Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Crunch: ' by senth

I'm you're he's she's it's that's who's there's when's where's why's how's I'd you'd he'd she'd we'd they'd I'll you'll he'll she'll we'll they'll I've you've we've they've isn't aren't wasn't weren't hasn't haven't hadn't don't doesn't didn't won't wouldn't can't couldn't shouldn't mightn't mustn't

father's mother's friend's dog's cat's teacher's student's doctor's nurse's neighbor's manager's child's parent's brother's sister's uncle's aunt's boss's company's city's country's planet's school's university's hospital's church's state's country's restaurant's

can't've won't've isn't've aren't've wasn't've weren't've hasn't've haven't've hadn't've doesn't've don't've didn't've shan't've shouldn't've wouldn't've couldn't've mightn't've mustn't've let's what's here's there's

o'clock rock'n'roll 80's 90's 60's 70's fool's gold mind's eye heart's content time's up life's work day's end year's supply week's pay night's sleep

today's yesterday's tomorrow's Monday's Tuesday's Wednesday's Thursday's Friday's Saturday's Sunday's January's February's March's April's May's June's July's August's September's October's November's December's

John's Garage Sale by senth

On a bright Saturday morning, John announced, "We're hosting the biggest garage sale of the year next weekend! Our goal is to clear out at least 75% of the attic's clutter." His partner, Alex, added, "I've counted, and there are exactly 423 items up there. If we price them right, we could make a significant dent in our vacation fund."

As they prepared, John remarked, "Let's start tagging everything. How about we label those vintage comic books at $5 each? We have about 32 of them." Alex, flipping through a spreadsheet, replied, "Sounds good. And there's that old guitar from the '60s. I found a similar one online going for $250."

The day before the sale, their neighbor, Mrs. Thompson, inquired, "Are you really selling that beautiful antique clock?" John nodded, "Yes, we're asking for $150. It's from the early '50s and still works perfectly." Mrs. Thompson, intrigued, said, "I'll take it. And those kitchen chairs, the set of 4, how much are they?" Alex answered, "We've priced the set at $100. They're from the '70s but in great condition."

The morning of the garage sale, at precisely 7:00 AM, people started arriving. By 10:30 AM, over 150 visitors had browsed their wares. John, excited, exclaimed, "We've already sold 60% of the items! That's around 254 pieces gone." Alex, updating their records, noted, "And we've made approximately $1,200 so far. This is going great!"

As the day concluded at 4:00 PM, John and Alex counted their earnings. "We've surpassed our goal, making a total of $2,345," Alex announced proudly. John, tired but satisfied, said, "This was a huge success. We cleared out the attic and made a nice sum for our trip." They decided to donate the remaining items, about 80 pieces, to a local charity.

Reflecting on the day, John mused, "It's amazing how much we accumulated over the years. But it feels good to declutter and know these items will find new homes." Alex agreed, "Absolutely, and it's nice to see Mrs. Thompson's smile when she took that clock. She said it reminded her of her grandmother's house."

As the sun set, they sat down, looking at the now-empty driveway, feeling a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment. "Next year," Alex joked, "we should aim to sell another 500 items. But for now, let's plan that vacation."

Småstad i Sverige by senth

I en småstad i Sverige, känt för sin historiska charm och levande kulturarv, pågick förberedelserna inför den årliga "Ljusfestivalen", som skulle äga rum den 21:a oktober 2024. Festivalen, som firade sitt 10:e år, började kl. 18:00 och pågick till midnatt. Det förväntades att över 3.500 besökare skulle delta, en ökning från förra årets 2.789 besökare.

Planeringen involverade över 50 lokala företag, inklusive "Kjells Konditori" på Storgatan 12, som förberedde 1.200 bitar av sin berömda blåbärsäppelpaj. "Äventyrsbadet Älgön" erbjöd gratis inträde från kl. 09:00 till 15:00 för att barnen skulle kunna njuta av dagen innan festivalen. Dessutom skulle "Johans Järnhandel" på Östergatan 45 hålla en utställning av handgjorda smidesljusstakar, vilket lockade särskilt hantverksintresserade.

En av festivalens höjdpunkter var den stora ljusshowen som startade kl. 22:30 på torget. Den tekniska riggen för showen inkluderade 150 LED-strålkastare och 25 lasers, noggrant programmerade för att skapa ett spektakulärt ljushav. Bakom denna uppvisning stod "Tekniklösningar TK", ett lokalt företag specialiserat på evenemangsteknik, som hade arbetat oavbrutet sedan kl. 07:45 den morgonen för att säkerställa att allt skulle fungera felfritt.

Det var inte bara ljusshowen som drog folk till staden. "Örjans Antikvariat" på Kungsgatan 58 hade en boksignering med den lokalt uppskattade författaren Elise Karlsson, vars senaste roman "Skymningens äventyr" hade sålts i över 4.000 exemplar sedan lanseringen i maj. Elise skulle vara tillgänglig för att signera böcker och prata med fans från kl. 14:00 till 16:30.

Medan "Ljusfestivalen" i denna lilla svenska stad var en årlig tradition, var varje år unikt. Organisatörerna och deltagarna såg fram emot att skapa minnen som skulle lysa upp de mörka vintermånaderna som låg framför. Det var en tid av gemenskap, glädje och firande som alla såg fram emot med stor entusiasm.

Concepto by user650067

La Argentina es un Estado federal, que comprende al Estado Nacional, coexistiendo con Estados provinciales autónomos, lo que determina que exista un Derecho Constitucional Nacional y tantos Derechos Constitucionales Provinciales como provincias haya. El Derecho Constitucional, es el ordenamiento jurídico fundamental y supremo, que organiza jurídica y políticamente al Estado. Determina la forma del Estado y su gobierno, competencias y atribuciones, fines estatales, derechos y garantías de los habitantes. Regula la organización de todo el derecho, sentando principios básicos y determinando la forma de gobierno y la forma de Estado. También determinando las relaciones entre particulares y el Estado y las obligaciones que de ellas se desprenden. El Derecho Constitucional enfoca, en primer término, en la Parte Dogmática, los principios y declaraciones constitucionales, así como el tema de los derechos fundamentales del individuo, que tienen por fin su fortalecimiento como base del carácter instrumental del Estado.

Concepto by user650067

La Argentina es un Estado federal, que comprende al Estado Nacional, coexistiendo con Estados provinciales autónomos, lo que determina que exista un Derecho Constitucional Nacional y tantos Derechos Constitucionales Provinciales como provincias haya. El Derecho Constitucional, es el ordenamiento jurídico fundamental y supremo, que organiza jurídica y políticamente al Estado. Determina la forma del Estado y su gobierno, competencias y atribuciones, fines estatales, derechos y garantías de los habitantes. Regula la organización de todo el derecho, sentando principios básicos y determinando la forma de gobierno y la forma de Estado. También determinando las relaciones entre particulares y el Estado y las obligaciones que de ellas se desprenden. El Derecho Constitucional enfoca, en primer término, en la Parte Dogmática, los principios y declaraciones constitucionales, así como el tema de los derechos fundamentales del individuo, que tienen por fin su fortalecimiento como base del carácter instrumental del Estado. Así, se reconoce que cada persona humana individual es una realidad sustancial que tiene valor de fin en sí misma, mientras que el Estado no es más que una realidad ordenada como fin al bien de las personas individuales, conforme el corte liberal de la Constitución Nacional. Los derechos constitucionales de los individuos disfrutan de protección especial garantías.

Preámbulo by user650067

Preámbulo de la Constitución Nacional Argentina: Nos los representantes del pueblo de la Nación Argentina, reunidos en Congreso General Constituyente por voluntad y elección de las provincias que la componen, en cumplimiento de pactos preexistentes, con el objeto de constituir la unión nacional, afianzar la justicia, consolidar la paz interior, proveer a la defensa común, promover el bienestar general, y asegurar los beneficios de la libertad, para nosotros, para nuestra posteridad, y para todos los hombres del mundo que quieran habitar en el suelo argentino: invocando la protección de Dios, fuente de toda razón y justicia: ordenamos, decretamos y establecemos esta Constitución, para la Nación Argentina.

Preámbulo by user650067

Preámbulo de la Constitución Nacional Argentina: Nos los representantes del pueblo de la Nación Argentina, reunidos en Congreso General Constituyente por voluntad y elección de las provincias que la componen, en cumplimiento de pactos preexistentes, con el objeto de constituir la unión nacional, afianzar la justicia, consolidar la paz interior, proveer a la defensa común, promover el bienestar general, y asegurar los beneficios de la libertad, para nosotros, para nuestra posteridad, y para todos los hombres del mundo que quieran habitar en el suelo argentino: invocando la protección de Dios, fuente de toda razón y justicia: ordenamos, decretamos y establecemos esta Constitución, para la Nación Argentina.

60-99 by user483340

60 soixante
61 soixante et un
62 soixante-deux
63 soixante-trois
64 soixante-quatre
65 soixante-cinq
66 soixante-six
67 soixante-sept
68 soixante-huit
69 soixante-neuf

70 soixante-dix
71 soixante et onze
72 soixante-douze
73 soixante-treize
74 soixante-quatorze
75 soixante-quinze
76 soixante-seize
77 soixante-dix-sept
78 soixante-dix-huit
79 soixante-dix-neuf
80 quatre-vingts
81 quatre-vingt-un
82 quatre-vingt-deux
83 quatre-vingt-trois
84 quatre-vingt-quatre
85 quatre-vingt-cinq
86 quatre-vingt-six
87 quatre-vingt-sept
88 quatre-vingt-huit
89 quatre-vingt-neuf
90 quatre-vingt-dix
91 quatre-vingt-onze
92 quatre-vingt-douze
93 quatre-vingt-treize
94 quatre-vingt-quatorze
95 quatre-vingt-quinze
96 quatre-vingt-seize
97 quatre-vingt-dix-sept
98 quatre-vingt-dix-huit
99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf

50-59 by user483340

50 cinquante
51 cinquante et un
52 cinquante-deux
53 cinquante-trois
54 cinquante-quatre
55 cinquante-cinq
56 cinquante-six
57 cinquante-sept
58 cinquante-huit
59 cinquante-neuf

40-49 by user483340

quarante et un

30-39 by user483340

30 trente
31 trente et un
32 trente-deux
33 trente-trois
34 trente-quatre
35 trente-cinq
36 trente-six
37 trente-sept
38 trente-huit
39 trente-neuf

20-29 by user483340

20 vingt
21 vingt et un
22 vingt-deux
23 vingt-trois
24 vingt-quatre
25 vingt-cinq
26 vingt-six
27 vingt-sept
28 vingt-huit
29 vingt-neuf

1-19 by user483340

un, une

question 1 toefl by user739907

The reading and the lecture are about xxx. While the author of the article believes that xxx, the lecturer casts doubts on the statements of the article. He explains that xxx and challenges each of the writer’s points.
First, the article posits that xxx. The lecturer, however, disagrees with this viewpoint, pointing out that xxx.
Secondly, the author notes that xxx. In contrast, the lecturer believes there are flaws in the writer’s argument, arguing that xxx.
Another reason that the author feels xxx. On the other hand, the professor in the listening passage is doubtful that this is accurate. The lecturer’s stance is that xxx. He suggests that xxx.
To sum up, both the writer and the professor hold conflicting views about xxx. It’s clear that they will have trouble finding common ground on this issue.

Chartered Accountant by harisrocks

In the bustling city of New York, where dreams collide with the harsh realities of life, there lived a young man named Alex. From a tender age, Alex harbored a passion for numbers. While other children played with toys, he found solace in balancing his father's grocery store's account books. His knack for precision and his love for problem-solving led him down a path less traveled – the path of a chartered accountant.

Alex's journey wasn't paved with gold; it was marked by late-night study sessions, relentless exams, and countless setbacks. But amidst the chaos, he held onto his vision like a compass guiding him through the stormy seas. He knew that behind every trial lay an opportunity, waiting to be uncovered.

After years of diligent study and perseverance, Alex finally earned his chartered accountant certification. Armed with knowledge and determination, he set out to make his mark in the financial world. However, reality hit hard when he faced rejection after rejection in his job search. Despite the setbacks, Alex refused to succumb to despair. He knew that every "no" brought him one step closer to his "yes."

Finally, an opportunity knocked on his door in the form of a small accounting firm. With humility and eagerness, Alex embraced the role, pouring his heart and soul into every task. His dedication didn't go unnoticed, and soon, his expertise became indispensable to the firm.

As years passed, Alex's reputation as a meticulous and trustworthy accountant spread like wildfire. He became known not only for his sharp analytical skills but also for his unwavering integrity. Clients trusted him with their financial matters, knowing that he would always prioritize their best interests above all else.

Yet, Alex's journey didn't end with professional success. Along the way, he encountered numerous individuals facing financial hardships. Inspired by his own struggles, he dedicated his free time to mentoring aspiring accountants from underprivileged backgrounds, offering them guidance and support.

One day, a young woman named Maya approached him with tears in her eyes. She had almost given up on her dream of becoming a chartered accountant due to financial constraints and lack of resources. But Alex saw potential in her eyes – the same fire that once burned within him. With his encouragement and mentorship, Maya overcame every obstacle in her path and emerged as a rising star in the accounting world.

Years later, as Alex reflected on his journey, he realized that true success isn't measured by wealth or accolades but by the lives you touch and the legacy you leave behind. From the humble beginnings of a small-town boy with big dreams to becoming a beacon of hope for others, Alex's story taught us that with passion, perseverance, and a dash of courage, anyone can rewrite their destiny and inspire others to do the same.

In the end, Alex's journey wasn't just about balancing numbers; it was about balancing dreams with determination, turning setbacks into stepping stones, and proving that the power to create change lies within each of us. And as long as there are dreamers like Alex in the world, the possibilities are limitless, and the journey, extraordinary.

Chartered Accountant by harisrocks

Title: Beyond the Ledger: The Journey of a Chartered Accountant

In the bustling city of New York, where dreams collide with the harsh realities of life, there lived a young man named Alex. From a tender age, Alex harbored a passion for numbers. While other children played with toys, he found solace in balancing his father's grocery store's account books. His knack for precision and his love for problem-solving led him down a path less traveled – the path of a chartered accountant.

Alex's journey wasn't paved with gold; it was marked by late-night study sessions, relentless exams, and countless setbacks. But amidst the chaos, he held onto his vision like a compass guiding him through the stormy seas. He knew that behind every trial lay an opportunity, waiting to be uncovered.

After years of diligent study and perseverance, Alex finally earned his chartered accountant certification. Armed with knowledge and determination, he set out to make his mark in the financial world. However, reality hit hard when he faced rejection after rejection in his job search. Despite the setbacks, Alex refused to succumb to despair. He knew that every "no" brought him one step closer to his "yes."

Finally, an opportunity knocked on his door in the form of a small accounting firm. With humility and eagerness, Alex embraced the role, pouring his heart and soul into every task. His dedication didn't go unnoticed, and soon, his expertise became indispensable to the firm.

As years passed, Alex's reputation as a meticulous and trustworthy accountant spread like wildfire. He became known not only for his sharp analytical skills but also for his unwavering integrity. Clients trusted him with their financial matters, knowing that he would always prioritize their best interests above all else.

Yet, Alex's journey didn't end with professional success. Along the way, he encountered numerous individuals facing financial hardships. Inspired by his own struggles, he dedicated his free time to mentoring aspiring accountants from underprivileged backgrounds, offering them guidance and support.

One day, a young woman named Maya approached him with tears in her eyes. She had almost given up on her dream of becoming a chartered accountant due to financial constraints and lack of resources. But Alex saw potential in her eyes – the same fire that once burned within him. With his encouragement and mentorship, Maya overcame every obstacle in her path and emerged as a rising star in the accounting world.

Years later, as Alex reflected on his journey, he realized that true success isn't measured by wealth or accolades but by the lives you touch and the legacy you leave behind. From the humble beginnings of a small-town boy with big dreams to becoming a beacon of hope for others, Alex's story taught us that with passion, perseverance, and a dash of courage, anyone can rewrite their destiny and inspire others to do the same.

In the end, Alex's journey wasn't just about balancing numbers; it was about balancing dreams with determination, turning setbacks into stepping stones, and proving that the power to create change lies within each of us. And as long as there are dreamers like Alex in the world, the possibilities are limitless, and the journey, extraordinary.

Sollentuna by senth

I år 2024 firade den lilla staden Sollentuna sitt 750-årsjubileum. Invånarna, nu uppgående till 67.432, förberedde sig för en månadslång festival med start den 1:a juni. Festivalen, känd som "Ljusets och Vattnets Fest", skulle omfatta över 150 evenemang, inklusive konserter, konstutställningar och historiska föreläsningar om stadens rika historia sedan 1274.

Bland höjdpunkterna fanns en utomhuskonsert med Sveriges symfoniorkester som skulle framföra "Svenska Landskap", en symfoni i 4 satser, varje sats representerande en unik del av Sveriges natur. Biljetterna till konserten, prissatta till 350,50 kr för vuxna och 150,25 kr för barn under 12 år, såldes snabbt ut efter att biljettförsäljningen öppnade den 15:e april kl. 10:00. Förväntningarna var höga, och arrangörerna planerade att sätta upp storbildsskärmar på torget för de 2.500 som inte fick plats i konsertområdet.

En annan uppmärksammad aktivitet var "Gåtornas Natt", en stadsvandring där deltagarna, utrustade med ficklampor och kartor, skulle lösa historiska gåtor spridda över 25 olika platser i staden. Denna aktivitet, avsedd för alla åldrar, lockade över 3.000 deltagare förra året och förväntades locka ännu fler i år, med start kl. 22:00 den 23:e juni och en deltagaravgift på 75,00 kr per person.

Festivalen skulle även inkludera en matmarknad där lokala producenter från hela länet presenterade sina produkter. Från färsk fisk och skaldjur, fångade i de närliggande vattnen, till hantverksmässigt bröd och ostar, skulle besökarna kunna njuta av ett brett utbud av smaker. Över 100 utställare hade bekräftat sitt deltagande, och matmarknaden planerades att vara öppen varje dag från kl. 09:00 till 18:00, med fri entré.

Som en avslutning på festligheterna planerades ett fyrverkeri den 30:e juni kl. 23:30, där över 1.000 fyrverkeripjäser skulle lysa upp himlen över Sollentuna. Arrangörerna förväntade sig att detta spektakel skulle locka över 20.000 åskådare, både lokalbefolkningen och besökare från närliggande städer. Med detta storslagna avslut hoppades stadens ledning att jubileumsfirandet inte bara skulle hedra dess förflutna utan också inspirera till framtidens gemenskap och innovation.

Untitled by user851670

"Hello World" (Malbolge)b'BA@?>=<;:987654321r 00, IlH('&% ed"c-w {z9'Z%utsrqponmlkjihgfedc ba _^[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC BA@#>~;z8xwvuts10/.nm+*)i'&%fdok"ba"_^]yxwvXWsrqSonmPNjLKJIHGcba BA][=YXW: 8T654321MLKJ, +GFE'CBA $">~}{zy7654ts10/o -, +lj(hgfedc!~} ^]yxw YutsVTpRQPONMihgfHGcbaCok ok^]@>Z< ;:987SRQP21MLK-IHG*(D&%$#"<;:zy765u321r/ .-, +*)iX&%$dS!~}{zy\w vutsUDConmlkjihgfedcFa B1@[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMOK-zHGFEDCBA@?>=zyxZlutsrqSBQ@lkjihglldcba B1j

Covenants & Equitabl by liwendu121

Real Covenants
A real covenant is a non-possessory interest in land that obligates the holder to either do something or refrain from doing something to the land. It differs from equitable servitudes in that the remedy is damages (rather than injunctive relief).
To enforce the benefit of a covenant there must be: (1) a writing that satisfies the statute of frauds; (2) intent that the covenant runs with the land; (3) vertical privity between succeeding parties (exists when the successor holds the entire interest held by the predecessor); AND (4) the covenant must touch and concern the land (make the land more useful or valuable to the benefitted party).
To enforce the burden of a covenant, ALL OF THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET, PLUS: (1) there must be horizontal privity between the original parties (exists when the two parties shared some interest in the land independent of the covenant); AND (2) the new owner must
have notice of the covenant. Notice may be: (a) actual; (b) constructive (the covenant is recorded in previous conveyances); OR (c) by inquiry (an inspection of the land would reveal the covenant).

Assignment of a Lea by liwendu121

A lease may be freely assigned UNLESS a provision in the lease states otherwise. However, an assignment can never be for a longer period of time than the lessor’s remaining lease term.
An assignment occurs when a tenant (the assignor) transfers ALL of his remaining interest in a lease to a third-party (the assignee). The assignee is liable to the landlord for rent and all other covenants that run with the land because privity of estate arises between the assignee and the landlord. The assignor also remains liable to the landlord for any rent not paid by the assignee because privity of contract continues to exist with the landlord. Landlord’s maintenance obligation runs with the land (privity of estate) and is enforceable between the landlord and assignee.
A landlord may be deemed to waive his right to enforce a provision prohibiting assignments if he accepts rent from the assignee.