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Lenang Manggala
sakit dher????

Eric Wang
Got a pb on this quote :3

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!



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Bao Trang N. - Every song has a meaning...
Every single song has a meaning. You might not understand what the meaning of the story is or where or how they get that content from but you know that all songs have a meaning. So wherever you are or whatever song you're listening to, you will know that they made that song for a reason and that it actually has a meaning...

Bao Trang N. - Everyone is a genius in their way...
Everybody is a genius in their own way. What I mean by genius is not always about studies. It could be sport, it could be designing. Even though someone is not smart, they're still a genius somehow in their heart. So if you think that genius is only about studying, you are wrong. Geniuses are not always smart, they are a genius inside their creativity side in their brain.

Bao Trang N. - Technoblade (Alex)
I just figured out that Technoblade means something. So I think this happens to help you in any way possible. So here's my theory about why Technoblade happens to be Technoblade. First the 'Techno' in Technoblade means technology and it means that he is very modern in now days and that he is not old like people who are born before the 1990s. And 'Blade' happens to mean that he is very strong, independent and sharp. Just like a blade of a knife. That's just my theory though. So I'm not so sure.

Alex / Technoblade - So long nerds
Thank you all for supporting my content over the years. If I had another 100 lives, I would choose to be Technoblade again every single time as those were the happiest years of my life. I hope you guys enjoyed my content and I made some of you laugh, and I hope you all go on and live long, prosperous and happy lives because I love you guys. Technoblade, out.

Remember when you would stick crayola markers together to become a lightsaber and fight your friends? Remember when we would look out the window on a rainy day and watch the raindrops race, and getting emotional when one lost? Remember when we would beg our parents for 25C so we could get a gumball from a gumball machine on the way out of a store? Remember when we were kids and we couldn't wait to grow up?

The current operating system or other software application has blocked Monitoring or Overclocking functions on this device. In order to access Monitoring or Overclocking function, please disable this feature to access Monitoring or Overclocking functions.

Thomas Koshy
To learn a language, you have to know its alphabet, grammar, and syntax, and you have to develop a decent vocabulary. Likewise, mathematics is a language with its own symbols, rules, terms, definitions, and theorems. To be successful in mathematics, you must know them and be able to apply them; you must develop a working vocabulary, use it as often as you can, and speak and write in the language of math.

Scammers - Extended Warranty
Hello! We've been trying to reach you concerning your vehicle's extended warranty. You should've received a notice in the mail about your car's extended warranty eligibility. Since we've not gotten a response, we're giving you a final courtesy call before we close out your file.

Rika Takkanashi - Nipain - Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni.
This... was a different kind of pain. It was something I have never experienced before. The only way I could express it was: "Pain Nipah." In fact, I could express it even better: "Nipain." Yeah, that's it.

Lovejoy - Taunt
She's always asking, "Am I alright?," as if auspicious or in my pint. I'll find the answer or a good night. Thank God the time is short. And, yes, you always do that one thing. When you wrinkle up the nose bridge. I'm trying to figure out what that meant I took it as a taunt Remember way back then in school? Oh, did anybody ever say no to you?

Bao Trang N. - Being better at something, at someone
So you know at school? Everyone is like just cheering on you and saying that you did great even though you know that you could do better. That's what happens to everyone, almost. That happens to me. I've been saying that I suck and I could do it better, but everyone else... they thought I did my best. I know that I didn't do my best and I know that I could always do better. It just what happened to everyone. In your perspective, you see they did their best, but they know they didn't.

Bao Trang N. - So much to wonder
Well, I've always been wondering, what I've been wondering before... And I found out that I have always been wondering, what I have been wondering a long time ago. I always wonder the same thing. Always have so much to wonder. Always keep it in my mind. Never forget. But never find the answer to any of them. I've always been wondering what couldn't be answered. I've always been wondering what others don't know. What only some of them knows. I don't know how to answer all of them...

Park Jimin - Promise
I want you to be your light baby. You should be your light. So you won't hurt anymore, so you can smile more. I want you to be your night baby. You could be your night. I'll be honest with you tonight. Now promise me, several times a day, even if you feel lonely, don't throw yourself away. Hold on here, cross our pinkies, and promise me now.

Ninjago - The resistance never quits
We are ready to strike back. There is a resistance, and we may be small, but we are powerful. I may not have Elemental Power, but I call upon the power of the people. When we get knocked down, we rise up. Stronger than before. This is our city. He thinks he can bully us with stone giants. Well this isn't the first time our city has faced ruin. Buildings fall, but we rise, and to you, Father, I say this; fighting me may make you feel powerful, but you're about to see what real power is.

Baby Finn, Adventure Time - Buff Baby
I'm a buff baby that can dance like a man! I can shake-ah my fanny, I can shake-ah my can! I'm a tough-tootin' baby I can punch-ah your buns! Punch-ah your buns! I can punch all your buns! If you're an evil witch, I will punch you for fun!

Anonymous - Chem Class
The best part of my day was Chem class. So many great things happened there. It was so fun. I looked forward to seeing my best friend in that class everyday. I looked forward to hearing the class clowns try to get out of doing homework because they had sports after school. I looked forward to seeing the boy who made me laugh more than I thought I should. Chem class was family to me.

Dr. Maheswaran - Steven Universe
When humans are in crisis, the brain releases the hormone cortisol. Your heart races, your muscles tense. I wonder if your body is reacting to a gem equivalent of cortisol. I think all these experiences have been subjecting your body to a harmful amount of stress, and that's affecting your ability to respond to new forms of stress in a healthy way. You've been dealing with genuine threats from such a young age your body is now responding to minor stress as if your life were in danger.

Tyler Jospeh, Twenty One Pilots - Taxi Cab
Driving once again, but now this time there were three men; and then I heard one of them say, "I know the night will turn to gray, I know the stars will start to fade, when all the darkness fades away. We had to steal him from his fate so he could see another day."

Anonymous Love
This quote is for the girl that I fell in love with in school. We never talked. Now I'm 40 years old and a father of two. I wonder what she is doing now. What would we do if we met again?

timmmy - Living my y/n life
Sometimes I like to put on my headphones, listen to music, and put myself in different scenarios. Sometimes, I'm kicking butt and other times butt is kicking me. Whatever it is, it's fun; It takes my mind off of this mess of a world, and gives me a little comfort.