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The Marias - Over the Moon
I'll be your baby. There's nothing better I'd rather do. I'm lost completely. I might as well be over the moon. I'd like it if you tried before you change my mind. Are you going to be here with me? I know you better.

user783791 - Stuck at 85 WPM
Alas, I am stuck. It seems that no matter how many words I type, my average speed hits a wall at about 85 words per minute. If it briefly gets any higher, gravity quickly pulls it down, like a man who jumped from a cliff because he thought he could fly. Another invisible wall sits at about 100 words per minute, and it seems like it is impossible to type any quotes faster than that. Am I stuck here forever?

Sarah J. Maas - Throne of Glass
"There are no gods left to watch, I'm afraid. And there are no gods left to help you now, Aelin Galathynius." Aelin smiled, and Goldryn burned brighter. "I am a god." She unleashed herself upon them.

Olivia - Arizona speech
Really, really? You think that we just need to get off our asses? We should do you that solid because the loss of our colleague and friend is all about your needs, your schedule? You think we should be sensitive to that? How about you take a minute to think about the person, the talent, the life that we lost? How about you think before you start complaining that Derek Shepherd's death has been inconvenient for you.

Amor Towles - The Gentleman of Moscow
That sense of loss is exactly what we must anticipate, prepare for, and cherish to the last of our days; for it is only our heartbreak that finally refutes all that is ephemeral in love.

Immanuel Kant
Two things fill the mind with ever-increasing wonder and awe, the more often and the more intensely the mind of thought is drawn to them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me. Dare to think for yourself. A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it, is committing another mistake. All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.

St. John Paul II - Love
True love transcends conditions; it exists beyond the boundaries of expectation or reciprocation. It's a profound connection that flows effortlessly, without the need for calculation or measurement. Unlike transactional relationships, true love doesn't tally up deeds or demand validation. Instead, it thrives in its unconditional giving and receiving.

Anonymous - I Did It
It has been about 3 months since my ex and I broke up. I can tell you this getting over a break up hurts, and is difficult depending on how much you loved that person. I can tell you now I am over him enough that I can move on. I can talk to other guys without having the feeling that I am cheating on him. I can see him and not wanna cry. I can tell you that "I did it."

Raul Nieto - Bored
Just typing this to pass the time. Just here to make sure you're doing well just in case no one else is checking up on you. I get it, I'm lonely too. Anyway, how you been? Doing well? Life been treating you any good? If not, then it's okay. It's not meant to be easy. Just trust in God's plan and have faith that he'll send someone that'll truly care and love you. It might take longer than expected, but just be patient. Have a blessed day, and have a blessed life.

Michael Johnson - Pretty Girl
Most girls wisht that they had your eyes and boys secretly fantasize but me I am just mesmerized by your every word and movement. You are as close as a girl can be too ideal somehow you disagree the whole world sees perfection but all you see is room for more improvement. Silly girl, pretty girl if you don't see. What a spell your sweet love has cast on me. Girl and I pray that never will this trance be broken.

Coop (Twin Peaks) - Hangover Cure for Harry
Surefire cure for a hangover, Harry. You take a glass of nearly frozen, unstrained tomato juice. You plop a couple of oysters in there and you drink it down. Breathe deeply. Next, you take a mound and I mean a mound of sweetbreads. Sautee them with some chestnuts and Canadian bacon. Finally some biscuits, big biscuits, smothered in gravy. Now here's where it gets tricky. You're gonna need some anchovies... That should do it.

F. Scott Fitzgerald - She was a sun - The Beautiful and the Damned
She was a sun, radiant, growing, gathering light and storing it - then after an eternity pouring it forth in a glance, the fragment of a sentence, to that part of him that cherished all beauty and all illusion.

Anonymous - "L" - Story of My Life
I once tried and failed a typing test in Instant Death mode. Only one character was registered, "L." Story of my life, but hey, it's always darkest before dawn, right?

James Clear - Discipline
When scientists analyze people who appear to have tremendous self-control, it turns out those individuals aren't all that different from those who are struggling. Instead, 'disciplined' people are better at structuring their lives in a way that does not require heroic willpower and self-control.

Noah Kahan - Halloween
I'm leaving this town and I'm changing my address, I know that you'll come if you want. It's not Halloween, but the ghost you're dressed up as sure knows how to haunt, yeah, she knows how to haunt.

https://visitduluth.com/ - Duluth, MN Visitor's Page
When you come to Duluth, you understand what makes it special. From the world-famous lift bridge to charming neighborhoods filled with local breweries and restaurants, Duluth is a true original along the pristine shores of Lake Superior. Part rugged, part refined and 100% one-of-a-kind. You'll get it when you get here.

-Kafu- - Phony
Why, oh why do we dance in this place? I can't understand even the simplest of things; what even am I? Even that, stirred by the hand of the night; just like love, it disappears. I cried, still unable to say even goodbye. Tangled up in lies, I am a phony. Before I knew it, the mimicked cries joined the unpleasant chorus. Their eyes, leery, are dissolving you. I am missing from the mirror's reflection. There is only a "fake" that everyone mistook for someone else.

Anonymous - Premonitions
My parents were going away, only for a weekend. So was I, but to a different place. We were all supposed to have fun. I packed on Thursday, and woke up on Friday to get ready for school. "Someone isn't coming home," I thought. "Shut up. Everyone will be fine. It's just another weekend for fun," I told myself. I was picked up that afternoon... and it was a weekend of fun. But that Monday? Oh, that Monday... the worst one of my life. My dog was gone. I only see him in my memories and photographs.

Rachel Green (Friends) - You're a shoe!
It's like all of my life everyone's told me "You're a shoe! You're a shoe! You're a shoe! You're a shoe!" Well, what if I don't want to be a shoe? What if I wanna be a purse or a hat?

Sginsea - Without Me
Part of me feels like there's more here, like our time isn't finished yet. I feel that way because I envisioned my life with you and it's going to take me a while to let go of that. The other part of me doesn't think you want it enough. Communicating with me should've been easier than cheating was. Frankly, you've made it clear you don't know what you want, so take some time to figure that out without me.