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Animals are not capable of anything systematic or mechanized, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't …

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Use the ENG INTL keyboard if you encounter é

Keanu Reeves
i got my new high score on this thank u

Someone you will never meet
I'm just procrastinating on my essay that is due in 2 days qwq

uhhh what



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Denzel Curry - Walkin
I'm watchin' massacres turn to runnin' mascara But any who, for the pain, see what this Henny do So we can see what lies beneath as we pour up a swig of truth The Sun sets as I sip a few, the sky turns a different hue Further from the color blue The night time has arrived, I recline for the evening I'm hawkin' down the next goal, the names ain't Steven I started in a nightmare so pinch me, I'm dreamin' I'm killin' off my demons 'cause my soul's worth redeemin'.

jamessss - did procrastinate really have a "cra" in it?
To be completely honest with you, I go to this site anytime I feel the urge to procrastinate. I feel like I'm doing something productive because I'm typing something, but I'm not doing anything at all; just wasting precious time I could be using to work on my assignment. Oh well. I can just do it tomorrow.

the one and only me - I don't know him
A couple days ago I realized the guy I have a crush on I know nothing about. I don't know him. I say I want him but I don't even know his favorite color. He found out I like him a week ago and according to my friend he said he would like me back if he knew me. All I've been thinking about is that I don't know him, he doesn't know me so whats the point. I'm on a school break so I'm going to use this time to get over him. My other friend told me it is what it is when I told her. She's the best.

Michael Bay - Transformers - Optimus Prime
Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony. But like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war. A war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space.

Anonymous - Why Can't I Move On?
It has been awhile since me and him broke up, but for some reason I can't get over him. He is still all I think about. I tried talking to someone new, that didn't work because the entire time all I did was think about him. Why can't I move on? What made him so different that even week after we broke up he is still my everything? I have tried and tried. So why can't I move on?

Michael Cera - Clay pigeons
I'm going down to the railroad station, going to get a ticket to ride. Find a big fat lady with two or three kids and sit down by her side. Ride till the sun comes up and down around me, about two or three times. smoking cigarettes in the last seat, trying to hide my sorrow from the people I meet.

Taj Amare Cole Jones - It's not over.
You think that something is over, well it's not. If you do something like wash the dishes or clean half of something it's not finished yet. If you make five items and you need to make ten it's not over. If you get half of a pizza and you want a whole one it's not over. And if you think life is short, it's not over.

khadiga - Palestine
There is no such thing as "this conflict is a complicated matter" or "I am not informed enough to pick a side" if you are not informed enough then educate yourself, pick a book and read, and this conflict is not complicated it's the oppressor and the oppressed, it's simply put a genocide and instead of hyper fixating over ludicrous matters; such as cancelling celebrities and acting as though you have a moral code take a stand on the innocent being murdered for existing. Free Palestine.

Solomon - Wisdom
Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones! Learn from their ways and become wise. For it has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.

Casper - stars
Oh you poor thing, you've been through so much in such little time with no help offered. No one has asked the child of the stars where they will land after all is done. Rest child, you need not rush life when it has offered you so much time.

dandapani - dandapani
The best way to understand this statement is to look at energy the same way you look at water. If I took a watering can and I watered a garden bed, would the weeds or the flowers grow? The answer is both, because water has no ability to differentiate between weeds and flowers. Whatever gets watered in the garden will start to grow.

Soapy - My first quote
I've always wanted to write a quote, but I never found the button to do so until now, I always had so many ideas of quotes I would like to add... but now that I can I can't seem to think of anything...

Patrick Rothfuss - Bast, The Name of the Wind
But there's a better way. You show her she is beautiful. You make mirrors of your eyes, prayers of your hands against her body. It's hard, very hard, but when she truly believes you... Suddenly the story she tells herself in her own head changes. She transforms. She isn't seen as beautiful. She is beautiful, seen.

Stiles Stilinski - Drowning
You know when you're drowning, you don't actually inhale until right before you black out. It's called voluntary apnea. It's like no matter how much you're freaking out, the instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won't open your mouth until you feel like your head's exploding.

The wretched typists - A typist's wallop.
Allow me to elucidate to you your most incipient vernacularic vocabulary. "That's not that hard!" You've surely thought to yourself. I am yet to finish my verbose exposition to making meaning melt in a deliquescent deluge of dialect. "Preposterous profile, a real 'Pontificus pretentious' I see." You're surely thinking. But no, I just wish to qualify a quote to quantify quotients. I also don't like making things easy. Very few things are ever started easily, even if the final stretch is trivial.

Dealing with bullies - Anonymous
If you want to be that girl who never seems to get bullied, you must first know how to respond to their mean messages. There are a few techniques to this, so start taking notes! #1, ask them if they're okay. Bullies are probably projecting their insecurities to others. #2, act dumb and ask them to explain the 'joke'. #3, call them out and confront them. #4, be super nice to them (it'll make them feel bad). Make sure to use the right response in the right situation!

Anonymous - Middle School
Everybody warns you about High School, but no body every seems to mention the affects that Middle School has on you. It changes you. You go in a happy little kid with a lot of dreams and you come out of it sad and not wanting to live. Middle school is a dark and horrible place. Its a group of newly teens that are lost and confused about life. Middle school changes people in the most unimaginable ways.

Rushikesh Pokharkar - Keyboard Ballet: Crafting the Symphony of Creativity
In the rhythmic dance of fingertips upon the keyboard, a symphony of thoughts and ideas unfolds. Each keystroke is a brushstroke on the canvas of expression, crafting a unique tapestry of words that dance and intertwine. Typing is not merely a mechanical act; it is the translation of the mind's melody into the language of the digital realm. As letters form words and words birth sentences, a journey of creation unfurls beneath the touch of keys.

Dawes - When My Time Comes
So I pointed my fingers and shouted few quotes I knew, as if something that's written should be taken as true. But every path I had taken and conclusion I drew would put truth back under the knife. And now the only piece of advice that continues to help is anyone that's making anything new only breaks something else.

Pedro Infante - Cien Años (English)
You passed by my side with great indifference. Your eyes didn't look towards me. I saw you without you seeing me, I spoke to you without you having heard me. And all of my bitterness was drowned inside of me. It even hurts my life to think that you've forgotten me. To know that I don't even deserve contempt from you. And still, you stay united with my existence. And if I live for a hundred years, a hundred years I will think of you.