Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 by r2arnold

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Andrew 3.9.24 by user992768

First, generate some concepts about the specific game you're trying to figure out if you are starting to learn how to experience developing a video game. Second, research about the genre you are planning to develop and build a brief for the project. Finally, figure out what programming language you are going to use and make sure your game has the facets you will necessarily
need for your own game. You will also need testers for the project you are creating; they should also experience the project more than once for errors.

Luke 6:45 NIV by r2arnold

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

Acts 1:6-8 ESV by r2arnold

So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

ConnoDeno by mr_wallis_

denotation dictionary definition
connotation the emotion that a word generates, extra implied meaning
positive connotation type of connotation that makes you feel good about something
neutral connotation type of connotation that does not make you feel good or bad, just in the middle
negative connotation type of connotation that makes you feel dislike or bad about something

Conno/Deno by mr_wallis_

denotation dictionary definition
connotation the emotion that a word generates, extra implied meaning
positive connotation type of connotation that makes you feel good about something
neutral connotation type of connotation that does not make you feel good or bad, just in the middle
negative connotation type of connotation that makes you feel dislike or bad about something
Assertive Choose the most appropriate word that can be inserted into the blank. Everyone in the office respects Casey because of her kind but _______________ attitude. (HINT: A positive word would be appropriate here.)
Assertive, Bossy, Demanding
a more economical Choose the most appropriate word that can be inserted into the blank. "Well," said Curtis with an embarrassed smile, "I am looking for ___________________ car." (HINT: A positive word would be appropriate here.)
a cut rate, a cheaper, a more economical
underprivileged Choose the most appropriate word that can be inserted into the blank. "Here's a scholarship that you might qualify for," said Mike's advisor, "It's for people who are ____________." (HINT: A positive word would be appropriate here.)
underprivileged, poor, poverty stricken
stingy Choose the most appropriate word that can be inserted into the blank. William annoys his friends because he's so ______________________ when it comes to money. (HINT: They are annoyed so you need a negative word.)
economical, thrifty, stingy
boney Choose the most appropriate word that can be inserted into the blank. We're worried about Trish; she's lost so much weight that she looks _______________________. (HINT: They are worried, so you need a negative word.)
trim, boney, slender
challenging Choose the most appropriate word that can be inserted into the blank. "I'm afraid," said Luke's guidance counselor carefully, "that you might find advanced calculus a little too ___________________." (HINT: We don't want to hurt Luke's feelings.)
challenging, confusing, difficult
negative Is the following word positive, neutral or negative in connotation?
neutral Is the following word positive, neutral or negative in connotation?
positive Is the following word positive, neutral or negative in connotation?
negative Is the following word positive, neutral or negative in connotation?
neutral Is the following word positive, neutral or negative in connotation?
neutral Is the following word positive, neutral or negative in connotation?
positive Is the following word positive, neutral or negative in connotation?
mansion Which word has the strongest connotation?
mansion, house, abode
burglarize Which word has the strongest connotation?
rob, holdup, burglarize
freezing Which word has the strongest connotation?
cold, chilly, freezing
depressed Which word has the strongest connotation?
sad, glum, depressed

Untitled by genuine

The party's over, the game is ended,
the dreams I dreamed went up in smoke.
They didn't pan out as I had intended;
I should know how to take a joke.

I'll go my way by myself, this is the end of romance.
I'll go my way by myself, love is only a dance.
I'll try to apply myself and teach my heart to sing.
I'll go my way by myself like a bird on the wing,
I'll face the unknown, I'll build a world of my own;
No one knows better than I, myself, I'm by myself alone.
I'll go my way by myself, here's how the comedy ends.
I'll have to deny myself love and laughter and friends.
Grey clouds in sky above have put a blot on my fun.
I'll try to fly high above for a place in the sun.
I'll face the unknown, I'll build a world of my own;
No one knows better than I, myself, I'm by myself alone.

Full B script by afolse

Now KJ, to the most important reason that I’m here; have you ever
seen one of these blue folders before? These are the union’s permanent benefits
that I was telling you about. But, like I said before, it’s really hard to qualify. I’m going to
ask you the questions in a minute to see if I can get you in.

American Income is the union’s permanent benefit company. They are the company that
takes care of the benefits for the police, firefighters, electricians, teachers, and all 43,000
unions and their union presidents are the actual people who endorse American Income's
programs. Pretty amazing huh? I don’t know if you’re familiar with these groups, but
they have the best benefits and American Income provides them. They’re the highest rated
company for financial strength and claims paying ability. That means that they pay fast!
They have been taking care of the union members since 1951 and have over 20 million
members enrolled in their programs. Now do you understand why Jim and all the unions go with the company?
KJ before I go any further I want to remind you that these benefits are private, this
is union. They have a certain philosophy. The philosophy is that these benefits I’m about to
show you should have been taken care of a long time ago, and if you don’t
already have these benefits, get them taken care of now, because number 1 you need them,
and number 2 if you do not get this done now, you will never do it. So as I go through these
benefits, if you see the need for them, they ask you to take advantage today and get
enrolled. Either way, we’ll fill out the report card and that lets the union know I met with
you and went over everything. Now just because some of the people you know got in, it
doesn’t mean you automatically do, you have to qualify. So now I’ll ask you the
pre-qualifying questions to see if I can even go any further.
KJ based on what you have told me, I am not sure if you are in yet
because , but it shows
you do have a chance, so I can at least show you the benefits.
The next part is your needs survey, this will determine where your needs
are, and how they can help you the most. Does that make sense?
KJ, how many hours are you working a week? Have you heard of the
hour power philosophy before? It's the old union principle that states you always
need to set aside one hour of your wages per week to protect your family and their future.
KJ, I see a lot of families and I don’t know if you are like most of them, but most
people waste half their money on things they don’t even need.
People are not setting aside even close to enough for their family and for their own future.
So what union members do is set aside the first hour of their wages each week for their
permanent benefit package. The reason they only do one hour, is because that never
changes their lifestyle. Do you agree? Because KJ when you work one less
hour a week, you don’t know the difference in your pay, do you? You are just
going to spend it on something you don’t even need. So, KJ
from this point forward, if you qualify, 39 hours a week you can spend on whatever and
one hour will go towards your permanent benefits. Does that make sense?
So I am going to show you what setting aside the first hour of your wages each week does
for you and your family. Union members make between $20 and $120 an hour. The
average family does $60-$80 a week. I am going to show you 45 per week. You can do
more, but as long as you are doing at least one hour you will be okay. Does that make

Un Biden ferme et co by 18010059041

Un Biden ferme et combatif

Le Joe Biden faible et confus que se plaisent à décrire les républicains a cédé sa place à un Joe Biden s’exprimant d’une voix forte et ferme jeudi soir lors du traditionnel discours sur l’état de l’Union.

Confronté au mécontentement et au doute, le président sortant a défendu avec vigueur et combativité sa conception de la démocratie dans le monde et aux États-Unis, tout en vantant ses réalisations et en définissant ses propositions économiques pour aider une classe moyenne au pouvoir d’achat malmené.

Il a aussi improvisé pour répondre aux commentaires de certains républicains présents dans l’hémicycle de la Chambre des représentants, dont la représentante de Géorgie Marjorie Taylor Greene, coiffée d’une casquette rouge MAGA.

À huit mois de l’élection présidentielle de 2024, l’occupant de la Maison-Blanche n’a pas prononcé une seule fois le nom de son adversaire probable, Donald Trump. Mais il a offert un discours quasi électoral, attaquant à maintes reprises celui qu’il a désigné plusieurs fois par les mots « mon prédécesseur », lui reprochant notamment ses « mensonges » sur l’élection présidentielle de 2020 et ses positions vis-à-vis de Vladimir Poutine et de l’OTAN.

« Il n’y a pas si longtemps, un président républicain, Ronald Reagan, lançait : “Monsieur Gorbatchev, démolissez ce mur.” Aujourd’hui, mon prédécesseur, un ancien président républicain, dit à Poutine : “Faites ce que vous voulez.” C’est ce qu’a dit un ancien président américain, en s’inclinant devant un dirigeant russe », a déclaré Joe Biden au début de son discours d’environ 60 minutes.

« C’est scandaleux. C’est dangereux. C’est inacceptable. »

Le président a enchaîné en mettant au défi les républicains du Congrès d’adopter un projet de loi déjà approuvé au Sénat et destiné notamment à fournir une aide militaire supplémentaire de 60 milliards de dollars à l’Ukraine.

« L’histoire nous regarde, a-t-il dit. Si les États-Unis se retirent maintenant, ils mettront l’Ukraine en danger. L’Europe en danger. Le monde libre sera en danger, ce qui enhardira ceux qui nous veulent du mal. »

Mon message au président Poutine est simple. Nous ne nous déroberons pas. Nous ne nous inclinerons pas. Je ne m’inclinerai pas.

Le problème de l’âge
Joe Biden a attendu à la toute fin de son discours pour aborder l’éléphant dans la pièce : son âge avancé, qui fait croire à la majorité des électeurs américains qu’il ne devrait pas solliciter un deuxième mandat, selon les sondages.

Après avoir fait allusion à Donald Trump en affirmant que « certaines personnes de mon âge […] voient une histoire américaine faite de ressentiment, de vengeance et de châtiment », il a ajouté : « Au cours de ma carrière, on m’a dit que j’étais trop jeune et trop vieux. Que je sois jeune ou vieux, j’ai toujours su ce qui perdure. »

« Mes chers compatriotes, le problème auquel notre nation est confrontée n’est pas l’âge que nous avons, mais l’âge de nos idées », a-t-il enchaîné quelques instants plus tard.

La haine, la colère, la vengeance, le châtiment font partie des idées les plus anciennes.

Deux autres moments forts du discours ont porté sur les droits reproductifs et la gestion de la frontière entre les États-Unis et le Mexique.

« Dans sa décision d’annuler l’arrêt Roe c. Wade, la majorité de la Cour suprême a écrit : “Les femmes ne sont pas dépourvues de pouvoir électoral ou politique” », a déclaré Joe Biden en montrant du doigt les juges du plus haut tribunal du pays présents dans l’enceinte.

Puis, en référence à Donald Trump, il a ajouté : « Il est clair que ceux qui se vantent d’avoir annulé Roe c. Wade n’ont aucune idée du pouvoir des femmes en Amérique. Mais ils l’ont découvert lorsque la liberté de reproduction a été mise aux voix et lorsqu’elle a gagné en 2022, 2023, et ils le découvriront de nouveau en 2024. Si les Américains m’envoient un Congrès qui soutient le droit de choisir, je vous le promets : je rétablirai Roe c. Wade en tant que loi du pays. »

« Dites son nom »
Après avoir exhorté les républicains du Congrès à adopter le projet de loi bipartisan négocié au Sénat pour sécuriser la frontière sud, Joe Biden a été interrompu par Marjorie Taylor Greene, qui lui a crié : « Dites son nom. » Elle faisait référence à Laken Riley, une étudiante de 22 ans tuée sur le campus de l’Université de Géorgie par un migrant vénézuélien relâché après son arrestation pour vol.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, coiffée d’une casquette rouge MAGA et vêtue d’un t-shirt portant la mention « Dites son nom »

Le président a alors exhibé un macaron portant le nom de Laken Riley. Dans son échange avec la représentante de Géorgie, il a utilisé le mot « illégaux » pour parler des migrants, un terme populaire chez les républicains, mais proscrit chez les démocrates.

Le président a tout de même profité de l’occasion pour demander à son prédécesseur d’encourager ses alliés au Congrès à adopter le projet de loi pour sécuriser la frontière.

Joe Biden a consacré une partie importante de son discours aux questions économiques. Il a vanté son bilan, évoquant notamment les 15 millions d’emplois créés depuis le début de son mandat, le taux de chômage le plus bas en 50 ans et les 16 millions d’Américains qui ont lancé des entreprises depuis janvier 2021.

Cela ne fait pas la une des journaux, mais dans des milliers de villes et de villages, le peuple américain est en train d’écrire la plus grande histoire de retour jamais racontée.

Il a aussi multiplié les propositions pour réduire les coûts des familles des classes moyenne et ouvrière. Et il a promis des politiques fiscales aux antipodes de celles de Donald Trump. Il a notamment plaidé en faveur d’une hausse du taux d’imposition des entreprises à un minimum de 21 %, et de celui des milliardaires à 25 %.

Travail « sans relâche »
Le président a confirmé sa décision d’ordonner à l’armée américaine d’établir un quai flottant à Gaza pour acheminer par la mer des centaines de camions d’aide supplémentaire dans l’enclave palestinienne. Le quai serait relié à la terre par une chaussée temporaire, selon la Maison-Blanche.

« Nous avons travaillé sans relâche pour établir un cessez-le-feu immédiat qui durerait au moins six semaines », a encore dit Joe Biden, tout en réitérant sa foi dans une solution à deux États pour régler le conflit israélo-palestinien.

Kate Cox (deuxième à partir de la gauche), qui a lancé une action en justice pour pouvoir mettre fin à une grossesse risquée en décembre dernier, et la journaliste et militante Maria Shriver (à gauche) avaient été invitées par la première dame Jill Biden (à droite).

Le message de Joe Biden sur les droits reproductifs a également été illustré par la présence de Kate Cox parmi les 20 invités de la première dame Jill Biden. Cette mère de Dallas a lancé une action en justice pour pouvoir mettre fin à une grossesse risquée en décembre dernier. Après que la Cour suprême du Texas a suspendu une décision d’une juge de première instance lui permettant d’avorter, elle a dû quitter son État pour obtenir un avortement d’urgence.

Désireux d’offrir un contraste frappant avec un président octogénaire, les dirigeants républicains du Congrès ont confié à la plus jeune des sénatrices, Katie Britt, 42 ans, la réplique de leur parti. Élue dans l’Alabama en novembre dernier, elle a dénoncé la façon dont Joe Biden a géré la frontière sud, un des thèmes préférés des républicains.

« Le président Biden a hérité de la frontière la plus sûre de tous les temps. Mais quelques minutes après son entrée en fonction, il a suspendu toutes les expulsions, arrêté la construction du mur frontalier et annoncé un plan d’amnistie pour des millions de personnes », a déclaré la sénatrice, qualifiant le démocrate de « leader tergiversant et affaibli ».

বিশ্ববাজারে তেলের দা by rashed07007

বিশ্বের বৃহত্তম দেশগুলোতে তেলের চাহিদা বেড়ে যাওয়ায় আজ শুক্রবার সকালে বিশ্ববাজারে তেলের দাম বেড়েছে। মূলত যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ও চীনের তেলের চাহিদা বেড়েছে, তার জেরে বেড়েছে দাম। একই সঙ্গে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের কেন্দ্রীয় ব্যাংক ফেডারেল রিজার্ভ নীতি সুদহার কমানোর বিষয়ে ইতিবাচক ইঙ্গিত দিয়েছে।

এশীয় প্রজাতির হাতি by rashed07007

শাবকের মৃত্যুতে অনেকটা মানুষের মতো আচরণ করে এশীয় প্রজাতির হাতি। হাতিগুলো এদের শাবকের মৃত্যুতে শোকাহত হয়। চিৎকার করে শোক প্রকাশ করে। এমনকি শাবকের মরদেহ মাটিচাপা দেয়। সম্প্রতি প্রকাশিত ভারতের একটি গবেষণায় এমনটাই বলা হয়েছে।

কাছিম by rashed07007

উপকূলের কাছাকাছি থেকে মাছ ধরে ৬৫ হাজারের বেশি ট্রলার, যারা গিল নেট বা ভাসমান ফাঁসজাল ব্যবহার করে। উপকূলের দিকে ডিম দিতে আসার সময় কিংবা গভীর সাগরে থাকার সময় জালে আটকে আঘাতপ্রাপ্ত হয় কাছিম। নভেম্বর থেকে মার্চ পর্যন্ত সাধারণত অলভি রিডলের ডিম পাড়ার সময়। ওই সময় লবণাক্ততা বেশি, পলির পরিমাণ কম ও পানি স্বচ্ছ থাকে। সাগরও তুলনামূলক কম উত্তাল থাকে। তাই কাছিমের উপকূলের দিকে আসার এটা অনুকূল সময়।

No one knows - Ethan by synqixx

No one really knows my story. You may say you do, but you don't know I felt when I expierenced it. You never will, because your not me. You don't know goes on in my daily life, and what caused me to be this person. So don't assume. I'm tired of people saying “it’s all in the past now you should forget about it!” But the thing is I can’t forget it. No matter how hard I try, it always stays there. Taunting me, reminding me of what I done to cause all of this. I just want it to go away. I don’t want to be reminded of it anymore. It’s eating me alive every single day. And I hate it. But I push it down and pretend it's not there, but in reality it is there. It always stay there, no matter how hard I try to forget about it, and talk about it to someone.

Untitled by helloimnacl

Perhaps the most successful disciple of the Graham and Dodd approach was a canny midwesterner named Warren Buffett, who is often called "the sage of Omaha." Buffett compiled a legendary investment record, allegedly following the approach of the firm-foundation theory.

vow of mastery drill by doomy

/all live
/storm sacrifice
/evelyn return
/puck run
/evelyn live
/lilith sacrifice
/shen leech
/evelyn live
/evelyn run
/evelyn sacrifice
/puck live
/puck return
/all return
/all fight
/nogo live
/nogo return
/brick return
/yumi sacrifice
/kiyoko sleep
/nate return
/all fight
/iori live
/iori return
/padparadscha live
/wormwood return
/saber fight

Shavian 02 lower row by brentus

𐑯𐑰 𐑯𐑰 𐑯𐑰 𐑯𐑰 𐑚𐑰 𐑚𐑰 𐑚𐑰 𐑚𐑰 𐑚𐑰 𐑚𐑰 𐑚𐑰𐑟 𐑚𐑰𐑟 𐑚𐑰𐑟 𐑚𐑰𐑟 𐑚𐑴𐑟 𐑚𐑴𐑟 𐑚𐑴𐑟 𐑚𐑴𐑟 𐑚𐑴𐑯𐑟 𐑚𐑴𐑑𐑕 𐑚𐑴𐑛𐑟 𐑚𐑲 𐑚𐑲 𐑚𐑲 𐑚𐑲 𐑝𐑲 𐑝𐑲 𐑝𐑲 𐑝𐑲 𐑝𐑲𐑚 𐑝𐑲𐑚 𐑝𐑲𐑚 𐑝𐑲𐑚 𐑚𐑴𐑝𐑲𐑯 𐑚𐑴𐑝𐑲𐑯 𐑚𐑴𐑝𐑲𐑯 𐑚𐑴𐑝𐑲𐑯 𐑾𐑯 𐑾𐑯 𐑾𐑯 𐑾𐑯 𐑝𐑾 𐑝𐑾 𐑝𐑾 𐑝𐑾 𐑝𐑽 𐑝𐑽 𐑝𐑽 𐑝𐑽 𐑚𐑽 𐑚𐑽 𐑚𐑽 𐑚𐑽 𐑕𐑽𐑾𐑕 𐑕𐑽𐑾𐑕 𐑕𐑽𐑾𐑕 𐑕𐑽𐑾𐑕 𐑕𐑽𐑦𐑟 𐑕𐑽𐑦𐑟 𐑕𐑽𐑦𐑟 𐑕𐑽𐑦𐑟 𐑐𐑽𐑕 𐑐𐑽𐑛 𐑮𐑽𐑛 𐑮𐑽𐑟 𐑝𐑽𐑟 𐑚𐑴𐑯𐑽 𐑮𐑰𐑟𐑴𐑯𐑛 𐑮𐑰𐑛𐑲𐑛 𐑮𐑰𐑕𐑲𐑟𐑛 𐑮𐑦𐑑𐑲𐑼 𐑮𐑦𐑑𐑲𐑼𐑛 𐑮𐑦𐑑𐑲𐑼𐑟 𐑮𐑦𐑑𐑲𐑼𐑰 𐑩 𐑕𐑽𐑾𐑕, 𐑚𐑴𐑯𐑦 𐑮𐑦𐑑𐑲𐑼𐑰

Matthew 28:18-20 NIV by r2arnold

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

John 3:16-21 ESV by r2arnold

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”

Untitled by peppapeg

Canada's legal system is a complex and evolving framework that reflects the country's unique history, values, and multicultural makeup. Rooted in British common law traditions, the Canadian legal system is also influenced by Indigenous legal principles and international law. This essay will explore the key components of the Canadian legal system, including its historical development, structure, and the role of key institutions. One of the foundational elements of the Canadian legal system is the concept of the rule of law, which asserts that all individuals and institutions are subject to and accountable under the law. This principle is enshrined in the Canadian Constitution, which consists of a series of documents, including the Constitution Act, 1867, and the Constitution Act, 1982, which includes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. These documents outline the division of powers between the federal and provincial governments and guarantee certain rights and freedoms to all Canadians. The Canadian legal system is based on a hierarchy of laws, with the Constitution at the top, followed by federal and provincial statutes, and then regulations and common law. Common law, derived from judicial decisions, is an important source of law in Canada, particularly in areas where statutes are not clear or do not exist. The principle of stare decisis, or precedent, ensures that decisions made by higher courts are binding on lower courts, providing a level of consistency and predictability in the legal system. The Canadian legal system is also characterized by its dual nature, with both federal and provincial governments having the power to legislate in certain areas. This division of powers is set out in the Constitution Act, 1867, which assigns specific powers to each level of government. For example, the federal government is responsible for criminal law, immigration, and national defense, while the provinces have jurisdiction over areas such as education, health care, and property and civil rights.

Mark 8:34-38 NIV by r2arnold

Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”