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Rule by law by user621144

IN recent years, the rule of law has become a buzzword in Pakistan’s political discourse, with a multitude of voices expressing support for this ideal.

For example, the election manifestos of all three major political parties — the PPP, PML-N, and PTI — contain claims of their commitment for ‘the rule of law’ and promises to prioritise it in their policies and legislation.

In practice, however, we see ‘the rule of law’ being weaponised and stripped of its fundamental values, taking on whatever meaning that fits the political objectives of those invoking it.

In its reply submitted before the Islamabad High Court earlier this week, for example, the Ministry of Interior defended its arbitrary ban on the social media platform X/Twitter, claiming the ban “upheld the rule of law and principles of democratic governance”.

We also hear government officials claim secret military trials of civilians accused of involvement in the May 9 riots and the conviction and seven-year sentence of Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi in a farcical case involving “fraudulently going through a marriage ceremony” are necessary for establishing “the rule of law” in the country.

‘The rule of law’ is being weaponised, taking on whatever meaning that fits the political objectives of those invoking it.

Earlier, we saw Nawaz Sharif’s political opponents and detractors celebrate his lifetime disqualification from contesting elections after a determination by the Supreme Court that he was no longer ‘sadiq and ameen’ as a victory for ‘the rule of law’.

As these illustrations show, like in other authoritarian states, the rule of law has been distorted to mean ‘rule by law’ in Pakistan. It is used to justify the arbitrary implementation of bad laws without adequate safeguards for the protection of fundamental rights or meeting due process requirements.

The authoritarian reconfiguration of the rule of law as ‘rule by law’ appropriates the language and rhetoric associated with the emancipatory, liberal idea of this concept to consolidate state power, undermine democratic values, victimise political opponents, and impede the fundamental rights of citizens.

Unlike the rule of law, ‘rule by law’ is almost always associated with the use of law as an instrument to serve the ends of those in power. It allows the state to use law to control its citizens, but never allows law to be used by the citizens to hold the state accountable.

It is, therefore, important to understand what ‘the rule of law’ means and identify its core values. Doing so would allow more effective support of the legal and political reforms to advance it and challenge perversions of the rule of law rampant in our political discourse.

Although the concept of the rule of law can be traced back at least to ancient Greece, it has become much more widely discussed in the last three decades, with engagement from jurists, scholars, international organisations, as well as the United Nations.

For the UN, the rule of law is “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards. It requires measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of the law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness, and procedural and legal transparency”.

This definition encapsulates at least eight distinct but related principles.

The first principle captures the essence of the rule of law dating back to Aristotle: The rule of law is a “government by laws and not by men”, which means no one is above the law and all persons and institutions, including the state, are accountable to the law.

Second, the law must be publicly promulgated so that people know the consequences of their actions.

Third, the law must be appropriately defined and government discretion sufficiently limited to ensure the law is applied in a non-arbitrary manner. A.V. Dicey, for example, warned against laws that gave people in positions of power “wide, arbitrary, or discretionary powers of constraint”. Vague laws also undermine the rule of law because they leave the door open to selective prosecution and interpretation, based on discriminatory policies of government officials and the personal predilections of judges.

Fourth, the law must be applied equally and without discrimination to all persons in like circumstances.

This fifth principle embodies a substantive rather than a procedural guarantee of the rule of law, and provides that the laws in a society that honours the rule of law must be just and consistent with international human rights norms and standards. This substantive requirement is essential, as it distinguishes a government under the rule of law from a government operating with a rule by law. In a number of authoritarian states, for example, some of the elements of the rule of law are present, but unless the laws are just, society is not governed by the rule of law.

Sixth, legal processes must be sufficiently robust and accessible to ensure the enforcement of such laws and human rights protections.

Seventh, the independence of the judiciary must be guaranteed. This means judicial power must be exercised independently of other branches of the state, and individual judges must adjudicate matters before them impartially.

And eighth, citizens and other members of society must have the right to participate in the enactment and refinement of laws that regulate their behaviour.

These principles — and consequently, ‘the rule of law’ — are largely absent in Pakistan. Instead, the garb of the rule of law is being used to establish its very antithesis — ‘rule by law’.

Rule by law by user621144

IN recent years, the rule of law has become a buzzword in Pakistan’s political discourse, with a multitude of voices expressing support for this ideal.

For example, the election manifestos of all three major political parties — the PPP, PML-N, and PTI — contain claims of their commitment for ‘the rule of law’ and promises to prioritise it in their policies and legislation.

In practice, however, we see ‘the rule of law’ being weaponised and stripped of its fundamental values, taking on whatever meaning that fits the political objectives of those invoking it.

In its reply submitted before the Islamabad High Court earlier this week, for example, the Ministry of Interior defended its arbitrary ban on the social media platform X/Twitter, claiming the ban “upheld the rule of law and principles of democratic governance”.

We also hear government officials claim secret military trials of civilians accused of involvement in the May 9 riots and the conviction and seven-year sentence of Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi in a farcical case involving “fraudulently going through a marriage ceremony” are necessary for establishing “the rule of law” in the country.

‘The rule of law’ is being weaponised, taking on whatever meaning that fits the political objectives of those invoking it.

Earlier, we saw Nawaz Sharif’s political opponents and detractors celebrate his lifetime disqualification from contesting elections after a determination by the Supreme Court that he was no longer ‘sadiq and ameen’ as a victory for ‘the rule of law’.

As these illustrations show, like in other authoritarian states, the rule of law has been distorted to mean ‘rule by law’ in Pakistan. It is used to justify the arbitrary implementation of bad laws without adequate safeguards for the protection of fundamental rights or meeting due process requirements.

The authoritarian reconfiguration of the rule of law as ‘rule by law’ appropriates the language and rhetoric associated with the emancipatory, liberal idea of this concept to consolidate state power, undermine democratic values, victimise political opponents, and impede the fundamental rights of citizens.

Unlike the rule of law, ‘rule by law’ is almost always associated with the use of law as an instrument to serve the ends of those in power. It allows the state to use law to control its citizens, but never allows law to be used by the citizens to hold the state accountable.

It is, therefore, important to understand what ‘the rule of law’ means and identify its core values. Doing so would allow more effective support of the legal and political reforms to advance it and challenge perversions of the rule of law rampant in our political discourse.

Although the concept of the rule of law can be traced back at least to ancient Greece, it has become much more widely discussed in the last three decades, with engagement from jurists, scholars, international organisations, as well as the United Nations.

For the UN, the rule of law is “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards. It requires measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of the law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness, and procedural and legal transparency”.

This definition encapsulates at least eight distinct but related principles.

The first principle captures the essence of the rule of law dating back to Aristotle: The rule of law is a “government by laws and not by men”, which means no one is above the law and all persons and institutions, including the state, are accountable to the law.

Second, the law must be publicly promulgated so that people know the consequences of their actions.

Third, the law must be appropriately defined and government discretion sufficiently limited to ensure the law is applied in a non-arbitrary manner. A.V. Dicey, for example, warned against laws that gave people in positions of power “wide, arbitrary, or discretionary powers of constraint”. Vague laws also undermine the rule of law because they leave the door open to selective prosecution and interpretation, based on discriminatory policies of government officials and the personal predilections of judges.

Fourth, the law must be applied equally and without discrimination to all persons in like circumstances.

This fifth principle embodies a substantive rather than a procedural guarantee of the rule of law, and provides that the laws in a society that honours the rule of law must be just and consistent with international human rights norms and standards. This substantive requirement is essential, as it distinguishes a government under the rule of law from a government operating with a rule by law. In a number of authoritarian states, for example, some of the elements of the rule of law are present, but unless the laws are just, society is not governed by the rule of law.

Sixth, legal processes must be sufficiently robust and accessible to ensure the enforcement of such laws and human rights protections.

Seventh, the independence of the judiciary must be guaranteed. This means judicial power must be exercised independently of other branches of the state, and individual judges must adjudicate matters before them impartially.

And eighth, citizens and other members of society must have the right to participate in the enactment and refinement of laws that regulate their behaviour.

These principles — and consequently, ‘the rule of law’ — are largely absent in Pakistan. Instead, the garb of the rule of law is being used to establish its very antithesis — ‘rule by law’.

T2-Aprl24-CS SATU by rizky

Ada yang dapat Magi bantu Kak? Mohon dibantu screenshoot masa berlaku vouchernya Kak? karena jika sudah tidak lewat dari tanggal berlaku voucher tidak bisa digunakan ya Kak. Rencana reshedule di tanggal dan jam berapa Kak? Untuk jadwal selanjutnya akan dibantu follow up dari cabang Gading Serpong ya Kak. Apakah informasi yang Magi berikan sudah jelas atau ada lagi yang dapat Magi bantu kembali Kak? Mohon maaf Kak untuk hari Rabu sudah full booked ya Kak. Tersedia di hari Jumat Kak, 26 April 2024 Kak. Mohon maaf Kak untuk hari Rabu sudah full booked Kak, jika di hari Selasa 2 pasien di jam 15:00 16:00 Kak Apakah bersedia Kak? Untuk Hari Senin - Jumat mulai dari jam 13:00 - 21:00 ya Kak . Apakah berkenan Magi jadwalkan untuk tanggal lain Kak? Tersedia di jam 14:00 - 17:00 Kak. Untuk rontgen CBCT, Panoramic tersedia ya Kak, rencananya Kakak ingin perawatan apa Kak? Untuk Rontgen Panoramic, tersedia juga di Summarecon Bekasi ya Kak. Apakah berkenan Magi bantu jadwalkan ke cabang Bogor Yasmin Kak? Promo Whitening 599rb masih berlaku ya Kak . Mohon maaf sebelumnya untuk hari ini sudah full terisi pasien Kak, untuk besok di jam 15:00 hanya bisa untuk Scaling saja karena durasinya tidak cukup jika ingin melakukan Whitening Kak. Untuk di Weekdays di jam 13:00 untuk Weekend mulai dari jam 09:00 ya Kak. Untuk promo di Kyai Maja berlaku 599rb ya Kak. Stain removal tujuannya untuk membersihkan noda hitam atau menguning biasanya akibat sering minum kopi atau perokok aktif ya Kak.

49 to 54 by vishu

Bequeath forsake abdicate renounce denounce relinquish shun abjure quit abandon abnegate forswear forgo cast off, accept adopt retain follow pursue persevere persist withhold, Agile active quick fast nimble swift brisk alacritous prompt spry celeritous, languid lax listless lethargic lazy slothful indolent, Imbecile stupid foolish asinine fatuous dunce nincompoop fatuous idiotic nonsensical simpleton puerile jerk knucklehead ignoramus vacuous, bright intelligent smart sensible judicious prudent sagacious sapient astute, Exigency urgency emergency necessity contingency eventuality crisis, normality commonness regularity routineness, Abomination odium disgust malice resentment pique hatred antipathy aversion dislike loathsome detestation repugnance ill-will animosity abhorrence disdain, liking admiration affection propensity proclivity penchant predilection fondness endearment inclination preference predisposition, Mendacious false fallacious deceptive dishonest deceitful unscrupulous misleading fraudulent fabricated untruthful knavish roguish guileful impostrous perjurious, scrupulous aboveboard candid virtuous upright honest forthright.

examples by moyotypes

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examples examples examples examples examples

examples examples examples examples examples

d_w+ w_q+ j+l_ n_i+ by moyotypes

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j+l_ j+l_ j+l_ j+l_ by moyotypes

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For the right thing by user720071

For the right thing at the right time for the right thing for the right human for the right thing at the right time for the right thing at the right time for the right human for the right thing a the right time. for the right thing at the right time for the right thing for the right human for the right thing at the right time for the right thing at the right time for the right human for the right thing a the right time.

For the right thing by user720071

For the right thing at the right time for the right thing for the right human for the right thing at the right time for the right thing at the right time for the right human for the right thing a the right time.

ציטוטים 5 by zagu1

גיליתי שאם אתה אוהב את החיים, החיים יאהבו אותך בחזרה
זכור שהאנשים המאושרים ביותר הם לא אלו שמקבלים יותר, אלא אלו שנותנים יותר
הפרדוקס הוא שדווקא ברגע שאנחנו מקבלים את עצמנו כפי שאנחנו, נוצר הפתח לשינוי
ככל שהמכשול גדול יותר, כך גדל גם התגמול שבהתגברות עליו
אל תהפכו את הילדים שלכם לנכים, על ידי כך שתהפכו את החיים שלהם לקלים מידי
מהניסיון שלי המורים שאנחנו הכי צריכים, אלו האנשים שהכי קרובים אלינו
באופן מפתיע בזבוז הזמן הגדול ביותר מתרחש דווקא כשאנחנו מנסים לחסוך זמן
המטרה המרכזית שלנו בחיים האלה היא לעזור לאחרים. ואם אתם לא יכולים לעזור להם, לפחות אל תפגעו בהם
הדברים היפים ביותר בעולם אינם נראים ואף לא ניתנים למגע, חייבים להרגיש אותם בלב
לכעוס, זה להעניש את עצמך על טעויות של אחרים
אני אסיר תודה לכל מי שאמר ‘לא’ – הם הסיבה שעשיתי זאת בעצמי
אפשר לתאר הכול בצורה מדעית, אבל אין בכך הגיון – יהיה זה חסר משמעות, כמו לתאר סימפוניה של בטהובן כשינויים בלחץ האוויר
היכולת לחוש כי מאחורי כל דבר שאפשר לחוות נמצא משהו שמוחנו אינו מסוגל לתפוס. משהו שיופיו ושגיבותו מגיעים אלינו רק בעקיפין ובהשתקפויות רפות, זוהי דתיות, במובן הזה אני דתי

ציטוטים בודהה by zagu1

הלב הוא כמו גן. ניתן לגדל בו חמלה או תיעוב, איבה או אהבה. אילו פרחים תבחר לגדל בו?
שנאה לא נפסקת על ידי שנאה, שנאה נפסקת על ידי אהבה – זוהי האמת הנצחית
התשוקה מסמאת את עינינו כמו הכייס הרואה אצל הצדיקים רק את כיסיהם
בני, ספר לי על צערך, כדי שיוכל להיעשות נסבל יותר כשהוא מתחלק ביני לבינך
יש בכוחן של מילים להרוס או לתקן ולרפא. כאשר מילים הן גם אמיתיות וגם נחמדות ומעודדות, בכוחן לשנות את עולמנו
למדו להשתחרר מאחיזתם של דברים, להניח להם. זהו המפתח לאושר
תשבחות והאשמות, רווח והפסד, תענוג וסבל, באים והולכים כמו משב הרוח. על מנת להיות מאושרים, היו ניצבים איתן, כמו עץ גדול, נינוחים ושלווים בתוך כל אלה
הדת שלי היא אהבה וחמלה

zj by hotdog2024

Broadly speaking/ In my assessment, one of (among) the most.../Regarding..., as follows.
Broadly speaking,I strongly/partly agree/I greatly hesitate with this viewpoint...(the reasons are as follows.)
In my assessment,what.../The reasons are as follows.
In the debate between...versus...,I believe that...holds a slightly more definitive role…
For instance ...for another example...
Regarding...,(it appears relevant to...) it would be prudent to...I believe it is extremely fundamental.
I vividly recall the time when...
For one perspective...Additionally...Moreover...On the upside...On the downside...
Amidst the flux of lifestyle and the innovation of connectivity networking,society,as an entity,has undergone significant transitions,which have sparked intense reflection among individuals.
Confronting challenges head-on,an act demanding courage and determination,serves as a catalyst for personal growth,nurturing resilience and capabilities to navigate life's complexities.
I believe that it is deeply rooted in a combination of internal and external factors. Subjectively,I don't have a preference because both of them offer various benefits tailored to diverse needs and choices,providing a wide spectrum of merits.
Numerous studies have demonstrated the societal,environmental,monetary,and psychological benefits/harms it conveys to us.
Socrates' enduring wisdom,"The unexamined life is not worth living," prompts individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery. By embracing this process,authenticity and aspiration are cultivated,facilitating long-term success and receptivity to feedback.
For one perspective,utilizing clean energy for industry and transportation. Additionally,adopting sustainable lifestyle to reduce carbon footprint and emissions,such as purchasing eco-friendly products and supporting green groups.
Accordingly,I/we should focus our efforts on fostering a future/environment that is both sustainable and prosperous/promising and fruitful.
That's emblematic,integral,imperative and momentous. Admittedly,it's impressive,remarkable,expressive and meaningful.
Conclusively one of (among) the most valuable/controversial/harmful contemporary developments/issues/experience,doing me...We should think highly of utilizing its positive impacts (and preventing its potential negative impacts).

zjmb by hotdog2024

Broadly speaking/ In my assessment, one of (among) the most.../Regarding..., as follows.
Broadly speaking, I strongly/partly agree/I greatly hesitate with this viewpoint …(the reasons are as follows.)
In my assessment, what.../The reasons are as follows.
In the debate between...versus...,I believe that...holds a slightly more definitive role…
For instance ...for another example …
Regarding..., (it appears relevant to...) it would be prudent to...I believe it is extremely fundamental.
I vividly recall the time when...
For one perspective...Additionally...Moreover...On the upside...On the downside...
Amidst the flux of lifestyle and the innovation of connectivity networking, society, as an entity, has undergone significant transitions, which have sparked intense reflection among individuals.
Confronting challenges head-on, an act demanding courage and determination, serves as a catalyst for personal growth, nurturing resilience and capabilities to navigate life's complexities.
I believe that it is deeply rooted in a combination of internal and external factors. Subjectively, I don't have a preference because both of them offer various benefits tailored to diverse needs and choices, providing a wide spectrum of merits.
Numerous studies have demonstrated the societal, environmental, monetary, and psychological benefits/harms it conveys to us.
Socrates' enduring wisdom, "The unexamined life is not worth living," prompts individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery. By embracing this process, authenticity and aspiration are cultivated, facilitating long-term success and receptivity to feedback.
For one perspective, utilizing clean energy for industry and transportation. Additionally, adopting sustainable lifestyle to reduce carbon footprint and emissions, such as purchasing eco-friendly products and supporting green groups.
Accordingly, I/we should focus our efforts on fostering a future/environment that is both sustainable and prosperous/promising and fruitful.
That's emblematic, integral, imperative and momentous. Admittedly, it's impressive, remarkable, expressive and meaningful.
Conclusively one of (among) the most valuable/controversial/harmful contemporary developments/issues/experience, doing me... We should think highly of utilizing its positive impacts (and preventing its potential negative impacts).

ציטוטים מהטמה גנדי by zagu1

יש יותר בחיים מלהאיץ את ההתקדמות שלהם
כל מה שתעשה בחיים, יהיה חסר חשיבות. אך חשוב מאוד שתעשה אותו, כי איש לא יעשה אותו מלבדך
עלינו להיות השינוי שאנו רוצים לראות בעולם
שים לב ושפוט את מעשיך; מעשים הופכים להרגלים.
השדים היחידים בעולם הם השדים שבלבנו. שם צריך להתחולל הקרב
רפורמה חברתית תתאפשר רק לנוכח שינוי אישי, כן ואמיתי של יחידים רבים. התיקון של היחיד הוא התיקון של החברה
ברגע שעבד מאמין כי לא ימשיך להיות עבד, כבליו נושרים. הוא משחרר את עצמו ומורה את הדרך לאחרים. חירות ועבדות הם מצבים נפשיים
היכן שיש אהבה יש חיים

ציטוטי השראה 3 by zagu1

אל תתן למה שאתה לא יכול לעשות להפריע למה שאתה כן יכול לעשות
החיים הם 10 אחוז מה שקורה לך ו90 אחוז איך שאתה מגיב לאירועים
לאכול בריא זה יקר, אבל להיות חולה יקר יותר
האנשים שמחפשים הכי הרבה אישור חיצוני, הם אלו שמקבלים הכי מעט, ואלו שהכי פחות זקוקים לאישור, מקבלים ממנו הכי הרבה
תמיד יש דרך, עבור מי שמחויב
אם אתה רוצה להיות הטוב ביותר, אתה צריך להיות מוכן לעשות דברים שאנשים אחרים לא מוכנים לעשות
רק מי שלוקח סיכון והולך רחוק, מגלה עד כמה רחוק הוא יכול להגיע
כשהכל חשוך שקול את האפשרות שאת/ה האור
השמיים הם לא הגבול… אני הגבול
אל תחפשו עיסוק שאתם אוהבים, חפשו חזון שמרגש אתכם, כשתמצאו אותו גם הפעולות המשעממות ביותר יהפכו למלהיבות
לא נכשלתי, הצלחתי למצוא 10,000 דרכים איך זה לא עובד
אם יש לך משימה ואתה אומר, אני יכול לעשות זאת, זו לא המשימה שאתה רוצה, חפש את המשימה שנראית בלתי אפשרית, כי היא זאת שדוחפת אותך להתפתח
הצלחה היא היכולת לעבור מכישלון לכישלון מבלי לאבד את ההתלהבות
כשאדם מוותר על עקרונותיו ועל דרכו כדי לזכות בהערכת הסביבה, באותו הרגע הוא מוותר גם על הערכתו העצמית
החלומות שלך לא צריכים להיות גדולים, הם צריכים להיות שלך
האמיצים אולי לא יחיו לנצח, אבל הזהירים לא חיים בכלל
אל תתנו לרעש של דעות של אחרים למנוע מהקול הפנימי שלכם להישמע

Typing test week 6 by user493081

The study of consumer behaviour is concerned with all aspects of purchasing behaviour - from pre-purchase activities through to post-purchase consumption, evaluation and disposal activities. It is also concerned with all persons involved, either directly or indirectly, in purchasing decisions and consumption activities including brand-influencers and opinion leaders. Research has shown that consumer behaviour is difficult to predict, even for experts in the field. However, new research methods such as ethnography and consumer neuroscience are shedding new light on how consumers make decisions.

Python 2 by user964057

6. Software Development

Python packages and applications aim to simplify the process of software development. From developing complex applications that involve scientific and numeric computing to developing desktop and web applications, Python can do it all. This is the reason why Software Developers use Python as a support language for build control, testing, and management.

For instance, SCons is designed explicitly for build control, Buildbot and Apache Gump allow for automated continuous compilation and testing, and Roundup and Trac are great for bug tracking and project management.

Python also supports data analyzation and visualization, thereby further simplifying the process of creating custom solutions minus the extra effort and time investment.

Python is ideal for software development. Famous applications like Google, Reddit, and Netflix use Python. It offers the following great features for software development: Platform independence, high compatibility, inbuilt frameworks and libraries to streamline development, enhanced code reusability, and readability.

Python also provides enhanced features to work with swiftly growing technologies like AI and ML. These features make applications of Python the famous choice for software development.

7. Enterprise-level and Business Applications

Enterprise-level software or business applications are strikingly different from standard applications, as in the former demands features like readability, extensibility, and scalability. Essentially, business applications are designed to fit the requirements of an organization rather than the needs of individual customers.

Thus, these applications must be capable of integrating with legacy systems like existing databases and non-web apps. Since business applications are developed, keeping in mind the custom requirements to cater to the specific needs of an organization’s operating model, the entire development process becomes very complicated.

This is where Python can make a significant difference. Python high performance, scalability, flexibility, and readability are just the features required for developing fully-functional and efficient business applications. Furthermore, Python has other tools for business application development, like: (1) Odoo, an all-in-one management software that forms a complete suite of enterprise management applications, and (2) Tryton, a three-tier, high-level, general-purpose application platform is another fantastic tool for building business applications.

Business applications vastly vary from average consumer software. Firstly, provide a set of explicit features instead of plenty of features. Secondly, they target a small user group, commonly an organization. One of the best things about Python is that it perfectly delivers performance-efficient custom solutions. So, it can work on both business applications and consumer applications.

One of the most crucial facets of any application is security. Python’s security features are standout when it comes to business applications. This is because it is built considering information security. One of the great applications of Python programming is scalability through which a business can expand its horizon.

8. Education programs and training courses

If there’s any beginner-friendly programming language, it is Python. We’ve said it many times before, and we’re repeating it – Python has an extremely straightforward syntax that’s similar to the English language. It has a short learning curve and hence, is an excellent choice for beginners. Python’s easy learning curve and simplicity are the two main reasons why it is one of the most used programming languages in educational programs, both at beginner and advanced levels.

However, Python is not just great as an introductory language – even professional developers and coders all around the world rely heavily on Python.

Python features a shorter learning curve compared to other programming languages. So, you can quickly learn the development of applications of Python programming. This facet makes it one of the best options for educational programs. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, edX, Harvard, and Python Institute are among the leading online providers of Python educational courses.

9. Language Development

Over the years, Python’s design and module architecture has been the inspiration behind the development of many new programming languages such as Boo, Swift, CoffeeScript, Cobra, and OCaml. All of these languages share numerous similarities with Python on grounds like object model, syntax, and indentation.

10. Operating Systems

Yes, Python is the secret ingredient behind many operating systems as well, most popularly of Linux distributions. Linux-based Ubuntu’s Ubiquity Installer and Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise’s Anaconda Installer are coded in Python. Even Gentoo Linux leverages Python Portage (package management system). Usually, Python is combined with the C programming language to design and develop operating systems.

11. Web Scraping Applications

Python is a nifty tool for extracting voluminous amounts of data from websites and web pages. The pulled data is generally used in different real-world processes, including job listings, price comparison, R&D, etc.

BeautifulSoup, MechanicalSoup, Scrapy, LXML, Python Requests, Selenium, and Urllib are some of the best Python-based web scraping tools.

In other words, web scraping is an automated process for easily and quickly extracting information from websites. Python presents various features that make it appropriate for web scraping and justify the applications of Python programming. Some of the features are: Easy to understand and use as well as a concise syntax that improves the readability and saves you time.

The web scraping process is made easy and efficient with various tools and libraries like matplotlib, Pandas, and Selenium.

12. Image Processing and Graphic Design Applications:

Alongside all the uses mentioned above, Python also finds a unique use case in image processing and graphic design applications. The programming language is used globally to design and build 2D imaging software like Inkscape, GIMP, Paint Shop Pro, and Scribus. Also, Python is used in several 3D animation packages such as Blender, Houdini, 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, and Lightwave, to name a few.

With so many uses up its sleeve, Python ranks as a highly loved language for programming. It is a top pick of software engineers and hackers, too, since it is laced with flexibility, versatility, and object-oriented specifications.

Automation and robotics through inbuilt tools and libraries like Dart, PyDy, pyro, and PyRobot; Image processing through tools and libraries like OpenCV, Blender, PIL, and Houdini; Scientific applications and the best Python app are developed through libraries like Pandas, SciPy, Matplotlib, etc.


After reading about all these versatile and diverse real-world applications of Python, it is safe to conclude that Python is capable of handling almost any development requirement. In the last few years, Python applications have gained newfound traction in the field of Data Science as well, particularly in Machine Learning.

Python has brought in a lot of changes to the industry given it is easy to use as well as comes packed with powerful libraries. Additionally, it offers a wide range of applications that boost productivity. The jobs in Python pay hefty packages over time and Python developers are in high demand. The ease of learning Python makes it an option to bag a steady and well-paying job too.

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