Benutzerdefinierte Tests

23 by typechampiond

17 parts :




22 by typechampiond

Effective hours = reviews completed * aht
Non tracabable hours = nth / secondary review
Billable hours = 5.9
Available hours = 10 - lunch - breaks = 8.25(friday = 7.33) * HC available - NPH - idle - SL+AL
Nph = non productive hours
Productivity = Effective hours / productive
Utilization = effective hours / billable hours

20 by typechampiond

To watch :
Reservoir Dogs
Fight Club
Jim carrey and morgan freeman movie
Yes Man
Shawshank redemption.
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
Kung Fu Panda
The Usual Suspects
Ip man
Falling down
No country for old men
Rick and morty(maybe)
Cyanide and happiness
Movie recaps
The nightmare before christmas.
Ninja scroll
Alice in the borderland
Yu ghi oh : Alt Yami.
The mummy and some old tv shows.
Mob psycho 100
Jackie chan series.
Black mirror.
jujutsu kaisen
The Sopranos
The Wire
Kengan asura(manga most likely)
the good doctor
Youtube channels :
Film Recaps
Daniel CC Movie-Deputy

Event ideas (games) :
Jazz Rabbits
Castlevania series.
Resident evil
Crisis beat
Megaman legends / series (X/Z/ battle network/network transmission etc…) (sidequests/surf the new levels when megaman is stronger,S on boss fights,130 chip requirement door,trade chips with npcs,quiz king etc…).
Metal Gear 3d.
Mario n64 / paper mario / mario rpg
Baldur’s gate
Diablo ps1 / gba
Nightmare creatures
Tales of
Metroid / Prime
Krusty simpson game snes
Perfect dark
Zelda snes/gba (Lotp : desert man, average guy(done), special bomb to open a sealed door in the pyramid, inquire about something in the gossip shop(done),treasure hidden in place of the graveyard, piece of heart to the person who wears the cape at the top left of the map(underworld),golden bee, new king of bomb at the bomb shop,only heros enter this place).
Fear effect
Silent hill
Clock Tower: The First Fear
Advance wars 1&2
Kirby And The Amazing Mirror
Fist of the north star
Wild guns
Duke nukem
MS DOS games(point and click etc…)
Mario sports
Grand Theft Auto
Dexter’s laboratory
Chrono trigger
MP games :
Poy poy
Super mario party
Mario smash bros
Mario golf
Mario tennis

19 by typechampiond

18 by typechampiond

Currently learning :
Withdrawal physiology / verbena/chamomile / magnesium etc… mechanism of action
Circadian rhythm in medical journals
Anatomy : Circle of Willis / Epithalamus / CSF function / orexin and sugar etc… / cholesterol
Blood flow through organs / systemic circulation and pulmonary circulation / pain physiology
Brain blood barrier/ventricular system.
Melatonin / cortisol and sleep
Metabolism and night shift
SSRIs physiology.
Adenosine function
physiology of relaxation(physical and neurological)
Glutamate video
Cortisol b / insufficient negative feedback sensitivity
Short chain fatty acids from metabolized prebiotics, they also enter the blood stream and reach organs, act as signals to communicate with the brain.
a1 antitrypsin
Giant cell arteritis
Sympathetic and Para sympathetic nervous system
Vagus nerve
Meals and f / carbs malnutrition malabsorbtion etc…
Hypophyseal portal system
glymphatic system
Oxidative s
Topics :
metabolism and energy / biochemistry
blood supply of the brain
Toxicology/biology/medicine videos
Medicine and the human body
HPA axis
Pre - Diabetes
Music theory.
Inflation explanation. Fiat, economy basics.
Caffeine Crash
Sugar Crash / how is glucose used as energy
Allergic reactions
Vitamin and minerals roles(advanced) / Playlist on vitamins JJ medicine playlist
Blood flow through organs.
Liver function(advanced)(while writing in a doc)
Sleep in detail
Medical Terminology
Homeostatic balance (positive and negative feedback loops)
Hepatic portal system
portocaval anastomosis
Paresthesia and nerves
Anatomy and Physiology
Caffeine interactions with other
Steronine syndrome
Tuberous sclerosis
Liver physiology ✅ / Carotid Artery ✅ / Blood supply to the brain ✅ / Divisions of the brain ✅ / Introduction to skull, meninges, ventricular system and brain ✅ / Brain Blood Barrier ✅ /
Peripheral clocks
venous thrombosis / DVT
glucose issues in night shift/ rotating sleep schedule /
cortisol, melatonin /
metabolic syndrome and night shift
disturbances of healthy gut microbiota caused by sleep loss and circadian misalignment
Insulin resistance and ApoE4
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD)
Cortisol function / cortisol b / CSF

Links :
Energy Metabolism
The Addicted Brain
Osmosis Channel
The History of the Atom
Osmosis free videos
Crash Course youtube channel
Dr Matt & Mike
Nutrition and metabolism
JJ medicine
Alila Medical Media
The noted anatomist
Armando Hasudungan
Institute of Human Anatomy
Ninja Nerd
Zero To Finals
Catalyst university
Science ABC
Memorable Psychiatry

17 by typechampiond

Facts :

1- pressing S spawns a circle with a line that stems from the center of it and goes outside, this line is where the circle is looking.
2-when clicking to create a new circle, you can’t create it on top of an already existing one.
3- the circles have an x that can be used to delete them
4-when clicking R the circles present that were added should rotate to face the square in the middle.

Technicalities :

3 event listeners : spawning, deleting and rotating.

Spawning : when pressing S, first we check add an event listener for the mouse to check for hovering position x and y.
After that insert the div circle but also calculate the 4 vertices’ pixels it’s going to occupy and move it accordingly so that it doesn’t spawn outside the body element.

Deleting : clicking on the x button deletes the element inserted.

Rotation :

16 by typechampiond

Book bolt

Degraded ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) refers to ATP that has been broken down into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and inorganic phosphate. This breakdown occurs during muscle contraction when ATP is used up as a source of energy. The effect of degraded ATP on the body depends on the rate of breakdown and the availability of energy to replenish ATP stores.
If ATP degradation exceeds the rate of ATP production through cellular respiration, the body experiences fatigue, decreased energy, and decreased endurance. This can result in a decrease in physical performance and may affect overall health and wellness.
Additionally, degraded ATP can contribute to the buildup of lactic acid in muscles, which can cause muscle pain and soreness. Lactic acid buildup can also cause an acidic environment in the body, which can disrupt cellular function and metabolism.
In summary, degraded ATP can have negative effects on the body's energy levels, physical performance, and overall health if the rate of degradation exceeds the rate of ATP production.

AMP (adenosine monophosphate)

Food types and duration needed to be absorbed into the bloodstream or move into other digestive organs.
Does food types mix and move at the same time and leave the stomach or each type moves separately.

15 by typechampiond

Whenever a user searches for a nasheed, the word searched should be highlighted below in each nasheed, to facilitate the process.

14 by typechampiond

Abbreviations :
Content Moderation (COMO)
The Special Access Facility (SAF)
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Global Security Operations Center (GSOC)
Trust and safety (T&S)
Education Documentary Scientific or Artistic (ESDA)
Quality Analysis (QA)
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Child Sexual abuse imagery (CSAI)
Key Terrorist Figure (KTF)
L0 : quality platform

Glossary Of Terms :

I thoroughly enjoyed reading and watching the provided newsletter. It offers a delightful blend of topics that not only engage but also alleviate stress for its readers. However, I would greatly appreciate more information on stress-relieving strategies specifically targeted towards handling workplace changes. Additionally, it would be beneficial to include insights on how to overcome the post-vacation blues. Providing helpful tips and clues for this particular group would be highly appreciated.

13 by typechampiond

A game where the way to improve isn’t through increasing your damage with xp or leveling up neither is it with acquiring better weapons but rather through learning techniques and methods to defeat opponents,
An example would be meeting the last boss of the game in the start, him destroying you technique wise and in the end you defeat him with pure skill and technique.
Another cool thing to have in the game would be that if someone were to replay the game on a new save with all the knowledge, the enemies’ AI would be even stronger, it can even be made to be unbeatable.

-a game where the story and the goal is to be alone, to do that you need to strategically know how to deal with your enemies and stages, just a vague idea for now.
Another point is that it’s not a linear scripted game but one where your strategy matters, of course at the end there is a beautiful glorious scene where the main character is alone. With some relaxing music similar to the end of sifu.

12 by typechampiond

Select and transform :
Alt + A to deselect all
B hotkey = box select C = circle select
Ts 209
Alt + R resets rotation
Ts 451
Alt + S resets scale
Double clicking an axis hotkey after transformation changes from global transformation to local
Holding Shift while transformation reduces sensitivity, works in sliding values / numbers too

Add & Delete :
Dissolve faces helps with getting rid of loop cuts
Edge collapse, Edge loop

Collections :

M for move to collection menu
C to create a new collection in the selected collection
Ctrl + click on collection to rename
View layers save checked and unchecked states 4:07

Workspaces :
7:11 info panel

Mesh Selection Mode :

1,2 and 3 to change mesh selection mode, you can also hold shift for multiple selection mode

Vaegus nerve , bile acid, liver and kidney tests, migrating motor complex, food allergies test , inflammation test , sugar affecting the teeth and thus interacting with the gum bacteria causing issues etc…
Raynaud's disease
Peripheral artery disease (PAD)
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)
Buerger's disease
Thromboangiitis obliterans
Kawasaki disease
Polyarteritis nodosa
Giant cell arteritis
Behcet's disease
Takayasu's arteritis
Fabry's disease
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)

-souls like where you are the boss and you prepare small enemies and their position etc… for a player AI to go through it, maybe you can control the small enemies at will or not but pretty much reverse the roles. For example the goal could be to obviously defeat the player npc before he reaches you but in higher difficulty it could be just to drain his resources until he gets to the final boss which is you.
The npc could be randomly generated with random abilities etc… that affect the level’s troops and small enemies etc…

Essentially, the concentration of sugar (glucose) in the blood activates the beta islet cells in the pancreas to release insulin. The more glucose, the more the cells are triggered, releasing more and more insulin.
The mechanism goes: glucose diffuses in to the beta cell, goes through the metabolic process of creating ATP. More glucose = more ATP. This ATP causes the concentration of potassium in the cell to rise. More ATP = more potassium. When the potassium concentration reaches a peak, calcium channels in the cell wall open. Calcium floods in to the cell and activates vesicles full of insulin to pop to the surface of the cell and release. The cell then resets ready for the process to go again.

-DKA with normal blood sugar, and keto tests
-glucose storage when eating sugar the day before and will the body use it the next day
-insulin resistance and releasing too much insulin

immune system and protein/amino acids

Vasoconstriction and :
angiotensin ii stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone which acts on the kidney to reabsorb sodium and water to raise blood volume and therefore pressure. it also directly causes vasoconstriction - i.e., tenses our "angios" (dont need to know the mechanism)

Fasting insulin test

I must say that I thoroughly enjoy reading and engaging with the wellness newsletters provided. They offer a pleasant and enjoyable experience, covering a wide range of topics that can greatly assist individuals dealing with stress.
In terms of design, I appreciate the overall layout as it allows for easy interaction.
the wellness snippet videos provide excellent insight and tips. I find them to be a valuable addition to the newsletter, offering quick and practical advice that can easily be implemented in daily life. I encourage the continuation of these informative segments as they have proven to be highly useful.

11 by typechampiond

Hra : WC*wM5y$8fq5!JA

10 by typechampiond

10 by typechampiond

Innovation idea : when searching for color in FTO image search , it should display the percentage of color that exists in each picture to better determine what type of color is major or minor in each image.
The benefits : it helps with accuracy.

9 by typechampiond

















8 by typechampiond

Get the data and increment the already existing idle code variables with the value (time in tifi units), using a for loop, also have a another set of variables for the highest individual value of idle codes and keep replacing it with the highest one.
Maybe get the variables into an array and then display both group of variables in the console.

7 by typechampiond

var fgc = 0;
var bbreak = 0;

var topfgc = 0;
var topbbreak = 0;

var idlecodes = ["CoreReview", "SecondaryReview", "AdditionalNTH", "Break", "CompanyActivity", "QualityAppeal", "FeelGoodDetach", "QualityMeeting", "TECH", "PKT", "FeelGood360", "Meeting/Huddle", "LoggedOut", "NTH", "Idle", "SME/Informal", "1:1", "Absence", "Nesting", "Training", "FeelGoodEngagement", "Innovation", "Lunch", "Shadowing"];

var idlecodestr = "Core Review Break Core Review Feel Good Detach Core Review PKT Break Core Review Lunch Core Review Break"

idlecodestr = idlecodestr.split(" ").join("")

var numstr = `1.20 0.13 0.51 0.97 0.39 0.44 0.12 0.72 1.00 0.54 0.32`

var idlecodenumsArr = numstr.split(" ");



for (let i = 0; i < idlecodes.length; i++) {
idlecodestr = idlecodestr.replaceAll(idlecodes[i], idlecodes[i] + " ")


idlecodesstrArr = idlecodestr.slice(0, -1).split(" ");

for (let i = 0; i < idlecodesstrArr.length; i++) {

if (idlecodesstrArr[i] == "FeelGoodDetach" || idlecodesstrArr[i] == "FeelGood360") {

fgc += idlecodenumsArr[i]
if(idlecodenumsArr[i] > topfgc){
topfgc = idlecodenumsArr[i];

} else if (idlecodesstrArr[i] == "Break") {
if(idlecodenumsArr[i] > topbbreak){
topbbreak = idlecodenumsArr[i];
bbreak += idlecodenumsArr[i];



Math.round(fgc * 100) / 100
Math.round(bbreak * 100) / 100
Math.round(topfgc * 100) / 100
Math.round(topbbreak * 100) / 100

console.log("topbbreak = ",topbbreak, "topfgc = ", topfgc,"fgc = ", fgc,"bbreak = ",bbreak)

6 by typechampiond

Case :
Motherboard : Msi b550 a pro
Ssd : 500gb ssd / 1tb
Psu : 750w psu
Ram : 16gb ddr4
Gpu : Rx 6700xt
Cpu : Ryzen 7 5700x

5 by typechampiond

From 55 magic to 94 :
Xp required : 7944614 req / 135k xp gained an hour = 59 hours

4 by typechampiond

#making potions, Herbalore.

startOverSwitch = 1
issueCounter = 0
crRing = 8

def waitNmove(mode,wtArr,crdArr,spdArr):
#mf stands for mf, wf for wait first
if mode == 'mf':
elif mode == 'wf':

def waitNclick(mode,wtArr):
if mode == 'cf':
elif mode == 'wf'

def waitNpress(mode,wtArr,btn):
if mode == 'pf':
elif mode == 'wf'

#loop check function that will keep checking for a specified amount of time until the argument number is met(0 or 1)

def loopCheckSS(newSSArr,png,Num,timeArr):

Timeout = time.time()
i = 0
while i < 1:
if np.sum(capSS(newSSArr) != png) == Num:
return 'Continue'
elif calcTime(Timeout) > rdm(timeArr[0],timeArr[1]):
return 'Timed Out'

#starts over and resets position etc...
def startOver():
#first run checkOnline
if checkOnline() == 'still online':
#wait and press f4
#move to castle wars ring and click to teleport to castle wars
#click on bank
#check for bank UI, reset logic here is to set startOverSwitch to 1, logout then the main loop will check the startOverSwitch and try again.
bankSS = [coordinates]
bankPng = 'bank.png'
if loopCheckSS(bankSS,bankPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
startOverSwitch = 1

#empty your inventory by clicking on every single item in a random order while having your bank open
#array that contain tuples that contain coordinates for every inv spot, the rdm for the area is the same.
crdArrTup = [()]
for x in crdArrTup:
waitNmove('wf',[1500,3000],[x[0] + rdm(1,10),x[1]+rdm(1,10)],[100,1500])

#check for inv to be empty
invEmptySS = [coordinates]
invEmptyPng = 'invEmpty.png'
if loopCheckSS(invEmptySS,invEmptyPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
startOverSwitch = 1
#close bank UI
#check for bank UI to be closed
bankSS = [coordinates]
bankPng = 'bank.png'
if loopCheckSS(bankSS,bankPng,1,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
startOverSwitch = 1
#check if castle wars ring is equal to 0, if so equip another one,other wise reduce uses variable by 1
if crRing == 0:
crRing -= 1
#check for equiped castlewars
crRingSS = [coordinates]
crRingPng = 'crRing.png'
if loopCheckSS(crRingSS,crRingPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
startOverSwitch = 1

#increase issueCounter by one
issueCounter += 1
#set startOverSwitch to 0
startOverSwitch = 0
startOverSwitch = 1

#start at the tile next to castle wars bank. have a caste wars ring on for reseting.

#move and click on bank pixels range.
#check for bank UI with taking a new ss and comparing it to bankUI.png
#when true continue, if false, keep checking for 15 seconds. if exceeded reset and increase reset counter. when reset counter hits 3 , there will be a logout reset.
bankSS = [coordinates]
bankPng = 'bank.png'

# if statement that checks if the loopCheckSS for bank fails and times out, if so it will call startOver and stop the code by the return statement.
if loopCheckSS(bankSS,bankPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''

#the bank will be on a special tab that will contain ingridients, each one will have had their left click swapped for withdrawing 14. withdraw.
#first ingridient
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))
#second ingridient
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))
#check if inv is full by comparing new ss of inventory and invEmpty.png
#when true continue, if false, same reset logic
invFullSS = [coordinates]
invFullPng = 'invFull.png'
if loopCheckSS(invFullSS,invFullPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''

#move and click to make the potion.
#click on first item
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))
#click on second item
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))
#check for potion making UI.
#when true continue if false, same reset logic
potionUiSS = [coordinates]
potionUiPng = 'potionUI.PNG'

if loopCheckSS(potionUiSS,potionUiPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''

#wait and press space to brew the potions

#wait and check until proccess is finished.
#when true continue if false, same reset logic
invFinishedSS = [coordinates]
invFinishedSSPng = 'invFinished.png'
if loopCheckSS(invFinishedSS,invFinishedSSPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''

#click on bank
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))
#check for bank ui
if loopCheckSS(bankSS,bankPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''

#deposit existing potions
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))

#check if inv is empty by comparing new ss of inventory and invEmpty.png
invEmptySS = [coordinates]
invEmptyPng = 'invPng'
if loopCheckSS(invEmptySS,invEmptyPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''
