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Lenang Manggala
sakit dher????

Eric Wang
Got a pb on this quote :3

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it



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Anonymous - I'm trapped.
When I was little, I was bullied. When I was a teen, I was ignored. Now, I'm the last option; the back-up, the safety net. I'm always there for them, but they're never there for me. For most of our interactions they ask where our other friends are, or could I help with something? It seemed our friendship would last forever, but after 4 years it's degrading; I'm being used. The way out seems clear but I cannot escape the grasp of my depression, my social anxiety, always wanting to blame myself.

The Quadratic Formula
Here is the quadratic formula: x is equal to negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac all over 2a. This doesn't make sense typed out in words, but there's the knowledge you didn't ask for.

me, in another life - Bubbly
I could force myself to talk to someone new, pummel them with loads of questions, laugh at things that weren't funny, and smile wide until my jaw was sore. And my entire being always felt sore afterwards. I hated trying to mold myself into what I thought people wanted, and you made me realize that there was never any need to. I was already what you wanted.

PeachFlavoredRings - You should do more.
Knowing that somebody you do things for all the time thinks you're lazy and should be doing more for them, is one of the worst feelings. What bothers me most about it is the fact that everything thing I do for them is either going unnoticed or they feel like what I'm doing for them isn't enough. If I tell them about how hard I've been working, they always find a way to turn it around and make it like everything I've done is lesser compared to what they've done. I'm just tired.

Steven Pinker - Why academic writing stinks
Academics mindlessly cushion their prose with wads of fluff that imply they are not willing to stand behind what they say. Those include almost, apparently, comparatively, fairly, in part, nearly, partially, predominantly, presumably, rather, relatively, seemingly, so to speak, somewhat, sort of, to a certain degree, to some extent, and the ubiquitous I would argue. (Does that mean you would argue for your position if things were different, but are not willing to argue for it now?).

Steven Pinker - Why academic writing stinks (p. 4)
Thoughtless writers think they're doing the reader a favor by guiding her through the text with previews, summaries, and signposts. In reality, metadiscourse is there to help the writer, not the reader, since she has to put more work into understanding the signposts than she saves in seeing what they point to, like directions for a shortcut that take longer to figure out than the time the shortcut would save.

Anonymous - I know - Pt. 2
Hearing you tell me I was pretty was amazing, I won't even lie to you. Knowing that you looked for me at church and knowing you perked up at the mention of my name made me feel more special than I have in years. Knowing that I crossed your mind at all gave me butterflies and I couldn't keep that stupid smile off my face when you told me I was beautiful. But as per usual, all I am to you is a pretty face. A pretty girl to look at and that's about it. I know that's what you're thinking.

Anonymous - I know - Pt. 1
I know what I am to you. I know that I'm just a boost to your ego. I know that you use me as another pretty face. I know that I give you the attention that you want. I know. But I also know you're talking to other girls. I know that I am not enough for you. I probably am reserved and my standards are too high. I wait for you to talk to me and I watch for your name to pop up on my phone. I know that you don't really care about me.

Anonymous - I wanted it so badly
It hurt, but I'm not dumb. Your response solidified everything I had been thinking all week and I hated it. I thought my lifelong prayer was beginning to be answered. I was giving you a second chance. But all you wanted to do was play around. I wanted you to care about me. I wanted you to love me on purpose. I wanted you to see how flawed I was and choose to love me anyway. I wanted you to be the person who made me smile. I wanted it so badly. I just wanted you to want me.

NCT 127 - Highway to Heaven
We'll take the highway to heaven, and I can't wait to love you all alone. We'll take the highway to heaven. On the 101 let's see just where it goes. Last call, are you coming with me? I got some things you want to see. Tell your friends that you're busy.

abuhurairah - Self Reference
This quote has exactly 35 words and 186 characters. This sentence has 8 words and 40 letters. You are the most recent person to read this quote. And this is the last sentence, I promise!

outside JR - Dully
And maybe that was the tragedy of it all. A gloomy human with a mind a bit too fuzzy, forever walking around a blank space of grey, trying to escape the inescapable buzzing glow in their ribs. To drown out that deafening call of the imprudent lake that so limberly cast them aside now and then. Like a dog's rough collar I am, always it seems, stifled around the edges, and too obtrusive in the dull serene.

outside JR - My girl
Quite meek and shy, but somehow it seemed almost as if she always knew more than she let on. But she remained paralyzed, almost, with a slight glint of confusion, no compulsion resting atop her brows. She knew what she was doing, right?

outside JR - So tragic stars
We cried under the stars that never forgave us for being too numb in the heart that we chose to stay put on this spinning, smoldering rock, instead of hugging them goodnight and humming to them our tragedies lost. The stars don't forgive us, and they won't ever soon, because to them we have betrayed what it means to be called the moon.

John Danaher - Losing
There's no shame in losing to a black belt when you're a white belt, but when you have very similar skill levels, you're going to come back to the techniques that are most likely to get you a win.

Mitchell Tenpenny - Truth About You
There's two sides to every breakup, one's a lie and one's the truth. One of 'em went down and one was made up, but in the end we both lose. Why can't we meet in the middle? Call it even, call it truce. If you quit tellin' lies about me, I won't tell the truth about you.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - Dubug Instructions - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - General Confrence
This is the English Language channel for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please call the number listed in your operator instructions.

Dean Lewis - Be Alright
And my friend said, I know you love her but it's over mate. It doesn't matter put the phone away. It's never easy to walk away, let her go. It'll be okay. It's gonna hurt for a bit of time, so bottoms up let's forget tonight. You'll find another and you'll be just fine let her go. It'll be alright.

Onomatopoeia - Asking for something
Some people out there are afraid of asking for anything, and that includes me. I find myself shivering in fear whenever I want to ask for something from someone. What is it that makes me think this way? Is it possible that I feel a sense of guilt when I ask for something? No, it can't be. As far as I'm concerned, whatever it is that I'm going to ask for is well within my right to. So why on earth can't I do it?

onomatopoeia - Sense of Humor
Sometimes I find myself to be laughing at the weirdest possible thing that exist in this world. I could be laughing at a pineapple at 3:00 in the morning for absolutely no reason. But it's comforting knowing that I'm not the only one like this... right?