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Animals are not capable of anything systematic or mechanized, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't …

Stephanie Meyer
Use the ENG INTL keyboard if you encounter é

Keanu Reeves
i got my new high score on this thank u

Someone you will never meet
I'm just procrastinating on my essay that is due in 2 days qwq

uhhh what



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~Anonymous~ - Isn't this so meta
I log onto this website to type quotes from various books, some from movies or music, and every time I find 50 quotes saying "Hello person typing on your keyboard! Isn't it so cool that I'm talking directly to you about using this website, exactly what you're doing right now?" It isn't cool, it drives me insane, please stop I swear to god.

Pierce Brown, Red Rising - People of Song and Dance
I look at him for a moment. Words are a weapon stronger than he knows. And songs are even greater. The words wake the mind. The melody wakes the heart. I come from a people of song and dance. I don't need him to tell me the power of words. But I smile nonetheless.

Andrew Hussie - Rose's Walkthrough - Caveats and Condolences
But don't beat yourself up about it. There was never anything you could have done to prevent it. The end is happening right now, as I type, and as you read. I have come to understand that we were always doomed through our collective ignorance, and now further doomed by those few who know, and struggle to flee. If you're lucky, you'll be among the smaller subset of the latter who are successful.

Will Wood - Skeleton Appreciation Day - Everything Is a Lot
To cut down on my silhouette, my favorite foods are smoke and hearts. My leftovers fret, forget stiletto self-vendettas, while my cracking backbone lacks but backs up my false starts. All nightmares start as dreams, and I hear my subconscious screaming. They say that beauty's just skin deep, so, naturally, please show me your bones...

Anonymous - Time Doesn't Heal All Wounds
Have you ever heard the saying that "time heals all wounds." Well that I just simply not true. Time doesn't heal all wounds. It only covers them with scar tissue. It's still there just not as noticeable or seen. There is a change that you will forget about it but the second that someone starts to mess with it. The wound will open back up again. Therefore, time does not heal all wounds.

Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. I suppose we all thought that one way or another.

Ren Gill - Money Game Part 2
Strange times we're living in; panic and hysteria. Poor man, learn the rich man don't care for ya. Narcissist mindset spread like malaria. Sit back and watch the show, America. Britain split through fickle shit, a government of hypocrites, these counterfeit politicians sit in parliament, not adequate. Needlessly bleeding resources all dry, turn a blind eye if it means a pay rise. "Oh, what a shame it would be, I would die" If Number 10 Downing Street burned in a fire.

Typer - Take a break.
Recently, I have been struggling to increase my typing score and have felt frustrated and defeated. In my frustration, I decided to stop typing all together and find other hobbies until I got my motivation back. To my surprise, when I returned to typing, I found that I'm much faster, and my accuracy was boosted too. In conclusion, if you feel stuck, take a break, and then come back. There is no shame in it.

Mihael Radjail - Truth hurts but lie kills
I'm telling you, it is okay to tell me the truth and hurt me a thousand ways, rather than to lie and hurt me a million more. Trust strengthens with every necessary pain but weakens with unnecessary ones. You will be hurt no matter who you are with; you just need to know for whom the pain is worth it.

Douglas Adams - Deadly Hatred
If it was an emotion, it was a totally emotionless one. It was hatred, implacable hatred. It was cold, not like ice is cold, but like a wall is cold. It was impersonal, not like a randomly flung fist in a crowd is impersonal, but like a computer-issued parking summons is impersonal. And it was deadly, again, not like a bullet or a knife is deadly, but like a brick wall across an expressway is deadly.

Emery Allen - Love
You don't need another human being to make your life complete, but let's be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn't see them as disasters in your soul, but cracks to put their love into, is the most calming thing in this world.

myself - screaming into the void
I've written here before, but not as myself. Someone else said they like writing quotes here because they feel heard, but I think it's more like screaming into the void. Maybe someone will see it, maybe no one will. It doesn't really matter.

Danielle Fishel - Episode 597 of The Viall Files
All dating is trying to find compatibility, and if you're not compatible, that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with that person; it also doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. You don't need to change yourself to try to make yourself more compatible with that person and vice versa; you should say, "We don't have enough compatibilities, and that's okay, and I wish you all the best, but this is not going in the direction that we need to do."

Reagan - Candace’s Crush
We all thought Candace from Phineas and Ferb was obsessive over Jeremy as kids, but as we got older, we soon realized that she was the most normal character in the entire show.

Cornelius - Typewrite Lesson
Hello there, this is your Conversa-Phone instructor who will teach you the essentials of touch-typing quickly and efficiently. Learning touch typing is really quite easy, follow my instructions carefully and by the time you have finished this record you will have mastered the typewriter keyboard. Try not to look at the keys when typing and don't worry about mistakes. They will disappear with practice. Ready?

MasterOogway - Get a good score
Hello, this is a test that you should be able to get a very good score on. I believe in you. If you hate short words like this then this test might not be for you. Anyway, this is the end, we will probably never meet again because I am only doing this for the badge. Have a good day.

Susie - just wanted to tell you

Adrianne Lenker - god part 2
It seemed like I was asking god for something I didn't deserve. Something shameful like begging for praise instead of acceptance. I don't believe in god when I go to my friends house, her dad died when she was young, and she said that if god were real what reason was there to kill her dad? He's innocent, like a moth. And I agreed because god is supposed to be a father, too. And he isn't cruel. I certainly didn't believe in god when my grandmother was sick. She doesn't move the way she used to.

Switching from other typing websites to this one has truly been a humbling experience for me. I went very quickly from 100 WPM to the low 60s. This was mostly due to the punctuation and numbers in these tests, which weren't there on other websites. Despite my struggles, I am happy I switched, as I feel I have become a much better and more practical typist. I am now in the high 70s and making my way back to 100!

Jerry A. Coyne - History of Science - Jerry A. Coyne
If the history of science teaches us anything, it is that what conquers our ignorance is research, not giving up and attributing our ignorance to the miraculous work of a creator.