Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Warm-up, List 3 by user279817

Abate: Become less in amount or intensity.
Admonish: Scold or reprimand; take to task.
Anarchy: A state of lawlessness and disorder.
Asylum: A shelter from danger or hardship.
Austere: Of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor.
Celestial: Of or relating to the sky.
Complacent: Contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions.
Confounded: Perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements.
Deride: Treat or speak of with contempt.
Diffuse: Spread out; not concentrated in one place.
Enhance: Make better or more attractive.
Exhort: Spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts.
Futile: Producing no result or effect.
Impede: Be a hindrance or obstacle to.
Incorporate: Make into a whole or make part of a whole.
Insensible: Barely able to be perceived.
Placid: Not easily irritated.
Subside: Wear off or die down.
Wary: Marked by keen caution and watchful prudence.
Wistful: Showing pensive sadness.

Warm-up, List 2 by user279817

Analogy: Drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity.
Canon: A body of rules established as valid and fundamental.
Discretion: Power of making choices unconstrained by external agencies.
Fidelity: The quality of being faithful.
Flora: All the plant life in a particular region or period.
Flourish: Grow vigorously.
Formidable: Extremely impressive in strength or excellence.
Founder: Break down, literally or metaphorically.
Negate: Make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of.
Partisan: A fervent and even militant proponent of something.
Precipitate: Bring about abruptly.
Propriety: Correct behavior.
Qualified: Limited or restricted; not absolute.
Query: An instance of questioning.
Rue: Feel sorry for; be contrite about.
Sage: A mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics.
Sanction: Official permission or approval.
Suffrage: A legal right to vote.
Treatise: A formal text that treats a particular topic systematically.
Venerate: Regard with feelings of respect and reverence.

Warm-up, List 1 by user279817

Appropriate: Take possession of by force.
Arrest: Cause to stop.
Cardinal: Serving as an essential component.
Champion: Protect or fight for.
Contend: Maintain or assert.
Convention: Something regarded as a normative example.
Dismiss: Cease to consider.
Dupe: Fool or hoax.
Guise: An artful or simulated semblance.
Intimate: Imply as a possibility.
Levee: An embankment built to prevent a river from overflowing.
Liberal: Given or giving freely.
Onomatopoeia: Using words that imitate the sound they denote.
Profound: Far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect.
Reproach: Express criticism towards.
Resolution: The trait of being firm in purpose or belief.
Resolved: Firmly determined.
Revere: Regard with feelings of respect.
Singular: Unusual or striking.
Warrant: Show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for.

#wise *busy #past *b by moyotypes

#wise *busy #past *both *park #when #wise *busy #past *both *park #when

#length* sooner # th by moyotypes

#length* sooner # thrown * income# expense# #length* sooner # thrown * income# expense#

windows* drawn# *eat by moyotypes

windows* drawn# *eat #off *doors windows* drawn# *eat #off *doors

Untitled by juliana.drumond

"I can see both pros and cons of choosing either option. However, I personally do not support the idea that new businesses should not be able to set up in big cities, and there are many reasons why I think this way.
To begin with, I'd argue that new businesses play a crucial role in generating employment, stimulating the economy, and introducing new products or services to the public.
On the other hand, it can be intimidating for small businesses as they may struggle to compete with the lower prices offered by big chain companies. This dynamic can pose significant challenges for small businesses.
Some might argue that any kind of business contributes positively to the economy.
In my case, I find it difficult to fully comprehend all the complexities surrounding this issue."

Untitled by juliana.drumond

"I can see both pros and cons of choosing either option. However, I personally do not support the idea that new businesses should not be able to set up in big cities, and there are many reasons why I think this way.
To begin with, I'd argue that new businesses play a crucial role in generating employment, stimulating the economy, and introducing new products or services to the public.
On the other hand, it can be intimidating for small businesses as they may struggle to compete with the lower prices offered by big chain companies. This dynamic can pose significant challenges for small businesses.
Some might argue that any kind of business contributes positively to the economy.
In my case, I find it difficult to fully comprehend all the complexities surrounding this issue."

Cloud computing 2 by user60485

Cloud let's understand about why cloud computing was

needed what was the problem that we

had that cloud computing solved and since then it took over the

market let's understand that first and that will solve a lot of

unanswered questions about cloud computing services that

you might have here on the left we have an owner of a business

and he wants to set up an dc or have an i.t infrastructure for his

company so he called Paul an i.t
educated person in his company

and consulted him about how to
go about setting up an id

infrastructure now Paul is the
kind of guy who keeps himself

updated about what's happening
in the i.t industry and he

frequently goes through learning about the reason technology

missing a beat Paul suggested why not set up the environment

in the cloud but his manager was not sure about what is cloud and

more than understand what
cloud is he was curious about the

benefits of cloud over having and dc locally explain the very

same thing I'm going to explain let's start with the expenditure

or the bulling model with cloud
the billing model is pay as you go

type meaning we use less and pay less and we use more and we

pay less per unit on the other hand in on premises we can't expect that

we pay everything upfront and there is an additional operating

cost and it never lets us to dynamically scale in premises a

lot of space is required for seating the servers but in the

cloud not such space requirement is needed for

organization in on-premises we also need a dedicated team to

manage the hardware and software but in the cloud no such

dedicated team is needed for
most of the services they all get

managed by the provider and even if we need to manage them

the provider gives us options to
manage them through the

console which is lot lot simpler than managing directly from the

device in the on premises we
need to admit the fact that data

security is poor due to the cost involved in procuring the

hardware and software to
provide the security but in the

cloud the security standards are high due to the investments the

providers have done to secure the data and to meet the

compliance in traditional dc there will generally be less focus

on data recovery and we kind of settle for less when it comes to

data recovery due to the cost involved and you know the effort

involved in replicating the data and even if we set up a high

performing data replication a lot
more can be done in cloud for

the same cost the on-premises environment lacks the flexibility

needed today like if I need to
restructure the it for the new

age business needs than the on-premises is not so friendly for

such changes but in the cloud I
can easily undo or tear down an

environment or migrate to the new environment and tear down

the old environment in few
button clicks now looking at the

number and the frequency of the releases what happen

scheduling updates would be an full-time job but with cloud the updates

happen automatically in on-premises if I'm working with the

team that is spread across the globe working with them in

unison and sharing the sharing the data is a tedious work but

with the cloud there are a lot of tools and technologies but

together that makes it easy to share the data with other

members in the team or with the new prospective customer in on

premises if I'm working with the team that is spread across the

globe working with them in unison and sharing the data is a

tedious work but with a cloud
there are a lot of tools and

technologies together that makes it easy to share the data

with other members in the team or with a new prospect customer

I will be working with who is ipresent across the other side of

the globe in on premises the data will be present inside the dc

or inside the on-premises dc and
even a valid user trying to access

the data from outside the organization is a tough task but

with a cloud as long as someone has internet providing the person

access is just a few mouse clicks away talk about implementation

building an on-premises dc takes time I was working on a project

few years back and the goal to
make a dc go live at that time

was after two years from the date we were speaking about it

but with the cloud we can bring
our dc in the cloud within weeks

after all this explanation and comparisons and talking about

benefits Paul's manager was fully enlightened and wants to have

his i.t environment in the cloud but our Paul is not done yet and

he took his manager through another level of discussion about

the cloud just like I'm going to
take you now so let's talk about

what is cloud computing now cloud computing is the ability to

deliver on-demand computing service over the internet and that

too on a pay-as-you-go basis now you might think well what does

that mean let me explain now with cloud rather than managing

files on local storage devices
cloud computing makes it

possible to to save them over the internet and access them from

the internet so I can be a mobile person and I'm moving from

place to place but I can access the storage from the internet

because it's in the internet and if I want to give access to

somebody else again it's easy for
me to move further and talk

about or get understanding on the types of cloud computing we

can categorize the different types of cloud based on two

wide categories one being a deployment model and the other

one service model let's talk about the deployment model

first deployment model is categorized

into three types first one is public and then private and then

hybrid cloud in other words public cloud private cloud and

hybrid cloud it'll be easy for me to explain and also it'll be easy

for you to understand if I walk you through this example

consider the different types of vehicles we use to commute

from one place to another for example

if I want to travel I can pick a bus which is accessible t anyone I get

in and I pay for the seat that I occupy and I pay for the time

that I will be traveling in it and I'm

done cost is very less here a similar kind of thing happens in

the public cloud I pay only for the resource that I use and I pay for

how long I use it if I use less I pay

less if I use more I pay more for that month simple on the other

hand private cloud is like buying your own car and using it for

commuting purpose here I pay a
huge amount upfront and it is all

owned only by me I do not pay for it in an hourly fashion but

completely and all up front the cost here is very huge and thirdly

if I want the best of both types like the comfort of the own car

and still don't want to pay all upfront otherwise one only to

pay for the time that I use the

service I can rent a a car similarly I can have it in a hybrid

environment meaning if I already have a dc I can integrate it with

the cloud and use both the dc's
and that would become an

hybrid environment all right so that was good often learning

let's summarize the types of cloud based on deployment

models and as we know now about the public cloud public

cloud that's made available to the general public over the

internet and it is owned by the cloud provider some of the

major players as cloud providers are AWS Microsoft azure IBM's

blue cloud and sun cloud and private cloud now this cloud

infrastructure is exclusively
operated by a single organization

It's can be managed by organizations or third party and

may exist on premises or off-premises doesn't matter but the

point here is this is exclusively operated for a single

organization and some companies that provide private

cloud are aws and vm ware and hybrid cloud gives the best of

both public and the private cloud for example the federal agencies

they opt for private clouds for storing and developing personal

data and they use public cloud to share the non-sensitive data with

the general public or with other government departments now

let's talk about different clouds based on the service model if we

need to categorize them broadly we can categorize them as

infrastructure as a service IAS or platform as a service PAAS or

software as a service SAS they sometimes are referred to as

PAAS ans says now at this moment you could be like this

guy thinking sam I thought you're done categorizing the

cloud now you're going to talk about three more categories

which one should I pick well let me explain if all that you want is

just in VM and you have all the expertise to install the software

on top of it and make it work then go for is if you only want a

platform or an interface to program or an interface to

upload program and
make it run then pick pass or if all

that you want is a finished product hosted in the cloud and

be able to access it through the internet then go for SASS here

you get a username and
password for an application and

you can begin to customize the application based on your needs

all let's talk about is in a bit more detail is it gives basic
computing infrastructure it's

based on pay for what you use model and some of cloud

providers who are big players are AWS Azure and Google and here

the users generally will be id admins in pass

the provider gives you a platform runtime environment for

developing testing and and managing application it's

platform ready you buy the platform you upload your code

and you start working on it and it allows the software developers

to deploy applications without running the underlying

infrastructure and as you might have guessed by now the

interesting candidates who would use paz is software

developers and in SAS everything is managed by subscription model

and as you might have guessed the end users here would be end

customer itself all right let's put together everything in the same

page and compare and contrast the different types of service

models in this chart it explains the difference between the four

models starting from on-premises to IAS and then pass

and says it is self-explanatory that the resources managed by

us are huge in on-premises

Hair Stylist by epimp123

Dawn is my cousin. She has always wanted to be a hair stylist. She visits all the family to do shampoos. She can now do one in less than twenty minutes with only four towels to dry the hair and the room. Granny was going to a special occasion and Dawn did her hair and makeup. Dawn had covered the mirror for the big surprise. Granny was not prepared to see herself with black lipstick and orange eyeshadow. Her hair was sprayed in streaks of pink and green.

Nobody lets Dawn near any more if she is carrying any kind of equipment like scissors or a curling iron. She has been forced to take on the dog as a permanent model. Spiffy is a Border Collie with long soft hair and a gentle nature. After Dawn had done little braids for him and fluffed him up with hair gel, he had to establish himself again with all the other pets. He smelled like an alien to them. Dawn is ready to try again with mousse and a blow dryer, but Spiffy can never be found when she looks for him.

Untitled by juliana.drumond

I Can see some challenges and opportunities of choosing either option. However, I personally prefer to xxxxxxxxxxxx
and there many reasons why I think this way.
To begin, with, I'd say that xxxxxxxx
On the other hand, xxxxxx
Some might say that xxxxxxx
In my case, xxxxxx

hi by eeeee

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The quicker brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The really quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The really quick brown fox jumps over the sleeping dog.

The really quick brown fox is jumping over the sleeping dog.

The rapid umber wolf is leaping over the lazy sleeping dog.

The rapid umber wolf is leaping over the lazy sleepy hound.

Untitled by rajprasad27

my name is raj

Untitled by rajprasad27

my name is raj

*money #welcome *six by moyotypes

*money #welcome *six #day #bed *money #welcome *six #day #bed

False friends by user107083

to arrest = detener (ie)
the arrest = la detención
current = actual
currently = actualmente
actual = verdadero
actually = verdaderamente
to fail/to cancel (an event) = suspender
the failure = el suspenso
the event = el suceso
to happen = suceder
to carry out/to do = realizar
to realise = darse cuenta de
the last = el último
lately = ultimamente
ultimate = definitivo
ultimately = al final
to bear/to put up with = soportar
to support = apoyar
to support the family = mantener
the name = el nombre
the number = el número
to record = registrar
to register = apuntarse/inscribirse
to summarise = resumir
to resume = reanudar
to apply for = solicitar
application form = la solicitud
to apply (+ noun) = aplicar
health services = los servicios sanitarios
Spanish language = castellano
castle = el castillo
catalan = catalán
region = la comunidad autónoma
the issue = la cuestión
to doubt = cuestionar
the question = la pregunta
to ask = preguntar
what is your opinion of...? = pensar de (ie)
to think about (someone/something) = pensar en (ie)
the grades/notes = las notas
state school = el colegio público
primary school = el colegio/la escuela
college = el instituto
pensioner = jubilado
retirement = jubilación
to attend = asistir a
to assist (somebody ill) = atender (ie)
to have a cold = estar constipado
to be constipated = estar estreñido
to warn = advertir (ie-i)
the warning = la advertencia
to advertise = anunciar
the advert = el anuncio
the average/the sock = la media
media = los medios (de comunicación)
sensitive = sensible
sensible = sensato

Reflexives by user107083

to stay = quedarse
to repeat = repetirse (i-i)
to worry about = preocuparse por
to get used to = acostumbrarse a
to become informed about = informarse sobre
to get frightened = asustarse
to get together = unirse/juntarse
to meet (formal) = reunirse
to get angry = enfadarse
to earn a living = ganarse la vida/ganarse el pan
to address = dirigirse a
to resist = resistirse
to know each other = conocerse
to fight/to argue/to quarrel = pelearse
to wonder = preguntarse
to dare to = atreverse a
to go quiet = callarse
to fall = caerse
to be called = llamarse
to happen = producirse
to hold (an event) = celebrarse
to miss (something)/to get lost = perderse
to think about = plantearse
to get married to = casarse con
to divorce from = divorciarse de
to separate from = separarse de
to distance themselves from = distanciarse de
to pay attention = hacer caso
to get involved in = involucrarse en
to sign for/to register for = apuntarse a
to be about = tratarse de
to take charge of = encargarse de/hacerse cargo de
to fall in love with = enamorarse de
to laugh at/to make fun of = burlarse de
to come to know = enterarse de
to be happy = alegrarse
to lock yourself up = encerrarse (ie)
to realise = darse cuenta de
to ensure = asegurarse de
to be forced = verse obligado/a/os/as
to demonstrate = manifestarse
to wake up = despertarse (ie)
to get up = levantarse
to go to bed = acostarse (ue)
to find = encontrarse (ue)
to wash yourself = lavarse
to comb yourself = peinarse
to focus on = centrarse en
to be concentrated on = concentrarse en
to take advantage of = aprovecharse de
to benefit from = beneficiarse de
to regret = arrepentirse de
to commit suicide = suicidarse
to be left an orphan = quedarse huérfano
to come out as gay = declararse homosexual
to apologise for = disculparse de
to become proud = enorgullecerse
to become = llegar a ser/hacerse/volverse (ue)/convertirse en (ie-i)
to get dressed as = vestirse como (i-i)
to remember = acordarse de (ue)
to take with oneself = llevarse
to become (+ adj) = ponerse (+ adj)
to go = irse/marcharse
to go abroad = irse/marcharse/mudarse + al extranjero
to drown = ahogarse
to confront/to tackle = enfrentrarse
to complain about = quejarse de
to feel = sentirse + adj/adv (ie-i)
to refuse = negarse a (ie)

Verbs like gustar by user107083

to like = gustar
to worry = preocupar
to deprive/to stop = privar
to be left = quedar
to lack = faltar
to be important/to care = importar
to love = encantar
to annoy = fastidiar
to annoy = molestar
to be difficult = costar (ue)
to feel like/to crave = apetecer
to really like = chiflar

Boot Terry Prachett by furiousgiraffe

But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.

Untitled by stevcc60

medir pedir repetir seguir servir