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RFK Jr. Env. Work 3 by megcswick

The organization Kennedy founded, Waterkeeper Alliance, is now the largest clean water organization in the world, protecting 2.7 million miles of waterways in 47 countries. Throughout his career, Kennedy has stood among the leadership of the environmental movement crafting sensible, free-market solutions to environmental challenges.

RFK Jr. Env. Work 2 by megcswick

"I don't want my children growing up in a world where there are no commercial fishermen, and where we've lost touch with the seasons and tides and things that connect us to 10,000 generations of human beings that were here before laptops, and that connect us ultimately to God. God communicates with us through many vectors, none more than creation." -Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Differences. by uknowdakinez_

Everyone has their own differences. It could be a height difference, age difference. You know, it could be anything, and because of our differences, we all are not one. If you meet someone, sure you guys will have a lot of common, but also a lot that you guys cannot seem to pair. For that, you should never judge. Make sure if you want a friendship, you are kind, loyal and genuine. Never judge your friend for what they are different from you, or what they are going through. Choose kindness.

RFK Jr. Env. Work by megcswick

RFK Jr., named Time Magazine’s “Hero for the Planet,” will be the greatest environmental president in American history. In 40 years as an environmental attorney, Kennedy fought and won lawsuits against hundreds of corporations and government agencies. He sued Mobil Oil to reverse its pollution of the Hudson River, making it safe to swim and fish again. He sued DuPont, Mitsubishi, and Ford, to force them to clean up chemical spills. He sued Monsanto on behalf of farm workers and families who developed cancer from toxic pesticides.

indonesia 2 by wishpath

Indonesia world, Earth, referred height 2 (6.5 ft). foul which can half.

Artículo 83 by allanmontes777

Artículo 83. -Las infracciones a los contratos colectivos, debidamente comprobadas, serán penadas por la Inspección General del Trabajo, de conformidad con lo establecido en el reglamento que al efecto emita la Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social.

indonesia by wishpath

Indonesia world, 18,000 islands. Indonesia home most flower Earth, referred flower. grow 2 (6.5 ft). When blooms meat, which from away.

עידן רייכל by zagu1

אולי בקרוב, אולי אחרי החגים
מי יודע, מי יודע
אולי במקרה כשכבר לא תצפה
מי יודע, מי יודע
בדלת הזו או מחוץ לחלון
עוד הכול מחכה
בבוקר אחד או בערב כמו זה
אתה בטח תראה
ברגע חולף או בגשם שוטף
מי יודע, מי יודע
כשכולם ישנים אף אחד לא רואה
מי יודע, מי יודע
וגם אם נדמה שהיה ונגמר
עוד הכול מחכה
גם אם רע וקשה וקרוב לקצה
אתה בטח תראה
אם תשאל אז הלב יענה
ובלילה, בלילה
בשעות הקטנות
התפילות הפשוטות מבקשות
בלילה, בלילה
לחכות לתשובות
כדי למצוא עוד סיבה לקוות
ממעמקים קראתי אלייך בואי אלי
בשובך יחזור שוב האור בעיני
לא גמור, לא עוזב המגע בידייך
שיבוא ויאיר למשמע קול צחוקך.
ממעמקים קראתי אלייך בואי אלי
מול ירח מאיר את דרכך שוב אלי
נפרסו ונמסו מול מגע של ידייך
באוזנייך לוחש שואל.
מי זה קורא לך הלילה - הקשיבי
מכל הרגעים בזמן
למצוא אחד לאחוז בו
להגיד שהגענו
תמיד לזכור לרגע לעצור
ולהודות על מה שיש ומאיפה שבאנו
לחבק אותה בלילה
כשהיא נרדמת
אז כל העולם נרגע
לנשום אותה עמוק
לדעת שתמיד
אני אהיה שם בשבילה

עידן רייכל by zagu1

אולי בקרוב, אולי אחרי החגים
מי יודע, מי יודע
אולי במקרה כשכבר לא תצפה
מי יודע, מי יודע
בדלת הזו או מחוץ לחלון
עוד הכול מחכה
בבוקר אחד או בערב כמו זה
אתה בטח תראה
ברגע חולף או בגשם שוטף
מי יודע, מי יודע
כשכולם ישנים אף אחד לא רואה
מי יודע, מי יודע
וגם אם נדמה שהיה ונגמר
עוד הכול מחכה
גם אם רע וקשה וקרוב לקצה
אתה בטח תראה
אם תשאל אז הלב יענה
ובלילה, בלילה
בשעות הקטנות
התפילות הפשוטות מבקשות
בלילה, בלילה
לחכות לתשובות
כדי למצוא עוד סיבה לקוות
ממעמקים קראתי אלייך בואי אלי
בשובך יחזור שוב האור בעיני
לא גמור, לא עוזב המגע בידייך
שיבוא ויאיר למשמע קול צחוקך.
ממעמקים קראתי אלייך בואי אלי
מול ירח מאיר את דרכך שוב אלי
נפרסו ונמסו מול מגע של ידייך
באוזנייך לוחש שואל.
מי זה קורא לך הלילה - הקשיבי
מכל הרגעים בזמן
למצוא אחד לאחוז בו
להגיד שהגענו
תמיד לזכור לרגע לעצור
ולהודות על מה שיש ומאיפה שבאנו
לחבק אותה בלילה
כשהיא נרדמת
אז כל העולם נרגע
לנשום אותה עמוק
לדעת שתמיד
אני אהיה שם בשבילה

e by phantomguapera

eerie scenes emerge, meeting eerie needs. elite bees feed near trees. endless green meadows greet the fleet, even when the sea breeze seems serene, never neglecting the endless estuary.

Mail Practice by parth8598

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in. We are delighted to tell you that have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn't be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service.

Email 1 by arsahoo1995

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in. We are delighted to tell you that have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn't be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service.

Untitled by manaliahuja

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in. We are delighted to tell you that have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn't be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service

Artículo 82 by allanmontes777

Artículo 82.- La Inspección General del Trabajo será la autoridad administrativa de aplicación de todo contrato colectivo registrado, y a ella competerá la vigilancia del cumplimiento de los mismos, bajo el régimen de sanciones y los recursos jerárquicos establecidos en los Artículos 83 y 84 de este Código.

ArtÍculo 81 by allanmontes777

ArtÍculo 81. -Los instrumentos por lo que se prorroguen, modifiquen o extingan contratos colectivos de trabajo, quedarán sujetos a las mismas formalidades de registro y publicidad establecidas para éstos.

agency by user108866

Issue spotting approach:
1.Identify the agency relationship (creation)
2.Determine whether it has terminated (if so, look for apparent authority and/or ratification)
3.Discuss liability of the principal for the agent’s actions:
•If in contract, look for actual authority, apparent authority, or ratification
•If in tort, look for vicarious liability and exceptions, apparent authority, direct liability
4.Address any liability of the agent to the third party (breach of contract, tort)
5.Discuss any breach of fiduciary duties owed by the agent and duties owed by the principal
Note: Agency principles often apply in essays testing partnerships and corporations.
I.CREATION—an agency relationship is created when one (principal) manifests intent that another(agent) act on his behalf and be subject to his control
A.Elements: three components (ABC)
1.Assent—agent (A) and principal (P) must manifest assent through words or conduct;
2.Benefit—A agrees to work on behalf of P and for P’s benefit; and
3.Control—A’s actions are subject to P’s control.
B.Formalities—no consideration is required; many states require a writing if it relates to an interestin real property (equal dignities rule)
C.Parties—any individual or entity with capacity to possess rights and incur obligations can be a P;only minimal capacity is required to be an A
Spot the issue: How to identify a Principal-Agent relationship
Elements: Assent
Look for common Principal-Agent factual scenarios: Employer - employee
Corporation - director/officer
Partnership - partner
Exertion of control: Less control --------------------------------------------- More control
(Independent contractor ) (Employee)
II.TERMINATION—either party may unilaterally terminate the agency relationship
A.Generally A’s authority may be revoked by P, by agreement, changed circumstances, passage oftime, A’s death, or P’s death or incapacity after notice to A; P’s incapacity or death may notterminate A’s durable power of attorney.
B.Limitations—if A’s power is coupled with an interest in the subject matter of the power, P’s deathor termination does not revoke A’s authority
2 | Essay Roadmaps | Themis Bar Review | Agency
A.Contract Liability—depends on A’s authority to bind P; P is contractually liable to a third party(3P) for acts of an A with actual or apparent authority
1.Actual authority—P causes A to reasonably believe A has authority to act
•Express—through written or spoken words
oA must reasonably believe (subjective) she is doing what the P wants her to do(objective); P’s actual contrary intent is ineffective
•Implied—allows A to take whatever reasonable steps are necessary to achieve P’sobjective, within the accepted business practice or custom
oBy position—can arise by P placing A in a position that has authority to act (e.g., VP)
oBy acquiescence—when P accepts or stays silent
2.Apparent authority—P causes a 3P to reasonably believe the A has authority to act
•3P’s reasonable belief can bind P based upon past dealings, trade customs, etc.; an Awithout authority acting in the ordinary course of business can bind P if 3P lacks notice
•Inherent authority from placing A in a position of the type that has authority (e.g., VP)
•Imposter without authority can bind P if P is negligent in creating appearance of authority
3.Ratification—with knowledge of material facts, P affirms the contract made on P’s behalf
4.Estoppel—P may be barred from denying an agency relationship or A’s authority if 3Pdetrimentally relied and P’s negligence caused the belief or P failed to correct the mistake
Tip: Always begin by looking for actual authority before analyzing the existence of apparent authority.
Actual authority will arise through conduct or communication between the P and A.
Apparent authority will arise through the conduct or communication between the P and a 3P.
5.Liability of agent—whether A will also be liable to the 3P depends upon P’s status
•Disclosed principal—if 3P had notice and knew the identity of the P, A is not liable
•Partially disclosed (unidentified) principal—if 3P had notice but did not know P’sidentity, A is liable
•Undisclosed principal—if 3P did not know of agency relationship at all, A is liable
•Warranty of authority breached if A lacks the power to bind P; A liable for damages
B.Tort Liability
1.Respondeat Superior: P may be vicariously liable for the tortious acts of A committed withinthe scope of employment.
•Employer-employee relationship—P has the right to control the manner and means ofA’s performance (unlike an independent contractor), e.g., provides tools, structures pay,directs the way the agent is to complete the tasks
oExceptions—P can be liable for independent contractor torts when:
P retains control over the item/task
P hires independent contractor to perform nondelegable tasks
Agency | Themis Bar Review | Essay Roadmaps | 3
Independent contractor has apparent authority
P is negligent in selecting, training, or supervising independent contractor
•Acting within the scope—performing assigned work or acting subject to P’s control
Frolic (not a minor detour)
Commuting (unless in company vehicle or on employer errand)
Use of physical force, unless it was necessary to complete the assigned task
Intentional torts, unless acting for P’s purpose and closely connected to the task
A acts independent of P’s purpose or benefit (including criminal or personalconduct)
2.Apparent Authority—P may be vicariously liable for A’s tortious act committed with apparentauthority
3.Direct liability—P may be directly liable to a 3P for the following:
•Authorizing or ratifying tortious conduct of A
•Negligent selecting, training, or supervising A
•Delegating a non-delegable duty (legal responsibility remains with P)
4.Liability of Agent—A is liable to the 3P for her own torts but not those committed by P
A.Duties of the Agent
1.Duty of loyalty to work only for P’s benefit and to not compete, usurp P’s business opportunitynor take secret profits
2.Duty of reasonable care to perform with reasonable diligence and skill
3.Duty of obedience to obey reasonable instructions
4.Duty of notification and accounting—must keep P informed and account for funds
B.Duties of the Principal
1.Duty to compensate per express or implied agreement
2.Duty to deal fairly and in good faith and provide a safe work environment
3.Duty to cooperate and not interfere with A’s work
4.Duty to indemnify and reimburse for losses if not resulting from A’s wrongful conduct
C.Remedies for Breach of Duty
1.For agent: A’s available remedies include:
•Breach of contract
•Injunctive relief
•Tort damages
•Unjust enrichment
4 | Essay Roadmaps | Themis Bar Review | Agency
2.For principal: P’s available remedies include:
•Breach of contract
•Injunctive relief
•Tort damages
•Recovery of secret profits
•Forfeiture of compensation

I can swing my sword by user108865

Do you like my sword, sword?
Sword, my diamond sword, sword

You can not afford, 'ford
Ford, my diamond sword, sword
Even if you could, could
I have a patent!

No one else can make a sword
Exactly in this manner, manner
Welcome to my manor, manor
I ca ca ca canna canna

Swing, swing, swing my sword, sword
Whenever I get bored, bored
I can swing my sword, sword
I can swing my sword, sword!

Once I hit the floor boards
But I had it restored
And it was expensive
But it was a write off!

Swinging is my business
And by that I mean swinging swords
Please do not ignore
Do you like my sword?


That was rhetorical
You know I am the oracle
I know you like my sword
It's made of freakin' diamonds

If you don't you're lying
But that would be fine
Because it is awesome
And you're probably jealous!

I can swing my sword, sword
'Cause I am the lord, lord

Lord of diamond swooooorrrrrddddssssah!

Untitled by kangaroo3

The frequency of stillborn or mummified piglets generally increases with each litter as the sows’ bodies become less capable of handling the large litter sizes encouraged by the industry.

10-18% of piglets who are born alive won’t make it until weaning age, succumbing to disease, starvation or dehydration, or being accidentally crushed by their trapped mothers.

Untitled by kangaroo3

In the 1960s, there were around 50,000 pig farms in Australia. Today, there are less than 1,400, and yet the total number of pigs bred and slaughtered for food has increased. As of 2015, 49 farms housed 60% of the country’s total pig population.

Most pigs bred for food begin life in a farrowing crate, a small pen with a central cage, designed to allow the piglets to feed from their mother – the sow – while preventing her from moving around.

Untitled by kangaroo3

JP: If the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated… what does that say about Australia?

RM: What does it say about New Zealand?

JP: The United States?

RM: Canada?

JP: Mexico?

RM: The United Kingdom?

JP: Israel?

RM: Spain?

JP: What does it say about us, as a species?

RM: In our entire recorded history, 619 million humans have been killed by war. We kill the same number of animals every 3 days, and this isn’t even including fish and other sea creatures whose deaths are so great they are only measured in tonnes.

JP: But before we kill them, we have to breed them…

JP: Confine and exploit them, for food… entertainment… clothing… and research.

JP: Their entire lives, from birth to death, are controlled by industries who care only for profit. An empire, of suffering and blood.

JP: Paid for by consumers who are told that their treatment was ethical. Free range, local, organic. That their deaths were humane, that cruelty to animals doesn’t happen here in our country, and if it does, our government, our authorities, will find it and stamp it out.

RM: And us, as consumers, have little reason to think otherwise, because to eat and use animals is normal, we’ve done it forever.

JP: Because the products for sale on supermarket shelves are so far removed from the individuals who once existed, some only briefly, some for years without reprieve.

JP: Individuals who share with us and our companion animals we love so dearly, our capacity to feel love.

RM: Happiness. Grief and mourning.

JP: Who share with us, our capacity to suffer. Our desire to live, to be free, to be seen not as objects, not for our utility to others, but for who we are as individuals. Beings in our own right, not units of production. Not stock. He, she, and they, not “it”.

JP: The truth is, there is no humane way to kill someone who wants to live.

RM: It is not a question of treatment, or better ways of doing the wrong thing. Bigger cages, smaller stocking densities, or less painful gas.

RM: We tell ourselves that they have lived good lives, and in the end, they don’t know what’s coming and don’t feel a thing. But they do. In their final hours, minutes and seconds, there is always fear, there is always pain. The smells of blood. The screaming of other members of their species, with whom they have shared their lives. Never a willingness or desire to die, but rather, a desperation to live, a frantic fight to their last breath. And never are they shown mercy or kindness, instead mocked, laughed at, kicked, beaten, tossed like ragdolls, or sent into a mincer because they were born the wrong sex.

JP: We take their children.

JP: We take their freedom.

JP: We take their lives, sending them healthy and whole into a slaughterhouse to come out as packaged pieces on the other side, and we tell ourselves that somehow, along the way, something humane and ethical happened.

RM: And in the process, we harm ourselves.

RM: We destroy our environment, emitting through animal agriculture more greenhouse gases than any other industry, tearing down our forests and slaughtering our native animals to make room for farms.

RM: The world’s cattle alone consume a quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion humans, and yet one in nine humans – 795 million – suffer from chronic undernourishment, and 844 million lack clean water while 1000 litres are used to produce 1 litre of milk and 15,000 litres for one kilogram of beef.

JP: And yet we continue to justify animal agriculture by claiming that it’s normal, necessary and natural. That the animal kingdom, or certain species within it, are inferior to ourselves, because they lack our specific type of intelligence, because they’re weaker and cannot defend themselves. We believe that, in our apparent superiority, we have earned the right to exercise power, authority and dominion over those we perceive to be inferior, for our own short-sighted ends.

JP: It is a justification that has been used before.

RM: By the white man, to enslave the black, or to take their land and their children.

RM: By the Nazis, to murder the Jews.

RM: By men, to silence and oppress women.

JP: Are we doomed to repeat history over and over? Does this superiority complex, this pure selfishness, define who we are as a species? Or are we capable of something more?

Written by Chris Delforce (Melbourne, Australia) 2018