Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Malwa by jasprit111

Malwa region of India comprises large part of western and central Madhya Pardesh, south-eastern Rajasthan, northern Maharashtra including the Narbada River valley. The corresponding Malwa region of the Punjab is the area lying between river Sutlej in the north, Haryana in the east and the south, Rajasthan in the south west corner and Bahawalpur state in the west. Malwa covers eleven districts of present Punjab, that is, Ferozepur, Faridkot, Moga, Muktsar, Bathinda, Sangrur, Mansa, Ludhiana, Patiala, Fatehgarh Sahib and Ropar excluding Nurpur Bedi Sub-Division.

up to up to up to up by moyotypes

up to up to up to up to up to

up to up to up to up to up to

up to up to up to up to up to

up to up to up to up to up to

up to up to up to up to up to

Nili Bar Colony by jasprit111

1916-40, Montogomery and Multan. Covering 1,850,000 acres. The colonisers selected the best farmers from Amritsar, Ludhiana and Firozepur district. There were three categories of farmers among the new settlers. The first were common farmers who were granted between 14 to 16 acres of land free of cost. The second type of farmers were given 111 to 139 acres on payment of nazrana of Rs.6 to 9 per acre. The third were capitalists who were given heritable and inalienable rights of occupancy.

to 30 m (98 ft) tall by moyotypes

to 30 m (98 ft) tall

to 30 m (98 ft) tall

to 30 m (98 ft) tall

to 30 m (98 ft) tall

to 30 m (98 ft) tall

to 30 m by moyotypes

to 30 m to 30 m to 30 m to 30 m to 30 m

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30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m by moyotypes

30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m

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30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m

30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m

Test 1-CS1-Aprl24 by rizky

Baik Kak, mohon ketersediaan menunggu. Apakah informasi yang Magi berikan sudah cukup atau ada yang ingin ditanyakan kembali Kak? Berikut Magi kirimkan konfirmasi Appointment nya ya Kak. Untuk dijam 15:30 apakah berkenan Kak? Apakah masih terhubung dengan Magi kak? Scaling untuk pembersihan Karang Gigi ya Kak. Rencana ingin reschedule ditanggal berapa Kak? Sebelumnya Kakak pasien dari Satu Dental atau klinik lain Kak? Mohon maaf Kak, untuk hari ini sudah full pasien ya Kak. Apakah masih terhubung dengan Magi kak? Bagaimana rencana perawatannya Kak? Mohon maaf Kak, untuk jadwalnya dengan Dokter spesialis hanya tersedia hari ini ya Kak. Untuk Konsultasi 200rb dengan Dokter spesialis, Pencetakan gigi estimasi 200rb sampai dengan 400rb dan rontgen estimasi 250rb-500rb ya Kak. Estimasi biaya untuk Tambal Gigi Depan mulai dari 600rb s.d 1jt per gigi dan Tambal Gigi Belakang mulai dari 500rb - 850rb per gigi ya Kak serta untuk Scaling tersedia promo di 299rb ya Kak. Baik Kak, untuk reservasinya Magi cancel ya Kak. Jika ingin reservasi bisa menghubungi Magi kembali ya Kak. Baik Kak, mohon maaf untuk pembayaran menggunakan shopeepaylater belum bisa ya Kak. Untuk asuransi BRILife dapat digunakan ya Kak. Untuk Crown dapat dilakukan dengan dokter spesialis ya Kak. Untuk Home bleaching bisa Kak, rencananya ingin dicabang mana Kak? Kakak dapat juga menggunakan IV Bright ya Kak dan sudah tersedia untuk Home Service nya.

(98 ft) (98 ft) (98 by moyotypes

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can grow up to 30 m by moyotypes

can grow up to 30 m (98 ft) tall

can grow up to 30 m (98 ft) tall

can grow up to 30 m (98 ft) tall

can grow up to 30 m (98 ft) tall

can grow up to 30 m (98 ft) tall

131 to 137 by vishu

Fathomless deep immeasurable bottomless profound unfathomable abysmal impenetrable, shallow superficial empty meaningless petty frivolous trivial trifling, Vestige mark trace evidence ruins remains sign indication hint relics debris reminder residue, whole base core, Dogma principle doctrine opinion belief creed precept tenet code teaching maxim adage saying proverb dictum aphorism, unbelief disbelief doubt heterodoxy falsehood scepticism, Invidious pinching odious hateful malignant obnoxious troublesome painful irksome envious annoying, pleasant pleasurable delightful gratifying consoling comforting soothing cordial delectable attractive benevolent, Ransack search plunder pillage raid loot spoil despoil maraud rob booty, restore return recoup repair compensate atone reinstate make good, Abruptly suddenly unexpectedly accidently impetuously brusquely, gradually slowly progressively gingerly gently steadily successively, Rudimentary basic elementary imperfect undeveloped primary plain simple embryonic, difficult intricate complex hard involved abstruse complicated confused developed.

Ad and Disad by chattiraj

It is commonly argued that []. However, there are also those who argue that []. This essay aims to explore the advantages and disadvantages of both perspectives.

One benefit of [] is []. This implies that []. Another advantage of [] is []. This leads to []. For example, [].

However, there are also drawbacks to consider. A drawback of [] is []. In other words, []. Another drawback is []. This is because [].

In summary, upon examining this topic closely, it is evident that there are both pros and cons of []. In my opinion, although it is true that [] , the benefits of [] are significant and can outweigh these disadvantages.

The Lancet and colon by user621144

SIX days ago, The Lancet published an extraordinary article, titled ‘The Lancet and Colonialism: Past, Present, and Future’. The authors include two Pakistanis: Prof Mishal S. Khan, the lead author, and Muhammad Naveed Noor, along with Thirusha Naidu, Irene Torres, Jesse B. Bump and Seye Abimbola.

The Lancet is a 200-year-old peer reviewed weekly medical journal from the UK. The first issue appeared on Oct 5, 1823, and the latest on March 30, 2024. As an influential journal it has the highest impact factor. Since its launch, the journal has expanded into a family of more than 20 specialty journals and has set up a number of global Lancet Commissions on various important issues in medicine and healthcare.

The journal has seen a lot in its last two centuries of existence — from the 1820s, when the first trains were just getting onto the track, to the present times, when we live in a hyper-connected global village powered by IT and AI. Apart from pivotal advances in medical sciences, many of which The Lancet itself reported over the 200 years, the journal also lived through many eras of political, economic and social upheaval. When it started, slavery was still the norm and colonialism was rife.

While beginning the bicentennial year, the editorial in the journal in January last year mentioned that, “while we cherish our independence and acknowledge our privileged position … we also recognise that The Lancet has, at times, been complicit in grievous violations of human rights. The legacy of colonialism inevitably looms large in our history. During the coming year, we will not only reflect on our contributions to medicine, but also invite scholars to review the journal’s role during a period of imperial expansion”.

In reinforcing existing prejudices and inequities, the journal reflected its times.

This is a brave introspection. It is also a sign of confidence and maturity. Credit goes to the maverick editor-in-chief of The Lancet, Richard Horton, who has held this position since 1995. He is a bold and bright man who has been raising issues of health inequities and social justice through the years.

This is the context in which Prof Mishal was invited to lead with an opinion piece. Below are some paraphrased key points from the article.

The launch of The Lancet took place during a time of great political agitation against colonial slavery, but the founder of the journal, Thomas Wakely, is not known for having taken any position on Britain’s Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 or against colonialism. However, research shows that the editor did publish “deliberate misinterpretations of the protest of enslaved people against oppression”, labelling them as insane.

In 1851, a US physician resorted to ‘disease mongering’, coming up with the term ‘drapetomania’ to describe the pathological mental state of an enslaved person itching for freedom. In 1874, The Lancet published “similarly ignorant views” and belittled the “insanity” of slaves who wanted to be freed.

There are also some examples of how The Lancet kept publishing on the superiority of Western medical knowledge, describing local knowledge in the colonies as “magic”, “supernatural” and “the fetish worship of native races”. This prejudice precluded any effort to explore and understand local knowledge systems.

The Lancet also helped legitimise the field of tropical medicine at the turn of the 20th century. For example, in 1904, Patrick Manson and his British colleagues were credited for linking sleeping sickness and tsetse fly bites, without acknowledging indigenous peoples’ previous discoveries on which their work was based. Similar is the case regarding the ‘discovery’ of Kwashiorkor (a protein deficiency condition among babies) by Cicely Williams in 1935. Instead of recognising the value of local African knowledge in this case, Williams noted in The Lancet that “the idea that the ‘simple savage’ has instinctive knowledge in caring for her children is without foundation”.

Of course, the journal was not alone in this; it reflected its times by reinforcing existing prejudices and inequities. That said, some attitudes have carried over — with a prevailing sense of supposedly superior medical knowledge. The idea of stringent clinical trials as a gold standard reflects such attitudes. Covid-19 has raised questions about these straitjacketed research methods.

In The Lancet’s 200-year existence, only a small proportion of the overall papers published have been primarily qualitative studies, which are considered essential for exploring and disrupting entrenched inequalities.

Another reflection of the superiority of Western knowledge and knowers is in a comment published in 2020 which analysed three Lancet Commission reports published within the previous decade and found that “more than 70 per cent of Commission authors originated from institutions based in North America and Europe, home to less than 20pc of the world’s population”.

All editors-in-chief of The Lancet over its 200-year history have been white, male and educated exclusively in European institutions.

To its credit, however, things are improving after the establishment of The Lancet’s internal Group for Racial Equity, supported by an external Racial Equity Advisory board. The Lancet Global Health is also taking some initiatives to tackle inequities in access to the journal’s content in crediting authors from low-income and middle-income countries.

Late Prof Owsei Temkin of the Institute of the History of Medicine at John Hopkins University saw medicine as embedded in the culture and social life of a particular period and the role of the historian as interpreting, rather than merely documenting.

The Lancet’s commissioning of this viewpoint is a step in the right direction. The clock cannot be reset but continued recognition and reparation for exploitation during the colonial era are moves to redeem its inglorious history. The opening of hearts and minds and methodological pluralism will only broaden the scope of studying and improving human health and healthcare across the world.

sweet! sweet! by moyotypes

sweet! sweet! sweet! sweet! sweet!

sweet! sweet! sweet! sweet! sweet!

sweet! sweet! sweet! sweet! sweet!

sweet! sweet! sweet! sweet! sweet!

sweet! sweet! sweet! sweet! sweet!

Untitled by user318597

Recently, Topic has/have sparked an ongoing controversy, which inevitably leads to a moot question “is it advantageous or not?”. Whereas it is a widely held view that X1 is/are highly beneficial, I will discuss controversial aspects of that throughout this essay.
From the psychological standpoint, X1 is/are bound up inextricably with X2, which indicates they lead to Y1. As a well-known example, a longitudinal study conducted by eminent scientists in 2014 demonstrates the relationship between Y1 and Y2. Consequently, my empirical evidence presented thus far supports the contention that the likelihood of Y3 is correlated positively with X1.

P2.1 by user318597

From the psychological standpoint, X1 is/are bound up inextricably with X2, which indicates they lead to Y1. As a well-known example, a longitudinal study conducted by eminent scientists in 2014 demonstrates the relationship between Y1 and Y2.

p1 by user318597

Recently, Topic has/have sparked an ongoing controversy, which inevitably leads to a moot question “is it advantageous or not?”. Whereas it is a widely held view that X1 is/are highly beneficial, I will discuss controversial aspects of that throughout this essay.

138 to 143 by vishu

Baffled confused muddled perplexed puzzled befuddled nonplussed bewildered flustered flummoxed, eased comforted soothed explicated facilitated, Sabotage destroy disrupt damage cripple mar disable thwart vandalise wreck undermine, construct build upbuild renew restore refresh revive invigorate repair, Impromptu extempore without preparation adlib offhand spontaneous improvised unrehearsed, rehearsed premeditated deliberate forethought planned considered, Disposition temper mood character nature behaviour mentality temperament personality constitution, unwillingness reluctance indisposition aversion disinclination loathing, Occult supernatural magical uncanny arcane transcendental mystical, obvious evident clear known conclusive comprehensible unequivocal explicit, Vicious corrupt bad profligate depraved sinful vile harmful foul wicked evil virulent destructive pernicious, virtuous good gentle upright innocent decent harmless kind considerate noble righteous true admirable praiseworthy helpful.

Test by jschwartz

For more than half a century, The Fortune Society has provided justice-involved people with the tools, resources and support they need to live as successful and contributing members of their communities.

Since 1967, we have helped tens of thousands of formerly incarcerated people successfully reenter the community. Our holistic range of services has helped our participants transform and rebuild their lives after incarceration.

To learn more about our impact, watch a powerful video about how The Fortune Society’s services rebuild lives.

NPO 5-year Plan by megcswick

Curtiss Mansion Strategic Plan (2024-2029)

Introduction: Curtiss Mansion, a historic landmark in Miami Springs, Florida, is dedicated to preserving the legacy of aviation pioneer Glenn Hammond Curtiss. As a non-profit organization, our mission is to engage the community, celebrate local history, and ensure the preservation and restoration of this iconic site. This strategic plan outlines our objectives and strategies for the next five years, focusing on increasing membership, enhancing community engagement, improving facilities, and expanding programming to drive sustainable growth and financial stability.

Vision Statement: To be a vibrant cultural hub and community gathering space that celebrates the legacy of Glenn Curtiss, fosters historical appreciation, and enriches the lives of residents and visitors alike.

Strategic Goals:

Membership Growth: Increase membership by 20% annually through targeted outreach, enhanced benefits, and engaging events.
Offer diverse membership tiers to cater to different demographics and interests. Implement referral programs and membership drives to encourage current members to recruit new ones.

Community Engagement: Develop a comprehensive community engagement strategy focusing on partnerships with local organizations, schools, and businesses. Organize regular community events, workshops, and lectures related to aviation, local history, and cultural topics. Establish collaborative projects with neighboring institutions and artists to foster a sense of belonging and pride in the community.

Facility Enhancement: Secure grants and sponsorships to fund the refurbishment of the historic site, including the reconstruction of the entrance arch, restoration of the building's fascia and structure, and revitalization of the gardens. Create a mini museum within the mansion, showcasing artifacts and exhibits related to Glenn Curtiss and local history. Improve infrastructure to enhance visitor experience, including signage, accessibility features, and amenities.

Programming Expansion: Diversify artistic and educational programming to appeal to a wider audience. Collaborate with local theatre companies, musicians, gardening groups, and historians to offer concerts, site-specific performances, gardening workshops, lecture series, and more. Develop interactive experiences and hands-on activities for visitors of all ages.

Revenue Generation: Increase revenue streams through event rentals, ticket sales, merchandise, and donations. Cultivate relationships with corporate sponsors, philanthropic organizations, and individual donors. Hire a development consultant specializing in fundraising and grant writing to maximize funding opportunities and ensure financial sustainability.

Implementation Timeline:
Year 1: Focus on membership recruitment and community outreach efforts. Begin planning for facility refurbishment and programming expansion.
Year 2: Launch the mini museum project and initiate restoration work on the entrance arch and building facade. Host pilot events and workshops to test new programming ideas.
Year 3: Continue fundraising efforts to support ongoing restoration and programming initiatives. Expand partnerships with local organizations and artists.
Year 4: Complete facility enhancements and finalize the mini museum installation. Increase marketing efforts to promote upcoming events and attract new audiences.
Year 5: Evaluate the impact of strategic initiatives on membership growth, community engagement, and revenue generation. Adjust strategies as needed to ensure long-term sustainability.
Financial Projections:

Operating Budget:
Year 1: $500,000
Year 2: $550,000
Year 3: $600,000
Year 4: $650,000
Year 5: $700,000

Conclusion: The Curtiss Mansion's five-year strategic plan outlines a roadmap for growth and sustainability, focusing on membership expansion, community engagement, facility enhancement, programming expansion, and revenue generation. By implementing these strategies and collaborating with stakeholders, we aim to fulfill our mission of preserving history, enriching lives, and fostering a sense of community pride for generations to come.

NPO Development Pro by megcswick

Becoming the best development consultant for nonprofits requires a combination of expertise, skills, and qualities tailored to meet the unique needs of nonprofit organizations. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to excel in this role:

Understand Nonprofit Sector Dynamics: Gain a deep understanding of the nonprofit sector, including its structure, challenges, and opportunities. Stay informed about trends, best practices, and emerging issues in nonprofit management, fundraising, and development.

Develop Expertise in Fundraising: Acquire specialized knowledge in fundraising strategies, techniques, and methodologies. Familiarize yourself with various fundraising streams, such as individual giving, major gifts, corporate sponsorships, grants, and special events. Stay updated on fundraising regulations, compliance requirements, and ethical standards.
Build Strong Communication Skills:

Communicate effectively with nonprofit stakeholders, including board members, staff, donors, volunteers, and community partners. Listen actively to understand their needs, concerns, and aspirations. Present complex information clearly and persuasively, both orally and in writing.
Cultivate Relationship-Building Skills:

Develop strong interpersonal skills to build and maintain relationships with donors, funders, and other key stakeholders. Foster trust, credibility, and rapport through genuine engagement and stewardship. Tailor your approach to each stakeholder's interests, preferences, and motivations.

Provide Strategic Guidance: Offer strategic advice and guidance to nonprofit leaders on fundraising planning, campaign development, and donor cultivation. Help organizations identify their unique value proposition and articulate compelling cases for support. Assist in setting achievable fundraising goals and developing realistic timelines and action plans.

Offer Creative Problem-Solving: Approach challenges with creativity and innovation, seeking novel solutions to fundraising and development obstacles. Collaborate with nonprofits to explore alternative revenue streams, diversify funding sources, and leverage assets and resources effectively.

Demonstrate Results-Oriented Approach: Focus on achieving tangible, measurable outcomes and results for your nonprofit clients. Track and evaluate the effectiveness of fundraising initiatives, campaigns, and strategies. Use data and analytics to inform decision-making and optimize fundraising performance.

Commit to Continuous Learning and Improvement: Stay curious and open-minded, continuously seeking opportunities to learn and grow in your role. Pursue professional development opportunities, such as workshops, seminars, certifications, and conferences. Solicit feedback from clients, colleagues, and mentors to identify areas for improvement and refinement.

Embrace Ethical Standards and Integrity: Uphold the highest ethical standards in your work, maintaining confidentiality, transparency, and integrity at all times. Adhere to professional codes of conduct and ethical guidelines established by relevant industry associations and organizations.

Demonstrate Passion and Commitment: Show genuine passion and commitment to the mission and values of the nonprofits you serve. Inspire and motivate others with your enthusiasm, dedication, and belief in the transformative power of philanthropy and social impact.

By embodying these qualities and honing your skills and expertise, you can become an invaluable development consultant for nonprofits, helping them achieve their fundraising goals, advance their missions, and create positive change in their communities.