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Lenang Manggala
sakit dher????

Eric Wang
Got a pb on this quote :3

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it



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obscuresorrows - trumspringa
The longing to wander off your career track in pursuit of a simple life - tending a small farm in a forest clearing, keeping a lighthouse on a secluded atoll, or becoming a shepherd in the mountains - which is just the kind of hypnotic diversion that allows your thoughts to make a break for it and wander back to their cubicles in the city.

Mickie Parker - In the Air
There have been quakes within the past few weeks; there were two just the day before. There were whispers around the office of some people possibly feeling the shaking of the powerful quakes. As I walked over to get a cinnamon bun, vibration... I looked around and everyone knew and was bracing for what was to happen next. My eyes find the window and the office was up in the air... Terror filled my body... I'm about to die. I close my eyes, pray, and wake up from the nightmare.

Rainbow kitten surprise - It's Called Freefall
Called to the Devil and the Devil did come I said to the Devil, "Devil do you like drums? Do you like cigarettes, dominoes, rum?" He said only "sundown, Sundays, Christmas" Some day's end when I need a few friends. Now and again I could never hope to keep them. Thought to give friends what I thought that they wanted. Never had they needed a good friend as I've been.

Modest Mouse - World at Large
I like songs about drifters, books about the same. They both seem to make me feel a little less insane. Walked on off to another spot. I still haven't gotten anywhere that I want. Did I want love? Did I need to know? Why does it always feel like I'm caught in an undertow?

Thomas Jefferson - Instructions to Captain Meriwhether Lewis, June 20, 1803
The object of your mission is to explore the Missouri River, and such principal streams of it, as by its course and communication with the waters of the Columbia, Oregon, Colorado or any other river, may offer the most direct and practicable water communication across this continent for the purposes of commerce.

Charles Darwin - The Brazilian Forest
I do not doubt every traveler must remember the glowing sense of happiness from the simple consciousness of breathing in a foreign clime where the civilized man has seldom or never trod.

Mark Twain - Roughing It
Three months of camp life on Lake Tahoe would restore an Egyptian mummy to his pristine vigor, and give him an appetite like an alligator. The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn't it be? - it is the same the angels breathe.

Moose - Play the hard mode
Real progress in typing skills does not come unless you play the game in the hard mode. Go for 'Sudden Death' typing where the test fails if you make a single mistake. Slow down if you are constantly not able to complete it. Keep playing 'sudden death' until you consistently pass it more than you fail it. That is when you will see a remarkable increase in your typing speed. This is the fastest way of getting there.

-Modest Mouse - Little Motel
Remainders of a shooting star landed directly on our broke down little car. Before then, we had made a wish, that we would be missed. If one or another just did not exist. 'Cause that's what we're waiting for, that's what we're waiting for, that's what we're waiting on, aren't we?

Modest Mouse - Little Motel-
I hope that you like it in your little motel. And I hope that the suite sleeps and suits you well. Well, I can see it as time and a sight through smell and that's why it's nice to be by yourself. 'Cause that's what I'm waiting for. That's what I'm waiting for. That's what I'm waiting for, aren't I? That's what I'm waiting for, that's what I'm waiting for. That's what I'm waiting for, darlin'.

Carmen Maria Machado - Her Body and Other Parties
I took a step towards her. "It is my right to reside in my own mind. It is my right," I said. And isn't that how you become tender, vulnerable? The tissue softening marination of your own mind, the quicksand of mental indulgence?

Natasha Pulley - The Watchmaker of Filigree Street
He was not poor; he could afford ten candles and two baths a week. He wasn't going to throw himself in the Thames for the misery of it all and God knew most of London was worse off. All the same, he had a feeling that life should not have been about ten candles and two baths a week.

Lexa Burns
Everyone knows why the zoo stopped purchasing Lipton products. It's quite obvious. They shouldn't have been buying it in the first place; I have no idea why they expected it to be good koala tea.

Every title and author ever - Every typist ignores me
Some people wonder if typists actually pay attention to the content that they are typing. Well, one thing I am certain about is that most don't even bother to look at the title and the poor author of the quote they type.

Gaming thoughts - Superior gameplays
You ever watch aggressive gameplays of your favorite games? Seeing Joel take down clickers and scavengers like John Wick is thrilling to watch but when it comes to me playing the game, Joel is a loser.

Theodore Roethke - My Papa's Waltz
The whiskey on your breath could make a small boy dizzy; but I hung on like death: such waltzing was not easy. We romped until the pans slid from the kitchen shelf; my mother's countenance could not unfrown itself. The hand that held my wrist was battered on one knuckle; at every step you missed my right ear scraped a buckle. You beat time in my head with a palm caked hard by dirt, then waltzed me off to bed still clinging to your shirt.

Marianne Moore - Poetry
I, too, dislike it: there are things that are important beyond all this fiddle. Reading it, however, with a perfect contempt for it, one discovers in it after all, a place for the genuine. Hands that can grasp, eyes that can dilate, hair that can rise if it must, these things are important not because a high-sounding interpretation can be put upon them but because they are useful.

Apsley Cherry-Garrard - The Worst Journey in the World
Polar exploration is at once the cleanest and most isolated way of having a bad time which has been devised. It is the only form of adventure in which you put on your clothes at Michaelmas and keep them on until Christmas, and, save for a layer of the natural grease of the body, find them as clean as though they were new. It is more lonely than London, more secluded than any monastery, and the post comes but once a year.

Jeff Zentner - In the Wild Light
Memory is a teather. Sometimes you get some slack in the line and you can play it out for a while. You forget and think you're free. But you'll always get to the end and realize it's still there, binding you, reminding you of itself, reminding you that you belong to each other.

XioRio - Fly high part 1
Here lies the body of someone special. Wait, wait. Why I look like that. You look nice! I look like I'm about to jump out of the casket but go ahead. The loss we are dealing with is sad but heaven has gained another angel. Fly, fly, fly,fly, fly high, fly high. Gawd. Can I do something real quick.. Just real quick. Okay go, go go. RAWR. OMG WHAT. Wait wait wait watch this. PERIOD. AHHHHHHHHH.