Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Productions Producti by moyotypes

Productions Productions Productions Productions Productions Productions Productions Productions

Disney Disney by moyotypes

Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney

Walt Walt by moyotypes

Walt Walt Walt Walt Walt Walt Walt Walt

history by user107007

Dune tells the story of teenage nobleman Paul Atreides, who is forced to leave his bucolic home planet for the desert planet Arrakis. Though so dry its inhabitants must wear “stillsuits” that recycle body moisture, Arrakis contains all known reserves of the valuable spice “melange,” without which the cosmic empire can’t function. (Among other things, the spice facilitates space travel and prolongs life.) When his family is betrayed and his father killed, Paul flees into the sandworm-infested desert, where he consolidates power among the planet’s indigenous Fremen and plots his revenge.

In Dune and its many sequels, Herbert explores a variety of themes that have resonated through the decades, including messiah figures, religion, eugenics, colonialism, space exploration, drug use and geopolitics. Some commentators see references to the Cold War in his work, with the Atreides representing the United States, and their archrivals the Harkonnens representing the Soviet Union.

(1959) (1959) by moyotypes

(1959) (1959) (1959) (1959) (1959) (1959) (1959) (1959)

Untitled by user292247

“We two whites stood over him, and his lustrous and inquiring glance enveloped us both. I declare it looked as though he would presently put to us some questions in an understandable language; but he died without uttering a sound, without moving a limb, without twitching a muscle. Only in the very last moment, as though in response to some sign we could not see, to some whisper we could not hear, he frowned heavily, and that frown gave to his black death-mask an inconceivably sombre, brooding, and menacing expression. The lustre of inquiring glance faded swiftly into vacant glassiness. ‘Can you steer?’ I asked the agent eagerly. He looked very dubious; but I made a grab at his arm, and he understood at once I meant him to steer whether or no. To tell you the truth, I was morbidly anxious to change my shoes and socks. ‘He is dead,’ murmured the fellow, immensely impressed. ‘No doubt about it,’ said I, tugging like mad at the shoe-laces. ‘And by the way, I suppose Mr. Kurtz is dead as well by this time.’

“For the moment that was the dominant thought. There was a sense of extreme disappointment, as though I had found out I had been striving after something altogether without a substance. I couldn’t have been more disgusted if I had travelled all this way for the sole purpose of talking with Mr. Kurtz. Talking with... I flung one shoe overboard, and became aware that that was exactly what I had been looking forward to—a talk with Kurtz. I made the strange discovery that I had never imagined him as doing, you know, but as discoursing. I didn’t say to myself, ‘Now I will never see him,’ or ‘Now I will never shake him by the hand,’ but, ‘Now I will never hear him.’ The man presented himself as a voice. Not of course that I did not connect him with some sort of action. Hadn’t I been told in all the tones of jealousy and admiration that he had collected, bartered, swindled, or stolen more ivory than all the other agents together? That was not the point. The point was in his being a gifted creature, and that of all his gifts the one that stood out preeminently, that carried with it a sense of real presence, was his ability to talk, his words—the gift of expression, the bewildering, the illuminating, the most exalted and the most contemptible, the pulsating stream of light, or the deceitful flow from the heart of an impenetrable darkness.

Les Canadiens vont c by 18010059041

Les Canadiens vont choisir entre « deux visions extrêmement opposées », dit Trudeau

Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau

(Montréal) Les Canadiens devront choisir entre « deux visions extrêmement opposées » lors des prochaines élections, a indiqué le premier ministre Justin Trudeau lors d’une rencontre avec des femmes d’affaires du Québec, à Montréal vendredi.

Justin Trudeau a souligné la Journée internationale des droits des femmes en participant à un évènement avec des femmes d’affaires réunies à l’usine Sheertex de Pointe-Claire.

Il a insisté sur l’importance de laisser plus de place aux femmes dans l’économie afin de créer plus de richesse.

« Pour créer de la croissance économique, ça prend de l’inclusion, ça prend ses valeurs de défense des droits individuels, ça prend du féminisme, ça prend de l’ouverture envers la différence et les autres. C’est la seule façon de bâtir une économie qui fonctionne pour tout le monde. »

Selon le premier ministre, sa vision du développement économique est à l’opposé de celle de son rival conservateur Pierre Poilievre.

Les conservateurs, a-t-il dit, « sont contre nos soins dentaires, ils sont contre l’aide sur des assurances médicaments, ils sont contre les garderies, les centres de la petite enfance ».

Ces mêmes conservateurs, a ajouté Justin Trudeau, nous reprochent de faire « trop de programmes sociaux » et de ne pas « investir suffisamment » dans l’économie.

« Mais c’est ça l’économie ! », a lancé le premier ministre.

« L’économie, c’est la capacité des gens de pouvoir contribuer » et « c’est d’investir dans des soins pour les aînés, d’investir dans l’assurance médicaments, d’investir 200 milliards de dollars sur dix ans dans nos systèmes de santé » et « c’est comme ça qu’on bâtit une économie forte », a expliqué le premier ministre.

Il a ajouté que « ceux qui pensent encore qu’il y a un choix à faire entre une communauté forte et une économie forte, qui pensent qu’il y a un choix à faire entre un environnement protégé et une économie forte, ne comprennent pas c’est quoi l’économie d’aujourd’hui et de demain ».

Choisir « entre deux visions »
Lors des prochaines élections fédérales, « dans un an et demi », a indiqué Justin Trudeau, les électeurs devront choisir entre « deux visions extrêmement opposées » de ce que devrait être l’avenir du pays.

« Ça va être un choix assez fondamental sur le genre de pays dans lequel on veut vivre » et sur « comment on bâtit une communauté inclusive ou non, une économie plus verte ou non ».

Les médias pouvaient couvrir l’évènement auquel participait Justin Trudeau, mais les journalistes n’étaient pas autorisés à poser des questions. Le premier ministre a plutôt répondu aux questions de femmes d’affaires présentes à l’usine de Pointe-Claire.

Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau, à droite, s’adresse au réseau des femmes d’affaires du Québec.

Une participante a demandé au premier ministre quel message il souhaitait livrer aux jeunes Canadiennes en cette Journée internationale des droits des femmes.

« On a besoin d’elles, la société a besoin d’elles » et « on a besoin de s’assurer que la réussite et le leadership que les femmes sont en train de démontrer soient reconnus. Le travail que les femmes font doit être reconnu et valorisé », a répondu le premier ministre en ajoutant « qu’il faut être féministe 365 jours par année ».

Justin Trudeau a également expliqué qu’il est difficile ces jours-ci d’élever des garçons féministes en raison du ressac face au féminisme qui se manifeste notamment sur le web.

Il s’est dit préoccupé par la montée du phénomène de victimisation des hommes dans certaines communautés sur les réseaux sociaux.

Beauty Beauty by moyotypes

Beauty Beauty Beauty Beauty Beauty Beauty Beauty Beauty

#past #past by moyotypes

#past #past #past #past #past #past #past #past

*busy *busy by moyotypes

*busy *busy *busy *busy *busy *busy *busy *busy

#wise #wise by moyotypes

#wise #wise #wise #wise #wise #wise #wise #wise

1000 common by gunhvn

be careful
be careful driving
can you translate this for me
chicago is very different from boston
don't worry
everyone knows it
everything is ready
from time to time
good idea
he likes it very much
he's coming soon
he's right
he's very annoying
he's very famous
how are you
how's work going
i ate already
i can't hear you
i'd like to go for a walk
i don't know how to use it
i don't like him
i don't like it
i don't speak very well
i don't understand
i don't want it
i don't want that
i don't want to bother you
i feel good
if you need my help please let me know
i get off of work at 6
i have a headache
i hope you and your wife have a nice trip
i know
i like her
i'll call you when i leave
i'll come back later
i'll pay
i'll take it
i'll take you to the bus stop
i lost my watch
i love you
i'm an american
i'm cleaning my room
i'm cold
i'm coming to pick you up
i'm going to leave
i'm good and you
i'm happy
i'm hungry
i'm married
i'm not busy
i'm not married
i'm not ready yet
i'm not sure
i'm sorry we're sold out
i'm thirsty
i'm very busy i don't have time now
i need to change clothes
i need to go home
i only want a snack
is mr smith an american
is that enough
i think it's very good
i think it tastes good
i thought the clothes were cheaper
it's longer than 2 miles
i've been here for two days
i've heard texas is a beautiful place
i've never seen that before
i was about to leave the restaurant when my friends arrived
just a little
just a moment
let me check
let me think about it
let's go have a look
let's practice english
may i speak to mrs smith please
more than that
never mind
next time
no thank you
nothing else
not recently
not yet
of course
please fill out this form
please take me to this address
please write it down
right here
right there
see you later
see you tomorrow
see you tonight
she's pretty
sorry to bother you
take a chance
take it outside
tell me
thanks for everything
thanks for your help
thank you
thank you miss
thank you sir
thank you very much
that looks great
that's alright
that's enough
that's fine
that's it
that smells bad
that's not fair
that's not right
that's right
that's too bad
that's too many
that's too much
the book is under the table
they'll be right back
they're the same
they're very busy
this doesn't work
this is very difficult
this is very important
try it
very good thanks
we like it very much
would you take a message please
yes really
you're beautiful
you're very nice
you're very smart
your things are all here
good afternoon
good evening sir
good luck
good morning
happy birthday
have a good trip
nice to meet you please call me
about 300 kilometers
a one way ticket
are you going to help her
a round trip ticket
at what time
can i make an appointment for next wednesday
can you repeat that please
does this road go to new york
do you have enough money
do you know how to cook
do you know what this says
do you want me to come and pick you up
follow me
from here to there
go straight ahead
have you arrived
have you been to boston
how do i get there
how do i get to daniel street
how do i get to the american embassy
how long does it take by car
how long does it take to get to georgia
how long is the flight
how was the movie
i'd like to make a phone call
i'd like to make a reservation
i have a question i want to ask you/ i want to ask you a question
i'll take that one also
i'm coming right now
i'm going home in four days
i'm leaving tomorrow
i'm looking for the post office
is this pen yours
i wish i had one
one ticket to new york please
one way or round trip
please speak slower
please take me to the airport
that way
the plane departs at 5:30p
they arrived yesterday
turn around
turn left
turn right
what time are you going to the bus station
when did this happen
when did you arrive in boston
when does he arrive
when does it arrive
when does the bank open
when does the bus leave
when do we arrive
when do we leave
where can i mail this
where is she from
where is the bathroom
why not
will you remind me11 dollars
52 cents
a few
a little
call the police
did your wife like california
do you have any coffee
do you have anything cheaper
do you take credit cards
how are you paying
how many people are there in new york
how much are these earrings
how much does it cost per day
how much does this cost
how much do i owe you
how much is it to go to miami
how much money do you make
i'd like to eat at 5th street restaurant
i don't have a girlfriend
i don't have any money
i have a reservation
i'll have the same thing
i'll pay for dinner
i'll pay for the tickets
i'm 26 years old
i need to practice my english
isn't it
is that ok
is there any mail for me
it's 11:30pm
it's is a quarter past nine
please come in
sorry we don't accept credit cards
sorry we only accept cash
that restaurant is not expensive
that's too expensive
there are many people here
they charge 26 dollars per day
what's the exchange rate for dollars
what's the phone number
where can i buy tickets
where would you like to meet
which one is better
across from the post office
at 3 o'clock
be quiet
can you recommend a good restaurant
here it is
here you are
he's in the kitchen
he studies at boston university
how far is it
how far is it to chicago
how many miles is it to pennsylvania
i'd like a single room
i like to watch tv
it's delicious
it's half past 11
it's less than 5 dollars
it's more than 5 dollars
it's near the supermarket
it's not suppose to rain today
it's ok
it's on 7th street
it's really hot
it's suppose to rain tomorrow
i was going to the library
i was in the library
let's go
more than 200 miles
my house is close to the bank
near the bank
on the left
on the right
on the second floor
outside the hotel
over here
over there
the book is behind the table
the book is in front of the table
the book is near the table
the book is next to the table
the book is on top of the table
there are some books on the table
there's a book under the table
we're from california
what's the address
where are you going
where is it
where would you like to go
who won
can i see your passport please
can i take a message
can i try it on
can we sit over there
did you come with your family
do you think it's possible
here's my number
he's not in right now
hi is mrs smith there please
i'd like some water too please
i'd like to buy a bottle of water please
i'd like to buy something
i'd like to go to the store
i'd like to rent a car
i'd like to send a fax
i'd like to send this to america
i'd like to speak to mr smith please
i have three children two girls and one boy
i'll be right back
i'll call back later
i'll call you on friday
i'll teach you
i'm ok
i need some tissues
is there an english speaking guide
i want to give you a gift
male or female
my cell phone doesn't have good reception
my cell phone doesn't work
please take off your shoes
sorry i think i have the wrong number
what is the area code
what's the name of the company you work for
what's wrong
what's your address
where can i find a hospital
where's the closest restaurant
where's the pharmacy
who are you
who is that
who would you like to speak to
will you take me home
would you like water or milk
11 days ago
2 hours
all day
a long time ago
are they coming this evening
are you comfortable
are your children with you
as soon as possible
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon
at 5th street
at 7 o'clock at night (evening)
at 7 o'clock in the morning
at what time did it happen
can i help you
do you have a swimming pool
do you have this in size 11
do you think you'll be back by 11:30
everyday i get up at 6am
every week
expiration date
have you been waiting long
he'll be back in 20 minutes
his family is coming tomorrow
how about saturday
how long are you going to stay
how long are you going to stay in california
how long will it take
how much altogether
how much will it cost
i don't have enough money
i'm getting ready to go out
i'm just looking (shopping) i'm worried too
it'll be cold this evening
it rained very hard today
it's 17 dollars
it's 6am
it's 8:45
it's a quarter to 7
it's going to snow today
it's here
it's there
i've already seen it
john is going on vacation tomorrow
my birthday is august 27th
now or later
october 22nd
she wants to know when you're coming
sometimes i go to sleep at 11pm sometimes at 11:30pm
there's plenty of time
the whole day
we're late
what day are they coming over
what day of the week is it
what is today's date
what's your religion
what time are they arriving
what time did you get up
what time did you go to sleep
what time did you wake up
what time does it start
what time do you think you'll arrive
what time is it
when are they coming
when are you coming back
when are you going to pick up your friend
when are you leaving
when are you moving
when is the next bus to philidalphia
when is your birthday
when i went to the store they didn't have any apples
when was the last time you talked to your mother
when will he be back
when will it be ready
where are you going to go
are you busy
can we have some more bread please
do you have any money
for how many nights
how long will you be staying
i'd like a map of the city
i'd like a non-smoking room
i'd like a room
i'd like a room with two beds please
i need a doctor
is there a nightclub in town
is there a restaurant in the hotel
is there a store near here
sorry we don't have any vacancies
take me to the marriott hotel
what's the charge per night (hotel) what time is check out
where is the airport
where's the mail box
are you here alone
can i bring my friend
can i have a receipt please
can it be cheaper
can we have a menu please
can you hold this for me
do you have any children
do you know how much it costs
have you eaten at that restaurant
have you eaten yet
have you ever had potato soup
he likes juice but he doesn't like milk here is your salad
here's your order
how does it taste
how many people (restaurant) i agree
i'd like a table near the window
i'd like to call the united states
i haven't been there
i haven't finished eating
i like it
i'll give you a call
i'll have a cup of tea please
i'll have a glass of water please
i'm from america
i'm going to bed
i'm here on business
i'm sorry
i only have 5 dollars
i think i need to see a doctor
it's august 25th
i understand
june 3rd
the food was delicious
there are some apples in the refrigerator
there's a restaurant near here
there's a restaurant over there but i don't think it's very good
we can eat italian or chinese food
we'll have two glasses of water please
what are you going to have
what do you recommend
what's your email address
what would you like to drink
what would you like to eat
where is an atm
where is there a doctor who speaks english
which one
would you ask him to come here
would you like a glass of water
would you like coffee or tea
would you like something to drink
would you like some water
would you like some wine
would you like to go for a walk
would you like to watch tv
are you american
are you coming this evening
are you free tonight
are you going to take a plane or train
are you hungry
are you sure
are you working tomorrow
business is good
did it snow yesterday
did you get my email
did you take your medicine
do you feel better
do you go to florida often
do you have another one
do you know where there's a store that sells towels
do you like it here
do you like the book
do you need anything
do you play any sports
do you sell medicine (store) do you study english
do you want to come with me
do you want to go with me
excuse me
give me a call
has your brother been to california
have they met her yet
have you done this before
how long have you been here
how long have you been in america
how long have you lived here
how many children do you have
how many languages do you speak
how many people do you have in your family
how much would you like
how old are you
i bought a shirt yesterday
i don't feel well
i have pain in my arm
i have to wash my clothes
i have two sisters
i'll tell him you called
i'm 32
i'm 6'2"
i'm allergic to seafood
i'm american
i'm a size 8
i'm fine and you
i'm not afraid
i'm sick
i remember
i speak a little english
is your house like this one
is your husband also from boston
it's not very expensive
i've been there
let's share
my daughter is here
my father has been there
my father is a lawyer
my grandmother passed away last year
my name is john smith
my son
my son studies computers
no i'm american
no this is the first time
our children are in america
she's an expert
she's older than me
that car is similar to my car
this is mrs smith
this is my mother
this is the first time i've been here
we have two boys and one girl
what are you going to do tonight
what are your hobbies
what do you study
what do you want to do
what school did you go to
what's your favorite movie
what's your last name
what's your name
where are the t-shirts
where did you go
where did you learn english
where did you work before you worked here
where do you live
where were you
who sent this letter
would you like to buy this
your children are very well behaved
your daughter
you're smarter than him
you speak english very well
are there any concerts
do you want to go to the movies
have you seen this movie
he said you like to watch movies
how tall are you
is the bank far
is there a movie theater nearby
what do people usually do in the summer in los angeles
what kind of music do you like
what's your favorite food
what time does the movie start
who was your teacher
would you like to have dinner with me
would you like to rent a movie
can i have a glass of water please
can i use your phone
do you have any vacancies
do you have the number for a taxi
do you know her
do you know where she is
do you play basketball
fill it up please (gas station) he needs some new clothes
how much is that
how much is this
i believe you
i'd like the number for the hilton hotel please
i'd like to buy a phone card please
i'd like to go home
am i pronouncing it correctly
can you do me a favor
can you help me
can you please say that again
can you show me
can you throw that away for me
does anyone here speak english
don't do that
do you believe that
do you have a pencil
do you smoke
do you speak english
excuse me what did you say
forget it
how do you pronounce that
how do you say it in english
how do you spell it
how do you spell the word "seattle"
i can swim
i can't hear you clearly
i don't mind
i don't speak english very well
i don't think so
i don't understand what your saying
is there air conditioning in the room
i think you have too many clothes
i trust you
i understand now
let's meet in front of the hotel
please sit down
please speak english
please speak more slowly
sorry i didn't hear clearly
that means friend
that's wrong
try to say it
what does this mean
what does this say
what does this word mean
what's the exchange rate
whose book is that
why aren't you going
why are you laughing
why did you do that
are you allergic to anything
are you ready
call me
did you send me flowers
do you sell batteries
i don't care
i give up
i got in an accident
i have a cold
i have one in my car
i made this cake
i'm a teacher
i'm self-employed
i still have a lot to do
i still haven't decided
it depends on the weather
it's very cold today
my luggage is missing
my stomach hurts
my throat is sore
my watch has been stolen
take this medicine
the accident happened at the intersection
there has been a car accident
where can i exchange us dollars
where do you work
where's the nearest hospital
where's the post office
and you
anything else
are they the same
are you afraid
are you going to attend their wedding
are you married
are you okay
are you sick
behind the bank
can i borrow some money
can i have the bill please
can you call back later
can you call me back later
can you carry this for me
can you fix this
can you give me an example
can you speak louder please
can you swim
does he like the school
do you accept us dollars
do you have a girlfriend
do you have an appointment
do you have a problem
do you hear that
do you know how to get to the marriott hotel
do you know what this means
do you know where i can get a taxi
do you know where my glasses are
do you like your co-workers
do you need anything else
do you understand
give me the pen
how do you know
how is she
how long is it
how many
how much is it
i have a lot of things to do
in 30 minutes
is anyone else coming
is everything ok
is it cold outside
is it far from here
is it hot
is it raining
is there anything cheaper
is your son here
should i wait
the big one or the small one
the cars are american
were there any problems
were you at the library last night
what are you doing
what are you thinking about
what are you two talking about
what did you do last night
what did you do yesterday
what did you think
what do they study
what do you have
what do you think
what happened
what is it
what is that
what should i wear
what's in it
what's the temperature
what's this
what's up
where are you from
where can i rent a car
where did it happen
where did you learn it
where is he
where is he from
which is better the spaghetti or chicken salad
which one do you want
which one is cheaper
which one is the best
which school does he go to
who are they
who are you looking for
who is it (inquiring about who is on the phone) who's calling
who's that man over there
who taught you that
why did you say that
will you pass me the salt please
will you put this in the car for me
would you ask him to call me back please
you have a very nice car
you look like my sister
6 dollars per hour
are you waiting for someone
are you working today
bring me my shirt please
do you like to watch tv
do you like your boss
have you finished studying
he's an engineer
he's very hard working
he works at a computer company in new york
how long have you worked here
how many hours a week do you work
how much money do you have
how's the weather
how was the trip
i forget
i'm good
i'm ready
i still have a lot of things to buy
i've seen it
what does he do for work
what does your father do for work
what do you do for work
what do your parents do for work
what's the matter
what time do you go to work everyday
when do you arrive in the us
when do you get off work
where did you put it
where does it hurt
where do you want to go
come here
does it often snow in the winter in massachusetts
do you think it'll rain today
do you think it's going to rain tomorrow
how's business
is it close
is it possible
is it ready
it costs 20 dollars per hour
it hurts here
it's far from here
it's going to be hot today
it's north of here
it's over there
it's raining
it's too late
it's very important
it will arrive shortly
the roads are slippery
what's the room rate
what will the weather be like tomorrow
amy is john's girlfriend
he always does that for me
he broke the window
he doesn't look like a nurse
he has a nice car
he never gives me anything
he said this is a nice place
he's an american
he's a very good student
he's faster than me
he thinks we don't want to go
his room is very small
his son
how are your parents
how do i use this
i came with my family
i'd like to exchange this for dollars
i'd like to use the internet i don't have time right now
i don't know
i have money
i haven't had lunch yet
i have to go to the post office
i like italian food
i live in california
i'll talk to you soon
i made a mistake
i'm bored
i'm going to america next year
i'm going to go have dinner
i'm tired
i'm very well thank you
i need another key
i need this to get there by tomorrow
i need to go now
is it suppose to rain tomorrow
is john there please (phone call) is this a safe area
is this mr smith
is this the bus to new york
is this your book
i still have to brush my teeth and take a shower
is your father home
i think so
i think those shoes are very good looking
it's very windy
it takes 2 hours by car
i've never done that
i've worked there for five years
i want to buy something
i want to contact our embassy
i want to send this package to the united states
i want to show you something
i went to the supermarket and then to the computer store
my car isn't working
nobody is helping us
nobody is there right now
one like that
open the door
open the window
pick up your clothes
please count this for me
please tell her john called
please tell me
please wait for me
she's going with me tomorrow
some books
someone does that for me
someone is coming
sorry i don't have a pencil
start the car
take me downtown
tell him that i need to talk to him
that car over there is mine
that looks old
that's a good school
that's her book
that's not enough
the car is fixed
these books are ours
the tv is broken
they haven't met her yet
they're planning to come next year
they're waiting for us
this room is a mess
those men are speaking english
what color is that car
what do you think of these shoes
when would you like to meet
where does your wife work
where is main street
where is my shirt
where is the bus station

Ruth 1:16 NIV by r2arnold

But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.

Judges 17:6 ESV by r2arnold

In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

Joshua 1:7-8 NIV by r2arnold

“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

Numbers 23:19 NIV by r2arnold

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

Leviticus 19:2 NIV by r2arnold

"Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.'"

Exodus 34:6-7 NIV by r2arnold

And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.”

Genesis 1:26-27 NIV by r2arnold

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 by r2arnold

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.