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Test by tarek20

studying is the main source of knowledge books are indeed never failing friends of man for a mature mind reading is the greatest source of pleasure and solace to distressed minds the study of good books ennobles us and broadens our outlook therefore the habit of reading should be cultivated a student should never confine himself to his schoolbooks only he should not miss the pleasure locked in the classics poetry drama

SCS begins visit to by user107772

The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, began her visit in Beijing today (July 2). She called on the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (HKMAO) and visited a short video live streaming platform company.

Mrs Yeung and the Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Clement Leung, called on Deputy Director of the HKMAO Mr Wang Linggui in the morning and introduced to him the latest situation and work progress on civil service matters in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

Mrs Yeung and other officials went to the headquarters of Kuaishou in the afternoon where they toured around the office facilities and broadcasting centre. They also had a meeting with the senior executives of Beijing Kuaishou Technology Company Ltd to learn about the latest trends and experiences in short video and live streaming platforms.

She said, "With the advent of the 5G Internet era, various short video platforms have emerged and flourished, with short videos disseminating information at high speed and with an increasingly wide reach. In addition to e-commerce, live streaming platforms are now also being used for recruitment of certain jobs and even the promotion of public affairs. We should pay attention to the trend of development of information technology to gain a better understanding of it for inspirations in publicity and promotion."

Mrs Yeung will visit the School of Government of Peking University and attend the graduation ceremony of the inaugural cohort of the Master's Degree in Public Policy Programme co-organised by the HKSAR Government and Peking University for senior civil servants of the HKSAR tomorrow. She will also meet with the graduates and the HKSAR civil servants who are currently studying in the University.

middle_pinky_0 by user108066

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GAMMA OSEA MALIGA by user577845

Se realiza gammagrafía ósea de cuerpo entero posterior a la administración de 25 mCi de 99mTc-HDP.

No se observan captaciones patológicas del radiotrazador en el esqueleto que sean sugestivas de metástasis óseas.

Se observan signos gammagráficos sugestivos de artropatía degenerativa en articulaciones glenohumerales, acromioclaviculares y esternoclaviculares.

El resto de la exploración muestra una distribución fisiológica del radiotrazador.

La exploración no muestra actividad osteogénica aumentada que sea sugestiva de afectación metastásica ósea blástica.
Signos de artropatía degenerativa en ubicaciones previamente descritas.


Se realiza gammagrafía ósea a las 2 horas de la administración endovenosa de 25 mCi de 99mTc-HDP.Se comparó con el estudio previo del XXXX.

Se continúa sin observar depósitos patológicos del radiotrazador en esqueleto sugestivos de metástasis óseas.

Persiste la ligera hiperfijación del radiotrazador en la 5ª y 7ª uniones costocondrales derechas, en relación con cambios osteogénicos postraumáticos.

El resto de la exploración muestra una distribución fisiológica del radiotrazador.

La exploración continúa sin mostrar actividad osteogénica aumentada que sea sugestiva de afectación metastásica ósea.

Se realiza gammagrafía ósea de cuerpo entero posterior a la administración de 25mCi de Tc99m-HDP. Se compara imágenes actuales con la del estudio previo del 24/8/15.

En el estudio actual se observa un pequeño foco con ligera hiperfijación del radiotrazador visible tanto en imagen anterior como en posterior en hueso iliaco izquierdo, el cual no se encontraba en el estudio previo. Dicho hallazgo, en el contexto clínico de la paciente, no permite descartar una m1 ósea. Se recomienda estudio PET TC para mejor caracterización.

El resto de la exploración muestra distribución fisiológica del radiotrazador.

Estudio gammagráfico con un nuevo foco con hiperfijación del radiotrazador iliaco izquierdo, que no permite descartar una m1 ósea. Se recomienda PET TC para su mejor caracterización.

Se realiza gammagrafía ósea de cuerpo entero posterior a la administración de 25mCi de Tc99m-HDP. Se comparan las imágenes actuales con la del estudio previo del 22/9/17.

No se observan depósitos patológicos de radiotrazador en el esqueleto de nueva aparición sugestivos de progresión de las metástasis óseas con respecto al estudio previo.

El estudio actual muestra estabilidad en extensión e intensidad de captación de las lesiones metastásicas óseas presentes en el estudio previo en parrilla costal bilateral (8ª, 6ª costilla izqueirda, 7ª derecha) y cevical baja.

Persisten signos gammagráficos de artropatía degenerativa en facetas articulares de L5-S1 (predominio izquierdo), ambas rodillas, trapecio-metacarpiana bilaterales, glenohumerales y acromio-claviculares bilaterales.

Sin nuevas lesiones metastásicas óseas con respecto al estudio previo.
Estabilidad de las metástasis óseas ya conocidas en el estudio previo del 22/9/2016.
Artropatía degenerativa en los sitios previamente descritos.


Se realiza gammagrafía ósea de cuerpo entero posterior a la administración de 25mCi de Tc99m-HDP. Se compara imágenes actuales con la del estudio previo del 13/6/17.

Las lesiones descritas previamente en L3, cresta iliaca izquierda y focal en ala de ilion derecho presentan estabilidad con respecto al estudio previo.

Las lesiones descritas previamente en D9, 11vo arco costal posterior derecho y supraacetabular izquierdo presentan leve aumento de captación del radiotrazador.

La lesión en pubis izquierdo muestra importante aumento de extensión y captación.

Además, el paciente presenta nuevas lesiones en los siguientes sitios sugestivas de nuevas metástasis óseas:
Captaciones focales múltiples en arcos costales bilaterales.
Una lesión focal hipercaptante en tercio medio del esternón.

Estudio gammagráfico compatible con progresión de la enfermedad ósea metastásica por aparición de nuevas lesiones y progresión de algunas de las descritas previamente.

Se realiza gammagrafía ósea de cuerpo entero posterior a la administración de 25mCi de Tc99m-HDP. Posteriormente se realiza SPECT-TC a nivel torácico.

A nivel del tercio medio esternal se observa un foco de hiperfijación del radiotrazador heterogéneo, que en el contexto de la paciente, se toma como primera posibilidad diagnóstica metástasis.
En el resto del estudio no se observan otros focos sugestivos de metástasis óseas.

En el SPECT-TC se observa en tercio medio esternal hiperfijación que indica aumento de la actividad osteogénica a este nivel sin presencia de alteraciones óseas sugestiva de M1 en fases precoces.

Además se observa la neoplasia mamaria bilateral ya descrita en el reporte del TAC del 7/8/17 y las múltiples adenopatías axilares bilaterales y mamaria interna derecha. Persiste la imagen de derrame pleural bilateral de predominio izquierdo.

Estudio gammagráfico compatible con métastasis ósea a nivel de tercio medio esternal.
No hay otros focos sugestivos de metástasis ósea

Oral by user108059

Bonjour à tous,

Aujourd'hui, je vais vous parler du roman "Inaccessible" de Katherine McGee. Publié en 2016, ce livre est le premier tome d'une trilogie de science-fiction/dystopique qui plonge ses lecteurs dans un futur lointain et technologiquement avancé.

L'histoire se déroule en 2118, à New York, dans une tour de mille étages. Cette tour représente à la fois un chef-d'œuvre architectural et un microcosme de la société future, où la hiérarchie sociale est littéralement inscrite dans la structure même du bâtiment. Les plus riches vivent dans les étages supérieurs, tandis que les plus pauvres se trouvent en bas, luttant pour survivre.

Les personnages principaux sont variés et complexes :

Avery Fuller, la fille parfaite vivant au millième étage, dont la vie de rêve cache un lourd secret.
Leda Cole, une amie d'Avery, qui se débat avec ses propres démons intérieurs.
Eris Dodd-Radson, dont la vie bascule à cause d'un secret de famille révélé.
Rylin Myers, une jeune fille des étages inférieurs qui travaille pour un riche héritier.
Watt Bakradi, un hacker talentueux impliqué dans des activités illégales pour subvenir à ses besoins.
Le roman explore plusieurs thèmes majeurs, tels que :

La technologie et la société : Comment la technologie influence chaque aspect de la vie quotidienne et exacerbe les inégalités sociales.
Les secrets et les mensonges : Les conséquences dévastatrices des secrets bien gardés et la pression des apparences sociales.
L'amitié et la trahison : Les relations complexes entre les personnages, marquées par la trahison et ses répercussions.
L'intrigue est riche en rebondissements et tensions, construite autour des interactions et des conflits entre ces personnages. Chaque chapitre alterne les points de vue des différents protagonistes, ce qui permet de découvrir l'histoire sous divers angles et de maintenir un suspense constant.

Katherine McGee utilise un style d'écriture fluide et captivant, parsemé de descriptions détaillées qui permettent aux lecteurs de visualiser facilement ce monde futuriste. La structure narrative contribue également à la tension, chaque personnage apportant sa propre perspective et ses propres enjeux à l'histoire.

À sa sortie, "Inaccessible" a reçu un accueil enthousiaste, tant de la part du public que des critiques, qui ont salué l'originalité de son univers et la profondeur de ses personnages. Ce livre a également suscité des discussions sur les inégalités sociales et le rôle de la technologie dans notre société contemporaine.

Personnellement, j'ai trouvé ce roman fascinant car il offre une réflexion intéressante sur notre avenir potentiel tout en restant accessible et divertissant. Je recommande vivement "Inaccessible" à tous ceux qui apprécient la science-fiction et les histoires riches en émotions et en suspense.

Je vous remercie de votre attention et suis prêt à répondre à vos questions.

Talkingvet Radiology by doeroe

There are defects in the proximal subchondral bone of the medial and lateral articular surfaces of the distal phalanx (P3). These are irregularly margined. The trabecular bone in the condyles of distal P2 are mildly sclerotic.

Talkingvet Equine by doeroe

Patient had an old laceration on the forehead. It had already begun to granulate but we cleaned it up and freshened the edges and I stapled it to see if we could get it to heal back into its original position.

Talkingvet General by doeroe

Mucous membranes slightly dry, skin turgor mildly decreased. Cranial abdomen painful on deep palpation. One episode of vomiting observed (small amount of bilious fluid) in hospital this morning.

NASA by wishpath

Aeronautics NASA aeronautics aerospace executive research Apollo J.F. Kennedy 1960s Earth.

GRE Words (Part 4) by user107735

conspicuous means without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious.

delineate means describe in detail.

disinterested means unbiased; neutral.

endemic means native; originating where it is found.

exigent means pressing or demanding immediate attention or action.

hegemony means dominance over a certain area.

imminent means about to happen; impending.

implicit means suggested or understood without being directly stated.

maverick means someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action.

noisome means having an extremely bad smell.

nonplussed means unsure how to act or respond.

partisan means someone who strongly supports a particular party or cause, often without considering other viewpoints.

truculent means having a fierce, savage nature.

imperious means having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy.

byzantine means intricate and complex, excessively complicated, and typically involving a great deal of administrative detail.

abate means become less intense or widespread; to lessen or reduce.

adulterate means make something impure or of lesser quality by adding inferior substances.

expurgate means to remove objectionable material.

lampoon means ridicule with satire.

disparage means belittle or speak of someone or something in a derogatory or disrespectful way.

indefatigable means showing sustained enthusiasm with unflagging vitality and tireless persistence.

perfidy means an act of deliberate betrayal; a breach of trust.

exacting means requiring and demanding accuracy.

affectation means an artificial behavior or attitude adopted to impress others.

fawn means try to gain favor by extreme flattery.

magnanimous means noble and generous in spirit, especially towards a rival or someone less powerful.

avarice means greed (one of the seven deadly sins).

deleterious means harmful to living things.

zenith means the highest point; culmination.

curmudgeon means a grouchy, surly, bad-tempered person.

arbitrary means based on a random, groundless decision.

profuse means plentiful; pouring out in abundance.

confound means cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations.

elicit means call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses).

cacophony means a harsh, discordant, unpleasant mixture of sounds.

vociferous means conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry.

eccentric means highly unconventional or unusual (usually describes a person).

idiosyncrasy means a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual.

reverent means feeling or showing profound respect or veneration.

tendentious means likely to lean towards a controversial view.

levity means lightness of manner or speech; lack of seriousness.

surreptitious means kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.

discrepancy means difference or inconsistency between two or more things, often in terms of information, data, or opinions.

august means respected and impressive; worthy of admiration.

connoisseur means a person with expert knowledge or keen discrimination in a particular field, especially in relation to fine arts or gourmet food and drink.

eminent means standing above others in quality or position.

sagacious means having good judgment and acute insight.

anodyne means inoffensive or something that soothes or relieves pain.

aver means to state or assert with confidence; to declare as true; to affirm.

churlish means lacking manners or refinement.

itinerant means traveling from place to place to work.

disabuse means to persuade somebody that his/her belief is not valid.

evanescent means tending to vanish like vapor.

fecund means intellectually productive.

grovel means show submission or fear.

malevolent means wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred.

mendicant means a pauper who lives by begging.

neophyte means a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief; a beginner or novice.

panacea means a hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; a universal solution.

panache means distinctive and stylish elegance, flamboyant confidence of style or manner.

pariah means an outcast.

patent means glaringly obvious.

pith means the most essential part of something.

propriety means conformity to accepted standards of behavior or morals.

reprobate means a person who is disapproved of.

rescind means cancel officially.

sanction means give authority or permission to or a legal penalty for a forbidden action.

tenuous means thin or slender in form; flimsy, lacking substance or strength.

underscore means give extra weight to (a communication).

presumptuous means failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate.

limpid means clear and accessible or melodious.

relegate means assign to a lower position.

canard means a deliberately misleading fabrication.

myopic means lacking foresight or imagination, or intellectual insight.

perennial means lasting an indefinitely long time; eternal; everlasting.

replete means completely stocked or furnished with something.

languid means not inclined towards physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed.

invidious means likely to cause resentment.

propensity means a natural inclination or tendency to behave in a certain way or to have a particular interest.

nuance means a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude.

querulous means habitually complaining.

miscreant means a person who breaks the law.

apocryphal means being of questionable authenticity.

buttress means make stronger or defensible.

euphemism means the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive.

extrapolate means draw from specific cases for more general cases.

intimate means to suggest something subtly.

rhetoric means the art of persuasive speaking or writing.

sinecure means an office or position that involves minimal duties.

tacit means understood or implied without being stated openly.

untenable means incapable of being defended or justified (of theories, etc).

equivocal means confusing or ambiguous.

florid means excessively intricate or elaborate in style, often to the point of being overly ornate or flowery.

eulogy means a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically delivered at a funeral or memorial service.

maudlin means overly emotional and sad.

GRE Words (Part 3) by user107735

exonerate means pronounce not guilty of criminal charges.

augment means enlarge or increase; improve.

proliferate means rapidly increase or multiply in number.

inundate means to flood or overwhelm.

prodigious means so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe.

ostentatious means intended to attract notice and impress others; tawdry or vulgar.

admonish means to warn strongly, even to the point of reprimanding.

upbraid means to reproach; to scold.

approbation means approval or praise, especially official or formal.

pervasive means something is present or noticeable in every part of a thing or place.

extraneous means something irrelevant or unnecessary to the subject at hand.

turpitude means depravity; a depraved act.

commensurate means to be in proportion or corresponding in degree or amount.

emulate means strive to equal or match, especially by imitating; compete with successfully.

gauche means lacking social polish.

dilatory means wasting time, slow to act to cause delay.

largess means extreme generosity and giving, the willingness of giving away money in a generous way.

tirade means an angry speech.

artless means without cunning or deceit.

aberrant means markedly different from an accepted norm.

amenable means open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.

egregious means standing out in a negative way; shockingly bad.

occlude means to block or obstruct.

volatile means liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.

condone means to overlook or disregard an offense, wrongdoing, or undesirable behavior; to accept or allow something to continue.

bolster means support and strengthen.

forestall means to prevent or hinder something from happening in advance.

obviate means prevent or avoid (something anticipated or expected) by taking effective measures; to make unnecessary.

assiduously means with care and persistence, with great care, attention, and effort in one's work or duties.

circumspect means cautious and careful in one's actions or decisions.

punctilious means marked by precise accordance with details.

convoluted means highly complex or intricate.

onerous means something burdensome, oppressive, or difficult to manage.

undermine means to weaken (usually paired with an abstract term).

disingenuous means not straightforward; giving a false appearance of frankness.

antipathy means an intense feeling of dislike or aversion.

affable means likable; easy to talk to.

sporadic means recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances.

surfeit means an excessive amount of something.

inscrutable means not easily understood; unfathomable.

anomaly means something that is not normal, standard, or expected.

penchant means a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something.

iconoclast means somebody who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions.

laudable means worthy of high praise.

propitiate means to placate or appease.

dogmatic means highly opinionated, not accepting that your belief may not be correct.

philistine means smug and ignorant towards artistic and cultural values.

restive means unable to remain still, silent, or submissive, especially because of boredom or dissatisfaction.

tractable means readily reacting to suggestions and influences; easily managed (controlled or taught or molded).

circumscribe means restrict or confine.

contentious means likely to argue.

prudent means showing careful and sensible judgment.

articulate means expressing oneself clearly and effectively.

amalgamate means combine or unite to form a cohesive whole.

assail means attack in speech or writing.

vituperate means to criticize harshly; to berate.

equivocate means to speak vaguely, usually with the intention to mislead or deceive.

mendacity means the tendency to be untruthful.

petulant means rude or insolent in behavior or speech, or characterized by temporary ill humor, showing the attitude of people who become angry and annoyed when they do not get what they want.

cosmopolitan means comprising many cultures; global in reach and outlook.

paragon means an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept or model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal.

parsimonious means extremely frugal; miserly.

veracity means the accuracy or truthfulness of something.

irresolute means uncertain how to act or proceed.

desultory means lacking a clear plan, purpose, or enthusiasm.

apathy means an absence of emotion or enthusiasm.

blithe means showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper.

indolent means being lazy or avoiding activity or exertion.

dirge means a mournful song or lament expressing mourning or grief, typically performed at a funeral.

lachrymose means showing sorrow.

provincial means characteristic of a limited perspective; not fashionable or sophisticated.

obstreperous means noisily and stubbornly defiant; willfully difficult to control.

abstain means choose not to consume or take part in (particularly something enjoyable).

proclivity means a natural tendency or inclination towards a particular behavior or characteristic.

caustic means sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way.

verbose means using or expressed in more words than are needed.

peripheral means not as important as something else.

peripatetic means traveling by foot.

auspicious means favorable, the opposite of sinister.

GRE Words (Part 2) by user107735

intransigent means unwilling to change one's beliefs or course of action.

loquacious means talkative or chatty, tending to talk a lot or excessively.

pugnacious means eager to fight or argue; verbally combative.

cogent means clear and persuasive.

chicanery means the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose.

dissemble means to conceal one's true motives, usually through deceit.

turgid means (of language) pompous and tedious.

pedestrian means lacking imagination.

spurious means plausible but false.

munificent means very generous.

sanguine means cheerful; optimistic.

pernicious means exceedingly harmful; working or spreading in a hidden and injurious way.

benign means not dangerous to health or pleasant and kind.

impetuous means characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation.

mundane means relating to the ordinary world or repetitive and boring; not spiritual.

profligate means spending money recklessly or wastefully or someone who spends money recklessly or wastefully.

nadir means the lowest point.

timorous means timid by nature or revealing fear and nervousness.

arcane means requiring secret or mysterious knowledge.

venerate means to respect deeply.

predilection means a strong liking.

contrite means to be remorseful.

germane means relevant and appropriate.

disseminate means cause to become widely known.

corroborate means to confirm or lend support to (usually an idea or claim).

misanthrope means a hater of mankind, and avoids human society.

officious means intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner.

tortuous means marked by repeated turns and bends; not straightforward.

arduous means demanding considerable mental effort and skill; testing powers of endurance.

gainsay means deny or contradict; speak against or oppose.

impugn means attack as false or wrong.

denigrate means unfairly criticizing or belittling someone or something, often with the intention of damaging their reputation or diminishing their value.

belie means to give a false representation to; misrepresent or fail to fulfill or justify (a claim or expectation).

calumny means making a false statement meant to injure a person's reputation.

dupe means a person who is easily tricked or swindled or to trick or swindle.

fastidious means overly concerned with details; fussy.

pedantic means marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects.

sycophant means a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage.

exculpate means to clear from blame or guilt, to vindicate, or to absolve.

ebullient means joyously unrestrained.

fractious means irritable and is likely to cause disruption.

morose means ill-tempered and not inclined to talk; gloomy, sullen.

precarious means fraught with danger, not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

precipitate means hasty or rash, suddenly or without careful consideration or to cause to happen suddenly or unexpectedly.

burgeon means grow and flourish.

vacillate means be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action.

copious means in abundant supply.

engender means give rise to.

foment means try to stir up, instigate (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action).

lugubrious means excessively mournful.

insular means being isolated or detached from surroundings, narrow-minded or ignorant of other cultures or ideas.

abjure means formally reject or give up (as a belief).

pragmatic means guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory.

imperturbable means not easily upset or excited; calm and composed in any situation.

stolid means having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited.

castigate means to reprimand harshly.

furtive means marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed.

ubiquitous means present, appearing, or found everywhere.

advocate means a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea or speak, plead, or argue in favor of.

estimable means deserving of esteem and respect.

probity means integrity, strong moral principles.

bucolic means relating to the pleasant aspects of the country.

dilettante means an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge.

empirical means based on observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

nascent means being in the process of emerging or coming into existence.

puerile means of or characteristic of a child; displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity.

salubrious means promoting health or well-being; health-giving.

umbrage means a feeling of anger caused by being offended.

effrontery means audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to.

intrepid means fearless.

solicitous means showing hovering attentiveness.

opprobrium means harsh criticism or censure, often resulting in public disgrace or shame.

reproach means to express criticism towards.

attenuate means to weaken (in terms of intensity); to taper off/become thinner.

aggrandize means enhance the power, wealth, or status of someone or something, often in a self-serving or exaggerated manner.

glib means speaking with ease but without sincerity.

GRE Words (Part 2) by user107735

intransigent means unwilling to change one's beliefs or course of action.

loquacious means talkative or chatty, tending to talk a lot or excessively.

pugnacious means eager to fight or argue; verbally combative.

cogent means clear and persuasive.

chicanery means the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose.

dissemble means to conceal one's true motives, usually through deceit.

turgid means (of language) pompous and tedious.

pedestrian means lacking imagination.

spurious means plausible but false.

munificent means very generous.

sanguine means cheerful; optimistic.

pernicious means exceedingly harmful; working or spreading in a hidden and injurious way.

benign means not dangerous to health or pleasant and kind.

impetuous means characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation.

mundane means relating to the ordinary world or repetitive and boring; not spiritual.

profligate means spending money recklessly or wastefully or someone who spends money recklessly or wastefully.

nadir means the lowest point.

timorous means timid by nature or revealing fear and nervousness.

arcane means requiring secret or mysterious knowledge.

venerate means to respect deeply.

predilection means a strong liking.

contrite means to be remorseful.

germane means relevant and appropriate.

disseminate means cause to become widely known.

corroborate means to confirm or lend support to (usually an idea or claim).

misanthrope means a hater of mankind, and avoids human society.

officious means intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner.

tortuous means marked by repeated turns and bends; not straightforward.

arduous means demanding considerable mental effort and skill; testing powers of endurance.

gainsay means deny or contradict; speak against or oppose.

impugn means attack as false or wrong.

denigrate means unfairly criticizing or belittling someone or something, often with the intention of damaging their reputation or diminishing their value.

belie means to give a false representation to; misrepresent or fail to fulfill or justify (a claim or expectation).

calumny means making a false statement meant to injure a person's reputation.

dupe means a person who is easily tricked or swindled or to trick or swindle.

fastidious means overly concerned with details; fussy.

pedantic means marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects.

sycophant means a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage.

exculpate means to clear from blame or guilt, to vindicate, or to absolve.

ebullient means joyously unrestrained.

fractious means irritable and is likely to cause disruption.

morose means ill-tempered and not inclined to talk; gloomy, sullen.

precarious means fraught with danger, not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

precipitate means hasty or rash, suddenly or without careful consideration or to cause to happen suddenly or unexpectedly.

burgeon means grow and flourish.

vacillate means be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action.

GRE Words (Part 2) by user107735

intransigent means unwilling to change one's beliefs or course of action.

loquacious means talkative or chatty, tending to talk a lot or excessively.

pugnacious means eager to fight or argue; verbally combative.

cogent means clear and persuasive.

chicanery means the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose.

dissemble means to conceal one's true motives, usually through deceit.

turgid means (of language) pompous and tedious.

pedestrian means lacking imagination.

spurious means plausible but false.

munificent means very generous.

sanguine means cheerful; optimistic.

pernicious means exceedingly harmful; working or spreading in a hidden and injurious way.

benign means not dangerous to health or pleasant and kind.

impetuous means characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation.

mundane means relating to the ordinary world or repetitive and boring; not spiritual.

profligate means spending money recklessly or wastefully or someone who spends money recklessly or wastefully.

nadir means the lowest point.

timorous means timid by nature or revealing fear and nervousness.

arcane means requiring secret or mysterious knowledge.

venerate means to respect deeply.

predilection means a strong liking.

contrite means to be remorseful.

germane means relevant and appropriate.

disseminate means cause to become widely known.

corroborate means to confirm or lend support to (usually an idea or claim).

misanthrope means a hater of mankind, and avoids human society.

officious means intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner.

tortuous means marked by repeated turns and bends; not straightforward.

arduous means demanding considerable mental effort and skill; testing powers of endurance.

gainsay means deny or contradict; speak against or oppose.

impugn means attack as false or wrong.

denigrate means unfairly criticizing or belittling someone or something, often with the intention of damaging their reputation or diminishing their value.

belie means to give a false representation to; misrepresent or fail to fulfill or justify (a claim or expectation).

calumny means making a false statement meant to injure a person's reputation.

dupe means a person who is easily tricked or swindled or to trick or swindle.

fastidious means overly concerned with details; fussy.

pedantic means marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects.

sycophant means a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage.

exculpate means to clear from blame or guilt, to vindicate, or to absolve.

ebullient means joyously unrestrained.

fractious means irritable and is likely to cause disruption.

morose means ill-tempered and not inclined to talk; gloomy, sullen.

precarious means fraught with danger, not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

precipitate means hasty or rash, suddenly or without careful consideration or to cause to happen suddenly or unexpectedly.

burgeon means grow and flourish.

vacillate means be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action.

GRE Words (Part 1) by user107735

prodigal means rashly or wastefully extravagant.

assuage means to make something intense or unpleasant less severe.

obdurate means stubbornly persistent in changing an opinion or action.

insipid means dull and uninteresting.

alacrity means an eager willingness to do something.

malleable means easily influenced or capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out.

inimical means harmful, limiting, or hostile (usually describes conditions or environments).

innocuous means harmless and doesn’t produce any ill effects.

enervate means to sap energy from, make someone feel weak and without energy.

perfunctory means done routinely and with little interest or care.

soporific means inducing mental lethargy; sleep-inducing.

esoteric means confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle.

disparate means two things are fundamentally different.

diffident means showing modest reserve; lacking self-confidence.

garrulous means full of trivial conversation, excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.

opaque means (of language) not clearly understood or expressed.

banal means repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse.

laconic means one who says very few words.

taciturn means habitually reserved and uncommunicative.

meticulous means marked by extreme care in treatment of details.

sedulous means done diligently and carefully.

lucid means (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable.

coalesce means fuse or cause to grow together.

demur means to object or show reluctance.

repudiate means reject as untrue or unfounded.

deride means to show that you think someone or something is ridiculous, stupid, or of no value.

immutable means not able to be changed.

obsequious means attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner; attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery.

capricious means determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason.

mercurial means (of a person) prone to unexpected and unpredictable changes in mood.

whimsical means determined by impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason.

recondite means difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge.

ascetic means practicing self-denial or one who practices great self-denial.

austere means practicing self-denial, having no comforts or luxuries (of living conditions or a way of life), harsh, very severe and unfriendly in manner of temperament, unadorned in style or appearance, plain and without decoration or unnecessary details.

phlegmatic means showing little emotion.

facetious means not serious about a serious subject, in an attempt to be funny or to appear clever.

censure means to express strong disapproval or criticism.

ephemeral means lasting a very short time.

ameliorate means make something bad better.

mitigate means lessen the severity of an offense, make less severe or harsh.

didactic means instructive (especially excessively).

derivative means not original but drawing on the work of another person or a creative product (e.g. music, writing, etc.).

platitude means a trite or obvious remark.

inchoate means only partly in existence; imperfectly formed.

eschew means avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of.

audacious means willing to be bold in social situations or to take risks.

eclectic means comprised of a variety of styles.

irascible means quickly aroused to anger.

harangue means a long pompous speech; a tirade or to deliver a long pompous speech or tirade.

exacerbate means make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

fortuitous means occurring by happy chance; having no cause or apparent cause.

gregarious means to be likely to socialize with others.

obstinate means resistant to guidance or discipline; stubbornly persistent.

hackneyed means lacking significance through having been overused.

reticent means reluctant to draw attention to yourself; temperamentally disinclined to talk.

archaic means so old as to appear to belong to a different period.

pristine means immaculately clean and unused, unspoiled, untouched (usually of nature).

implacable means incapable of making less angry or hostile, unable to be changed, satisfied, or stopped.

refute means prove to be false or incorrect.

desiccated means uninteresting, lacking vitality.

diatribe means a strong verbal attack against a person or institution.

aesthetic means concerned with the appreciation of beauty or a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement.

craven means pathetically cowardly.

supplant means take the place or move into the position of.

erudite means having or showing profound knowledge.

prevaricate means to speak in an evasive way.

specious means based on pretense; deceptively pleasing or plausible but false.

prosaic means dull and lacking imagination.

quotidian means found in the ordinary course of events.

ingenuous means to be naive and innocent.

quixotic means wildly idealistic; impractical.

acumen means skill in making correct decisions and judgments in a particular subject.

paucity means a lack of something.

mollify means to make someone angry less angry; placate.

placate means cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the goodwill of.

Untitled by user108038

- urmaresc realizarea constructiei in conformitate cu prevederile autorizatiei de construire, ale proiectelor, caietelor de sarcini si ale reglementarilor tehnice in vigoare.
- verifica existenta documentelor de certificare a calitatii produselor pentru constructii, respectiv corespondenta calitatii acestora cu prevederile cuprinse in proiecte.
- interzic utilizarea produselor pentru constructii fara certificate de conformitate, declaratii de conformitate sau agrement tehnic.
- interzic utilizarea de procedee si echipamente noi, neagrementate tehnic sau cu agremente tehnice la care avizul tehnic a expirat.
- verifica respectarea tehnologiilor de executie, aplicarea corecta a acestora in vederea asigurarii nivelului calitativ prevazut in documentatia tehnica si in reglementarile tehnice.
- verifica respectarea planului calitatii, a procedurilor si instructiunilor tehnice pentru lucrarea respectiva.
- interzic executarea de lucrari de catre personal necalificat.
- participa la verificarea lucrarilor ajunse in faze determinante.
- efectueaza verificarile prevazute in reglementarile tehnice, semneaza si stampileaza documentele intocmite ca urmare a verificarilor, respectiv procese-verbale in faze determinante, procese-verbale de receptie calitativa a lucrarilor ce devin ascunse etc.
- asista la prelevarea de probe de la locul de punere in opera.
- transmit catre proiectant, prin intermediul investitorului, sesizarile proprii sau ale participantilor la realizarea constructiei privind neconformitatile constatate pe parcursul executiei.
- informeaza operativ investitorul privind deficientele calitative constatate, in vederea dispunerii de masuri si, dupa caz, propun oprirea lucrarilor.
- urmaresc respectarea de catre executant a dispozitiilor si/sau a masurilor dispuse de proiectant/de organele abilitate.
- verifica, in calitate de reprezentant al beneficiarului, respectarea prevederilor legale in cazul schimbarii solutiilor tehnice pe parcursul executiei lucrarilor.
- anunta I.S.C. privind oprirea/sistarea executarii lucrarilor de catre investitor/beneficiar pentru o perioada mai mare de timp, exceptand perioada de timp friguros, si verifica punerea in siguranta a constructiei, conform proiectului.
- anunta I.S.C. privind reluarea lucrarilor la investitiile la care a fost oprita/sistata executarea lucrarilor de catre investitor/beneficiar pentru o perioada mai mare de timp, exceptand perioada de timp friguros.

legea 98 random by user108038

Angajamentul legal prin care se angajeaza cheltuielile aferente achizitiei directe poate lua forma unui contract de achizitie publica sau a unei comenzi ori a altui tip de document incheiat in conditiile legii, inclusiv in cazul achizitiilor initiate prin intermediul instrumentelor de plata ce permit posesorului sa le utilizeze in relatia cu comerciantii in vederea efectuarii de plati, fara numerar, pentru achizitionarea de produse, servicii si/sau lucrari prin intermediul unui terminal, cum ar fi, dar fara a se limita la acestea, cardurile de plata si/sau portofele electronice.

Activitati de achizitie auxiliare - activitati care constau in furnizarea de asistenta si suport pentru activitatile de achizitie, in special infrastructura tehnica care sa permita autoritatilor contractante atribuirea de contracte de achizitie publica sau incheierea de acorduri - cadru pentru lucrari, produse ori servicii, sau asistenta si consiliere cu privire la desfasurarea ori structurarea procedurilor de achizitie publica, sau pregatirea si administrarea procedurilor de atribuire in numele si in beneficiul autoritatii contractante in cauza.

Contract de achizitie publica - contractul cu titlu oneros, asimilat, potrivit legii, actului administrativ, incheiat in scris intre unul sau mai multi operatori economici si una ori mai multe autoritati contractante, care are ca obiect executia de lucrari, furnizarea de produse sau prestarea de servicii.

Obiectiv de investitii - rezultatul scontat la investirea de capital pe timp limitat, ca urmare a realizarii uneia sau mai multor lucrari, situate pe un amplasament distinct delimitat, care asigura satisfacerea cerintelor formulate de beneficiar.

Investitie publica - totalitatea cheltuielilor din fonduri publice, initiale sau ulterioare, destinate realizarii de active fixe de natura domeniului public si/sau privat al statului/unitatii administrativ - teritoriale, inclusiv inlocuirea activelor fixe uzate, precum si cheltuielile ocazionate de inlocuirea acestora, care se finanteaza total sau partial din fondurile publice.

Autoritatile contractante au obligatia sa acorde operatorilor economici un tratament egal si nediscriminatoriu si sa actioneze intr-o maniera transparenta si proportionala.

Pe parcursul aplicarii procedurii de atribuire, autoritatea contractanta are obligatia de a lua toate masurile necesare pentru a preveni, identifica si remedia situatiile de conflict de interese, in scopul evitarii denaturarii concurentei si al asigurarii tratamentului egal pentru toti operatorii economici.

Managerial economic by kedarnat

There are three main approaches to measuring national income:
Income Method
Measures national income by adding up all factor incomes (wages, rent, interest, profit) and the mixed income of self-employed
Estimates national income by adding all the factors of production (rent, wages, interest, profit) and the mixed-income of self-employed
Production (Value-Added) Method
Measures national income by adding the value added by all the firms
Value-added = Value of Output - Value of (non-factor) inputs
Gives GDP at Market Price (MP) - includes depreciation and taxes
To reach National Income (NNP at FC), need to add Net Factor Income from Abroad, subtract Depreciation, and subtract Net Indirect Taxes
Expenditure Method
Measures national income as the sum of private consumption expenditure, government consumption expenditure, gross capital formation, and net exports
Can be represented by the equation: Y = C + I + G + (X-M), where Y = GDP at MP, C = Private Consumption, I = Investment, G = Government Expenditure, X = Exports, M = Imports
The three methods should give identical results if properly calculated, as national income is the same when measured as production, income, or expenditure. However, in practice there may be some differences due to measurement errors and the use of different data sources.

legeas 98 by user108038

Angajamentul legal prin care se angajeaza cheltuielile aferente achizitiei directe poate lua forma unui contract de achizitie publica sau a unei comenzi ori a altui tip de document incheiat in conditiile legii, inclusiv in cazul achizitiilor initiate prin intermediul instrumentelor de plata ce permit posesorului sa le utilizeze in relatia cu comerciantii in vederea efectuarii de plati, fara numerar, pentru achizitionarea de produse, servicii si/sau lucrari prin intermediul unui terminal, cum ar fi, dar fara a se limita la acestea, cardurile de plata si/sau portofele electronice.

Activitati de achizitie auxiliare - activitati care constau in furnizarea de asistenta si suport pentru activitatile de achizitie, in special infrastructura tehnica care sa permita autoritatilor contractante atribuirea de contracte de achizitie publica sau incheierea de acorduri - cadru pentru lucrari, produse ori servicii, sau asistenta si consiliere cu privire la desfasurarea ori structurarea procedurilor de achizitie publica, sau pregatirea si administrarea procedurilor de atribuire in numele si in beneficiul autoritatii contractante in cauza.

Contract de achizitie publica - contractul cu titlu oneros, asimilat, potrivit legii, actului administrativ, incheiat in scris intre unul sau mai multi operatori economici si una ori mai multe autoritati contractante, care are ca obiect executia de lucrari, furnizarea de produse sau prestarea de servicii.

Obiectiv de investitii - rezultatul scontat la investirea de capital pe timp limitat, ca urmare a realizarii uneia sau mai multor lucrari, situate pe un amplasament distinct delimitat, care asigura satisfacerea cerintelor formulate de beneficiar.

Investitie publica - totalitatea cheltuielilor din fonduri publice, initiale sau ulterioare, destinate realizarii de active fixe de natura domeniului public si/sau privat al statului/unitatii administrativ - teritoriale, inclusiv inlocuirea activelor fixe uzate, precum si cheltuielile ocazionate de inlocuirea acestora, care se finanteaza total sau partial din fondurile publice.

Autoritatile contractante au obligatia sa acorde operatorilor economici un tratament egal si nediscriminatoriu si sa actioneze intr-o maniera transparenta si proportionala.

Pe parcursul aplicării procedurii de atribuire, autoritatea contractantă are obligaţia de a lua toate măsurile necesare pentru a preveni, identifica şi remedia situaţiile de conflict de interese, în scopul evitării denaturării concurenţei şi al asigurării tratamentului egal pentru toţi operatorii economici.

Pe parcursul aplicarii procedurii de atribuire, autoritatea contractanta are obligatia de a lua toate masurile necesare pentru a preveni, identifica si remedia situatiile de conflict de interese, in scopul evitarii denaturarii concurentei si al asigurarii tratamentului egal pentru toti operatorii economici.

art 7 alin 6 by user108038

Angajamentul legal prin care se angajeaza cheltuielile aferente achizitiei directe poate lua forma unui contract de achizitie publica sau a unei comenzi ori a altui tip de document incheiat in conditiile legii, inclusiv in cazul achizitiilor initiate prin intermediul instrumentelor de plata ce permit posesorului sa le utilizeze in relatia cu comerciantii in vederea efectuarii de plati, fara numerar, pentru achizitionarea de produse, servicii si/sau lucrari prin intermediul unui terminal, cum ar fi, dar fara a se limita la acestea, cardurile de plata si/sau portofele electronice.