Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Alphabet by rameahdragneels

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

welcome welcome by moyotypes

welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome

#welcome #welcome by moyotypes

#welcome #welcome #welcome #welcome #welcome #welcome #welcome #welcome

white white by moyotypes

white white white white white white white white

2 white 2 white by moyotypes

2 white 2 white 2 white 2 white 2 white 2 white 2 white 2 white

stones stones by moyotypes

stones stones stones stones stones stones stones stones

92 stones by moyotypes

92 stones 92 stones 92 stones 92 stones 92 stones

Test CS1-Week1 Maret by rizky

Betul Kak, scaling untuk pasien baru 299rb ya Kak. Apakah informasi yang Magi berikan sudah jelas atau ada lagi yang dapat Magi bantu kembali Kak? Baik Kak, untuk reservasinya Magi bantu batalkan ya. Kakak ingin Magi bantu jadwalkan kembali di tanggal dan jam berapa? Untuk estimasi biaya tambal gigi depan mulai dari 600 ribu-1 juta Kak. Hai Kak Rania, perkenalkan saya Magi dari Customer Service Satu Dental, melanjutkan percakapan sebelumnya melalui Whatsapp. Bagaimana Kak untuk rencana treatment nya? Untuk pengguna asuransi Admedika, bisa ya Kak. Namun harus dilakukan pengecekan terlebih dahulu ya Kak. Boleh di bantu untuk kirimkan kartu asuransinya tampak depan dan belakang ya Kak. Untuk gigi yang berlubang, di bagian depan atau belakang Kak? Bagaimana Kak terkait dengan rencana treatmentnya? Kakak ingin dijadwalkan di tanggal dan jam berapa Kak? Besok tersedia di jam 17:00, boleh dibantu lampirkan untuk E-Vouchernya Kak? Apakah Kakak ingin treatment menggunakan voucher dari Shopee atau Tokopedia Kak? Tergantung dari kondisi giginya ya Kak, nanti di awal dibantu konsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan dokter Kak.

Boxing Typing by user422232

The "Fight of the Century" took place on March 8, 1971 in New York City between Muhhamad Ali and Joe Frazier.
This fight went all 15 rounds with Ali losing to Frazier by decision.
It was the Olympic gold medallist's first loss as a professional boxer.

science by user107007

“When the Yogurt Took Over” by John Scalzi

There are a lot of science fiction stories about what would happen to humanity if the world was taken over by robots or aliens. John Scalzi takes the road less traveled in his short story on the same theme, imagining a future where sentient yogurt is the thing that takes us over. If the concept of a smart dairy product ruling humanity makes you chuckle, then you’re in for a treat! In just 1,000 words it manages to be both amusing and thought-provoking. If Scalzi’s tale ends up coming true then I, for one, welcome our new yogurt overlords.

“When the Yogurt Took Over” was adapted into an episode of Love, Death & Robots—an animated sci-fi anthology show on Netflix that you need to check out if you haven’t already. Most of the episodes, which are all done in different animation styles by different studios, are adapted from short stories so it’s a goldmine for discovering authors you might not have heard of or read before.

“Transcript of Interaction Between Astronaut Mike Scudderman and the OnStar Hands-Free A.I. Crash Advisor” by Grady Hendrix

Home Row Segmented by nsi_torres587


UPSC syllabus by user106993

Paper I - (200 marks) Duration: Two hours
 Current events of national and international importance.
 History of India and Indian National Movement.
 Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.
 Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights
Issues, etc.
 Economic and Social Development-Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social
Sector Initiatives, etc.
 General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change - that do not require
subject specialization.
 General Science.

The winds of change by user621144

SILENCE is complicity, said the Philippines Nobel laureate journalist Maria Ressa in her 2022 memoir How to Stand Up to a Dictator. Our biggest problems are the results of choices made by those in power. I have seen the rule of law crumble from within. The powerful forces — people, institutions, interests — are the main obstacles to a better future for Pakistan.

There is no doubt that pre-poll and post-poll rigging carried out in the latest national elections was the worst since the break-up of the country in 1971. We must speak truth to power. The string pullers used tried and tested tactics to tame a digital-savvy generation — but could not win.

The voter’s response was defiant. Against all odds, they thronged to the polling stations and their message, as reported by author and journalist Mohammed Hanif for the BBC, was clear: “We may not be able to take you on in the streets, you have your guns, but here’s our stamp on the ballot. Do what you will with it.”

The Feb 8 polls clearly revealed that the winds of change are blowing in Pakistan. Millions of tech-savvy youth participated in the electoral process for the first time in their lives. Pakistan’s youth is a large and growing demographic and an important voting bloc: 44 per cent of the electorate this year was under 35.

Social media was the dominant political campaign tool. Middle-class voters turned out in big numbers. Women and girls were also very actively involved. The distinction between urban, peri urban and rural voters could not be made. People have mostly voted for the mainstream, national parties, instead of narrow-based religious or ethnic political entities.

Three major political forces have emerged: the PTI, PML-N and PPP. The voters of KP have clearly voted big for the PTI, consistently increasing its vote bank in the three previous elections of 2013, 2018 and 2024. Punjab this time has clearly broken the pattern of voting for ‘electables’ — prominent political families relying on patronage politics. People mostly voted on party lines, rejecting the establishment-sponsored parties launched to create a dent in the vote bank of the most popular party.

Sindh remains the stronghold of the PPP, thanks to the Bhutto legacy. The declared results of Karachi do not reflect the reality: the city is not dominated by a single ethnic party. Both the PTI and PPP have a strong following. Balochistan presents a very troubling scenario. The footprints of the establishment muzzling the voices of dissent are writ large. The Baloch nationalist regions and Pakhtun areas are witnessing a rising tide of resentment. The issue of missing persons remains a festering wound.

The politicians have not learnt any lesson from our history of ‘de jure’ and ‘de facto’ military rule.

Like most of the previous elections, the recent Feb 8 polls were unfortunately rigged massively. On joining government service in 1973, I saw every election rigged by the state institutions. I was part of the elections monitoring cell of the Punjab Police in 1977 when selective rigging and a managed unopposed election of a few prominent politicians resulted in a mass movement by the opposition parties. Their leaders were arrested and detained at Police College Sihala near Rawalpindi.

After their release and the promulgation of martial law in July 1977, we saw Z.A. Bhutto detained and brought to Police College Sihala, the same place of detention but with a change in the status of the prisoner. Such has been our political saga.

Like the US president Franklin Roosevelt, it seemed Mr Bhutto was asking to be judged by the enemies he had made. His trial in the infamous murder case and hanging in April 1979 was fraught with a gory irony: a general low in the seniority list but selected as army chief, based on expected loyalty, was instrumental in the ‘judicial murder’ of his benefactor.

After a sham referendum of 1984, the army chief declared himself president for five years, followed by non-party elections in 1985, wherein people were selected to promote the agenda set by the dictator. Removing that dictator proved to be an uphill task despite the Movement for the Restoration of Democracy launched in protest against a sham democratic façade. The activists and workers of the PPP bore the brunt of brutal state tyranny. We then saw the decent and honest prime minister Mohammad Khan Junejo, appointed by the military dictator in 1985, sacked by the same general in 1988.

Fate had a violent end written for the tyrant military chief; having completed more than a decade-long reign of decadence, he died in a mysterious plane crash in August 1988. Next followed a decade of political ping-pong between two political parties headed by Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif. The military establishment called the shots and the resultant political instability led to the nation lurching from one crisis to another.

The politicians have not learnt any lesson from our chequered history of ‘de jure’ and ‘de facto’ military rule. Nawaz Sharif repeated his earlier mistake of selecting an army chief in 2016 who was not the senior-most. The role of the deep state in the elections of 2018 is an open secret. Then it was ironic that prime minister Imran Khan gave a three-year extension to the army chief in 2019, believing in the same-page mantra. The toppling of his government and subsequent political engineering since April 2022 are so widely known. And now the current government installed after the latest highly controversial elections is being dubbed as the “coalition of losers”.

It is little surprise that Pakistan was recently downgraded from a hybrid to authoritarian regime by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The most effective response to authoritarians and autocrats is to echo Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s challenge to “live not by lies”. For how long will we live by lies? To those who wield power today, one can whisper: ‘memento mori’, a reminder of inevitable mortality.

TestCS SATU-Maret W1 by rizky

Betul Kak, scaling untuk pasien baru 299rb ya Kak. Apakah informasi yang Magi berikan sudah jelas atau ada lagi yang dapat Magi bantu kembali Kak? Baik Kak, untuk reservasinya Magi bantu batalkan ya. Kakak ingin Magi bantu jadwalkan kembali di tanggal dan jam berapa? Untuk estimasi biaya tambal gigi depan mulai dari 600 ribu-1 juta Kak. Hai Kak Rania, perkenalkan saya Magi dari Customer Service Satu Dental, melanjutkan percakapan sebelumnya melalui Whatsapp. Bagaimana Kak untuk rencana treatment nya? ingin di reschedule atau sesuai dengan jadwal yang sudah dibuatkan Kak? Baik Kak, ada lagi yang bisa Magi bantu kembali Kak? Untuk gigi yang berlubang, di bagian depan atau belakang Kak? Kakak rencananya ingin kedatangan ke cabang mana Kak? Bagaimana Kak terkait dengan rencana treatmentnya? Kakak ingin dijadwalkan di tanggal dan jam berapa Kak? Besok tersedia di jam 17:00, boleh dibantu lampirkan untuk E-Vouchernya Kak? Apakah Kakak ingin treatment menggunakan voucher dari Shopee atau Tokopedia Kak? Tergantung dari kondisi giginya ya Kak, nanti di awal dibantu Konsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan dokter Kak. Untuk pengguna asuransi Admedika, bisa ya Kak. Namun harus dilakukan pengecekan terlebih dahulu ya Kak. Boleh di bantu untuk kirimkan kartu asuransinya tampak depan dan belakang ya Kak.

test 2 by danny...

Remote work has become a hot topic, especially since the spread of the Coronavirus. Personally speaking,
I prefer to work at home. I have worked in offices before, and, unfortunately, it almost always devolves
into an environment where everyone thinks the same way. I remember when I worked at a school in
midtown Manhattan and the entire staff was afraid of getting fired, so no one dissented from the school
president’s opinion, even though he was a tyrant. However, I have to admit that Sam makes a good point.
It is much harder to form strong bonds with people who do not share the same physical space. I have tried
at my current job from my home office, and Zoom meetups are just not enough to get close to someone.
Still, if I had to choose, I would opt for the freedom of working from home.

TOEFL PRACTICE 1 by danny...

The reading and the lecture are about
• While the author of the article believes that ___, the
lecturer casts doubt on the statements in the article.
• He explains __ and challenges each of the writer’s
Paragraph 1
1st - Introduce the author’s first point
2nd - State that the speaker in the listening
3rd - Explain why the lecturer disagrees
• First, the article posits
• The lecturer, however, disagrees with this
viewpoint. He points out
• Additionally, he goes on to say that
Paragraph 2
1st - Introduce the author’s second point
2nd - State that the speaker in the listening
3rd - Explain why the lecturer disagrees
• Secondly, the author notes
• The lecturer believes there are flaws in the writer's
• The speaker holds
Paragraph 3
1st - Introduce the author’s third point
2nd - State that the speaker in the listening
3rd - Explain why the lecturer disagrees
• Another reason why the author feels... is
• The professor in the listening passage is doubtful
that this is accurate. In contrast, the lecturer’s
stance is
• He suggests
*optional *
Restate the viewpoints of the author and lecturer
• To sum up, both the writer and professor hold
conflicting views about
• It's clear that they will have trouble finding
common ground on this issue.

Untitled by masoume

Recently, topic has sparked an ongoing controversy, which inevitably leads to a moot question “is it advantageous or not?”. Whereas it is a widely held view that x is highly beneficial, I will discuss controversial aspects of that throughout this essay.
From the psychological standpoint, x is bound up inextricably with x, which indicates they lead to y. As a well-known example, a longitudinal study conducted by eminent scientists in 2014 demonstrates the relationship between y and y. Consequently, my empirical evidence presented thus far supports the contention that the likelihood of y is correlated positively with x.
Within the realm of sociology, without the slightest doubt, x attribute to x, in that it would come down to y. A salient example of such attribution is y, which is a cause for concern since it was mistaken to take y for granted. Had there been a paradigm shift earlier, scholars might have had the opportunity to pinpoint social problems. Hence, it is reasonable to infer the pivotal role of topic.
To conclude, as for myself, as the saying goes “all’s well that ends well,” after analyzing what elaborated above, I firmly believe that the advantages of topic are of more significance.

b2 by afolse

before I go any further I want to remind you that these benefits are private, this
is union. They have a certain philosophy. The philosophy is that these benefits I’m about to
show you should have been taken care of a long time ago (SMILE), and if you don’t
already have these benefits, get them taken care of now, because number 1 you need them,
and number 2 if you do not get this done now, you will never do it. So as I go through these
benefits, if you see the need for them, they ask you to take advantage today and get
enrolled. Either way, we’ll fill out the report card and that lets the union know I met with
you and went over everything. Now just because some of the people you know got in, it
doesn’t mean you automatically do, you have to qualify. So now I’ll ask you the
pre-qualifying questions to see if I can even go any further

Response by user60485

Response for investigating, inspecting, testing, and reporting safety-related defects in motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment,

administering safety recalls, ordering manufacturers to recall and repair vehicles or

equipment when investigations indicate they contain safety defects in their design, construction, or performance, and monitoring the

adequacy of manufacturer recall campaigns.
receives, processes, and responds to daily correspondence receives

from the motoring public, which includes, but is not limited to: Congressional Letters, Consumer complaints, vehicle owner's

questionnaires, Manufacturer Communications, and general public correspondence.

IAA Olympics by tswiz

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog in Brusels, massachusetts for 55 dollars