة خلال عام الفين وخمسة وعشرين ميلادي تاكيدا على اهتمامها بالتعاون الدولي في كل ما من شانه تعزيز حقوق المراة وتمكينها وتماشيا مع الانجازات النوعية التي حققتها في هذا المجال واستعرض المجلس في الشان المحلي مضامين الاجتماع السنوي الحادي والثلاثين لاصحاب السمو امراء المناطق مؤكدا حرص الدولة على تعزيز مسيرة التنمية الشاملة في ارجاء المملكة كافة بما في ذلك الاستمرار في تطوير الخدمات المقدمة للمواطنين والمقيمين والارتقاء بجودة حياتهم وبين معاليه ان مجلس الوزراء نوه بالجهود التي تبذلها الدولة لتوفير المزيد من فرص العمل والتدريب والتاهيل لشباب وفتيات الوطن وما نتج عنها من انخفاض معدل البطالة بين السعوديين الى ادنى مستوى تاريخي له ليبلغ سبعة بالمئة في الربع من العام الماضي

elevator short by user870370

Hi, I'm Kevin Weiss with Unishippers partnered with UPS. We specialize in streamlining shipping for small to mid-sized businesses like yours. Partnered with UPS and 75 top LTL freight carriers, we handle all the logistics while saving you time and money.

wnnn by hotdog2024

align with my value orientations and ethical principles; shoulder responsibilities and fulfill commitments
acquire new knowledge and broaden new horizons; spark my curiosities and new ideas; stimulate me to be more imaginative, inventive and distinctive
remain optimistic and positive; enhance my physical health and extend my lifespan
consolidate my family relationship and harmony; elevate my life quality and forge cherished memories
establish social networks and consolidate existing bonds; make communicate more effectively and diversely
preserve the ecological environment; contribute to sustainable development
organize my agenda and optimize my workflow; achieve work performance and gain promotion
enhance my financial sustainability and security; prepare for potential opportunities and unexplored territories

wnnn by hotdog2024

align with my value orientations and ethical principles; shoulder responsibilities and fulfill commitments
acquire new knowledge and broaden new horizons; spark my curiosities and new ideas; stimulate me to be more imaginative, inventive and distinctive
remain optimistic and positive; enhance my physical health and extend my lifespan
consolidate my family relationship and harmony; elevate my life quality and forge cherished memories
establish social networks and consolidate existing bonds; make communicate more effectively and diversely
preserve the ecological environment; contribute to sustainable development
organize my agenda and optimize my workflow; achieve work performance and gain promotion
enhance my financial sustainability and security; prepare for potential opportunities and unexplored territories

nnn by hotdog2024

align with my value orientations and ethical principles; enable me to shoulder responsibilities and fulfill commitments
acquire new knowledge and broaden new horizons; spark my curiosities and new ideas; stimulate me to be more imaginative, inventive and distinctive
remain optimistic and positive; enhance my physical health and extend my lifespan
consolidate my family relationship and harmony; elevate my life quality and forge cherished memories
establish social networks and consolidate existing bonds; make communicate more effectively and diversely
preserve the ecological environment; contribute to sustainable development
organize my agenda and optimize my workflow; achieve work performance and gain promotion
enhance my financial sustainability and security; prepare for potential opportunities and unexplored territories

wn by hotdog2024

align with my value orientations and ethical principles; enable me to shoulder responsibilities and fulfill commitments

enable me to acquire new knowledge and broaden new horizons; enable me to spark my curiosities and new ideas; stimulate me to be more imaginative, inventive and distinctive

enable me to remain optimistic and positive; enhance my physical health and extend my lifespan

consolidate my family relationship and harmony; elevate my life quality and forge cherished memories

establish social networks and consolidate existing bonds; make communicate more effectively and diversely

preserve the ecological environment; contribute to sustainable development

help me organize my agenda and optimize my workflow; help me achieve work performance and gain promotion

enhance my financial sustainability and security; help me prepare for potential opportunities and unexplored territories

typing test by user376909

/broad/smillie-bigdata /broad/smillie-bigdata /broad/smillie-bigdata /broad/smillie-bigdata /broad/smillie-bigdata

/broad/smillie-vault /broad/smillie-vault /broad/smillie-vault /broad/smillie-vault /broad/smillie-vault

TypeMania by stoicolympics_host_whit

Once upon a time, in the land of StoicLane, a team of exceptional individuals embarked on an extraordinary journey to the Stoic Olympics. Representing each of the seven continents, Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America, these brave souls were determined to showcase their typing prowess and bring glory to their beloved company.
Leading the charge was Al Goldstein, the CEO of StoicLane. Known for his unparalleled vision and unwavering determination, Al was like the captain of a mighty ship, steering the company towards success. Despite his impressive typing skills, Al preferred to allocate his typing needs to his ever-reliable assistant, Delphine. Rumor has it that Delphine could type with the speed of a gazelle and the precision of a seasoned typist, leaving Al to focus on his strategic endeavors. After all, why type when you can delegate to Delphine?
Next in line was Matthew Foran, the President of StoicLane. Matthew was not only a master of words but also a fiercely competitive individual. He approached typing with the intensity of an Olympic athlete, always striving to outpace his own records. His colleagues often joked that Matthew's competitive nature extended to his typing skills, as if he was racing against time itself. It was said that he once challenged a cheetah to a typing race and won, leaving the poor cheetah in awe of his lightning-fast fingers.
Jake Nice, the Chief Financial Officer, had a secret weapon in his typing arsenal - his adorable baby, William. Jake's typing skills were impressive on their own, but when paired with William, AKA "Willy T" as his typing assistant, they reached new heights. It was a sight to behold, as Jake effortlessly typed financial reports while William sat on his lap, occasionally pressing random keys with glee. The dynamic duo of Jake and William proved that even with a cute distraction, they could conquer any typing challenge that came their way.
Last but certainly not least was Erin Stone, the General Counsel of StoicLane. Erin's typing skills were not just impressive; they were essential for protecting the company amidst lawsuits and managing the portfolio companies. Her fingers danced across the keyboard with the precision of a virtuoso pianist, crafting legal documents and contracts that could withstand any legal storm. It was said that her typing skills were so crucial that StoicLane's legal team considered them a superpower, capable of warding off legal troubles with the swift stroke of a key.
As the StoicLane team prepared for the Stoic Olympics, they faced various challenges along the way. From navigating treacherous typing obstacles to deciphering cryptic codes, they showcased their resilience and determination. With each keystroke, they pushed themselves to new limits, surpassing their own expectations and leaving their competitors in awe.
The Stoic Olympics Typing Challenge was not just a test of speed and accuracy; it was a celebration of the indomitable spirit that defined StoicLane. It was a testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence and the belief that with dedication and perseverance, anything was possible.
So, dear participants, as you embark on this typing challenge, channel the spirit of Al, Matthew, Jake, and Erin. Let their passion and expertise guide your fingers across the keyboard. Embrace the thrill of the competition, the joy of camaraderie, and the satisfaction of pushing your limits.
Remember, in the world of StoicLane, every keystroke matters. It's not just about speed; it's about precision, finesse, and the ability to make every word count.

typing test by user376909

/broad/smillie-data/bigdata /broad/smillie-data/vault /broad/smillie-data/bigdata /broad/smillie-data/vault

/broad/smillie-data/bigdata /broad/smillie-data/bigdata /broad/smillie-data/bigdata /broad/smillie-data/bigdata /broad/smillie-data/bigdata

/broad/smillie-data/vault /broad/smillie-data/vault /broad/smillie-data/vault /broad/smillie-data/vault /broad/smillie-data/vault

TypeMania by stoicolympics_host_whit

Once upon a time, in the land of StoicLane, a team of exceptional individuals embarked on an extraordinary journey to the Stoic Olympics. Representing each of the seven continents, Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America, these brave souls were determined to showcase their typing prowess and bring glory to their beloved company.
Leading the charge was Al Goldstein, the CEO of StoicLane. Known for his unparalleled vision and unwavering determination, Al was like the captain of a mighty ship, steering the company towards success. Despite his impressive typing skills, Al preferred to allocate his typing needs to his ever-reliable assistant, Delphine. Rumor has it that Delphine could type with the speed of a gazelle and the precision of a seasoned typist, leaving Al to focus on his strategic endeavors. After all, why type when you can delegate to Delphine?
Next in line was Matthew Foran, the President of StoicLane. Matthew was not only a master of words but also a fiercely competitive individual. He approached typing with the intensity of an Olympic athlete, always striving to outpace his own records. His colleagues often joked that Matthew's competitive nature extended to his typing skills, as if he was racing against time itself. It was said that he once challenged a cheetah to a typing race and won, leaving the poor cheetah in awe of his lightning-fast fingers.
Jake Nice, the Executive VP of Finance, had a secret weapon in his typing arsenal - his adorable baby, William. Jake's typing skills were impressive on their own, but when paired with William, AKA "Willy T" as his typing assistant, they reached new heights. It was a sight to behold, as Jake effortlessly typed financial reports while William sat on his lap, occasionally pressing random keys with glee. The dynamic duo of Jake and William proved that even with a cute distraction, they could conquer any typing challenge that came their way.
Last but certainly not least was Erin Stone, the General Counsel of StoicLane. Erin's typing skills were not just impressive; they were essential for protecting the company amidst lawsuits and managing the portfolio companies. Her fingers danced across the keyboard with the precision of a virtuoso pianist, crafting legal documents and contracts that could withstand any legal storm. It was said that her typing skills were so crucial that StoicLane's legal team considered them a superpower, capable of warding off legal troubles with the swift stroke of a key.
As the StoicLane team prepared for the Stoic Olympics, they faced various challenges along the way. From navigating treacherous typing obstacles to deciphering cryptic codes, they showcased their resilience and determination. With each keystroke, they pushed themselves to new limits, surpassing their own expectations and leaving their competitors in awe.
The Stoic Olympics Typing Challenge was not just a test of speed and accuracy; it was a celebration of the indomitable spirit that defined StoicLane. It was a testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence and the belief that with dedication and perseverance, anything was possible.
So, dear participants, as you embark on this typing challenge, channel the spirit of Al, Matthew, Jake, and Erin. Let their passion and expertise guide your fingers across the keyboard. Embrace the thrill of the competition, the joy of camaraderie, and the satisfaction of pushing your limits.
Remember, in the world of StoicLane, every keystroke matters. It's not just about speed; it's about precision, finesse, and the ability to make every word count.

FedEx by user870370

Not that FedEx is doing anything wrong … UPS partnered with us because we take a
much more proactive approach to working with our customers. I need to get in front of you
because we can provide both operational and financial benefits by digging into what you’re
doing every day. My ultimate goal is to figure out what your shipping with FedEx looks like,
find some ways to make that better, then switch you over to UPS. How does your day look
tomorrow morning/afternoon?

NOT A GOOD TIME by user870370

I know I’m the one reaching out to you, honestly, it is because there are a ton of different areas where I can help you. Not all carriers can be all things to all lanes from a pricing and operations standpoint; not to mention, more and more companies are working everyday with 3PLs . My goal is to give you options of national and regional carriers, to make sure you maintain control of your freight and get you better incentives by keeping your buying power with one company. I need to get some time in your schedule. So how does, Next Thursday at blank sound.

Spin Down by user870370

I completely understand you’re not the one making shipments each day, but I also know you understand all the different areas of the company. What I’m really looking to do is to save you some money, but more importantly find other areas that I can provide additional value so we can work together long term. What does the back half of this week look like in your calendar.

Trial Close by user870370

My goal when we connect next is to dig into your current process, find some ways to help you out, and ultimately save you some money. I’m not looking too hard to close you right now, but if everything makes sense operationally and we can save you money... are there any reasons why you wouldn’t make the change over to Unishippers?

SWT (43 words) by vahid_balanchi

Whereas principles of N attribute to N and N, the significance of N would relate to not only N but also N and N, so as not to undermine the implications of N, N, N, N, N, and N as well as N.

31 to 36 by vishu

Embargo stoppage blockage barrier impediment hindrance restraints deterrents proscription hurdle restriction stumbling block censorship, advantage assistance help benefit aid push, Bumptious arrogant haughty fustian supercilious imperious immodest presumptuous cavalier egoistic self assertive snobbish conceited condescending uppish overweening, humble lowly modest servile unassuming, Scrimmage altercation fracas squabble fight quarrel duel brawl contention skirmish strife scuffles fray discord disagreement feud brickbat vendetta discord melee, agreement harmony amity concord accord peace truce, Bumpkin boorish rustic clumsy yokel oaf oafish bucolic uncivilized unrefined loutish uncouth, cultured sophisticated civilized urbane debonair elegant genteel polished urbanite refined, Persnickety fussy choosy finicky dainty selective pernickety particular fastidious finical faddish discriminating squeamish, undemanding lenient unconcerned forbearing uncomplaining tolerant uncritical, Desultory unplanned random casual unmethodical unsystematic haphazard unthinking aimless perfunctory cursory unpremeditated, systematic organized methodical careful thorough planned purposeful.

Transitions and inst by user621144

A CLIP from a recent television talk show is doing the rounds on the banned platform, X. In it, a journalist/ commentator discusses how rumors of a possible extension for the Supreme Court chief justice have cropped up time and again.

The option was ‘discussed’ during the tenures of Saqib Nisar and Asif Saeed Khosa, he says. The present times are no different, it appears, for he mentions how the rumor has come up again and how he would be in favor of the current Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa accepting an extension.

However, he does hasten to emphasize that this was his personal opinion and nothing more. It is an important caveat because there are no reports of the chief justice being interested in such a move but this has not put an end to these rumors.

Such chitchat, like the monsoon cycle, is a seasonal occurrence. Whenever the moment is ripe, it seems to appear out of nowhere and pervades the air in Islamabad as does the humidity in those rainy days, before vanishing one day. Those of us who do not speak to the most powerful can never really understand how the rumors begin or end. But we do hear of them, as do most others.

This seasonal occurrence is not limited to the job tenure of those leading the robed men on Constitution Avenue. There are other positions of power, too, where during times of transition, rumor of an extension swirl around, sucking all the oxygen out of Islamabad and politics, as well.

How and why have these moments of transition turned into longer periods of instability?

It would not be wrong to say transitions at key positions have now become so critical that they turn into moments of instability for overall political and governance structures. And in these moments, little else is taken seriously.

Consider simply the previous transition last summer during the last few months of chief justice Umar Ata Bandial; the skirmishes between him and his successor took place in public. Letters were written by both sides, judges refused to sit on benches, cases of a political nature dominated the discussions and so on. There was considerable uncertainty and consequently, the Supreme Court appeared more like a public spectacle than a serious appellate forum.

The confusion and uncertainty only died down when the transition took place — and that too for just a short while. One reason for this could be the larger political situation but also because the current chief’s tenure is such a short one that it took barely a few months before the rumor of an extension erupted again. And along with it come the stirrings from within to reduce the chances of such a move. For many argue the dissent is more than just opinions about certain decisions or policies.

As mentioned, these uncomfortable transitions are not limited to the big white building on Constitution Avenue. They extend to other institutions too. Indeed, the military has proven to be just as vulnerable at times. Simply consider the tenure of Gen Bajwa; one interpretation of the political engineering of 2017 onwards is that the PML-N government under Nawaz Sharif may not have agreed to an extension, which was at the time easier to manage through a weak PTI government seen to be more dependent on the machinations of the establishment than solid public support.

And by then, even a weak and cornered PML-N was willing to back such a move, in order to repair its relationship with the powers that be. If this interpretation is to be accepted, the magnitude of the intervention in comparison to the goal is mind-boggling.

A similar explanation can also be found of the events leading up to the vote of no-confidence and its aftermath in 2022 — that it was manufactured (which many within the PDM government have now acknowledged) to ensure the PTI and Imran Khan were not in power to make the crucial decision in the November of 2022.

The point here is that one reason Pakistan is facing longer periods of instability is the frequency with which we experience longer and longer periods of uncertainty and jostling at the time of each critical transition. Ideally, this uncertainty should be limited to the political transition through elections, which would then yield a government to supervise the constitutional manner in which other transitions are managed.

However, what has happened instead is that the players are perhaps now all planning moves to influence or shape one transition in order to manage or orchestrate their own. The right chief can ensure the right election and the right election which brings to power the right set-up can then ensure the right chief.

And what this means is that, to a five-year period of an election cycle has now been added a three-year period of a chief’s tenure along with the possibility of an extension. If the transition at the Supreme Court also is beset with similar problems, we may just add a third cycle of uncertainty.

What this means is that the periods where the focus should be on governance and policymaking will end up becoming shorter and shorter. This does not bode well for a country whose crises continue to grow primarily because the political instability allows little time for mid- to long-term planning and implementation.

However, the larger issue here is to identify how and why these moments of transition have turned into longer periods of instability. It is not as if controversies were not present earlier — they were there, as were rumor's of possible extensions. They have, nonetheless, become more intense now, as has the jostling.

Is it because the rules governing the transitions have weakened further (as has much else in society)? Or has more power been centralized in these positions, which, in turn, makes the appointments all the more crucial? Or is it that the jostling during these transitions has increased? It is hard to find a simple answer. As is the solution.