Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Untitled by user108229

虾 shrimp
螃蟹 crab
龙虾 lobster
榴莲 Durian
耳钉耳环 Stud earrings
蛋挞 egg tart
小鹿 Fawn
花生 peanut
葡萄 grape
电钻 Electric drill
鸽子 pigeon
钩子 hook
拖鞋 flip flop
运动鞋 sports shoes
烤箱 oven
围巾 scarf
桶 barrel
拉链 zipper
柱子 Pillar
蚊子 Mosquito
乌龟 tortoise
蓝鲸 blue whale
斑马 zebra
蜥蜴 lizard
猕猴桃 Kiwi
温度计 thermometer
梳子 comb
茶壶 teapot
杯子 cup
钱包 wallet
盘子 plate
盾牌 Shield
石榴 pomegranate
圆规 Compasses
睡衣 pajamas
短裤 shorts
豹子 leopard
鳄鱼 crocodile
长颈鹿 giraffe
圆号 French Horn
萨克斯 Saxophone
口琴 Harmonica
救护车 ambulance
轮胎 Tires
绳索 rope
青蛙 frog
鼓 drum
扶手 armrest
帐篷 tent
火柴 matches
骆驼 camel
男士手提包 Men's handbags
行李箱 Baggage box
冰箱 refrigerator
书架 bookshelf
手电筒 flashlight
台灯 table lamp
河马 hippopotamus
猫头鹰 owl
老鹰 eagle
乌鸦 crow
电熨斗 Electric iron
豹子 leopard
烟囱 chimney
小丑 clown
隧道 tunnel
连体裤 Rompers
凉鞋 sandals
电插座 Electric socket
爆米花 Popcorn
信封 envelope
拳头 fist
碗 bowl
筷子 chopsticks
文件夹 folder
花瓶 vase
箭头 arrow
青椒 green pepper
手铐 Handcuffs
旋转木马 Carousel
滑板 skateboard
铁锹 shovel
铲子 shovel
火箭 rocket
牙刷 toothbrush
玻璃瓶子 Glass bottle
水槽 sink
滑雪板 Ski board
蝙蝠 bat
骰子 dice
橄榄球 football
老鼠夹 mouse traps
毛巾 towel
枕头 pillow
哨子 whistle
水龙头 Faucet
向日葵 sunflower
巧克力 chocolate
香蕉 banana
苹果 apple
柠檬 lemon
火山 volcanic
冰山 iceberg
披萨 Pizza
派 send
草莓 Strawberry
蓝莓 blueberry
榔头 Hammer
锤子 hammer
小鹿 Fawn
皮带 Belt
钢琴 piano
小提琴 violin
吉他 guitar
贝斯 Bass
耳机 headset
靴子 boots
网球 tennis
手提电脑 laptop
公牛 bull
手套 gloves
篮子 basket
镜子 mirror
梯子 ladder
西瓜 watermelon
苍蝇 fly
蜘蛛 spider
蓝鲸 blue whale
松鼠 squirrel
鸭子 duck
芒果 Mango
窗户 window

Untitled by user108229

虾 shrimp
螃蟹 crab
龙虾 lobster
榴莲 Durian
耳钉耳环 Stud earrings
蛋挞 egg tart
小鹿 Fawn
花生 peanut
葡萄 grape
电钻 Electric drill
鸽子 pigeon
钩子 hook
拖鞋 flip flop
运动鞋 sports shoes
烤箱 oven
围巾 scarf
桶 barrel
拉链 zipper
柱子 Pillar
蚊子 Mosquito
乌龟 tortoise
蓝鲸 blue whale
斑马 zebra
蜥蜴 lizard
猕猴桃 Kiwi
温度计 thermometer
梳子 comb
茶壶 teapot
杯子 cup
钱包 wallet
盘子 plate
盾牌 Shield
石榴 pomegranate
圆规 Compasses
睡衣 pajamas
短裤 shorts
豹子 leopard
鳄鱼 crocodile
长颈鹿 giraffe
圆号 French Horn
萨克斯 Saxophone
口琴 Harmonica
救护车 ambulance
轮胎 Tires
绳索 rope
青蛙 frog
鼓 drum
扶手 armrest
帐篷 tent
火柴 matches
骆驼 camel
男士手提包 Men's handbags
行李箱 Baggage box
冰箱 refrigerator
书架 bookshelf
手电筒 flashlight
台灯 table lamp
河马 hippopotamus
猫头鹰 owl
老鹰 eagle
乌鸦 crow
电熨斗 Electric iron
豹子 leopard
烟囱 chimney
小丑 clown
隧道 tunnel
连体裤 Rompers
凉鞋 sandals
电插座 Electric socket
爆米花 Popcorn
信封 envelope
拳头 fist
碗 bowl
筷子 chopsticks
文件夹 folder
花瓶 vase
箭头 arrow
青椒 green pepper
手铐 Handcuffs
旋转木马 Carousel
滑板 skateboard
铁锹 shovel
铲子 shovel
火箭 rocket
牙刷 toothbrush
玻璃瓶子 Glass bottle
水槽 sink
滑雪板 Ski board
蝙蝠 bat
骰子 dice
橄榄球 football
老鼠夹 mouse traps
毛巾 towel
枕头 pillow
哨子 whistle
水龙头 Faucet
向日葵 sunflower
巧克力 chocolate
香蕉 banana
苹果 apple
柠檬 lemon
火山 volcanic
冰山 iceberg
披萨 Pizza
派 send
草莓 Strawberry
蓝莓 blueberry
榔头 Hammer
锤子 hammer
小鹿 Fawn
皮带 Belt
钢琴 piano
小提琴 violin
吉他 guitar
贝斯 Bass
耳机 headset
靴子 boots
网球 tennis
手提电脑 laptop
公牛 bull
手套 gloves
篮子 basket
镜子 mirror
梯子 ladder
西瓜 watermelon
苍蝇 fly
蜘蛛 spider
蓝鲸 blue whale
松鼠 squirrel
鸭子 duck
芒果 Mango
窗户 window

Untitled by nitisha1004

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in. We are delighted to tell you that have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn't be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service.

Pembukaan UUD 1945 by user108882

Bahwa sesungguhnya Kemerdekaan itu ialah hak segala bangsa dan oleh sebab itu, maka penjajahan di atas dunia harus dihapuskan, karena tidak sesuai dengan perikemanusiaan dan perikeadilan. Dan perjuangan pergerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia telah sampailah kepada saat yang berbahagia dengan selamat sentausa mengantarkan rakyat Indonesia ke depan pintu gerbang kemerdekaan Negara Indonesia, yang merdeka, bersatu, berdaulat, adil dan makmur. Atas berkat rakhmat Allah Yang Maha Kuasa dan dengan didorongkan oleh keinginan luhur, supaya berkehidupan kebangsaan yang bebas, maka rakyat Indonesia menyatakan dengan ini kemerdekaannya.

Naskah Proklamasi by user108882

PROKLAMASI. Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Hal-hal jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan d.l.l., diselenggarakan dengan tjara saksama dan dalam tempo jang sesingkat-singkatnja. Djakarta, hari 17 boelan 8 tahoen 05. Atas nama bangsa Indonesia. Soekarno/Hatta

tes by user108882

tes yuk typing 124

Okinawa by user108881

On 1 April 1945 until 22 June 1945, Marines took part in the last and largest battle of the pacific, which involved 287,000 troops. The battle was crucial for securing vital air bases that would be used for the planned invasion of the Japanese mainland. By the end of the 82-day campaign, the Japanese suffered over 77,000 casualties and the Allies received 65,000 including 14,000 dead. 23 Medals of Honor were awarded.

Mariana Islands by user108881

Due to the need for airfields by the Air Force and advanced bases for the Navy, the Marianas were invaded. Landings on the islands of Saipan, Guam, and Tinian accomplished this. During June and July of 1943, Lieutenant General Holland M. "Howlin Mad" Smith led a combined invasion force of Marines and Soldiers that totaled over 136,000. This was the greatest number of troops up to that time to operate under Marine command.

Tarawa by user108881

The Gilbert Islands were the first in the line of advance for the offensive in the Central Pacific. The prime objective was the Tarawa Atoll and Betio island which had been fortified to the point that the Japanese commander proclaimed it would take a million Americans 100 years to conquer it. On 20 November 1943, Marines landed and secured the island within 76 hours but paid a heavy price in doing so. Because of an extended reef, landing craft could not cross it and Marines were offloaded hundreds of yards from the beaches. This led to heavy losses from enemy fire. Additionally, many Marines drowned while attempting to wade ashore.

Artículo 87 by allanmontes777

Artículo 87.- Reglamento de Trabajo es el conjunto de normas obligatorias que determinan las condiciones a que deben sujetarse el patrono y sus trabajadores en la prestación del servicio.
El reglamento se hará de acuerdo con lo que prevengan los contratos colectivos o, en su defecto, por una comisión mixta de representantes de los trabajadores y del patrón. Para los efectos
de este capítulo no se considera como reglamento de trabajo el cuerpo de reglas de orden técnico y administrativo que directamente formulen las empresas para la ejecución de los trabajos.

Guadalcanal by user108881

On 7 August 1942, the 1st Marine Division Landed on the beaches of Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands and launched the first United States land offensive of World War II. This battle marked the first combat test of the new amphibious doctrine, and also provided a crucial turning point of the war in the pacific by providing a base to launch further invasion of Japanese-held islands. Amphibious landings followed on remaining Solomon Islands including New Georgia, Bougainville, and Choiseul.

Belleau wood by user108881

On 6 June 1918, Marines fought on of their greatest battles in history at Belleau wood, France during World War I. Marines helped to crush a German offensive at Belleau Wood that threatened Paris. In honor of the Marines who fought there, the French renamed the area "the wood of the Brigade of Marines." German intelligence evaluated the Marines as "storm troops" the highest rating on the enemy fighting scale. In reference to the Marine's ferocious fighting ability, German troops called their new enemy "Teufelhunden" or "devil dogs," a nickname in which Marine's share pride

Artículo 86 by allanmontes777

Artículo 86.- Las disposiciones del presente Código no afectan a los contratos colectivos de trabajo suscritos, con anterioridad a su vigencia.

Artículo 85 by allanmontes777

Artículo 85.- La Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social prestará la
asesoría necesaria, siempre que le sea solicitada.

essay by user108271

It is often argued that
A significant number of individuals hold the view that
There is significant discourse surrounding the notion that

Main point
In this essay, I will explore and analyze the key aspects of

To begin with, it is important to note that
First and foremost, it is vital to emphasize that

Considering the fact that
In view of the fact that

Adding information
Moreover, it should be noted that
Another key aspect to consider is that

In support of this argument
To demonstrate this concept

Consequently, as a result of this
This ultimately leads to the conclusion that

By contrast, it is also important to recognize
Looking at the matter from a different angle

In summary of the arguments presented
In closing, it can be stated that

Artículo 84 by allanmontes777

Artículo 84.- Contra las resoluciones interpretativas, de intimación o que impongan sanciones, emitidas por la Inspección General del Trabajo, podrá interponerse por los interesados el recurso de reposición ante la misma Inspección y subsidiariamente el de apelación ante la Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social, observando, en lo que fuere aplicable, lo dispuesto en el Código de Procedimientos Administrativos.

RFK Jr. Env. Work 6 by megcswick

In this election, Kennedy is inviting the American people to look beyond the failed and divisive environmental policies of the past, and meet on common ground. His plan will:

1. End the corporate capture of environmental regulatory agencies, including the EPA, USDA, DOI, DOE, USFWS, and USFS.
2. Reduce toxic chemical pollution and plastic waste.
3. Protect forests, rivers, fisheries, and wildlife habitats from corporate abuse.
4. Adopt a wildfire management plan to keep forests resilient and communities safe.
5. Stop big corporations and corrupt government officials who are using the environment as an excuse for profit-making schemes and power grabs.

RFK Jr. Env. Work 5 by megcswick

In contrast with Kennedy’s lifelong efforts to fight corporate corruption and contamination of our environment, Presidents Trump and Biden both appointed corporate lobbyists to fill federal regulatory agencies. Trump rolled back dozens of environmental rules for big polluters, and Biden has given corporations billions of dollars of taxpayer money for false environmental solutions.

RFK Jr. Env. Work 4 by megcswick

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s environmental plan will unite Americans around broadly shared values and commonsense priorities to protect our air, water, natural resources and sacred places. As an independent, Kennedy will break through the divisive political arguments that keep us distracted while Republicans and Democrats allow corporate interests to strip-mine our natural heritage.

RFK Jr. Env. Work 3 by megcswick

The organization Kennedy founded, Waterkeeper Alliance, is now the largest clean water organization in the world, protecting 2.7 million miles of waterways in 47 countries. Throughout his career, Kennedy has stood among the leadership of the environmental movement crafting sensible, free-market solutions to environmental challenges.