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How water move up tp by ellalinh12345

Xylem vessels are long, tube-like cells. They are dead cells – all of their contents, such as cytoplasm and
a nucleus, have disappeared. All that is left is their cell walls, with an empty space inside. Their end walls have completely disappeared too. Many xylem vessels stack on top of one another, making long, empty tubes that reach all the way from the roots, up to the highest parts of the plant.

125 to 130 by vishu

Type pattern model example specimen sample prototype archetype exemplar standard quintessential, Abrogate dismiss reject abolish rescind repeal annul quash revoke nullify countermand repudiate invalidate, enforce implement ratify execute retain uphold persevere, Verisimilitude truth veracity probability likelihood realism credibility authenticity plausibility likeliness, improbability uncertainty doubtfulness dubiousness incredibility implausibility farfetchedness unlikeliness, Enigma riddle puzzle mystery conundrum quandary bewilderment, solution answer resolution explanation key clarification elucidation, Ennui boredom listlessness dissatisfaction monotony weariness languor tedium lethargy lassitude tiresomeness dreariness, energy enthusiasm vigour ebullience buoyancy vitality stamina power force strength vivacity zeal dynamism, Ablution washing baptism cleansing purification purgation, pollution contamination dirty adulteration.

signaltransduction5 by user318989

tep 1: Gaq activated phospholipase C
Step 2: phospholipase C cleaves PIP2 to create 2 second messenger: IP3 and DAG
Step 3: IP3 binds to the IP3-gated channel in the ER, allowing influx of Ca2+ ions into cytoplasm (regulate various cell functions)
Step 4: In conjunction with Ca2+, DAG activate protein kinase C (serine/threonine kinase)

signaltransduction4 by user318989

Step 1: Insulin binds alpha subunit (extracellular) of receptor
Step 2: Activated receptor phosphorylates IRS
Step 3: Phosphoinositide-3 kinase binds IRS and then
Phosphorylates PIP2 to form PIP3
Step 4: PIP3 activates PIP-3 dependent kinase, activates
The kinase Akt
Step 5: Akt phosphorylates enzymes controlling glucose
Transporter GLUT4, increasing glucose uptake and promoting
Glucose storage as glycogen

signaltransduction3 by user318989

Step 1: EGF binds to its receptor, dimerization (cross-phosphorylation) of internal domain
Step 2: Phosphorylated domain binds to Grb-2, which binds SOS
Step 3: SOS makes GDP into GTP in the Ras protein (activated)
Step 4: Ras binds to protein kinases and stimulates them

signaltransduction2 by user318989

Dimerization of the extracellular domains of the receptor
brings together the intracellular domains, which are
associated with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2).

Each JAK phosphorylates its partner on a tyrosine residue,
activating the two kinases.

The activated kinases then phosphorylate other targets,
including a regulator of gene expression called signal
transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5). STAT5
further propagates the signal by altering gene expression.

Pearl by pearl2

Over the next one or two weeks, the company will be introducing a new internal mail system that will affect each of our 36 offices. The new system is designed to ensure that letters and packages mailed from one office to another arrives within three days. As was reported last week in the Quarterly Newline, there have been several instances where deliverers have taken two weeks or more. This was especially true for packages sent from the Vancouver and Seattle offices to the 23 offices in the Southwest region. In order to correct these problems, the Mail Department has completely automated its procedures in an effort to improve handling time by at least 50 percent. In addition, the Computer Operations Department is working on a computerized tracking system to ensure that pickup and delivery schedules are as efficient as possible. Each office will now receive a morning delivery and pickup late in the afternoon. In order to guarantee delivery within three days, it is essential that all addresses include the new Mail Stop numbers. Books containing these numbers for all 36 offices will be delivered to each department by late October or early November. Please be sure that all sections managers receive copies and inform their subordinates of the changes. Anyone who wishes more information is requested to attend a meeting in Room 683 at 8:45 a.m. on Tuesday, September 26. At that time, a representative from the Planning Department will give a more complete explanation of the new system. All managers are encouraged to attend this information session so they will be prepared to answer any questions posed by the employees in their department .

Pearl by pearl2

Over the next one or two weeks, the company will be introducing a new internal mail system that will affect each of our 36 offices. The new system is designed to ensure that letters and packages mailed from one office to another arrives within three days. As was reported last week in the Quarterly Newline, there have been several instances where deliverers have taken two weeks or more. This was especially true for packages sent from the Vancouver the Seattle offices to the 23 offices in the Southwest region. In order to correct these problems, the Mail Department has completely automated its procedures in an effort to improve handling time by at least 50 percent. In addition, the Computer Operations Department is working on a computerized tracking system to ensure that pickup and delivery schedules are as efficient as possible. Each office will now receive a morning delivery and pickup late in the afternoon. In order to guarantee delivery within three days, it is essential that all addresses include the new Mail Stop numbers. Books containing these numbers for all 36 offices will be delivered to each department by late October or early November. Please be sure that all sections managers receive copies and inform their subordinates of the changes. Anyone who wishes more information is requested to attend a meeting in Room 683 at 8:45 a.m. on Tuesday, September 26. At that time, a representative from the Planning Department will give a more complete explanation of the new system. All managers are encouraged to attend this information session so they will be prepared to answer any questions posed by the employees in their department .

Pearl by pearl2

Over the next one or two weeks, the company will be introducing a new internal mail system that will affect each of our 36 offices. The new system is designed to ensure that letters and packages mailed from one office to another arrives within three days. As was reported last week in the Quarterly Newline, there have been several instances where deliverers have taken two weeks or more. This was especially true for packages sent from the Vancouver the Seattle offices to the 23 offices in the Southwest region. In order to correct these problems, the Mail Department has completely automated its procedures in an effort to improve handling time by at least 50 percent. In addition, the Computer Operations Department is working on a computerized tracking system to ensure that pickup and delivery schedules are as efficient as possible. Each office will now receive a morning delivery and pickup late in the afternoon. In order to guarantee delivery within three days, it is essential that all addresses include the new Mail Stop numbers. Books containing these numbers for all 36 offices will be delivered to each department by late October or early November. Please be sure that all sections managers receive copies and inform their subordinates of the changes. Anyone who wishes more information is requested to attend a meeting in Room 683 at 8:45 a.m. on Tuesday, September 26. At that time, a representative from the Planning Department will give a more complete explanation of the new system. All managers are encouraged to attend this information session so they will be prepared to answer any questions posed by the employees in their department .

ПАВЛИН И ЖУРАВЛЬ by user104091

Павлин был очень красив. Его перья отливали всеми цветами радуги. Когда он распускал свой хвост, все птицы завидовали ему. Однажды павлин встретил серого журавля и похвалился: Погляди, какие у меня роскошные перья! Я самый красивый из всех птиц. А ты обыкновенный, серый, и даже крылья у тебя какието нескладные. Журавль спокойно ответил: На своих серых крыльях я поднимаюсь высоко в небо и могу петь звёздам. А ты можешь только ковылять по земле, как цыплята на птичьем дворе.

Untitled by rajprasad27

my name is raj

medtrans by duarlopez

Chief Complaint:
Headache. The patient came into the clinic for a severe headache that she experienced 3 days ago. The patient stated that it has been affecting her day to day activities - she can’t go to work. Movement and Light makes the headache worse. She rated the pain as 10/10. She said she never had a headache like that before.

Onset: 3 days ago
Location: Head
Duration: Since 3 days ago
Characterization: Terrible, she never had a headache like that before.
Alleviating and Aggravating factors: Nothing has helped. She has taken Tylenol and Motrin but with no relief. The headache worsens with movement and light.
Radiation: Entire head and there’s also a shooting pain in the neck
Severity: 10/10

CONSTITUTIONAL: No changes in weight
EYES: No changes
GASTROINTESTINAL:She experienced nausea and threw up twice.
Medical history: The patient has high blood pressure, controlled with diet. She is menopausal.
Surgical history: N/A
Family history: The patient’s mother has a history of migraines in her 20s and 30s. Her sister is healthy. Her father has high blood pressure.
Social History: The patient is married with no children. The patient is a smoker who smokes ½ pack per day. She does not drink alcohol

Current Medications, Allergies: The patient is currently not taking any medications. No known drug allergies

Vital signs:


Bird evolution wrong by ellalinh12345

An enormous meteor spelled doom for most dinosaurs 65 million years ago. But not all. In the aftermath of the extinction event, birds -- technically dinosaurs themselves -- flourished.

Scientists have spent centuries trying to organize and sort some 10,000 species of birds into one clear family tree to understand how the last surviving dinosaurs filled the skies. Cheap DNA sequencing should have made this simple, as it has for countless other species.But birds were prepared to deceive us.

Science by ellalinh12345

Animal Science is concerned with the science and business of producing domestic livestock species, including but not limited to beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, poultry, sheep, and swine. An animal scientist applies principles of the biological, physical, and social sciences to the problems associated with livestock production and management. Animal Science is also concerned with foods of animal origin: meat, dairy foods, and eggs. The food industry is one of the largest and most important industries in the United States. In addition, animal science is concerned with aspects of companion animals, including their nutrition, care, and welfare.

It’s not the NFC awa by user621144

HISTORICALLY, the country has been dogged by two intractable problems: civil-military imbalance and unfair distribution of resources between the federation and provinces. The former has bedeviled democracy, the latter, federalism. Yet, no lessons have been learnt from this odyssey of failures. With the induction of the new government, a vociferous campaign has ensued in official circles and the media to review the seventh National Finance Commission (NFC) award. It is contended that the award is ‘skewed’ in favor of the provinces and it has left the federal government with scarce financial resources to discharge its obligations, at home and abroad. But it is a flawed argument.

Economic logic: The entire gamut of reasoning for ‘rebalancing’ the award revolves around misplaced economic logic. It sees the reduction of the provinces’ share from the net proceeds of taxes through the prism of the federal government’s financial and economic contingencies, ignoring the fact that the distribution of resources between the federation and provinces via the National Finance Commission, a constitutional body, is not an isolated economic exercise. It involves realizing the constitutional objective of nurturing a healthy federal state.

Therefore, the overall constitutional thrust is directed towards the devolution of powers and decentralization of authority from the federal to the provincial and local governments. Even in economic terms, the provinces are the mainstay of public, private and corporate activities, besides being saddled with the responsibilities of much of the social sector and public administration — health, education, housing, culture, climate, municipal services, and even security. And more so, after the abolition of the Concurrent Legislative List and the resulting transfer of 17 ministries and 47 ‘residuary’ subjects to the provinces.

Constitutional imperatives: Lest it be ignored, our Constitution is essentially of a federal disposition. It assigns fewer functions to the federal government, confining its role mainly to external security, foreign relations, international trade, communication, currency, and inter-provincial regulations. Thus, the Constitution envisages a smaller federal government that (in peacetime) acts as an enabler, catalyst, facilitator and coordinator, in a federal setting. The government enjoys a wide range of policymaking and executive powers and authority but within its own constitutional orbit. It cannot intrude into or impose its will on the provinces, given the clear division of legislative and administrative powers between the federation and provinces.

Instead of expanding its revenue base, the center is impoverishing the provinces.

Therefore, the Constitution provides for three key forums — the National Finance Commission, the Council of Common Interests, and National Economic Council — respectively to regulate fina­ncial distribution, resolve conflicts, and coordinate the planning and execution of socioeconomic agendas.

Fiscal federalism: It is true that the annals of financial relations between the federation and provinces reveal varying degrees of tension, depending on the nature of the prevailing political system. But the overall thrust of history has been decisively towards strengthening fiscal federalism. Thus, even under the rudimentary form of federal governance introduced in the subcontinent under the Government of India Act, 1935, the provinces collected the entire sales tax, and also received a 50 per cent share in income tax (Niemeyer Award). After the partition, the sales tax was partially federalized, but the provinces retained a 50pc share in the net proceeds of taxes (Reisman Award). This arrangement more or less continued until the early 1970s.

Fiscal federalism, however, found its constitutional moorings in the 1973 Constitution. The first NFC award was announced in 1974. It federalized the sales tax but recompensed the provinces with an enlarged 80pc share in net proceeds, leaving the federal government with only 20pc. It was the result of weeks-long deliberations in parliament. The provinces were accommodated to strengthen federalism, in line with the spirit of the new Constitution that promised provincial autonomy. Moreover, the makers of the award were mindful of the economic injustice and financial disparities that had led to the secession of Pakistan’s eastern wing.

The first award (80:20 sharing) was applied with minor adjustments until 1996 when an unrepresentative caretaker government arbitrarily slashed the provinces’ share to 37.5pc (‘fifth award’). The reduction was justified on similar grounds as being pleaded now, i.e., the federal government’s inability to discharge its financial and economic obligations. For the next 12 years, however, no consensus could be reached as to a fresh award, despite the fact that the Constitution mandates the formation of an NFC every five years.

The next seventh award was finally announced by the PPP-led coalition government in 2009 (effective from July 1, 2010). In many ways, the award broke new ground. It consensually enhanced the vertical share of provinces to 57.5pc, but also considerably relieved the federal government’s financial burdens by removing the Concurrent Legislative List, transferring a large number of ministries and residuary subjects to the provinces. More importantly, shunning population as the sole criterion of financial distribution among the provinces (horizontal distribution), a new set of parametric factors was introduced — population (82pc), backwardness (10pc), inverse population density (5pc), and revenue collection (2.7pc). Finally, the insertion of Article 160(3A) in the Constitution barred future governments from reducing the provincial share below that of the previous award.

Policy failures: Evidently, the 18th Amendment and seventh NFC award have considerably assuaged anti-center/ anti-Punjab sentiments, at least in the financial context. It is, therefore, imperative to further entrench the democratic process of decentralization and redistribution of resources.

Sadly, efforts are afoot to roll back the benefits of the seventh award and revisit recent constitutional reforms. Instead of expanding its revenue base, the federal government is impoverishing the provinces for its own inefficiencies and failures evident in its misplaced fiscal and foreign policies. Take the current 9.2pc tax-to-GDP ratio. It is even below the average 11pc ratio of emerging economies. The ratio could be enhanced beyond 20pc, with political will and effective taxation. Likewise, three-fourths of our revenue is consumed by defense and debt-servicing. But the government has yet to forge a peaceful and constructive foreign policy, coupled with a conducive legal and security environment, to bring an end to expensive conflicts, attract foreign investments, and create wealth and employment. So fundamentally, it is misplaced state policies and a centrist mindset — not the NFC award!

Malwa by jasprit111

Malwa region of India comprises large part of western and central Madhya Pardesh, south-eastern Rajasthan, northern Maharashtra including the Narbada River valley. The corresponding Malwa region of the Punjab is the area lying between river Sutlej in the north, Haryana in the east and the south, Rajasthan in the south west corner and Bahawalpur state in the west. Malwa covers eleven districts of present Punjab, that is, Ferozepur, Faridkot, Moga, Muktsar, Bathinda, Sangrur, Mansa, Ludhiana, Patiala, Fatehgarh Sahib and Ropar excluding Nurpur Bedi Sub-Division.

up to up to up to up by moyotypes

up to up to up to up to up to

up to up to up to up to up to

up to up to up to up to up to

up to up to up to up to up to

up to up to up to up to up to

Nili Bar Colony by jasprit111

1916-40, Montogomery and Multan. Covering 1,850,000 acres. The colonisers selected the best farmers from Amritsar, Ludhiana and Firozepur district. There were three categories of farmers among the new settlers. The first were common farmers who were granted between 14 to 16 acres of land free of cost. The second type of farmers were given 111 to 139 acres on payment of nazrana of Rs.6 to 9 per acre. The third were capitalists who were given heritable and inalienable rights of occupancy.

to 30 m (98 ft) tall by moyotypes

to 30 m (98 ft) tall

to 30 m (98 ft) tall

to 30 m (98 ft) tall

to 30 m (98 ft) tall

to 30 m (98 ft) tall

to 30 m by moyotypes

to 30 m to 30 m to 30 m to 30 m to 30 m

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