Benutzerdefinierte Tests

4 by typechampiond

#making potions, Herbalore.

startOverSwitch = 1
issueCounter = 0
crRing = 8

def waitNmove(mode,wtArr,crdArr,spdArr):
#mf stands for mf, wf for wait first
if mode == 'mf':
elif mode == 'wf':

def waitNclick(mode,wtArr):
if mode == 'cf':
elif mode == 'wf'

def waitNpress(mode,wtArr,btn):
if mode == 'pf':
elif mode == 'wf'

#loop check function that will keep checking for a specified amount of time until the argument number is met(0 or 1)

def loopCheckSS(newSSArr,png,Num,timeArr):

Timeout = time.time()
i = 0
while i < 1:
if np.sum(capSS(newSSArr) != png) == Num:
return 'Continue'
elif calcTime(Timeout) > rdm(timeArr[0],timeArr[1]):
return 'Timed Out'

#starts over and resets position etc...
def startOver():
#first run checkOnline
if checkOnline() == 'still online':
#wait and press f4
#move to castle wars ring and click to teleport to castle wars
#click on bank
#check for bank UI, reset logic here is to set startOverSwitch to 1, logout then the main loop will check the startOverSwitch and try again.
bankSS = [coordinates]
bankPng = 'bank.png'
if loopCheckSS(bankSS,bankPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
startOverSwitch = 1

#empty your inventory by clicking on every single item in a random order while having your bank open
#array that contain tuples that contain coordinates for every inv spot, the rdm for the area is the same.
crdArrTup = [()]
for x in crdArrTup:
waitNmove('wf',[1500,3000],[x[0] + rdm(1,10),x[1]+rdm(1,10)],[100,1500])

#check for inv to be empty
invEmptySS = [coordinates]
invEmptyPng = 'invEmpty.png'
if loopCheckSS(invEmptySS,invEmptyPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
startOverSwitch = 1
#close bank UI
#check for bank UI to be closed
bankSS = [coordinates]
bankPng = 'bank.png'
if loopCheckSS(bankSS,bankPng,1,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
startOverSwitch = 1
#check if castle wars ring is equal to 0, if so equip another one,other wise reduce uses variable by 1
if crRing == 0:
crRing -= 1
#check for equiped castlewars
crRingSS = [coordinates]
crRingPng = 'crRing.png'
if loopCheckSS(crRingSS,crRingPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
startOverSwitch = 1

#increase issueCounter by one
issueCounter += 1
#set startOverSwitch to 0
startOverSwitch = 0
startOverSwitch = 1

#start at the tile next to castle wars bank. have a caste wars ring on for reseting.

#move and click on bank pixels range.
#check for bank UI with taking a new ss and comparing it to bankUI.png
#when true continue, if false, keep checking for 15 seconds. if exceeded reset and increase reset counter. when reset counter hits 3 , there will be a logout reset.
bankSS = [coordinates]
bankPng = 'bank.png'

# if statement that checks if the loopCheckSS for bank fails and times out, if so it will call startOver and stop the code by the return statement.
if loopCheckSS(bankSS,bankPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''

#the bank will be on a special tab that will contain ingridients, each one will have had their left click swapped for withdrawing 14. withdraw.
#first ingridient
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))
#second ingridient
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))
#check if inv is full by comparing new ss of inventory and invEmpty.png
#when true continue, if false, same reset logic
invFullSS = [coordinates]
invFullPng = 'invFull.png'
if loopCheckSS(invFullSS,invFullPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''

#move and click to make the potion.
#click on first item
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))
#click on second item
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))
#check for potion making UI.
#when true continue if false, same reset logic
potionUiSS = [coordinates]
potionUiPng = 'potionUI.PNG'

if loopCheckSS(potionUiSS,potionUiPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''

#wait and press space to brew the potions

#wait and check until proccess is finished.
#when true continue if false, same reset logic
invFinishedSS = [coordinates]
invFinishedSSPng = 'invFinished.png'
if loopCheckSS(invFinishedSS,invFinishedSSPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''

#click on bank
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))
#check for bank ui
if loopCheckSS(bankSS,bankPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''

#deposit existing potions
cursor.move_to([rdm(000,000),rdm(000,000)],duration = slp(100,1500))

#check if inv is empty by comparing new ss of inventory and invEmpty.png
invEmptySS = [coordinates]
invEmptyPng = 'invPng'
if loopCheckSS(invEmptySS,invEmptyPng,0,[10,15]) == 'Timed Out':
return ''


3 by typechampiond

Dialogue choices that pop up and could shape how the boss climax music part and boss action would be.

Zebak :
Red bulls a mage, rocks are range

Lock melerer
Kill ranger with melee
Priotritize magers, protect melee if melerer gets nearby
Blowpipe healers
Kill large spawning balls

Attacks in order of : melee, range, mage
You attack with : mage, melee, range
Simons says
Kill shadows with blowpipe rapid
Protect mage at the end, white balls

Protect melee, spec
Blowpipe monkeys
When rocks falls, hide behind one.
Don’t fall down
Hit cracked boulders


Questions for toa:
Always spec with blood dagger on all enemies? Also bone dagger, what to spec with, when
Always spec when available? yes
Dragon crossbow and 1k hp thing
When to use blowpipe and dcrossbow

Mage :
Helm : ahrim’s hood 230k
Amulet : glory
Cape : imbued god cape
Chest : ahrim’s robetop 3.8m
Legs : ahrim’s robeskirt 4m
Right hand : trident of the seas 800k
Left hand : unholy book
Ranged :
Gloves : n/a
Boots : n/a
Ring : lightbeared
Spec : dragon dagger

Melee :
Helm : Helm of neitiznot 50k
Amulet : glory amulet 10k
Cape : Fire cape
Chest : fighter torso
Legs : Blessed chaps
Right hand : Hasta 3m
Left hand : dragon defender
Ranged : N/a
Gloves : granite gloves 80k
Boots : dragon boots 150k
Ring : lightbearer 3m
Spec : dragon dagger 17k

Range :
Helm : Helm of neitiznot
Amulet : glory amulet
Cape : ava’s
Chest : blessed body
Legs : blessed chaps
Right hand : toxic blowpipe 4m + rune crossbow 10k
Left hand : N/a
Ranged : N/a
Gloves : zaryte vambraces
Boots : blessed boots
Ring : lightbearer
Spec : toxic blowpipe

2 by typechampiond

-anyone here had or has sleep issues

-explanation of sleep and how it functions,
absence of wakefulness and by the loss of consciousness of one's surroundings
During a normal sleep period, you progress through four to five sleep cycles. Each sleep cycle is made up of four individual sleep stages.
The four stages of sleep are further broken down into two categories: rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM sleep. These categories are important because what happens during REM sleep is dramatically different from what happens during non-REM stages.
The first three stages of sleep are composed of non-REM activity. Stage 1 is short, representing the act of dozing off and transitioning into sleep. In Stage 2 the body and mind slow down as you settle into sleep. It’s easiest to be awoken during these first two stages.
The fourth stage is REM sleep. During REM periods, brain activity shoots back up to levels similar to when you’re awake – which explains why REM is associated with the most intense dreams. While breathing and heart rate increase during REM sleep, most muscles are paralyzed, which keeps us from acting out those vivid dreams.

Each sleep cycle takes between 70 and 120 minutes
. In the first sleep cycles of the night, more time is spent in non-REM sleep. The majority of REM sleep happens during the second half of the night.

-dangers of bad sleep quality and associated disorders, then the benefits of good sleep quality

-methods of achieving good sleep

Questions :

1 by typechampiond

# high alching function

def HighAlch():
#The magic tab is expected to be opened and The mouse is expected to be positioned on the noted item that is being high alched, usually the RandomAct will move it there at the end

# click on the high alch spell.
# wait a randomized amount

# then click on the noted item.
# wait between 5.5-6.8s then repeat.


# Random Action function
def RandomAct():
# perform a random action
tabsPosArr = []
num = random.randrange(0-3)

if num == 1:
# clicking on chat tabs in a random order
for x in tabsPosArr:
elif num == 2:
#open the map, keep it for a while then close it
# teleport to one of three locations using tele tablets then randomly walk through mini map then back to default locations

# always return cursor to high alching position range

#logout function

def Logout():

#While loop that alternates between the three functions dependant on a counter

logouttimer = time.time()
RandomActtime = time.time()
i = 0
while i < 99999:
if RandomActtime - time.time() > Random.randrange(2400,3600):
RandomActtime = time.time()

elif logouttimer - time.time() > Random.randrange(18000,20700):
logouttimer = time.time()


Dump Emails by morellanthony

# Dump out the values of the email column
for i in range(num_email):
email_length = dumpNumber(f"SELECT LEN(email) FROM users ORDER BY email OFFSET {i} ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY")
print("The email is: " + str(email_length))
email_value = dumpString(f"SELECT email FROM users ORDER BY email OFFSET {i} ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY", email_length)
print("The email is: " + email_value)

quick^ quick^ quick^ by moyotypes

quick^ quick^ quick^ quick^ quick^ quick^ quick^ quick^ quick^ quick^

page 1 on the book by user20101020

It was Saturday evening.
Mother and father were at a party
The baby- sitter was fixing supper.
Violet was playing
with her doctor kit.
She put a bandage on her doll’s head.
“I am Going to be a doctor
When I Grow up She ,,said .
What are you going to be, arthur ?”

page 1 on the book by user20101020

It was Saturday evening.
Mother and father were at a party
The baby- sitter was fixing supper.
Violet was playing
with her doctor kit.
She put a bandage on her doll’s head.
“I am Going to be a doctor
When I Grow up She ,,said .
What are you going to be, arthur ?”

abc by frenk

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

1. L’agriculture et by 18010059041

L’agriculture et l’environnement L’ alimentation biologique le développement de l'agriculture biologique
Moins de pollution de l’air de l’eau et du sol Par exemple en utilisant moins de produits chimiques de synthèse

Contribution à la biodiversité par exemple en utilisant des méthodes des rotations et des cultures qui favorisent la présence du variété d’espèces animales et végétales dans la ferme.

Amélioration de la qualité des aliments par exemple en utilisant des méthodes des productions qui favorise le coût et les nutriments des aliments.

Soutiennent à l’économie locaux par exemple en achetant directement auprès de producteurs locaux et en favorisant le maintien des petits exploitations agricoles

Contribution à la lutte contre le changement climatique par exemple en utilisant des méthodes des productions qui réduisent l’utilisation d’énergie fossiles et qui favorisent la captation du carbon dans les sol.

Coût de production plus élevé par exemple en utilisant des méthodes des productions plus coûteuse en main-d’œuvre et en temps

Fable rendement par exemple en utilisant des méthodes des productions qui peuvent entraîner des pertes de récolte plus importantes que celle observées dans l’agriculture conventionnelle

Difficulté de concurrence avec les prix des produits issus de l’agriculture conventionnelle par exemple en raison de coûts de production plus élevé et des rendement inférieur

Barrière réglementaire par exemple en raison de normes et de certification spécifique qui peuvent être difficile à remplir

Disponibilité limitée de certains produits biologiques par exemple en raison du nombre limité de certains producteurs biologiques de la difficulté des produits certains cultures biologiquement

Journey to my career by user741556

Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972). Rule number 4 THE APPLICATION - The rules apply in any condition of visibility ( sight or in restricted visibility). Rule number 5 LOOK-OUT - Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and the risk of collision.Rule number 6 SAFE SPEED - Every vessel shall at all times proceed at the safe speed so thar she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions. Rule number 7 RISK OF COLLISION - Vessel must use all available means to determine the risk of collision, including the use of radar (if availble) to get early warning of the risk of collision by radar plotting or equivalent systematic observation of detected objects. ARPA, AIS

current affairs by user904579

British rule in the Indian subcontinent ended in 1947 with the creation of new states: the dominions of Pakistan and India, as the successor states to British India. The British Paramountcy over the 562 Indian princely states ended. According to the Indian Independence Act 1947, "the suzerainty of His Majesty over the Indian States lapses, and with it, all treaties and agreements in force at the date of the passing of this Act between His Majesty and the rulers of Indian States".[59][60] States were thereafter left to choose whether to join India or Pakistan or to remain independent. Jammu and Kashmir, the largest of the princely states, had a predominantly Muslim population ruled by the Hindu Maharaja Hari Singh. He decided to stay independent because he expected that the State's Muslims would be unhappy with accession to India, and the Hindus and Sikhs would become vulnerable if he joined Pakistan. On August, the Maharaja dismissed his prime minister Ram Chandra Kak, who had advocated independence. Observers and scholars interpret this action as a tilt towards accession to India
The Jammu division of the state got caught up in the Partition violence. Large numbers of Hindus and Sikhs from Rawalpindi and Sialkot started arriving in March 1947 following massacres in Rawalpindi, bringing "harrowing stories of Muslim atrocities." According to Ilyas Chattha, this provoked counter-violence on Jammu Muslims, which had "many parallels with that in Sialkot."[ The violence in the eastern districts of Jammu that started in September, developed into a widespread 'massacre' of Muslims around October, organised by the Hindu Dogra troops of the State and perpetrated by the local Hindus, including members of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, and the Hindus and Sikhs displaced from the neighbouring areas of West Pakistan. The Maharaja himself was implicated in some instances. A large number of Muslims were killed. Others fled to West Pakistan, some of whom made their way to the western districts of Poonch and Mirpur, which were undergoing rebellion. Many of these Muslims believed that the Maharaja ordered the killings in Jammu which instigated the Muslims in West Pakistan to join the uprising in Poonch and help in the formation of the Azad Kashmir government

Xz{ qw(1) } by wishpath

Juxtapose Kibitz = KIBITZ_LUXURIOUS_OBSEQUIOUS; Quasar IodizeBauxite( Rezoning Saxophone, Taxidermy Unique) { Vizier (Waxing Yachtswoman : Acquiesce) {Buzzy Czarist = Exorcize++; Haze (Influx()) Toxin Vex; Wax (Jazziness; Keypad < Nexus; Glitzy--;) Luxuriate(Muzzle); } }

Xz{ qw() } by wishpath


Quasar IodizeBauxite( Rezoning Saxophone, Taxidermy Unique) {
Vizier (Waxing Yachtswoman : Acquiesce) {
Buzzy Czarist = Exorcize++;
Haze (Influx()) Toxin Vex;
Wax (Jazziness; Keypad < Nexus; Glitzy--;) Luxuriate(Muzzle);

Untitled by masoume

Recently, topic has sparked an ongoing controversy, which inevitably leads to a moot question “is it advantageous or not?”. Whereas it is a widely held view that x is highly beneficial, I will discuss controversial aspects of that throughout this essay.
From the psychological standpoint, x is bound up inextricably with x, which indicates they lead to y. As a well-known example, a longitudinal study conducted by eminent scientists in 2014 demonstrates the relationship between y and y. Consequently, my empirical evidence presented thus far supports the contention that the likelihood of y is correlated positively with x.
Within the realm of sociology, without the slightest doubt, x attribute to x, in that it would come down to y. A salient example of such attribution is y, which is a cause for concern since it was mistaken to take y for granted. Had there been a paradigm shift earlier, scholars might have had the opportunity to pinpoint social problems. Hence, it is reasonable to infer the pivotal role of topic.
To conclude, as for myself, as the saying goes “all’s well that ends well,” after analyzing what elaborated above, I firmly believe that the advantages of topic are of more significance.

concepto 2.2 by user650067

A diferencia de otras constituciones provinciales, la Constitución del Chaco, en su art. 1 establece: La provincia del Chaco, estado autónomo de la Nación Argentina, organiza sus instituciones bajo el sistema representativo, republicano y democrático. Adopta así, la denominación de Nación Argentina y no de República, por ser el vocablo más adecuado, y es el que emplea la Constitución Nacional en diversas cláusulas. También emplea el vocablo sistema a diferencia de las constituciones provinciales y la nacional que hablan de formas de gobierno. Por definición, forma es hechura exterior de los objetos, sistema se extiende a todo conjunto de reglas, preceptos o principios conexionados entre si, sobre alguna materia determinada; técnicamente, en política es la organización y práctica de la constitución de un Estado. Por lo demás, es el término que emplea el art. 5 de la Constitución Nacional al ordenar que cada provincia dictará para sí una constitución bajo el sistema representativo.

Concepto 2 by user650067

A diferencia de otras constituciones provinciales, la Constitución del Chaco, en su art. 1 establece: La provincia del Chaco, estado autónomo de la Nación Argentina, organiza sus instituciones bajo el sistema representativo, republicano y democrático. Adopta así, la denominación de Nación Argentina y no de República, por ser el vocablo más adecuado, y es el que emplea la Constitución Nacional en diversas cláusulas. También emplea el vocablo “sistema” a diferencia de las constituciones provinciales y la nacional que hablan de “formas de gobierno”. Por definición, “forma” es hechura exterior de los objetos, “sistema” se extiende a todo conjunto de reglas, preceptos o principios conexionados entre si, sobre alguna materia determinada; técnicamente, en política es la organización y práctica de la constitución de un Estado. Por lo demás, es el término que emplea el art. 5 de la Constitución Nacional al ordenar que cada provincia dictará para sí una constitución bajo el sistema representativo.

"RAIN" by angelface144

Sometimes it's soft as a misty rain, that gently touches my soul. It fuels the fire that burns in me, and I simply lose control. So just, rain down, on me, let your love just fall like rain just rain, on me. Just rain down, on me, let your love just shower me just rain on me. Full as a dam at capacity, my passion's about to explode, yeah. I can't escape it's surrounding me, I'm caught in a storm, that I don't need no shelter from!

Right hand by user455335

90 minks jump; 8=6+2, joy! ^&*()_+; yuiop[]{}hjkl:;',.<>bnm

Right hand by user455335

"90=6*()_+; 8-7, MINK HOP!"

6 mink hop.
90 joy, 8 run; 7 sit.
^&*(), joy: mink; hop & run.

"<MINK!>" YUIO yuiop.

"[HOP?]" mink yuiop.


";', joy: mink. <>".