Benutzerdefinierte Tests

@foot( @foot( by moyotypes

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@ocean @ocean by moyotypes

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@island @island by moyotypes

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(culture (culture by moyotypes

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@company @company by moyotypes

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(event (event (event by moyotypes

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@new @new by moyotypes

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Moazzam by moazzam318

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. The five boxing wizards jump quickly. How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts! Mr. Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx. The five boxing wizards jump quickly. Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. The five boxing wizards jump quickly. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

(vacuum@ (vacuum@ by moyotypes

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(first (first by moyotypes

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All things end lyric by airamin.

A two-tonne weight around my chest feels like
It just dropped a 20 storey height
If there was anyone to ever get through this life
With their heart still intact, they didn't do it right
The last time I felt your weight on my chest, you said
"We didn't get it right, but love, we did our best"

And we will again
Moving on in time and taking more from
Everything that ends

And all things end
All that we intend is scrawled in sand
It slips right through our hand
And just knowing
That everything will end
We should not change our plan
Whеn we begin again

And we bеgin again, hm-mm

I have never known a silence like the one fallen here
Never watch my future darken in a single tear
I know we want this to go easy by being somebody's fault
But we've come long enough to know
This isn't what we want
And that isn't always bad

When people say that something is forever
Either way, it ends

And all things end
All that we intend is scrawled in sand
It slips right through our hand
And just knowing
That everything will end
We should not change our plan
When we begin again

We begin again
We begin again, hm-mm

And all things end
All that we intend is built on sand
It slips right through our hands
And just knowing
That everything will end

Won't change our plans
When we begin again
And all things end
All that we intend is scrawled in sand
It slips right through our hand
And just knowing
That everything will end
We should not change our plans
When we begin again

SENTENCIA 3 by fabrichio

"La Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Civil ha establecido en el caso "Rodríguez, María c/ Banco S.A." que la falta de notificación fehaciente vulnera el derecho a la defensa en juicio."

"En el precedente "Martínez, Juan c/ Municipio", el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Provincia resolvió que la omisión de fundamentación en la resolución administrativa afectaba la legalidad del acto."

"De acuerdo con lo dispuesto en el fallo "Ríos, Laura c/ Compañía de Seguros", la interpretación restrictiva de las cláusulas contractuales resulta contraria al principio de buena fe."

"En el caso "García / López c/ Empresa de Transporte", se determinó que la falta de diligencia en la entrega de la mercadería constituye incumplimiento contractual."

"La Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, en el caso "Fernández, José c/ Estado Nacional s/ Daños y Perjuicios", estableció que la responsabilidad del Estado debe ser analizada con criterios objetivos y subjetivos."

"En el precedente "Pérez, Ana c/ Municipio", se resolvió que la falta de notificación previa a la clausura del establecimiento comercial vulneraba el derecho de defensa de la parte actora."

"La Sala II de la Cámara Federal de Apelaciones, en el fallo "Díaz, Marcos c/ Empresa de Seguridad", determinó que la falta de capacitación del personal de seguridad constituía una negligencia grave."

SENTENCIA 1 by fabrichio

Estos autos caratulados: “FRANCO, RUFINA c/ OBRA SOCIAL INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE SERVICIOS SOCIALES PARA JUBILADOS Y PENSIONADOS PAMI – INSSJP s/ AMPARO LEY 16.986”, Expte. N° FRE 287/2023/CA2, provenientes del Jugado Federal N° 1 de la ciudad de Formosa.
I.- Que en fecha 12/09/2023 el Juez de la anterior instancia hace lugar a la acción de amparo interpuesta por la Sra. Rufina Franco y, en consecuencia, ordena al Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales para Jubilados y Pensionados – PAMI (INSSJP) que en carácter de urgente proceda a dar cumplimiento, sin obstáculo administrativo alguno, a la cobertura de:
Lo que ha sido puntualizado reiteradamente por la Corte Suprema (Fallos 323:3229 y 324:3569, y sus citas y otros).
Ley Suprema de los tratados internacionales que así lo receptan (art. 75 inc. 22 de la Constitución Nacional, art. XI de la Declaración Americana de los Derechos y Deberes del Hombre, art. 25-1 de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos y art. 4 de la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos, entre otros).
art. 14 bis de la Constitución Nacional confiere carácter integral, que obliga a apreciar los conflictos originados por su funcionamiento con un criterio que no desatienda sus fines propios (Fallos 306:178; 308:344 y 324:3988).
En base a un criterio de justicia distributiva.” (art. 2º, párrafo 1º, ley 23.661); (Confr. Vázquez Vialard, A., Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, Ed. Astrea, Bs.As., 1992, tomo 2, págs. 599/600).
Consentimiento informado del paciente. (Cámara Federal de Apelaciones de La Plata, sala III, “Q., A. c. INSSJP(PAMI) s/ Prestaciones médicas”, 08/08/2019, Cita Online: AR/JUR/27251/2019).

Females Vs Males by user226364

Don’t carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones to rise above them.

3456 by user724250

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Stefa Lesson # 11 by ahmedurrehman

1 quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog's back, 2 eager kangaroos watch nearby. The 3rd kangaroo yawns lazily as the fox swiftly dashes past. On the 4th leap, the fox stumbles slightly but quickly recovers. 5 cats lazily sunbathe nearby, oblivious to the commotion. 6 bees buzz busily in the background, collecting nectar from colorful flowers. A 7th kangaroo hops into view, joining its companions. 8 chirping birds flutter above, adding to the cacophony of sounds. The fox, undeterred by the distractions, continues its journey.

Additionally, it is imperative to include numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0) and various grammatical characters such as periods (.), commas (,), question marks (?), exclamation points (!), colons (:), semicolons (;), hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), quotation marks (" "), parentheses (()), brackets ([]), and dashes (--). Typing a paragraph that encompasses these requirements not only tests one's ability to type accurately but also reinforces familiarity with the entire English character set and punctuation marks.

Stefa Lesson # 10 by ahmedurrehman

Stefa, a diligent typist, sets her sights on mastering the keyboard at a pace of 30 words per minute. With each keystroke, she navigates through the digital realm, weaving words into sentences with precision and grace. Her fingers dance across the keys, a symphony of letters and symbols forming coherent thoughts and ideas. As she types, her determination fuels her progress, steadily inching closer to her goal. With each passing moment, Stefa's skills flourish, and her confidence soars. She embraces the rhythm of typing, finding joy in the flow of characters appearing on the screen. In this journey of keystrokes and characters, Stefa thrives, a testament to her dedication and perseverance.

Crunch: ' by senth

I'm you're he's she's it's that's who's there's when's where's why's how's I'd you'd he'd she'd we'd they'd I'll you'll he'll she'll we'll they'll I've you've we've they've isn't aren't wasn't weren't hasn't haven't hadn't don't doesn't didn't won't wouldn't can't couldn't shouldn't mightn't mustn't

father's mother's friend's dog's cat's teacher's student's doctor's nurse's neighbor's manager's child's parent's brother's sister's uncle's aunt's boss's company's city's country's planet's school's university's hospital's church's state's country's restaurant's

can't've won't've isn't've aren't've wasn't've weren't've hasn't've haven't've hadn't've doesn't've don't've didn't've shan't've shouldn't've wouldn't've couldn't've mightn't've mustn't've let's what's here's there's

o'clock rock'n'roll 80's 90's 60's 70's fool's gold mind's eye heart's content time's up life's work day's end year's supply week's pay night's sleep

today's yesterday's tomorrow's Monday's Tuesday's Wednesday's Thursday's Friday's Saturday's Sunday's January's February's March's April's May's June's July's August's September's October's November's December's

John's Garage Sale by senth

On a bright Saturday morning, John announced, "We're hosting the biggest garage sale of the year next weekend! Our goal is to clear out at least 75% of the attic's clutter." His partner, Alex, added, "I've counted, and there are exactly 423 items up there. If we price them right, we could make a significant dent in our vacation fund."

As they prepared, John remarked, "Let's start tagging everything. How about we label those vintage comic books at $5 each? We have about 32 of them." Alex, flipping through a spreadsheet, replied, "Sounds good. And there's that old guitar from the '60s. I found a similar one online going for $250."

The day before the sale, their neighbor, Mrs. Thompson, inquired, "Are you really selling that beautiful antique clock?" John nodded, "Yes, we're asking for $150. It's from the early '50s and still works perfectly." Mrs. Thompson, intrigued, said, "I'll take it. And those kitchen chairs, the set of 4, how much are they?" Alex answered, "We've priced the set at $100. They're from the '70s but in great condition."

The morning of the garage sale, at precisely 7:00 AM, people started arriving. By 10:30 AM, over 150 visitors had browsed their wares. John, excited, exclaimed, "We've already sold 60% of the items! That's around 254 pieces gone." Alex, updating their records, noted, "And we've made approximately $1,200 so far. This is going great!"

As the day concluded at 4:00 PM, John and Alex counted their earnings. "We've surpassed our goal, making a total of $2,345," Alex announced proudly. John, tired but satisfied, said, "This was a huge success. We cleared out the attic and made a nice sum for our trip." They decided to donate the remaining items, about 80 pieces, to a local charity.

Reflecting on the day, John mused, "It's amazing how much we accumulated over the years. But it feels good to declutter and know these items will find new homes." Alex agreed, "Absolutely, and it's nice to see Mrs. Thompson's smile when she took that clock. She said it reminded her of her grandmother's house."

As the sun set, they sat down, looking at the now-empty driveway, feeling a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment. "Next year," Alex joked, "we should aim to sell another 500 items. But for now, let's plan that vacation."

Småstad i Sverige by senth

I en småstad i Sverige, känt för sin historiska charm och levande kulturarv, pågick förberedelserna inför den årliga "Ljusfestivalen", som skulle äga rum den 21:a oktober 2024. Festivalen, som firade sitt 10:e år, började kl. 18:00 och pågick till midnatt. Det förväntades att över 3.500 besökare skulle delta, en ökning från förra årets 2.789 besökare.

Planeringen involverade över 50 lokala företag, inklusive "Kjells Konditori" på Storgatan 12, som förberedde 1.200 bitar av sin berömda blåbärsäppelpaj. "Äventyrsbadet Älgön" erbjöd gratis inträde från kl. 09:00 till 15:00 för att barnen skulle kunna njuta av dagen innan festivalen. Dessutom skulle "Johans Järnhandel" på Östergatan 45 hålla en utställning av handgjorda smidesljusstakar, vilket lockade särskilt hantverksintresserade.

En av festivalens höjdpunkter var den stora ljusshowen som startade kl. 22:30 på torget. Den tekniska riggen för showen inkluderade 150 LED-strålkastare och 25 lasers, noggrant programmerade för att skapa ett spektakulärt ljushav. Bakom denna uppvisning stod "Tekniklösningar TK", ett lokalt företag specialiserat på evenemangsteknik, som hade arbetat oavbrutet sedan kl. 07:45 den morgonen för att säkerställa att allt skulle fungera felfritt.

Det var inte bara ljusshowen som drog folk till staden. "Örjans Antikvariat" på Kungsgatan 58 hade en boksignering med den lokalt uppskattade författaren Elise Karlsson, vars senaste roman "Skymningens äventyr" hade sålts i över 4.000 exemplar sedan lanseringen i maj. Elise skulle vara tillgänglig för att signera böcker och prata med fans från kl. 14:00 till 16:30.

Medan "Ljusfestivalen" i denna lilla svenska stad var en årlig tradition, var varje år unikt. Organisatörerna och deltagarna såg fram emot att skapa minnen som skulle lysa upp de mörka vintermånaderna som låg framför. Det var en tid av gemenskap, glädje och firande som alla såg fram emot med stor entusiasm.