Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Untitled by user988880

How good to lie a little while And look up through the tree! The Sky is like a kind big smile Bent sweetly over me. The Sunshine flickers through the lace Of leaves above my head, And kisses me upon the face Like Mother, before bed. The Wind comes stealing o'er the grass To whisper pretty things; And though I cannot see him pass, I feel his careful wings. So many gentle Friends are near Whom one can scarcely see, A child should never feel a fear, Wherever he may be.

Friends Poem by user988880

How good to lie a little while
And look up through the tree!
The Sky is like a kind big smile
Bent sweetly over me.
The Sunshine flickers through the lace
Of leaves above my head,
And kisses me upon the face
Like Mother, before bed.
The Wind comes stealing o'er the grass
To whisper pretty things;
And though I cannot see him pass,
I feel his careful wings.
So many gentle Friends are near
Whom one can scarcely see,
A child should never feel a fear,
Wherever he may be.

4/23 by user96503

Finished meeting with Benny here is the summary
1. Benny will tell us by next week whether he would like to continue being the exclusive distributor for MT and GT
2. If he wants to continue he will share a plan on how to achieve our targets soonest possible
3. He will also let us know if he is willing to give up GT
4. Told him he needs to be more transparent and share more data with us for example their on ground activity plan
5. Constant turnover of PIC is very disruptive for us and current PIC is too conservative
6. Told him that factory is giving us alot of pressure to take MOQ and if we don't hit the MOQ ASAP, they will consider converting the line to produce mamee chef
7. Told him we feel jinja noodles bring prioritised over daebak and it's not fair to us
8. I mentioned that SCC is doing a poor job in EC and we need them to take action as there's alot of opportunity in EC
9. He says that cash flow is going to improve going forward as they managed to secure loan from bank

Service update by user60485

Service update for inventory and Customer Vehicles - Black

door Rap Replacement/Cleaning - This Service update includes

vehicles in dealer inventory and
customer vehicles that return to

the dealership for any reason.
This bulletin will expire at the

end of the involved vehicle's New Vehicle Limited Warranty

period. Service Update for Inventory Vehicles Only

Loosening of the Wheel Nuts. General Motors is recalling

certain 2014 model year Chevrolet Silverado and GMC

Sierra crew cabs to replace
the passenger airbag that might

not fully inflate. Less than 1 percent of the recalled affected

parts may have this condition. Very few vehicles have been

sold to customers and GM
is calling them to arrange for

repairs. Vehicles at dealerships should be repaired.

Vehicles at dealerships should be repaired before being

delivered to customers.
There are no known crashes or

injuries related to this issue.
I have had the vehicle randomly

lose the lane lines even when conditions are 7

lear and there are lines on the road.

The picture attached below is a road that I drive every day and

shows the clear conditions.
while overcast there is no rain

or snow and the camera on the vehicle lost the lines allowing

for yet another safety feature to be void in keeping me and

others safe.

Uki Violeta's lore by user363825

There’s a legend that every thousand years, one night, all of the stars will fall from the sky, granting powers to those who need them most. This will be signified with one eye being lit from within, through the power the universe has bestowed. Uki was born into a futuristic world, where a class system divided the ones with influence, and the ones without. With no other choice, and a desperation for survival, Uki’s birth parents sold him off at a young age to a mysterious group. This group claimed to be a sanctuary for the unwanted, but used this visage to take advantage of the broken and the emotionally vulnerable. One night, in an attempt to escape through a tall field, Uki became weak and looked up at the sky, almost feeling like giving up. At that moment, the sky became dark, and light fell from the sky onto the field.

Stefa Lesson # 13 by ahmedurrehman

As the rain poured outside, Sarah sat by the window, lost in thought. Her mind wandered through memories of past adventures and dreams of future journeys. Despite the gloomy weather, a sense of warmth enveloped her as she sipped her hot tea. The rhythm of the rain tapping on the windowpane seemed to echo the beats of her heart. In moments like these, she found solace in the simple pleasures of life: a good book, a cozy blanket, and the soothing melody of nature.

Judicial Proceeding by sabrinamartin1

The first Connecticut judicial proceeding were probably held on April 26, 1636 at “A Corte holden in Newtown” (Hartford) under the commission granted to eight leaders by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay. In 1638, the General Court established the Particular Court (often called the “Quartet Court” because it was required to meet every three months). While the General Court, later called the General Assembly, controlled the administration of justice, the Particular Court was the principal body until the union of the New Haven and Connecticut colonies and the granting of the Charter from King Charles II in 1662. In 1665, with the new Charter, the Particular Court was abolished and two new levels of courts were established: the Court of Assistants in 1665, and the county courts one year later. Separate probate courts were established in 1698 to handle such matters as wills and estates. The Court of Assistants was abolished in 1711. Its powers of original and appellate jurisdiction were assumed by the newly created Superior Court, the forerunner of the sole trial court of general jurisdiction, which exists in Connecticut today.

Judicial Proceedings by sabrinamartin1

The first Connecticut judicial proceeding were probably held on April 26, 1636 at “A Corte holden in Newtown” (Hartford) under the commission granted to eight leaders by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay. In 1638, the General Court established the Particular Court (often called the “Quartet Court” because it was required to meet every three months). While the General Court, later called the General Assembly, controlled the administration of justice, the Particular Court was the principal body until the union of the New Haven and Connecticut colonies and the granting of the Charter from King Charles II in 1662. In 1665, with the new Charter, the Particular Court was abolished and two new levels of courts were established: the Court of Assistants in 1665, and the county courts one year later. Separate probate courts were established in 1698 to handle such matters as wills and estates. The Court of Assistants was abolished in 1711. Its powers of original and appellate jurisdiction were assumed by the newly created Superior Court, the forerunner of the sole trial court of general jurisdiction, which exists in Connecticut today.

Judicial Proceedings by sabrinamartin1

The first Connecticut judicial proceeding were probably held on April 26, 1636 at “A Corte holden in Newtown” (Hartford) under the commission granted to eight leaders by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay. In 1638, the General Court established the Particular Court (often called the “Quartet Court” because it was required to meet every three months). While the General Court, later called the General Assembly, controlled the administration of justice, the Particular Court was the principal body until the union of the New Haven and Connecticut colonies and the granting of the Charter from King Charles II in 1662.

In 1665, with the new Charter, the Particular Court was abolished and two new levels of courts were established: the Court of Assistants in 1665, and the county courts one year later. Separate probate courts were established in 1698 to handle such matters as wills and estates. The Court of Assistants was abolished in 1711. Its powers of original and appellate jurisdiction were assumed by the newly created Superior Court, the forerunner of the sole trial court of general jurisdiction, which exists in Connecticut today.

History Records by sabrinamartin1

First Connecticut Judicial Proceedings
The first Connecticut judicial proceeding were probably held on April 26, 1636 at “A Corte holden in Newtown” (Hartford) under the commission granted to eight leaders by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay.
In 1638, the General Court established the Particular Court (often called the “Quartet Court” because it was required to meet every three months). While the General Court, later called the General Assembly, controlled the administration of justice, the Particular Court was the principal body until the union of the New Haven and Connecticut colonies and the granting of the Charter from King Charles II in 1662.
In 1665, with the new Charter, the Particular Court was abolished and two new levels of courts were established: the Court of Assistants in 1665, and the county courts one year later. Separate probate courts were established in 1698 to handle such matters as wills and estates.
The Court of Assistants was abolished in 1711. Its powers of original and appellate jurisdiction were assumed by the newly created Superior Court, the forerunner of the sole trial court of general jurisdiction, which exists in Connecticut today.

Test1 by typingmasterom

Use this form to create a typing test with the text of your choice. Each paragraph of the text will be a separate typing test. Once a paragraph is completed, the next paragraph will be used.

If you finish typing all the text you provided, the tests will start with the first paragraph you have provided.

All the stats of the custom typing tests are not saved, even if you are a registered user. Every time you start a custom typing test, the stats charts will be empty. Your speed will not be recorded in the high score table.

Tax with AI by user621144

IN December 2023, Pakistan’s tax revenue reached $17.079 billion, marking a significant increase from the previous figure of $7.622bn reported in September 2023. Tax revenue data for Pakistan is updated on a quarterly basis, with an average of $10.565bn recorded from September 2000 to December 2023, spanning 94 observations.

What is even more significant is that only 2.74 million individuals in Pakistan file personal income tax, representing merely 4.1 per cent of the labour force and 1.3pc of the total population. It is pertinent to mention that 35pc of these individual filers are exempt from paying income tax as their income falls below the taxable threshold, resulting in zero tax liability for the year. Between 2008 and 2021, Pakistan’s federal government collected between 36pc to 39pc of its tax revenue from direct taxes, while the rest came from indirect taxes.

Expanding the tax net, equitable tax, restructuring the tax brackets, etc, have been part of conversations, but that is where such actions have stopped. We are still challenged by the small community of taxpayers, overburdened salaried class and large fields of agriculture and real estate being exempted. We have the super-impressive examples of Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea — economies that have risen on the basis of solid monetary policies, with far fewer resources.

Tax audits in Pakistan have long been associated with compromise, connivance, and rampant corruption. This pervasive culture not only undermines the integrity of the tax system but also perpetuates tax evasion, depriving the government of much-needed revenue. The discretionary powers wielded by tax officers further exacerbate the problem, raising concerns about their potential for abuse. The complexity of tax laws often hampers the effective enforcement of tax regulations, allowing for loopholes to be exploited.

Unlike human auditors, AI operates without bias or influence.

Pakistan’s population number goes in its favour. Imagine crowd-funding by 240m people. Imagine 50pc of the population paying taxes — Pakistan becomes the golden goose. This argument compels us to look for the quickest, and most effective transformative solution that can restore faith in the tax system and ensure compliance with the law — artificial intelligence (AI), a game changer in the realm of tax audits.

AI is not a mechanical way replacing human error, but a made-to-order algorithm that can cater to and adapt to all local frameworks with optimisation of service, transparency, and above all, accessibility. Smartphone penetration which is currently around 31pc needs to be supported to take it up to 100pc and then to use that platform for reaching out to the banked and unbanked, documented and undocumented, in order to bring them on board.

Unlike human auditors, AI operates without bias or influence. It adheres strictly to the provisions of the tax code, without succumbing to external pressures or considerations. By leveraging advanced algorithms and data analytics, AI can efficie­ntly analyse vast amounts of financial data, identifying patterns and anomalies indicative of potential tax evasion. This analytical prowess not only enhances the effectiveness of audits but also serves as a powerful deterrent against non-compliance.

AI-driven audits prioritise transparency and accountability. Every decision made by the AI system is based on objective criteria, devoid of any subjective judgement or favouritism. This not only minimises the risk of corruption but also ensures fair and equitable treatment for all taxpayers.

Moreover, AI facilitates the simplification of tax laws by streamlining complex regulations into easily understandable guidelines. This not only reduces ambiguity but also emp­owers taxpayers to fulfil their obligat­ions with confidence and clarity. Criti­cal­­ly, AI-driven audits shift the focus from mere revenue generation to long-term deterrence of tax evasion. By identifying irregularities and enforcing compliance, AI helps create a culture of accountability and integrity within the tax system.

Additionally, AI improves data management by automating data ingestion, extraction, and organisation, facilitating a ‘no-touch tax return’ concept, and enhancing audit processes.

This is the only route for us towards equitability of taxation in Pakistan. With the right mechanics, we can investigate the integration of AI into tax audits for the much-needed paradigm shift.

By eliminating the spectre of compromise and connivance, tax revenue can be enhanced in selected fields. AI can expand the tax net, instil trust and confidence in the tax system and foster a conducive environment for economic growth and development. As we embrace the transformative potential of AI, we pave the way for a fairer, more efficient, and more equitable tax regime for all.

Untitled by pramod999618


Untitled by pramod999618


Untitled by pramod999618


জলবায়ু by rashed07007

সমগ্র বিশ্ব এখন জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন ও পরিবেশগত চ্যালেঞ্জগুলো মোকাবিলা করতে হিমশিম খাচ্ছে। বিশেষ করে বায়ুমণ্ডলে কার্বন ডাই–অক্সাইডের বর্তমান ঘনত্ব ৪২১ পিপিএম একটি বড় মাথাব্যথার কারণ হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে।বলা হচ্ছে, এই ঘনত্ব ১০ হাজার বছর আগে থেকে ১৮ শতকের মাঝামাঝি পর্যন্ত শিল্পবিপ্লবের সময়কালীন ২৮০ পিপিএম থেকে প্রায় দ্বিগুণ বৃদ্ধি পেয়েছে। ২০০৯ সালে জাতিসংঘের ১৫তম জলবায়ু সম্মেলন সামনে রেখে বায়ুমণ্ডলে কার্বন ডাই–অক্সাইডের ঘনত্ব ৩৫০ পিপিএমে সীমিত রাখার প্রয়াসে লাখ লাখ মানুষের অংশগ্রহণে দেশে দেশে বড় ধরনের ক্যাম্পেইন হয়েছিল।এসব সামাজিক আন্দোলনে মানুষের মধ্যে ব্যাপকভাবে সচেতনতা সৃষ্টি হলেও বায়ুমণ্ডলে কার্বন ডাই–অক্সাইডের ঘনত্ব বেড়েই চলছে, যা ভবিষ্যৎ পৃথিবীর জন্য হুমকিস্বরূপ।

DP Farewell by user664273

Dear students! Just remember that you are the best! Best of luck in your future .
Жандарыыым, поздравляю вас с почти окончанием учебного года. И удачи на экзаменах. Ни пуха ни пера есьже. Конечно все экзамены важны, но к математике жестко готовиться надо. Ду ёр бест гайс. Главное бахытты болындар!
Дорогие выпускники, школа останется у вас в памяти самым светлым и радостным воспоминанием несмотря на то, что не всё порой бывало гладко и ровно. Впереди вас ждет новая дорога, с новыми встречами и расставаниями, с новыми взлетами и падениями, с новыми мечтами и горящими сердцами. Пусть новый путь станет для вас успешным. Оставайтесь верными себе и своим жизненным ориентирам.

"Dear cohort of my heart, I wish you the best moments of this beautiful life. Try all delicious food, travel the whole world, see all colors, expereince the best feelings, find your own way in pursuing the happiness. Life is a process, so live it, my machines. Love you to the moon and back thousand times! "

hooo by pramod999618


37 to 42 by vishu

Pithy concise terse laconic succinct compendious compact condensed crisp skimpy, lengthy wordy enlarged redundant expanded prolix long-winded circumlocutory circuitous rambling, Extraneous irrelevant additional superfluous unnecessary unneeded redundant, Essential important basic integral pertinent necessary, Quiescent lethargic idle inert sedentary sluggish slothful dormant listless lackadaisical languid indolent torpid inertia lassitude lazy dull slumbering passive, assiduous hardworking strenuous arduous diligent toilsome painstaking sedulous laborious industrious herculean, Exiguous dearth scanty sparse shortage devoid lack deficient meagre paltry petty deprived paucity, galore abundant plethora surfeit profuse myriad umpteen surplus adequate abounding multitude rampant plentiful opulent verdant lush luxuriant bountiful voluminous copious, Affectation show off sophistry flaunt display ostentation hypocrisy swanky flaunt pretence sham pomp, genuity reality authenticity veracity, Comely attractive beautiful good looking charming appealing captivating gorgeous pulchritudinous enticing, ugly shocking hideous repulsive ghastly frightful vile.

PR by user250709

Ethics is at the core of legal practice. All Canadian lawyers are regulated, significantly, by self-regulation Self-regulation assists in sustaining the legal profession's independence from government domination Neglect of these responsibilities compromises the independence of the profession and the public interest which it serves. Lawyers play a vital role in the preservation and regulation of society. Joseph Raz: “the law provides the general framework for the conduct of all aspects of social life and sets itself up as the supreme guardian of society” (The Authority of Law: Essays on Law and Morality”; 1986)
John Rawls: “the law defines the basic structure within which the pursuit of all other activities take place” (A Theory of Justice, rev. ed [Cambridge, MA: Belknap, 1999) Law as a business and law as a profession: what is the difference? Is there a conflict? Must it be a
“one-or-the-other” question? What is at stake in this discussion?Law as a business differs from law as profession. Law as a business involves a law firm offering services to its clients akin to any regular business in the market place. Business transactions clearly take place at law firms every day. Champ S Andrews: “I understand the practical realities of the practice of law, but that understanding does not permit me to view my clients as “inventory.”  To equate a client’s legal claim to something no more significant than a piece of merchandise in a retail establishment is to at once deny the basic humanity of my client and to diminish the human cost of my client’s pain and suffering to a dollar figure arrived at by some odious accounting.”
Law as a profession is viewed more as an independent, self-regulating entity; it is an elite form of livelihood, which enjoys a domination over the marketplace. The power, opportunity and responsibility of lawyers in society? Lawyers must sustain an appearance of professionalism to society at large Lawyers must not take advantage of the power given to them. Model Code: “a lawyer must encourage public respect for and try to improve the administration of justice.” Lawyers owe a duty of loyalty; this requires the lawyer to place the client’s interests above those of other people and above his or her own. Lawyers also owe the duty to avoid conflicts of interest, duty of commitment to the client’s case and a duty of candour. A lawyer should strive to attain the highest level of skill, to improve the law and the legal profession and to exemplify the legal profession’s ideal of public serve A lawyer’s responsibilities as a representative of clients, an office of the legal system and a public citizen are typically harmonious. What is legal ethics? Loyalty? Integrity? Legal ethics deal with the ethical commitments of the practicing lawyer and addresses the restrictions on lawyer conduct including the rules, principles and legal obligations as well as moral or ethical aspirations. Legal ethics are the principles of conduct that members of the legal profession are expected to observe in their practice. They act as an important guide to ensure right and proper conduct in the daily practice of law. Integrity is not defined, per se, in the Model Code. Nonetheless, the Commentary suggests that it involves being trustworthy, honourable and responsible, and always avoiding questionable conduct. Rule 2.1-1 of Model Code: “A lawyer has a duty to carry on the practice of law…honourably and with integrity.”
Section 2.1 Integrity: Commentary: [1] Integrity is the fundamental quality of any person who seeks to practice as a member of the legal profession. If a client has any doubt about their lawyer's trustworthiness, the essential element in the true lawyer-client relationship will be missing. If integrity is lacking, the